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Restructuring of economic sectors in ba vi district hanoi to 2015 vision 2020

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Tiêu đề Restructuring Of Economic Sectors In Ba Vi District Hanoi To 2015 Vision 2020
Tác giả Nguyen Van Hai, Nguyen Duc Thien, Nguyen Thanh Ba
Người hướng dẫn Professor Dr. Lars-Korsten Eriksson, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh
Trường học Uppsala University
Chuyên ngành Public Management
Thể loại master thesis
Năm xuất bản 2012
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 174
Dung lượng 8,93 MB

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UPPSALA UI IVERSITET MASTER THESIS OF MPPM RESTRUCTURING OF ECONOMIC SECTORS IN BAVI DISTRICT HA NOI TO 2015 VISION 2020 Nguyen Van thai Nguyen Duc Thien NThahBa p so • p of so D L o ’ Materials P o ss - o st - N Evidence v n N oc MPPM - Intake B — Group I Ha 'Koi, 1pril - 2012 h h .4CKNOWLE DG EM ENT I lie thesis is completed iii the Master I'r‹i gr aiu ill 1³u b l ie Management I pps.i la I University bJ N gu \en Van ll Ngu› en Luc I hicn and Ngu J en I li an li Ha C crt ain l› the thesis w i!I i iii possi b l› be u cll completed u ithout the v al n ah lc support ot the Swedish and V ieinanicse instructors as u el I as the leader» and emploJ ees o1 the agencies selected tc›r case studies V e » ‹›uld like to express the gratitude to Prof Lars-K orst en riksson I ' in ersn› of L'ppsa la $u edcn for his cri ent:r.g instruction in º.he p roccss of topic selection especially in limiting the scope of study : to /t ssociate I'ro l\ Ngu› en Ng‹›c I hmih I Univ ersity of Economics — Hanoi National university ( Vietnam), who has accompanied and guided the research process and provided the group with valuable knowledge and research materials We sincerely thank the lecturers who enthusiastically imparted useful knowledge on public management durlng the master program to the class We ill $o $hank the Support of the University ot Economics and Business, coordinators and program managers for their support and assistance We would llkC tO thank the Ba Vi district for materials provision, answering interviews and favorable condltions for our group to access data sources and relevant responsible information Fhanks for the support of our classmates, friends, and colleagues who have contributed ideas, and information to the completion ot the thesis Nguyen Duc Thien Nguyen 1” hanh Ba ABSTRACT Subject: Restructuring of economic sectors in Ba Vi District - Hanoi to 2015 vision 2020 Level degree thesis: Author: Master of Public Management Nguyen Van Hai, Nguyen Duc Thien, Nguyen Thanh Ba Leetu rer Professor Dr Lars-Korsten Eriksson Associate Professor Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Day of completion: l/4/2012 Purpose: To study the restmcturing of economic sectors in Ba Vi district for the past Analysis and assessment of the situation restructuring of economic sectors Ba Vi district from 2000 to 2010 through the data on natural conditions, economic, social of local, sectoral share of the GDP of the district in both approaches At present the data analysis show that the curent economics structuring is not the strength of the potential of Ba Vi District exploitation of natuml conditions, economic — social Based on the above analysis of the situation and use PEST and SWOT analysis to propose a structure of economic sectors of the District Ba Vi during 2011 -2015 vision 2020 and suggests a number