... same structures obtained in evaluating SAM desorption in blank solution containing 0.1M NaOH as a supporting electrolyte. New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applications 290 ... (Yemini et al., 2005) and nanoparticles (Bharathi et al., 2001) in various biosensors resulted in New Perspectives in Biosensors Technology and Applicatio...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20
... to the request of a reader. 182 Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications Part 2 Advanced RFID Applications be an interesting work to design an RFID tag search protocol ... RFID-tagged objects. 184 Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications Bustillo, M. (2 010) . Wal-mart radio tags to track clothing, The Wall S...
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Biomimetic Based Applications Part 1 docx
... catalysts.[73-76] BIOMIMETIC BASED APPLICATIONS Edited by Anne George Biomimetic Based Applications 10 012 345 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 Conversion of cyclohexene (%) Time/h 10 000ppm 10 0ppm 10 ppm 1ppm ... 0.4u10 -6 M; O 2 bubbling; room temperature. Entry [Mn(TPP)Cl], M [Mn(TPP)Cl] 0.5 u10 2 , M 0.5 Ru10 3 , mol L -1 min -1 1 0.8u10 -4 0.89 1. 98 2...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 2 doc
... =1#G2.( 61%6(0:0?# 125 %&#& ;2( : *2? .(*&0 ;2% =2. (G 12& amp;(6 12( %<# @2( ;2% 06*#&(G%=(0%;; *2. (#"6(*&(%*;(BCWQE(%6( 2? 2@% 62. ( 62& gt;A2;%6" ;2( BCCREF( Z# ;2# @2; +( %?U:( ;%.*0%?=( 0#"?.( 2= 0%A2( ># ;2( 2% =*?:( $;#>( 6 12( =#? @2& amp;6(0%&apos ;2( %6(6 12( 1*' 12; ( 62& gt;A2;%6" ;2( 6#(A%;6*0*A% 62( *&(6 12( ;%.*0%?70...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 3 ppt
... C(\7,:$="<(&+#%=+%#,&(89(@8#@7*# $3& amp;( ,3= "@&%<"+,2( $3( &$<$="(?,<(&78; $3? (>$8:$:,+$=( "=+$B$+*( $3( @78+88E*? ,3& quot;+$ 83( 89(: 838 +,#@ ,3, &C( J:ONZf J 4 WXO N NH N NH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 N N NH NH CH 3 CH 3 O O OHOH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 OH OH CH 3 Homogeneous ... #,&,&q...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 4 ppt
... 6&-',2N) bQ&,-):():%1 )4: 18&>)81?" 64& amp;(,)(<):%1)A8&2-1%1'2):%1)>(,<(8918)Q&:%)',)'?&>'6)ǔ)2(,(8)':):%1) 6 144 )%&,21812 )4& amp;21)%&apos ;4) :%1)6(Q 14: )1,18-7N)/%& ;4) 4?1>& 14) ' 64( )%&apos ;4) :%1 )49 '66 14: )'>:&=':&(,)1,18-7) <(8)8(:':&(,)(<):%1)...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 5 doc
... 3=#( .#F .55 N K/L( KRL( Biomimetic Based Applications 154 '/1 #5& apos;8'7 -5& apos;"#3?).21 )5- ;$ 15% /17"4)31-;72) 35; -51 $4);1:;131 #53 )-) 35; -'$ 258 ";B-;/)-#/)1881 75& apos;A1) B-4) ... "=A'"(394) 1#2-#71) 52 1) / 151 75& apos;"#) -='9&apos ;54 ) "8) 32" ;5$ (#) 35; -51 $4?) E" 35) '6:" ;5- #...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 6 ppt
... %'4# 08%." ;68 .#(B#@/8#. @68 '1@/#(B#(6E,@%A#,'@ 86% 2@,('.M# \68 P,(".AC*#Q8#,'P8.@,1%@84#@/8#'%@" ;68 #(B#@/8# 2/80,2%A#E('4.#(B# (61 %',2#.C.@80.*#./(Q,'1#@/%@#,'@ 860 (A82"A %6# 6%4,2%A#2/ %6% 2@ 86# (B# (61 %',2# 6% 4,2%A.*#?/8'%A8'CA #6% 4,2%A#4,0 86, 2#?% ,6* #Q 868 #68 ?68 .8'@84#%.#WMT[#(B#@/8#I...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 7 ppt
... Pharm Antimicrobial Biomimetics 253 Lactobacillus Lactococcus Leuconostoc Pediococcus Streptococcus E.coli ǂ Biomimetic Based Applications 250 in vivo Biomimetic Based Applications ... cholerae 3.2 Polymeric, lipid -based and hybrid particles S. aureus dž Leishmania donovani C. albicans in vitro in vivo S. aureus Mycobacterium avium Biomimetic...
