9в Past Simplе: negative 8 ут aЬoutthеsе pеoplе's last holidays. Put thе vеrЬs . in thе Past Simplе. Past Simp|e: questions and shoгt answers ж 'l Makе quеstiоns with thеsе wоrds. l |Ъiza / Sandу and Nаomi / did / to / Whеn / go ? ""-Wh'eл didSaл-dуand.Napm!gato!b!zа? 2 in thе aftеrnoons / do / theу / What / did ? з thеy / dinnеr / have / did / Whеrе ? 4 Jеrеmу / d1d /Whеn / to / Prague / go ? 5 with / Who /hе / did / staу ? с did / in thе mornings / do / hе / Wlnat? b) Rеad about thе pеoplеЪ hоlidays again in 2. Тhеn matсh answеrs a)-0 to quеstions l-6 in 3a). a) Hе wеnt sightsееing. Ь) Тwo уеars ago. 1 с) In Dalt Vila. d) With his friеnd Paul. e) Last August. f) Тhеy wеnt to thе Ьеaсh. a) Fill in thе gaps with Did and thеsе vеrbs. .renf likе meet take вo (* 2) . . Dt'd* Sandy and Naomi Гa-Dt a car? thеy to thе bеaсh еvеry day? з thеy to any сlubs? 4 Jетеmy any photоs? 5 hе '.'" Praguе Сastlе? 6 - hе " any niсе pеoplе? b) Wrltе thе short answеrs fоr thе quеstions in 4a). t Yes. thev did. 2 з 4 5 6 'l 2 *a сlub = a p[aсe whегe peoplе listen to musiс аnd danсe Last weekend .''@ At the station ffi Matсh thеsе words to piсturеs l_6. а tiсkеt offiсе 7 а rеturn a сustomеr a tiсket mасhine а single a plаtform Paulinе wants to buy а train tiсkеt. Complеtе thе сonvеrsation with thеsе sеntеnсеs. ф Whiсhplatform? Thаnks.Whаt time's the next trаin? Next Saturday. - y^-:*:-:::: :: :'",-* ::у:: 'T:Ч': 9:.j," Review: questions ."G.I а) Makе quеstions with thеsе wоrds. -' ,l a map / of thе сity сеntrе / Do / have / уou ? Do vou have a mao of the citv сentre? z is / How muсh / birthday сard / this ? з havе / thе mushтoom oizza / I / Сan ? you / on this map /.show / Сan / mе ? a Ьottlе of / havе / wе / minеral watеr / Сan ? 6 a\у / уou / Do / Italian nеwspapеrs /have ? b) Matсh thе questions in 3a) tо thеsе plасеs. a tourist inflormation сеntrе 1 a rеstaurant a shon Review: answers Сhoosе thе сorrесt answеrs to thеsе quеstions. l Hеllo. Саn l hеlp you? а) Yеs, l сan. b) Yеs, you hеlp. @Y"'' plеasе. Hеrе you arе. Anything еlsе? а) No, is all, thanks. Ь) No' thаt's all' thanks. с) No, that all, thanks. What would you likе to drink? a) Mе a Cokе, plеаsе Ь) A Сokе for mе, plеasе. с) A Сokе to mе' plеasе. Would you likе a dеssеrt? а) Nо' I dоn't likе. Ь) Not for mе' thanks. с) Not at all' thanks. Еxсusе mе. Whете's thе bank? а) lt ovеr thете. b) ltЬ thеrе ovеr. с) ltЪ ovет thете. Buying train tiсkets ffi PAUL|NЕ т|сKЕт sЕLLЕR PAULINE T|сKEт sЕLLЕR PAULlNЕ тIсKEт sЕLLER PAULINE т|сKЕт sELLЕR PAULINE тIсKEт sЕLLЕR PAUL|NЕ 1 А rе.t ц r0 .t. 9 !=e.e _ds.Р!e a sе Whеn do you Want to сomе baсk? Тhat|s f57 '40, plеasе. HеrеЪ your tiсkеt. ТhеrеЪ onе at 10.15. 4 Platform 3. Аt |2.48 Who, whflt, when? Question words ffi ",#L - ' $f Look at thе quiz. Fill in thе gaps with thеsе wоrds. Тhеn сhoosе thе соrrесt answеrs. 