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Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 14 ppsx

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,-;,*Ыp'й*ti,wh*ffil:l;. ii1цi1 :. .,'*t1 liii: :."::.:;:.:.:.:. ".;ljll з ;:' ::a'J:: " ".".i :::1::.:. ,.@ к"ud thеsе rulеs аnd thе ехamplеs. w Both goеs aftеr bс: Wе,rе both vсry busу in thе wеe|l. ** Both goеs bеforе othеr vеrbs: We both |ihе the sсtmс bands. * Тogеthеr is usuаlly at thе еnd of thе sеntеnсе: We watсhDУDs togеther. Т!РS1 о Frеquеnсy advеrЬs (аlwщs, еtс.) go aГtеr be and bеforе othеr vеrbs: Rob\ а|wауs lаtе. Wе usuа||у go to сonсеrts togеther. о Phrasеs wtth еvery arе usually at thе еnd of thе sеntеnсе: Hе eаts burgers аnd сhips еvery dлу. Rеad about Сharliе аnd Rob again. Undеrlinе all thе еxamplеs of both, togethеr, frеquеnсy advеrbs and phrasеs with a,еry. Nоtiсе thе woтd ordеr. Rеad aboutJill and Libby. Put thе wоrds in braсkеts ( ) in thе сorrесt plaсе. . Reading and Writing Pоrtfolio 7 @ Rеad aboutJill and Libby аgain. Find thrее things thеy ]'"' Ьoth lovе. CЕ wпtе a profilе оf you and a pеrsоn in yоur fаmily. " Usе thеsе phrasеs аnd your own idеas. My ,s nаme is and we both tike a lot of thе samе things. Wе both like / tovе Wе а[ways / usualty / somеtimes togеther. аnd | аrе also very diffеrеnt. doesn't like , Ьut I love it / them. And l like / tovе , Ьut hаtеs it / thеm. I think is thе best ' in the world аnd | lovе him / hеr vеrv muсh. Tiсk (/) thе things you саn do in Еnglish in thе Rеading and Writing Progrеss Portfolio' p72. i '!i ::@ rr':ll. ,),4,. llal both (both .)) А4у daugЬ|е.'s nаr,,e is LiЬby аnd we(like а lo| o{ tl.e sаme things. (bоth, togеthеr )) We love clotЬes аnd so-eti-el go sЬoPPing. (Ьоth )) Аnd wе Iovе b]aс;k and wЬi|е dims. (usually, togеthеr t) on Sиndаy а{Ьmoons we wаtоЬ аn old fi|m, wi|Ь a ЬE |г,t!с' box o-l cЬocola|еs, o* ca'л^re'! LiЬbу and 1 а.e аlsо very di{{e'еnt. (tt )) SЬe doesn'| llkе Яying, bu* I lovе. (thеm -9) Аnd I iike soаp o?eras, bu| LibЬy hаies. (еvеry еvеrring *) J wа*cA two soаp oPerаs. (it .)) LiЬЬу also loues cookiщ, bu| I Ьa|e. (еvеry day -)) In ouг hoиse my husbаnd cooks dinne,! (hеr l) I *Ьink L|bЬу is |Ьe Ьes| daщЬ|e, in |he woАd + .: ,::i.t:i,t.' and I lone vеry muс,Ь, &gmtertжn ffrXms a*'ъd рlays .@ а) Look аt thеsе advеrts [оr things ,a. to do in Birmingham' in thе UK. Matсh advеrts |_4 to a)_d). a) a olav Ь) a сlassiсal сonсеrl с) a film d) a roсk сonсегt b) Rеad thе аdvеrts again. Answеr thеsе quеstiоns. l Whеn is thе Bad Day сonсеrt? !t's on Satцr-daу :24!! Мarсh' z What numbет do you phonе to buy tiсkеts for this сonсеrt? з Whеrе сan you sее Уiсtoпа\ Wсdding? Whеrе сan you buy tiсkеts onlinе for this play? Whеrе сan you sее thе fl|m Тhе Phonе СаlI? 6 Who is thе асtrеss in this film? Reading adverts for frее time aсtivitiеs; еmаils aЬout last wеekend Writing a / an and fhe; your last film, plаy or roсk сonсert Review Past Simplе of be; adjeсtivеs; timе phrases wlth on, in, at FRIDAY 23RD l,{ARCFt TO ТHURSDАY l9ТH АPRlL TнЕ сITY THЕATRЕ Nеw Strееl, Biгmingham B5 3YP o845 345 9776 or onlinе at www.thесitythеatre. сo.uk .A grеat еvеning out for all thе faщily' Birmiпgltаm Eх1эrеss v w.w.r,v.viсtоriaswеdding.сom oPЕNs FRIDAY 23.d MARсH The Apollo Ginemа, Birmingham 0870 987 4331 Book online at www.theapo|Io.сo'uk z What timе doеs thе сlassiсal сonсеrt start? 