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week: 20 Period: 55 Preparing date: Teaching date: UNIT 7: POLLUTION Lesson 1: Getting started I./ Objectives Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - listen and read the dialogue about a factory in Mi's home village for details and then some related exercises - use lexical items related to the topic ‘Pollution’ to talk about types of pollution Qualities: Skills: Speaking, listening, reading, writing Attitude: - Positive about pollution - Students know how to learn English in right way Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./ TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present… IV./ Procedure Ss and T’s activities Content ACTIVITY 1: Warm-Up (5’) Shark attack AIMS: A project on pollution -To attract Ss’s attention to the (-/ -/ / ) lesson -To lead into the new lesson CONTENTS: Vocabulary about marine lives PRODUCTS: Sts’ attention on the topic ORGANIZATION: - Teacher gives instruction ? Guess one by one letters - Teacher gets feedback ACTIVITY 2: Getting started: (10') AIMS: Help students listen, read and some exercises about the conversation CONTENTS : - Listen to the convesation - learn new words about pollution and its causes PRODUCTS: - sts’ knowledge of pollution - words and structures - poison ORGANIZATION: Vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques - dump - aquatic to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of - illustrate - thermal teaching vocabulary pollution - radioactive pollution - visual pollution * Checking vocab: (Activity P7) (n/v) : (v): (adj) : (n): (n): hạt chuỗi ô nhiễm nhiệt ô nhiễm phóng xạ (n): nhiễm ánh sáng (n): biển quảng cáo - billboard trời - Repeat in chorus and individually Matching - Copy all the words Key: A.radioactive pollution B noise pollution C visual pollution D thermal pollution E water pollution F land/ soil (n): chất độc, làm nhiễm độc vứt, bỏ nước pollution G light pollution H air pollution Listen and read - Answer the questions individually * Set the scenes: * Suggested answers Ask Ss to open their books and - Nick and Mi look at the picture Ask them some - They are near a factory questions: Who can you see in the picture? Where you think they are? What can you see in the picture? What you think the people in the picture are talking about? Ss answer the questions as a class - Play the recording twice ? Listen and read then check your answer for the last question - Accept all possible answers from Ss without any correction ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (15’) AIMS: help Sts widen their knowledge of pollution and vocab CONTENTS : Exercises p7 PRODUCTS: Keys to Exercises p 6-7 ORGANIZATION: 3.1 Find the words / phrases (1a P7) ? Share answers with your partner - Teacher gets feedback - I/We can see a factory dumping exhaust fume and poison into the lake - They are talking about pollution - Listen and read Key: dead aquatic dump poison polluted to come up with - Have Ss look at the Watch out! box and quickly read the This expression means you are very information Ask them if they surprised at something you see know what I can’t believe my eyes Key: means 3.2 Answer the questions (1b P7) - Have Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions Ss exchange their answers with a classmate Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board Check their answers 3.3 Tick T, F or NI (1c P7) ? Read the sentences quickly ? Firstly to decide if the sentences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue - Then have some Ss write their answers on the board ? Read the conversation again to check - Confirm the correct answers 3.5 Complete the sentences (3 P7) ? Work individually to the task then compare their answers with a partner T may teach some words which T thinks Ss not know such as communication They are in Mi’s home village It’s almost black She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead It’s dumping poison into the lake He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean Key: F ( It’s polluted by the factory) T NI T T Key: thermal pollution pollution radioactive pollution pollution Water pollution pollution Noise pollution pollution Group work ? Work in groups of five or six Air light Land/ soil visual - In five minutes, Ss write down - discuss and write the pollution types the pollution types their their neighbourhood faces and rank them neighbourhood in order of seriousness faces and rank them in order of seriousness They also have to give reasons for their order - Call group representatives to present their group’s order and - present reasons ? Vote for the group with the best reasons (If time does not allow, not have Ss this activity Instead just ask Ss to quickly review the pollution types.) ACTIVITY 4: Further practice (2') AIMS: Review types of pollution CONTENTS : Class activity Review the lesson New words and structures PRODUCTS: - Answer individually A list of types of pollution ORGANIZATION: Teacher asks, sts answer ? Make a list of types of pollution? Teacher summarizes the lesson - Take note and gives homeword Homework: Learn by heart all the new words Do Ex B1,2 , P4 (Workbook) Prepare: Closer Look - Collect pictures, songs, clips talking about pollution -o0o -week:20 Preparing date: Period:56 Teaching date: UNIT 7: POLLUTION Lesson 2: A Closer Look I./ Objectives Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to: - Learn more words about pollution - Use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution - Pronounce the words ending in –ic and –al correctly in isolation and in context Qualities: Skills: Speaking, listening,use of English Attitude: - Positive about pollution - Students know how to learn English in right way Competence: Communication, self-learning capability, creative capacity, ability to use of