face2face starter workbook a

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 1 docx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 1 docx

... Librаry ISBN ISBN lsBN lsBN 97 8-0 -5 2r-7|27 4- Workbook with Key 97 8-0 -5 2I- 712 7 -6 studеntЪ Book with СD-RoМ/Audio СD 97 8-0 -5 2I-7 I27 5-0 ТёaсhеrЪBook 97 8-0 -5 2 |-7 L27 7-+ Clаss Audio СDs Саmbridgе ... -. r r r i -. ' -1 l w. "13 numЬеr moЬile lt,s your ; your . -. -. -number? Whatls- ? What's -_ - _ home 'm oK, thаnks ALЕxЕ| 12 Phone...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 812 23
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 2 ppt

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 2 ppt

... - namе? A . hеr nаmе? в His Bruсе' в - A hе fтom? . " A -. - - .-. .-. from? -. -. .-. .-. .- B fromAustтalia .-. - в from .- - Тurkеy A his job? - - .-. - A B a Waitеr .- B - ... words в thе UK from A -. -. .-. .-. -. your job? A з Aylin / |s / Gеrmany / from ? job? -" - - - - - _- - - - аn aсtor...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 731 14
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 3 ppsx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 3 ppsx

... m-n-r-l an е w - r s dw h - os dw h |na сafё *n." thеsеpriсеs in words а) $75 j - а с-pp-сс-n.l0aсh s-andt-m Money priсes and ж {@ an.o ng8 a с_ois-a-t ц a С-k5at- 6ac-f- - e-Y f.i e0tу: у-edol ... u) inthеsеjоbs е, i@* ' i @ 1.' l a te a с he r a n-с t _ r z a w t _ r a n - t r _ s s з a w -_ tr -ss a t-х - ц a d- a m_n_g _ r сt-r d r-v -r plurals Spelling: \*/ '"G в...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 671 14
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 4 potx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 4 potx

... ouestions? (,/) Yes.vou I /уou / knоw /Do ? when we're on tour and wе Chinese ' o - - - food We aIso a Iot of sandwiсhes - -' '-' .'. ' and a |ot of сoffee! (х) today / wе / aсlass / havе/ Do'? (,/) Pеtе ... eight- Ф2 half д f) onе Vear = twеlvе wit" Еxсusе mе' W.h.attimе is B , йl What в Ь) thirty minutеs = half an е) fifty.two wееks = onе - - it A = livе p , -. ,,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 658 13
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 5 pot

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 5 pot

... thеatrе - - - somе bеautiful Ьuildings h) an airpoтt - -' ' ' .-. '- i) a station - -' an aiтport nеar Rushlеy an - - ltalian теstaurant сallеd Silviо'.s 10 .- - - - - somе famous piсtuтеs ... musеum -. - parks' two vеry niсе з - - - - a сinеma in Rushlеy - d) a гivеr : -. " .- hotеls two four-star e) a bus station...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 639 7
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 6 docx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 6 docx

... - g football watсhing sport on ТV danсing nеw pl=_ s d .- - g S_-pp-_ f-y + Shе s @ g for с th-_ g сl-ss -l w _- h-ng m - sp t ll on - Т hеу lz Т hеу сoffее 7A and 7B pгonouns Objeсt W Review: ... thеat - ritе мut." sеntеnсеs with thеsе wоrds ,,o@ ъ '-. J l favouritе / уour / food / WhatЪ ? a s- r _d1 ")Цh t-' у a-ц f aуo a rit e'f o"q arе/ shoеs / Thеsе / fаvouritе /...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 423 6
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 7 ppsx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 7 ppsx

... herе turn left Еxсusе е |s therе .- a supеrmarkеt 7' - ? " WoМAN Yеs' thеrе is Go along this road and Тhе sunеrmaгkеt 1S mаrkеt' right, oppositеthе саfё . -. ' Grееn Road Тhе post oflfiсеis ... еight э ninе 10 tеn 11 еlеvеn 12 twеlvе What's your moЬilе numЬеr? It's 76 44 r990 87 WhatЪ your hоmе numЬеr? ttЪ 0 172 0 75 920з' tffi Where's А С Е Х A YМ N R P N С A H I H L G гМ ЕR I с...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 566 7
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 8 pptx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 8 pptx

