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UNIT 6: COMMUNITY SERVICES A VOCABULARY (TỪ VỰNG) Lesson No Words Transcription Meaning bus station (n) /ˈbʌs steɪʃn/ Bến xe buýt hospital (n) /ˈhɑːspɪtl/ Bệnh viện library (n) /ˈlaɪbreri/ Thư viện police station (n) /pəˈliːs steɪʃn/ Đồn cảnh sát post office (n) /ˈpəʊst ɑːfɪs/ Bưu điện train station (n) /treɪn steɪʃn/ Ga tàu hỏa Lesson No Words Transcription Meaning 10 bag (n) /bæɡ/ Túi 11 bottle (n) /ˈbɑːtl/ Chai 12 can (n) /kæn/ Lon 13 glass (n) /ɡlæs/ Thủy tinh 14 jar (n) /dʒɑːr/ Lọ, hũ 15 pick up (v) /pɪk ʌp/ Nhặt 16 plastic 17 recycle (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ Tái chế 17 reuse (v) /ˌriːˈjuːz/ Tái sử dụng 18 throw away (v) /θrəʊ əˈweɪ/ / Vứt 19 trash (n) /træʃ/ Rác (n/adj) /ˈplæstɪk/ Nhựa Lesson No 20 Words charity Transcription (n) /ˈtʃærəti/ Meaning Hội từ thiện 21 donate 22 free 23 protect 24 wildlife (v) /ˈdəʊneɪt/ Qun góp /friː/ Miễn phí (v) /prəˈtekt/ Bảo vệ (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ Đời sống hoang dã (adj) Further words No Words Transcription Meaning 26 environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ Môi trường 27 supermarket (n) /ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt/ Siêu thị 28 purpose (n) /ˈpɜːrpəs/ Mục đích 29 instruction (n) /ɪnˈstrʌkʃn/ Hướng dẫn 30 newspaper (n) /ˈnuːzpeɪpər/ Báo chí 31 magazine (n) /ˈmỉɡəziːn/ Tạp chí 32 create (v) /kriˈeɪt/ Sáng tạo 33 cleanup (n) /ˈkliːn ʌp/ Sự thu dọn, Sự dọn dẹp 34 take part in (v) /teɪk pɑːrt ɪn/ Join: Tham gia 35 organization (n) /ˌɔːrɡənaiˈzeɪʃn/ Tổ chức B GRAMMAR (NGỮ PHÁP) I Articles: “a, an and the” Cách dùng A/an - Dùng trước danh từ đếm số - Dùng a danh từ bắt đầu phụ âm - Dùng an danh từ bắt đầu nguyên âm (nguyên âm a, o, i, e, u) - Dùng a hay an ta vào cách phát như: a union, an uncle, an hour, * Lưu ý sử dụng a/an để nói người, vật, nghề nghiệp Ví dụ: - He’s a teacher - He works as a teacher * Khi mơ tả tóc: hair Danh từ hair ln dạng số khơng có mạo từ đứng trước Ví dụ: - She has a long nose - He’s got dark hair Không dùng a/an trường hợp: Với danh từ không đếm được, với sở hữu, sau kind of, sort of: rice/ my book/ kind of tree Cách dùng The “The” dùng trước danh từ số danh từ số nhiều danh từ xác định Ví dụ: - The dog that bit me ran away - I was happy to see the policeman who saved my cat - I saw the elephant at the zoo * Lưu ý: trường hợp sau ta dùng One mà không dùng a/an - Trong so sánh đối chiếu với “another” hay “other” (s) Ví dụ: - One boy wants to play football, but the others want to play volleyball (Một cậu thích chơi bóng đá cậu khác lại thích chơi bóng rổ.) - Dùng One day với nghĩa: ngày Ví dụ: - One day I’ll meet her again (Một ngày gặp lại ấy.) - Dùng với hundred thousand ta muốn thông báo số xác Ví dụ: - How many are there? About a hundred? - Exactly one hundred and three (Có bao nhiêu? Khoảng trăm phải khơng? Chính xác trăm linh ba.) - Ta dùng only one just one Ví dụ: - We have got plenty of sausages, but only one egg (Chúng ta có nhiều xúc xích cịn trứng.) II Prepositions of place - Next to: bên cạnh A tall handsome man sat next to me on the plane to Ha Noi - Between: I am sitting between Ha and Lan - Opposite: đối diện His house is opposite a bookstore Giới từ Nơi chốn Next to/ beside (bên cạnh) - My house is next to Lan’s house (Nhà bên cạnh nhà Lan.) - The clock is between the picture and the calendar Between (ở giữa) (Đồng hồ nằm tranh lịch.) Opposite/ - The restaurant is opposite the park across from (Nhà hàng đối diện với công viên.) (đối diện với) Near/ close to (gần đó) In (trong, ở) - I live near my school (Tôi sống gần trường.) a Khoảng không gian lớn vũ trụ, thành phố, thị trấn, quốc gia b Khoảng không gian chứa nước c Các hàng, đường thẳng d Khoảng không gian khép kín phịng, tịa nhà, hộp e In (khơng có mạo từ): người nơi f Phương hướng On (trên, có bế mặt tiếp Ví dụ a Vị trí bề mặt b Trước tên đường - in space: vũ trụ - in Viet Tri city: thành phố Việt Trì - in Vietnam: Việt Nam - in the ocean: đại dương - in the lake: hồ - in a row: hàng ngang - in a queue: hàng - in the room: phòng - in the box: thùng - in this office: quan - in prison: tù - in the South/ East/ West/ North: phía Nam/ Đơng/ Tây/ Bắc - on the floor: sàn - on the chair: ghế xúc) At (ở) In front of (phía trước) c Phương tiện lại (trừ car, taxi) d Chỉ vị trí e Cụm cố định - on the beach: biển - on Le Loi Street: đường Lê Lợi - on the train: tàu - on the bus: xe buýt - on the left/ right: bên trái/ phải - on the top of: đỉnh - on phone: nói chuyện điện thoại - on the average: trung bình a Địa điểm cụ thể b Chỉ số nhà c Chỉ nơi làm việc, học tập d Chỉ kiện, bữa tiệc - at the airport: sân bay - at the shop: shop - at 50 Tran Hung Dao Street: số 50 đường Trần Hưng Đạo - at work/ school/ college/ university: chỗ làm/trường/cao đẳng/đại học - at the party: buổi tiệc - at the concert: buổi hòa nhạc - I am standing in front of your house (Tôi đứng trước nhà bạn.) Behind - The cat is behind the table (đằng sau) (Con mèo đằng sau bàn.) 10 Above/ over - There is a ceiling above my head (ở trên, cao hơn) 11 Under/ below (Có quạt trần đầu tôi.) - The dog is under the table (ở dưới, thấp hơn) (Con chó nằm bàn.) 12 From - I am from Danang (Tôi đến từ Đà Nẵng.) (từ nơi đó) 13 Inside - Please put the trash into the bin (bên trong) (Làm ơn bỏ rác vào thùng.) 14 Outside - Don’t go outside (Đừng ngoài.) (bên ngoài) - Among these cars, I love the red one 15 Among (ở nhiều vật) (Trong số xe này, tơi thích màu đỏ.) 16 Against - I am against the wall (Tôi đứng tựa vào tường.) (tựa vào) - The supermarket is across the street 17 Across (bên kia) (Siêu thị bên đường.) - The child is running around the garden 18 Around (xung quanh) (Đứa bé chạy quanh vườn.) 19 down (xuống) - The stone is falling down 20 up (lên trên) - I am going up the stairs (Tảng đá lăn xuống.) (Tôi lên bậc thang.) III Imperatives Định nghĩa - Câu mệnh lệnh câu dùng để sai khiến, lệnh đề nghị người khác làm việc Chủ ngữ câu mệnh lệnh ngầm hiểu “you” - Câu mệnh lệnh dùng đơn dạng thức nguyên thể (khơng có “to”) động từ Cấu trúc Dạng Khẳng định Phủ định Cấu trúc Verb (động từ) + object (tân Don’t + verb ngữ) preposition object/ Verb (động từ) + preposition (giới từ) - Open the door (Hãy mở cửa ra) Ví dụ + - Don’t open the window - Close the door (Hãy đóng cửa (Đừng mở cửa sổ) lại) - Don’t cry (Đừng khóc) - Come in (Mời vào) - Don’t stand up (Đừng đứng - Sit down (Mời ngồi xuống) dậy) Có thể dùng “please” (làm ơn, xin mời) câu mệnh lệnh làm cho câu nhẹ nhàng lịch hơn, đặt đầu cuối câu Lưu ý Ví dụ: - Sit down, please (Xin mời ngồi xuống) - Please stand up (Làm ơn đứng dậy) - Don’t make noise, please (Làm ơn đừng làm ồn.) C EXERCISE (BÀI TẬP) ❶ PHONETICS I Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group A recycle sky A post paper A southest athroom A definitions welcome A charity donation B library B hospital C fly D C plastic D news B throw C another B environment C preposition B program C trash D b D D A around found B about A plants throws A elephants ans C country B jars B protects A foxes ines 10 A picked laughed B bottles D C gardens D C handbooks C clothes B helped D cle D magaz C created D II Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group 11 A station onate B bottle C reuse 12 A wildlife D useful B protect C purpose 13 A charity ecycle B hospital C library 14 A recycling D direction 15 A supermarket C environment B container B community D imperative ❷ VOCABULARY I Write the suitable word for each picture (Places) C newspaper D d D r 10 11 12 II Write the suitable word for each picture (Things) III Match the words with the descriptions hospital trash charity donate library can protect post office a give money, food, clothes, etc to someone or something b Some drinks such as cola come in these metal containers c a place where doctors and nurses work d make sure that somebody or something is safe e a place where you buy stamps and send letters f an organization for helping people or animals g You throw this away h People can come here to read books for free Being a firefighter (dangerous) This armchair The Health This She Carol new is _ is _ (comfortable) fridge is (convenient) is film is the than builder old one old one the money than than that My _ (beautiful) film Tam singer than _ (difficult) car is _ (inconvenient) a than _ (exciting) is red than _ (important) is is being _ _ (popular) 10 French than Mary than 11 The 12 The 13 This pagoda is _ (historic) than that one 14 This movie than that one 15 The 16 China 17 This palace in my (modern) city novel is _ _ (crowded) is (boring) the _ is _ (terrible) center (polluted) is country than Chinese _ than blue than this the than than one one suburb Vietnam that one 18 I think 19 English 20 This big cities (exciting) is car are _ than _ (interesting) small than is _ (wonderful) villages Maths than mine IV Write the comparative & superlative forms of the following adjectives Tính từ So sánh So sánh Nghĩa Strong Colourful Tall Comfortable Heavy Expensive Good Wonderful Dangerous Hot Beautiful Intelligent Ugly Fashionable Interesting Important V Complete the following sentences using the superlative of adjectives in brackets My dad is _ (funny) dad in the world Whales are _ (heavy) Mice My bedroom is _ (comfortable) I am For English people, Japanese is _ language to learn (difficult) That was My sister My are _ (cute) film _ world the world my the house world I’ve ever seen person I know my family ever read person That 11 _ I’ve ever travelled is from London to San Francisca (far) 12 What’s _ (dangerous) is book in 10 13 Spain Europe _ (strange) the in in is _ (tidy) is in room cook _ (sad) grandmother (old) in animal _ (bad) was animals animal I’ve in _ (sunny) _ (hot) place your country? country 14 What’s 15 What’s _ (late) 16 It’s a very nice house It’s _ house in the street (nice) you’ve you’ve in ever stayed ever up visited? at night? 17 This is a cheap restaurant It’s _ I’ve ever been (cheap) 18 She’s a very good tennis player Her trainer says she is _ (good) 19 He’s a very dangerous criminal _ in the country The police says he is (dangerous) 20 We should buy him a beautiful present Last year we gave him _ gift of all in his birthday (beautiful) VI Write the sentences using the superlative form Nga/ beautiful/ her class _ We/ like/ wearing/ late/ fashion _ You/ pretty/ girl/ in class _ The red dress/ attractive/ in the shop _ I/ always/ tell/ fun/ jokes _ Who/ short/ person/ in your family? _ Who/ independent/ person /you /know? _ My brother/ tall/ in the class _ Who/ good/ singer/ in the world? _ 10 He/ popular/ singer/ in the world _ ❹ READING I Read and write True (T) or False (F) for the statements Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam Over eight million people live in Hanoi and it is the second most populated city in the country The weather is not as hot as in the south and the coolest time of year is from September to November This is one of the best times to visit Hanoi is one of the oldest cities in Vietnam and has a long and interesting history You can see many beautiful traditional Vietnamese and French buildings around the capital Hanoi also has the most universities in Vietnam and you will find students from all around the country studying there Although some restaurants are expensive in Hanoi, you can eat great food for a good price You should definitely visit Hanoi when you come to Vietnam Sentences Hanoi has a population of over eight million people Hanoi is the most populated city in Vietnam There are only many beautiful traditional Vietnamese buildings Hanoi has the most universities in Vietnam Many restaurants are expensive in Hanoi True/ False II Read and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) Singapore and Kuala Lumpur I recently traveled to two fantastic cities, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore have many differences (1) they are both great places to visit So what you when you only have time to visit one? Here are some points to help you There is a lot to see and in both cities, Kuala Lumpur is (2) and you might need to travel quite far to get to some attractions Both have many (3) malls but Singapore has