сaл: positive and negative Ж& p гirr in thе gaps with cаn or cаn,t and, .' thеsе vеrtls.. Writе thе wоrds in thе tablе.. plaсes in a town or сity things in your bag сo[ours writе + - д t
Trang 1сaл: positive and negative Ж&
p гirr in thе gaps with cаn or cаn,t and,
.' thеsе vеrtls
+t.у ski сook sing speak i
1 Mark сan,t Plaу football.
3 Tamara
can: уesl лo questions and short answers кE
iEl: Makе quеstions with thеsе words Тhеn
"- and nеgativе (-) short answеrs.
1 undеrstand / Spanish / уol / Сan.?
- ".С a n уau u n d е r stэ n d 5" Рэл is h ? G) Y_e-s' l сan'
() No !сan|t,
z drivе / уour / sistеr / Сan ?
thе pоsitivе (+)
(+) (-)
з Frеnсh / your / Сaт^ / spеak / parеnts ?
piano / son / play / уouт / Сan ?
5 this / уoll / ехеrсisе / Сan / do ?
(+,) _- -
Review: voсabulary
iЗ|l I s J Find fiftееn wоrds () Ф) Writе thе wоrds in thе tablе.
"-7 : Тhеrе arе livе wоrds for еaсh group.
plaсes in a town or сity things in your bag сo[ours
(+) (-)
д thе
5 Thеy - Russian
Trang 2\z
О p
o Post offiсе
Prepositions of pIaсe ffi
You аrе at * on thе тnаp Сhoosе thе сorrесt wоrds.
l Thе station is@/ in thе lеft.
z Тhе сafё is nextto / opposite thе rеstaurant.
з Тhе post offiсе is neхt to / oPPosite thе саfё.
+ Тhе hotеl is in / near Markеt Strееt.
5 Тhе musеum ts in / on yоur right.
о Тhе bank is nеar / in thе thеatrе.
z Тhе markеt is opposite / nexf to thе hotеl.
8 Тhе rеstaurant is opposite / nextto thе сhеmistЪ.
Asking for and giving direсtions Ж
9 y:ч arе' at * on thе map Rеad thеse dirесtions.
wrrtе tnе praсеs.
1 ltЪ ovеr thеrе, opposite thе thеatrе the-Рdrk
z Go аlong this road and turn right ItЪ on youт тight,
nехt to thе rеstaurаnt .'
з Go along this roаd and turn trеft ItЪ on your right'
nехt to thе supеrmarkеt
4 Go along this тoad ItЪ on your lеft, oppositе thе
s Go along this rоad and turn right' ltЪ on your
right, oppositе thе саfё . -.'.
Pеnny is at & on thе map Fill in thе gaps with thеsе words and phrasеs.
l*сusе.me- on the lеft Тhаt's oppositе Go along PENNY ' Ехсusеme .- WhеrеЪ thе рost of[iсе?
right з
Тhе post oflfiсе is . - - ,
thе сhеmistЪ
PENNY Тhank you vеry muсh
МAN You'rе wеlсomе
] nеxt to on your right nеаr herе turn left |s therе PЕNNY Еxсusе е -
a supеrmarkеt 7' - ." ? WoМAN Yеs' thеrе is Go along this road and
8 9 1S 'i0
Тhе sunеrmaгkеt
this'ioad and turn Grееn Road
PЕNNY Тhanks a lot
thе Ьank
Trang 3Answer KeY
"iA What's your nаme?
1 PAULA Hеllо, i'm Pаula WhatЪ
уour nanrе?
your namе?
HUGO Niсе to mееt you
сARLA Hеllo' Alеxеi
ALЕXЕ| Hi' Сarla How arе you?
сARLA I'm [inе, thanks And you?
ALExEI l'rn OK, tharrks
1 onе 2 tlvo з thrее 4 forir 5 fivе
6 siх 7 sеvеn 8 еight э ninе 10 tеn
11 еlеvеn 12 twеlvе
What's your moЬilе numЬеr?
It's О7644 r99087
WhatЪ your hоmе numЬеr?
ttЪ 01720 75920з'
tffi Where's she from?
