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Unit7 cutural diversity speaking

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LESSON PLAN UNIT 7: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Student-in-charge: Hồ Quang Khải Type of lesson: Speaking Student’s ID number: DAV187027 Time allowed: 45 minutes Instructor: Trần Thị Thúy Vi Date: 11/3/2022 Grade: 10 Period: Class: 10C I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Express their opinion about superstitions in different countries - Compare traditions and customs in two countries and discuss those in Vietnam - Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life II Teaching materials: textbook, LCD projector, blackboard, power point slides, colored chalk III Procedure: Tim e Content Warm-up: Noughts and crosses 5m Set the scene: After playing the game, we know some traditions around the world To know more about them, Let’s move to today lesson Traditions around the world Unit 7: Cultural diversity-Speaking-Traditions around the world Teacher and Students’ Activities -T introduces the game “Today, we will play a game noughts and crosses -T divides the class into two groups: A and B -Ss play rocks, scissors, and papers to decide decide who will go first -Ss play the game -T decides who are the winners Instructions: The team choose sentence to answer, if they answer correctly, they will mark a nought or a cross on the screen The winners must have noughts or crosses on a line in order to win the game -T leads in to the lesson *Link: Before we learn about other traditions in the world, let’s learn some vocabularies first Tim e Content I Pre-speaking 5m 5m Vocabulary -Tradition /trəˈdɪʃn/ (n) : truyền thống (Example) =>Traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ (adj): (Infer from the word tradtion) -Table manners /ˈteɪbl mænəz/ (n) : phép lịch ăn uống (Visual-Short Video) -Figure skating /ˈfɪɡə skeɪtɪŋ/ (n) : môn trượt băng nghệ thuật (Visual-Short video + translation) -Samovar /ˈsỉm.ə.vɑːr/ (n): Ấm xamơva (của Nga) (Example + explamation) Task 1: Do the quiz Then read the information in and check your answers (Work in pairs to check your answer) The sandwich was invented in … a Russia b The UK People believe that black cats will bring bad luck in … a Russia b The UK In … it is believed that the bride should wear ‘something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new’, for good luck a Russia b The UK People in … believe that ‘money goes to money’ a Russia b The UK Key b a b a Teacher and Students’ Activities -T uses approriate teachnique to teach vocabulary -T asks Ss to repeat in chorus, then individually -T corrects if there are some mispronunciation -Ss take note *Link: To know more about traditions in Russia and the UK, We move to task -T tells Ss that they will a quiz about two countries: The UK and Russia -T elicits background knowledge about cultural aspects of these countries -T asks Ss to the quiz individually and then check their answers in pairs -T asks Ss to explain their choice -T calls Ss to -T shows answer on the screen and checks with the whole class -Ss take note *Link: After reading about two countries traditions, Let’s talk about something which you find the most interesting Let’s go to activity number -T explains the activity and gives Work in groups Read about one country in (p 20) and Ss handouts -T asks some Ss to model the share the most interesting things about that country with example your group members -T divides the whole class into two big teams of equal number of members: Team A and Team B *Each team (then further divided into smaller groups) will read about one country, either the UK or Russia -T set a time limit for this activity and walk around the classroom to II.While-speaking 10m Tim e Content Teacher and Students’ Activities Handout monitor, facilitate and assist Ss when necessary -Ss will work in group for minutes -T asks Ss to note down the most interesting things about the country that they read and then share the information with other members of their group - One member of each group should take notes of the opinions -T asks several groups at random to report their viewpoints Example: Student A: I think the most interesting thing about ………………… is that ……… …………… … Student B: Do you? I think ……………… is more interesting Student C: I agree with B I find …… …….the most interesting Task Work with a partner from a different group Share with each other what you have learnt about traditions and customs of either the UK or Russia 10m Handout Example: Student A: I read about the UK What I find interesting about the British is that …………………… In addition, they …………………… The most interesting/ Strangest………… thing about them is that …………………… … Student B: Sounds interesting I read about Russia What I like about their traditions and customs is …………… -T runs through the task “Who can read task for me? What will we in task 3, class?” -T invites Ss from different groups T explains the activity by asking student to read aloud the task + One member of Team A will work with one member of Team B + First, T has Ss study the example carefully + In pairs, Ss talk about the traditions and customs of either the UK or Russia -T moves around to assist or listen to different pairs to detect errors / problems -T calls on several Ss at random and have them tell the whole class what they learnt about the other country from the conversation with their partners -T gives feedback on Ss’ performance: e.g pronunciation, ideas, using body language Tim e Content Teacher and Students’ Activities III.Post-speaking 9m Work in groups Make a list of: • Vietnamese popular foods (Group 1) • Vietnamese popular drinks (Group 2) Vietnamese popular sports (Group 3) • Vietnamese popular festivals (Group 4) Discuss and rank the stuffs in your list in the order of popularity Suggested ideas: -Foods: Chung cake (square sticky rice cake) , Pho (rice noodles), Nem (spring rolls) -Drinks: tea, coff ee, soft drinks, fruit juice -Sports: football, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, wrestling -Festivals: Tet holiday, Christmas, Mid-autumn festival IV.Homework 1m -Learn vocabulary by heart -Prepare for the next lesson -T has Ss read the instructions and explain what they are supposed to “What will we in this task class? I would like to divide the class into groups Each group will prepare a list of stuffs on the screen -T asks students to model “Who can help me model the conversation” -Ss work in groups Each group will cover one of the four categories: Foods, Drinks, Sports, Festivals -T asks members of each group to brainstorm ideas and vocabulary and then rank things in order of popularity and fill in the given handouts -T calls on several groups to report their group’s ideas and ranking, and then give feedback -T asks Ss to take note -Ss take note Long Xuyên, ngày 11 tháng năm 2022 Giáo viên hướng dẫn duyệt Sinh viên thực tập Trần Thị Thúy Vi Hồ Quang Khải ...Tim e Content I Pre -speaking 5m 5m Vocabulary -Tradition /trəˈdɪʃn/ (n) : truyền thống (Example) =>Traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/... the UK or Russia -T set a time limit for this activity and walk around the classroom to II.While -speaking 10m Tim e Content Teacher and Students’ Activities Handout monitor, facilitate and assist... pronunciation, ideas, using body language Tim e Content Teacher and Students’ Activities III.Post -speaking 9m Work in groups Make a list of: • Vietnamese popular foods (Group 1) • Vietnamese popular

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2022, 19:27

