8A and 8B 1@ мut." thеsе sеЬtеnсеs nеgativе. Writе thе соrrесt sеntеnсеs. l Тhе last Bеatlеs сonсеrt wаs in thе UK. Review: сontraсtions (2) The- |asI Вeatles сoлсеrI ууasо'lI.in the_ aK' .lt.уtas in thе U 5А' z Тhете wеrе siх pеoplе in Тhе Bеatlеs. Writе thеsе sеntеnсеs with сontraсtiоns (I,m, аrсn,t, еtc.). 1 Тhеy аrе fтom Сolombia. Thev're from Сolombia. 2 I was not at homе on Friday' з You aIе not in this сlass. д Тhеrе is a bank in Park Road. 5 Wе wеrе not at thе сonсеrt. 6 I am sorrv. shе is not hете. 7 Тhеу do not work at homе. 8 Hе doеs not likе pizza з Thе 1998 World Сup was in Spain д Thе 2008 olympiс Gamеs wеrе in Russia. 5 Еlvis Prеslеy was British. с Albеrt Еinstеin was from Australiа. Years and past time phrases Ж Matсh thеsе yеars to a)_0. i'""""*"-'*-*-* '-'".""'-""-i i +lgo 2o1З 1970 1938 196з 2O0з i a al 1,7,9Q- Happy anniversary! ,:* ,e6 Fill in thе gaps vith уesterdау, in,lаst a) Lеon wаs in Japan last month. Ь) Hе was in Сhinа Гour yеars с) Hе was in Los Ansеlеs 200l' d) Hе was in Vеniсе e) Hе was in Аustraliа Уear. f) Hе was in London thrее dаys b) Put piсturеs a)-0 in ordеr. Ь) nineteen sixtv-three ninеtеen seventv two thousаnd and thrее twenty thirtееn с) ."' d) e) 0. 8в Review: Past Simple of 0e @ кеad about Frank and JеanЪ wеdding аnnivеrsary. . Т, . Fill in thе gaps with wсs, wеTе, wаsn,t or wеrеn't. Past Simple of be: questions and shoft answers; was born I were bom ffi i"@ .l Makе quеstions with thеsе wоrds. 1 Frank andJеanЪ / was /wеdding / Whеn ? @ Сhоosе thе сorrесt words in thеsе quеstiоns. Тhеn writе thе shоrt answеrs. l Was /@5)Fтank and Jеan mаrriеd 50 yеars ago? Yеs.theу werе. 2 Was / Werе thеir аnnivеrsary par|у at a hotеl? Yеs, '' з Was / Were thете a lot of pеoplе at thе partу? 4 Was / Were Jеan's brothеr at thе party? Was / Were FrankЪ sistеrs at thе party? Was / Were you at homе last night? Was / Were you in Australia last wееk? -_ _-i_ - Was / Were your flathеr boтn in Spain? I was Ьorn 2 Whеn I was Whеrе vour mothеr born? Shе Whеn vouг lathеr born? Hе Reviеw: prepositions (2) zt-, @f Chооsе thе сorrесl prеpositions. l l don't wоrk ro /@thе wееkеnd. 2 Тhе post offiсе is in / on thе lеft. 3 I nеvеr listеn fo / for t};'e radio. + Do you watсh sport oл / in ТУ? s Тhе сafё is nеxt of / to thе bank. 6 l play tеnnis on / in thе morning. 7 I1et up latе on / in Sunday mornings. 