Danh m(c tài li7u ti−ng Vi7t
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5. Nguyn Th Thanh Trúc, 2008. Kho sát s hài lòng ca du khách và xut gii pháp phát trin du lch sinh thái ti Vn Quc Gia Cát Tiên huyn Tân Phú tnh
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7. Philip Kotler, 2001. Qun Tr Marketing. Dch t< ting Anh. Ngi dch V Tr&ng Hùng, 2003. Hà Ni: Nhà xut bn Lao ng - Xã hi.
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Danh m(c tài li7u ti−ng Anh
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2. Corina Budianschi et al, 2012. Eco-friendly Flights?A Consumer´s Perspective.
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3. D. Rajasenan, Varghese Manaloor, Bijith George Abraham, 2012. Tourist Profiles and Characteristics vis-à-vis Market Segmentation of Ecotourism Destinations in
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6. Gheorghe Cheia, 2013. Ecotourism: Definition And Concepts. Journal of Tourism,
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7. Jenny F. Basantes, 2009. Planning For Sustainable Ecotourism In The Galápagos
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10. Poupineau Sarah and Pouzadoux Claire, 2013. Internal and external factors that
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11. Stephen W Boyd and Richard W Butler, 1996. Managing ecotourism: an
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12. Tazim Jamal et al, 2006. The Institutionalisation of Ecotourism: Certification,
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13. TuΚba Kiper, 2013. Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development. Thesis. Namık Kemal University.
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