more amusement (4) I think Singapore is more modern than Kuala Lumpur in some ways The public transportation system is fast and comfortable Malaysian buses and trains can be very crowded One of the best things about Asian countries is their food Both cities (5) many tasty dishes, but in my opinion, food in Kuala Lumpur is cheaper Now, you know the differences, which city is best for you? A so ecause A big bigger A shopping shopping A the park A has have B and C but B bigger C biggest B the shop D shop B parking B having D b D the C the C park C have D parks D to III Read the article and answer the questions Seoul is the capital city of South Korea It has a population of nearly ten million people and is the most populated city in the country Seoul has four seasons From November to March, the weather is cool with the coldest month being January The best time to visit is from April to June The hottest month is August Seoul has a very long history and there are a number of city walls These are about two thousand years old The downtown area of Seoul has traditional buildings like palaces and city gates but most of the city's architecture is modern There are excellent shopping malls in the city Seoul National University is the most important in the country and many students from other provinces study there It is the most expensive city in South Korea but it is easy to find delicious and cheap street food You should visit Seoul when you go to South Korea How Seoul? _ many people live in _ When Seoul? _ should we visit _ What Seoul? _ old buildings can we see in _ What Seoul? _ Is city? is cheap to buy in _ South Korea the most expensive ❺ WRITING I Unscramble the words to complete the sentences Moscow/is/than/polluted/London./more/think/I _ This/most/is/expensive/article/Singapore/the/city/says/in/the/world _ New York/than/has/more/museums/Mexico City _ January in/than/Da Nang/hotter/is/in Paris _ cleanest/USA./the/is/city/in/the/Honolulu _ than/Hanoi/think/I/crowded/is/more/Phu Quoc _ modern/think/Los Angeles/is/more/than/Berlin _ II Look at Peter’s plan and write sentences Vacatio _ n plan • if rain _ - café _ • if museu _ m (busy) - cathedra _ l • tower _ - if opera house (closed) • if palace (busy) won't go • old bridge if have time III Write a paragraph about Seoul (using the notes) or a city you know Write 50 to 60 words Seoul Where it is: South Korea Capital city, most populated in South Korea Weather: hot summers and cold winters Famous for: • modern buildings, palaces, old houses • shopping malls Other interesting facts: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • home of some of the biggest companies in the world • many South Korean actors and singers live there D FURTHER PRACTICE (LUYỆN TẬP) I Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences (First conditional) If you (send) _ this letter now, she (receive) _ it tomorrow If I (do) _ this test, I (improve) _ my English If I (find) _ your ring, I (give) _ it back to you Peggy (go) _ shopping if she (have) _ time in the afternoon Simon (go) _ to London next week if he (get) _ a cheap flight If her boyfriend (phone she (leave) _ him not) If / not) _ they (study / not) _ _ the exam harder, today, they (pass / If it (rain) _ tomorrow, I (have to / not) _ water the plants You (be able/ not) _ to sleep if you (watch) _ this scary film 10 11 Susan (can / move / not) _ into the new house if it (be / not) _ ready on time If I (study) _, I (pass) _ the exams 12 If the sun (shine) _, we (walk) _ into town 13 If he (have) _ a temperature, he (see) _ the doctor 14 If my friends (come) _, I (be) _ very happy 15 If she (earn) _ a lot of money, she (fly) _ to New York 16 If we (travel) _ to London, we (visit) _ the museums 17 If you (wear) you (slip) on the rocks sandals 18 If Rita (forget) _ teacher (give) _ her a low mark in her the mountains, homework, the 19 If they (go) _ to the disco, they (listen) _ to loud music 20 If you (wait) _ a minute, I (ask) _ my parents II Rewrite the following sentences (First