ĐÈ THỊ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 27/03/2018
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề Bài 1 (3,0 điểm)
1) Chứng minh rằng 4= 1+2°+3 + .+2018Ÿ chia hết cho ð=1+2+3+ +2018 2) Phân tích đa thức (x+ y+z) ~(x` + yŸ + z`} thành nhân tử
Bài 2 (3,0 điểm)
1) Rut gọn biểu thite 2+x 4-x =|-* + -Š— (2 x =2% X =), wi #0, #42, 83
2) Cho hai số thực a, b thoa man ab 40,a 41,51 va a+b =1 Tính giá trị của biểu thức p= a b „2(ø=) B=-1 @-1 øbˆ+3_ Bai 3 (3,0 diém) 1) LÝ 1) 1 1) Giải phương trình a( +2) (243) -(x+4) [+ )-4a ae x x x x 2) Với giá trị nào của a, b thi da thite x* —3x° + ax* +4x—b chia hét cho da thtte x? —x+1 Bai 4 (3,0 diém) 1) Cho ba sé duong a, ở, c thoa min a+b+c=6 Tim giá trị lớn nhất của biểu thức ab be ca i — P= 6-c 6-a 6-b
2) Tìm tất cả các cặp số nguyên (x, y) thỏa mãn điều kiện 2x” — xy+8x-3y+1=0
Bai 5 (6,0 diém) Cho hình thang vuông 4BŒCD (4B/CD, A=Ð= 90”), có 4B = AD, C= 45° Gọi # là điểm đối xứng của 2 qua A, F là điểm đối xứng của Ö qua 4, Œ là điểm đối xứng của
C qua D Goi H 1a trung điểm của ƑG Tia BH cắt CD tại K
1) Chứng minh tứ giác 8#Ƒ'D là hình vuông và ba điểm Z, B, C thắng hàng 2) Chứng minh tam giác CƑX cân
3) Gọi 7 là giao điểm của BƠ và CF Tính tỷ số của diện tích tam giac KHF va diện tích tam giác IBC
Bài 6 (2,0 diém) Cho hinh vu6ng ABCD cé dinh Diém E di động trên cạnh BC (E khác B va €) Tia 4E cắt đường thang CD tai F Duong thang qua A va vuông góc với 4E cắt đường thing CD tai G Tia phan giac cua AGD cit AD, AE theo thw tu tai H va 7
1) Chittng minh H4.JA = HD_IF
(Huong dan cham co 05 trang)
Bai 1 (3,0 diém)
1) Ching minh rang A=1° + 2°? +3° + 42018° chia hét cho B=1+24+3+ +2018
2) Phân tích đa thức sau thành nhân tử (x+ y+z} —(x” + yŸ+z`) Câu Nội dung L1 | Ta có B=l+2+3+ + 2018 = 1009.2019 A= ( +2018`)+(2` +2017!)+ +(1009° +1010°) =2019.M, eN - =A: 2019 A= (0 + 20 1 7 “la -( 234 + -20 1 6 }+ + + .+(1008° 4 + 10 1 10°) + -(I +ÍI 009? 4 4: -20 1 8 ) Xi} nh H = 2018 N +(1009° +2018") = 4:1009 huy (1009 7015) ` S=<ằẪằẰŸằc.Ÿ.ê.ê aỢỘ 1.2 (x+y+z} -(x* +y +z =rlerjesT0n Em "¬ z)(3x?- + Lâxy+ + 3x7 4 + -3yz :) =3(x+y)(y+z)(z+x) Bài 2 (3,0 điểm) 2 1) Rút gọn biểu thức u-( aa_, 8S -}:( = -2), voi x #0, x #42, x43 3+x 4— x" x°-2x x 2) Cho hai số thực a,b thoa man ab# 0,2#l,b#l và a+b =1 Tính giá trị của biểu thức a b 2(a-b) P= b-1 a@-l g +3 Câu Nội dung Điêm 2nd ase F~~ 4x(2- x) + 8x7 l-x- 2(2- x) _ @Ø- -x)2+x) - _ *x@2~ =x) M= Q- x)(2+x) XE x—3 0,5 0,5x2 22 (1,5đ) a°=ð!)~(a=ð) 2(a=b) — (a=b)(a2+ð2-1) (z'—1)(ø`—1) _4°8°+3 ab(a°+a+1)(b2+b+1) a?b° +3 (do a+b=1) p-l 0,5 (a—5)(4°=a+ð7~ð) — 2(a-ð) +
ae ab? +2ab+a" +b? +2) ab? +3
Trang 5> ~2ab(a—b) ,2(a= -b) _ ~2(a~ -b) ‘2a~ -b) abl a ab +3] +3 2943 228233 0,25x2 Bai 3 (3,0 diem) " IÝ (; 1Ý IÝ(¿ 1)- ồ 1) Giải phương trình 2| x+— | +| xˆ+-z| -|x+—||x + s|=4-4x+x x x x x 2) Với gid tri nao ctia a, b thi da thire x* —3x° + ax’ +4x—b chia hét cho da thtre x* —x+1 Cau Nội dung Điêm IĐkxz0 1 0/25 - af Ly ‘[F “Alle +a]-[z+ x 0,25 3.1 1 1 (1, 5d) | <2 Ty af x + =4-4x+x? 0,25 © ©(x- 2} =4 mee | Tính được x = 0, x = 4, Gid tri x =0 (khéng thỏa dk) 0.25x2 Kết luận: PT có một nghiệm là x = 4 :
x* —3x° tax +A! y= (x? =xt)(x? ~2x+a-3)+ (a+3)x+3- a= = 0,5
3.2 | pé da thire x? —3x? + ax’ +4x—b chia hết cho đa thức x2—x+l thì _ 0.5
(1,5d) a+3=0 va3-a-b=0 — —————OOO ee seed
| Suy ra a=-3vàb=6: vee Bai 4 (3,0 diém) „ : 1) Cho ba sé duong a, b, c thoa man a+b+c = 6 Tìm giá trị lớn nhât của biêu thức ab be ca P= + 6-c 6-a 6-5
