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Nguyen Lan Hupng m B,g Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 152(07/1) 9 12 R E L A T I O N S H I P B E T W E E N READING I N T E R V E N T I O N P R O G R A M A ? T H A ^ N r l l '''' v ™ "^^"^^ ° ^ N O N E N G[.]

Nguyen Lan Hupng m B,g Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 152(07/1)-9- 12 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN READING INTERVENTION P R O G R A M A ? T H A ^ N r l l ' v ™ "^^"^^ ° ^ N O N - E N G L I S H M A J O R S T U D E N ^ A r THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Nguyen Lan Huong', Nguyen Thi Que' Dang Thi Thanh Huong', College o/.Ag, ,cul,ure and Foiea,ry - TNU •College ofScences - TSU 'Tha, \g„yei, Umveisiiy SUMMARY George R R, Mamn once said "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies said Joien The man a y Z Teadi T e n S ° "-^'^ '"'"f"^ '"^'"^ " ">« " « ' ^ ^ » l e ^ T d l i e s ran„ rfv ,T'^ J ™ ° ' ™«i'"'l'»y lo broader llie mmds and gives a person a wide ange of knowledge abom Ihe world around him Therefore, this study was conducted lo olot 7T rCye' °ur;:fty'r: t"°d" r°^'™: "T^-^ """" »"-E"-^>™CSL1' :isrrsbS5rr^^"^^^^ c.^.onSs":rirr^r:r:r^:::^rr:.r:=iri^;t ZZlZ^uT"' '""" •" '"""'•"' W : r ™ - - ' C S S » INTRODUCTION ^ • * " ' ^ " • ' " '''''' Reading is a key to success in school, to the development of out of school adjustment, to the enjoyment of leisure time and to personal and social adjustment [2], It ts the most important tool of acquiring knowledge in the content areas of the curriculum It is through leading where a learner can be successful in school activities and can smdy m any area in and out of the school, especially that we are committed to respond to the call of our government's Vision for 2020 English Program Nowadays, Vietnamese students especially those in Thai Nguyen University of Teacher Education know how to read but they not understand what it is all about, meaning there IS poor reading comprehension The common problems in reading are students' illiteracy and the lack of desire to learn In Hilgard Principe of learning, he slated that the capacities of the learner are veo' important 11] In teaching reading the developmental stage of the child must be considered The '^,S fil'VLS,Si, D,„a,l h„„ngdlliaia„ non-E„gl,shCstudent" ^ " " ^ ' " ' " • " " " ""'*""• ' » - " » '*•* ''»-^"^'-* " ' - cch,, reading materials must be fitted to the learner's level of development In regard to this number of reading intervention programs which were patterned after the Reading Program implemented in Philippines entitled as -Every- Learner i Reader Program" that will make students to attain reading competencies in their level In this adapted reading program, its aim is not only to assess if the learner knows how to read, in fact it also assesses the learner's word identification, vocabulary and comprehension in oral reading, while in silent reading it assesses Ihe pupils reading speed and comprehension these premise, this study has been conceptualized in continuous quest to find out the effectiveness of the Reading Intereention Program being Implemented METHODOLOGY The descriptive survey method was utilized m the study to measure the reading comprehension skills of non-Engiish major students in selected departments at Thai Nguyen University of Teacher Education Nguyen Lan Huoiig va Dig Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE The respondents of the study were composed of tvvo groups Ehe first group includes 212 students who were required to be readers and answered the questions in different academic skills Tbe second group was composed of 12 teachers of English who did the evaluation of reading intervention program F1NDI]\'GS The presentation of findings was based on the sequence of the statement of the problems, (!) level of intervention program, (2) level of program implementation, (3) level of cognitive skills of learners, and (4) relationship between the reading intervention programs, the implementation and learners' cognitive skills Level of Inlervenlion