Teaching speaking and listening in the primary school

Teaching speaking and listening in the primary school

Teaching speaking and listening in the primary school

... Skills and Understanding’, thus underpinning the more detailed prescription of the NLS The four strands of speaking and listening (Speaking, Listening, Group discussion and interaction, and Drama) ... this; the central importance of Speaking and Listening as the means of teaching and learning both Reading and Writing is reaffirmed However, while the NLS do...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2016, 11:21

181 526 1
A study on using short stories to improve the effeciency of teaching speaking and listening skills to students at Haiphong Foreign Language Centre = Nghiên cứu

A study on using short stories to improve the effeciency of teaching speaking and listening skills to students at Haiphong Foreign Language Centre = Nghiên cứu

... the efficiency of teaching speaking and listening skills to students at Haiphong Foreign Language Centre Aims of the study The study aims at: - Investigating the students attitude towards the ... data collected are from the intermediate students at Haiphong Foreign Language Centre Survey questionnaires are used to collect data and e...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:54

48 1K 2
Teaching speaking and listening a toolkit for practitioners pot

Teaching speaking and listening a toolkit for practitioners pot

... clear guidance on how to approach teaching a wide range of speaking and listening skills and to present a range of purposeful and enjoyable learning activities that can enhance both teaching and ... say • present information/points of view clearly and in appropriate language • use body language to support what you are saying and to show you are listening in formal a...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

280 692 2
Using short activities and game in the post  speaking stage to increase grade 11 A4 students interets at Chan Mong hight school, Phu Tho Province

Using short activities and game in the post speaking stage to increase grade 11 A4 students interets at Chan Mong hight school, Phu Tho Province

... school The Scope of the study The study focuses on using of short activities and games in the postspeaking stage to increase grade 1 1A4 students interest at Chan Mong High school, Phu Tho Province ... focus on: Using short activities and games to increase the students interest in the postspeaking stage forthe10th form or 12th for...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 11:34

69 2K 4
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 5

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 5

... Assembly on Chinese Education, Singapore: F.S Horslin, Government Printer, 1 956 Chinese Language Review Committee Chinese Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore: Report of Chinese Language ... Commission of Inquiry into Education Singapore; Final Report, Singapore: commission of inquiry into education, 1964 Singpapore Ministry of Education, Speeches ―Minist...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

43 615 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 4

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 4

... 中学从选材开始就让该校的校本课程与规定课程之间的界线泾渭分明。 11 此个案参见 Macklin, Pamela School- based curriculum development : does it work?”, Jolimont: Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers, 20 04 12 同上。 49 2.2 以日常生活语料为题材 与培侨中学一样在选材上颇下功夫的,还有新加坡的新民中学,规定课程制作 ... 刘彩凤〈关于提高校本课程实效性的反思〉,见《华文老师》第 50 期,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

10 518 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 3

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 3

... 课程教学目标制定得怎样呢? 27 Tyler, R W Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction (Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1950), p3 翻译笔者参阅了张华《课程与教学论》(上海:上海教育出版社,2000),页 95 -96。 28 Ibid 39 3. 2 目标任老师猜 在采访中,笔者发现,老师拿到本校校本课程的教学资料并不是一件难事,有 ... 作为规定课程的补充,以“有针对性的提高学生的华语水平”为使命的新加坡 小...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

18 372 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 2

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 2

... 华文课程与教学法检讨委员会《华文课程与教学法检讨委员会报告书》(新加坡:该委员会), 20 04 年,页 46。 38 同 29 ,页 - 7。 39 同 36,页 26 。 40 同 32 页 2 41 同 36,页 26 。 42 同 32 页 27 。 43 同 29 ,页 8。 44 同 36,页 27 。 25 对于讲英语家庭越来越多的新加坡,华文课可能是学生接触华文最为重要甚至 是唯一的机会,这无形中使得华文老师所扮演的角色愈发重要了。“在华文教学的 ... 61。 同...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

12 460 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 1

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 1

... of Chinese teaching , The Straits Times, Nov 16 , 2004 Ho Ai Li, “Change in teaching methods can only be good”, The Straits Times, Nov 18 , 2004 45 Neo, Peng Fu Chinese Language Teaching in Singapore: ... Commission of Inquiry into Education Singapore; Final Report (Singapore: commission of inquiry into education, 19 64), p46 同上。 详见 Lim, Tay Boh et al Commiss...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

16 536 0
Teaching and learning English vocabulary through short stories in some primary schools in Vinh=Dạy và học từ vựng tiếng Anh qua những câu chuyện ngắn trong một số trường Tiểu học ở Vinh

Teaching and learning English vocabulary through short stories in some primary schools in Vinh=Dạy và học từ vựng tiếng Anh qua những câu chuyện ngắn trong một số trường Tiểu học ở Vinh


Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2015, 15:41

88 1,3K 5
Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

Organizing pairwork and groupwork in the context of high school classrooms at pham van nghi upper secondary school, nam dinh province: A case study

... that the thesis entitled ORGANIZING PAIRWORK AND GROUPWORK IN THE CONTEXT OF HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOMS AT PHAM VAN NGHI UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL, NAM DINH PROVINCE: A CASE STUDY Is the result of my own ... related to the study : Communicative approach to language teaching, and pairwork and groupwork in language teaching and lear...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

62 1,4K 6