Ebook Tiếng Anh thế hệ mới trong ngoại giao - tiếp khách: Lĩnh vực nhà hàng - khách sạn - Phần 2 gồm có 4 bài với 30 tình huống giao tiếp trong nhà hàng, các dịch vụ tiền sảnh, giải quyết các vấn đề phát sinh, trả phòng khách sạn. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để biết thêm nội dung chi tiết.
Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Adjectives Tinh tic self-service tU phuc small nhd Culture and Language In the Restaurant vu Trong nha hang Van hoa va ngon ngff s i t d o w n s o m e w h e r e : ban di tii vi tri diing sang vi tri ngoi s i t s o m e w h e r e ; ban chi d vi tri ngoi h e l p y o u r s e l f to s o m e t h i n g : ban tU lay mot thiigi CO khdc phuc vu ban Day Id he thong tU phuc ma khong vu (self-service) c u p o f thiCdng diCng triCac coffeee hoac tea No khong mot so chinh 32 Taking a Restaurant Reservation by Phone Bat chS trticfc ctnha hang qua dien thoai Good afternoon The Grill Room Restaurant How may I help you? phdi la xdc, chi la mot cum til cho phep ban dem cdc phdn thiic uong: o n e c u p of coffee, t w o c u p s o f coffee, v.v Trong Yes Hello My name is Mike Gordon I'd like to make a reservation for the evening bHa tiec diCng (buffet), nhieu mon an dicgc don thdnli There are four of us, and we'd like a table at about 7:00 hang tren mot ban ddi Cdc vi khdch Idn lugt di qua cdc mon an vd Idy nhUng gi ho mudn h o r s d ' o e u v r e Id mot mon an qua loa No dugc phdt or-DERV dm Id Emma answered the The caller asked for a .and gave some details phone reservation later in about the time and the the day size of the party NgUdi ggi hoi ve viec vd cung cap mot so ddt chd triCac chi tiet ve thai gian vd cudi ngdy Emma trd Idi dien thoai vdo Yes, Mr Gordon We have some very nice window tables for four at 7;00 Emma checked the reservation log on her Computer that a table for four Enima kiem tra nhdt ky ddt cho trudc tren ^dy tinh cua minh Co ndi cho nguai ggi biet rdng cd mot ban ddnh cho bon ngudi Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com She told the caller was available then sudt dn cda bHa tiec Would you like smoking or non? She asked about his seating preferences Co hoi vi sd thich ngoi cua ong ay Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com So we'll see you 7:00 this evening Mr G o r d o n The roses w i l l be o n t h e table before 're seated It's my wife's birthday Could you put a b o u q u e t of a dozen red roses o n t h e table? Certainly, Mr Gordon We'll just a d d t h a t / t o your bill / .and he requested a Emma noted the special service request vd dng ay y^u cdu Emma mot dich vu ddc biet yiu cdu ghi chii .and confirmed the details of the reservation Idi vd xdc nhdn guest khdch, preference sd reservation sU ddt chd trudc Adjective Tinh available CO sdn Others Cdc certainly (adv.) tdt nhien, di khdch mdi thick tit tii khdc nhien cdc chi tiet ddt chd truac Culture and Language ]/an hoa va ngon ngff • a p a r t y for four nghia Id mot nhom bon ngicdi VOCABULARY JlJ VLtNG • l o g Id mot danh • Verbs Dgng ti£ add them answer trd lai ask hoi check kiem tra confirm xdc give [gave-given] cho, cung cdp note ghi chu request yku cdu tell [told-told] noi vai, noi cho biet Nouns Danh tvC bill ho a don bouquet bo hoa caller nguai detail chi sdch Yeu cdu cua dng Gordon ve dich vu ddc biet liin quan d&'n mot mon ddt tien • Mot td (12) bong hong c6 thi ton chi phi Un den 80 la Nhd hdng khong the cung cdp chung nhdn ggi tii't Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com mikn phi cho dng 33 Accoi Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com odating Guests Who Have No Reservation Cung cap phong chS tenicfc cf cho nhvtng vi