Doi ngu tri tlnrc nganli giao due a Vift Nam hifn nay Boin Nam Chung'''' Tom tit Dji ngu fri ttito nganh giao dyc 14 bp phjn fri ttiic hojt djng ttong lmh vyc gito dpc v4 dio tjo Vijc xay dyng va ntag ca[.]
Doi ngu tri tlnrc nganli giao due a Vift Nam hifn Boin Nam Chung' Tom tit: Dji ngu fri ttito nganh giao dyc 14 bp phjn fri ttiic hojt djng ttong lmh vyc gito dpc v4 dio tjo Vijc xay dyng va ntag cao chit lupng dpi ngu co y nghia quan ttpng gdp phin phit ttien kinh te - xa hji ndi chung va dam bio chat Iupng giao dyc, dao tjo ndi ritog Tuy nhiSn, dji ngu ttl ttiic ngtah giao dyc d nudc ta hijn hjn chl Di phat ttiin dji ngu chtog ta cin phai: m^l la, nhan fliic dtag vai frd cua dpi ngi ttl ttiuc nganh gita dyc ttong sy nghijp doi mdi can ban, toan dijn gita dyc va dao tao;fciiId, iii mffi cta bta cdng tta dio tjo, bii dutog dji ngO ttl Uiic nganh giao dyc; ba la, tjp ttung quy hojch, ntag cap cic frudng, khoa su pham, cic ca si dao tjo, boi dudng nhi gito vi cta bj quta ly; bin Id, cd chi'nh sich dje bijt doi vffi dji ngu tti fliic ngtah giao dyc, xay dyng chi dj luong va phy cip un dai hpp ly viflidadtag cho nhi gita vi cta bj quta ly giao dyc Tir khta: Tri thic; giao dyc; dao tjo Abstract: The educational intelligentsia is comprised ofthe intellechials who work infliefield of education andframmg.Their development and quality upgrading bear a significant meaning in conttibutuig to ttie socio-economic development in general and ttie ensuring of educatton and ttaming quality m particular Among ttiem, however, are still weaknesses and ttiuigs to be improved Forflieudevelopment, we ne^: firstly, to be eonectly aware offlieirrole infliecause of ttuidamenta and comprehensive renovation of education and frammg; secontlly, tn renovate fiindamenttillyttieeducation and ttaining for ttiem; thirdly, to focus on plannuig and upgrading pedagogical msttttittons and faculties, facilities for education and ttaining of teachSs and educational managers;/owrtfy, to devise and apply special policies for educational intelligentsia, developmg reasonable and rational preferential regulations on salaries and allowances for teacheis and educational managers Keywords: hitelligentsia; education; ttaining .Midau mjnh cdng nghijp hda, hijn dji hda dit Trong cdng cujc ddi mffi dit nudc, Dtag ta ludn coi giio dyc vi dio tjo, khoa hpc vi cdng nghj Ii qudc sich htog diu, l i dgng Iyc phat ttiin kinh ti - x i hgi Theo id, dji ngfl tti fliic nudc ta ctag phit ttiin ve si Iugng va chit Iugng Hgi nghj Ian flii Vll Ban Chap hinh (BCH) Trung uong Dtag khda X da Nghj quyit s i 27 NQ/TW ngiy ttitag nim 2008 vi xay '^^^- ^ ^ 1"y^' ttky li sy cy flii hda chi '™™g "hit quta cto Dtog vi phit ttiin dji " " hi ttiic, mjt b j phto quan ttgng cia * ' ' " " "* **