8 How muсh arе thе tiсkеts for this сonсеrt? . Reading and Writing Portfolio I ;'ё* *"uа еmail A. Whеrе was Мia last Saturday? .#} к"uа еmail B. Fill in thе gaps with 4 or thе. Hi Judy How are you? Paul and I went* to a сonсert on Saturday. Do you know Bad Day? They're a roсk band from London. The сonсert was fantastiс! |t was at the Birmingham Arena in the сity сentre and there were аbout 3,000 peop|e there. The band played* for two hours and the singer was amazing. Bad Day aгe now my favourite band! How Was VoUг weekend? Love Mia *went = Past Simple of go *plaуed = Pаst Simp|e of plaу ,,@ *"uu thеsе rulеs and thе ехamplеs. * Wе usе а oт аn to talk aЬout onе of many plaсе5, pеoplе or things: Тhсу,rс аroch bаndfrom London. (Тhеrе arе a lot oГ roсk bаnds from London.) e Wе usе thс whеn thеrе is only onе plaсе, pеrson or thing: It wаs аt thе Birminghаm Аrеnа'. (ТhеrеЪ only onе plaсе with this nаmе.) о \\.е usе а / аn to talk about a pеrson, plaсе оr thing Гor thе first timе: Paul аndI went / \ I o @:onсgrg llsI S а turd а.у . о \\Ъ usе thс to talk about thе pеrson, plaсе or thing ^g^in. @,-n,Й w аs fantаstiс! Т|Р1 о Wе аlso usе thс in thеsе phrasеs: in thе сitу ссntrе go to thе сinаnа / thеаtre Hi Mia |'m pleased that] the conсeft was gobd. My weekend was oK. on Saturdav I had" lunсh with friend in з caf6. Then in a evening I went to 5 ' сinema with Gary. We went to see 6 film, but it wasn't very good. fi|m was сal|ed .Тhe Phone Ca||' and it was very long and boring. After u film we went to e pizza restaurant in .o сity сentre. restaurant Wasn't very fu||, but pizzas were fantastic! Have a good day! Lots of love Judv "had = Past Simole of have Writе about thе last film, play or rосk сonсеrt you wеnt to. Usе thеsе phrasеs and your own idеas. I wеnt to a film / plaу / сonсert (whеn?). lt lt'as at thе in (whеrе?). Тhе film / plaу / band was сallеd (whаt?). I wеnt with (who?) and thеrе wеrе (how mаny?) pеoplе thеrе. Тhе was fantastiс / ОK / boring. AГtеr thе film / plaу / сonсert Wе Wеnt (whеrе?). Wе had a .'. (what?) and . lt was a grеat / fantastiс / terrible еvеning. Тiсk (/) thе things you саn do in Еnglish in thе ; Rеading and Writing Progrеss Pоrtfoliо' p72. ; in thе morning / аftеmoon / evсning : аt thе wееhеnd * .t ',,'it Фкз hm**day Reаding a trаve[Ь[og;a hotiday in Franсe Wгiting beсause, so, when., your last holidаy Review Past Simp[e; trаnsPort; hotidаy асtivities; and and but a) Сhесk thеsе words in a diсtionary. l Ёnсient а pframid quiet а sfrnsеt b) Rеad about olliе andJo's hоliday in Mеxiсo. Put phоtos A-С in ordеr. с) Rеad about olliе andJо's holiday again. Сhoosе thе сorrесt words. l olliе and Jo arrivеd in Mеxiсo in Йe6frЙ/ evening. z On Мondaу tЬеу slept a lot / wеnt sightseеing. з Tеоtihuaсan is in / near Мexico Сity. ц ОIlie / Jo can't spеak Spanish. 5 Тhеy arrivеd in Aсapulсo on Fridaу / Saturdaу. о Thеy hаd fish flor dinnеr in Асapulсo / BarraViеja. ollie сlnd Jo in fllexiсo Тuesdoy 25й July Jo ond I orrived in Мexiсo City ot 7 o.m. on Sundoy. We were very tired Ьeсouse we didn,t sleep on the plone. When we orrived ot our hote|, we slept foг nine houгs. Yesterdoy we went sightseeing in the сentre. There ore lots of Ьeoutifu| Ьuildings ond some interesting mqrkets. And we,гe Ьoth very hoppy Ьeсouse -, we,гe on holidoy! Thursdoy 27|h !u|у Yesterdoy we went to Teotihuoсon, on onсient сity oЬout 45 minutes owoy. |t wos gmozing! We wolked oround the Pyromid o[ the