... Ireland 89 .71 23.42 16.53 10.00 10.00 9 .79 16 13 Belgium 89.63 23. 07 17. 84 10.00 10.00 8 .75 17 17 Canada 89.10 23 .75 16.24 10.00 10.00 9. 17 18 18 Australia 88.01 22.69 16.60 10.00 10.00 9. 17 19 ... 18. 27 10.00 10.00 10.00 6 5 Denmark 92 .77 23.09 19.95 10.00 10.00 9 .79 7 11 Germany 92 .77 24.52 18. 27 10.00 10.00 10.00 8 8 France 92.33 24.34 18.01 10.00 10.00 10.0...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20
... absorption, transmission, and reflection may arise in optical devices and materials as a result of microscopic optical and elec- tronic properties rather than macroscopic optical design. Resonant ... matrix (b) A random 1 27 1 27 matrix with values uniformly drawn from [21, 1] (c) The level 3 Haar wavelet transform of f 8.3 Regularizaton. Operating from the left and right on a 1...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
... stack with n 1 ẳ 1.7 and n 2 ẳ 1.65. 376 SPECTROSCOPY ik z dS dz ỵ k 2 z 2 D1 1 Re i(2k z K)z ẳ 0(9:72) Equations (9.71) and (9.72) are nearly identical to Eqns. (4 .86 ) and (4 .87 ) except for a change ... focal image, and so on. The purpose of the optical element is to spatially and Figure 9.34 Field modulation by a multidimensional dispersive element. 390 SPECTROSCOPY Equa...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 1 ppsx
... 619 12 .8 South America 634 12 .9 Khoisan 655 12 .10 Afro-Asiatic 657 12 .11 Nilo-Saharan 663 12 .12 Niger-Kordofanian 678 12 .13 Creoles 692 12 .14 Conclusion 695 Part III. A Model of Predicative Possession ... 11 .9 Conclusion 559 12 Have-Possessives 560 12 .1 Introduction 560 12 .2 Indo-European 560 12 .3 Further Eurasia 582 12 .4 Austronesian and Papuan 587 12 .5 Aust...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 2 pdf
... (Afro-Asiatic, Semitic) Zayd-un kaana-t la-hu xubzatu-n Z nom was-f to-him loaf-nom.indef ‘Zayd had a loaf’ (Comrie 1989: 22 4) ( 120 )Maltese (Afro-Asiatic, Semitic) Pawlu g and- u ktieb P. at-3sg.m.obj ... malun-rej palou man one 3sg.pres.have sister-his two ‘A man has two sisters’ (Schultze 1911: 43) (51)Luise no (Uto-Aztecan, Numic) c ˇ aam-c ˇ a-po c ˇ am-tukmay-i ay-ma-an we-we-fut o...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 3 potx
... aYx. 164 The typology of predicative possession ( 133 )Siuslaw (Yakonan) a. Kotan-a’-t- horse-at-dur -3 ‘They had horses’ (Frachtenberg 1922b: 533 ) b. Hıtsı ˆ -yus-t- house-at-dur -3 ‘He has a house’ ... (Uto-Aztecan, Central Numic) Tsanaka-t u rich-pred he ‘He is rich’ (Ormsbee Charney 19 93: 182) (144)Chemehuevi (Uto-Aztecan, Southern Numic) Nii-k waha-ku-mi wa?aro-vi-mi pungku-...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 4 pps
... (Marianne Mithun p.c.) ( 24) Abkhaz (North-West Caucasian) A ` mra d-an@-c8o-w sara ` a-w@s A. she-when-sleep-nonfin.stat.pres I art-work -z-w-we-yt’ it-I-do-dyn-fin ‘When Amra is sleeping, I work’ ... Ubykh, and Basque: (25)Aleut (Eskimo-Aleut) Txin quyuqali-ku-x ˆ -ngaan 3sg.abs go.to.bed-pres-3sg-dat ‘When he went to bed . . .’ (Bergsland 1997: 24) (26)Ubykh (North-West Caucasian) A-c8...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 5 pps