2) Tim tat ca cdc cap sé nguyén (x, y) thỏa mãn điều kiện 2x? — xy + 8x-3y41=0
Cau Nội dung Diem
4.1 |3)Via+b+c=6>6-c=a+b;6-b=a+c;6-a=bt+e
(1,34) Ta co: (a-b} >0 ©a?-2ab+b” >0 © a”+2ab + b° > 4ab 0.5
(a+b) > 4ab > P< 27? (do a+b , a+b 4 > 0)
Trang 74.2 2x?—xy+§x—3y+1=0 (1,54) & 2x° —xy+2x+6x-3y+6-5=0 2 0.5 => (x+3)(2x-y+2)=5 Vi x, ye Z—x+3,2x-yt+2e {+145} 0,5 x+3=1 x=-2 ˆ Truong hop 1: = (nhận) \2x-y+3=5 y=-6 0.5 x+3=-1 x=-4 Trường hợp 2: co (nhận) 2x-y+3=-5 y=0 Íx+3=5 g=Ð ` Trường hợp 3: = (nhan) 2x-yt+3=1 y=6 x+3=-5 x=-8 ˆ Trường hợp 4: = (nhận) 2Zx—y+3=-] y=-l2
Bài 5 (6,0 điểm) Cho hình thang vuông 4BCD (48/CD, À=Ð=909), có 4B = AD, Š=459 Gọi là điểm đối xứng của D qua 4, Ƒ là điểm đối xứng của B qua A, G la diém đối xứng của
C qua D Goi H 1a trung diém ctia FG Tia BH cat CD tai K
1) Chttng minh tt giac BEFD 1a hinh vudng va ba diém E, B, C thang hang
2) Chứng minh tam giác C#XK là tam giác cân
3) Gọi 7 là giao điểm của BƠ và CF Tính tỷ số của diện tích tam giác KHF và diện tích tam giác !5C Câu Nội dung Điểm 5.1 (2,0d) Ta cé: DE = EA + AD = 2AD, BF = BA + AF = 2AB Mà AD=AB—>DE=BHL 0,25 | -Hình thoi BEFD co DE = BF =>Hinh thoi BEFD la hinh vuong _— _ 9,25 0.25
Vì tứ giác 8EƑD là hình vuông => 8DE = FDE = = BDF = = > 90° = 45°
_BDE + BDC = ADC =90" = 45° + BDC = 90? => BDC=45) Ses
Xét tam giác BCD có
CBD + BCD + BDC =180° => CBD + 45° +45° =180° = CBD =90° 0.25
ViBC 1 BD (cmt) va BE | BD (do tir gidc BEFD là hình vuông)
=> BC và BE trùng nhau =>ba điểm B, C, E thăng hàng 0,25
Trang 9
(2,0d) | Xét tam giác BDC và tam giác FDG có: DF = DB BDC = FDG = 45° => ABDC = AFDG(cgc) > BCG = FGC 0,25 DC = DG Tứ giác BFGC có BF/CG(doAB/CD) l4 0,25 — _=>tứ giác BFGC là hìnhthp _ | Hình thang BEGC có 8CG = FGC =>BFGC là hình thang cân =>BBESEDUO SỐ tL In
_BFH = KGH (so le trong AB//CD), HF = HG (gt) vaBHF =KHG | |
=> ABFH = AKGH(gcg) => BF EKG |: Oe Q-
Tứ giác BFKGcó BF//KG và BE = KG
=> Tư giác BFKG là hình binh hanh=>FK=BG 0,25]
Vi FC = BG, FK = BG => FB = FK
=> tam giac CFK 1a tam giáccântại F 0,25
5.3 AFGK = AGFB(ccc) => SrGK = SGEb 0,25 =
Œ.0đ) | Tam giác KHF có KH là trung tuyến
1 1 0,25
> SKHE = 2 FGK => Skur = 2° GFB (do Sro = SerB)
Kẻ 8M L CD Tứ giác BADM có BMD = B4AD = ADM =90° =>tứ giác BADM là hình chữ nhật 0,25 _Mà AB = AD=>tứgiác BADMIàhìnhvuông=> BA =MD Tam giác BMC vuôngtại M có BCM =45° => Tan giác BMC là tam giác | 0.25 vuông cân =>CM = MD = ScD Ma AB = MD => BA= ScD => BF =CD (do BF =2BA) Ta cé: CG = CD + DG = 2CD (do CD = DG) CD =1CG = BF -log en ea , AICG có BF/CG =» 8 BF a 1M Le 0.25 dG CG 1G 2 PG 3| “ _| T een A 2 2 0,25 Tam giác ECG có I là trọng tâm=> GÏ = 5" => Srig = a" BFG Sgcr + Scig = Saco 2 0,25 Taco: Sie; + Sicg = Sree => Sbpe¡ = Srợi âđ SrGI = 3 BFG CG.BM Sgcø = Srco = 2 ee ".- ÔÔ,,Ô,Ô,/ Ô nh Seer 9 OP 3 0,25 See = 3 3 SGFB w
Bài 6 (2,0 điểm) Cho hình vuông 4CD cỗ định có độ dài cạnh ø (cm) không đổi Một điểm
E di động trên cạnh 8C (E khác B va C) Tia AE cat đường thăng CD tại # Đường thăng qua 4
và vuông góc với 4E cắt đường thắng CD tại Œ Tia phân giác của 4GD cắt 4D, 4E theo thứ
Trang 13
Thời gian làm bài thi: 120 phút Ngày thi: 27/03/2018
(Đề thi có 01 trang)
Câu 1 (2,0 điểm): Nêu ý nghĩa của hình tượng chiếc lá trong đoạn văn sau :
“Nhưng, ô kìa! Sau trận mưa vùi dập và những cơn gió ph phàng kéo dài suốt cả một đêm, tưởng chừng như không bao giờ dứt, vẫn còn một chiếc lá thường xuân bám trên bức tường gạch Đó là chiếc lá cuối cùng trên cây Ở gân cuống lá còn giữ màu xanh sam, nhưng với rìa lá hình răng cưa đã nhuốm màu vàng úa, chiếc lá vẫn đũng cảm treo bám