khach WAITING LIST khong nam«: Itnw You can find a seat in the bar while you \ She took Ms .and estimated the wait for Lopez's name and suggested that a table Co ghi ten cua she wait in the bar vd U6c tinh thai gian chd c6 Lopez len vd de nghi c6 cha quay bdn rUgu di CO bdn danh sdch Ms Lopez walked up to the Emma, the hostess, asked her if she had a reservation hostess station Co Lopez di tai quay cua chieu ddi vien How many are\ in your party? / Emma, nU chieu ddi vien, hoi CO xem lieu c6 c6 ddt cho truac hay khong WAITING LIST Ikne: 20 Emma asked for the She needed a table Emma checked the number of people in for six waiting list Ms Lopez's party Co can mot ban cho Emma kiem tra danh Emma hoi ve so lugng nguai bita tiec cua CO Lopez sdu nguai sdch cha VOCABULARY Verbs ask check estimate find [found-found] need suggest take [took-taken] a name wait Nouns bar hostess party reservation station table wait Waiting list Culture and Language T(/ Vl/NG Dong ta hoi kiem tra Udc tinh tim, tim thdy cdn de nghi ghi ten cha, dgi Danh tvC quay bdn rilgu ntt chieu ddi vien bUa tiec sU dgt cho trildc tram, qudy cdi bdn su: cho, dgi danh sdch cha Van hoa va ngon ngff • to walk up to something Id di ve phia no cho den ban d rat gan • estimate = dodn so lugng • take (someone's) name = ghi ten len danh sdch Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com 34 Explaining That No Table Is Available Giai Melt rang kliong ban help you find another restaurant Mr a n d M r s R e y n o l d s w e n t t o t h e T h e y hadn't reserved a table hotel r e s t a u r a n t Ho dd khong C>ng Reynolds hang cua khdch ddt bdn tritdc The hostess s h o w e d They chose a nearby The hostess t h e m a list of o t h e r Italian r e s t a u r a n t t h e Italian r e s t a u r a n t local r e s t a u r a n t s Ho chgn mot nhd hdng for t h e m Y d gdn Nd: chieu ddi vien dd iViZ chieu cdc nhd khdc d dia san vien cho hp xem mot danh sdch di den nhd ddi goi nhd hdng Ycho hp hang phuang VOCABULARY Tlf Verbs Dong Vl/NG ta call choose There were no tables .and t h e w a i t i n g list Mrs available w a s very long not wait Khong vd dank bdn ndo thi rdt ddi sdch cha Bd Reynolds Reynolds the chef could [chose-chosen] chpn go [ w e n t - g o n e ] di make Idm, sdp ddt [made-made] reserve ddt chd tritac show chl, cho xem wait chd Nouns Danh hostess nU chi^u ddi ••estaurant nhd table bdn Waiting list danh khdng Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com called tU vien hdng sdch cha Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com 15 Seating Guests Sap dat cho ngoi cho hhach tin Adjectives Tinh afraid e r&ng, e so another khdc available CO Italian (thuoc) Y local dia long ddi nearby d gdn, khong xa Others Cdc tii khdc at least it nhdt soon [sooner] (adj.) s6m at the moment luc ndy, hien sdn phuang Emma, the hostess, checked the Porters' "name on her reservation list lEmma, She found their table on the seating chart nH chieu ddi vi^n, kiem tra ten Co tim thdy cua ong bd Porter tren danh sdch ddt bdn cua ho tren bang chd ngoi chd trudc cda c6 Culture and Language Neu Van hoa va ngon ngff ban ddt ban truac ( r e s e r v e a t a b l e ) , ban yeu cdu nhd hdng giU no cho ban vdo mot thai gian nhdt dinh Cdc nhd hdng Y phuc han nhiC mon mi vu thiic an tic Y, chdng ong vd pizza She p i c k e d up .and led the Porters to their She held the chair two menus table for Mrs Porter Co nhdt len hai vd dan ong bd Porter thuc don bdn cda ho Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com den Co gin ghe cho bd Porter Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com wine list ban danh sdch rugu Adjective Tinh tit pleasant viCa y ^Ttable B Hi