of policies to move sector economic structure as proposed above Methods: × Research, collected in table: + Look at the thesis, dissertation, documentation of previous research lssues + Secondary data collected during the years 2000-2010 from the statistical office, chambers of trade, agriculture Ba Vi and Statistics Hanoi on issues such as the GDP of the district and growth, economic structure of industry, I abor structure in industry, etc as well as the former Ha Tay Province, Hanoi :ind some district now has the same socio-econom ic conditions related to the study In addition to data related to natural conditions, economic and social i nterests of Ba Vi district, Hanoi city also needed to collect more complete clata base for research problems • Research, collect in the field in the study area: + Data collection through surveys, supplemented with additional information, + Interview with experts and relevant management issues research base • Using methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison compare I4esult & Conclusion: In 2011, BaVi district economic growth rates, investment in infrastructure, investment in social infrastructure is concerned, contributing to the economic growth of the whole district The added value reached 5901 billion Economic growth reached 16% Income per capita reached 21.7 million.The economic structure has shifted towards increasing the proportion off service industries - tourism Task groups of agro-forestry and fisheries accounted for 35.5%, industry and construction accounted for l9%o, services, to urism accounted for 45.5% of the economic structure So this thesis is research-oriented essential for economic development, ec onomic restructuring of the district period 2010 - 2015 and vision 2020 Suiggestion for further research directions • The development of socio-economic districts have achieved a certain number of achievements, but the economic structure of the district branch transition is slow, agriculture still accounts for a large share of GDP, servlGes ve developed but not yet its full potential especially in tourism, industrial haindicraft primarily with low density, etc This structure should be trainsformed into a logical structure in the near future • Proposed structure for rational economic sector for the period 201 l - 2015 three district vision to 2020 is: Service (malnly tourism) 60% - 20% Agriculture - Industry 20% • Policies to promote economlc restructuring in the Ba Vi District for the next time: + BUllding strategic economic development - eccnomic dei elopmer.t of Ba Vi District + Financial policy and investment + Policies on infrastructure development + Policy on training and human resource development Therefore, the economic structure of Ba Vi district should have the specific directions in the near future, as followings: An even greater proportion of tourism and services should be increased in the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the district Economic structure should be shifted towards the industrialization and modernization, specifically, the non-agricultural sectors must be developed, thereby reducing labor in the agricultural sector as well as increasing the accumulation in the population This is the condition for re-investment and application of new methods and modern technologies in production, including agriculture sector As a result, all the economic sectors will develop, but services and tourism will develop faster, which can be seen in the increased