Most think that | the chemical is about the same
geologists composition throughout the mantle.
of the mantle rock
eye Pro: . Pro: .
Transitivity Senser Carrier . Attribute mental relational
Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub. 2 Fin | Pre Complement
Mood Mood. 1 Residue. Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
87. Because pressure increases with depth into Earth,
Because pressure increases with depth into Earth,
Transitivity Existent Pro: : Cir. 1 Cir. 2existential Subject | Fin Pre Adj. 1 Adj. 2
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme
88. the boundaries between mantle layers possibly represent depths at which pressure collapses the internal structure of certain minerals into denser minerals.
the boundaries | possibly | repres | depths at which pressure collapses the between mantle ent internal structure of certain minerals layers into denser minerals.
Transitivity Sayer Cir. verba Verbiage
Mood Subject Adj. in| 7 Complement
Mood Residue
Theme Theme
(unmarked) Rheme
89. For example, at a pressure equivalent to a depth of about 670 kilometers, the mineral olivine should collapse into the denser structure of the mineral perovskite.
For at a pressure the should | collapse into the example, | equivalent to mineral olivine denser
a depth of structure of about 670 the mineral
kilometers, perovskite
Transitivity Circumstane Actor Pro: material Goal
Adjunct Subject Fin Pre Comp! emen
Mood Mood Residue Theme
Theme (marked) Rheme
90. If the boundaries between mantle layers represent pressure-caused transformations of minerals, 91. the entire mantle may have the same chemical composition throughout, although not the same mineral composition.
If the represent pressure- the may | have |_ the same boundaries caused entire chemical
between transformations | mantle compositio
mantle of minerals, n
layers throughout, although
not the
mineral compositio
tyes Pro: . . Pro: Attribute
Transitivity Sayer verbal Verbiage Carrier relational
Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Comp. 1 Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre | Comp. 2 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme (marke 4) Rheme
92. However, some geologists think 93. that the 670-kilometer boundary represents a chemical change as well as a physical change
However, some think that | the 670 represents a chemical change
geologists kilometer as well as a physical boundary change
Pro: Pro: .
Tran Senser mental Sayer verbal Verbiage
Sub.1_ | Fin | Pre Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre Complement
Mood Residue. :
Mood. 1 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme
Theme (marked) Rheme 1
94. and separates the upper mantle from the chemically different Jower mantle below.
and separates the upper from the chemically
mantle different lower mantle below.
Transitivity Pro: Goal Circumstancematerial
Ein | Pre | Complement Adjunct
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Rheme 2
The Core
95. Seismic-wave data provide the primary evidence for the existence of the core of Earth. . (See chapter 16 for a discussion of seismic P and S waves.)
Seismic- provide the primary evidence
wave data for the existence of the core of Earth
Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Subject Fin Pre Complement
Mood Mood Residue
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
96. Seismic waves do not reach certain areas on the opposite side of Earth from a large earthquake.
Seismic do not reach certain on the opposite side of Earth
waves areas from a large earthquake.
Transitivity Actor Pro: material Goal Circumstance Subject Fin Pre Comp. Adjunct
Mood Mood Residue
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
97. Figure 17.8 shows 98. how seismic P waves spread out from a quake until, at 103° of arc (11,500 km) from the epicenter,
Figure 17.8 show how
seismic P
from a quake until, at 103° of arc (11,500 km)
from the epicenter
Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Actor Pro: Cir.material
Sub.1 Fin Pre Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre Adj.
Mood Mood. 1 Residue. Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
99. they suddenly disappear from seismograms.
they suddenly disappear from seimograms Transitivity Actor Cir. 1 Pro: material Cir. 2
Subject Adj. 1 Fin Pre Adj. 2
Mood Mood : Mood
Residue Theme
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
100. At more than 142°(15,500 km) from the epicenter, P waves reappear on seismograms.
At more than 142° P waves reappear on seismograms.
(15,500km) from the
Transitivity Circumstance. 1 Actor | Pro: material Circumstance. 2
Adjunct. 1 Subject | Fin Pre Adjunct. 2 Mood Mood
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
101. The region between 103° and 142°, which lacks P waves, is called the P-wave shadow zone
The region between 103° and 142°, is called the P- wave shadow
which lacks P waves, zone.
Transitivity Token Pro: verbal Value
Mood Subject Fin Pre Comp
Mood Residue Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
102. The P-wave shadow zone can be explained by the refraction of P waves when they encounter the core boundary deep within Earth’s interior.