Program in "Every Learner a Reader Program (ELRP) " The respondents strongly agreed that they were eligible to teach reading and they used a variet>' of assessment strategies uith weighted mean of and However, they agreed on the choices ta select or adapt instructional materials, lo achieve in-service training about teaching or learning reading in Bnghsh and the> seemed consistent with the personal goals to formulate effective strategies in reading with an overall weighted mean of 8, Table Level of Inlervenlion Program in ie,-ms :i Reader Program fEL.4RPI ol Eve, SD Interp relatio » Scieci or adapt mstruciional materials lemenl -> Achieve in-service training about teaching or learning t-nghsh Readini! Consistem wah ihi personal goals lo formulate effective strategies lo be used m ElARP Mean 06 Agree 152(07/l):9-12 In another data analysis Ihe respondents revealed that the pre-test and post-test were conducted regularly with a weighted mean of 4,3, assessment tool is fitted for the learner's level with a weighted mean of 4,1 Thev strongly agreed on the use ELRP Level of Program Implementation in terms of classroom facilities, library, and audio visual resources As can be seen in table the respondenls agreed on the adequacy of classroom facilities with a weighted mean of 3.94 and standard deviation of 78 In terms of library facilities, the respondents verbally interpreted moderately adequate with a weighted mean of 3.34S and standard deviation of 00, While the level of program implementation in terms of audio visual resources has a weighted mean of 57 and standard deviation of 99 giving a verbal interpretation of agreement Table Level of Program Implemenlallon in lernu of Classroom Facililies Library & Audio visual res Classroom Mean SD Interprelalion Facihiies 94 78 Agree Library 35 09 Uncertain Audio Visual 57 21 Agree Resources Overall 62 02 Agree Level of Compreliension Skills Results of table showed that based on the level of comprehension skills in terms of grade/rating in the comprehension skills showed that the learners under each teacher have low comprehension skill Only percent of the learners got a rating of 90 and above, or oniy one learner obtamed a mark A which stands for Advanced, % for P which IS Proficient in English, % got mark D or Developing, and 83% of the learners got below level of Proficiency which is B or Beginning, As observed from the data gathered, 83 percent or 19 learners got 73 or below which meant they were jusl in beginning level of language proficiency, Therefore, it shows that that the non-English n Lan Huong i a D,g Tap chl KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE major students encountered Iheir comprehension skills difficulties 152(07 11.9- 12 classroom facilifies to be utilized, audio visual materials and books in the library have no significant relationship to the rating or grade in the cognitive skills of learners Table Level of Comprehend,or, Sk,!ls Table Relanonshp bemeen Program implemenlallon and Cognane Shils of Learners Compreiiens,on SIcills f Classroom Facilities Relalimsliip belKeen Inlervenlion ond Cognilive skills of Learners Programs There is a moderately htgh correlation belween ELRP and comprehension skills of the learners and their relationship is not Significant at alpha =0 05 (level of significance) It implies that there is moderately high consensus of the use of ELRP Further, when the teachers agreed entirely on the use of the mentioned intervention program, it does not necessarih lielp in promoting a positive resuli m achieving better grades in the comprehension skills and problem solving skills This is due to the fact that their correlation is =- 506 It may also means that a lesser consensus on the use of the said program may result to a better grade/rating in the aforementioned cognitive skills of learners Table Rcla„o„.