N G N N G C & D d l SdNG Si8(238)-2015 HGON NGtr HQC VA VIET NGtT HQCl PHirONG THifC DINH DANH BANG SO VA MQT SO Tir LIEU SU^ D^NG TAI HA NQI METHOD OF NUMBER ONOMASIOLOGY AND SOME MATERIALS USED Ev| HANOI NGUYEN THJ Vif T THANH (PGS.TS; Vifn Vift Nam hpc & KHPT, DHQG H i Nfi) Abstract: The paper provides some materials on the history of appearance and using of number place names in Vietnam with materials in the Hanoi area With the political purposes to build a colonial city and demolish the historical marks ofthe city, the French applied this method to identify the administrative units ofthe division and the system of new streets, hi the later stages, utilizing the advantages in terms of non-sense words, simplicity, easy to use, place names in number usually were used by authorities in certain historical conditions, especially in the period during and after the war The paper is a suggestion for the authority to add this kintl of place name to the ofdcial rules serving the urban management in the stage of modernization Key words: numiwr onomasiology; place names; administrative units; Hanoi Ngufti Vift Nam hifn qui quen vdi noi trin thi gifti sft dyng T^i nhiiu thinh phi "tin gpi bing so" ciia cic duftng quic If, tinh ciia Hoa Ki, cic phi deu dupc "dfinh" si thay If nhu QuSc Id 1, Quoc lg 5, Quoc 10 hay cho mft cii tin cy thi nio dd, bit diu tir gpi tit li "duftng" nhu Ditdng 32, Dudng street tfl din tf 30 40 T^ Paris (Cfng P Trong khdng ft don vi hinh ehfnh cip xfi, hda Phip), 20 qufin eia thinh phi dupc gpi phuftng, vifc chia nhd thinh nhiiu cym din tin theo thtt ty ttt din 20, mfic di mSi qufin cu vdi cic tin khu bift nhu Td ddn 1, Ti diu dupc dfit mft tin rieng nhung rit ft ngufti ddn phi (gpi tit lfi Td 1, Td ), hofic kit biit vfi cung hiim sft dyng T^ nhiiu hi?p vtii mft yiu ti mang nghia t ^ thinh cic thinh phi vi dia phuang ft chfiu Au vfi chiu to hpp kieu xftm Tdn Tiin 1, Tdn Tiin cflng A, phuong thftc niy cfing thuftng thiy di li hifn tupng hft slic phi biin Tuy vfiy, "dinh danh" cho don vi hinh chfnh mft cip di xuit vin di dfit fen dirftng phi bing nio dd, thuftng li cap co sft phuang thttc ki hifu vfti si thtt ty (bit dau ttt Dii vfti cic nhi nghiin cttu, dinh danh si 1), thay vi stt dyng cfie ten danh nhan hay bing si 4uoc xip li mpt tiiu logi nhftm t^a danh phiic t ^ vi cft nhiiu bit cfip phuong thttc dinh danh ty t?o (dupc hiiu li nhu hifn nay, khdng it ngufti bfin khoin lifu phuong thtic sft dyng cic yiu ti ngdn ngtt cft tin duimg, phi li si thi cft dut?e coi 14 dia sfin, t ^ mft ten gpi theo cich cia mlnh di danh hay khdng vi nft khdng cft nghia vi cung khdng mang gii tri lich stt, vfin hfta nhu dinh danh cho sy vfit, hifn tut?ng), phin bift vfti phuong tfaiic chuyin hfta vi phirong thttc efic dia danh khic vay mupn Cing vfti cic tiiu lo^i tiinh danh Thyc ti, stt dyng si lim dia danh li mft khic nhu dya vfio dfic diim cia bfintiifindii phuang thttc dfit ten dfi vi dang dupc nhiiu tin;mg; dya vio sy vfit, yiu to cft quan hf den So (238)-2015 NG6N NGC & D6I S6NG d6i tu