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  • ? Choose a correct answer (1a P7)

  • - Asks Ss to choose a suitable answer before listening.

  • . Model sentences (Remember)

  • - Elicit the question from students

  • ? Practice asking and answering questions using "How"? Recall how to use a passive sentence.

  • ?? Role-play the short conversation in 1d P7.

  • ? Creat your short conversations. Use the colloquial expressions in 1c P7

  • 2. Write the words (2 P7)

  • ? Work in pairs. Write the means of transport under the right pictures.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • 3. - ? Run through all the words and phrases in 3 P7.

  • ? Match a verb on the left with a mean of transport on the right.

  • - There may be more than one correct answers.

  • Key:

  • 1. She stayed at home and played with her brother.

  • 2. It's about 2 kilometers.

  • 3. She usually goes to school with her dad.

  • 4. Because sometimes there are traffic jams.

  • = By what means do you go to the supermarket?

  • 1. bike/ bicycle 2. bus

  • 3. plane 4. boat

  • 5. ship 6. train

  • 7. motorbike 8. car

  • Key:

  • 1. ride a bike 2. drive a car

  • 3. fly a plane 4. sail on/in a boat

  • 5. get on a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike....

  • ? Find someone who never....(4 P7)

  • - Teacher models

  • ? Work in groups

  • Find someone who never.......

  • 1. ...walks to school

  • Nam

  • 2. ...goes to school by bus

  • 3. ...cycles for exercise

  • 4. ...takes a train

  • 5.... sails on/in a boat

  • 6. ... flies by plane

  • E.g:

  • A : Do you often walk to school?

  • B(Ba) : Yes, I do.

  • A : Do you often walk to school?


  • Class organization (1’)

  • c. Expected result: Ss can remember the use, the form .

  • d.Performance:

  • * Homework


  • Class organization (1’)

  • c. Expected result: Ss can remember the use, the form and the signal of present tenses.

  • d.Performance:


  • * Homework

  • Warm up

  • T asks ss to guess the time to complete the table.

  • Get feedback.

  • - Do Ex E (workbook)

  • - prepare their presentation

  • * Vocabulary

  • Key:

  • 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A


  • c. Expected result: Ss can remember some ways of communication.

  • d.Performance:

  • I. Reading

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • 2. Set the scene Ex 1

  • I. Listening

  • I. Looking back

  • *Brainstorming:


  • *Organization (1 minute): 8A……………….8B………………..8C………………..

  • c. Expected result: Ss can remember the use of them.

  • d. Performance:

  • T and ss’ activities

  • * Homework (2 minutes)

  • 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to predicting what other life forms might be like, share their own views about the possibility of other life forms and use reported speech exactly

  • - Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to the topic life on other planets.

  • 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammar points they have learnt in unit 10, 11,12. They can also practice making every day English.

  • 3. Quality: Students are hard-working and attentive.


  • 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice 4 skills with the knowledge they have learnt in unit 10, 11, 12.

  • 3. Quality: Students are hard-working and attentive.