proportion of services and tourism in the district GDP The services and tourism development area will be formed basing on the potentlals and advantages of Ba Vi, associated with the market demands The transition of economic structure towards the industrialization and modernization ls the fundamental process to change the division of labor in the area The market split among regions should be eliminated; the status of self-sutt iciency should also be deleted, especially the self-sufficiency in provisions of each region, each locality Each locality should put itself in a single market and from that to determine the capacity and strengths to concentrate and develop as well as participate in the process of labor division and effective cooperation The transition of economic structure towards the industrialization and modernization associated with the formation of economic development centre with various types of services with the urbanization process On the other hand, the construction planning of urban areas, economic and services centre have direct impacts on the transition of economic structure Creating new jobs and reducing the rate of agricultural labor in the total social labor should be done The transition of economic structure towards the industrialization and modernization is a process of social labor division and the process of labor transition from agriculture to services and tourism sectors This is an urgent and through solution to address the shortage of jobs in rural area nowadays, and it is also the vital result of the transition of economic structure towards the industrialization and modernization The transition of economic structure towards the industrialization and modernization must be oriented to not only for economic growth targets but also the sustainable development mission, in which the environmental protection is very important and indispensable component Therefore, local authorities, enterprises as well as grassroots must strongly pay attention to execute these issues in order to avoid the damage of natural ecological environment for the short term profit Contribution of the thesis: Project is a new building contribute assessment process of economic restructuring in Ba Vi District Project has strengthened the theoretical basis of management and in particular the change of economic restructuring in Ba Vi District The findings help managers see the reality of economic restructurlng in Ba Vi district and measures to promote economic restructuring as a basis for a complete reference to the management policies Preliminary results also lndicate the direction of economic restructuring in Ba Vi District 2015 Vision 20211, pointed out a number of factors need to be changed in the future that has not 1›een reflected in the existing research Key words: Economic structure, economic restructuring, tourism, agriculture, industry, economic development - social 3.2 Some solution ABBREVIATIONS Gross Domestic Product PEST Polictical, economic, social cultural Streng - opportunity — n'ea1cness - United Nation General statistic office Input - Output IO PhD Dr FDI 10 ODA Doctor of Philosophy Doctor Foreign Direct Investment Official Development Assistance o Von dau tu tric tiép nuoc ngoai (FDI): dan tu v:to cac nganh theo yéu cau th| tru6ng dem lai lpi nhuan cao (nhu dau tu vao dich vu vé du lich ) o Von dau tu gién tiep nucic ngoai(ODA): dau tu chu yéu la thirc hi(n ciic chuong trinh dau tu tang nhu ciic du tin c:ii tao, nang cap, hien dat hoa cc