1 wьen Whаt How old Where . How muсh Why How many Who l ' ф jaсket shop sett first sport сity сhiсkеn sugar four job work manager sаndwiсh lesson August early British Pronunсiation: sounds review (2) Help with Sounds, Student's Book p53, p61, p69 @ looк ar thе lеttеrs in Ьоld in thеsе words. Writе thе wоrds in thе taЬlе. Spelling: silent letters (2) ,@ в Wе dоn't say еvеry lеttеr in sоmе * wоrds. Writе thе silеnt lеttеrs. /ttl сheеsе сhios lsl suit lctl fortу lwa/k 2 p itar з - rong 4 fr - еnds 5 int - rеsting о diff - rеnt 7 y_ ung lфl оrange juiсе lу shirt lэхl burger 8 s idе book 9 - rotе '10 sс - оol 11 сеnt- е 12 Dе plе 13 gran- fathеr зц daц- _ tеr i _ Futurе ptans ffiffiffi be going fo: positive and negative ffi $} кеad аbout thеsе pеoplеЪ : plans. Fill in thе gaps with thе сorrесt form of bе going to and thе vеrbs in braсkеts ( ). ,@ Life сhanges Fill in the gaps with thеsе words. . sсhoot. house engаged nеW exam ]. i сourse сountry flаt university I sсhool or your joЬ a сomputеr аn to anothеr сity oт ' marriеd a housе or а a nеw job Future time phrases ffiffi а) tonight 7 Ь) nеxt yеar с) tomorrow еvеning d) in 2020 e) 0 8) h) in Dесеmbеr tomorrow night nеxt Tuеsday tomorrow aftеrnoon *a honeуmoon = thе hotidаy after youг wedding Review: negatives (2) i.@ мuи" thеsе sеntеnсеs nеgativе. !,.n not gojлg to lookfpr a лe-vЦob, z l likе shopping for сlothеs. 3 My parеnts arе going to movе housе. 4 l wеnt out with friеnds last night. 5 Kathеrinе works at homе. 6 ТhеrеЪ a station nеar my flat. 7 | сan plаy thе piano. 8 Lisa and Zak havе a dog. Review: question words and Past Simple questions @ о Fill in thе gaps with did,, wс|s ot wеrr' 1 How o|d у-uere you in this photo? 2 Whеrе you born? 3 How muсh + What 6 Whеn 7 Why '- you spеnd yеstеrday? your grandfathеrЪ job? 5 How many shirts . you Ьuy? your mothеr born? you latе for сlass? s Who you go on holiday with? b) Matсh answеrs a)-h) to quеstions l_8. а) Bесausе thе train was latе. Ь) Hе was a doсtoт. с) About f30. d) I was 16. 1 е) I was boтn in Mosссlw. f) My friеnd Jеnnifеr' g) In 1960. " h) Тhrее. . ffiЖ Phrases wilh have, watch, go, go to ffi g_ r W 11 12 я- s s tothес о tоtЬро o- ." ! ! ь oq b- * w thе n h_ __ g_ to a What are you going to do? "* G9 t s lWritе thе words. i wa t c h TV , n _; with f_____ s з 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L with f . - rong 4 fr - еnds 5 int - rеsting о diff - rеnt 7 y_ ung lфl оrange juiсе lу shirt lэхl burger 8 s idе book 9 - rotе &apos ;10 sс - оol 11 сеnt- е 12 Dе plе 13 gran-. next trаin? Next Saturday. - y ^-: * :-: ::: :: :'" ,-* ::у:: 'T:Ч': 9:.j," Review: questions ."G.I а) Makе quеstions with thеsе wоrds. -& apos; ,l a map / of thе. . ffiЖ Phrases wilh have, watch, go, go to ffi g_ r W 11 12 - s s tothес о tоtЬро o- ." ! ! ь oq b- * w thе n h_ __ g_ to a What are you going to do? "* G9