Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.Đặc điểm của từ ngữ lóng trên tư liệu của tiếng Hán và tiếng Việt.
Speciality: LinguisticsClassification:
Hanoi - 2022
Trang 2Advisor: Prof.PhD Nguyen Van Khang
Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof PhD Vu Thi Thanh Huong (Institute of Linguistics)
Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof PhD Pham Ngoc Ham
(University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University)
Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof PhD Pham Thi Thu Thuy (Hanoi National University of Education)
The thesis will be defended in front of the school committee in charge of doctoralthesis of Hanoi National University of Education at 2022.
The thesis can be found at:
- Vietnam National Library
- Information center and the library of Hanoi National University of Education
Trang 31 Nguyen Thi Hoai Tam, New conceptions of slang among Chinese linguists.
Language & Life magazine, No 8 (238)-2015.
2 Nguyen Thi Hoai Tam, Method of forming slang words in Vietnamese.
Language & Life magazine, No 12(306)-2020.
3 Nguyen Thi Hoai Tam, Characteristics of Vietnamese slang words from theperspective of meaning and scope of use Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, No 1 (69) -
Trang 4INTRODUCTION1 The rationale for the selected topic
1.1 Slang is a familiar concept in linguistics as well as in life It is a colloquiallanguage which is characterized by local color and tradition It exists together withdifferent social groups, so it not considered the standard language of the society 1.2 According to the theory of social linguistics about social dialects, socialgroups exist, respectively, there will be social dialects, slang is considered a specifictype of social dialect Because of the dependence on social groups, slang is on astrong trend Vietnamese and Chinese society since the 1980s has changed due to theimpact of the market economy and international integration Accordingly, the socialdivide is very strong, social groups appear more and more, making languagevariations formed in Vietnamese and in Chinese also thrive, including slang.
1.3 In slang, words play a major role In other words, slang is made of words.Slangs are created by social groups, so they are characteristic of each social group.However, as a part of a language, slang is formed inseparable from the generalcharacteristics of each language
So, it is necessary to point out the structural and semantic characteristics ofslangs This not only contributes to the study of lexical-semantic characteristics of alanguage but also promotes the use and learning of a foreign language
This is the reason why we select and study the topic "Characteristics of slangwords on Chinese and Vietnamese documents".
2 Purpose and task of research
2.1 Research purpose:
To systematize theoretical issues related to slangs, analyze, compare and clarify thestructural and semantic features of Chinese and Vietnamese slangs The researchresults contribute to the study of slang in particular, the social dialect of sociallinguistics in general and devote to the understanding ethnic cultural characteristics oflanguage.
2.2 Research mission:
Here are the following main tasks: 1) Systematize theoretical points of view instudying the characteristics of Chinese and Vietnamese slangs, thereby building atheoretical basis for the thesis; 2) Study and survey Chinese and Vietnamese slangs
Trang 5on two aspects: structural side and semantic side; 3) Through surveying the structuraland semantic sides of slang words in Chinese and Vietnamese, the thesis aims topoint out the general characteristics of slang words and the specific features of themin each language.
3 Subject, scope and materials of research
3.1 Research subject: The research subject of the thesis is slangy words and phrases
in Chinese and Vietnamese, collected from Vietnamese - Chinese dictionaries andarticles through the media.
3.2 Research scope: The research scope is to study and survey Chinese and
Vietnamese slangs on two aspects: structural side and semantic side Because theconcept of slang words in particular and slang in general associated withmorphemeification is still quite complicated, in this thesis, the researcher limits slangin four social groups: robbery, drug abuse, prostitution and smuggling Slang termsused among these social groups are inherently confirmed with the traditional conceptthat slang links to bad social groups in the society.
3.3 Document sources: Research documents of slangs falls into 1.472 Vietnamese
slangs and 1.472 Chinese slangs from a number of dictionaries and printednewspapers Specifically:
- Nguyen Van Khang (2002), Vietnamese slang dictionary, Science and SocietyPublisher, Ha Noi.
- 李淑娟 最新中国俚语-汉英对照(New slang of China, New World Press)[M].新世界出版社, 2006.
(Ly Thuc Quyen – Li Shu juan (2006), Latest Chinese Slang – Chinese – Englishcomparison ( New slang of China, New World Press) [ M ] , New WorldPublisher.)
