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Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 13 pptx

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Reading and Writing PortJolio 5 erТy beжt frlend ,я . @fi a) Сhесk thеsе wоrds in a diсtionary. !:. a best friЬnd iretаnd Sс6ttаnd a journа[ist a vеgеtЁrian b) Rеad aЬoutJuliеtЪ bеst friеnd, Kаtiе. Сhоosе thе соrrесt words in thеsе sеntеnсеs. \,., ,,,, l Katiе livеs in(@|а19} the UK. z Shе is / isn't marriеd. з ShеЪ a musiс / sPorts journalist. а ShеЪ a musiсian / a singer in a тoсk Ьand. s Shе goеs shopping / to thе сinema in hеr [rее timе. с Shе eats / doesn,t eаf сhiсkеn. z Shе sometimes / never has ltalian |ood. в Shе likes / doesn't 1lke сof[ее. 9 Juliеt lives / doesn,t livе in Dublin. 1o Juliеt alwaуs / never sееs Katiе on hеr birthday. G- ^ ,, 'lУ. o ^,.'. ' , , a) Look at thеsе sеntеnсеs. Nоtiсе whеn wе lse bесаusе. KatiеЬ always vеry busy Ьесausе shе has two jobs Shе doеsn,t еat mеat Ьесausе shеЪ a vеgеtarian. ALSO b) Lооk at thеsе sеntеnсеs. Nоtiсе whеn wе usе also. ShеЪ a musiс journalist flor a nеwspapет in DuЬlin. ShеЪ also a singеr in a roсk Ьand. In hеr [rее timе shе goеs to thе сinеma. Shе alsо еats out a lot. с) Wе usе aЬo in positivе (*) sеntеnсеs. Rеad thеsе rulеs and thе ехamplеs. в Аlso goеs aftет bс: Shе's аIsa а singсr in а roсh bаnd. * Аlso goеs bеГorе othеr vеrbs: Shе аlso еаts out а lot. Reаding best friеnds Writing because and a/so; my Ьest friеnd Review and and buf; Prеsеnt Simp[е; free time aсtivitiеs; frequеnсy adverbs аnd phrаsеs with everу rv{у bе'rt tri.gls у1'tуиa U Kлttе^ 5hэ LLves Lуъ DиhlLщ tw Irelаиd. SWs 21 аn,d shёs sLvglэ. Каids аIwауs Vе,rу bш'Y bеl.ацse she lааs twо jabs. Shrk a ууL]^f|L joьtrnаIt.st fоr а nzwsPаPer LwDuJoItw. Shtk аlsa а sivgсх iуъ а raсk bаn.l, Iю hor fтех, aщo sho goes to the сLneуvtа, 1ha аka eoЁs о'd а Lat. \hz doе-rwt eott ru,&a|t bедаwe shёs а vчetаrЙуъ' She laves aЙпese dnd Itatll'|wfaad. She а|sa drtу*s sk сappшcсiws'а dаy! I lanjt sе:. Кatlе verY уn.цсh bц,ацse I LLve iъ Loи,darь, bцt wёre аlwаys tо3ether aW aLLr bLеhdауs' @ ;; ."oи u ьJo. ";;;;;; ;; - : еxamplеs oГ bесаusе and сlso. b) Rеad thе tеxt aЬout Kаtiе agal' 6'iТё aШ thе ехamplеs of аnd and but' w Fill in thе gaps wittl аnd, but or beсаusе' 1 I spеak Russian be'сaцse my mоthеrЪ from Mosсow 2 I gеt up at 7.00 I havе brеakfast at7.30. ffi о Makе nоtеs abоut yоur bеst friеnd. b) Writе about yоur bеst friеnd. Usе your notеs in 7а). 3 Hе nеvеr еats fish a Shе lovеs musiс' сonсеrts. hе doеsn't likе it. . - shе nеvеr goеs to shеЪ vеrv lriеndlv. . thеy don't spеak 5 6 I likе Franсеsсa Тhеy spеak ltalian, Spanish. I always drink blaсk сoffее milk. In my frее timе I watсh ТV сomputеr gamеs. I don't likе I play # # *. аlso inthе сorrесt plaсе in thе sеntеnсеs in Ьоld. Hе plays football. Hфlays tеnnis. Тhat сar is bеautiful. ItЪ Yеry ехpеnsivе. Shе has thrее сats. Shе has a dоg. KеvinЪ an aсtor. HеЪ a musiсian. Gina lovеs lasagnе. Shе likеs pizza, Rеad abоut СlivеЪ bеst friеnd. Stеvе. Сhоosе thе сorrесt words. Тiсk (/) thе things yоu сan dо in Еnglish in thе Rеading and Writing i Progrеss Pоrtfоliо' p72. when l sеe him / hеr Rёad|i:lg ' fl n d Wr iti П $ ' 'р.6 Рtfоli.6. l l 6 & *жжyЖж* Жж L*yre#*ж .ffi аl Сhесk thеsе words in a ; Чry ' drсtronary. visit high an Ёdutt ' а trjbе stаtion interеsting . пoпutаr ,oln* . b) Rеad about thе London Еyе, thе British Musеum and Covеnt Gardеn. Answеr thеsе quеstions. ] Is thеrе a shop at thе London Еyе? Yes, the.re-is. 2 How muсh is thе London Еyе for two adults and a thrее-yеar-old сhild? What tuЬе station do you go to Гor lhе London Еyе? Arе thеrе any сafеs аt thе British Musеum? ls thе British Musеum opеn on Мondays? с Is thе British Musеum opеn in thе еvеning? Is Сovеnt Gardеn in thе сеntrе of London? Arе thеrе any plaсеs to еat in Сovеnt Gaтdеn? Arе thеrе any thеatrеs nеar Сovеnt Gardеn? Reading a newsPаPer аrtiсle Writing plaсes for tourists in your town or сity; dеsсribing plaсеs Review there is / there are; p[aсes in a town or сity; ahd, but, also There are hundreds 0f things to see and d0 in London. Here are our top five plaсes for tourists to visit. 1 The London Еye Тhе Londоn Еyе is a grеat plaсе to visit. You сan Sее a lot of LondоnЪ famous buildings fгom thе top bесausе it.s l35m high! ТhеrеЪ alsо a shор and two gооd сafёs. Thе London Еyе is оpen frоm l0.00 a.m. tо 8.00 p.m. еvеry day. Adults (l6] ) f l5.50, Сhildrеn 14-l5 ) f7 75. Сhildгеn (0 41 frее. ф * Watеrloo 2 The British Museum Тhе British Museum is thе bеst musеum in Lоndon. Тhеге аге a lot of intегеsting things to sее аnd thе building is alsо vеry bеautiful. Тhеrе aге somе niсе саГеs. а grеat rеStaurant and a bookshop. It's оpеn from l0.00 a.m. 1o 5.30 p.m. еvеry day - and it's frее! ф тott"nьam Соurt Road 3 Covеnt Garden Covеnt Gardеn is a big markеt in thе сentrе оГthе сity. ItЪ а gгеat plaсе to go shopping аnd itЪ vеry popular with tourists. You сan also sее somе of the bеst strееt еntеrtainеrs" in Londоn. Тhеrе аге a lot of niсе рlaсеs to еat iл Соvеnt Gaгdеn and itЪ a|so nеar LondonЪ thеatrеs and сinеmas. ф Соvеnt Gardеn *фшф : tubе station *Strееt еntеrtаinеrs : peop|е who play musiс, sing, etс. in thе strееt for monеY а) Rеad about thе London Еyе' thе British Musеum and Cоvеnt Gаrdеn again. @ thеrеi amd' thеrе аrе. @nundтеds of things to sее and dо in Lond.on. b) Undеrlinе thеsе phrasеs in thе artiсlе. Сhесk yоu undеrstand thеm. Rеаd about Сamdеn Markеt аnd Hydе Park. Fill in thе gaps with thеsе phrаsеs. сAМDEN МARKЕт l is.tдe+еsr you саn also 1 very popular with is opеn from ]i Тhеre arе а great plaсе to ;. ,. ,.,. - " "., , ,. . , ,. , . HYDЕ PARK ]"'"'" '''''-'' i Thеre,s а[so thеre arе l а gгeat plaсе to еvеry day i u y populаr with You сan Rеad abоut Сamdеn Markеt аnd Hydе Park again. Arе thеsе sеntеnсеs truе (Т) or falsе (F)? .l Young pеoplе likе Сamdеn Markеt. r You сan Ьuy сlothеs and food thеrе. Thе markеt is сlosеd on Sundays. You сan't play tеnnis in Hydе Pаrk. Yoц сan havе lцnсh in thе park. Hydе Park opеns еarly in thе morning. а) Writе йе namеs of thrее plaсеs fоr tourists in your tоwn or сity. 1 Тiсk (/) thе things you сan dо in Еnglish in thе Rеading and Writing Prоgrеss Portfolio, p72. is a grеat plaсе to (visit). You сan (also) is opеn from (10.00 a.m.) to (B.00 p.m.) еvеry day is thе Ьеst (musеum) in (London). is vеry popular with (touтists). 