The P-wave | canbe | explained | by the refraction of P waves when they
shadow zone encounter the core boundary deep within Earth’s interior.
Transitivity | Phenomenon Pro: verbal Circumstance Subject Fin Pre Adjunct
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme
(unmarked) Rheme
103. Because the paths of P waves can be accurately calculated, 104. the size and shape of the core can be determined also.
Because |_ the can be | accurately | calculated, | the | can | determined also paths size | be
of P and waves shape
of the
Tran Goal. Pro: Cir. Pro: Goal. Pro: material 1 material material 2
Sub. | Fin Adj. Pre | SUD. | Fin Pre1 2
Mood Mood. 1, Mood. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
105. In figure 17.8, notice 106. that Earth’s core deflects the P waves ,
In figure | notice | that | Earth’s deflects the P waves ,
17.8, core
Transitivity Cir. Pro: Actor Pro: Goal mental material . Non- . :
Adj. . Subject | Fin | Pre Complement
fin Pre
Mood Residue1 , Mood. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme (marked) Rheme
107. and in effect, “casts a shadow” where their energy does not reach the surface.
and in effect, “casts a where their energy does not shadow” reach the surface.
Transitivity Cir.1 Pro: material Goal Cir. 2
Adj. 1 Fin Pre Comp Adj. 2
Mood Mood Residue
Theme (marked) Rheme
108. In other words, P waves are missing within the shadow zone 109. because they have been bent (refracted) by the core.
In other P waves are | missing | within | because | they | have | bent | by the
words, the been core.
: . : Pro: :
Tran Actor. 1 Pro: material | Cir. 1 Cir.2 | Goal : Cir. 3 material
Sub. 1 Fin Pre Adj. 1 Adj. 2 Sub. Fin | Pre | Adj.3
Mood Mood Residue Mood
Theme Theme Rheme
110. The chapter on earthquakes explains 111. that while P waves can travel through solids and fluids,
The chapter explains | that | while | P waves | can travel through solids on and fluids, earthquakes
Pro: Cir. | Actor. R .
Tran Sayer verbal 1 1 Pro: material Cir. 2
Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Adj. Sub. 2 | Fin Pre Adj. 2
Mood ‘ 1 l ' Mood. 1 Residue.1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
112. S waves can travel only through solids.
S waves can travel only through solids.
Transitivity Actor Pro: material Cir.
Sub Fin Pre Adj.
Mood Mood Residue
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
113. As figure 17.9 shows, 114. an S-wave shadow zone also exists and is larger than the P-wave shadow zone.
As | figur show, anS— | also exists and is larger than the
e wave P-wave shadow 17.9 shadow zone.
Tran Sayer | Pro: verbal | Existent | Cir. | Pro: existential relat Attribute ional
Sub. | Fi . | ow r|?Pre Sub.2 Adj. | Fin Pre . |r Comp. 2
1 n in
Mood e
Mood.1 | Res. 1 Mood. 2 Res. 2 Residue. 2
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
115. Direct S waves are not recorded in the entire region more than 103° away from the epicenter.
Direct Š are not recorded in the entire region
waves more than 103° away from the epicenter.
Transitivity Goal Pro: material Circumstance Mood Subject a Fin Pre Resid Adjunct
Theme (unmarke d) Rheme
116. The S-wave shadow zone seems to indicate 117. that S waves do not travel through the core at all.
The S-wave shadow zone
that indicate
S waves do not travel through the core
at all.
Tran Sayer Pro: verbal Actor Pro: material Cir.
Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub. 2 Fin Pre Adjunct
Mood Mood Mood
Residue Theme
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
118. If this is true, 119. it implies
If| _ this is true, it implies
Tran Carrier Pro: Attribute | Sensor Pro: menrelational
Sub. 1 | Fin | Pre Comp Sub. 2 Fin Pre
Mood Mood . Mood Residue
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
120. that the core of Earth is a liquid, or at least acts like a liquid.
the core of is a liquid, or at acts like a liquid
Earth least
Transitivity Carrier Pro: Attribute Cir. Pro: Cir. 2relational 1 material
Subject Fin | Pre | Complement Au Fin | Pre Adj. 2
Mood MoodMood Residue Theme
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
121. The way in which P waves are refracted within Earth’s core (as shown by careful analysis of seismograms) suggests
The way in which P waves are refracted
within Earth’s core(as shown by careful analysis
of seismograms)
Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal
Subject Fin Pre
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
122. that the core has two parts, a liquid outer core and a solid inner core (figure 17.7).
that the core has two parts, a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.
