TAP CHi KHOA HQC BAI HOC VAN LANG Phan HUTI Hanh KY NANG VIET VA NGON TlT TRONG CAC LOAI BAI VIET KHOA HOC BANG TIENG ANH WRITING AND LANGUAGE SKILLS IN KIND FROM SCIENCE ARTICLE IN ENGLISH PHAN HUV HANH^'^ TOM TAT: Cudc tranh lugn vi nghien cuu khoa hoc viit bdng tiing Anh theo thi chu ddng (Active Voice) hay thu ddng (Passive Voice) vdn chua nga ngU Vd, viit bdi bdo khoa hoc di duac chdp nhdn cho cdng bd trin mdt cdc tgp chi chuyin ngdnh ndi tiing vd cd uy tin tren the gidi thuc su khdng he di chut ndo Ngay cd tdc gid md tiing Anh la tiing me de cSng cam thdy khd Dieu quan tdm mudn ndi, khoa hoc neu bdi bdo khdng thi hien xuyin sudt hai tieu chudn vdng de duac ddnh gid "well-written "la tinh dan gidn (simplicity) vd sdng (Clarity), khdng tudn thu cau true "IMRAD " (Introduction Method - Result Discussion), ddng th&i mdc qud nhiiu Idi sa ddng vi ngie phdp, edu triic cau, cdch sie diing tie, ndi dung han la trinh tiing Anh vd khd nang viit cua tdc gid cd vdn di thi mde nhien sd phdn bdi viit dd xem nhu chdm hit Tdm lai, ca hdi mdt bdi bdo khoa hoc duac ddng rdt cao, tuc la bdi dd phdi vuat qua hdng rao cdn cua nhd phi binh duyet ddng cdp ky tinh (Meticulous Peer Reviewers) mdi mong chen chdn vdo cdc tap san khoa hoc danh tiing the gidi Ti^ khda: ky ndng viet, bdi viet khoa hoc bdng tieng Anh, edu true "IMRAD " ABSTRACT: The argument over scientific research written in English subject to Active voice or Passive remains indecisive And, writing a scientific paper to be accepted to publish in one of the specialized reviews famous and very prestigious in the world is really no easy thing at all Even authors whose mother tongue is English also feel hard to it The concern worth mentioning is in science, if any writings fail to express themselves the coherence of the two gold criteria (Simplicity and Clarity) and fail to comply with the structure "IMRAD" (Introduction - Method - Result - Discussion), at the same time making a whole host of rudimentary errors related to grammar, sentence structure, wordage, or rather, the authors' English level and writing skill are problematic, the fate' of such papers seems to be automatically over In a nutshell, the chance of a scientific paper accepted to go to press is very high, i.e that paper must cross over the hurdles of meticulous peer reviewers in the hope of setting foot in the world- renowned scientific journals Key words: writing skill, science article in english structure "IMRAD " ^*' NGUT Trutmg Dai hoc VSn Lang, Email phanhuuhank@vanlanguni 75 edu v TAP CHI KHOA HOC D^I HOC VAN LANG L KHAI QUAT VAN DE Khong it ngudi thudng cho rang viet mpt bai ngbiSn cuu khoa hpc, mpt de tai khoa hgc bang tieng nude ngodi goc Xlavo, cu the d ddy la Anh ngd, thi rdt de vi chi cdn neu len nhdng y tudng gi mdi Id dugc Ngudi viet chang can co kien thuc gi mdy vl ky nang viSt (Writing skill), ky thuat viet (Technical writing), each viet sdng tao (Creative writing), phep chdm edu (Punctuation), bi quyet viet hoa (Capitalisation) cda tieng Anh vd cdc ngon ngu cung glc XIa-vo (Phdp, Due, Tdy Ban Nha, ), thi (Tense), cdch chpn tu (wordage) co nhieu lua chpn, su ket hgp tu (Collocation) Nhung tdc gia bai bao lai nghi kh6ng hdn nhu vay vd cho la lam to day Xin ndi rang bdy Idu nay, cdc hpc gia va chuyen gia viet lach vdn tin nhieu gidy muc tranh cai ve ky nang viet cdc loai bdi viet khoa hpc md hinh nhu chua din hoi ket Hp noi ky nang viet, vdn