%h,p /,en,eeo ln,er,e„i,o„ frogram ,mdCag„„„e Ikills of Learners Comprehension Skills f ELARP 004 p-value (alpha ' 0.051 9S7 Verbal Interpretation Not signilicant Si.gnilic 3t significant Relaliomliip belween Program Implemenmion ami Cognitive Skills of Learners The correlation between Program Implementation and Cognitne Skills of the learners is nol significant al alpha - 05 It merely implies that the state odd adequacy of AV Resources -0 142 20S p-value (alpha = 0.05) 518 342 Verbal Interpretation significant Not significant Not significant CONCLUSIONS From the data gathered and discussed, it was concluded that even the teachers agreed on the use of intenention programs, it does not necessarily help in promoting positive results m achieiing higher grades'of the learners based on their cognitive skills The cognitive skills relative to comprehension skills, and problems solving skills is very low Their cognitive skills were blow their grade level Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher presents the following recommendationsI- To develop the cognitive skills of the nonEnglish major students, T^•u Teacher Education must design more intenention programs to improve more of the students learning abilities The length of time of the readin program should be longer to have enough lime for Ihe teacher to determine the student's reading difficulties Seminar workshop for the readin teacher can be conducted to continuouslv upgrade their skills to reach out learners with reading difficulties REFERENCES Elkm et al ,2003) Rechng and Header ?"1l'""J"', ' """"' "-' """''"e t-™J™ Facet Publishing Emerald Dechani (2013) Cndersianding and Teadung Reading An mieraciive model The American Joumal of Psvcholoav Ngu>en Lan Hucmg l a Dfg Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE Hum tt" (2009) Principles of learning Points of agreement a,nong learning iheorisis Educalional Psvchologv Interactive \*aldosia, G.^ Valdosta Siare University Reineved from 152(07-/1): 9-12 hltp./h\nviv edpsycimeracltve org/iopks'sunimar\' Irnprn html George R.R Martin./} Dance wnh Dragons Retrieved 15 May 2016 from http '/www goodreads.com/quotes tag reading TOM TAT MOI QUAN HE G i f A CHU'CfNG TRJNH DOC CAN THIEP VA KY NANG NHAN THlTC CUA SINH VIEN KHONG CHUYEN NGlT DAI HOC THAI NGUli'EN Nguyln Lan HuoTig', Nguyln Thj Qul^ Oang Thj Thanh HiroTig^' 'Truang Dai hoc Nong Ldm - DH Tha, Wguyi'ii - Trwarig Dai hoc Khoa hoc - DH Thai Nguyen ^Dai hoc T'hdi Sguxiii George R R Martin da timg noi -Mot nguiri doc sach s5ng ngan cuoc dai truoc chet Ngiroi khong doc sach chi song nhai mol cuoc d o f Do do, doc sach la each t6t nh§t de hpc va lam cho nguoi iro nen chu dong va hoan thien No lam phong phu them v6n tir virng, mo'rong von hieu biel cua ngucn va cung cap cho nguoi mot kh6i luong kiln Ihiic ds'so vi^ Ihl -ioi \ung quanh Tren nen iang do, nghien cuu na> diroc ti6n hanh nham Ihi diem Chuon- Innh dgc can Ihiep vao giang day Heng Anh cho doi luong smh vien khong chuyen n i n a Anh I'ai Dai hoc Thai Nguyen, tu xac dinh moi quan he gifta hieu qua cua chuong trinh doc can thiep len ky nang nhan ihuc cua smh vien Nghien cuu su dung phuong phap mo la vo, cau hoi dilu tra va danJi ich lieu chl kie a cua giao vien la cong cu chinh dl thu Ihap dCt heu Kil qua cho Ihay ring Chuong Innh doc c n Ihiep khong nhai ihiel thuc dav kel qua lich m r ft^ flat A\,r,r nh,-v„n A.I.^ A I qua tich cue de dat dvroc nhttng diem sc cao nhai kv n - nhan Ihuc cua smh vien khong chuyen ulng Anh lai Dai hoc Thai Nsnven I u khoa; k\ nang Jot Lhirong irhih doc c ihiep, ' ' 'ky ndng nhdn ihirc smh vien khOng chmii ngir Da, hoc Thai ,V^in t'/; ir^m lln \hi - Khoa \goai mir- DHTN 15/6/2016 ... significant al alpha - 05 It merely implies that the state odd adequacy of AV Resources -0 142 20S p-value (alpha = 0.05) 518 342 Verbal Interpretation significant Not significant Not significant... from http ''/www goodreads.com/quotes tag reading TOM TAT MOI QUAN HE G i f A CHU''CfNG TRJNH DOC CAN THIEP VA KY NANG NHAN THlTC CUA SINH VIEN KHONG CHUYEN NGlT DAI HOC THAI NGUli''EN Nguyln Lan... and comprehension skills of the learners and their relationship is not Significant at alpha =0 05 (level of significance) It implies that there is moderately high consensus of the use of ELRP

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2022, 15:16


