Kc't luan chung

Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu phương pháp tách, xác định lượng nhỏ Molypden trong lượng lớn Vonfram và ngược lại (Trang 177)

/ .Y nghia khoa hoc va tinh thuc tien cua luan dn

5.Kc't luan chung

1)1 Uii liKin an eo ngi Jung khoa hoe phu hop ma so ehii>en nganh 116a Phiin lich 62. 44 26 01: khdng iriing lap \6i eae de tai da bao \ e . C'ae kel qua dat duoc cd do lin ca\ N a logic.

Kim Loan da dap ung day du mgi yeu cau cua luan an ti6n sỵ Tac gia luan an xung dang dugc nhan hgc vi tiln sy hoa hgc.

Tat ca 7 thanh vien trong Hdi đng deu nhat tri vdi qu\ It dinh na. cua

;^/:-^ ^

Thu* ky Hoi dong

Ha noi ngay 07 thang 02 nam 2007

Chii tich Hoi dong


PGS. TS. Hoang Tho Tin GS. TSKH. Irinli Xuan dian

Ho ten tac gia: Dong Kim Loan

Ten luan an: Nghien cuu phuang phap tach, xac djnh lugng nho mohpden irong

lugng Ion vonfram va ngugc lai

Nganh: Hoa hgc

Chuyen nganh: Hoa hgc Phan lich. Ma so: 61-44-29-01

Don vj dao tao: Truang Dai hoc Khoa hoc Tu nhien, Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha noi Trich yeu noi dung luan an

Muc dich vii doi twang nghien ciru:

Doi tugng nghien cuu cua luan an la phuong phap tach \a phan tich cap nguycMi to hoa hoc molypden (Mo) \a vonfram (W) co linh chai \al ly \a hoa hoc rat giong nhaụ

Muc dich nghien cuu la: (1) Tim dieu kicMi trong moi irutrng nircVc dung moi huu CO de lao ra sir khac hiel ve dang Ion lai cua M(M\*ll \a \ \ ( \ h (2i Khao sal

kha nang lao ngi phiic \oi lrio\\a/ohcn/cn \a lao hen hop ion iruc iicp \a\ cac

baza mau huu co trong moi tnrong nuoc - dung moi huu c(V cua Mo \a \ \ : irng dung vao phan lich Mo va W. (3) Nghien ciiu uieh iruc liep M o | \ I) ra kht>i W (\ 11 va ngugc lai tren nhua trao doi ion. ma khong qua lao phiie irung gian irutrẹ irong

va sau qiui trinh trao doi '\on \ a nra giaị

Cdc phuong phap nghien ciru:

Phuo-nu phap chiet long - long dirge sir dung de nghien eiru kha nang lao phiie va lien hop ion giua mol\pden \a \ontram \oi eae lae nhan tao noi phire \a cac b a / o mau huu co trong moi irirong niroe \ a niroe - dung moi hCrii eo I ir Jo

khanu dinh dirov dieu kien de hai ngii> en l6 na> \dn lai o eae dang irai ngiroe nhaụ

Phircrng phap trao doi ion iniv iiep nghien cuu kha nang taeh lircmg nho ngmen to na\ trong luong Ion nguxcii to kia \a ngugc kụ

Cae phuong phap chiet trac quang. ph6 hap thu ngu>cn tu xa kh6i pho cam

img pUisnụ duoc sú dung de phan tich n6ng do kini loai trong dung dich.

Ciie ket qua eliinli cua luan an:

Da n-hien cuu tim ra anh huong cua niot s6 dung inoi hCru ccr tan den su ehuvCn dieh^ean bang ^c dang .6n tai cua M o . \ h ^a U i M . . dac bie, la axclon ^a K

Nghien cuu xac djnh cac dieu kien toi uu de chill va xac dinh Mo \a W irong moi truang nuac - axeton vai lac nhan tao noi phuc la trioxiazobenzen \ a tac nhan tao lien hgp ion true tiep la tim tinh the va brilian xanh.

Nghien cuu lap dat thiet bj, xac lap cac thong so va dieu kien dh tach true (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

liep lugng nho Mo trong lugng lan W va ngugc lai tren nhua trao doi ion trong m6i truang nuac - axeton.

Cac ket qua thu duge da dugc su dung de tach \a phan tich ihu nghiem mau thuc te la kim loai vonfram thugng mai cho kel qua lot.

Kel qua nghien cuu eua luan an duge danh gia la nhung dong gop moị quan Irong trong hoa hgc va phan tich cap nguyen to quy hiem molypden \a \onfram.

Can bg hucVng dan Nizhien cuu sinh

/ V , ^ v _ ^

Author: Dong Kim Loan

Title of the thesis: Investigation of separation, determination of small amount of

molybdenum in tungsten and those on the contrarỵ

Branch: Chemistry

Speciality: Analytical Chemistry Code: 61-44-29-01

Training Institution: Hanoi University of Sciencẹ Vietnam National University


Summary of the Ph.D. Thesis content

Purpose and subject of the thesis:

The subject of the thesis was separation and determination method of couple chemical elements - molybdenum and tungsten - having \er} sinular physical and chemical properties.

The purpose of the thesis were: (I) Delerminalion (W ihe eondilions in water -

organic solvenls in order to create difference o\' Mo(\'l) and \ \ ( \ I) lormaliotTs. (2)

Investigation of chelate forming uilh liiọ\ia/oben/ene anJ ion-pair uilh organic bases of Mo and W in water - sol\enl media and appl\ in iheir anaixsis. (.>)

Investigation of direct separation of Mo(\'l) from \ \ ( \ ' l ) and those on the eoiiiraiy on ion-exchange resin w ilhoiit using inlermediale complex fonmng helore ox during

exchange and elution.

The methods of investigation:

Liquid - liquid exlraclion was used for nnesligaliiMi of ehelale and ion-pair forming ability between M o ( \ I ) and \ \ ( \ l ) unh respeeiixe agents in water - solvent mediạ Then ihe eondilions were Jelermmed lor cxisienee of eonirar> forms of moI> bdenum and lungsien.

Direct ion - exchange method was used for nn esligation of separation oi small amount o\ Mo m W and those on the eontraiN.

IMraelion speclropholometiN. al<Mnie absorption speelromelr> and i n d u c t n e k couple plasma mass speetromelr> were used tor anaUs.s ofmetais concentration in their.solutions.

Investigation found out the influence of soluble solvenls. especiallv acetone on the equilibrium of Mo(VI) and W(VI) reformimg in the solution and explained creation of different forms of these elements in water - acetone mediạ

Investigation determined optimum conditions for extraction and determination of Mo and W in water - acetone media with chelate aecnt of trioxiazobenzene and ion-pair agent of crystal violet and brilliant green.

Installation ion-exchange equipment and determination of running data and conditions for direct separation of small amount Mo in large amount W and those conversely in water - acetone media were implemented.

Achieved results were used for testing of separation and determination of really commercial W metal samplẹ The test result was acceptablẹ

The investigation results of the thesis were appraised as a new important contribution lo chemistry and analysis of the couple rare elements Mo and \ \ .

The doctoral tutor Doctoral fellow (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

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Một phần của tài liệu Nghiên cứu phương pháp tách, xác định lượng nhỏ Molypden trong lượng lớn Vonfram và ngược lại (Trang 177)