language…… II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./ TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present… IV./ Procedure Ss and T’s activities ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) Calling out AIMS: help sts change the state from relaxation to concentration CONTENTS : Types of pollution PRODUCTS: Content Different forms of some words as well as some words/ phrases to talk about the causes and effects of pollution ORGANIZATION: Ask Ss to call out the types of pollution they learnt in the previous lesson -> You are going to learn different forms of some words as well as some words/ phrases to talk about the causes and effects of pollution ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary (15') AIMS: teach new words CONTENTS : Vocabulary of A closer Look Cause-effect conjunctions PRODUCTS: Key to Task TB P8 orn: 2.1 Teaching vocabulary - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary * Checking vocab: Slap the board 2.2 Complete the table (1 P8) Have Ss look at the table in the book Make sure that they understand what to ? Complete the exercise individually - Check their answers 2.3 Complete the sentences (2 P8) ? Read each sentence silently to have a general understanding and decide which word form should be put in each blank - For example, the word to be filled in Examples: thermal pollution pollution radioactive pollution pollution Water pollution pollution Noise pollution pollution Air light Land/ soil visual contaminate (v): làm bẩn cause (n/ nguyên nhân, v): gây effect (n: làm ảnh hưởng - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Key: poison pollutant death Key: Poisonous Dead contaminate polluted damaged Pollutants the blank in sentence is an adjective ? Do the exercise and then compare - Call on one or two Ss to give out the answers before confirming the correct ones 2.4 Study the language box ? Look at the language box - Tell Ss that the words and phrases in the box express cause and effect relationships Ss have learnt so, because and because of Quickly go through the rest of words/phrases as follows: Contaminated Damage Pollute - because/since and due to/because of are used to talk about the causes of something - Because and since are synonyms and they come before a clause - Other words and phrases in the box express the effects of something So comes before a clause To cause, to lead to and to result in are synonyms and come before a noun phrase To make sb/sth sth is another way to express the effects After somebody/something is an infinitive verb Have Ss read the example sentences and without to underline the clause or noun phrase CAUSE EFFECT because/ since + so + clause The water is clause E.g: Because/ Since polluted, so the fish the water is polluted, are dead the fish are dead due to/ because of + to cause sth/ to lead sth to sth/ to result in The fish are dead sth due to/ because of The polluted water the polluted water causes/ results in the dead of fish to make sb/ sth sth The polluted water make the fish die 2.5 Activity 3a Ask Ss to read to each pair of sentences and decide which sentence is a clause and which is an effect Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving the answers to the teacher Confirm the correct answers People throw litter on the ground …C… Many animals eat the litter and become sick …E… Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers … C… Many aquatic animals and plants die … E… Households dump waste into the river …C… It is polluted …E… Their children have birth defects …E… The parents were exposed to radiation… C… We can’t see the stars at night …E… There is too much light pollution …C… 2.6 Activity 3b Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers ? Combine the sentences in each pair lead to the death of many aquatic animals into a new sentence that shows a cause/ and plants effect relationship Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects We can’t see the stars at night due to the light pollution ACTIVITY 3: Pronunciation (15'') AIMS: Help sts know the meaning and how read words ending with in-ic-al CONTENTS : Rules of stress in words ending with inic-al PRODUCTS: Key to Task P9 ORGANIZATION: Stress in words ending in –ic and – al Ask Ss to look at the rules in the box and the examples Go through the rules with them For a more able class, have Ss give some examples 3.2 Listen and mark the stress (5 P9) Play the recording for Ss to stress the words Ask some Ss to say where the stress in each word is Confirm the correct answers Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the words Call on some Ss to read out the words 3.3 Activity p9 Have Ss the activity individually Play the recording for Ss to check their answers Then elicit the correct stress patterns from Ss Play the recording again Ss to repeat the sentences Ask some Ss to read out the sentences Adding the suffix –ic changes the stress of a word Stress the syllable immediately before the suffix Example: ‘atom -> a’tomic Adding the suffix –al to a word does not change its stress Example: ‘music’ -> ‘musical Note: If a word can take both suffixes: one ending in –ic and the other ending in –al, both words have the stress on the same syllable Example: E’conomy -> eco’nomic -> eco’nomical Key: ar’tistic ath’letic his’toric his’torical ‘logical ‘physical he’roic po’etic bo’tanic 10 Bo’tanical According to scientific research, tiny species may help clean radioactive pollution Water quality has become a national problem Many people have received medical treatment because of the disease Chemical waste can cause water pollution The reduction in air pollution was dramatic last year 10 IV./.PROCEDURE Content Teacher’s and students’ activities ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) Aims: chatting to make sts change the state from relaxation to concentration Contents: Questions