... (Yukaghir) Pulun-die jowje-n’-i old.man-dim net-prop-3sg.intr ‘The old man had a net’ (Maslova 2003a: 444) ( 15) Kolyma Yukaghir (Yukaghir) Numø-ge jaqa-l-u-ge numø-ge oj-l’e- ˛i house-loc arrive-vn-1/2-ds.sim ... !a-n ^c-xe ˆ n-tc du-ı’yeq mouth-prog-Xow-always his-spirit ga-ga- ^’t- ı ˆ -n towards-prog-come-pcp-with ‘Blood would Xow out of his mouth, when his spirits came to him’ (Swanton 1...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 6 pot
... Ilyoil-ey wuli-nun pata-ey ka-ko-nun hay-ss-ta Sunday-on we-top sea-to go -and- top do-past-decl ‘On Sundays, we used to go to the beach’ (Sohn 1994: 200) b. Pi-ka o-myense-nun kkoch-i cal rain-nom ... Bantu) a. Wa-ka-tora maputa no-ku-atakura pa-musoro wake 3sg-past-take butter with-inf-put on-head his no-ku-enda ku-musha with-inf-go to-house ‘He took the butter, put it on his head, and we...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 7 pptx
... sit-act-1sg-perf ‘I am sitting here eating an apple’ (Lupardus 1983: 244) b. Isna-o-k takkolcoba-n is-ipa-mo-n 2sg.act-emp-nom apple-obl 2sg.ag-eat-emp-ds takkola-n ipa-aa-lo peach-obl eat-1sg.ag-fut ‘You ... hi’i-t y - uh-ka-t y e m-aht a and narr-distr-refl-sit-make 3pl -and hı ´ -ya’-u-kh narr-away-complet-leave And then he got himself ready, and then they went oV ’ (Casad...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 8 pot
... possible. (76)Ubykh (North-West Caucasian) a. Si-tqwa-ne za-xafa-ga s-icaws-n-o, a-semca-ga ă 1pl-two-erg one-side-at 1-sleep-pl-fut the-women-also za-xafa-ga e-caws-n-o one-side-at 3-sleep-pl-fut The two ... has gone out, and I remain (here) watching television’ (Saltarelli 1 988 : 86 ) b. Azoka-ra joa-ten n-a-iz-en-ean market-all go-hab 1sg.abs-pres-aux-rm-loc.sg arraultza fresco-ak eros...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 9 docx
... pee e-rem n-e-igor and then 3sg-spear dep-3sg-moan ‘He speared it and it moaned’/‘When he speared it, it moaned’ (Tucker and Mpaayei 195 5: 62) d. Te n-a-suj n-aa-ido ˛ if dep-1sg-follow dep-3/1sg.obj-beat ‘If ... and Kelai o-isuji-sho, naa Kimiti o-turi-sho, K. rel-wash-intr and K. rel-garden-intr n-e-lo Caaca enkare dep-3sg-go C. water ‘Sironka will do the cooking, Salau the sweep...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
Predicative Possession - Oxford Studien Intypology And Linguistictheory Phần 10 pot
... Language Contact and Language ConXict. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 25 53. 1995. Possession and possessive constructions.’ In J. R. Taylor and R. E. Macau ley, eds., Language and the Cognitive ... Their Nature and De velopment. Cambridge: Cam bridge University Press. 2004. The Jarawara Language of Southern Amazonia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. and B. J. Blake,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:20
The Frontiers of Theory Of Jews and Animals Phần 7 ppsx
... (60) (The result of this confusion is that one affi rms the essence of justice to be the authority of the legislator; another, the interest of the sovereign; another, present custom, and this is the ... combine in the creation of the devil. Hence the animal has another signifi cant presence within the history of art. 3 A confl uence of the human and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20