phong vd ngon td cdc tai lieu khoa hpc nen theo the chd dpng (Active voice) bay thu ddng (Passive) Hp lap luan cac tap chi, tap san khoa hpc danh tieng, rdt co uy tin tren the gidi deu xudt bdn bang Anh ngd vd hdu hSt Id cda cdc nude Anh, My, Phap, Ddc, Nga nhu Science et Vie, Lancet, Scientist, Vision, JANA, Genetics, New England of Medicine, Knowledge Is Power Tat cd cac an pliam deu khuyen khich tdc gid gdi bdi ddng dung thS chu dgng Tai vay? Vi viet the bg phdn bien tap khong mdt nhiiu thi gid chuyin edu tu thu dpng sang chu dpng Dac biet la thi chu dpng ldm cho cac y tudng vd y niem (Ideas and Thoughts) logic hem, cu the hon, ddy du hem, khdc chiet hon, sang va rach rdi hon, vd tat yiu de hiiu hem, trdnh dugc hieu lam de gdy tranh cai Vi du: Thay vi viet: "Nothing can be done about this incurable disease" hay "There is nothing that can be about this incurable disease" thi nen viet, "We can't anything about this incurable disease", ho^c "Earthquakes are normally measured with this device" nen vilt, "We normally measure earthquakes with this device" Thu dpc them vd so sdnh vi du sau: "Most of the advantages (=edges) of the earlier types were incorporated in this new model" vdi "We incorporated most of the advantages (=edges) of the earlier types in this new model" (Chung tdi da dua phdn Idn cac Ipi the cua cdc kifiu trudc dd vdo mdu md sdn phdm mdi nay), hoac "After a lot of new plant was introduced into our factory, the steel production could be speeded up" vdi "After we introduced/ introducing a lot of new plant into our factory, we could speed up the steel production" (Sau chung toi dua vao su dung nhieu may mdc mdi, chdng tdi cd the tang nhanh sdn lugng thep) hoac "It is argreed that our new design will strive for simplicity" vdi "We agree that our new design will strive for simplicity" (Chung tdi di den thda thuan rang ban thiet ke mdu ma/ t^o ddng mdi nhat dinh se dua den sir thoat dung di) Vay thu hoi cdch dung thi ndo dl hieu hon? Trai lai, m^t triet gia Phdp co edu noi noi tieng de ddi "Cdi tdi la (cdi) ddng ghet" (Le moi est haissable) Ngudi Anh cung co edu tuong tu, "Egotism is hateful" (Th6i tat tu cao tu dai th§t rdt ddng ghet) Do vay, cdc bde tiln bdi lao Idng khuyen khdng nen , TAP CHi KHOA HQC DAI HOC VAN LANG viet van khoa hgc theo thi chd ddng nhu "I think" (Toi nghT) hay "We recommend" (Chdng toi khuyen/ khuyin cao/ dl nghj) hoac "We propose" (Chung toi de nghi) hay "I suggest" (Tdi ggi y) Tdt cd "cai toi" rdt dl ldm ngudi dgc "mdt edm tinh", "khd chju", vd cho ngudi viet "hgm hinh", "ta ddy", "thilu khiem nhudng" Cac bde "trudng thugng" deu ndi cdch viet van khoa hpc tdt nhat la viet theo the thu dpng, la hieu qud toi uu (Optimal) vd chdc an (on the safe side) Mgt bdi viet khoa hpc vdi the chd ddng cung co chuc nang chinh ddng cua nd Thdng thudng, su dung each viet nhu the tac gia cd dung y dinh hudng nghien cuu, edu true cau rd rang hem, khdng djnh sd huru y tudng nao do, phat bieu gid thuyet, trinh lang ket qud nghien edu, hoc bach y kien cd nhdn Trudc ddy ciing da cd mpt vdi nghien edu cho thay rdng cdch dung thi chd ddng cd xu hudng rdt khdc giua tac gid vdi tieng Anh Id ngoai ngu va tdc gid vdi Anh ngu la tieng me de Thuc ra, each viet vdi dai td "I" hay "We" xudt hien thudng xuyen vdn phong khoa hpc cung thudc vdo uy tin, vi the cua tdc gid gidi khoa hpc Neu ngudi vilt da thdnh danh, rdt sdng gia md dung hai dai tu nhan xung