Products: Practice doing some exercises to consolidate Organization: Grammar Pronunciation Mark the stress for the following words, then listen and repeat Complete the words in these sentences All the words are taken from the list in Then listen and check 224 uni'de ntified a'bilit y suc'ce ssful ca'pab ility 'mean ingful i'mmo in'form un'pop bile ative ular un'suit 'wirel able ess inte'ra ctive 'power less 'paper po'ss less essiv e im'pos 'colour sible less colourle ss unidentifi interactiv ed e capabilit y meaning ful impossib le ACTIVITY : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (20’) Aims: improve skills of working individually and doing teamwork Contents: Extra vocabulary Practices Products: Key to Practice Organization: Vocabulary: Ex3 Match each verb in column A with a - meet face-to-face: gặp trực tiếp - make inventions: tạo phát minh phrase in column B - exchange information: trao đổi thông tin - fly into space: bay vào không gian - move round the sun: di chuyển quanh mặt trời Ex4 Write the correct form of the words in - benefit from science and technology: lợi ích từ khoa học brackets to complete the passage công nghệ scientist 225 chemistr y inventor ambitious unhappy ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (15’) Aims: improve skills of working individually and doing teamwork Contents: Extra vocabulary Practices Grammar Products: Organization: Grammar Ex5 Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets Ex6 Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech 226 invention to read to buy look will be will appear to read will appear → Lena said that she enjoyed chatting on the phone with her friends → The teacher said that a communication breakdown might happen due to cultural differences → Duong asked me what the inhabitants of Jupiter might look like → Chau asked me if we would Ex7 Match the questions in the first column with their answers in the second column still have traffic jams in 30 years time → Phuc told me that he had read a book about life on other planets 1.D F E G A C H B ACTIVITY 4: PRODUCTION (5’) Aims: - ask questions for information with the correct intonation Contents: Extra vocabulary Practices Worksheet Products: Exercises Organization: Summarize the main point of the lesson Homework: ? Learn by heart all the new words and structures.? ? Prepare: exam -0o0 -Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… WEEK: Period: Preparing date: Teaching date: REVIEW Lesson 2: Skills I./ OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can: + Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 10-12 227 + Practice doing some exercises in Skills Knowledge: + Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 10-12 + Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar Qualities: Skills: - Develop ss' skills of doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 10-12 Attitute: Ss work hard Competence: - Expressing opinions -self-studying , cooperating , working hard and creatively II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./ TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present… IV./.PROCEDURE Teacher and Students' activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) Word webs Aims:- Elicits the topic from students Contents: Some interesting things in the future Product: all the words related to the topic T F Organization: Reading P69 Read the following passage and mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F) F T ACTIVITY : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (20’) Aims: practice reading skill 228 F T Teacher and Students' activities Content Contents: new words in Review Products: Keys of Review Organization: Speaking Choose one of the questions that Speaking interests you the most Prepare to talk about one minute ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (15’) Aims: Concept of tone in telling information Listening and writing skill Contents: Tips for practising English Products: Sts can read in correct innotation Organization: Listening (P69) C A Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer to each question ACTIVITY 4: PRODUCTION (5’) Aims: - help sts know the important of English in daily life Contents: - usage of grammar Products: - old vocabulary - review grammar 229 B C A Teacher and Students' activities Organization: Writing Write an online message to a friend and tell him/ her about the problems you have had recently with your iPad Homework: - Learn by heart new words - Review Units for the coming test Content Ex: Hi Hoang, I got an iPad It is very interesting but also makes me confused It is also timeconsuming because there is much information I would like to know, and I spend much time on it -0@0 -WEEK: Period: Preparing date: Teaching date: REVIEW (LESSON 3) I./ OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can: + Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 10-12 + Practice doing some exercises out of Textbook Knowledge: + Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 10-12 + Practice doing some exercises Qualities: Skills: - Develop ss' skills of doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 10-12 Attitute: Ss work hard Competence: - Expressing opinions -self-studying , cooperating , working hard and creatively II./.PREPARATION: 1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector 2.Students: books, notebooks III./ TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present… IV./.PROCEDURE 230 Teacher and Students' activities Content ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) Word webs Aims:- Elicits the topic from students Contents: - V + to infinitive - future tense: review Product: Usage of - V + to infinitive - future tense: review Organization: Teacher reviews the learnt knowledge ACTIVITY : KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (20’) Aims: help sts recall learnt knowledge Contents: - V + to infinitive - future tense: review Products: Practice and keys Task Put the verb into the Organization: correct form –ing or to Teacher gives exercises in handout Sometimes either form is possible Sts the exercises They denied …… the money (steal) I don't enjoy very much ( drive) I don't want out tonight.I'm too tired (go) I can't afford out tonight I don't have enough money (go) 231 Teacher and Students' activities Content Has it stopped yet? (rain) Our team was unlucky to lose the game We deserved (win) Why you keep me questions? Can't you leave me alone (ask) Please stop me questions! (ask) I refuse any more questions (answer) 10 One of the boys admitted the window (break) 11 The boy's father promised for the window to be rapaired (pay) 12 If the company continues money the factory may be closed (lose) Key: stealing Driving to go to go Raining to win asking Asking to answer 10 breaking 11 to pay 12 losing Task Hoàn thành câu sau cách chia động từ ngoặc tương lai đơn (will tobe going to) When we get home, we _ (have) dinner I know they _ (feel) very happy if they win the match They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday They (do) a tour of 232 Teacher and Students' activities Content Norway She thinks that the Take That concert (be) really exciting “What are your plans for this evening?” I (meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party If you revise for the exam, I’m sure you (get) a good result The weather forecast is good for the next few days It _ (be) very sunny I can’t come on the march tomorrow I (look after) my cousins In the future, I think humans (wipe out) many different species 10 He is buying some butter and eggs because he _ (make) a cake later Key: will have will feel are going to will be am going to meet will get is going to be am going to look after will wipe out 10 is going to make ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (15’) Aims: Review the knowledge and 233 Teacher and Students' activities more exercises Contents: - reported speech: statements - may and might: review - reported speech: questions Products: Sts can use the structure correctly Key to exercises in handout Organization: Teacher asks sts exercises in handouts Content Chuyển câu sang câu gián tiếp “Open the door,” he said to them - He told them “Where are you going?” he asked her - He asked her where “Which way did they go?” he asked - He asked “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her - I told “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us - She told “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her - I asked her “He’s not at home”, she said - She said that “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked - The girl wanted to know “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said 234 Teacher and Students' activities Content - Tom told Ann 10 “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her - He asked 11 “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked - Thomas asked Jean 12 Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said - I told Mary 13 “I’ll have a cup of tea with you,” she said - She said that 14 “I’ll pay him if I can” she said - She said that 15 “What are you going to next summer?” she asked - She asked us Key: He told them to open the door He asked her where she was going He asked me which way they had gone I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit She told us not to try to open it then I asked her whether/ if it was going to be a fine day that day She said that he was not at home The girl wanted to know whether/ if the bus station was far away Tom told Ann not to stay out late 10 He asked her to let him borrow her car 235 Teacher and Students' activities Content 11 Thomas asked Jean whether/if she had seen his gloves 12 I told Mary not to leave the window open 13 She said that she would have a cup of tea with me 14 She said that she would pay him if she could 15 She asked us what we were going to the following summer Task Write these sentences in a diffirent way using might Perhaps Helen is in her office She might be in her office Perhaps Helen is busy Perhaps she is working Perhaps she wants to be alone Perhaps she was ill yesterday Perhaps she went home early Perhaps she had to go home early Perhaps she was working yesterday In sentences 9-11 use might not: Perhaps she doesn't want to see me 10 Perhaps she isn't working today 11 Perhaps she wasn't feeling well 236 Teacher and Students' activities Content yesterday Key: She might be busy She might be working She might want to be alone She might have been ill yesterday She might have gone home early She might have had to go home early She might have been working yesterday She might not want to see me 10 She might not be working today 11 She might not have been feeling well yesterday ACTIVITY 4: PRODUCTION (5’) Aims: - help sts use the structure correctly - practice telling information Contents: - make sentences - extra exercises in handouts Products: Key to exercises Organization: - Let ss the exercises - Teacher gives answers Homework: - Learn by heart new words - Review Units 10-12 for the coming test -0@0 -237 Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… -0@0 238 ... Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… -o0o -week :22 Preparing date: Period: 62 Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING... ngày tháng năm …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Week :22 Period:63 Preparing date: Teaching date: UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Lesson 2: A... questions: (2- P. 12) * Key: The second paragraph tells about the causes of water pollution The third paragraph tells about the effects of water pollution It’s the water beneath the Earth’s 22 that

Ngày đăng: 20/01/2022, 10:22