sci tang kinh té, céc du an dieu tra, diinh giii Hi nguyén, hi(n trang kinh té, xa hoi, cac nganh cua vung nfii chung ngnGn von n y khfing diing van dau tu situ xuét, kinh doanh o Von t ii ngan séch: chit yéu dau tu v iio két cau tang kinh té - xa hol de tao dieu ki(n thuan lpi cho ph:it trién néng nghi(p xay d g néng thén méi c:ic ng:inh nhu mang luéi giao théng, gi:to duc, y Ie, nang cao chat lupng nguon nhan luc, xay ding h( thong ph:ip luat Dau tn vao mot so nganh trpng yéu ma chi c6 nha nuéc mcii cé› nang luc thuc hi(n o Von dau tu tii khu vuc tu nhén (cac doanh nghi(p tu nhan, ciic gia dinh dan cu): chfi yéu dau tu vao c:ic linh vuc kinh té sén xuat, kinh doanh nhu bé von dau tu phiit trién c:ic loat hinh du lich nhé; hinh th nh cac trang trai gia dinh ve chan nuéi Nhin chung, de d:inn bao hi(u qua von dau tn thi can phai su dpng hqp ly c:ic nguén von, tién hanh dau tu theo dung guy hoach, cc cau dau tu phii hpp véi cc cau nganh, tang ty trpng von dau tu vao ph:it trién c:ic nganh dich - du lich c6 gia tr| cao Tr:inh tinh trang dau tu qué @p trung vao mot nganh nao dfi hoa)c qu:i dan trai gay mat can doi khéng mang lai hi(u qu:i, that su chuyén sang quy dao lay nang cao hi(u qua dau In tain trung tain Day manh xay d g quy hoach chi tiét, quy hoach ng:inh, linh vuc; ré soét kh6p nfii, diéu chinh, bfi sung :in c:ic quy hoach ngiinh cfia huy(n v‹5l quy hoaCh chung thu dfi Ha Noi va quy hoach néng thén lTlol Céc xa, caC du an phat trién dfi th ! khu dan cu va ciic du :in khiic, 46 dam b:to ph iit trién dong bo, hai h6a, thong nhat D:inn biro ph:it huy ciic gia tr| van h fia, kh fing gian, kien truc va nhfing da)c trung cua huy(n Ba Tang cuéng cfing tire quan ly quy hoach; day manh cfing tiic lap, tham d|nh phé duy(t va quan ly guy hoach va to chlfC thuc hi(n guy hoach To chuc cfing bo céng khai cac quy hoach trén cac phuong ti(n thong tin dai chung, trén mang Internet cho c:ic to chtic, c:i nhan dnoc biét de thuc hi(n va giiim sin thuc h1(n iheo guy hoach Lap c:ic du :in dau tu, kéu gpi, thu hut c:ic to chic, c:i nhan, c:ic nha dau tu, c:ic doanh nghiep va ngoai nuéc daU tu, khal th:ie tiém nang, loi the trén c:ic linh v irc nham day manh phiit trién kinh Ie - xa hoi Quiin ly nghiém vi(c sit dung dat dat, dau tu xay d g va ph:it trién theo guy hoach dupc phé duy(t Tap trung dau tu xay ding cac cfing trinh trpng tain, trpng diem theo quy hoach bang nguon von ngan s:ich nha nuéc va c:ic nguén von h pp phap kh:ic de hinh h( thong tang khung van hfia - xa hol, kinh Ie tao tién de cho ph:it trién Quan tain dau tu he thong tang nding thon gan voi c:ic tiéu chi xay d g néng thGn méi, h( thong I g cac khu du lich, tang kinh Ie - xa hoi Tru‹ic hét la ph:it huy va sit dung tiém nang cite nguon l qc c6 the khai th:ic trén dia ban huy(n Van dung tot c:ic cc ché da)c thit cho huy(n Ba Vi nham tranh thti su giup ciia Trung nong va Thiinh dau tu tir nguon von NSNN Coi trpng vi(c xa hoi hfia dau tu, huy dong c:ie nguon von dan cu, ciia doanh nghi(p tao nguon lqc ph ét trién kinh té - xa hoi Tiep tuc day manh vi(c khai thiic c:ic nguon thu trén dia ban de tang khii nang tap trung ngan siich cho dau tn ph:it trién, quan tém c:ic h QUoli thu tu dau gié QSD dat; d:inn biro thu dung, thu du c:ic khoan thué, ph I , l ‹i phi Su dung hpp ly va quén ly cé h1(u quit von dau tv ID ngan 47 sich nha nuoc va c6 ngufi n goc ngan s:ich Tiep tuc thuc hi(n nguyén tac ddu t n co trpng tain, trpng diem, cor ciic khoiin dau tu th ngan siich vii c6 ngufi n goc ngan siich la nguon