nhu "I think", "I believe", "We recommend" thi chac it dat vdn dl np Nhung neu trudng hgp la mot nghien edu sinh hay mot nhd khoa hpc chua dd kinh nghiem thi nhdt djnh se gdy cho ngudi dpc uyen bde cam thdy khd chiu, coi tac gid d6 thilu khiem tin Do vay, hp cd Idi khuyen chdn thdnh bdt thdnh vdn (sincere advice not in writing) la vilt cdc tai Heu khoa hgc noi Phan Huu Hanh chung nen dung the thu ddng vdi dai tu "It" Idm chu ngij gia/ hinh thuc (A Formal/Dummy Subject) nhdm trdnh chuoc lay nhiing rac rdi phien todi khdng can thiet ndi tren Nhdn ddy xin ndi them, gidi khoa hgc phuong Tdy lam gi cung "can nhac Igi hai, thiet hon" (weigh the pros and the corns) Cdu hdi don gidn ddt id cdc bdi viet khoa hgc, tdn suat sd dung "I" hay "We" Id bao nhieu? Trd Idi cac cdu hdi nay, mot nu hpc gid Tdy Ban Nha tiln hanh mot cdng trinh khd cdng phu vdi phuang phap Corpus (sd dung kho suu tap tai lieu, kho du lieu) Ba dgc ky 55 ludn van khoa hgc ve ngdnh ky thudt cdng trinh (Construction Engineering) ciia nhieu tdc gid viet bai cung mgt chd diem Ket qud cho thdy tan sudt su dung "I" hay "We" Id 10.3 tren 1000 til (khoang 1%) Tdn sudt ndy tuong ddi cao so vdi cdc nghien cuu trudc chi dao dpng khoang td din tren 1000 td Thing ke d Bang I cho thay 20 dgng tu dugc su dung thdng dung nhdt sau dai td "We" Cd thi thdy "We have" ,dugc dung nhiiu nhdt Dilu cd le khdng ngac nhien vi bdi vilt khoa hpc thudng khdng dung thi qud khu Tuy nhien, cdc dOng tu "can", "will", "go", cung dugc sd dung vdi tdn sudt kha cao Cdu hoi ke tiep Id hg dung dai td "I" hay "We" lam chdc nang gi? Kit qud phan tich d bdng cho thdy 10 chdc nang thong dung nhat cua each su dung "I" hay "We" dh tdc gid phdt biiu gid dinh nghien cdu, md td quy trinh nghien cuu vd djnh hudng ngudi dpc TAP CHI KHOA HQC DAI HOC VAN LANG Bang I Tan sudt su dyng dai tu "I" hay "We" Dgng tir Have Can Tin sudt 252 151 Will Going Think Want Need 123 105 68 53 49 39 DQng tuChoose Analyzed Had Choose Analyze Explain Considered Decided 37 36 Evaluated Compared See Make Find TSn suat 35 25 23 22 19 18 16 15 13 12 Bang ChCrc nang phfl bien nhat cua each sit dyng "I" hay "We" Chdc nang Ty 1^ % Phat bieu muc tiSu 4.1 Viet ket ludn 6.2 De xudt kien nghj Djnh hudng ngudi dgc 4.9 19.7 Mo td quy trinh nghien cuu 21.3 Phdt bieu gid dinh nghien cdu 26.6 Nhdn manh de thu hut ddc gia Md ta ket qua nghien cdu 4.5 2.4 Phdt bi8u y kien ca nhdn 7.8 Cac chdc nang phu khac Tdng cpng 2.5 Vai vi du ve cdch viet ph6 bien nay: We are going to describe the main problems With this paper, we want to give you a recommendation how to We suggest choosing We refer to the accuracy We studied the accuracy and currency of different methods We are going to consider the advantages and disadvantages We have analyzed the data subject to We have created a comparative table We will focus on the comparative table shown at the beginning of the paper Thus, We can conclude that 100 Co the ndi day la ket qua cua mpt nghien cuu rdt thu vi, cung cdp cho chung ta bdi hpc kinh nghiem rdt biiu ich viet bai khoa hoc Bai hpc thu nhdt, nen dung the chu dpng de viet bai loai hinh vi la cdch an todn nhdt; Thie hai, cd thi vilt theo the chu ddng trudng hgp can thilt, bdt khd khdng nhu d bang 2; Thie ba, kit qua nghien cuu cho thdy nen gid tan sudt "I" hay "We" dudi 1% la an todn - tdn sudt trung binh d mgt bai viet khoa hpc da dugc nhieu ngudi bd cdng nghien cuu; TAP CHI KHOA HQC DAI HQC