Transitivity Carrier Pro: Attributerelational
Subject Fin | Pre Complement
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme
Composition of the Core
123. When evidence from astronomy and seismic-wave studies is combined with what we know about the properties of materials,
When evidence from is combined with what we know astronomy and about the properties seismic-wave studies of materials,
Transitivity | Cir. Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Adj. Subject Fin Pre Complement Mood Mood :
Residue Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme
124. it appears 125. that Earth’s core is made of metal—not silicate rock—
it appears that is made of metal-not Earth’s silicate rock
Tran Token Pro: Carrier Pro: relational Attributerelational
Mood Sub.1 | Fin Pre Sub. 2 Fin Pre Complement
Mood. 1 Res. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme
Theme | (unmark Rheme ed)
126. and that this metal is probably iron (along with a minor amount of oxygen, silicon, sulfur, or nickel).
and that this metal is probably iron.
Tran Carrier Pro: Cir. Attributerelational
Subject Fin | Pre Adj. Complement
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme
127. How did geologists arrive at this conclusion?
How did Geologists arrive at this conclusion?
Transitivity Cir. Pro: Actor Pro: Circumstance mat material Adj. Fin Subject Pre Adjunct
Mood Mood Residue
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
128. The overall density of the earth is 5.5gm/cm?, based on calculations from Newton’s law of gravitational attraction.
The overall 1S 5.5gm/cm’, based on calculations from density of earth Newton’s law of gravitation attraction.
Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute
Mood Subject Fin Pre Complement
Mood Residue
Theme Theme Rhmee(unmarked)
129. The crustal rocks are relatively low density, from 2.7 gm/cm? for granite to 3.0 gm/cm for basalt.
The crust are relatively low | from 2.7 gm/cm for granite to
rocks density, 3.0 gm/cm? for basalt.
Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Circumstance Mood Subject Fin Pre__| Complement Adjunct
Mood Residue Theme
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
130. The ultramafic rock thought to make up the mantle probably has a density of 3.3 gm/cm? in the upper mantle,
The ultramafic rock | probably has a density of in the upper thought to make up 3.3 gm/cm3 mantle,
the mantle
Transitivity Carrier Cir. 1 Pro: Attribute Cir. 2relational
Mood Subject Adj1 | Fin | Pre | Complement Adj. 2 Mood Residue
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
131. although rock pressure should raise this value to about 5.5 gm/cm? at the base of
the mantle (figure 17.7).
although rock should | raise this value to about 5.5 gm/cm? at pressure the base of the mantle
Transitivity Actor Pro: material Goal Circumstance
Subject Fin Pre | Complement Adjunct
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme
132. If the crust and the mantle, which have approximately 85% of Earth’s volume, are at or below the average density of Earth,
If the crust and the mantle, which are at or below the
have approximately 85% of Earth's average density of
volume, Earth,
eyes : Pro: :
Transitivity Existent : : Circumstance
Subject Fin | Pre Adjunct
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (marked) Rheme
133. then the core must be very heavy to bring the average up to 5.5 gm/cm’.
then the core must be very heavy to bring
the average up to 5.5 gm/cm?.
Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute
Subject Fin Pre Complement
Mood Mood Residue
Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme
134. Calculations show 135. that the core has to have a density of about 10 gm/cm?
at the core-mantle boundary, increasing to 12 or 13 gm/cm at the center of Earth
(figure 17.7).
Calculations show that | the core | has | have | a density | at the core-mantle
to of about boundary, 10 increasing
gm/cm3 to 12 or 13 gm/cm` at the center of Earth
Tran Sayer Pro: Carrier Pro: Attribute Cir. verbal relational
Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre | Comp. Adj.
Mood Mood. 1 Residue. Mood. 2 Residue. 2
Theme (unamarked) Rheme
136. This great density would be enough to give Earth an average density of 5.5 gm/cm?.
This great would be enough to give Earth
density an average density of 5.5 gm/cmẺ.
Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute
Subject Fin Pre Complement
Mood Mood Residue
Theme (unmarked) Rheme
The early case for continental drift
I. Tectonics is the study of the origin and arrangement of the broad structural