chu dao phiit trién ciic linh vuc kinh té - xa hoi Gu tién tap trung von ngan siich va von c6 nguon goc tii ngén siich cho phat trién tang kinh té, ting xa hoi, n3ng cao chat In g gi:to duc - dao tao va tang cuéing tiém luc khoa hpc cfing ngh(, an nlnh, quoc phong Dieu chinh cc can dau tu phuc v u chuyeii d !Ch cc cau kinh te theo dung d|nh huéng 3.2.3 Phat trien cm so’ hp tang Vi(c chuyén d|ch cc can nganh kinh Ie huy(n Ba Vi nhanh v:i c6 hi(u qua phu thuoc rat nhiéu vao trinh ph:it trién ciia h( thong két cau tu va ho trp dau tu théng qua cac du :in de phat trién h( thong két cau tang nGng thén Coi day la khoan dau tu de tao méi tru6ng kinh té cho qu:i trinh chuyén dich cc cau nganh kinh Ie • Ph:ii xay d g guy hoach day du, chinh x:ic c:ie két cau t g phuc vu cho néng nghi(p, néng thén Dna trén guy hoach dé xay d;;ng truéc tién nhiing cfing trinh chlnh cé tinh quyét dinh den két cau tang nhv mang luéi giao théng, cfing trinh thuy lcii, cfing trinh di(n Nhfmg céng trinh se la cc sci quan trpng de xay ding c:ic céng trinh phu kh:ic Vi(c xay d g két cau tang theo guy hoach cho phép tiét kiem dupc von va sue lao dong xay ding cc b:in, tr:inh tinh trang ph:i di lam lai lang phi nguon luc, hon ntia cfin géip phan to chuc hpp ly ciic qu:i trinh san xuat • Xay d g két cau téng phiii can doi va dong bo Xay d g mang Incur thuy lcii ph ii i gan v ci giao théng va dren Xay d g vung rgu en li(u phal can doi ver nha méy ché blen v:i giao théng • C6 giéi ph:ip xay dung nang cap doi voi timg loat két cau tang: 48 o Doi voi céc cc sci ché bién néng san pham: c:ic cc sé néy g6p phan nang cao chat lupng va san lupng nong san, tao diéu ki(n tliuan lpi cho vi(c bao qu:in van chuyén tiéu thu néng san pham 3.2.4 Phtit trién ngnén nhiin /jrc 49 Co edu va chit lUttDg ngu‹in nh?in i Uv l a‘ nhan to ‹juyet dinh cho chuyén dich cc cau kinh ic Trcn thuc Ie chiing la chua uu tién cho dao tae va sit dung ngufin nhan lvc ct vc s‹› l n( mg,cn cau va ch4t lvpng Tai huyen Ba Vi chi co 12% tong so nguoi law› dong da qua dao tao é théi ky ban cdp chva dap King véi cc cht2 lTlél va trinh phiit trien khoa hoc cong nghe.Ty Ie gifia cong nhin ky thuat va dai hoc bdt hpp 1y: Lqc lvong lao dong qua dao tao nghé nhin 2G 10 la 25'7o, ph6n ddu nam 2015 dat 409r L²guon nhén Inc c6 vat trfi rat quan trcng, ph:it trién nguon ri rs luc nham d:ip ting yéu cau chuyén dich cc cau ngénh kinh Ie Do vay, de thuc hi(n qua trinh chuyén d|ch cc cau ngiinh kinh té ng nh thiinh cling thi c:ic giai ph:ip nang cao chat lupng ngufin nhan luc cua huyen Ba Vi cé y nghia quyét dinh Chat lupng nguén nhan lqc la mot nhfmg yéu to quyét dJnh sq thénh céng cfia chuyén dich cc cau kinh té noi chung, chuyén dich cc cfiu ng:inh kinh té riéng Mot nguon nhan luc cé chat lupng cao, d:ip ring yéu cau ciia chuyén dich se g6p phan tao su chuyén dJch nhanh va bén viing cc cau c:ic nganh kinh té ciia huy(n Ba Vi Do vay can cé bi(n ph:ip nang cao chat lupng nguon nhan luc Cu the la: • Hoan thi(n chinh s:ich dao tao nham nang cao chat lupng lao dgng Noi dung dao tao ph:ii huéng vao Vl pc giéo duc kien thuc théng, kien thfic chuyén nghi(p va kien thtic ve quén ly Can phai x:ic dinh rii tr:ich nhi(m chu yéu cua moi cap dao tao, nham g6p phan nang cao chat luong nguon lao dong Dao tao can huéng véo vi(c khac phuc dén nhiing bat can doi hi(n trén th| truéng lao dong nhu giiia c:ic nganh nghé • Hoan thi(n h( thong chinh sach va cc ché su dung nhan Hi, nhan lirc dupc dao tao nhu c:ic chinh sach ve tién luong, tién cfing, diéu ki(n