V A N LANG TIENG ANH ANH HUOTVG TRVC TIEP DEN SO PHAN BAI VIET Tdc gid bai bdo ndy se ldm cdng vi6c cua "ngudi dpn vudn" hay "ngudi ddi san" chi nhung loi tilng Anh thudng mdc phai cdc bdi viet khoa hpc, dnh hudng den "so phdn" cda mdt bdi vilt Ban se rat ddi ngac nhien trudc nhdng thdng tin cung cdp bai bao ndy md chac Id ban it nghT den Dudi ddy la vai nhdn xet cua cac nha binh duyet ddng cdp (Peer Reviewers): Your English needs brusing up; Your English grammar needs revision; Your English needs considerable editing; The quality of the language is far below the acceptable minimum level, to such a point that many sentences are simply not understandable; The quality of the language is far below the acceptable minimum level, to such a point that many sentences are simply not understandable; The manuscript requires considerable editing, since many passages are poorly written; The clarity of your paper is shockingly poor Many times this is due to grammatical errors (too many to enumerate), but at many times the wording is just too difficult to follow; The paper cannot be published as it stands Nhung Idi binh xet thing thdn trSn diu lien quan din tilng Anh cdc bai viet khoa hgc, hdu hit tu tdc gid la ngudi Chdu A Thi thoang cdc chuyen gia binh duyet kho tinh ciing nhdn dugc nhdng bdi cd chat lugng, rdt tit, rdt hay vl y tudng nhung hg ddnh phdi tu chii cong b l co qua nhieu loi, nhiiu sai sot Id hdng vl kiln thuc tilng Anh din ndi bp ph^n bien tap khdng co thi gid chinh sua Dilu dd dd quyet dinh sd phan cua bdi vilt Kinh nghiem cho thdy Phan HQ'u Hanh rapt bai bao khoa hgc viet tot (Well-written paper) thudng co xac suat dugc chdp nhdn dang tren cdc tap chi quoc te rdt ndi tieng cao hon bai viet sai tieng Anh Trong khoa hpc, hai tieu chudn vang (Two gold criteria) phai dap dng xuy6n suit mpt bdi bdo de dugc ddnh gid "Well written" Id tinh don gian (Simplicity) vd su sdng (Clarity) Bdi viet phdi tudn thd cdu true IMRAD (Introduction - Method - Result Discussion) M§i phdn bao gom mpt so doan vdn (Paragraph) Mdt nhung khd khdn thudng gap Idc viet bdi khoa hgc la each cdu trdc mgt doan vdn gom nhieu cdu (Sentences) cho de dgc vd trdi chdy VIET RO RANG, DE HIEU, M^CH L C VA s u e TICH De md rpng nhiing y tren, vi ban viet de ngudi khac dpc nen ky vpng cda ngudi dgc mpt doan vdn Id nhan y tudng cua tac gid vd thdng tin lam nen (Acting as a foil) cho y tudng dugc the hien ro rdng, de hieu, khue chiet Neu doan van co qud nhiiu y tudng hoac khong cd bang chdng hd trg cdc y tudng thi mac nhien ngudi dpc cam thdy lan ldn, khd chiu va khdng mudn tiip tuc dgc Ndi khac di, mot doan van tit hdm chua nhieu y tudng vd thong tin gdn kit va ho trg cho y tudng cua ngudi viet de cho mgi ngudi diu bilt y d l cua tdc gia mudn ndi gi doan van Vay, nhiem vu quan hdng dau cua ngudi viet bdi bdo khoa hgc la phai vilt mach lac, an y vd chat che chuan xdc (Consecutive, coherent and water-tight) Xin ndi rd them, mgt bdi viet khoa hgc, mgt so y tudng va ludn diem dugc trinh bay Idm cho tit? Theo trinh TAP CHi KHOA HOC DAI HQC VAN LANG tu nao? Vdi su can ddi nao? Bai vi8t phai cd mpt hinh thdc hoac bd cue that rd rang, khoa hpc, ddng thdi toat len mgt y thuc nhdt quan (A sense of consistency) Vd, mu6n cho ngudi dpc tin tudng thi phdi ldm cho hg thdy dugc cdi sudn cua bai viet 16 ddn Diing mpt hinh thdc khdc, Id neu ngudi dgc thdy dugc dudng ngudi viSt dang di, hg se vui long lam ngudi ban