vào cành cách mặt đất chừng hai mươi bộ `
(Chiếc lá cuối cùng - O Hen- ri) Câu 2 (2,0 điểm):
Hình ảnh con thuyền được cảm nhận như thế nào qua biện pháp tu từ trong đoạn thơ sau:
“Dan chai ludi lan da ngam ram nang,
Cả thân hình nông thở vị xa xăm;
Chiếc thuyên im bến mỏi trở về nằm
Nghe chất muối thắm dân trong thớ vỏ ”
(Quê hương - Tế Hanh) Câu 3 (4,0 điểm):
Có ý kiến cho rằng: “Ngưỡng mộ thân tượng là một nét đẹp văn hóa, nhưng mê muội
thân tượng là một thảm họa `
Hãy viết một bài văn ngắn (khoảng 300 từ) trình bày suy nghĩ của em về ý kiến trên
Câu 4 (12,0 điểm):
— Có ý kiến cho rằng: “Một trong những nguôn cảm hứng vồ tận của nhiều nhà thơ Việt
Nam đâu thế kỉ XX là ca ngợi vẻ đẹp của thiên nhiên ”
Qua bai tho “Qué hương” của Tế Hanh và bài thơ “Ki con fu hứ” của Tố Hữu, em
hãy làm sáng tỏ nhận định trên
Họ và tên thí sinh: _ Chữ kí giám thị số l:
Trang 15
MON THI: NGU VAN; LOP: 8 (Hướng dẫn chấm có 03 trang)
- Giám khảo vận dụng hướng dẫn chấm phải chủ động, linh hoạt, tránh cứng nhắc, máy
móc và phải biết cân nhắc trong từng trường hợp cụ thể, cần khuyến khích những bài làm thể hiện rõ sự sáng tạo, giàu chất văn
- Giám khảo cần đánh giá bài làm của thí sinh một cách tổng thể ở từng câu và cả bài,
không đếm ý cho điểm, đánh giá bài làm của học sinh trên cả hai phương diện: kiến thức và
kỹ năng
- Hướng dẫn chấm chỉ nêu những ý chính và các thang điểm cơ bản, trên cơ sở đó, giám khảo có thể thống nhất để định ra các ý chỉ tiết và các thang điểm cụ thể hơn H HƯỚNG DẪN CỤ THẺ
muội thần tượng là một thảm họa cho phải, bởi lễ: „øgưỡng mộ thân tượng là một nét đẹp văn hóa, nhưng mê
| Câu 1 | Ỷ nghĩa của hình tượng chiếc lá gợi nhiều liên tưởng:
(2,04) | - Gợi liên tưởng đến số phận con người Vì nghèo và bệnh tật mà Giôn-xi | 0,5
tuyệt vọng, bi quan về cuộc sống
- Chiếc lá còn gợi liên tưởng đến ý chí, nghị lực của con người 0,5
- Đặc biệt, chiếc lá cuối cùng là hình tượng đẹp thể hiện tình yêu thương sự hi
sinh giữa những người nghèo khổ 1.0
Câu2 | - Con thuyền được nhân hóa (ữn, mỏi, nằm, nghe thấm dân) như một sinh
(2.0) thể của làng chài; 1.0
- Cũng như những trai tráng, con thuyền đang nghỉ ngơi thư giãn, đầy mãn
nguyện sau chuyến đánh bắt bội thu 1.0
Câu3 | I.Yêu cầu về kỹ năng: ;
(4,04) Thi sinh biệt cách làm bài văn nghị luận xã hội bàn về tu tưởng đạo lí: Bô
cục rõ ràng, ket cau chặt chẽ, diễn đạt lưu loát, không mặc lôi vê chính tả, dùng
từ, ngữ pháp; văn viêt có cảm xúc
2 Yêu cầu về kiến thức: ; |
_ Thi sinh co thê có thê triên khai theo nhiêu cách khác nhau nhưng lí lẽ và dân chứng phải hợp ly, thuyết phục Tuy nhên cân phải thê hiện rõ chính kiên của mình và làm rõ những ý cơ bản sau: , , ;
1 Giới thiệu vân đê: phải có suy nghĩ và thái độ như thê nào đôi với thân tượng | 0,5
Trang 16
Cau 4 (12,0d) 2 Giai thich: : - - Thần tượng là những người, những điều được mọi người tôn sùng, chiêm ngưỡng
- Thái độ của mọi người đối với thần tượng có thê khác nhau:
Người ngưỡng mộ vẫn giữ được sự tỉnh táo, sáng suốt, khách quan, thái độ
đúng mực Người mê muội thì thường chủ quan, thiếu sự sáng suốt, tỉnh táo
trong mối quan hệ với thần tượng, do đó dễ có những thái độ không đúng mực, không phù hợp
3, Phân tích, bình luận: Tại sao Ngưỡng mộ thân tượng là một nét đẹp văn hóa,
nhưng mê muội thân tượng là một thảm họa?
