Một phần của tài liệu Quan hệ việt nam hàn quốc 10 năm và xa hơn nữa (Trang 70 - 88)

Dear delegates, Dear distinguished guests,

Associate Professor, Dr. NGUYEN NGOC LONG Vice Director of ~he National Science University

(The Hanoi National University)

International co-operations of education-training and scientific research between the National Science University- The Hanoi National University and Korean Universities and research institutes have been carried out for many years. Initially, there were bilateral scientific research projects between the National Science University and-Korean Universities on basic science such as physics, biology ' and chemistry or some new technologies such as biological technology, material science and environment technology. The scientists of the physics department and the scientists of Chonbuk University ( South Korea) have co-operated in doing initial researches on optical electronics and material science since 1997. The following projects on chemistry technology, molecule and cell technology, enzyme-protein technology, low temperature physics, linquin and other herbal medicine growing and extracting technology etc. were also carried out.

Currently the National Science University had got co-operations with many great universities and research institutes in Korea such as : KIST Institute, K-JIST Institute, Pohang Science and Technology University, Chonbuk University, Surimoon University, lnje University, Seoul University, Myongji University etc. In these co- operation programmes, many scientists and.students of the National Science University are sent to Korea to study or do research and in return, many scientists and students of different Korean to study or do research and in return, many scientists and students of different Korean Universities and institutes are sent to Vietnam to do research, attend international specialised workshops annually. Several newspaper articles, researches of the National Science University and Korean scientists were issued in 2000,2001,2002. The Korean universities, institutes and scientists appreciate the talent of the scientists and students of the National Science University.

Being a leading university in Vietnam in terms of training and doing research on natural science, the National Science University-the Hanoi University has been trying to become a university whose research can meet the regional standard and gradually meet the international standard. To reach that target, the university pays a lot of attentions to the widening of co-operations with great universities and institutes in the world, including Korean ones.

Pushing up scientific research, applications and implementations of technology is a priority of the National Science University in its development strategy. In recent years the National Science University has opened some new technology sections or improved technological sciences focusing on leading technologies which are the university's strong points: biological technology, chemical technology, material technology, environmental technology, information technology applied in earth science (GIS) etc. However, er need to have more investments in research-application and learn experience from advanced technologies in order to have perfect technologies to transfer to production.

The co-operation in scientific research and technology transfer between the National Science University and the Korean universities, institutes is part of the technology development plan. During the past time, the research of the National Science University in co-ordination with Korean universities and institutes often concentrated on new researches. This is the two side 'scientist' great efforts to discover new results to apply in the social-economic development of both Vietnam and Korea.

Our basic science section has attained certain achievements and it is the foundation of new technologies in the future. However, currently most of the talented scientists in Vietnam in general and in the National Science University in particular are very good at theory but are limited in application and proposing technology. Co- coordinating with Korean scientists though research projects, we hope to bring into play the traditional strong points of the National Science University's basic scientific research, and at the same time enhance the capacity of application so that new technologies can be synchronously applied based on Korea's strong points in technologies.

The experience of international co-operation in many years has shown that it is not easy to get to learn about advanced technologies of the developed countries, especially the European and American nations.

Meanwhile, the science-technology in Asia has greatly changed and some of them such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore have a high level oftechnology developments.

With the realisation that South Korea is a new industrialised nation in Asia, which has a great potential in terms of science and developed technology that we need to learn from, we consider South Korea as one of the priority partners in the co-operation of technology. Many of its technologies are at the same rank as other developed countries such as motor manufacture, electronic industry, steel and metallurgy industry, chemical industry, shipping, construction etc. Especially some of them are over the international standard. Moreover, geographically and culturally, South Korea is in East Asia, which has similar things to us in terms of culture and customs. It is a great advantage because it is easy for us fo raise the same voice and seek for sympathy in a comprehensive relation with each other.

We fully hope that with a great potential in the staff, knowledge, modern research equipment and mutual efforts, the co-operation of training and scientific research between the National Science University and the Korean universities and institutes will further develop and attain more achievements in the coming years. The number of Vietnamese graduate and post graduate students and scientists studying and doing research in South Korea is increasing. It is certain that the scientists who are well trained in Korea in terms of technology will bring into play their talent and have significant contributions to the technological development strategy of our country in the coming future.

Wishing distinguished guests and delegates good health and happiness.

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Number of Vietnamese Studies by Periods (on average) 35 ..---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'---~


t 20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r7~~~


§ 15~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~

z 10~~~~~~~~~~~~7=~~--~~


0 ~--~~~~~==~~~~~L-~~~

66-75 76-86


--economy - -politics

A]7l~ li11§.'13- ~A~7].Z}(1965-75), .!8-~ oJ-¥- .:s:.ol o-Jol o]~ 7];U-(1976-86), £o]

o-Jo] <?J~} 4~7l.:fr(1987-90), ,s=.o] o-Jol 2:;:l:} .:}~7]{1-.n} ~z:]~~ l::ll~7n.l:IJ- 7]:{}

(1991-2000)..Q..£ 1.-f~Dl ~~ l.J1 ~ g \t ~ -T ~ ~ -e-J:% {[ ~ li!.:A}.