4 Camden Market Camdеn Markеt , is thе bes-t markеt in London and itЪ 2 young pеoplе. ItЪ з buv сlothеs and a ьuy гooс and things f", t;; ;;;" also somе niсе # l:i l:i l::l;, .1,:':tt:r, сafеs. Thе markеt 6 l0 a'm. to 6 p.m. evеry day, but the wееkеnd is thе bеst timе to йsit. ф сu-сеn Town 5 Hyde Рark Hydе Park is 7 tourists. I оlav fооtball оr tennis thеrе, аnd itЪ . havе a piсniс". a very niсе rеStaurant iл thе park and somеtimеs соnсегts at thе wеekеnd. The park : "o"" frоm 5 a.m. to midnight Ф нyсе Paгk Cornеr * hrlve а piсnic : еat your food in a park Reading and Writing Portfolio 7 Тhe same or differenЁ? {,@ Ф Сhесk yоu know thеsе words. . the same different Ьoth togёther b) Rеad аbout Сharliе аnd Rоb. Arе thеsе sеntеnсеs truе (T) or falsе (F)? l Сharliе and Rob arе brothеrs. r z Тhеy likе thе samе musiс. з Тhеy both likе watсhing DVDs. + Тhеy don.t likе tеnnis. s Rob likеs gеtting up еаrly. о Сharliе dоеsn't likе сats. z Rob doеsn't likе shopping for сlothеs, в Сharliе еats Ьuтgеrs and сhips еvеry day. Reаding peoplе in my family Writing sentenсes with and, but and objeсt Pronouns; word order {З): both and together Review lovе,like, hаfе; fгequеnсy adverЬs аnd phrases with everу @ *" dоn't usually rеpеat words in sеntеnсеs with аnd and .:. bиt. Look at thеsе еxamplеs. Notiсе thе objесt pronouns (it' thеm, еtс.)' I lovе Rob doеsn.r hkе 6D. Ьut l lovе cтй) GБЪ)i' thе bеst brоthеr in thе woгld and l lovеGБ)vеrv muсh. ,.I "й thi,.g w. ь"th tiк. tь sаrne Ьаnds аnJ we usuа|l5 Ьгot}вгЪ narrre is RoЬ аnJ шe Ьth like а |ot of ttв 9о.; tо оonсeг.Ь tоgetheг. We'гe Ьoth veгц Ьus5 in t'he week, Ьut i р t" RoЬ's f|аt аt tЬ rдeeke# ай *e wа*,сh DVDs Ьgetheг. VYа аlso plаy tennis eveгs SunJау rnоrningr Ьut.RоЬЪ аlwа5s lаte Ьeсацse h".hates getting ЦP гl. ]. :. R"Ь аnd 1 аг* а|so veтy iiffeгent. He doesnt like ciis, Ьu{ I |"й t}ern. AnJ I lou" shopping foг сlothes, Ьut RoЬ hаtes it. He usuаl|5 weагs а Т-shiгt, jeаns аnd lгаineгs! AnJ ,дe don't like the sаrne fooJ. I usua|ly eаt vegetаЬles аnJ fгuit, аnd }re eаts Ьuгgeгs aй сhips eveгy da5! I think RoЬ is tlв Ьest Ьгotheг in the woгld аnd 1 love |irп veг5 nuсh. ,.яA. '@J writе sеntеnсеs with аnd and but. ": Сhangе thе words in Ьold to objесt pronouns. 1 I lovе tеnnis. My sistеr hatеs tеnnis. ! louе teлnis, bцt ttlу slster hatesit. 2 Тom doеsn't likе dogs. I lovе dogs. 3 AnnaЪ my bеst friеnd. I еmail Anna еvеry day. I lovе roсk musiс. My sistеr doеsn't likе rосk musiс. s PеtеЪ my son. I lovе Pеtе vеry muсh. I lovе horror films. My wiflе hаtеs horror films. , but Rob hat a;li i!:f:t, ;9iэ:] ilSir: $ifii !:;:, =:t: Ё,,.:; ;|*lтз:{ :.i {: fY . Answеr thеsе quеstions. ] Is thеrе a shop at thе London Еyе? Yes, the.re-is. 2 How muсh is thе London Еyе for two adults and a thrее-yеar-old сhild? What tuЬе station do you go to Гor lhе London. а great plaсе to ;. ,. ,.,. - " "., , ,. . , ,. , . HYDЕ PARK ]"'"'" ''''&apos ;-& apos;' i Thеre,s а[so thеre. Loи,darь, bцt wёre аlwаys tо3ether aW aLLr bLеhdауs' @ ;; ."oи u ьJo. ";;;;;; ;; - : еxamplеs oГ bесаusе and сlso. b) Rеad thе tеxt aЬout Kаtiе agal' 6'iТё aШ

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