+ Ngưỡng mộ thần tượng sẽ thán phục, hoặc phấn đâu để noi theo, cư xử
văn minh, lịch sự .-> một nét đẹp văn hóa
+ Mê muội thần tượng thì dễ nhìn phiến diện, thái độ hành vi quá đáng và
ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống, có khi dẫn tới những tai họa lớn
+ Nên có thần tượng vì ai cũng cần phải có một mục đích rõ ràng, những điều, tốt đẹp mà mình ngưỡng mộ, yêu mến, cuộc sống mới có ý nghĩa Không có thần tượng, dễ sống buông thả,
4, Nhận thức, hành động:
+ Thần tượng hiện diện ở mọi lĩnh vực của đời sống `
+ Cần phải có thái độ đúng đắn: ngưỡng mộ chứ không mê muội
+ Ý kiến như một lời nhắc nhở, lời khuyên rất thực tế, thời sự đối với mọi
người, nhất là với giới trẻ hiện nay
1.Yêu cẫu về kĩ nang:
Học sinh biết cách viết bài văn nghị luận kết hợp trình bày quan điểm của
bản thân Bài viết có kết cấu chặt chẽ, hệ thống luận điểm rõ ràng, diễn đạt lưu loát có cảm xúc, không mắc lỗi chính tả, dùng từ, ngữ pháp,
2 Yêu cầu về kiến thức:
Học sinh có thể trình bày vấn đề nghị luận theo nhiều cách khác nhau, nhưng cần làm rõ các ý cơ bản theo định hướng sau:
a.Mở bài: Giới thiệu vấn đề nghị luận
b Thân bài:
Phân tích, chứng mình
* Bài thơ “Quê hương ” của nhà thơ Tế Hanh:
- Đức tranh thiên nhiên được vẽ ra qua việc tác giả tự giới thiệu về bức tranh
làng quê miền biển quê hương mình Đó là bức tranh thiên nhiên tươi sáng
tuyệt đẹp, một buổi sớm mai với không gian thoáng đạt, trời trong, gió nhẹ,
năng mai hồng, với hình ảnh những con người trai tráng bơi thuyền đi đánh cá - Cảnh thiên nhiên, hình ảnh những con người lao động cần cù trong bài thơ
còn được tác giả thể hiện qua những hình ảnh dân làng đón ghe về
- Vẻ đẹp của quê hương miễn biển dường như lúc nào cũng thường trực trong
lòng nhà thơ, được hiện lên với những hình ảnh đặc trưng của làng chài: màu
Trang 17
*Bài thơ “Khi con tu hú” của nhà thơ Tổ Hữu:
- Vẻ đẹp thiên nhiên mùa hè được gợi tả là một bức tranh thiên nhiên tràn tré
nhựa sống, đầy sắc màu của hương đồng, gió nội
- Bức tranh hiện lên rộn rã âm thanh: âm thanh của tiếng chim tu hú, âm thanh
của tiếng ve ngân râm ran, tiếng sáo diều vi vu
- Bức tranh thiên nhiên tươi đẹp của mùa hè đã thể hiện được tình yêu thiên
nhiên, yêu cuộc sống tha thiết của tác giả
* Đánh giá chung
- Bức tranh thiên nhiên ở hai bài thơ được vẽ ra đầy ắp những sáng tạo về câu
Trang 19
(Gôm 06 trang) Ngày thi: 27/3/2018
Điểm Ho, tên, chữ ký Ho, tên, chữ ký Số phách
‹ giám khảo 1 giám khảo 2 Bang so: Bằng chữ: Part I Part II Part III | PartIV | PartV Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX I PART 1 Listen to a teacher giving students some advice for exams and CIRCLE the best answer, (1.5 pts)
1 The teacher wants the students to
A take notes after she has finished speaking
B take notes while she is speaking C forget about taking notes
2 The teacher suggests the students eat
A sugary snacks B only apples C fruit and cereals 3 If students feel stressed they should
A go to bed B go out for a walk C drink some water
4 Students are advised to
A select the important things to learn
B read through everything once
C make notes about every topic 5 Students can do past exam papers
A in the library only
B at home if they take photocopies C in the after-school study group
6 The teacher recommends a break of five minutes every :
A hour B two hours C thirty minutes
II Part 2: You will hear a man telling a group of students about a trip to the theatre For each
question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space (1.5 pts) TRIP TO STAUNTON THEATRE
Meet at 6.00pm at the (1) of the school
The name of the play is (2)
Get a copy of the play from the (3)
Each theatre ticket will cost (4) 7
After the theatre _ have (5) and coffee
On the return journey, the coach will stop at the (6) and then the school
Trang 21
TIT Supply the proper forms of the words in brackets (1.5 pts)
1 An example of a (STUDY) response to a challenge is a well thought out solution 2 (CONSERVE) are alarmed by the rate at which tropical rainforests are being
3 Researchers point out that (ADEQUATE) cleaning can lead to serious food
4 (LONELY) can affect the elderly if they are apart from their family 5 The first time I tried out my new bike I (BALANCE) and fell off
6 If I were you, I‘d spend a bit more and buy the (HARD) version of the book
IV CIRCLE the word/phrase that best completes each of the sentences (3.0 pts)
1.Ofall _ candidates, Mr Jones used to be seaman He spent most of his time at_ sea
A x/ a/ the B the/ a/ x C x/ the/ the D the/ the/ x
2 Former Prime Minister Phan Van Khai passed at his home March 17" 2018 in Ho Chi
Minh city the age of 84
A out/ in/ at B out/ on/ in C away/ in/ in D away/ on/ at 3 Our young and brave soldiers steadily against the enemy
A advanced B forwarded C furthered D proceeded
4 As is known to all, everyone is born
A alike B equal C same D similar 5 The doctor was praised for her work with her patients
A effortless B groundless C restless D tireless
6 Some _ provinces, including Nghé An and Dong Nai decided to skip fireworks shows on
Lunar New Year' Eve 2018, and instead use_ fund to support poor people
A x/ x/ X B x/ x/ the C the/ the/ x D the/ the/ x 7 My mother is so proud that she has green ; she can grow anything
A arms B fingers C hands D palms 8 Clerk:” I really need to speak to you.” Manager:” %
A No, how dare you! B But I don’t really need it
C Oh, all right if you insist D No, you don’t have to
9 Tom: “How well you are playing!” Mary:” "
A Say it again I like to hear your words B I think so I am proud of myself C Many thanks That's a nice compliment D Thank you too much
10 Phone me before eight, I'll be too busy to talk to you
A unless B whether C otherwise D if 11 She has no difficulty friends at her new school