Nội dung

Week : Period: 55 Planning: Teaching : UNIT 7: TRAFFIC LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Use "How ?" to ask about means of transport - Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to the topic "Traffic" + Skills - Students develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, Roling-play, spoken interaction about the topic in getting started Competence - Students have serious attitude in learning - Ss are interested in learning English Quality - Language: get acquainted with the topic "Traffic" - Problem solving: find out the correct answer about the text B TEACHING AIDS T : Textbook, lesson plan, , a projector, a laptop Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: Getting started C PROCEDURE Warm up: ( 5’) - Organization: 7A: a Goal: Motivate ss to interest in the topic of the lesson and create the fun atmosphere before starting the new lesson b Content : Talk about "Traffic" c Expected result: Ss can understand the lesson and use the road well d Performance: Write the title "Traffic" on the board ? Call out names of means of transport ? Share any interesting facts you know about these means of transport Presentation : ( 10’) a Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabularies b Content : Ss read the vocabularies and match the words to make common expressions c Expected result: Ss can maser the vocabularies d Performance: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Content + Present new words - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words * Checking vocab: Recall Pre- teach vocab: - used to (v): - traffic (n): tắc ngẽn giao jam thông - except (prep ngoại trừ, trừ ) vehicles (n) Xe cộ Present the dialogue * Set the scenes: - Answer the questions individually ? Look at the title of the conversation and * Suggested answers the picture - They are on the road - Ask them some questions: - Students' answer • Who are Mai and Oanh? • What might they talk about? - Ss answer the questions as a class Play the recording and have Ss follow along Practice (15’) a.Goal: understand and exercises correctly b Content: Listen and circle, Read and answer: Individual, Answer the questions: Teacher – Whole class c Expected result: - Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers - Communication: answer positively - Language: use English to answer d Performance Listen and read ? Choose a correct answer (1a P7) - Ask ss to listen and read the - Asks Ss to choose a suitable answer conversation before listening a Find a word / an expression (1a P7) b/? Run through the questions Key: ? Ss read the conversation again to answer 1B; 2A; 3B; 4C the questions b Answer the questions (1b P7) - Ss exchange their answers with a Key: classmate Key: - Call on some Ss to write their answers on She stayed at home and played the board Check their answers with her brother It's about kilometers She usually goes to school with her dad Because sometimes there are traffic Model sentences (Remember) jams - Elicit the question from students She goes to school by bike ? Practice asking and answering questions - How you go to the using "How"? Recall how to use a passive supermarket? sentence = By what means you go to the supermarket? c/? Find a word or an expression from the conversation which you use when you: ? Share answers with your partner c Find a word / an expression (1c - Teacher gets feedback P7) ? Add any other expressions which have the Key: same meaning get attention agree ?? Role-play the short conversation in 1d very excited P7 ? Creat your short conversations Use the colloquial expressions in 1c P7 ? Work in pairs Write the words (2 P7) ? Work in pairs Write the means of transport under the right pictures Key ex2: - Teacher monitors and gets feedback bike/ bicycle bus plane boat - ? Run through all the words and phrases ship train in P7 motorbike car ? Match a verb on the left with a mean of Key ex3: transport on the right Key: - There may be more than one correct ride a bike drive a answers car ? Read again in chorus fly a plane sail on/in a boat get on a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike get off a bus /a train/ a bike/ a motorbike Production (15’) a.Goal: can exercise use English words relating to the topic b.Content - Co-operation: interact with partners find out the answers - Language: use English words relating to the topic c Expected result: Students know how to the exercise d Performance: ? Find someone who never (4 P7) - Teacher models Find someone who never .walks to school Nam .goes to school by bus .cycles for exercise .takes a train sails on/in a boat flies by plane E.g: A : Do you often walk to school? B(Ba) : Yes, I A : Do you often walk to school? C (Nam): No I never walk to school ? Work in groups - Teacher monitors and gets feedback Consolidation: sum up * Homework - Learn by heart new vocabulary - Practice reading “Listen and read” - Prepare new lesson: Unit 7: A closer look • Week : Period: 56 Planning: Teaching : UNIT TRAFFIC LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK A OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to have knowledge about + Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Means of transport, road signs + Pronunciation: Sounds: /e/ and /ei/ Competences: + Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence + Use the lexical items related to : Means of transport, road signs + Raising their awareness of : Means of transport, road signs + Pronounce: Sounds: /e/ and /ei/ Quality: Students can understand more about Traffic B TEACHNG AIDS T : Textbook, lesson plan, a projector, a laptop Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 8: A closer look C PROCEDUCE Warm up: ( 5’) - Organization 7A: a Goal: Review the about Traffic b Content : Ss can tell about the Means of transport, road signs c Expected result: Ss can tell the names of the Means of transport, road signs d Performance Teacher's &Ss' activities Contents ? Give all the road signs you see every Suggestion: day on the way to school - stop ? Write as many words as possibles - no left turn/ no right turn ? Read again in chorus - parking/ no parking - go ahead - no cycling - one-way Presentation : Pre teach Vocabulary (10’) a Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabulary related to Means of transport, road signs b Content : Remind Ss of the words they learnt in Getting Started and point out the differenceMeans of transport, road signs c Expected result: understand using and meaning of the Means of transport, road signs d Performance: Teacher's &Ss' activities Contents - Vocabulary - traffic (n): - biển báo giao - Teacher use different techniques to sign/ road thông teach vocab (situation, realia) sign - Follow the seven steps of teaching - lane (n): đường, đường vocab hẹp - seatbelt/ (n): đai an tồn safetybelt - traffic (n): luật giao thơng rule * Checking vocab: Labeling (2 P8) - obey (v): tuân theo ? Label the road signs in with the - pavement (n): vỉa hè (cho người words/ phrases in bộ) ? Read all the phrases in chorus - traffic (n): - biển báo giao - Teacher explains the meaning if sign/ road thông necessary sign - lane (n): đường, đường hẹp Practice: (20’) a Goal: - Revise the vocabulary learnt in both Getting Started and Activity of A Closer Look - Sounds: /e/ and /ei/ b Content: - Ss Label the road signs in with the words/ phrases in - Ss listen, repeat and read the words c Expected result: - Ss can identify a word from its description - Ss listen, repeat and read the words d Performance: Teacher's &Ss' activities Contents 2.1? Label the road signs in with the Key: words/ phrases in traffic lights no parking ? Read all the phrases in chorus no right turn hospital - Teacher explains the meaning if ahead necessary parking cycle lane 2.2 Look out school ahead no cycling - Ask students to divide the road signs - A sign within a red triangle will warn in into three groups: informative, you of something prohibitive, and warning base on their - Signs with red circles are mostly shapes and colours prohibitive - that means you can't not - Teacher gets feedback and explains something ? Give more examples - Signs in blue are usually to give 2.3 Talk about the road signs (3 P7) information ? Work in pairs and talk about the road signs you see on the way to school (or elsewhere) - Teacher goes around and give assistance if necessary, and check their Key:E.g: answers A: On the way to school, I can see a "no Ex3 Pronunciation (15') left turn" sign 3.1 Sounds /e/ and /ei/ B: On my way to school there is a ? How to pronounce the sounds /e/ hospital, so I can see a "hospital ahead" and /ei/? sign - Teacher models and give examples - Ask students to observe teacher's mouth and listen carefully ? Practice the sounds together 3.2 Listen and repeat (4 P9) ? Listen to the recording or times ? Repeat in chorus ? Read individually Production: (10’) a Goal: Help Ss to memorize the learnt vocabularies b Content : Ss guess what words or phrase is by playing games c Expected result: Ss can memorize the learnt words and the way of using d Performance: Teacher's &Ss' activities 3.3 Identify the sounds (5 P9) - Play the recording or times ? Listen and distinguish the sound /e/ and /ei/ ? Recognize all the words with the two sounds, then underline them as assigned ? Work in groups and find words with the two sounds - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.- Learn by heart the new words and structures - Do exercises in workbook - Find some words ending with “ e” and “ ei” - Prepare: Unit 7- A closer look Contents /e/ No ever very left, when They, waiting, train Week : Period: 57 Planning: Teaching : UNIT TRAFFIC LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK A.OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - - Vocabulary: Means of transport, road signs - Grammar: It indicating distance, usded to for past habits or states - practice skills: Ss improve their writing, reading, speaking and listening skills Cometences: - Communication, self study, self-check Quality: Students can use the structure to exercises B.TEACHING AIDS: Teacher’s: teacher book Students’: Textbooks, notebooks C PROCEDURE Warm- up (5’) Class organization (1’) - Attendance: 7A a Goal: help ss to learn how to use “it and used to” b Content: Ss give the use, the form c Expected result: Ss can remember the use, the form d.Performance: Brainstorming ? Work in groups to write activities that you