ddng hanh (A road companion) Ngay ca moi vilt mdt bdi bao khoa hpc v6 mot van de phdc tap, ngudi viet cung nen nhd trdnh cau dai qud ddng (Excessive wordiness) hay rudm rd (Redundancy) Vi du: Khdng viet: Modem students of today are more technologically sophisticated than their parents (The phrase 'of, today' repeats the thought already expressed by the adj 'modem') Nen viit: Modem students are more technologically sophisticated than their parents (Hgc sinh (thdi dai) sanh soi ve cong nghe hon cdc bac sinh thanh) Khdng viit: There are (The Expletive - 'there' used as a dummy subject) many supervisors in the area who (Relative pronoun) are planning to attend the workshop that (Relative adjective) is scheduled for Friday Nen viit: Many supervisors in the area plan to attend the workshop scheduled for Friday (Nhieu giam sat vien ve ITnh vuc du dinh tham du ldp tap hudn dugc sdp xep vao thu sau) Khdng viet: Codes are normally used when it is known that the records are to be processed by a computer, and controls are normally used when it is known that the records are designed to be processed by a tab installation (39 tu so vdi 21 tu d cdu nen vilt) Nen viit: Use codes when you process the codes on a computer, and use controls when you process them at a tab installation (Sd dung cdc ma sd ban xd ly cac ho so tren mdy tinh, vd sd dung cac nut dieu khien ndo ban xu ly chung d mdt thiet bi bang) Mdt vi du nua cho thdy dieu edm ky (A taboo thing) viet Idch khoa hgc, tuc la ngudi viet tu bien minh 'a word monger' (ngudi thich viet hoac noi vdn hoa loanh quanh khdng quan tdm luu y tdi y nghTa): Khdng nen viet: The payment to which a subcontractor is entitled should be made promptly so that in the event of a subquent contractual dispute, we, as general contractors, many not be held in default of our contract by virtue of non-payment Chi cdn viit: Pay subcontractors promptly Then if a contractual dispute should occur, we cannot be held in default of our contract because of nonpayment (Thanh todn cho cac nha tbdu phu Sau do, neu cd xay tranh chdp ve hgp ddng thi chung ta khdng bi quy ket trdch nhiSm khong toan theo hgp dong) NHUNG LOI PHO BIEN Cac nha nghien cuu y hgc da tien hanh mgt nghien cdu rdt thu vi de trd loi cdu hoi "Trong thuc te, cdc bdi viet khoa hgc sang va dem gidn d6n mdc ndo?" Hg chpn ngau nhien 120 bdi viet, rdi tinh tdn suat Idi tilng Anh dugc chia lam nhom 4.1 Nhom I6i ngu phap Co loai Idi v6 cdch dung ^ihe chu ddng hay thu ddng' nhu da de cap d tren vd TAP CHi KHOA HOC DAI HOC VAN LANG each dung 'thi' (Tense) Vl "Thi" cd vdi quy udc sau day: N I U ndi din cdc nghien cdu tmdc do, dung thi qua khd (Past Simple) Vl du: Those new findings were known at the tum of the 20* century (ddu the ky 20); Neu noi den mgt khdi niem mdi, dung thi hien tai hoan thdnh (Present Perfect) Vi du: Some research has proved that the theory still holds water (van cdn gid tri); Neu dien gidi dd lieu, dung thi hien tai don (Present Simple) Vi du: Figure shows that 4.2 Nhom loi cau true Co loai chinh; cau dai ddng (Lengthy Sentence) va thu tu cdu td (Word Order: su sdp x6p td ve cd phdp mot cau, menh de, cum td) Trong bai viet khoa hpc, dilu toi ky Id cdu ddi le the, vi rat khd dgc hiiu va lam luc lam ngudi dpc lac hudng Do do, ngudi viet nen tdch nhieu cdu ngdn dl hieu hon Vi du: The soluble fi-om of B2 micro-globulin (B2m) HLA class heavy chain (FHC) consists of three-size