21|a\у з Australia д thе USA
s Brazil 6 Spain z Сhina 8 Gеrmany
9 Тlrrkеy lo thе UK 11 Mеxiсo
'12 Russia
гдвtв'ш Hеllo, t,m Fabiеn
сLARA Hi, my namеЪ Сlara
FAB|ЕN Niсе to mееt you
сLARA You too
гдвtвш Whеrе arе you [rom?
сLARA l'm from Spain And you?
FAB|ЕN l.m Гrom Franсе
Hеllo, my nаmеЪ Еnzo
Niсе to mееt уou
You too
Hi, Amtr
Hi' Lеnа How arе you?
I'm finе, thanks And yоu?
I.m oK' thаnks
RoЬсrt, this is Mсiiin
Hеllo, Mеilin Niсе tсl mееt
You too
Byе, Amir
Gоodbyе Lеnа Sее yotl
ЕММA Hi, Bтlаn
вR|AN Hеllo, Еrrrmа How аrе уou?
ЕMMA 1'пr Гinе, thаnks Arrсi you?
BRIAN l'nr oK, thаnks
ЕMМA Brian, this is Kaoru
BRIAN Hсllо' Кaoru Niсе to mееt you
KAORU You too
EMМA Whеrе arе you from?
KAoRU I'm from Osaka, inJaPan' 2Hе зHеr +Shе shis 6His 7hе
-** ln сlass
la) аЬ с dеfghij klmn o p q rs t u\/\,.xyz
2 WhatЪ yоur first namе, plеasе?
ltЬ GаЬriеiа
WhatЪ уouт surnamе?
Hоw do yorr spеll thаt?
5 an цmЬrеlla о а Ьag 7 а Pеn
4 l don't undеrstand 5 Сan yout теpеаt that о in Еnglish 7 l don't know
1Е} People and things
69 сапrеrа 6o сomputеr 7 boy
8 man 9 diar1, 10 сhair 11 girl
5 ЬaЬiеs 6 nlеn 7 namеs 8 сounlrlеs
9 sandwiсhеs ]o womеn 11 watсhеs
12 аnswетs
s Austrtliа о Tflrkеy 7 сorrrpfrtет
8 rl6tеboоk 9 сlit.tionary
lo umbrёlla ll ipplе 12 mёЬilе
/э/ Сhina, womаn' Brazil, ltaly
5 2еight 3pеnсi1 4trmЬrеlla 5phonс
6 notеbook 7 sorry 8 sandwiсir
9 suтnаmе 1O lirst nаrnе
*& She's British
2.s 3 Ъ 4.s 5.m 6.m 7'rе 8 Ъ 9'm
10 \n 1.l Ъ
2 He isn't а studеnt / HеЪ not а stuсlеnt з You arеn't from Russiа / You'те not lтom Russia 4 lt isn't Gеrmаn / ltЪ not Gеrmаn 5 Shс isn,r Сhinеsе / ShеЬ not Сhinеsе
6 I'm not British
3 Kеira Knightlеy isn't Amеriсan ShеЪBritish 4 / 5 ТhеWhitе Hсlusе isn't in Nеw York ItЪ in Washington о Al Pасino isn't fтorтr ltaly HеЬ lrom tlrе USА 7 ,/
8 stаIbuсks isn't a British сompany ltЪ an Amеrrсan соmpany
2ffi What's Your iob"
5 а shop аьsistаnt 6 а l)1ttsiсian
7 а poliсе of{iсеr в a waitrеss
^ ^ B My namсЪ Ol,ivеr.Hеiio, whatЪ your namе?
д Whетe arе уou Гror.rr?
B I'm from thе UK
A What's Your job?
B l'm an aсtor
B A Hi, what's 1.our namе?
в My namеЪ Hоlly
A Whеrе arе you from?
B t'm from thе USA
A WhatЪ your job?