conditional) He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam → If She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam → If He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car → If He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough → If → If She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party I will get a work permit I will stay for another month → If He doesn’t take any exercises He is so unhealthy → If We can’t get the ticket because I don’t have money → If Study hard or you won’t pass the exam → If 10 Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes → If III Write the comparative form of the adjectives to complete the sentences There is nothing than going on a trip (exciting) Your tee-shirt Which Your you car Gold is New York I think looks (fantastic) like , (good) is (valuable) is need Which is to , (big) any a or meat? mine! than tiger silver than go (far) skirt! than (large) much this fish (fast) geography is (easy) No with Seattle than science ! or a lion? 10 Mike is 11 I’d like 12 Climbing 13 He was in his life than in his youth (lucky)/ (late) to (tall) have (long) mountains is (dangerous) hair than It’s John too short than now hiking 14 We need to buy a _ table but it has to be _ than the one we saw yesterday (big)/ (cheap) 15 I think Madonna is (famous) 16 It’s 17 I’ll talk to my mother Her advice will be than yours (useful) 18 I’m much at tennis than my sister (good)/ (old) 19 Life to (far) is the than (complicated) bank you than Janet than I believed it Jackson thought to be 20 I’m a bit than my brother but he’s (thin)/ (tall) IV Write the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives to complete the sentences Football Can It’s you is sport _ (popular) think of something (intelligent) _ the _ day (short) in of world to say? year London is This The Living in the countryside is _ living in the city (peaceful) Who is That’s _ (delicious) chair _ (big) is weather _ (comfortable) is (bad) getting _ (clever) _ in the I’ve ever had ever heard She was a very intelligent student She was _ girl in her (intelligent) 12 It’s a very old castle Experts argued it is _ in Britain (old) 13 I’m going to sleep on the sofa The floor is _ than it (uncomfortable) 14 This new job is _ for me than the last I had (important) 15 Living in the countryside is _ than leaving in town (healthy) 16 These instructions were _ ones I have ever read (difficult) 17 This is the necklace I have ever seen: I can’t believe it’s $1,000,000! (expensive) car is (fast) _ I’ve class? 11 class sports speech one It The _ (boring) meal that 10 18 was Birmingham than the minivan 19 This movie is _ than the one that we saw last week (interesting) 20 My class starts _ in the morning than yours does (early) V Rewrite the following sentences This exercise is easier than that one → That exercise is The black car is cheaper than the red car → The red car This film is more interesting than that one → That film is This river is longer than that one → That river is Miss Lan is older than Miss Nga → Miss Nga is My kitchen is smaller than yours → Your kitchen Her old house is bigger than her new one → Her new house The black dress is more expensive than the white one → The white dress In my opinion, English is easier than Maths → According to me, Maths 10 This computer works better than that one → That computer .. .21 donate 22 free 23 protect 24 wildlife (v) /ˈdəʊneɪt/ Qun góp /friː/ Miễn phí (v) /prəˈtekt/ Bảo vệ (n) /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ Đời sống hoang dã (adj) Further words No Words Transcription Meaning 26 . .. Meaning 22 happen (v) /ˈhæpən/ Xảy ra, diễn 23 specific (adj) /spəˈsɪfɪk/ Cụ thể, rõ ràng, rành mạch 24 attack (v) /əˈtỉk/ Tấn cơng 25 president (n) /ˈprezɪdənt/ Tổng thống, chủ tịch 26 male (adj)... night), cụm từ cố định - in January: vào tháng - in 20 10: vào năm 20 10 - in summer: vào mùa hè - in the 1 960 s: vòa năm 1 960 - in the morning: vào buổi sáng - in time: lúc, kịp lúc - in the end:

Ngày đăng: 10/02/2022, 15:24

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