lém viec nham khai thac hpp ly, su dung co hlpu qua ngufin nhan luc d drrpc dao tao Ma)t khac, su dung hpp ly n¿u fin nhan luc dupc dao tao c6 téc dung kich thich su ph ét trién nganh giéo duc, diéu chinh cc cau ngufi n nhan l pc • Mo rong quy mG giao duc dao tao dOl Voi ngufin nhan luc chua qua dao tao Doi tupng chiém ty Ie ten luc lupng lao dong nhat l:i lao dong néng nghi(p o n éng thon • Thqc hien giiio dqc dao tao khong ngim g suot doi Trong diéu ki(n tién b(o khoa hpc cfing ngh( dién manh mé, xu hu6ng tri tu( ho:i lao dong ph:it trién, giao luu quoc Ie cang mo rong, doi hfi i ngnoi lao dong phiii thu6ng xuyén hpc tap, thu6n g xuyén dupc dao tao lai de bo tuc nang cao khGng ngimg kien thuc van hoa vé nghé nghi(p ky thuat • Gan lien giiio duc d:to tao voi lao dong san xuat va nghién edu khoa hoc, ph:it trién phong phu da dang céc hinh thtic va phuong ph:ip déo tao lao dong ky thuat Huy(n Ba Vi la viing cé nhiéu diéu ki(n thua)n lpi va lpi the de ph:it trién viing du l|ch d|ch vu da d g va hi(u qu:i Nhiing thua)n lpi, lpi the da va dang dupc khai th:ic nhiéu nam qua gé›p phan tich cuc vao qu:i trinh chuyén dJch cc cau kinh té va phét trién céc ngénh kinh Ie ciia huy(n Trong nhiing ném qua, qu:i trinh chuyén d!Gh cc céu kinh té ngénh ciia huy(n da thu dnpc nhiing tuu to lén, nhung van cfin nhiing hip: ché ton tar lam ciin tro qu:i trinh cong nghi(p hoii — hi(n dat ho:i va xay ding nGng thén moi ciia Huyen Tuy nhién thot gian v tia qua, vi c chuyén djch cc cau chua di diing huéing voi nhiem vu da da)t ra, viec dau In phét trlén cc sé tang cho phiit trién dich vu, du l|ch chua phét huJ dupc tiém nang phét trién cfia Fluyen 51 "Fhci gian tcii de chuyén dich dupc c‹i cau kinh Ie cho huy(n Ba Vi -én c6 nh ting hucng di cu the nhv sau: Fang manh hon n fia ty trpn g cua dich vu v:i du lich tong s:in nham GDP Chuyén dich CCKT theo huc ng CNH, HDH o Ba V1 truéc aét chinh la qua trinh ph:it trién manh céc ngénh nghé phi n éng nghi(p, :hong qua ‹1o giiiin bo1 lao dong finn v iic nong nghi(p, tang khcl aang tich luy cho dan cu Day lai chinh l é diéu kien de t:ii dau tu, :ip dung c:ic ph nong phap s:in xuat, cfing ngh tlén tién hi(n dai vao sin xuat, dfi c6 c:i siin xuat nong ngh1(p Két qu:i la, tat ca c:ie nganh ‹inh té déu ph iit trién, nhung nganh d|ch vu va dich vu can ph:it trién nhanh hon, bieu hi(n I:i tang ty trpng cua d|ch vu va du lich GDP Hinh thiinh c:ic viing ph:it trién kinh Ie du lich v:i dich vu dpa trén iém nang, lpi the ciia Ba Vi, gan véi nhu cau cua thi truéng Chuyén º!Gh CCKT theo hu6ng CNH, HDH la qu:i trinh chuyén bién can bén ve phan cfing lao dong xa hoi theo dia giéi Xoii bfi tinh trang chia cat ve thi !ruéng giiia c:ic viing; xo:i bfi tinh trang tit cung tu cap, da)c bi(t la tu :ung, tu cap ve luong thuc cua timg viing, timg d)a phuong Moi dia ahuong can da)t minh mot thi tru6ng thong nhat trén cc sé dfi xéc 3inh nhfmg kha niing, the manh ctia minh de ta( p trung ph:it trién, tham ¿ia vao quit trinh phan céng va hpp tiic lao dong co hi(u qu:i Chuyén dich CCKT theo hnéng CNH, HDH gan vcii qu:i trinh tinh ciic trung tain kinh té ph iit tFlen c:ic loai hinh dich vu, gan llen oi qu:i trinh dfi th| hoii Ma)t khaC, v1(c quy hoach xay d g c:ic khu dfi ’hi , trung tain klnh Ie, d|ch vq c6 anh huéin g truc tiep tro lai to1 QUa trinh :huyén d|ch CCKT Gial quyét vi(C lalTl , gl:ilT1 ty Ie lao dong n6ng ngh1(p téng to lao dong xa hoi Chuyén d|ch CCKT theo hvéng CNH, HDH l é qu:i rinh phan céng lao dong xa hoi, la qua trinh chuyén d|ch lao