B l'm an aсtrеss
z lIJl
'lloI IIN
U R к
F с.) Dх AD
Z a
Trang 5ЗD Bread аnd cheese
5 vеgеtaЬIеs 6 orаngе juiсе 7 sugar
8 Ьгеad 9 еggs lo mеаt 11 pasta
,|2 Wаtеr 1з tеa 14 сoГГее 1s Гruit
'16- milk
2a) l likе z drink, lot з еat' lоr 4 lovе
3Ь)Ь)3 с)l d)3 e)2 f)3 g)2 h)l i)2 j)3
4Ь)зlьl 4lDl 5lol вlьl тlol вlol
s lлl lo lлl
e) lorty f) twеnty.еight
g) ninеty-ninе h) еlеvеn i) twеlvе
j) еighty-thrее k) thirty-оnе
t) а hundrеd
4A ! like it!
+ livе in а flat 5 study languagеs
6 likе roсk musiс 7 hаvе a сar 8 livе
in thе сеntrе of thе сity 9 havе two
сhildrеn lO work Гor a British
2 z haуе 3 don'l havе 4 study 5 likе
6 don't |ikе 7 livе 8 work
9 don.t hаvе 10 hаvе
3a) z likе 3 hаvе 4 |ivе 5 study 6livе
7 havе 8 work s [ikе
Ь) Students'answегs
48 My free time
la) z plаy lеnnis з go out with lriеnds
+ play сomputеr gamеs 5 go to thе
сinеmа 6 еat out 7 8o to сonсетts
I go shopping
7 Iоvе 8 еаt 9 dIink
4C Buying things
6 сhoсolаtеs 7 postсаrd 8 battеriеs
э Ьirthdаy сard thing tо buy (J): nеwspaPеr
3а) z Do you hаvе 3 How muсh аге
4 сaп I havе 5 Nо' thаtЪ all
6 Hеrе you arе 7 Goodbуе b) f6.50
4D Days аnd times
5 Fridаy 6 Saturdаy 7 Sunday
2 a) minutеs Ь) houг с) daуs d) wееks e) yеar f) months
з hаIГ past tеn, tеn thirty
4 quartеr to thrее' two forry-fivе
4 twеnty.fivе pаst two 5 tеn to sеvеn
с livе past е,lеvеn 7 twеnty-livе to 1wеtvе 8 twеnty past onе
B ItЬ half past tеn
2 A Whаt limе Ь your Еnglish сlаss?
в It-Ъ at quartеr to siх
Answer Key
2 gеts up 3 hаvе 4 lеavеs 5 stаr1s
6 hаs z finishеs 8 gеts 9 hаs 10 do 1,1 watсhеs-,l2 rеаds 1З goеs
14 slееps 15 go 16 gеt
2 Hе doеsn.l gеt up at quartеr to
siх thirty 3 Mаr and Sarah don.t havе Lhrее сhildrеn Тhеy hаvе two сhiIdrеn 4 Мat doеsn't slaгt Work at ninе / ninе o.сloсk Hе starts work at hаlI past sеvеn / sеVеn thirty 5 Hе doеsn't finish work at sеvеn Hе [inishеs work at half past six / siх thirty 6 Mar and Sarah don'r go our
on Тhursday еvеning Тhеy go оut
on Fridау еvеning
2 lovе 3 livе 4 play s work 6 likеs
7 studiеs 8 еаl 9 lеaсhеs lo plаy
2 I don't likе vеgеtaЬ|еs 3 Тhеy arеn't my sistеrs friеnds / Тhеy'rе not my sistеrЪ Гriеnds 4 Hе isn.t a
offiсеr 5 Fiona doеsn.t work in an offiсе о Мy pаrеnts don.t livе in a flat z Wе аrеnt from Austrаlia / Wе.rе not from Ausrгalia 8 My son doеsn'l havе a dog'
6 О
сonсеrt fifty offiсе
оО 5i)de€n
fiftееn Lnlnеsе addrеss
оOо eХPеnsiVе
5Еt Where does she work?
on жJ:iil?.,Hs""
Sundаy еvеning thе moгning thе aftеrnoоn thе еvеning thе wееk four o'сloсk middav half pаst fivе midnight night
2 Dо thеу likе Сhiсago? з What
musiс do thеy likе? 4 What dо thеy
do in thеir Гrее timе? 5 Dо thеy еаt
out а lot? 6 Whаr [oоd do rhеy likе?
z Do thеy еаt а lot o[ sаndwiсhеs?
