8/4/2020 Start up a
Trang 24l, RUN business discussion before your host SE 2 enema a vs ee busi use frst names
You both hands in China, overa giftusing business card you are given in JBBAN
Fa 5 tt Ee maintain eye contact 8/4/2020
1 Doyou understand other cultures? Work in pairs
Complete each rule with must or mustn't
mE § You MXTEETE smoke inthe you are sureitis permitted US unless
InThalland you TS shoxtnc
ceainginlSlAMIE counies
e9 Inlapan you |TVETTN front of the giver › in
You MUMEETI write notes inred in China
More Cultural facts
Trang 38/4/2020 More Cultural facts Activity 2 Work in pairs Think about your own culture Preteen gC cinerea 3 Why having cultural knowledge is important in business? _
#2 Cultural awareness is a skill that can be developed at both professional and social levels, and can make an overseas assignment, an
international business meeting or cross-cultural negotiation a successfull one
Trang 4
6 Grammar test 1 compte
Top travel tips E
1 Claims a kr lg me rst em eit ‘ws stilt } 3 hate hteg nace eal 15——- vsveraiekeble — hte ea pm eat ey on — a at un pea W 8/4/2020 | Coperteminag tecont nd Sonne dana — trac ei — + tag ee edt tricone ‘ — treme qn a tp ma hea De iene et ste oma ~ th — arate + highend 77 O be coetacbleby pote "HH ge 4 ops tase ri 2 fmt {re hia dar ne ate fp ác =e ete tte Keys to grammar test ⁄
Ý 2 mustamive 5 mustavoid 7 mustn'teat 3 mustn'tstare 6 mustbe 8 muststand 4 musttake off 3 2 donthaveto 6 mustn't 3 mustn't 7 doesn'thaveto 4 mustn't 8 mustn't 5 don't have to
Trang 5T1 (3 Lookatthe pictures Listen to three people talking
about cultural faux pas and number the pictures (1-3) ‘New words Look embarrassed Tips To be offended Back/ front seat of a car Chopstick Bowl Discussion
1 What cultural mistakes did the people make?
Trang 6Suggestions for discussion
= Respect and Hierarchy
rent cultures also have different contexts for displaying respect to superiors
receiving deference from subordinates
¢ American office manager took a similar position in an office in Seoul, South Korea The manager expressed discomfort at the deference that his subordinates paid him, so he told them to treat him as an equal
Rule-Centered ys Relationship-Centered
Many Western nations use rule-centered approaches to building business agreements and settling disputes
In Eastern countries, entrepreneurs rely more on establishing individual relationships with their business partners, rather than depending on lengthy
contracts and teams of attorneys
e Language spot Werte mest aes
Talking about obligation i MATCH THESE EXAMPLES WITH THE RULES
A I must send that email tomorrow —
B You don't have to come to the meeting \ C You mustn’t smoke in the meeting room D Ihave to do a lot of research in my job- E You must show your passport at the gatd
lortosay when things are necessary Wemust work harder
Trang 7Grammar reference p.118 6 must, have to/ don’t have to must ‘Weuse must /mustn'tand don't have toto talk about obligation Positive
Wemust find waysto increase revenue,
= subject + must + infinitive Negative
‘Staffmust not (mustn't) send personal emails subject + must+ not + infinitive
Complete the sentences with must, mustn't, don't/ doesn't have to Use the verbs below
call wear finish miss go open buy be
2 Workin pars Talk about rules in your workplaee orsehool Youmustarriveon time, You mustn't smoke in the building 4 David ittomorrow 5 There'san excellent staf restaurant Staff 8/4/2020
‘Botsthecandidateforthejahave ta nave experience? don’t have to ‘wiedonot don't have to goifwe don’t want to
=—— abject do/doet nots have to intintive
thereport today Hecan deliver out for hunch
1 We useless, ‘anew DVD player This one’s 6 Students silentin the Mbrary 7 We the Managing Director's 2 You thatattachment.There's a virus presentatitl
3 My computers theIT department going really slowly.1 tisr'taformalevent You_afacket andtie Ow 1 must buy 2 mustn'topen 3 mustcall 4 doesn't havetofinish
Trang 8Pronunciation
must / mustn't
| oe h
1 Complete these office rules with must or mustn't 1 YouMMMEEH_ arrive inthe office before 10am
2 You send privateemails
3 YouMEESH answerthe phone promptly
4 YouBHNETE surf the Net 8/4/2020
Imagine you are the manager ofa small import-export business Choose three qualities you thinkare very ‘important and three qualities you don't think are
necessary, EXAMPLES
You must be punctual
You don'thavetohave experience febepunctual —gpeabletodrive Workhard si và espeka(oregnlESBE du shave experience Da Sa chiesssmartly Themostdficultiingto get accustomed towasnot the
diferent foods orthefactthat thestorescloseat.00 pm Youget use tothat Not’ thecutue
Amy, an American engineering student
Trang 98/4/2020
= What can cultural knowledge help business?