dong tit iganh nong nghi p sang cac nganh dich vu va du lich Day la giéi phii p Vlfil Ca birch, v iia triet de de giai quyét tinh trang thiéu vi(c lain o nong thon hien nay, dc›ng thoi la h( quit tat yéu cfia quit trinh chuyén d|ch CCKT theo h n6ng CNH, HDH Chuyén dich CCKT theo hU’6ng CNH,HDH phii i theo d|nh huéng dan den ph iit trién bén v iing kh fing chi vi m uc tiéu tang trvéng kinh té don thuan ma phiii vi m uc tiéu phat trién kinh Ie ma bao triim ten cii la vi m uc tiéu ph iit trién bén v iing, dé cé› mot cau bo phan rat quan trpng va khong the thiéu la baO ve lTlfi l truéing Tti dé› cho thay, c:ic nha lanh dao, nha quiin ly cho den c:ic doanh nghi(p, céc dia phnong, cc so can phiii hét suc chu y thuc hi(n tot van de nay, t riinh tinh trang vi lpi nhuan kinh té truéc mat dan den phii huy nghlelTl trpng méi truéing sinh thiii tir nhién Mot lan niia chung tfii chiin c:inn on Gi:to su, tién st Lars- torsten Eriksson , Phé Gi:to sn, Tién st Nguyén Ngpc Thanh va c:ie Giéo su, tién st, Thay Chi giiio cfia Truéng Dai hpc Upsala (Thuy Dién) va truéin g Dar hpc Kinh té va Kinh doanh — DHQGVN (Vi(t Nam) da giiip chfing tf›i hoan nghién erm nay./ 53 DANH MUC TAI LI [EU THAM KHAO I Bao cao két qua hoat dong kinh té, xa hoi qua cac nam cua Chi cuc hong ké huyen Ba Vi, Cac van kien ngh| quyét Trung nong ( khoii IX, X, XI) c6 lien quan ID nam 200 I den C:ic bao cao cua Quoc hO1 Va Chinh phu ve nh fing van de tién quan da cfing bo trén béo Nhar dan va cac phuong º.ien thong tin dat chung khac tit nani 2006 den Ké hoach phiit trién kinh té nam cua UBND huy(n Ba Vi Mot so b:to di(n tii va trang web: Béo den tit DCS Vl(t Nam, Nhan din di(n tit, Tap chi Cong siin di(n tti, Thoi b:to Kinh té Vi(t Nam dién th, Dau tu nuéc ngoal, Bo Cfing thuong, Bo T:ii nguyén va Mfii tru rig Mot so b:ii biro tién quan ciia Tran Anh Phuong va ciic tiic gia khéc da dang trén c:ic tap chi khoa hpc va biro chuyén nganh tit nhiéu nam qua den nay: Nghién c u Kinh té; Nh fmg van de Kinh Ie va Chinh tr| the giéi, Kinh té chau A — Théi Binh Dvong; Tap chi Cong san; Thoi biro Kinh té Vi(t Nam GS.TS Nguyén Dinh Phan “Nhfmg bi(n ph:ip chit yéu thiic déy cfing nghi(p ho:i — h1(n dai ho:i néng nghi(p, néng thén vung dong bang séng Héng” NXB Chinh tr| quoc gia nam 2002 TS Chu Tién Quang “Huy dong st dung c:ic nguon l pc phét trién klnh té nGng thén: Thuc trang vé gi:ii ph:ip” PGS.TS BUl Tat Thang “Chuyén d|ch cc cau nganh kinh té Vi(t Ham” NXB Khoa hpc — Xa hoi nam 2006 10 Vl(n chién lupc phat trién Yéu céu va gi:ii ph:ip chuyén dich cc céu kinh té, cc cau dau tu thol Qian tit (Chit nhi(m de Hi: TS Luu Bich HU 54 I l Van kien Dar hoi Dang Cong siin Viet Nam fan thit VI ( 1986), fan t lur IX (2001), thu X (2006), fan thii XI (201 1) NXB Chinh tr| Quoc gia, Hé Noi, 1987, 2001, 2006 va 201 I 12 VG ki(n hoi Diing huyen Ba Vi khoii 2005 — 2010 va 2010 — 2015 55 ... restructuring of economic sectors in Ba Vi district of Hanoi in thc pcriod from 2000 to 2011 and orientations towards 2015 Vision 2020 4/ Methodolo;pr * Look at the economic structure of industry in view... process of economic restructuring in Ba Vi District Project has strengthened the theoretical basis of management and in particular the change of economic restructuring in Ba Vi District The findings... economic structure of the industry Interview with Mr Le haa Minh, t"hairinan of District People’s Committee ofBa Vi Ba Vi district is a place to sell paint, located west of Hanoi, the Hanoi over 50km,

Ngày đăng: 22/09/2022, 10:42