... lЬ) z Shеisn't maтriесl ShеЗa musiс М 78 З/5 ""*.od" Lо n-mЬ"r0161 284 986 5 ', mоЬi]е numЬrra7 986 З4Z 187 ' l зJl I-uсу.smith@-w"ьnaiii''сo'uк "u n*.Ь".'. 6-1 1_ .- W hеrе а rе уou Iro m? I'm liom Brazil ... 15 askеd 16 hеlpеd 3a) v t -G-бм T ) г Ь) z Yеs.rhеy did з No, thеydidn't No hе didn't s Yеs,hе did Yеs hе did L 9o ' r с[Qr| v Е F (H A v| Е } с х|в|а м @l H J Qц-B ]-lТlд) U b)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 524 6
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 9 docx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 9 docx

... thе party? Was/ Were you at homе last night? Was/ Were you in Australia last wееk? -_ -_ -i_ - - - - - Was/ Were your flathеr boтn in Spain? Past Simple be: of questions shoft and answers; ... journeythе her Shе wor|d' thе 198 3 then 198 5 , - - (walk) shе and in UKin (go) from shе |n the aсross USA 19BB o 0n Apri| , Ffyona 95 in tо Sydney Pегth on|y days 2n0...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

6 420 6
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 10 pot

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 10 pot

... сorrесt form of bе going to and thе vеrbs in braсkеts ( ) sсhool or - your joЬ a сomputеr аn - - .- - to anothеr сity o т - - - - - - - ' marriеd a housе or а a nеw job Future phrases time ffiffi ... TV , n - -_ ;- -with f _ з g_ r thе n W - s s t ot hе с о tо tЬ ! !о р " I * o- oq b- s - - w 10 L with f 11 h_ 12 g_ to a с) About f30 d) I...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 565 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 11 ppt

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 11 ppt

... Good Iuсk! (3): Adjeсtives feelings Ж o @ Writеthеadjесtivеs sa d d е -_ - h -y a - (2) Pronunсiation: and syl|ab|es word stress goodbye good ffi Iuоk Saying and phrasеs ., ... д whatЪ your surnamе в it,s razzaq ! ! - .- : (/) thе things you сan dо in Еnglish in thе : Тiсk Rеading and Writing Progrеss Portfоlio, p72 ; " "." -. " : ,,., 1.,,,i;, i;,, i Lооk at thе ... you hе...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 447 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 12 docx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 12 docx

... сorrесt short answеrs ffst l-1.t o"'o.l-lo.u * 7o,? Wеrе on holи\с7 * Rсo o\e J o.'o! Vе rе n с Ь hоtеL nеor СоFroЬсnс Bеoсh.c,^r r.oomts nuсе,Ьut lt tsnt vег7Ьr3 , /-\ _y'\ T\' t.о^o ]] Woо"t al ... good|TЬe food ts very niс;е I lovе |Ьe pаsiа I Writе thеsе sеntеnсеs again with аnd or but oцrrp-o-m dndiI:s b-ig isnjсe уerу our hotеl is vеry сhеap It isn't nеar thе Ьеaсh з Тhе rеStaurant is...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 418 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 13 pptx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 13 pptx

... 7.00 nоtеs abоut bеstfriеnd yоur о Makе at7.30 .-. I havеbrеakfast Hе nеvеr еats fish a Shе lovеs musiс' - ffi hе doеsn't likе it shе nеvеr goеs to - сonсеrts I likе Franсеsсa shеЪ vеrv lriеndlv ... thеsе quеstions ] Is thеrе a shop at thе London Еyе? Yes, the.re-is How muсh is thе London Еyе for two adults and a thrее-yеar-old сhild? There hundredsthings seeandd0in London are 0f to...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 411 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 14 ppsx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 14 ppsx

... eveningI went to '-. - .-. with Gary.We сinema went to see film, but it wasn't very good fi|mwas сal|ed.Тhe Phone Ca||'and it was very long and boring.After u- we film e o -. - - - pizza restaurant ... hoppy Ьeсouse -, we,гeon holidoy! Thursdoy !u|у 27|h a) Сhесk thеsе words in a diсtionary l Ёnсient а pframid quiet а sfrnsеt b) Rеad about olliе andJo's hоliday in Mеxiсo P...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 298 5
Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 15 pptx

Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 15 pptx

... nationalities and - ^ ^ L^ -. ) i | | | сan useapostrophеs P5U P s8 I l l- t I uoll ,^, sеntenсeswith алd and but l r -^ ^ vy'Гite ]| | | саn wгitеa simplehotiday Postсard | i ** *-' ф* iП'сanundеrstаndasimple|ntеrnеtprofitе ... undеrstand саrd(а Ьirthday сard, simplemessages - a good [uсkсard, or famity etс.) l- emai[ сanundеrstand а simple thank-you l L _-] ' ! t сanwritеa...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20

5 233 5