A to make B making C to do D doing
12 My parents promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, they his word A stood by B stuck at C went back on D held onto
V IDENTIFY the underlined word(s) (A, B, C, D) that is wrong and CORRECT it (1.5pts)
Example:(A) No other quality is more important (B) for a scientist to acquire (C) as (D) to observe carefully
Trang 23
1 (A) A close friend of mine (B) is going to work for a company (C) whose name is not (D) familiar with
2 The governor, with (A) his staff, (B) are in the meeting room (C) watching the election returns (D) on TV
3 Penny never (A) does (B) anything silly She is one of the (C) really sensitive girl I (D) have ever known
1, > 2 > Sa >
VI Complete the passage by writing in each blank with ONE suitable word (1.5 pts)
REASONS TO LEARN ENGLISH — Think of your learning English and read the reasons
1 English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or (1)
finding work abroad
2 English is the language of the media industry If you speak English, you won't need to rely on
translations and subtitles anymore to (2) your favourite books, songs, films and TV
3 English is based on a simple alphabet and it is fairly quick and easy to learn (3) to
other languages
4 English is not only useful — it gives you a lot of satisfaction Making progress feels great You will feel
more excited about learning English if you remember that (4) hour you spend gets you
closer to perfection
5 (5) English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands of schools
around the world that offer programmes in English If you speak English, there're lots of opportunities for you to find an appropriate school and course to suit your academic needs
6 Because it's fun! By learning English, you will also learn about (6) cultures Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours
(Adapted from
VII CIRCLE the best answer for each blank to complete the passage (1.5 pts)
TREES FOR LIFE - Trees are among the biggest and longest-living things on the Earth, some dating back longer than the oldest buildings But (1) being nice to look at, trees also play an important role in improving the quality of our lives
On a world-wide (2) , forests help to slow down the effects of global warming by using up
the gas known as carbon dioxide and (3) the oxygen we need to breathe At local neighborhood
level, trees also bring important environmental benefits They offer shade and shelter, which in turn reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool nearby buildings; at the same time, they also
remove other (4) from the air we breathe
Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily contact with the natural world What’s more, urban trees also provide home for birds, small animals and butterflies
(5) the trees, we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in our cities Regrettably,
however, trees in cities are now coming (6) There is a limit to the level of pollution they can put up with and, down at street level, their roots are being seriously disturbed by the digging needed to make
way for modern telephone, television and other cables
1 A as far as B as long as C as soon as D as well as
2 A scale B size C range D area
3 A emitting B giving out C sending out D transmitting 4 A pollutant B waste C impurities D chemicals 5 A Within B Throughout C Beyond D Without 6 A under threat B in demand C under control D in need
Trang 25
VIII Reading (2.5pts)
Passage 1, Read the passage and CIRCLE the best answers to the questions
The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth to the communications industry Although Samuel
B Morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that the first telegraph line
of consequence was constructed By 1860 more than 50,000 miles of lines had connected people east of
the Rockies The following year, San Francisco was added to the network
The national telegraph network fortified the ties between East and West and contributed to the rapid
expansion of the railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and routes Furthermore,
the extension of the telegraph, combined with the invention of the steam-driven rotary printing press by Richard M Hoe in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism Where the business of news gathering
had been dependent upon the mail and on hand-operated presses, the telegraph expanded the amount of information a newspaper could supply and allowed for more timely reporting The establishment of the Associated Press as a central wire service in 1846 marked the advent of a new era in journalism
1 The main topic of the passage is
A the history of journalism
B the origin of the national telegraph
C how the telegraph network contributed to the expansion of railroads D the contributions and development of the telegraph network
2 The author’s main purpose in this passage is to
A compare the invention of the telegraph with the invention of the steam-driven rotary press B propose new ways to develop the communications industry
C show how the electric telegraph affected the communications industry D criticize Samuel B Morse
3 It can be inferred from the passage that
A Samuel Morse did not make a significant contribution to the communications industry
B Morse’s invention did not immediately achieve its full potential
C the extension of the telegraph was more important than its invention
D journalists have the Associated Press to thank for the birth of the communications industry 4 The word “revolutionized” is closest in meaning to
A destroyed B revolved C gathered D transformed
5 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE about the growth of the communications industry?