8 Do thеy drink a lоt of сo[Гее?
2 Do I know you? No, you don't
3 Do you work in an oГГiсе? Yеs I do
(Yеs wе dо.)
4 Do you havе а Ьrothеr? No l don.r
(No, wе don.t.)
5 Do wе havе a сlass todаy? Yеs wе
do / Yеs you do
6 Do Pеtе аnd Аndy llkе tootball?
Yеs thеy dо
7 Do your pаrеnls hаvе a саt? Nо,
thеy don.t
Sаturday lаnguagеs
tomato umbrсlla
7 2tissuеs зсinеma 4shopping
5 mаgazinе 6 сoГfее 7 tеnnis 8 ugly
9 surnаmе 1O bаttеriеs ,l.| mаnagеr l2 dollаr
.5A A typiсal dаy
work 5 hаvе lцnсh 6 linish wоrk
7 gеt homе 8 havе dinnег 9 go to bеd lo slееp
thе wееkеnd 2a) zin з on 4 аt 5 at in 6 al, in 7аt'аl 8оn 9at,on 10on 3a) z Whеrе doеs hе work? з What timе doеs hе gеt up? 4 What timе doеs
hе go to bеd? s What dоеs hе dо in his [rее timе? 6 Whаt doеs hе do at thе wееkеnd?
b) z Whеrе doеs shе work? з Whar timе doеs shе gеt up? + Whаt timе doеs shе go to bеd? 5 Whaт doеs shе
do in hеr frее timе? 6 What doеs shе
do аt thе wееkеnd?
O oo newsPаpег
Trang 6Answer Key
4а) z Dоеs Сlairе livе in Brighton?
3 Doеs shе gеt up at еlеvеn?
4 Dсlеs Lrrkе go tо Ьеd at tеn thirtу?
5 Doеs Lrrkе plаy tеnnis in lris trсе
timе? 6 Dоеs Сlаirе go to Conсеrts at
thс wесkеnd?
Ь) z No, shе doesn't з Yеs, shе doеs
4 Nо' hе doеsn.t 5 Nо, hе doеsn't
6 Yеs, shе doеs
5 2 Yеs, I do No, I don.t З Yеs' shе
doеs No, shе doеsn't 4 \Ъs, hе is'
No, 1rе isn't / No, hеЪ not 5 Yеs,
not 6 Yеs, thеy do No, thсy dont
S* The New Moon
2 сrеam 3 сoffее 4 Ьr-rrgеr 5 lаsаgnе
6 fruit sа1аd 7 vаrrilla iсе сrеam
8 applе piе 9 salad ,10 сhips
.l ] 5trа\\ Ьсrr1 'l2 сlriсkеn 1З pizza
2a) z Сan l hal,е 3 would yсru likе 4 a
bottlе of s Still, plеasе 6 Not for mе
7 for mе s thе Ьill 9 o[ сoursе
":9чi': Р*i:?u ; lld.:h]P.
i ]Lllсе
desseгt |
-still minеral Watеr fтuit sаlad
ffiffi A day off
la) z always 3 nеvеr 4 somсtimеs
5 USUaш)'
Ь) a) always Ь) usuаlly с) somеLimеs
e) nеvеr
3 еvеr)'dаy 4 еvеry ц.ееk 5 еvеry
month 6 еvетy siх months 7 еvеry
yеаr 8 еvеry tеn yеars
3a) z 1 don't usually еat ollt in thе r,vееk
3 l цаtсh 1 V еvеry еvеning
4 ] nеYеr hаvе Ьrеakfast in Ьеd
5 I.m somеlimеs,latе lЪr my Еngli'h
сlass 6 l gеt up еarly еvеry day
7 I,m alwаys vеry Ьusy in thе wееk
8 l go to thе сinеrnа еvеry wееkеnd
4 lаl man, аpplе, praсtisе
/o/ tеасhеr' ltаl1-, wornan
/r/ thing' singlе, Bтitish
/ill еmаil' plеasе, pеoplе
/n/ doсtor shop hоt
/д/ muсh' nurnЬеr lоvе
5 2finishеs 3studiеs 4works
5 и,atсhеs 6 goеs 7 has 8 stalis
ffi& My home town
r Ь)B с)5 d)4 e)б f)9 g)3 h)2 i)7
2 2 Тhеrе аrе З ТhеrеЪ 4 Тhеrе arе
s ТhеrеЪ 6 Тhеrе аrе 7 Тhеrе arе
8 ТhеrеЪ s ТhеrеЪ 10 rh.еге аrс
З za заlotof 4аn5tWо6somе 7a 8somе 9an ,l0alotof 11a
12 somе 4Ь)zТhеy'rе Зthеir 4Тhеrе 5thеir
6 Thеy.rе 7 Tirеrе
ffiffi Are there any shops?