did in the past but you don't them now => Lead to new lesson Presentation (10’) a.Goal: introduce new words b Content: s can pronounce new words c Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d Performance: Teacher's &Ss' activities Contents * Pre- teach vocabulary- Teacher use I different techniques to teach vocab - open-air (adj): ngoà (situation, realia) - tricycle (n): xe ba b - Follow the seven steps of teaching - accident (n): tain nạ vocab - desk job (n): công v - Repeat in chorus and individually - pond (v): ao - Copy all the words E.g: How far is it from your house to * Checking vocab: Matching there? "It" indicating distance It's about two kilometers ? Refer back to the conversation in -> "It": the formal subject to indicate getting started and find sentences with distance "it" as the subject E.g: ? Is "it" in the example the formal There used to be many trees on this street, subject? but now there are only shops ? What does it indicate? 2.3 Used to - We used "used to" to describe an action ? Study the examples in grammar P10 or a state that happen regularly in the past ? What we use "used to" for? but does not happen at present/ no longer - Teacher explains the rules of (+), (-), happen now (?) - Used to is the same form for all persons ? Give more sentences in all three form Practice (20’) a.Goal: using the present tenses to exercises b Content: Do exercises 1,2 in textbook c Expected result: can exercises well d Performance: Teacher's &Ss' activities Contents Ex 1- P 19 II Grammar Ex1 Write sentences with it (1 P9) It's about 700 metres from my ? Work by yourself and write down the house to Youth Club sentences It's about km from my house to - Teacher observes and helps when and the nearest town where necessary It's about 120 km from Ho Chi - Have some students read their sentences Minh City to Vung Tau - Correct their mistakes It's about 384,400 km from the Ex2:Ask,answer questions about distance Earth to the Moon ? Work in pairs It's not very far from Ha Noi to Noi ? Ask and answer questions about distance Bai Airport in your neighborhood Ex2 P9 Ex 2- P 19 E.g: - Ex2:Ask,answer questions about distance A: How far is it from your house to ? Work in pairs school? ? Ask and answer questions about distance B: It's about a kilometre in your neighborhood Futher practice (10’) a.Goal: using “used to” to exercises b Content: Do exercises 3a,b in textbook c Expected result: can exercises well d Performance: Teacher's &Ss' activities Contents 3.a Used to used to ride used to be * Study : Watch out used to go Did use to play Ex3: Complete the sentences with "used to" did not use to feel or "use to"(3 P10) ? Work independently to write the sentences in your notebook - Teacher monitors and gets feedback Ex 3b- P 20 - Allow Ss time to discuss and find the answers to the questions If Ss are having difficulty answering question 2, T may ask questions such as 7s a schedule usually for present or future activities?’ Then have Ss read the REMEMBER! Box - Ss work in groups and discuss the two questions given - Ss read the REMEMBER ! Box and take note Find someone who - Give instructions ? Work in groups ? Report the result to the class b work in groups Discuss the questions Key: The future The present simple Ex4 P10 My mum used to live in a small when she was a girl There did not use to be (as) many vehicles on roads We used to cycle to school two years ago Now there are more traffic accidents than there used to be My uncle used to be a bus driver some years ago, but now he has a desk job E.g: A: Did you use to play marbles? Phong: Yes I used to play marbles E.g: Phong used to play marbles * Homework - Learn by heart the form of the present tenses - Do ex B4, 5, page 13,14- workbook - Prepare UNIT 7: COMMUNICATION/ page 21- textbook 10 Because 95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide A day on Mars is a bit longer It is twice as long as a year on Earth Speaking a Goal: Ss work in pairs to take turns to report what their previous partner said about life on their planet b Content : Ss work in pairs to take turns to report what their previous partner said about life on their planet c Expected result: Ss can use reported speech to report their previous partner’s answers correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents T has Ss read the table of Work in pairs One is a human and information carefully Answer their the other is a Martian Use the questions if they have any suggestions below to ask and answer Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about life on Earth and life on Mars questions based on the suggested Example: information in the table and the - So what kind of food you eat? example - Well, we eat things like rice, bread, T sets a time limit of to 10 cooked meat And you? minutes When they finish, ask the student who plays the role of the Now swap pairs The human of one human from one pair, and the pair works with the Martian of the student who plays the role of other pair Take turns to report what Martian from another pair to role- your previous partner said about life play in front of the whole class on their planet your new partner to see Have them ask and answer if he/ she said similar