- 陆静贞。新编俗俚语大全.浙江古籍出版社, 2007 Lục Tinh Trinh (2007),Great dictionary of new proverbs and slang, Zhejiang Ancient History Publisher.)
- Printed and online articles of newspapers such: People's Public Securitynewspaper, Capital Security newspaper, World Security newspaper, or documentsprovided by friends and colleagues.
- Some films broadcasted on VTV1, VTV3 TV; some forums on media such asFacebook, Weibo, etc.
Trang 64 Research methods and tactics: The thesis uses the following research methods:
Methods of collecting data, method of linguistic description, qualitative research andquantitative research methods; meaning analysis, meaning field and vocabulary-grammar variation analysis, meaning context analysis, and comparison.
5 Contributions of the topic
5.1 Theoretical aspect: Research results of the thesis contribute to clarify the
theoretical and practical achievements on slangs in modern Chinese and Vietnameselanguages, clarify structural and semantic features of Chinese and Vietnamese slangs;at the same time, give comments on the similarities and differences of them, andclarify some basic characteristics of the language variation in the community ofChinese and Vietnamese from the theoretical foundation of Social Linguistics.
5.2 Practical aspect: By using research results, the thesis aims to contribute to the
work of approaching and explaing slang words and slangs as well as their usages,especially in the current context with the ever-increasing number of social groups,making language variants more and more diverse The thesis results will also havegreat contribution in preserving the puriness of Vietnamese, improving the efficiencyof using, teaching and learning Chinese and Vietnamese.
6 Structure of the thesis: In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, and
References, the thesis has 3 chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 Overview of the research situation and theoretical basis.
Chapter 2 Structural features of slang words (from Vietnamese and Chinesedocuments)
Chapter 3 Semantic features of slang words (from Vietnamese and Chinesedocuments)
Trang 7CHAPTER 1
1.1 Overview of the research situation on slangs 1.1.1 International research situation
Appearing from the second half of the 20th century, Social Linguistics revolvesaround researching and systematically explaining the developments and fluctuationsof language under the influence of social factors As a variant used in verbalcommunication, slang is a type of social dialects Authors of studies on slang in the
world such as : "Kansas University Slang: A New Generation" (Dundes Alan andSchonhorn 1963), "The language of the teenage revolution: the dictionary defeated"
(Hudson, 1983), when studying the tendency to use slang by young people in society,
have noticed a major difference between slang and standard English, etc.; Thelanguage of teenage groups - They don't speak our language (Clem, 1976) studied
the language of the youth, namely the standard deviation when using AmericanEnglish; etc.
1.1.2 The research situation in China and Vietnam In China
The study of slang is one of the areas that attracts quite a lot of interested Chineseresearchers The study of Chinese slangs is conducted from many aspects: from puretheory, from slangs in ancient texts, and from slangs in the media such as 最 新 中 国俚 语 - 汉 英 对 照( 李 淑 娟 Li Shujuan, 2006); 现代俚语的概念界定及其形成机理 (闫文培 Yan Wenpei) In Vietnam
Since the beginning of the 20th century, many domestic and oversea scholars havepaid attention to the study of slang in Vietnam One of the first studies on slang in
Vietnam was L'argot anamite (Vietnamese slang) published in the Journal of the
Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (BEFEO) since 1905 by J.N Cheon.
Author Nguyen Van To (1889-1947) had the essay L'argot anamite de Hanoi
published in 1925 The evaluation trends of slang researchers are:
1/ Slangs are an unhealthy phenomenon in language which only exists in a based society and gradually disappears, so it is necessary to take a radical anti-slang
Trang 8class-attitude as well as remove it from the cultural language (Nguyen Van Tu 1976;Nguyen Kim Dien, Nguyen Trong Bau, 1982; etc.).
2/ It is necessary to have a respectful attitude and accept good, positive slang, tocomplement the the national language (Trinh Lien and Tran Van Chanh, 1979;Nguyen Thien Giap, 2002, etc.)