A Morse invented the telegraph in 1837
B People could use the telegraph in San Francisco in 1861
C The telegraph led to the invention of the rotary printing press
D The telegraph helped connect the entire nation
Passage 2 Read the passage and CIRCLE the best answers to the questions
In Viet Nam festivals often take place during the three months in spring and in autumn when people
have a lot of leisure time In addition, the climate in spring and autumn is especially suitable for holding
festivals and for festivals goers to enjoy
Traditional festivals constitute a form of cultural activities, a spiritual product which the people have
created and developed during the course of history From generation to generation, the Vietnamese people
preserve the fine tradition of “remembering the source while drinking water.” Festivals are events which represent this tradition of the community as well as honour the holy figures named as “gods” — the real
Trang 27
Accordingly, first and foremost, festivals are events when people pay tribute to divinities that rendered merits to the community and the nation These are occasions when people come back to either their natural
or national roots, which form a sacred part in their mind Furthermore, festivals represent the strength of the commune or village, the local region or even the whole nation Worshipping the same god, the people
unite in solidarity to overcome difficulties, striving for a happy and wealthy life
Moreover, festivals display the demand for creativity and enjoyment of spiritual and material cultural values of all social strata They become a form of education under which fine traditional moral values can be handed from one generation to the next in a unique way of combining spiritual characters with
competition and entertainment games
Festivals are also the time people can express their sadness and worries in a wish that gods might bestow favour on them to help them strive for a better life
(Adapted from: Overview of Traditional Festivals- Viet Nam, Country and peoples) 1 What affects the time to hold festivals in Viet Nam?
A Festival holders’ timetable and festival goers’ preference
B The abundance of fruits and flowers and people’s health
C Weather conditions and people’s working pattern
D People’s preference of leisure time and climate
2 What does the author mean by saying” remembering the source while drinking water”? A Appreciating the contribution of national heroes
B Only drinking water of clear production sources
C Forgetting the outlet as the source is more important
D Comparing the number of gods to the amount of water
3 What does the word “they” in the second paragraph refer to?
A Images B Gods C Characteristics D Invaders 4 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a value of festivals?
A Remembering national heroes B Educating young generations
C Showing community’s union D Questioning personal bad lucks
5 What is the best title of the passage?
A Time, formation and meaning of traditional Vietnamese festivals B Social, educational and historical values of Vietnamese festivals C Similarities, differences and changes in Vietnamese festivals
D When, how and why festivals in Vietnam keep their traditions IX Do as directed (3.5pts)
1 They think that the man holding the hostages is heavily armed (Complete the sentence)
> The man heavily armed
2 It was snowing heavily, so they cancelled the football match (Complete the sentence, using “owing” ) > The football match
Trang 29
6 Your close friend Lan gave a birthday party yesterday You went to the party and enjoyed it very much Write an email (of about 70 — 80 words) to Lan to:
- thank her for the party - say what you like best
Trang 31
HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
L (Gồm 05 trang) Ngày thi: 27/3/2018
Điểm - Ho, tên, chữ ký Ho, tên, chữ ký Sốpháh ˆ Bằng chữ: Part I Part II | PartIII | PartIV | PartV Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX I PART 1 Listen to a teacher giving students some advice for exams and CIRCLE the best answer (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
1 The teacher wants the students to ‘
A take notes after she has finished speaking
B take notes while she is speaking -
C forget about taking notes
2 The teacher suggests the students eat
A sugary snacks B only apoles C fruit and cereals 3 If students feel stressed they should :
A go to bed B go out for a walk C drink some water
4 Students are advised to
A select the important things to learn
B read through everything once C make notes about every topic 5 Students can do past exam papers
A in the library only
B at home if they take photocopies
C in the after-school study group
6 The teacher recommends a break of five minutes every
A hour B two hours C thirty minutes
II Part 2: You will hear a man telling a group of students about a trip to the theatre For each
question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space (6 x 0.25 = 1.5 pts)
Meet at 6.00pm at the (1) of the school The name of the play is (2)
Get a copy of the play from the (3)
Each theatre ticket will cost (4)
After the theatre _ have (5) and coffee
On the return journey, the coach will stop at the (6) and then the school
ANSWER: 1 back gate 2 The Party 3 (school) secretary
4 £15.75 5 ice cream 6 bus station or bus stop III Supply the proper forms of the words in brackets (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
Trang 32
3 Researchers point out that (ADEQUATE) cleaning can lead to serious food
poisoning INADEQUATE
4 (LONELY) can affect the elderly if they are apart from their family LONELINESS
5 The first time I tried out my new bike I (BALANCE) and fell off OVERBALANCED
6 If I were you, I’d spend a bit more and buy the (HARD) version of the book HARDBACK IV CIRCLE the word/phrase that best completes each of the sentences (0.25 x 12 = 3.0 pts)
1 Of all candidates, Mr Jones used to be seaman He spent most of his time at sea A x/ a/ the B the/ a/ x C x/ the/ the D the/ the/ x
2 Former Prime Minister Phan Van Khai passed at his home March 17™ 2018 in Ho Chi
Minh city _ — the age of 84
A out/ in/ at B out/ on/ in C away/ in/ in D away/ on/ at 3 Our young and brave soldiers steadily against the enemy
A advanced B forwarded C furthered D proceeded
4 As is known to all, everyone is born :
A alike B equal C same D similar 5 The doctor was praised for her work with her patients
A effortless B groundless C restless D tireless
6 Some provinces, including Nghé An and Dodng Nai decided to skip fireworks shows on Lunar New Year’ Eve 2018, and instead use fund to support poor people