8 l was Ьorn и / on Spain at / in 1987. @ гirr in thе gaps in quеstions 1-4 with was . , or wеrе. Writе thе answеrs. l Whеrе иref._ you boтn? \Цhe-n ууas Еrank and-Je-aлls wеddi.ng? thеy / wеrе / on thеir wеdding day / How old ? Whеn / gоldеn wеdding annivеrsary / thеir / was thе party / Whеrе / was ? pеoplе / aт. thе partу / How many / wете ? . - - -:- _ was / brоthет / Jean,s / Whеrе ? Matсh thе quеstions in 4а) Fifty yеars ago. Abоut а hundrеd Hе was in Japan. vou Ьorn? b) a) Ь) с) to thеsе answеrs. d) Last Sunday. е) Thеy wеrе bQth t) At a hotеl. * golden wedding anniversarу = maггied foг 50 years z-). When's your birthdaу? Months and dates Ж с} @ Writе thе lеttеrs in thе months. \'"зf 1 J-ar JJ-;-rу т J-'_ y 2 з F Ьr rv sA s t Мс 9S Dt b r 4 Аp l lo o oЬ_r 5 М .l.l N-v bе_ 6 | е 12D е еr rЁ,l} м, h thе datеs to thе words. eighth 23rd fifth sixth 2nd oth 5th 31st fourth thirty-first 3гd t1+h fifteenth thlrd 30th 20th gth thirtieth ninth lSrh seventh Making suggestions W Put thе соnvеrsation in ordеr. сoLIN a) oK. What timе shall wе mееt? Ь) What shallwе do this еvеning? 7 с) Yеs, thatЪ a good idеa. Whеrе shall wе mееt? d) No, I dont think so. Wе wеnt to thе сinеma thrее days ago. RUтH e) Why don't wе go to thе сinеma? f) oK. LеtЪ go to that Mеxiсan rеstaurant. g) LеtЪ mееt at thе rеstaurant. ltЪ in Wеst Strееt. h) AЬout half past sеvеn. 8 Fill in thе gaps in this соnvетsation with thеsе phrasеs. twentieth 7th twelfth loth seсond 4th twenty-third Тalking about days and dates trjW Fill in thе gaps with thеsе words. .\Дlhаr When's day was is Whаt,s datе thе on Flo\AFaft.yот Lеt,s meet Let's go shаllwe . What time a good idea Whаt shallwe Why don,t МayЬe What dav it today? thе today? vour birthday? Whаt it yesterdаy? Мav thirtееnth. It's . juty the twеnty-ninth. LTNDA Hi, Gary. GARY Hеllo, Linda .H.o уу are-уo_ц ? L|NDA I'm finе, thаnks. do today? GARY LINDA сARY 4 Wе 80 to thе park? . But wе аlways go to thе park. ltшoд Yеs, thаtЪ 6 сARY 8 . Whеrе mееt? at thе stаtion. LINDA GARY LINDA oK. e shall wе mееt? At about onе o'сloсk. Thеn wе сan havе lunсh flirst. Grеаt! Sее you thеn. Byе. Festivals Big numbers ffiЖЖ @ о Writе thе numЬеrs. а) a hundтеd юa Ь) two hundrеd and fifty с) еight n""o."o ".o ,.'in.ty-fi,," d) а thousаnd e) tеn rhous,"o' "'*i. nundrеd f) a hundrеd u,,а iг.f .ьou,u,,a g) a million ь) forty million b) Writе thе numbеrs in words. a) 100 a hцn-drеd Ь) 750 с) 2'000 d) r 7,500 e) 100,000 0 8,000,000 Pronunсiation: lэхl and lзl^l Help with Sounds, Student's Book p69 .@), a| Lооk at thеsе piсturеs. Сhесk you rеmеmЬеr : thе sоunds lэ'^l and lзl'l' lcхl b) Look at thе lеttеrs in bold. Arе thе lеttеr sounds thе samе (S) or diffеrеnt (D)? 1 shirt skirt S 6 morning awful 2 еar|у Aшgust D z small girl з Watет daughtеr 8 Gеrman thirty Spelling: review lз'^l ж W Down .f, - .w.\ .ww :;fl *@ Tw*ffi fut*W.ffi*@ 4 four surnamе s first work 9 always Тurkish lo short third г,@ в Do thе сrоssword. ffiffit Amaz-ng journeys ,,& в Writе thе wоrds. 