‘Ip their employees work better with their international
‘Enable multicultural and virtual teams
™ On-board expatriates for global assignments
1 Canyou think of the stereotypes used about your culture? Use the words below to help
reserved warm efficient
polite stylish open
eccentric punctual intellectual
organized noisy lively
lazy undisciplined good sense
imaginative passionate of humour talkative rigid
Trang 108/4/2020
Some ideas of foreigners
lệ Most prejudices and stereotypes that Hollywood makes against
Vietnamese people are that they are docile, meek, stupid,
ing, backstabbers, greedy, money-hungry, idol worshipers,
‘But the reality and truth is that the Vietnamese people are
lways more independent, free-thinking, truth seekers and liberty and freedom lovers than what Hollywood propaganda
portraying what Vietnamese people are
(Gary Winn, studied at School of Hard Knocks (1990)
Read the article and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)
#2 I You can stand close to an American when you speak to him or her = 2 It is normal to shake hands briefly when you meet for the first time, = 3 Most Americans smile and look at each other when they greet ® 4 It is offensive to wink in America
Trang 118/4/2020
lx+*+*+***++*****- The SmartTraveller guiCâ tO x++ô ôve wô*xôx*
ore personal space than other cultures If youtry to got too ne: mn American cing a ‘conversation they will | auccBem banasbaue la | | | | matco eye contact Winking ie relatively an American stops Back, then you are
‘standing too close 10 common and means fiendliness, or tm them, ‘Men tend to avoid meet for the first time ‘When Americans
>hugging and even they often ask What do
‘Sod lose a much ae many Europeans Formal greetings in W | Rormaa queetion anc ie | farastve oF parson
1 You can stand close to an American when you speak to him or her 2 It is normal to shake hands briefly when you meet for the first time 3 Most Americans smile and look at each other when they greet 4, It is offensive to wink in America
5 It is not unusual for an American to ask stranger about their job (Samm
Trang 12
8/4/2020 Discussion
®Vietnamese culture also more open to the concept of ‘friendly skin ship” => the closer you are to a person, the
more you'll touch them and touch
reinforces the relationship
® This skinship doesn’t cross genders
Read about Dermot Kincaid and answer the following questions
‘agez: Job Secretary Nationality: sh
‘canyou talk about your responsbilties? amin charge of the day to-day running of the office {am responsibefor keeping my boss appointment ‘lary uptodate lanswerthe fenquiries rom our customers, phone and deal with
Whatisa normal day ike?
Inthe morning lopen sor and distribute the ma ‘During the day type letters and answer the phone Taltoaend and receive emails and faces do lot of administrative work Itake care ofthe fling and Keep records of expenditure such as travel or purchases At ‘theend ofthe day! prepare the outgoing mall
‘your work the same everyday?
[Notrealy We get alot of vistors and Lenjoy meeting ‘new people.Igoand bout the company and lokafter them meet them a reception te them ‘what'syout favourite task? ‘really lke aranging business
trips tory colleagues Lenjoy ‘finding the gts, booking the
tathere anything you don't tke?
Thatedong tne Potoeyn! »
Trang 138/4/2020 Read about Dermot Kincaid and answer the following questions
1, What are his main responsibilities?
© He is in charge of the running of the office, responsible for boss's appointments, answering the phone, dealing with enquiries,
2, What is a typical day for him?
= Morning —open, sort, and distribute mail,
= Day~ type letters, answer the phone, send and receive emails and faxes, do administration works, do filing and keep records
© End of day — prepare outgoing mail 3 What happens when there are visitors?
© He meets them at the reception, tells them about the company and looks after them
2 G) Listento the recorded messages What options
should the following people choose?
Trang 14
How do you feel when you:
- Get a recorded message? Get music while you wait? Have to listen and follow
‘Don’t get to speak to real person?
Have to leave a message? Work in pairs Discuss these questions Expressions Welcometo, /Thank youfor calling Praseselectonecfthefolovingoptons, Please press one now./ Please pressoption on,
Forcustomers with For general information For llotherenquiies
Totellus /Tochange /Torenew please pe
Atthe end you will etum to the main mena
Please hold tospeaktoanadvison
How do celebrities or cartoon characters help to sell a product in your country?
its image?
local level?
2 Read the article and answer the questions
1 What did McDonald's do in France to improve
2 How do McDonald's products in Hindu and Muslim countries differ from their global products?
3 What does Coca-Cola do to its product at a 4 What does Yahoo do locally?
S Why did Revion lose sales to L'Oreal in Asia?