A x/ x/ X B x/ x/ the C the/ the/ x D the/ the/ x
7 My mother is so proud that she has green ; she can grow anything
A arms B fingers C hands D palms 8 Clerk:” I really need to speak to you.” Manager:” "
A No, how dare you! B But I don’t really need it C Oh, all right if you insist D No, you don’t have to
9 Tom: “How well you are playing!” Mary:” ”
A Say it again I like to hear your words B I think so I am proud of myself
C Many thanks That’s a nice compliment D Thank you too much 10 Phone me before eight, I'll be too busy to talk to you
A unless B whether C otherwise D if 11 She has no difficulty friends at her new school
A to make B making C to do D doing
12 My parents promised me an Oxford dictionary and to my great joy, they his word A stood by B stuck at C went back on D held onto
V IDENTIFY (0.25 x 3 = 0.75 pt) and CORRECT (0.25 x 3 = 0.75 pt)
1 (A) A close friend of mine (B) is going to work for a company (C) whose name is not (D) familiar with
2 The governor, with (A) his staff, (B) are in the meeting room (C) watching the election returns (D) on TV
3 Penny never (A) does (B) anything silly She is one of the (C) really sensitive girl I (D) have ever known
> 1 D > familiar to 2 B > is; 3 C > (really/most) sensible/
VI Complete the passage by writing in each blank with ONE suitable word (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
REASONS TO LEARN ENGLISH — Think of your learning English and read the reasons
1 English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or (1) of
finding work abroad
2 English is the language of the media industry If you speak English, you won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to (2) enjoy your favourite books, songs, films and TV shows
Trang 333 English is based on a simple alphabet and it is fairly quick and easy to learn (3) compared to other languages
4 English is not only useful — it gives you a lot of satisfaction Making progress feels great You will feel
more excited about learning English if you remember that (4) every hour you spend gets you closer to perfection
5 (5) Since/ Because/ As English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands of schools around the world that offer programmes in English If you speak English, there're lots of opportunities for
you to find an appropriate school and course to suit your academic needs
6 Because it's fun! By learning English, you will also learn about (6) other/ different cultures Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours
(Adapted from https://www VII CIRCLE the best answer for each blank to complete the passage (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
TREES FOR LIFE - Trees are among the biggest and longest-living things on the Earth, some dating back longer than the oldest buildings But (1) being nice to look at, trees also play an important
role in improving the quality of our lives
On a world-wide (2) , forests help to slow down the effects of global warming by using up the gas known as carbon dioxide and (3) the oxygen we need to breathe At local neighborhood level, trees also bring important environmental benefits They offer shade and shelter, which in turn reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool nearby buildings; at the same time, they also remove other (4) from the air we breathe
Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily contact
with the natural world Whats more, urban trees also provide home for birds, small animals and butterflies (5) the trees, we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in our cities Regrettably, however, trees in cities are now coming (6) There is a limit to the level of pollution they can put up with and, down at street level, their roots are being seriously disturbed by the digging needed to make way for modern telephone, television and other cables
(26 đề chuyên THCS —- NXB ĐH Quốc gia TPHCM)
1 A as far as B as long as C as soon as D as well as 2 A scale B size C range D area
3 A emitting B giving out C sending out D transmitting
4 A pollutant B waste C impurities D chemicals
5 A Within B Throughout C Beyond D Without
6 A under threat B in demand C under control D in need VIII Reading (0.25 x 10 = 2.5pts)
Passage 1, Read the passage and CIRCLE the best answers to the questions
The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth to the communications industry Although Samuel
B Morse succeeded in making the invention useful in 1837, it was not until 1843 that the first telegraph line of consequence was constructed By 1860 more than 50,000 miles of lines had connected people east of the Rockies The following year, San Francisco was added to the network
The national telegraph network fortified the ties between East and West and contributed to the rapid expansion of the railroads by providing an efficient means to monitor schedules and routes Furthermore, the extension of the telegraph, combined with the invention of the steam-driven rotary printing press by
Richard M Hoe in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism Where the business of news gathering
had been dependent upon the mail and on hand-operated presses, the telegraph expanded the amount of
information a newspaper could supply and allowed for more timely reporting The establishment of the Associated Press as a central wire service in 1846 marked the advent of a new era in journalism
(Tuyển chon các đề thi tiếng Anh — NXB Đại học Sư phạm)
Trang 34
A the history of journalism
B the origin of the national telegraph
C how the telegraph network contributed to the expansion of railroads D the contributions and development of the telegraph network 2 The author's main purpose in this passage is to x
A compare the invention of the telegraph with the invention of the steam-driven rotary press
B propose new ways to develop the communications industry
C show how the electric telegraph affected the communications industry D criticize Samuel B Morse
3 It can be inferred from the passage that
A Samuel Morse did not make a significant contribution to the communications industry
B Morse’s invention did not immediately achieve its full potential C the extension of the telegraph was more important than its invention
D journalists have the Associated Press to thank for the birth of the communications industry
4 The word revolutionized in line 8 is closest in meaning to :
A destroyed B revolved C gathered D transformed
5 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE about the growth of the communications industry?
