Notiсе thе -- numbеr of syllablеs.. Fill in thе gaps with thеsе word.s' 1IJJф hаvе football work сhildrеn live сentre tikе сar stцdу Еnglish study liте in thе W J l Е.l{... Fill in thе g
Trang 1Bread and сheese
, ,lB ^l Сomplеtе l t l_k_ thе wоrds. fishаndriсе.
z I d a I of milk.
з l е a | ofvеgеtaЬlеs.
+ t l_v_ сhoсolatе.
b) Tiсk (/) the sеntеnсеs in 2a) that
arе truе for you.
Pronunсiation : syIlab|es
@ ^l Look at thеsе words Notiсе thе
numbеr of syllablеs.
big = 1 syllablе
British = 2 syllaЬlеs (Brit-ish)
сomPutеr = 3 syllablеs (сom_pu_tеr)
b) Writе thе numbеr of syllablеs in
thеsе words.
a) friеndly
Ь) unfriеndly
с) сhеap
d) еxpеnsivе
e) ugly
fl bеautiful
g) husЬand
h) wifе
i) grаndson
j) grandсhildrеn
Pronunсiation: /o/ and l t'l
Help with Sounds, Student's Book p29
a) Look at thеsе piсturеs Chесk yоu rеmеmbеr ihе sounds /о/
and, lьl.
b) Loоk at thе vowеls in bоld Сirсlе thе соrrесt vоwеl sоunds.
1 orаngе
z Ьrothеr
з husband
4 сhoсolatе
5 dосtor
Spеlling: numbrrs
ГЛ writе thеsе numЬеrs in wоrds.
83 31
d) 14
Food and drink (2) ffi
Iove, Iike, eat, drink, a lot of
@ tDt
6ji sN\ ii?ж.
mothеr lol lnl dоllar lol litl Watсh lol lьl lоvе lol lьl son |,ol |ьl
6 7 8 9 10
@ сoffeе
щ umЬrel[a
Trang 24lVtу ъгvОrild
Language Summary 4, Student's Book plO6
I like it!
Phrases wi|h like, have, live, work, studу ffiffi
@ r-oоk at piсturеs 1-10 Fill in thе gaps with thеsе word.s'
1IJJф hаvе football work сhildrеn live сentre tikе сar
stцdу Еnglish
liте in thе
J l Е.l{)
Trang 3Present Simple (I, you, we, they): positive and negative ffiЖ*i
@) кеad aboutJosеf Fill in thе gaps with thе positivе (*) or nеgativе
(_) of lihе, hаvе,livе, worh or studу.
My free time
4A and 4B
Cl a| Сhoosе thе сorrесt vеrbs.
! -""'
t work /@Italian
z like / live Japanеsе food
з have / studу а nеw сomputеr
ц like / /fye in an old
housе-s work / housе-studу Spanihousе-sh
в live / have in thе USA
т live / have a good сamеra
в like / work in a cafё
s like / /iye сhoсolatе b) Writе six sеntеnсеs about yоu Usе thе phrаsеs in 3a) and thе Prеsеnt Simplе positivе or nеgativе
I don't studv ltalian
I like laoanese food
Free time aсtivities ffi
watсhТУ orDV D s nlav t s
so to thе с а еal' o
b) Тiсk (/) the things in 1a) yоu do in your frее timе
Po o with г.
g _ s
Trang 4Present SimpIe (l, уou, we, thefl: questions and
shoft answers ffi
,@ к"uа about thе Amеriсan roсk band Midnight.
: Fill in thе gaps with thеsе vеrbs.
'* *:':n l:"' :o: ':"" :.::n 1"": ""1.?
Hi! Welcome to the Midnight website Our names
are Marсus, Luke and PauI and *e' -
in Chiсago, in the USA We Iove our сity and we
a lot of good friends here Midnight p|ay roсk musiс and we, I-ike Radiohead, RЕM
and Oasis We go on tour* a Iot, and in our free
time we o -. DVDs and s
сomputer games We aIso 6
when we're on tour and wе ' Chinese
food We aIso o - - - - a Iot of sandwiсhes
and 9 - -''-'.'. ' a |ot of сoffee!