things questions about food and drink New human: What kind of food did Have another pair the same, the human say she ate? asking and answering about sleep New Martian: She said that she ate rice, and travel Then have a third pair to break, meat and fruit and vegetables finish with environment and New human: Yes, that’s right! problems *Homework: Retell the contents of the lesson - Do C1, D1, D2 (P.47 – 48) in the workbook - Prepare next lesson: Skills (Find the information about aliens and write to discribe a alien) 156 Week : Period: 100 Planning: Teaching : REVIEW (P1) I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammar points they have learnt in unit 10, 11,12 They can also practice making every day English - Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary they have learnt in unit 10, 11,12 - Grammar: future tenses, to infi, reported speech Competence: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence Quality: Students are hard-working and attentive II TEACHNG AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, teaching plan, projector Students: Textbooks, notebooks… III PROCEDURE Warm up: 157 a Goal: To warm up the class and introduce the lesson b Content: Ss answer the teacher’s questions individually c Expected result: Ss can answer the questions correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents T asks Ss some questions *Chatting Ss answer the questions Practice 2.1 Pronunciation a Goal: Help Ss review the rules of stress in words starting or ending in un-, im-, -ful, -less, -ity, and -ive b Content: + Ss work individually to mark the stress for the following words, then listen and repeat + Ss work individually to complete the words in these sentences Then listen, and check c Expected result: Ss can review the rules of stress in words starting or ending in un-, im, -ful, -less, -ity, and -ive and pronunciation exercises correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Review the rules of stress in Mark the stress for the following words starting or ending in un-, words, then listen and repeat im-, -ful, -less, Key: -ity, and –ive with Ss as a class uni'dentified 'meaningful - Have Ss then mark the stress un'suitable independently 'paperless a'bility im'mobile - Play the recording Ss listen and 'wireless po'ssessive correct their answers suc'cessful - Confirm their answers Ss listen in'formative inte'ractive again and repeat, in chorus and im'possible individually capa'bility un'popular - Ss work individually to complete 'powerless the words in the sentences Then T 'colourless plays the recording for Ss to check Complete the words in these sentences Then listen, and check Key: colourless unidentified interactive capability meaningful impossible 2.2 Vocabulary a Goal: Review the vocabularies they have learnt in unit 10, 11,12 b Content: + Ss work individually to match each verb in column A with a phrase in column B 158 + Ss work individually to write the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage c Expected result: Ss can review vocabularies they have learnt in unit 10, 11,12 and vocabulary exercises correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Ss the task individually and Match each verb in column A with a then share their answers with a phrase in column B partner Check Ss’ answers Key: meet face-to-face make inventions exchange information fly into space move round the sun benefit from science and technology - Let Ss read the passage for two or Write the correct form of the words three minutes Ask Ss what part of in brackets to complete the passage speech can be filled in each blank Key: - Elicit their answers Ss this scientist chemistry exercise individually T may ask inventor ambitious some Ss to write their answers on unhappy invention the board - Correct as a class 2.3 Grammar a Goal: Help Ss review the future tenses, to infi, reported speech b Content : + Ss work individually to use the correct form of the verbs in brackets + Ss work individually to Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech + Ss work individually to the Everyday English c Expected result: : Ss can review the future tenses, to infi, reported speech and grammar exercises correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Ss work individually and then Use the correct form of the verbs in compare their answers with a brackets partner Key: - Call some Ss to read out their will … be? to buy answers to read look Confirm the correct answers will be will appear to read will appear Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech - Ss the task individually Have Key: two Ss write the sentences on the Lena said (that) she enjoyed chatting board while other Ss the on the phone with her friends 159 exercise at their desks Ss comment The teacher said (that) a on the sentences on the board communication breakdown might happen Confirm the correct ones due to cultural differences Duong asked (me/ us) what the inhabitants of Jupiter might look like Chau asked (me/ us) if/ whether we would still have traffic jams in 30 years’ time Phuc told me (that) he had read a book about life on other planets * Everyday English *Everyday English - Ss the task individually Then Key: they can check