Division of Vietnamese Studies ( 1966-1975 )

m economy

0 politics

0 etc

~ A~ 7]7,} <>11 0 Fr-<>l.:tl 1:fl ~~ Đ_ \:]ã ~ -T-% ~ ~ 1::}]7R Ul] Đ_ \:1- ~A~ ~ ~ c i ~ ~ ~ll ~~ :7.1

~ ~~oJ]J.-1.2-j ~-=r-ã-t UllE.\3- ;g-{!-~ ~~;,} ~,:>_' ~1'~~ lil4f9-~ ~-T- % -?~

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oj -?~ oj_!f-~% !{t, 78~~.AJ-~ q~ ~~~.1!}~~ -g. ~:!{15:. -*~ 4-7} ~q.

Division of Vietnamese Studies ( 1976-1987 )

11om economy

0 politics 0 etc

1975\1 .'!8-ã~ oj~ ~~ '-11.9.1 U]jE~ ~-T-~ o]~31-}~ ~c.j ~~ oJ:.a} .Aj~-~ o]

-f-~c}. ciJ~-3-l 9~ o]_!f-~ 78:7-l~"'J-oJl "Cl]~ ~-T-~_g.. ::L 2f-;kJ]~o] ~o] ct0J:§}~

~.J:L, ;7.-j g.Q.~ /ll;kJ].a}~ ?t}.AJ-<>11 -ell~ ~~~ii':-~01 ~Jf.£17] }.j-"3f~ct. ::l~]l.--t 78

;kJl.a} ã~FJ-oJl -ell ~ ~ -T-% ~ ~ i?--tl-? .9.1 4- .-s:. .'!8-~ ~ 78 ;kJ1 2>1 ciJ ằ-l-~ .!f-78 ~ .Q_ ~ I@

7}-6}~ t:}~-6] 78:7-l~~ .2-j.£.7}1:}-Z! ~-T-%~o]~q.C ~~o] ~t:}. EE~ lll]§.\t .2-J 9-'l.:ii!78~0i] -ell~ '=-ii':-~Ê t:}4- ~zj_~~t:ã:n, oH::- aj]E\:]-o]1978\1oJl ;g-.s!_qo}

-2-}, .:I:C.1.:U. ~o]o:j 1979\:!<>ll ~~.II} ~J.}~ *~ ~ ~ J.}{l_oll rr:}~ ~.Il}4.:il ~ 4-

~t:f- ~-"1 J!.£ nl~il ~~01 ~:Ai]Plt::l<>l~ g_ l8-?sn ~E:f.Allt1).-l, ~~-3-l aJlE'i:f~

I::§:_~~ ~~-?.9.1 ~7},' f %~ o]y 78 A1l ~ -¥-~oJl 1! 1Yll ~ ~7},' I ~a :7.]-a:} ~ oj %Oil

.9."j~ \±~~A& ~7}'4~ ojP].A]~ ~~~~oJ]Jll ~~~~q.Jl ~ y ~q.

Division of Vietnamese Studies ( 1978-1990 )

D economy I:2D politics

0 etc

1986\:! 12-~ H]].Đ.\;Jão] s:.o] rrlol~ ?%-5}-~.Ai -~~~~]7~l:IJ:il} ~~~ 617&

q. ~ ~lPãJ "l>r 7.}, ~~ -& lll :e. .Al-~ :il}-& ~ .g.~ E..Ê l:i!l :Đ. tJ ~ ~ .A~l7n l:IJã Aa :&J ~1 Bll 75

~ ~oJcJI t:ll~ ~z:j~'(} 'ti-T~- .Al¢1-~q. :E~ .A}~4-~i3 :Ai7R~~ -'5- 7}-7-J '?:1 7:-J 7]~% -?%-5}71 .Al~{t UllE-'i:t~ w~~ 1Jilll~l4!1~ ~75o1l t:Jl~ ~-=t-7r {i1-z:J :Đ}Êjrt1.Aãt r:lJ"Đ:}~ -'5-{)E...'Ê ~ ~~ 1J,j "Đ:}71]~ Lqj_:s'J~ -If{}:& ~~J1}1}:i!.} Hl]Đ.'J

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~~£1~ -"]-1:JoJCl-:TI ~ 4- ~q.

Division of Vietnamese Studies ( 1991-1999 )

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00 politics

D etc

1991\:! ~~o] llJ]E'JcJl tll~ %-~Q] lf-~~i~~~ l:'IJ-~ ~ ~~i>}rt1.Ai 131]§.'1:}- 7d~lo1l t:Jl~ ~~~~ t!-{J ~ lt~}7.l-, <?.:!=?ã?~]~ ~{Jo] 7]-e ~-*1"@-"'J-oJl.Ai 75~]~~ 'tl

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~ Q} 60~01 ~~~~ lifJ.,}~.!f] {::-~o]~.TI., 2} 2000:j ~~ ã1:PJ!-'tl-T7]-tl 1]~-E~

~ ~ 70%7} ~~l~;aj<;d ~1Jo1].Ai <?:'1-T~S!J.q,

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