Emma gave them menus .and offered Mr Porter the wine list Emma vd dua cho dng Co chuc ho dn ngon dua cho hg cdc thUc don She wished them a pleasant meal Porter danh sdch riigu mieng Culture and Language Van hoa va ngon ngff wish (someone) a pleasant meal = noi rang ban hy vgng ngUdi thich bita dn cua minh • Thuc don (menu) liet ke thiic dn md ban cd thi ggi Danh sdch rUgu (wine list) thUdng tdch ri^ng vdi thUc don VOCABULARY TLf Vl/NG Verbs Dgng ta check kiem tra enjoy thudng find [found-found] tim thdy give [gave-given] cho, dUa hold [held-held] giU lead [led-led] ddn offer dUa ra, di nghi pick up nhdt l^n wish chiic, cdu chuc Nouns Danh tvC chair cdi ghe list danh sdch meal bUa dn menu thUc don reservation sU ddt chd trudc seating chart bang xep ddt chd ngoi thjic Vi.J i Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com 36 Taking a Beverage Order and Serving Beverages Nhan th%Xc uS'ng khach ggi va phuc vu thiTc uohg She placed Mr Porter's He poured his own beer bottle of beer on the while Katie gave M r s table and set a beer Porter her orange juice glasses glass next to it Ong TrUac c6 rdi di, Co ddt chai bia cua Katie dua cho CO ong Porter tr^n bdn bd Porter nUdc cam ep ly niCdc cua hg vd ddt ly bia gdn cua bd rot bia cua minh Before she left, she refilled their water rot ddy Iqi cdc VOCABULARY TLf Vf/NG Verbs Dgng tie fill an order dap ling cdc mon an khach ggi introduce oneself tu giai thieu leave [left-left] rai di, rai khoi place ddt pour rot filled .and she returned refill ddy Iqi glasses of water and Katie's beverage order to t h e table with a for her tray of drinks return walked the beverage trd vk order up to the bar Nhan set [set-set] d^t Co rot hai ly nUac qudy riiqu dap ling Iqi set [set-set] down di xudng vd mang phieu ggi phieu ggi thiic ud'ng thiic uong take [took-taken] an order nhan thiic uong khach ggi thiic uong den qudy cua Katie cho c6 Nouns Danh tvC bar qudy bdn ricgu bartender nhan vien phuc vu d qudy ricqu She poured ban ruau two The bartender vien phuc vu vd CO quay trd bdn vdi khay Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com ^^KTTraking a Meal Order beer bia beverage thiic uong bottle chai drink thric uong glass cdi ly orange juice nude cam ep order su ggi dd dn, thiic uong rock dd server nguai phuc vu table bdn tray cdi khay water nude Nh$n man an Uhach gpi """""ifilt She w r o t e t h e t a b l e First, s h e took M r s the number, the number of Porter's order guests, and her server TrUdc tien, cv ghi mon dn bd Porter ggi Porters were ready to order Katie kiem tra de bdo number on the check Adjectives Tinh tit light nhe, nhat one's o w n cua ri^ng Culture and Language Katie c h e c k e d t h a t dam rdng 6ng bd Porter dd sdn sang ggi mon Co ghi so bdn, so luang khdch vd so cua ngUdi phuc vu l^n hoa don Van hoa va ngon ngff Table* Coy*r>: S*ry*r beverage Id thiic uong drink (thiic uong) c6 the la thiic uong c6 (bia, rupu v.v ) hodc thiic uong khong c6 (nudc, nUdc ep trdi cdy v.v ) take a n order = viet nhQng gi khdch muon U cdc nhd hang Bdc My, ngUdi pha ch^ rUgu (bartender) thudng dUa cho cdc nhdn vien phuc vu bdt cii thiic uong ndo md khdch ggi, thgm chi Id cdc thiic uong khong c6 "set" nghia Id ddt d mot chd "set down" nghla Id "ddt mot thii gi md bg,n dang mang len be mat." Then Mr Porter She asked Mr Porter Katie wrote down the ordered his entree how he liked his steak order on the check Saa 6ng Porter §91 mon dn chinh cf^a 6ng cooked Katie viet mon dn khdch ggi l^n hoa den Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com C6 hoi 6ng Porter xem 6ng thich mon thit cua 6ng dugc ndu nhu the ndo Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com steak