Rеad aЬout Midnight again Тhеn fill in thе gaps in thеsе quеstiоns.
1 д Whеrе do Marсus, Lukе and Paul Цue ?
в In Сhiсago, in thе USA.
thеy likе Сhiсago?
в Yеs' thеy do
3 д What musiс - " thеy ." ?
в Тhеy likе Radiohеad, RЕM and oasis
thеv in thеir
B 5A B 6A B 7^
Тhеy wаtсh DVDs and play сomputеr gamеs
еat - " a lot? Yеs, thеy do
food thеy likе?
Сhinеsе food
a lot of sandwiсhеs?
в Yеs, thеy do
out a lot
в Yеs thеy do.
Makе quеstions with thеsе wоrds Тhеn writе thе short answеrs.
.l writе / I / thе quеstions / Do ?
Do Iwrite the ouestions?
(,/) Yes vou do.
2 I /уou / knоw /Do ?
5 today / wе / aсlass / havе/ Do'?
6 Pеtе and Andy / football / likе / Do ? (/)
7 your parеnts / Do / a сat / haуe ? (х)
Trang 5Г@ @ Do thе plzz|е Find thе thing tо Ьuy (o).
sHoP AssIsтANт сUsтoMЕR sHoP AssIsтANт сUsтoМЕR
oK ТhatЪ f|o.49, plеаsе.
Тhаnks a lot Byе
b) Rеad thе соnvеrsatiоn again Hоw bоx of сhoсolatеs?
this, that, these, those ffi
,','@ in thе gaps with this, thаt, thеsе or thosс.
ln a shop ffi
а) Rеad this сonvеrsation gaps with thеsе phrasеs in a shop Fill in thе fхг.цsе-me- coodЬye сan l havе No, that's a[[ How muсh are Do you,have Here you are
any AA battеriеs?
sHoP AssIsтANт Yеs, thеy,rе ovеr thеrе, nеar thе
сUsтoМER Тhаnks thеy? sHoP AssIsТANт Тhеy'rе f,З.99 for four
сUsтoМЕR oK And .- thаt
Ьig Ьox of сhoсolаtеs' plеasе? sHoP AssIsтAшт, Surе Anything еlsе?
muсh is thе
Trang 6D,,,,,, Days and tirnes
Days of the week ffi
o o Wfitе rhе days оt thе wееk.
Mo л d a v
l@] W.i." thеsе timеs with past or to.
1 tenpast nile
m W
m, W
h Юl
2 з
4 5 6 7 I
J| rll in thе sans With lhеsе words.
J€€ofids yeаr daуs months
weeks hour minutеs
а) thrее hundrеd seс_oо-d-s
= livе
Ь) thirty minutеs = half an
с) forty-еight hours = two
d) twеnty-onе days = thrее
е) fifty.two wееks = onе
- -f) onе Vear = twеlvе
. l -.,, ,
.j' Fill in thе sans with thеsе wоrds.
\Дlhat |tЪ timе o"':
Еxсusе mе' timе is
Talking about the time ffiffi
д What
в ltЪ
it quartеr plеasе?
- your Еnglish сlass?
to six
Тime words ffi
Te||ing thetime fiffi' Т:::.'
p wit" thеsе timеs in twо ways fifty Saturday : -';
l eiаht o,сloсk umbrеllа addrеss ] newspapеr
offiсe lаnguagеs
eight-Pronunсiation: sy||ab|es and word stress (1)
G) w.i."thеsеwords o о { о О f-
in thе tablе footЬаtt ! sixteen
оОo expensive
Spelling: double letters ("1)
.,.;l s l Сirгlр tЪo мдg1d with the сorrесt spеlling
ilE7.,'\ J
1 smal /Фзj) 7 tеnis / tеnnis
2 tisuеs / tissuеs в ugly / uggly
з сinеma / сinnеma 9 surnamе / surrnamе
а shoping / shopping 10 batеriеs / battеriеs
5 magаzinе / maggazinе 11 managеr / mannagеr
6 сofее / сoffее lz dolaт / dollar Reading and Writing Portfo|io 4 ф8
йl ,