their answers in D F E G A C H pairs and practise saying the B exchanges as naturally as possible Select different pairs to say the exchanges to the rest of the class *Homework: - Retell the contents of the lesson - Do the exercises in workbook - Prepare next lesson: Review (P2) 160 Week : Period: 101 Planning: Teaching : REVIEW (P2) I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice skills with the knowledge they have learnt in unit 10, 11, 12 - Vocabulary: Review - Grammar: Review Competence: SS will develop some competences such as being determined, selfstudying, creative and communicating They will use language correctly Quality: Students are hard-working and attentive II TEACHNG AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, teaching plan, teacher’s book… Students: Textbooks, notebooks… III PROCEDURE Warm up: a Goal: To warm up the class and introduce the lesson b Content: Ss answer the teacher’s questions individually c Expected result: Ss can answer the questions correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents T asks Ss some questions *Chatting Ss answer the questions Practice 2.1 Reading a Goal: Help Ss know how to the reading exercise b Content: Ss work in pairs to read the following passage and mark the sentences T or F c Expected result: Ss can understand the passage and reading exercise correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Have Ss read the passage one or Read the following passage and two times Clarify anything they mark the sentences T or F not understand fully T may have T F F some Ss read aloud sentence by F T T sentence Correct their pronunciation Then Ss the exercises in pairs Correct as a class 2.2 Speaking a Goal: Help Ss know how to practice speaking b Content: Ss work individually, then work in groups to ask and answer about the topic 161 c Expected result: Ss can practice speaking and ask and answer about well.d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Ss work individually first Have Choose one of the questions them read all the five questions and interests you the most think of the question that interests them the most Then Ss can spend a few minutes thinking about what they would like to say about the topic - Then they form groups of about four Ss Have Ss ask and answer on their topics Encourage them to use the language they have learnt Go round and observe the groups Remember that the focus of the activity should be fluency, so don’t expect Ss’ accuracy to be high Praise Ss’ efforts in communicating their ideas verbally 2.3 Listening a Goal: Help Ss know how to the listening b Content : Ss work individually to listen and choose the correct answer c Expected result: : Ss can listening exercises well d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents Before playing the recording, give Listen to the conversation Ss a minute to read the questions choose the correct answer to Check that Ss understand the question phrases used C B A - SS guess the answer A C - Play the recording once or twice, or as required Ss listen and choose the correct answers Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers the topics that and each 2.4 Writing a, Aims: Help Ss write an online message to a friend and tell him/ her about the problems you have had recently with your iPad b, Contents: Ss work individually to write an online message to a friend and tell him/ her about the problems they have had with their Ipad c, Outcome: Ss can write an online message well d, Organization: 162 Teacher's & Ss' activities Before playing the recording, give Ss a Before writing, have Ss brainstorm ideas about the use of modern equipment in our lives: advantages, disadvantages, etc Then explain the writing task Ss need to write a short - not more than 100 words - online message to a friend Elicit from Ss the words and phrases they may need for their writing Remind them of the reasons for communication breakdown and the rules of netiquette they learned in Unit 10 - Give them time to the writing task - Have Ss swap their work with their partner to check before going through some of the messages as a class - Collect their work to check at home Contents Write an online message to a friend and tell him/ her about the problems you have had recently with your iPad Suggested writing Dear Hoa, My father bought me an Ipad for my last birthday I like it very much However, I have some problems with it Firstly, it is time-consuming to use an Ipad I don’t have much time for studying Secondly, my Ipad is always of flat battery because I used it continuously for nearly one year The final problem of my Ipad is weak signal It’s difficult for me to contact with my friends or surf the Internet with this Ipad Here are some problems of my Ipad What should I now? Write to me soon Love Hien *Homework: - - Retell the contents of the lesson - Review all knowledge for the test - Prepare for the second end-term test 163 Week : Period: 103 Planning: Teaching : UNIT 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 6: Skills I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information about life on other planets They will be able to use their imagination to write a description about an alien - Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to the topic life on other planets - Grammar: reported speech Competences: SS will develop some competences such as being determined, selfstudying, creative and communicating They will use language correctly Quality: Students are hard-working and attentive They know more about life on other planets II TEACHNG AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, teaching plan, teacher’s book… Students: Textbooks, notebooks… III PROCEDURE Warm up: a Goal: To help Ss to pay attention in the lesson b Content: Ss work individually to draw aliens and answer the questions c Expected result: Ss can answer the questions correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Ask a couple of Ss to come to SS’ answers the board and draw their versions of an alien - Ask Ss how they would feel if 164 they saw an alien - Ask Ss if they think aliens are very different from humans, and what differences there may be Pre – Listening a Goal: understand and use some lexicals before listening to Tom’s imagined description of what an alien from another planet may be like b Content: + Ss work in pairs to describe the pictures and answer the questions c Expected result: Ss can answer the questions correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Ask Ss to work in pairs to Work in pairs Describe the pictures describe the pictures and answers and answer the questions the questions - SS’ answer - Before Ss listen, ask them to read the information in the table carefully and try to predict the answers Tell them that to this they should highlight key words in the questions and decide the part of speech of the words they will need to fill in the blanks, then listen carefully to find the words from the recording While - Listening a Goal: Listen to Tom’s imagined description of what an alien from another planet may be like and answer the question and then fill each blank b Content: + Ss work in pairs to describe the pictures and answer the questions + Ss work individually to listen and fill each blank with no more than three words + Ss work individually to listen and tick (√) true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) c Expected result: Ss can listen to Tom’s imagined description of what an alien from another planet may be like and listening exercises correctly d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents - Play the recording twice Have Listen to Tom’s imagined two Ss write their answers on the description of what an alien from board Confirm the correct another planet may be like Fill each answers blank with no more than three words… - Have Ss work individually to Key: underline the key words in the Jupiter Much bigger statements Ask Ss to the More powerful Lots of hair exercise without listening to the Thick skin four eyes 165 recording first Write their answers on the board without confirming the correct answers Play the recording again for Ss to check T may pause at the sentences that include the information Ss need for the answers Happiness Energy Fear 10 rocks Listen again and tick (√) true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) Key: F NG T F F F Writing a Goal: Ss can write to discribe an alien b Content : + Ss work in pairs to imagine what an alien may be like, use their imagination to fill in the web + Ss work individually to use the notes to write a description of your alien + Ss work in pairs to swap their work with their partner c Expected result: Ss can write to discribe an alien well d Performance: Teacher's & Ss' activities Contents Pre – writing Work in pairs Imagine what an - Set a time limit for Ss to alien may be like Use your brainstorm ideas and write their imagination to fill in the web below notes Move around and help Ss if necessary Ask Ss to refer back to the speaking in 5, SKILLS and listening in and 3, SKILLS for useful language and ideas Now use the notes to write a While – writing description of your alien - Now have Ss work individually to write descriptions of their alien Suggested writing Give Ss a time limit for this For a I sometimes dream about meeting an class which needs more support, alien from Mars He looks very strange make copies of the audio script and He has big eyes and he is a little bigger give each student one The script and more violent than me His skin is can act as a writing model, but black He has no hair on his head but he make it clear that Ss should change has an antenna He wears clothing but it the content to match their own is made of metal It’s very strong He ideas looks really powerful and he always has to fight for the freedom of his planet There are a lot of invaders from the galaxy who want to control his planet He loves peace and he will everything to protect his planet Post – writing Swap your work with your partner 166 Ss swap their writing with a How different is your description from partner They comment one each your partner’s other’s work Ss revise and edit their writing in class if time allows, or else as homework *Homework: Retell the contents of the lesson - Complete their writing - Prepare next lesson: Review (P1) Week: Period: 104 Planning: Teaching: UNIT 12 LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 