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Unit 7 cultural diversity listening

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LESSON PLAN UNIT 7: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Student-in-charge: Hồ Quang Khải Type of lesson: Listening Student’s ID number: DAV187027 Time allowed: 45 minutes Instructor: Trần Thị Thúy Vi Date: 16/3/2022 Grade: 10 Period: Class: 10C I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -Listen to the talk to complete the missing information, using no more than three words -Understand more about Pennsylvania Amish weddings II Teaching materials: textbook, LCD projector, blackboard, miniboard, power point slides, colored chalk III Procedure: Time Content Warm-up: Poisonous apples 5m Instructions: There will be two poisonous apples in each day, Students will choose nonpoisonous one in order to save Snow White from the evil witch Teacher and Students’ Activities -T introduce the game -T tells Ss how to play the game -Ss play the game - The game is about weddings in Vietnam Link: After playing the game, we know more about wedding in Viet Nam, but in this lesson we are going to listen some interesting facts about the wedding traditions of the Amish community Time Content I Pre-listening Vocabulary: 5m -Newly-wed /ˈnjuːliwed/ (N): người vừa cưới -To signify /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/ (V): biểu thị, biểu -Church /tʃɝːtʃ/ (N): nhà thờ -Approval /əˈpruːvl/(N): chấp thuận => Approve (of) /əˈpruːv/ (V): chấp thuận Teacher and Students’ Activities -T uses approriate teachnique to teach vocabulary -T asks Ss to reapeat in chorus, then individually -T asks Ss where the stress are -Ss answer -T asks Ss to take note -T ask Ss to look at the photo of an Amish wedding and elicit Ss’ impressions about this community 5m Activity 1: You are going to listen to a talk about the wedding traditions of the Amish community living in Pennsylvania, the USA Make your own predictions about them by deciding whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) -T runs through the task -T asks Ss to read a number of statements about the Amish community -T asks Ss to read aloud the statement and underline the _ Amish weddings take place in the spring key words in each statement _ Amish parents choose life partners for their children -T helps Ss to understand _ The wedding service is held at the bride’s parents’ these statements if home _ The couple spends the first night at the bride’s home necessary -T asks Ss to work in pairs _ After getting married, a man begins to grow his beard and exchange their predictions -T calls Ss to give prediction and write on the blackboard Time Content II.While-listening Activity 2: Listen to the talk and decide whether these statements are True(T) or False (F) 10m _Amish weddings take place in the spring _Amish parents choose life partners for their children The wedding service is held at the bride’s parents’ home The couple spends the first night at the bride’s home _After getting married, a man begins to grow his beard Key: F F T T T Activity : Listen to the talk again and use the words in the box to fill in 10m Most Pennsylvania Amish weddings take place from late October through (1)……………… on Tuesdays and Thursdays During the ‘wedding season’, some Amish going to (2) ………………… weddings in one day! Amish parents don’t select who their children will marry, but (3)…………… must be given After the wedding service at the house of the bride’s parents, benches are put together to form tables for (4) ………………… for about 200-300 guests After spending the night at the bride’s home, the newlyweds help with the clean-up from the day before The Teacher and Students’ Activities -T has Ss listen to the audio for the first time and try to note down the information that helps them to check their answers Ss work individually -T asks Ss to share with their friends to see if they have the same answers or not -T lets Ss listen to the CD for the second time and try to note down information they didn’t understand the first time -T calls Ss to speak aloud their answers and asks them to give clues to their answers -T lets Ss listen again and pause at certain places if necessary to help Ss hear the information they need -Ss take note -T asks Ss to skim the given text, paying attention to the context around the gaps, and predict the information needed for each gap: e.g parts of speech; their meaning -T asks Ss to share their predictions in pairs -T elicits Ss' predictions -T lets Ss listen and fill in the gaps T lets them listen again, if necessary -Ss should check their Time 10m Content Teacher and Students’ Activities couple then spends the following weekends (5) …………………………, sometimes stopping at five or six houses between Friday and Sunday night Wedding gifts are usually given to them at this time answers in pairs - T elicits Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones -T shows answer on the screen and pause approriately at the missing information -Ss take note III Post-listening -T runs through the task Activity 4: Complete the chart below about the differences between Amish weddings and Vietnamese weddings with suitable words from the box -Ss work in pair in minutes to guess the answer -T calls Ss to answer Ss answer -T gives feedback -Ss work in pair in minutes to ask and answer these questions -T invites some Ss to present – One ask and one answer -Ss present -T gives feedback IV Consolidation 3m 1.Knowledge: Wedding customs/ traditions in the Amish community New words: newly-wed(n), signify (v), approval (n) and approve(v), Skills/ Tips: Making predictions before listening is important -T asks Ss what they have learned so far -T shows Consolidation on the screen Time Content Teacher and Students’ Activities V Homework -Learn vocabulary by heart -Prepare for the next lesson: Unit Cultural DiversityWriting 2m V -T gives homework -Ss take note Evaluation: Long Xuyên, ngày 16 tháng năm 2022 Giáo viên hướng dẫn duyệt Sinh viên thực tập Trần Thị Thúy Vi Hồ Quang Khải ... Students’ Activities V Homework -Learn vocabulary by heart -Prepare for the next lesson: Unit Cultural DiversityWriting 2m V -T gives homework -Ss take note Evaluation: ... Wedding customs/ traditions in the Amish community New words: newly-wed(n), signify (v), approval (n) and approve(v), Skills/ Tips: Making predictions before listening is important -T asks Ss what... wedding and elicit Ss’ impressions about this community 5m Activity 1: You are going to listen to a talk about the wedding traditions of the Amish community living in Pennsylvania, the USA Make your

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2022, 19:27