mon thit nicdng table number so ban Adjectives Tinh tiC medium rare tdi vica ready sdn sang Culture and Language Neu VOCABULARY Tif VLfNG Verbs Dqug tii ask hoi check kiim tra cook ndu dn like thich order ggi mon dn, ddt mon dn put [put-put] in dita cho take [took-taken] lay write [wrote-written] vi^t, ghi write [wrote-written] down ghi ra, viit Nouns Danh tit check hoa dan entree mdn chinh kitchen nhd menu thuc dan order sU ggi mon dn, mon dn khdch ggi server ngicdi phuc vu Van hoa va ngon ngff ban ggi mon ddu tien (entree), c6 nghia la mon dn chinh cua bita dn d My, nhung d cdc bita dn rdt trang trgng d Anh, bUa entree bUa dn Thuc la mon dn nhd duqc phuc vu triiac chinh dan Id danh sdch mon dn ma bg,n c6 thi dn nhd hdng Neu ban dn theo mon (a la carte), danh sdch riing bg.n chgn mdi mon til thay vi dn ket hop cdc mon dn vdi gid c6 dinh Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com 38 Serving Food Phuc vy thvtc an It should be just a few more minutes for your steak and your lobster She served the entrees Co phuc vu cdc mon Katie brouglit dinner salads and a basket of bread to the Porters' table She said that their entrees would be ready soon Co noi rdng mon an Katie mang oca lack vachinh cua ho se sdm ro bdnh mi den ban CO sdn cua ong bd Porter The chef called that the Porters' order was up Bep trudng cho rdng mon dn cua 6ng bd Porter da xong an chinh Katie chdt cdc dia len khay She carried the tray and a foldout stand to the Porters' table She set the tray down on the stand Co ddt khay xuong Co mang khay vd gid gdp cat gid den ban cua ong bd Porter and wished them a pleasant meal Katie kiim tra di tlidy vd chuc ho CO rdng mgi thil dd on tlioa mot biJCa dn vita y VOCABULARY Tlf VL/NG Verbs Dgng tin be [was/were-been] up dd Idm xong bring [brought-brought] mang call goi, cho Id carry mang check kiim tra enjoy thitdng thiic load Katie loaded the plates onto a tray Katie checked to see that everything was all right ' " •• chdt offer di nghi say [said-said] noi serve phuc vu set [set-set] down ddt xudng Wish cdu chuc, chuc 'fv n'U Vu't Nouns Danh tiC basket cdi ro Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com chu Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com credit card service directory th^ tin dung viec todn tiin phong khdch san nhanh cuqc gqi ngi hat vdn dk danh dich vu Adverb TrtjLng ready sdn sang express checkout local call problem Culture and Language 59 Exchanging Currency JDoM tien Could t get some Malaysian ringgit please? MR 0 tie Van hoa va ngdn ngit Trong express checkout, hoa don diigc giao b^n duoi ci2a phong N^u hoa don diing, khdch khong phdi diCng lai tai ban /I tdn truac roi khdi khdch san At check-out, Sandra asked about The posted exchange rates getting some foreign currency showed that she could exchange Luc trd tiin phong, Sandra hoi ve viec doi mot it ngog,i te US$27 for 100 ringgit Ty gid hd'i dodi ditoc ddng cho thdy rang c6 c6 thi doi 27 ddla di Idy 100 dong ringgit disPUTE (dgng tU; trgng dm nhm tren dm ti^t thiZ hai) = not [diiu gi do] la khong dung Dispute (danh tii; trgng dm ndm tren dm tiet thii nhdt) = su bdt dong He filled in some fields .and entered the her traveler's checks, in the automatic currency amount so Rob asked to see converter traveler's checks She was paying with her passport of the Anh dien vdo mot sd vd nhdp lugng Co dang todn muc chuong trinh tiin cua sec du lich bang sec du lich, vi chuyin ddi tien te tu vdy Rob yku cdu cho dgng xem ho chi^u cua c6 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com ringgit traveler's check Adjectives Tinhtit foreign (thudc) nude ngodi duac yit, dupe cdng bo posted Sandra countersigned the checl