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Unit 6 gender equality writting

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LESSON PLAN UNIT 6: GENDER EQUALITY Student-in-charge: Hồ Quang Khải Student’s ID number: DAV187027 Instructor: Trần Thị Thúy Vi Grade: 10 Class: 10E I Type of lesson: Writing Time allowed: 45 minutes Date: 2/3/2022 Period: Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -Write a short text with detailed explanations as supporting ideas -Use linking words in writing a short text -Work in group to share ideas about a particular topic II Teaching materials: textbook, LCD projector, blackboard, miniboard, power point slides, colored chalk III Procedure: Time Content Warm-up: Guess the key word 5m Lead-in “Who can guess the topic of today lesson, raise your hands? That’s right, we are going to learn about working mothers who sacrifice themselves for the sake of entire family Teacher and Students’ Activities -T shows pictures and asks for the key word “What you see in the four pictures class? What is she doing? Who can guess the key word? Yeah, that’s right, Working mother” -T leads in Time Content I Pre-writing Vocabulary -Contribute + to (v): góp phần, đóng góp (Visual) -Domestic (adj): nhà, gia đình (Visual) -Encourage (v): động viên, khuyến khích (Visual -Satisfy (v): làm hài lòng, thỏa mãn (Example) -Salary (n): tiền lương (Visual+translation) 5m Word Jumble II While-writing Activity 1: Fill in the appropriate blanks Advantages of being a working mother Mothers should be greatly encouraged to work outside the home First, working mothers contribute to household income Teacher and Students’ Activities -T uses approriate method to teach vocabulary -T asks Ss to repeat in chorus, then individually -T corrects Ss’pronunciation if any -T uses the game word jumble to check vocabulary - T’s instructions: +We will play a game named Word Jumble +By using the definition, you will reorder the letter to form a word matching with the definition Link: After learning some vocabulary, We are moving to the next part to know more about advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother -T runs through the task -T asks Ss to underline key words in each sentences and read Time 5m 5m Content ……………………………………………… Second, working mothers are good educators for their children ……………………………………………… Finally, working mothers set good examples for their children ……………………………………………… Clearly, mothers should be strongly supported to work outside the home Key: 1.b 2.c 3.a Activity 2: Read the text again and complete the outline Advantages of being a working mother  OPENING: Mothers should be encouraged to work outside the home  BODY: SUPPORTING IDEA 1: Working mothers contribute to household income Explanations: They help pay household expenses and satisfy children's growing needs ………………………………………………………… SUPPORTING IDEA 2: Working mothers are good educators for children Experiences at work widen their knowledge and mature them ……………………………………………………… SUPPORTING IDEA 3: Working mothers set good examples for their children Teacher and Students’ Activities aloud the whole sentence -T asks Ss to work individually in minutes -T checks “What are you going to do?You will work alone or in pair class? How much time you have?” -T calls Ss to fill in the blank and asks for why they choose the answers -T gives feedback and shows answer on the screen -T runs through the task “What are we going to in this task class? How many supporting ideas are there? -T asks Ss to work in pair to complete the task in minutes -T’s checking question: “What will you class? You will in group or in pair class? How much time you have? Time 5m Content 1.………………………………………………………… Such family values as hard work, responsibilities and love pass down ENDING: Clearly, mothers should be strongly supported to work outside the home Key A Life is getting expensive, so women’s salaries are becoming important B They discover strengths and weaknesses, become more knowledgeable and look for good ways to educate children C Children see parents work hard and share domestic responsibilities, and they learn from them Activity 3: Discuss with a partner how the following words are used in the text in First Finally Second Clearly First Second => LINKING WORDS Finally Clearly -> These words are used to connect or sequence the ideas in writing; make the writing more coherent and clear Outline: 15m OPENING: Topic sentence BODY: 1.Supporting idea (First) Explanation………………………………… ………………………………………………… Supporting idea (Second) Explanation…………………………………… ………………………………………………… Supporting idea (Finally) Explanation…………………………………… ENDING: Concluding sentence (Clearly, to conclude, Teacher and Students’ Activities -T calls Ss to speak out their answers -T gives feedback and shows answers on the screen -Ss copy down Link: Have you noticed there are some strange words at the beginning of each suporting ideas,Let’s find out what they are -T asks Ss to work in pair in minutes to discuss about the following words -T calls Ss to asnwer -T shows model and explains about linking words -T explains about and elicits Ss from the outline -T gives example -T gives Ss time to read suggestions -T asks Ss to say what they will write as the topic sentence, supporting ideas 1, 2, 3, and concluding sentence Time Content Teacher and Students’ Activities to sum up, to summarize, in conclusion, in sum, in -T asks Ss to write short, etc.) a short text (of about 150 words) about the Activity 4: Write a similar text about the disadvantages disadvantages of of being a working mother being a working Disadvantages of being a working mother mother on the A having traditional roles: housewives, miniboard housekeepers; doing housework, looking after -T asks Ss to work husbands and children; caregivers for elderly in group in 10 people minutes B not having enough time: men work at office, women -T has Ss write the work at office and at home; after work, chores, take text in class When care of families, no time to relax they finish, ask C not being good workers: tiring household them to present in chores affect work, cannot concentrate or work front of the whole effectively; worry about kids and housework class MODEL: -T walks around OPENING: Mothers should not be encouraged to and offer help if work outside the home necessary BODY: *Alternatively, if Women have traditional roles (First) there is not enough - Housewives, housekeeper time and the lesson - Do housework……… plan is on fire, T Not having enough time (Second) has Ss write the - Men work at office text at home, then - Women have to work at the office and at home collects Ss’ papers Not being good workers (Finally) in the next lesson - Household chores affect work T gives feedback - Cannot concentrate on work - Worry about kids and housework ENDING: Clearly, mothers should not be strongly supported to work outside the home Suggested answer: Mothers should be strongly discouraged from working outside the home First, women have traditional roles as housewives and housekeepers They should stay at home, doing Time 4m 1m Content Teacher and Students’ Activities housework and looking after their husbands and children In extended families where more than two generations live together, women are also the main caregivers for elderly people Second, working mothers not have enough time Men’s work finishes at the office, but women‘s work is extended to their households After an eight-hour working day, these exhausted women have to household chores, take care of their husbands and children without having any time to relax Finally, working mothers cannot be good workers Tiring and boring chores at home negatively affect women’s tasks in their working place They cannot concentrate or work as effectively as those who not have to worry about taking kids to school, picking them up after school and doing housework Clearly, mothers should not be encouraged to work outside the home III Post-writing -T runs through task quickly Work in pair in minutes to list advantages and -T gives examles disadvantages of being a working mother and elicits Ss for Suggested answer: Advantages Disadvantages more ideas Working mothers contribute having traditional roles.-T asks Ss to work in group for to household income minutes Working mothers are good not having enough time -T calls Ss to educators for children not being good workers speak aloud their answers Working mothers set good not being good workers.-T gives feedback and shows examples for their children suggested answers on the screen IV Homework -T gives homework -Prepare for the next lesson -Ss takes note -Learn vocabulary by heart -Practice writing at home Long Xuyên, ngày tháng năm 2022 Giáo viên hướng dẫn duyệt Sinh viên thực tập Trần Thị Thúy Vi Hồ Quang Khải

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2022, 19:27