Sun ond Jo took some greot photos. When we got Ьoсk to Мexiсo City, we hod dinneг neor the hotel. Jo сon speok Sponish so she ordered the food. Мy Sponish is terriЬ|e! Sundoy 30й July Hi ogoin _ we,re in Aсopulсo! We o;1.ived two doys ogo ond it,s veгy hot here _ oЬout 38"C. The Ьeoсhes in Aсopulсo ore very Ьusy so , yesterdoy we went to Borro Vieio, o smoll ploсe oЬout ,l2 km owoy. We loved Borro Vieio Ьeсouse it wos very quiet. We wotсhed the sunset ond hod dinner on the ЬeoсЬ _ the fish wos fontostiс! il Reading and Writing Portfolio 9 ,!i tI :i ! Lu,r yеa. йy husЬand @t ьutТ wеnt on hоIiday to. BоrdеаLrх, in Ггanсе. l don't likс llying ,so / beсаuse.wе wеnt Ьy trЫn.зWhen / So wearrivеd in Boгdеаux. wе rеntеd a сar aand / but drovе to our hotеl. Wе lovеd thе hotеl sso / beсausе it wаs vсry quiеl. Wе ЬoЙ lovе walking 6so / bесause Wе Wеnt ft'г a long walk еvеry day Тhе Гood аt thе hotеl Wаs vегy good7and / buf it was еasy to orсlег sso / bесausе thе mеnus wеге in Еnglish! Wе also wеnt sightsееing in Bordеаuх, gso / but иe didл't takе anу рhotos .owhen / beсause l lсtr йе саmеra al thе horеl! r1VУheл / So wе lеГr Boгdеаuх. wе didn.t-*аnr to gо homе. Мaybе Wе сan gо Ьасk nехl уеar. ! djdл|t go swjnпingbeсaцse !с-al:t swjm. 2 I was vеry tirеd. I wеnt to bеd еarly. 1 а) Wе Wеrе vеry tirеd bесausе wе didn,t slееp on thе planе. Ь) Wе didn,t slееp on thе planе so wе Wеrе vеry tirеd. 2 a) Jo саn spеak Spanish so shе ordеrеd thе food. Ь) Jo ordеrеd thе fоod bесausе shе сan spеak Spanish. ТAР} о Wе usually pltbесause and so in thе middlе of thе sеntеnсе. WнЕN b) Loоk at this sеntеnсе. Notiсе how wе ttsе ll,hеn. first sесond Whеn wе arrivеd at our hotеl, wе slеpt for ninе hours. Т{Рst о Wе сan plt whеn аt thе Ьеginning or in thе middlе of thе sеntеnсе: l Wе slсpt for ninе hours when wе got to our hotеl. * . Wе usually usе a сomma ( , ) if whсп is at tЬе ч bеginning of thе sеntеnсе. t ; *"**d' jffi# Rеad аbout olliе andJo's holiday agаin. Undеrlinе 5, all thе ехamplеs of biсаusе, so ir'diwhеn. ffi вясousЕ AND so w.' bеtwееn bесаusе and so. :wлtе thеsе sеntеnсеs with beсаusе, so or whеn. Тhеrе is somеtimеs morе than onе answеr. l I didn't go swimming. I сan't swim. 3 Wе arrivеd in Paris. Wе wеnt for a walk. Hе wеnt by train. Hе hatеs flying' 5 I got homе. I phonеd my sistеr. ": а) Rеad aЬоut Kаthy's last holiday. Whеrе did shе go? Did shе havе a good timе? b) Rеad aЬоut Kuthy'' holiday agаin. Сhoosе thе сorrесt words. a) Тhink аЬоut yоur last hоliday. Makе nоtеs in the tablе. Whеrе did you staу? How did you travе[ агound? " I Whеre did you go and what did you do? b) writе aЬout your last holidаy. Usе your nоtеs in 6a). iw 6 Тhеrе Wетеn't any taхis. Wе rеntеd a сar. thе ; Tiсk (/) thе things you сan dо in Еnglish in Rеading аnd Writing Prоgrеss Pоrtfoliо, p72. . love clotЬes аnd so-eti-el go sЬoPPing. (Ьоth )) Аnd wе Iovе b]aс;k and wЬi|е dims. (usually, togеthеr t) on Sиndаy а{Ьmoons we wаtоЬ аn old fi|m, wi|Ь a ЬE |г,t!с' box o-l cЬocola|еs,. lovе. (thеm -9 ) Аnd I iike soаp o?eras, bu| LibЬy hаies. (еvеry еvеrring *) J wа*cA two soаp oPerаs. (it .)) LiЬЬу also loues cookiщ, bu| I Ьa|e. (еvеry day -) ) In ouг hoиse. thе horеl! r1VУheл / So wе lеГr Boгdеаuх. wе didn.t-*аnr to gо homе. Мaybе Wе сan gо Ьасk nехl уеar. ! djdл|t go swjnпingbeсaцse !с-al:t swjm. 2 I was vеry tirеd. I wеnt to bеd еarly. 1

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