A Morse invented the telegraph in 1837
B People could use the telegraph in San Francisco in 1861
C The telegraph led to the invention of the rotary printing press
D The telegraph helped connect the entire nation
Passage 2 Read the passage and CIRCLE the best answers to the questions
In Viet Nam festivals often take place during the three months in spring and in autumn when people
have a lot of leisure time In addition, the climate in spring and autumn is especially suitable for holding festivals and for festivals goers to enjoy
Traditional festivals constitute a form of cultural activities, a spiritual product which the people have
created and developed during the course of history From generation to generation, the Vietnamese people preserve the fine tradition of “remembering the source while drinking water.” Festivals are events which represent this tradition of the community as well as honour the holy figures named as “gods” — the real persons in national history or legendary persons The images of gods converge the noble characteristics of
mankind They are national heroes who fought against foreign invaders, reclaimed new lands, treated people, fought against natural calamities, or those legendary characters who affect the earthly life
Accordingly, first and foremost, festivals are events when people pay tribute to divinities that rendered
merits to the community and the nation These are occasions when people come back to either their natural or national roots, which form a sacred part in their mind Furthermore, festivals represent the strength of the commune or village, the local region or even the whole nation Worshipping the same god, the people
unite in solidarity to overcome difficulties, striving for a happy and wealthy life
Moreover, festivals display the demand for creativity and enjoyment of spiritual and material cultural
values of all social strata They become a form of education under which fine traditional moral values can be handed from one generation to the next in a unique way of combining spiritual characters with
competition and entertainment games
Festivals are also the time people can express their sadness and worries in a wish that gods might
bestow favour on them to help them strive for a better life
(Adapted from: Overview of Traditional Festivals- Viet Nam, Country and peoples) 1 What affects the time to hold festivals in Viet Nam?
A Festival holders’ timetable and festival goers’ preference
Trang 35
D People’s preference of leisure time and climate
2 What does the author mean by saying” remembering the source while drinking water”? A Appreciating the contribution of national heroes
B Only drinking water of clear production sources
C Forgetting the outlet as the source is more important
D Comparing the number of gods to the amount of water
3 What does the word “they” in the second paragraph refer to?
A Images B Gods C Characteristics D Invaders 4 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a value of festivals?
A Remembering national heroes B Educating young generations
C Showing community's union D Questioning personal bad lucks
5 What is the best title of the passage?
A Time, formation and meaning of traditional Vietnamese festivals
B Social, educational and historical values of Vietnamese festivals
C Similarities, differences and changes in Vietnamese festivals
D When, how and why festivals in Vietnam keep their traditions
IX Do as directed (0.5 x 5 = 2.5 + 1 pt (Question 6) = 3.5pts)
1 They think that the man holding the hostages is heavily armed (Complete the sentence)
> The man holding the hostages is thought to be heavily armed
2 It was snowing heavily, so they cancelled the football match (Complete the sentence, using “owing” )
> The football match was cancelled owing to the heavy snow
3 Please don’t ask me such a lot of questions (Complete the sentence, using "so”) >I’drather — you didn’t ask me so many questions
4 Linda tiptoed up the stairs because she didn’t want to wake her parents up (Complete the sentence)
> To avoid waking her parents up, Linda tiptoed up the stairs
5 Bed reading/can/quite/good start/babies/get acquainted/reading (Make a complete sentence)
> Bed reading can be quite a good start for babies to get acquainted with reading
6 Your close friend Lan gave a birthday party yesterday You went to the party and enjoyed it very much Write an email (of about 70 — 80 words) to Lan to:
- thank her for the party - say what you like best
- invite her to your birthday party, which will be this Saturday evening
Best wishes,
Lưu ý: - Câu chủ đề và giới hạn chủ đề
- Nêu được từ 2 câu bổ trợ cho câu chủ đề trở lên (2 lợi ích) và nói rõ, giải thích thêm về các câu bổ
trợ đó
- Câu kết luận
- Diễn đạt mạch lạc, logic, sử dụng từ nối phù hợp để chuyển ý
- Bài viết đúng ngữ pháp, dùng từ chuẩn xác, không sai lỗi chính tả - Bài viết đảm bảo số từ theo qui định
TINH BA RIA — VUNG TAU Nam hoc 2017-2018
Topic 01
Hobby is an activity we do for pleasure when we are free Name some different hobbies of yours Describe one hobby that gives you the most joy
- You have 3 minutes to sketch out what you are going to say (You should prepare
notes instead of full sentences and try to speak as naturally as possible) - Your talking time (for recording) should not exceed 2 minutes
TINH BA RIA — VUNG TAU Nam hoc 2017-2018
Topic 02
Talk about a new friend of yours (You should mention who the person is, where he/
she is from, how you got to know each other, why you have become friends, .)
- You have 3 minutes to sketch out what you are going to say (You should prepare notes instead of full sentences and try to speak as naturally as possible)
- Your talking time (for recording) should not exceed 2 minutes
TỈNH BÀ RỊA — VŨNG TÀU Năm học 2017-2018
Topic 03
Reading is a key to knowledge Knowledge is a key to a good future What do you
| think about the saying?
- You have 3 minutes to sketch out what you are going to say (You should prepare
notes instead of full sentences and try to speak as naturally as possible)
- Your talking time (for recording) should not exceed 2 minutes
Topic 04
Talk about the reasons why more and more young people want to live in big cities
- You have 3 minutes to sketch out what you are going to say (You should prepare notes instead of full sentences and try to speak as naturally as possible)
- Your talking time (for recording) should not exceed 2 minutes
Trang 40
TINH BA RIA — VŨNG TAU Nam hoc 2017-2018
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH DE THI NOI Topic 05 What do you think is the most difficult in learning English? What should we do to overcome it?
- You have 3 minutes to sketch out what you are going to say (You should prepare
notes instead of full sentences and try to speak as naturally as possible)
- Your talking time (for recording) should not exceed 2 minutes
TINH BA RIA — VUNG TAU Nam hoc 2017-2018
Topic 06
Talk about an interesting trip you had You should say: when you took the trip, the place you visited, who you were with, what you did during the trip and explain why it was interesting
- You have 3 minutes to sketch out what you are going to say (You should prepare
notes instead of full sentences and try to speak as naturally as possible)
- Your talking time (for recording) should not exceed 2 minutes