variants, namely the intact liquid soluble 43 dDa heavy chain (A variant), released through a shedding process; the truncated water soluble 39 dDa heavy chain B (B variant), which lacks the trans-membrane segment and is produced by an alternative RNA splicing and the 34-36 dDa (C variant), which lacks the trans-membrane and intratoplasmatic portion of the molecules Dang le nen tach lam cdu Word Order cung dong vai trd lam bdi viet don gian hon, chdng sai vl ngu phdp, tu ngd nhung CO vdn dl vl thd tu td Vi du: 'His new project has been on the table for some time and is concluded that, to some extent, impractical' Nhe nen tdch cdu Phan Hiru Hanh nhu sau: 'His new project has been on the table for some time now, and to some extent, it is concluded as impractical' 4.3 Nh6m loi each dung tiiCd loai chinh 4.3.1 Biet ngir (Jargon) hoac thudt ngd ddc biet cho mot so ITnh vuc nghien cuu hoac boat dgng cua ngudi Chdng han, mdt bde sT cd the dugc ngudi dgc thong edm dng ta noi vol mdt bde sT khdc dieu ma ngudi Anh binh thudng ggi la 'Two black eyes' (hai mdt den, tdc la bj danh tham tim ca mdt) bang mgt cau dai: "bilateral periorbital haematoma and left subjunctival haemorrhage" (huyet tu hai ben vanh mat vd chdy mdu dudi mi mat trai) 4.3.2 L^m d^ng tu- (Ovemse of Words) Nhieu ngudi mdi v6 ve hgc tieng Anh lai CO thoi quen "sinh" dung tu g6c Latin vd Hy Lap hay nhdng td mang tinh "Pedantry" (dS khoe khoang kien thdc, su thong thdi rdm cua minh), nhung each viet nhu the dugc coi la dieu nen tranh cdc bdi viet khoa hgc Cd the thudng thay cac cau nhu: "We deem it necessary to make our feelings knovm" Thay vi viet dl hieu: "We think it necessary to express our opinions clearly " bode cdu "The guinea- pigs were sacrified in the nuclear power program" dugc viet lai: "The guinea-pigs were killed " Chi cdn dpc cdu sau cung da thdy su lam dung td de keo ddi cau, tdc la keo ddi bai vilt nhu: "A recovery was achieved in a quick way ", tac gid chi don gidn nen viet "A quick recovery" Id du Mgt nghien cdu khac cho biet ngudi ta lay bai viet cua tac gid den tu nude ndi tieng Anh (My vd Anh) va nude tieng TAP CHI KHQA HOC DAI HQC VAN LANG So 05/2017 Anh khdng phdi qude ngd (Due, Phdp, Nhat, Thuy Diln, Y, Tdy Ban Nha) Nhung bdi cua nhdm tac gia ndi tieng Anh lam nhom ddi chdng dS so sdnh tdn suat I6i tieng Anh cua cdc tdc gid khong ndi tieng Anh Ket qua thdng ke loi tieng Anh tren dugc tdm luge d bdng dudi ddy Diem thdy rd nhat nghien cdu Id tdt cd tdc gid du tieng Anh la ti6ng me de hay khdng deu mac phdi nhieu Idi moi bai viet khoa hgc Tinh trung binh, so loi cua tac gid ngudi Anh la 22 va My la 23 Dd la so kha ldn so vdi mli bai bdo khoa hgc chi tmng binh cd 2.000 din 3.000 tu DT nhien, cac tdc gid nude ndi tren pham nhieu Idi hon Sd Idi trung binh cua mdi bdi bao cao nhdt roi vao tdc gia ngudi Y (49), tiip din Phdp (43), Ddc (41), Tdy Ban Nha (38), Nhdt (37), vd Thuy Diln (35) Mpt dieu thu vi td ket qua nghien cuu ndy la phdn ldn Idi tieng Anh tap trung vao nhom chpn tu (Wordage) vd ngd phap; rat it loi ve cau true hay thd tu td Bang Phan nhom loi tieng Anh Anh My Thuy Dien Nhjt Die Phap Tay Ban Nha Y NGCPHAP VcThe Ve Thi (Form) (Tense) 8.3 2.4 4.4 2.1 5.0 8.1 3.9 6.0 7.3 6.7 7.9 6.0 CAU TRtJC Cau van Thu- ty tir dai 1.7 2.0 2.3 0.6 1.1 2.7 2.7 2.6 5.5 3.8 5.6 5.4 CHON Ti/ Bi^t ngir 4.0 6.4 9.7 11.7 10.7 14.6 diJng tir 4.6 6.1 8.4 7.9 7.1 9.4 7.9 8.8 2.7 2.6 10.1 6.4 7.0 13.9 2.2 4.3 12.8 