Trang 15{localization oco! Satoboliaation) 3 Dew word edeseribes the eategy of being global Snabbeing responsive to iocatconditions atthe Sametime occurs for Cramp when global their global products While globalization has been ertiezed foreausing problems giocatsstion
Seeks tolmprove relations Berwcenthe big ‘nd their local eustomers
fastfood cain ‘MeDonaid soften the target of the ant lebalssuon movement Fowevertitryingtobe ‘needs The Feeneh Stacked Mebonaias for French culture so ‘McDonalds got ndof Reamerican mascot, Answer coffee Coca-
Glocalization thinking globally, acting locally
Ronald McDonald, and Adopted Asterina French artoon hero, asitsocal companymascot.itaiso Serves French-syie coffee in restaurants To avo
fenceln HinduorAuslm ‘Dumntres, McDonalds does not serve beef orpork= the
Big Mtachas become the vegetarian Mahar Mac,
products sulted to local markets by producingoca! ‘ersions Yahoo the Web porta uses of tne drink Even localeeams of peopieto ‘natyse the content in
Cola makes local versions of the drink
Yahoo used local teams to analyse its international sites, Revlon used Cindy Crawford instead of a local star, 8/4/2020 Stes Dp 022700 ines Is productsin different wenatoreach court companyrused Cindy Crawford to sdvertne ts productsin Asiawhile Perea! used local Chinese Insrwvalsthemadern lobaliaed wor soften đc personalsed,sndx Increase ts marketshare {rge charities ‘Oxfam, slzocreate such 35 Individual countries Instead ot simply handing ‘out money so glocalization Isnotjust about big business itizaconcept that can help the ght against povertyana inequallty around the
McDonald's adopted a French mascot, Asterix, and serves French style
They do not serve beef or pork; they serve a vegetarian burger
Trang 16
1 Try to do something (para A) 2 Somethings that people attack
(para B)
3 Throw away something because
you don’t want it (Para B)
8) 2 Target
+3 Get rid of
5 Acompetitor (Para D) 4 Mascot 6 Give something to people (Para E) Tee ae 8/4/2020 GeO St eset nue eC aure! Glocalization ?
3 Complete the paragraph with the following words
communication improve create advantages
increase sensitive market
#HẺ aiicc apse avout same
Severe international companies can EU ree HN hịch
Trang 178/4/2020 GLOBALIZATION of GOOD R22 Ly Nerd Business know-how
| 7 D How to make a good impression
NEED FOR INTER CULTURAL ‘Get the person’snameright
: © Smile with your eyes
@ Avoid crossing your arms
Ere =< me ‘© Don'tstand with your hands in your pockets
Trang 188/4/2020
| Suggestions:
1 Deep Knowledge of a Company's Products or Services
2 Attention to Detail and Organization
'Write a job description for your job or for a job that you would like to do
Call centre operator (ina booking office)
Acall centreoperator: —answers calls
—helps callers with problems —provides information —deals with customer complaints —makes bookings Acall centre operator must: —speak clearly
—havea good telephone manner —understand different accents —beable to work under pressure
Trang 198/4/2020
Trang 208/4/2020
Start up
+ Have you got any freebies at home or with you today?
+ Which five freebies would you like to receive? + Which one wouldn't you want to receive?
+ What are the advantages and disadvantages of freebies?
Listening 1
Trang 21Listening 2
Conference folder Practical
Stress balls Good price, fun, relaxing Pocket radio Nice gadget Mouse mat Biro Conference bag Carries the logo, practical Reading 1 1 Why are trade fairs useful for businesses? 8/4/2020 Not original Expensive Wouldn't be used
People already have them People would lose them
Not original
Trang 228/4/2020
Reading 1
3 What tasks do staff do when they are on a stand?
Trang 238/4/2020
Reading 3
What should/ shouldn't you or staff do at trade fairs?
* You should make a profile of the customers you want to
+ You should look at a trade fair’s statistics
+ You should prepare well for the trade fair + Staff should ask appropriate questions + They should welcome visitors to the stand
+ Staff shouldn't forget to take a record of each visitor
Should/ shouldn't
[g0 tan must or have to
| should invite my boss to the party — but I’m not going to! + We use should to give an opinion or
You should look at a trade fair’s statistics
Trang 248/4/2020
Exercise 1
* You get there early to set up the stand
* You wear your badge at all times
* You ieave your bags and coats around
* You wear smart clothes and be well-presented
* You _ be well-informed about your company
Exercise 1
* You eat or drink on the stand * You sarry a notebook with you
* You have plenty of promotional materials
» You gossip with your colleagues
Trang 258/4/2020
Exercise 2
Im finding it very difficult to work because my
office mate is always talking on the phone to
Trang 268/4/2020
Eating out
* How often do you eat out? Do you ever eat out for work?