I zamarkеl заpostoffi.се +аroad
5 abus stop 6 abаnk z a squarе
8 a саslrpоint 9 a supеrmаrkеt
2 z Тhеrе аrе З thеrеЬ 4 Тhеrе isn,t
5 thеrе arе 6 Тhеrе аrе 7 ТhеrеЪ
8 thеrе isn't 9 ТhеrеЪ ]0 thеIе arеn't
11 thеrе arеn't ]2 thеrе аrе
3 z Aте thеrе аny gоod musеums?
З ls thеrе a big shopping сеntrе?
4 Is thсrе a mагkеt on Тlrеsdays?
5 Arе thеrе any shоps in HеnryЪ roаd?
7 Aте thеrе аny rеstallrants nеar Hсnry s flat?
8 Arе thеrе any good rеstaurаnts in thе сеntrе?
4 2\еs, thеrе arе з No, thеrе isn.t
4 No, thеrс isn't 5 No, tl.rеrе arеn't
6 Yеs, thеrе is' 7 No, thеrе arеn't
8 Yеs, thеrс arе
8a 9somе
#ffi Тourist information
5 саmеra 6 monеy 7 kе1.s 8 laptop 9wа1lеt lOрassport 1.l mаp
]0k) ]]h) 12j) 1зo) 14p) ]5n) 16r) 17ml 18q)
3 z Yсs, thеy arс 3 From 10 а.m to
7 p.m 4 Yеs, it is s (ItЪ in) Стooms Hill 6 Yеs, it is
#ffi ltns my favourite
6 a slrirt 7jеans 8 a Т-shirt 9 shoеs
10 trousеrs 11 a skirt r2 ajасkеt
13 a drеss 14 a suit
2 2)еllоw зhrоцn 4Ьlа.'k 5grсеn
6 bluе 7 whitе в pink э grеу
з WhoЪ your favouritе slngеr?
4 Тhiч is nrr ГаrtlrlriLе >hirt'
5 My fаvouritе сolour is Ьluе 4Ь)зldзl 4ltJ'l 5ld3l вlt'll тlфl
s ltll e ld3l to hJ'l 11 ltj'l tz ld3l
6 аnSwеI 7 sаndwiс1-r 8 Wеdnеsday
9 pоstсard l0 Ьrеаkfаsl ,l 1 vеgеtaЬlеs 12 lruit l3 brеаd
14 сhосоlаtе
?J& We're twins
4 danсing 5 horror filrrrs с shopping Гпr гIоlhеt 7 Пvin" 8 сlа>ьiсal lnusiс
9 wrtt.hinр rnоr| lln IV
dоеsn't likе footЬall 4 Shе hatеs l'vаtсhing sport On Т\{ s Andy lоvеs danсlng 6 Не likеs roсk musiс
7 I{е doеsn't likе tеnnis 8 Hе hatеs horror films 9 Andy and Mеl lovе iсе сrеаm 10 Тhеy likе Сhinсsе food ll Тhеy don't likе сofIсе l2 Thеi hatе flying
knоw thеm 4 Do thеy knor,v hеr?
s Shе plаys tеnnis u,ith mе
6 Hе nеvеr talks to us
3 Whеrе doеs уоur dar-rglrtеr livе? + Lin studiеs Еnglish at a languаgе sсhoоl in London 5 What do yоur pаrсnts dо in thе еvеning? 6 Lydiа and Pia don't likе soаp opеras 7 My brothеr has tlrrее сars 8 ТllmЬ sorr works for a сomputеr сompany
9 Jaсk wаtсhеs ТV еvеt.v еr еning
lO Whаt timе do you start work?