3/ Comprehensive study of slang from the perspective of social linguistics (NguyenVan Khang, 2002), According to the author, slang is a specific variant of sociallinguistics; The concept of "slang" is explored in terms of origin; distinguished fromjargon, at-work language, euphemism; methods of creating Vietnamese slang andtheir function in relation to Vietnamese in general.
1.2 Theoretical basis 1.2.1 Social dialect The concept of social dialect
As long as social groups exist, languages still have social dialects The number ofsocial dialects will be equal to its of social groups The formation of social dialects is
therefore closely related to the social attributes of the communicator "Each memberof society will be classified into different social classes on the basis of a series ofcriteria such as gender, age, occupation, background, cultural level, Social classcharacteristics have a direct impact and create characteristics of language in use"
(Nguyen Van Khang, 2012). Language variants, standard and non-standard variants
Author Nguyen Van Khang (2012) argues that "Language variations are forms ofexistence and transformation of language and expressions of language commonlyused in the same social situation with the same social characteristics" Language
variations have diverse expressions with different levels Despite many controversialopinions about standard language, most researchers now agree that standard languagecan be understood as norms accepted by the social community The opposite is non-standard The fact shows that non-standard does not mean it is wrong Languagedevelopment can transform non-standard phenomena into the norm after a period ofuse Therefore, it is difficult to have a clear-cut boundary between standard and non-standard variants.
Trang Communication community
The communication community is the most important part of the social community,
which “is a group of people who communicate with each other using the samelanguage" (L Bloomfield ) A communication community is a social community
where people use the same language or some certain forms of language In particular,the common feature about the means of communication - language, is the linkconnecting that language community Language choice and language usages
Communication is the most important function of language, because language isborn to perform the function of communication The communication process is
considered the process of applying and choosing the language Accordingly, "Choiceis considered one of the essences of the use and interpretation of language Thechoice of language is conducted at any level of the language such as phonetics,grammar, vocabulary Because just a small transformation in one stage will createa deep sense of pragmatical meaning" (Nguyen Van Khang, 2012). Language attitude
Speaking of language choices, it is impossible not to mention language attitudes.Language attitude is an assessment of the value and behavioral tendencies of acommunity or individual to a language or a language phenomenon There are threelinguistic attitudes that are often mentioned: Loyalty, prejudice, and self-deprecation.
1.2.2 Some problems regarding words, phrases and the meanings of words Words and phrases
a) Word: Word is an important unit of language that attracts a lot of attention fromresearchers However, so far, neither in Chinese nor Vietnamese has a unified view ofit It can be seen that the word has a number of characteristics as follows: Chineseand Vietnamese words are is fixed in form of expression; word always exists and isavailable in every language Words are composed by some methods such as: Single-word formation method (changing the morpheme to create grammaticalcharacteristics and lexical meaning); complex-word formation method (combiningtwo or more morphemes having same properties together in a certain order to createnew words); duplication method (acting on a base morpheme to create another partlyor totally similar morpheme).
Trang 10b) Phrase: here referred to fixed phrase that "has sustainable vocabulary andgrammar" (Diep Quang Ban)
In term of the formation, word and phrase are different in the number ofmorphemes However, in term of the meaning, the meanings of word and phrase areequivalent, denoting (identifying) the same thing or phenomenon Within the scope ofthe thesis, we conceive of slang words including slang phrases and slang words. Word meaning
Word meaning is the spiritual content from which the word manifests It is formedby the combination and impact of many factors, including external ones such asobjects, phenomena in objective reality, users’ mindset and internal language factorssuch as (signal function or structural system of language) Types of word meaningsinclude denotative meaning, significative meaning, pragmatical meaning
1.2.3 Slang and related terms Definition of “Slang”
There are different views of slang On that basis, within the scope of the thesis, weconceive slang as a linguistic phenomenon with basic characteristics: (1) Slang is avariant of social linguistics, associated with a particular social group, created, used bythat social group, clearly expressing the identity of that social group; (2) Slang has alimited, informal scope of use (3) Slang is provisional in nature, appears rapidly andchanges, can be lost quickly However, there are also a few slang words that go intothe linguistic life of people, are accepted and become new elements in the language;(4) Slang is no longer confidential and expands the scope of meaning Distinction between slang and other terms
In the scope of this thesis, we distinguish slang from other terms such as jargon,terminology, at-work word, dialects and euphemism They have certain similaritiesand differences. Characteristics of slang
As a social dialect, slang does not give itself a phonetic or grammatical system,but the difference mainly stems from the lexical resources with all new senses ofmeaning or those that “overlap” the original meanings Slang is built on the basis ofseparating the "expressed" of those slang from the "expressed" of commonly usedwords and at the same time introducing the "new expressive meaning" Therefore,
Trang 11listeners are forced to decode and of course only members of the same social groupcan decode that code
Thus, slang utterances will have the following characteristics: In terms of structure:slang utterances are built on the sentence structure of Vietnamese and Chinese, inwhich slang words only account for a part, but not all Regarding semantics: theutterance is often difficult to understand, or incomprehensible About culture: Thevalues, context and cultural characteristics are contained in slang.