* What are the problems of eating abroad? * Which foreign cuisines have you tried?
* What are your favourite national and foreign dishes?
Trang 278/4/2020
Exercise 3
« Lisa
chicken noodle soup
o Riser miso & wakame soup
sashimi sampler tuna tataki
Exercise 4
1 Lisa hasn't eaten Japanese food before _ _
Richard like Japanese restaurants because the food is fresh and
the service is efficient _
Richard can’t explain the dishes on the menu Lisa is vegetarian and can’t eat meat or seafood _ _ Lisa and Richard order the same dishes
Trang 28Exercise 5
Cl Are you ready to order?
Gl What would you like? — O Idlike
O Illhave
Talking about food
D Can you tell me what is? 0 That sounds nice
C0 I don't like the sound of that._ ( What's the soup like?
0 It’s delicious!
O It's quite nice
* Work in groups of three Two of you (customers) are
Trang 298/4/2020
Company profile
1 Who is Simon Woodroffe?
2 What was his big idea?
3 When did he start his business?
Company profile
4 What does he believe makes a successful business?
5 What are his other companies? Do you think they will be successful?
6 Do you find anything about Simon and his business ideas
Trang 31Suggested questions
+ Who is he/ she? Where born, education, etc
+ What was his/ her big idea?
» When/ How did he/ she start in business?
+ What does he/ she believe makes a successful business? + What are his/ her companies now?
* What are his/ her future ideas?
+ What do you find interesting/ surprising/ inspirational?
Business know-how
What sort of companies would be at your ideal careers fair?
Careers fairs A careers fair is an opportunity for graduates to meet potential employers They often take place at universities You can explore career options, develop a network of contacts, or even get an interview
Trang 328/4/2020
Business know-how
* Which three of the tips do you think are the most important? Why?
ately First impre
panies in advance on the Internet
ared to ask questions
—of names, telephone numbers, etc
up-to-date CV with potential employers
fair, write to the companies that
+ Read the email and choose the best description of Paola
a Managing Director of RDG b Visitor to the trade fair
Trang 338/4/2020 Exercise 2
* You went to a trade fair last week and manned a stand for
the first time Your company, Free for all, manufactures the
marketing gifts Write an email to a friend describing your
* What you did * The best thing
Trang 368/4/2020 Have the coolest new look in your home Sail direct to Holiday France or Spain
Our routes take you closer to the most popular holiday destinations
“MOOSE FROM THE Inlaboratory tests carriedout
BEST QUALITY BATHS by Deeter lain Miller, an international
BASINS SHOWERS ` authority on sleep, it was found that
Trang 378/4/2020 2 Look at the extracts from adverts and match them with the products (KEY) * Aholiday destination A _ * Washing powder _D _ * Fridge H_ * Furniture _C_ * Petfood_B _ *Ferries_E _ *Beds_G * Bathrooms _F
Trang 388/4/2020
Crunchy/ crunchier Pet food Free Design
Bright/ brightest Whites
Cool/ coolest Look
Tasty/ tastier Pet food
Close/ closer Destination International Authority
Popular Holiday destination Easy/ easier Access
+ We use are different (1) to say how two or more things or people F2 7) People sleep better on our beds than on other leading brands
Our cat food is meatier than our main competitor's We use (2) like this
We have the most complete bathroom service
+ What is being compared is not always mentioned, if it is understood + Complete the rules with Get brighter whites (than the competition) ;
these words and : * We use (3) to express a less specific superlative , expressions One of the most beautiful cities in the world is Rome = ;
more most Carlson's Extra is one of the best known brands on the market + We can use _—_ (4) with a noun to talk about quantity one of the most/ least More people use email more than letters to communicate mm + We can use proportion of something (5) with a noun to talk about a large
Trang 398/4/2020 KEY Comparatives Superlatives One of the most/ least More Most om Oe bỉ
1 Complete the text using
these words and phrases Add the if necessary
ational papers and is often very effective even Big stores place adverts in local papers, although they have _ adverts than the local shops, National newspapers often carry adverts for computer or mobile:
phone companies offering *thantheir competitors
Trang 40
KEY 2 The most expensive 3 Cheaper 4 Smaller 5 More people 6 The easiest way 7 Less 8 Larger 9 Lower prices 10 The most suitable 11, Better than 2 Work in groups Discuss products you know using the adjectives
safe delclous fresh_—_ innovative big advanced stylish - comfortable
healthy relaxing refreshing EXAMPLE:
| think Landrovers are one of the safest cars to drive,