7: Looking back + Project I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Vocabulary: Life on Earth and other planets 167 + Grammar: - May and might: review - Reported speech: questions + Communication: Predicting what other life form might be like Asking and answering questions about life on other planets Competences: Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence Quality: Develop honest, responsible qualities for students II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Textbook, computer, projector Students: Textbook, workbook III PROCEDURE Warm up (5’) - Organization: 8A: 8B: 8C: a Goal: Help Ss to be excited about the lesson and revise the vocabularies of the topic b Content: Rearrange the letters to label the picture c Expected result: Ss can find out the words and be ready for the lesson d Performance: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content -T presents the pictures with the Rearrange the letters to label jumble words the picture - have ss work in two teams to 1.aliens space buggy reorder the letters to label the weightless solar energy pictures planet spaceship - call on each team to give their flying saucer galaxy answers - Give feedback and correct Presentation(5’) a Goal: Help Ss to revise the structures of the reported speech b Content: Work in pairs to give the structures of the reported speech c Expected result: Write down the structures of the reported speech d Performance: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content - T ask ss to repeat the structures of4 the reported speech - S + asked +(O) + If/ whether + S - have ss work in pairs to repeat the + V( back one tense) structures - S + asked + (O) + wh+ S + V( back - call on some ss to give their one tense) answers - Give feedback and correct Practice (20’) 168 a Goal: Help Ss to revise the vocabularies and reported speech b Content: Fill in each gap with a suitable word; Underline the correct answers; Put the words in the correct order to make reported questions; Change the questions into reported questions c Expected result: Ss can complete studying tasks b Performance: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content -T run through the words and Fill in each gap with a suitable sentences word - Ask ss to work individually then accommodate surface compare with their partner traces climate NASA - call on each student to give their answers - Give feedback and correct - T run through the sentences - Ask ss to work individually then compare with their partner - call on each student to give their answers - Give feedback and correct Underline the correct answers if had been who had been how ate what Work in groups - T run through the sentences - Ask ss to work individually then compare with their partner - call on each student to give their answers - Give feedback and correct Put the words/ phrases in the correct order to make reported questions He asked me how I would reach if I saw an alien 2 The teacher asked me which planet was most suitable for human life 3 My friend asked me when humans had first landed on the moon 4 She asked me what the difference between a planet and a star was - T run through the sentences - Ask ss to work individually then5 They asked if there was water on Mars compare with their partner - call on each student to give their answers - Give feedback and correct Change the following questions in to reported questions The teacher asked ss what the 169 essential conditions for human life were Samuel asked the scientist if humans had been able to communicate with people on other planets Nick asked the journalist id the Roswell UFO incident had taken place in the US in June 1947 Vanessa asked her uncle who the witness in the Roswell UFO incident had been, The son asked his father when humans would be able to travel from one planet to another more easily Diane asked her mother why people couldn’t move to Mars immediately Production (12’) a Goal: Help Ss to ask and answer questions about life on other planets b Content: Choose the right sentences (A-E) to put into the dialogue c Expected result: Practise the dialogue fluently d Performance: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content - Ask ss to task in pairs Choose the right sentences (A- Ask ss to work inpairs to the E) to put into dialogue task B D A - Asked some pairs to rehearse the C E dialogue - Give feedback and correct *Homework (3') Project - Work in groups Give ss enough time to write and answer the questions then develop their ideas 170 ... Learn by heart all the new words - Do Ex C1 .2, D1 P 6,7 - Prepare: Unit 7: Skills 40 Week 22 Period 66 Planning: 11/1 /20 21 Teaching : /1 /20 21 UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 6: Skills... projector, a laptop Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 8: skills C Procedure Warm up: ( 5’) 38 - Organization (1’) 8A: 8B: 8C: a Goal: vocabularies relate to people and places in... reading “Listen and read” - Prepare new lesson: Unit 8: A closer look 27 Week : Period: 62 Planning: Teaching : UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK A OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end

Ngày đăng: 20/01/2022, 10:22