1 2 з 4 aЬ 7 arn aD 8al. Transport 8ЖЖ Past Simple: positive (irregular verbs) а) Find tеn irrеgular vеrbs (+Ф). YL WG ЕI BV UЕ YO ЕF GЕ HJ FV os LL PЕ ТA LV сЕ AM ЕU DЕT Е I LP Q СxKY Т I GМ HAVЕ ТIXЕ WR I Т b) Writе thе vеrbs in 3а) and thеir Past Simplе fоrms. t21 -: |zzzоz,2* L ryЖffiffi Ф * **a:*жqЖ#ъ,: jtцяsу.t.'" ;$ffdy-ffi #;,'.iffi ti,i**Ё{&ff;i, ji;,5 .!! : t;v .=;;жЕffiffi ffiffi*};l:;i;:р '. 12 o|aу lз look 6 travеl lц hate 15 ask lс hеln 2 з 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 z з 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ) "carnq- + """ t tgj ffi t + ) ) ) + + I I "" Mv Darеnts last birthdаy. Mv tеaсhеr vеrbs! up at 7.00 yеstетday morning. homе al' 8.00 yеstеrday morning. mе somе monеy for my mе to lеarn my irrеgular # a) Еill in thе gаps with thе irrеgulaт Past Simplе forms in 3b). I с-anе homе Ьy bus yеstеrday. I ". dinnеr at 8.30 last ni$ht. l an еmаil to a friеnd yеstеrday. I . to thе сinеma last wееkеnd. I somе friеnds in a сafё last wееkеnd. I . somе nеw сlothеs last month. b) Тiсk (/) thе sеntеnсеs in 4а) that аrе truе *,"ж Past Simple: positive (regular verbs) ffi . ff w.it" йе Past Simplе forms оf thеsе rеgular vеrbs. l likе 9 сook 2 'Want .lo listеn 3 arrivе 11 walk 4 visit s study 7 SLaTT в finish i@ 9A and 9B Rеad about Ffuonа СampbеllЪ journеy. Fill in thе gaps with thе Past Simplе of thе vеrbs in braсkеts ( ). Ffyonа's long walk Ffyona CampЬе|l .иv.as-" (be) thе first Wоmari tо walk arоuпd thе wor|d' Shе , . (staгt) her journey in thе UK in .1983 and then in .1985 shе , (walk) aсross the USA. |n 1 9BB shе o (go) from Sydney tо Pегth in on|y 95 days. 0n 2n0 Apri| 199.1 , Ffyona (lеave) Capе Тown in South Afriсa. She (arrive) in Mоroссo 29 months |atеr _ a journey of 10,000 mi|es' Тhеn shе (wa|k) aсross Еurope and (finish) her journеy in Oсtobеr 1994. She , (travel) .]9,586 mi|es and .o (raisе) я120,000 for сharity. Ftyоna also t' (writе) a book about her journеy сal|ed The Who|e Storу' 10 11 ж e-ryG t holiday photos swimming ' a hotеl а wаlk . friеnds or familу - around sightsееing . thе bеaсh -aсar 9B My last holiday Holiday aоtivities ffi @ гitt in thе gaps in phrаsеs l-1l with thеsе words. }ave, rent takе travel stay in stay with go on go for gо to go (Х 2) l haу e a good timе 2 з 4 5 6 7 I 9 ТlNI . a)_0. i'""""*" ;-& apos; *-* -* &apos ;-& apos;".""&apos ;-& quot;"-i i +lgo 2o1З 197 0 193 8 196 з 2O0з i a al 1,7,9Q- Happy anniversary! ,:* ,e6 Fill in. 50 years z-). When's your birthdaу? Months and dates Ж с} @ Writе thе lеttеrs in thе months. '"зf 1 J-ar JJ-;-rу т J-'_ y 2 з F Ьr rv sA s t Мс 9S Dt b r 4. / on Spain at / in 198 7. @ гirr in thе gaps in quеstions 1-4 with was . , or wеrе. Writе thе answеrs. l Whеrе иref._ you boтn? Цhe-n ууas Еrank and-Je-aлls wеddi.ng? thеy / wеrе