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Biomimetic Based Applications Part 8 pdf
... 8$ 79*+( <-00*<:'.0(:"#:(:"*(67$9*<<( $8( K&44\?(#3<$76:'$.('<(#(6"C<'9#D(#3<$76:'$.G( ( ( _'0G(dG(J#.0=-'7(#3<$76:'$.('<$:"*7=< (8$ 7(!4(#.3(o%h!4($.:$(K&44\?G(>/"#.0(*:(#DG+( UVWVEA( Biomimetic Based Applications 286 9"D$7$E*.Y*.*( #.3(o%9"D$7$.':7$E*...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 9 pptx
... /(\*7(#4D$*4)$*4*,"\.)$7'.$#&1(,,*7(40$K.'*>(#/$A=6\6C($.7$ *,<D$ 899 HD$ 899 FS$=6\6C($V$%#&'()*D$ 899 H*D$ 899 HKD$89E9S$B*4(061'($.7$*,<D$89E9S$=*C*($V$%#&'()*D$ 899 iI<$ _(06/.$ FAKI$ &'#5&$ ... )(1*,$P33,(1*7(#4&$ #2$L")/#0.,&$L*4)K##CD$=3/(40./D$b.5$%#/C<$ =*C*(D$B<$*4)$%#&'()*D$!<$A 899 i...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 10 pdf
... % N,$A%1GA%QL?%'>>;,4'+,?#%"9'@>;"7%?#%ma!!DaMK`,a 9 %7'@>;"7A%a#%+0"%;"J+)%?9<$"#% >"=@"'8,;,+<%?J%ma!!DaM%J,;@%L,+0%?#;<%(WF%#@%+0,4C%`,a 9 %4?.;2%$"+%1W%+,@"7%2"4="'7"%+0'#% +0'+%?J%>=,7+,#"%ma!!A%a#%+0"%=,$0+)%J;.?="74"#4"%@,4=?74?>...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 11 doc
... H-*/")*% /4$''% ')I4/M5'53'$'+% H4'("/'% $)*I1=% Biomimetic Based Applications 400 /4#1%I'*'$"/)*I%"%5-$'%6('O)3('%/2)1/'+%-$%N$-N'(('$M()Q'%()I"*+%H-*6-$5"/)-*%"*+%(-H"(%C f % 1J55'/$JC% S4'%XaB7/)5 j E f _%()I"*+%1J1/'51%78)I%@>"...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 12 pot
... *4%(/%8*(&"#( $+C4*(%&$'(38(*4%(;&$"(35/F(G4%(<4+>($%<%+9%#(+*'(+">.*'(8$3,(*53('%>&$&*%('+C"&/(C%"%$&*3$'( Biomimetic Based Applications 468 0%/;$.<1( GF( QRRQF( N.,>( <+$<.+*'( 83$( <3,>.*+"C( ... (d3.$"&/(38(]UO]YU7]]YF( _%3$C+3.(d:(G3.,&X3.(...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 13 potx
... Biomimetic Based Applications 482 '#-"3"#-"#<(75(<0"(%338'/%<'7#(75(>'7&'&"<'/(/'8'%(+<42/<24"+(%#-('+(&74"(<0%#(+2'<%>8"(574( 347*'-'#9(%(+"<(75(92'-"8'#"+(574(<0"(-"+'9#(75(&%9#"<&apo...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20