1.3 Sub-conclusion of chapter 1
In chapter 1, we have conducted an overview study of the research situation onslang words in Chinese and Vietnamese, the international research situation and someresearch on Vietnamese and Chinese slangs On the general basis of the researchrelated to the thesis topic, we found that: there have not been any research on thecharacteristics of slang words on Chinese and Vietnamese documents.
Based on the theory system of previous authors, we conducted to learn and studythe characteristics of slang words on Chinese and Vietnamese documents tomorphemeify their structures, semantic features and culturally specific traits towardgroup users in the community At the same time, the researcher added moreillustrative certifications into the theory of social dialect to meet requirements forstandardization in Chinese and Vietnamese teaching in the new context as well as topoint out the similarities and specialties in slang of Chinese and Vietnamese.
Trang 12CHAPTER 2
2.1 Structural features of Chinese slang
2.1.1 Structural features of Chinese slang in general
4 or moremorpheme
Based on these statistical results, some comments can be made as follows:
- Regarding the number of slang words belonging to social groups respectively:slang words in the robbery group have the largest number: 467 (31,73%), drug group:389 (26,43%), prostitution group: 315 (21,40%), smuggling group: 301(20,44%)
- Regarding the number of slang words by the number of morphemes respectively:slang words including 2 morphemes: 739 (50,20%), 1 morpheme: 350 (23,78%), 3morphemes: 253 (17,19%) and from 4 or more: 130 (8,83%)
The reasons of the above phenomenon: Firstly, there is a not great difference
among groups of slang words that on the one hand reflect the objective existence ofsocial groups, on the other hand reflect the interaction in the same illegal socialgroup Therefore, in addition to the slang words used separately within the group,
there is also a common slang using among different groups Secondly, in each social
group there is a difference between the number of morphemes that make up slang.These phenomena initially show that the formation of Chinese slang is very diverse
Trang 13and highly productive.
Table 2.2 Chinese slang by word units
Social groups
Number of word unit
In terms of the part of speech, Chinese slang can be divided into:
- Word: Slang words are nouns: 241 (14,54%); (2) verbs: 116 (7,88%) (3)adjectives: 51 (3,46%);
- Phrase: Slang phrases are noun phrases 556 (37,77%); verb phrases: 417
(28,33%); adjective phrases: 118 (8,02%)
2.1.2 Structural features of Chinese slang in specific Chinese single-syllable slang words
1) In term of the structure, Chinese slang words can also be composed of onemorpheme by means of morpheme magnetization (148 single words)
2) In term of the origin, Chinese single-syllable slang words are divided into nativeslangs (115 words, for examples 爬 cướp; 搬 kiếm được khoản tiền lớn) and foreignslangs (33 words, for examples 笳, 筋 ketamin, 操 fuck)
3) In term of the parts of speech: 77 single-syllable slang words are nouns, forexample: 货 hàng lậu, 妈 ngực phụ nữ; 53 single-syllable words are verbs, forexample: 办 phạt, 崩 bị bắn chết; 18 are adjective, for example: 嗨 phê thuốc, 拽chảnh, 甩 đẹp trai, 切 xì. Chinese complex slang words
Chinese slang words are formed by two methods, which are morphemecompounding and morpheme reduplicating
a) Slang words are mainly compound words (201), appearing in social groups:robbery, for example: 搠包儿 robbery, 大院子 nhà tù; drugs, for example: 鸽子, 迪