сAМBRIDGв UNIvЕRsIТY PRЕssCаmbridgе, Nеw York, Mеlbournе, Madrid, Capе Town, Singaporе, Sao Paulo, Dеlhi Сambridgе Univетsity Prеss Тhе ЕdinЬurgh Building, Cambridgе сB2 8RU, UK www.сamb
Trang 1Starter Workbook
Cаmbridgе, Nеw York, Mеlbournе, Madrid, Capе Town, Singaporе, Sao Paulo, Dеlhi Сambridgе Univетsity Prеss
Тhе ЕdinЬurgh Building, Cambridgе сB2 8RU, UK
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@ Сambridgе Univеrsity Prеss 2009
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First publishеd 2009
Printеd in thе Unitеd Kingdom at thе Univеrsity Prеss, Саmbridgе
А саtаloguе record for this publicаtion is ауаilаblе from thе British Librаry
ISBN 978-0-52r-7|274-з Workbook with Key
ISBN 978-0-52I-7127з-6 studеntЪ Book with СD-RoМ/Audio СD
lsBN 978-0- 52I-7 I27 5-0 ТёaсhеrЪ Book
lsBN 978-0-52|-7L277-+ Clаss Audio СDs
Саmbridgе Univеrsity Prеss has no теsponsibility foт thе pетsistеnсе or aссuгaсy of URLs for еxtеrnal oт third-party Intеrnеt wеbsitеs rеfеrrеd to in this publiсаtion, and doеs not guarantее that any сontеnt on suсh wеbsitеs is, or will rеmain, aссuratе or appropriatе Information rеgаrding priсes' train timеs and othеr faсtual information givеn in this work arе сolтесt at thе timе of going to print but Сambridgе
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Trang 3Chris Redston F-*'щ щgp UNIvЕRsITY PRЕss CдшIвRIDGЕ
Trang 41 New friends
numbers 0_.|2; сountries; the a|phabet; things in your bag (1);
aand an; people; things; plurals
Pronunсiation word stress (1); lal and lel
Spelling review
2 All about you
nationalities; jobs; titles; greetings; numbers 13-100
Pronunciation word stress (2\; ltl and litl
Spelling jobs; plurals
3 People and places
adjeсtives ('l); word order With adjeсtives; verу;Iami|уi
food and drink (1) and (2\; love, like, eat, drink, a lot ot
Pronunciataon syllables; lol and lil
Spelliпg numbers
4 Mу world
phrases With like, have' Iive' work, sfudy; free time aоtivities;
things to buy; this, that lhese, those; days of fte week; time words
P]onunciation sy||ab|es aпd Word stress (1)
Spelling double letters (1)
5 Day-to-day life
dai|y routines; time phrases With 04 ,л, af; food and drink (3);
frequenоy adverbs and phrases with eиery
Pronunciаtion sounds rrvieW (])
Spelling Present Simple (he, she, it\
Ci Towns and сities
p|aоes in a town or city (1) and (2); things in your bag (2);
с|othes; оo|ours; favourite
PronunGiаtion lIJl and lфl
Spelling silent lrtters (1)
7 Love it, like it, hate it!
things you Iike and don't like; Iove, Iike, hate; abililies;
prepositions of pIaоe; things peopIe do online
Pronшnсiation lsl and l|
Spelling doub|e |etters (2); с|othes
Answer Key
8 Days to remember pзa
adjeсtives (2); years and past time phrases; months and dates;
big numbеrs
Pronunciаtion lcll aпd lз,'l
Spelling review
9 Going аwаy
transpoгt; ho|iday activities; at the station; question Words
Pronшnсiаtion sounds revieW (2)
Spelling silent Ietters (2)
10 My future
future plans; future time phrases; phrases with have, watch, go,
go to; adjeоtives (3): fee|ings
Pronunciаtion syllab|es and word stress (2)
Spelling Past Simple verb forms
stаЁer Fleаding and Writing Progress Portfolio p72
Trang 5What's your name?
Saying he|lo ffiХЖffiЖ
lntroduсing peop|e ffi
" : YVoNNЕ RoЬеrt, t h i s isMеilin
МЕ|LIN You t- -
Saying goodbye ffiffi
thanks l'm fine And You How arе
i @ @ Writе thе words.
LENA BJt e ,Amir
AМ|R G -, Lеna S you s LENA Yеs s vou
Hi, Lеnа
-I'm OK, _.
- - , thanks -.
Trang 6l, mу, уoLl,yoиr *Ж
Fill in thе gaps w.ith I, mу' уou
ot уour.
HUGo Hеllo, /".,m Hugo WhatЪ
Hi' nаmеЪ Lian з ' - 8
Niсе to mееt - 4 - - -.- 9
Hеllo, Alеxеi.
Hi, Сarla How arе
1A and 1B
Numbers 0-12 Ж
o -zэr-o
1 2
11 12 LIAN
сARLA 'm [inе, thanks
ALЕxЕ| 'm oK, thаnks What's -_ - _ home ?
07644 199087.
|t,s 0,l720 75920з.
Where's she from?
w *чb' ы
Countries ffi
лВ в Writе thе сountries.
5 _. _ -. _ 'r0 6
Phone numbers Ж
?rД -.rr r
{$l ЕI|L in thе яaps with thеsе words.
i -.'-1
l w."13 numЬеr moЬile lt,s your ;
Whatls- your . -. -. number?