7.5 M0t cau hdi nua ma cdc nhd nghien cdu mudn biet la cd su tuong quan ndo giua sd loi vd ty le bdi viet dugc chdp nhdn? Cd ddy nhung mdi tuong quan khong dang ke Nhin chung, bai viet cd tdn sudt Idi cdng nhi6u thi xac sudt dugc chap nhdn, dugc cdng bd cdng thdp Bai bao nao cd den 50 Idi thi xdc sudt dugc chdp nhan chi la 9% Ngdy nay, tilng Anh dd trd thdnh ngdn ngu khdng thi thilu dugc (An Indispensable Language) gidi khoa hpc Trong thap nhien 80, tren 60% cac tap san khoa hpc tren the gidi su dung tieng Anh 20 ndm sau, s l dd nhdy vpt l£n tren 80% Trong vdi ITnh vuc hien nhu y khoa va sinh hgc, hem 90% cac tap san chuyen ngdnh ndy su dung Anh ngu Ngay ca cdc nude khdng noi tiSng Anh nhu Nh?t vd Bac Au sd dung cdc tap san khoa hpc vilt bdng tieng Anh Idm phuong tien thong tin Phan Huu Hanh TAP CHI KHOA HOC BAI HQC VAN LANG Bang Mot s6 161 bien vk each dung ttr Rirdm (Redundancy) NSn vi^t l^i Descended Finished Perfect Clear Enclosed Et cetera Practices Thua Descended down Completely finished Completely perfect Completely clear Enclosed here with And et cetera Customary practices Thiia Very delighted Utterly rejected Repeat again Cooperate together Basic essentials Enter into Discuss about Nen vi^t lai Delighted Rejected Repeat Cooperate Essentials Enter discuss Bang Cau {cum tu/Doan cau) dai dong (Wordiness) Khong nen viet Khong nen viet Send an answer We are writing this letter At this time, at this point in time, at present, at the present time, for the time being At that time, at that point in time, as of that date, during that period Are in agreement with Have a tendency to By means of, through the use of Owing to the fact that, for the reason that, the reason for Reply We are writing Presently, now, currently Agree Tend to By or with because It will be our endeavor Please be kind enough to advices us We would like to express out regret at being unable to iulfill your requirements Please let us have your kind comments on this According to your requirements For the treatment of Until healing occurs We shall try Please inform us/ please let us know We regret to be unable to meet your requirements Your comments v be appreciated As per your requirements To treat Until healed cd tdc gid Anh, My, Ca-na-da, Uc, Tdn Tdy KET LUAN Cdc nha nghien cuu tren cho thdy Lan van edm thdy khd viet bdi bao khoa muon thdnh cdng viec viet lach khoa hpc Hp mac loi chd yeu ve ngu phdp vd hpc, tdc gid trudc mat nen trau ddi tieng each su dung td hon la cau true Dieu ddng Anh that tdt, phdi tudn thu tieu chudn luu tam la bdi viet cd nhieu 16i thi co hpi vang true dugc chdp nhan cho cong bo rat thdp Dieu IMRAD vd nhdng quy udc khac doi vdi bai cQng ddnh ddng true tiep den ky ndng bdo khoa hpc Nhung, day lai la mpt khd vilt vd trinh dp tieng Anh cua cdc nha khoa (Simplicity & Clarity), cau khan khdng h i nho vdi cac tac gia ma tilng hpc nude ta noi chung cdn thua kem cdc Anh khong phai Id tieng me de Song, nude khu vuc TAI LIEU THAM KHAO Kim, S.-M and E Hovy (2004), Determining the sentiment of opinions, in Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Computational Computational Linguistics Linguistics, Association for TAP CHI KHOA HQC BAI HOC VAN LANG Jindal, N and B Liu (2006), Identifying comparative sentences in text documents, in Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, ACM Esuli, A and F Sebastian! 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