Wegener’s work dealt with the wandering of Earth’s geographic poles of rotation

Một phần của tài liệu Luận án tiến sĩ Ngôn ngữ học: Nghiên cứu cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa các giáo trình địa chất như một thể loại trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt (Phần 2) (Trang 109 - 136)

I. Tectonics is the study of the origin and arrangement of the broad structural features of Earth’s surface, including not only folds and faults, but also mountain

92. Wegener’s work dealt with the wandering of Earth’s geographic poles of rotation

Wegener’s dealt with the wandering of Earth’s geographic poles

work of rotation

Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute

Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

93. The magnetic poles are located close to the geographic poles, 94. as you saw in the chapter on Earth’s interior.

The are located | close to the | as you saw in the

magnetic geographic chapter on poles poles, Earth’s


eyes : Pro: : :

Transitivity | Existent l : Cir. 1 Senser | Pro: mental Cir. 2 existential

Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Adj.1 Sub. 2 | Fin Pre Adj. 2 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmar Rheme ked)

95. Historical measurements show 96. that the position of the magnetic poles moves from year to year.



show that the moves from year

position of to year, the




eyes Pro: : Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Actor . Cir.


Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adj.

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 | Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

97. but that the magnetic poles stay close to the geographic poles 98. as they move.

but that the stay | close to the | as | they move

magnetic geographic poles poles


Transitivity Carrier relat Attribute Actor Pro: material

ional FỊP

Sub. 1 i |r | Complement Sub.2 | Fin Pre



Mood. 1 Residue, 1 Mood. 2 Res. 2

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

99. As we discuss magnetic evidence for polar wandering, 100. we are referring to an apparent motion of the magnetic poles.

As we discuss magnetic we are referring to an apparent

evidence motion of the for polar magnetic poles wandering,

Transitivity Sayer. 1 Pro: Verbiage. | Sayer. Pro: verbal Verbiage. 2verbal 2

Sub.1 | Fin | Pre Comp. 1 Sub. 2 Fin Pre Comp. 2

Mood Residue Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

101. Because the magnetic and geographic poles are close together, 102. our discussion will refer to apparent motion of the geographic poles as well.

Because the are close our will | refer | to apparent motion

magnetic together, | discussion of the geographic

and poles as well geographic


Transitivity Carrier. Pro: Attribut | Carrier. Pro: Attribute. 2

1 relational e.Í 2 relational

Mood Sub.I | Fin | Pre | Comp. 1 Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Comp. 2

°° Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

103. As we discussed in chapter 17, 104. many rocks record the strength and direction of Earth’s magnetic field at the time the rocks formed.

As we discussed in many record | the strength and direction of

chapter | rocks Earth’s magnetic field at the time 17, the rocks


Pro: . Pro:

Tran Sayer Cir. Actor R Goal

verbal material

Mood Sub. 1 | Fin | Pre | Adj. 1 Sub. Fin | Pre Complement

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

105. Magnetite in a cooling basaltic lava flow acts like a tiny compass needle, 106. preserving a record of Earth’s magnetic field

Magnetite in a acts like a tiny preserving a record of Earth’s

cooling basaltic compass magnetic field when the lava

lava flow needle, cools below the Curie point.

Transitivity Actor Pro: Cir. 1 Pro: Goalmaterial material Subject Fin | Pre Adj. 1 Non-fin Comp. 2

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

107. when the lava cools below the Curie point.

when the lava cools below the Curie point Transitivity Cir. 1 Actor Pro: material Cir. 2

Adj. 1 Subject Fin Pre Adj. 2 Mood Mood


Theme Theme (unmarked) | Rheme

108. Iron-stained sedimentary rocks such as red shale can also record Earth magnetism.

Tron-stained sedimentary can also record Earth magnetism rocks such as red shale

Transitivity Actor Pro: material Goal

Subject Fin Adj. Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

109. The magnetism of old rocks can be measured 110. to determine the direction and strength of the magnetic field in the past.

The magnetism | can be measured to the direction and strength of the of old rocks determine magnetic field in the past

Transitivity Goal. 1 Pro: material Pro: Phenomenon



Subject Fin Pre Non-fin Complement

Mood Pre

Mood Residue

Theme Theme Rheme(unmarked)

111. The study of ancient magnetic fields is called paleomagnetism.

The study of ancient magnetic is called paleomagnetism fields

Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute

Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

112. Because magnetic lines of force dip more steeply as the north magnetic pole is approached,

Because magnetic dip more | as the north magnetic pole

lines of steeply | is approached, force

Transitivity Actor Pro: Cir. 1 Cir. 2material

Sub. 1 Fin | Pre | Adj. 1 Adj. 2

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

113. the inclination (dip) of the magnetic alignment preserved in the magnetite

minerals in the lava flows can be used 114. to determine the distance from a flow to the pole at the time that the flow formed (figure 19.8)

the inclination of the magnetic

alignment preserved

in the

magnetite minerals in the lava


can used be



the distance from a flow

to the pole at the time that the flow formed

Transitivity Goal

Pro: material Pro:

mental Phenomenon Mood Subject Fin Pre Non-fin Complement

Mood Residue

Theme Theme

(marked) Rheme


115. Old pole positions can be determined from the magnetism of old rocks.

Old pole can be | determined from the magnetism of old rocks


Transitivity | Phenomenon Pro: material Circumstance

Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

116. The magnetic alignment preserved in the magnetite minerals points to the pole, 117. and the dip of the alignment tells how far away the pole was.

The magnetic points to the and the dip of tells | how far away alignment pole, the the pole

preserved in the alignment was

magnetite minerals

tyes Pro: Verbiag Pro: :

Transitivity Sayer verbal e Sayer verbal Verbiage

Sub. 1 Fi; P Comp. 1 Sub. 2 Fi | Pr Comp. 2n | re nie

Mood :

Residue ResidueMood

Theme Theme (marked) Reme

118. Figure 19.9 shows 119. how Permian lava flows in North America indicate a Permian pole position in eastern Asia.

The figure shows | how | Permian | indicate a in eastern 19.9 lava Permian Asia.

flows in pole

North position


eyes Pro: Cir. Pro: : :

Transitivity | Sayer. 1 verbal 1 Sayer. 2 verbal Verbiage Cir. 2

: Adj. : :

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre 1 Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre | Comp. Adj. 2 Mood 1 Residue 1 Mood 2 Residue 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

120. For each geologic period, North America rocks reveal a different magnetic pole position; 121. this path of the apparent motion of the north magnetic pole through

time is shown in figure 19.10.

For each | North reveal a this path | is | shown in figure

geologic | America different of the 19.10 period, rocks magnetic | apparent

pole motion of

position; | the north magnetic


pole through


Tran Cir. 1 Carrier Pro: Attribute | Verbiage | Pro: verbal Cir. 2relational

Adj. 1 Sub. 1 | Fin | Pre | Comp. Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adj. 2

Mood Residue. Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (marked) Rheme

122. Paleomagnetic evidence thus verifies Wegener’s idea of polar wandering (which he based on paleoclimatic evidence).

Paleomagnetic verifies Wegener’s idea of polar wandering

evidence thus

Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Verbiage

Subject Fin | Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

123. Like Wegener’s paleoclimatic evidence, the paleomagnetic evidence from a single continent can be interpreted in two ways: either the continent stood still and the magnetic pole moved or the pole stood still and the continent moved.

Like Wegener’s the can | interpreted in two ways:

paleoclimatic paleomagnetic be either the

evidence, evidence from a continent stood

single continent still and the magnetic pole moved or the pole stood still and the

continent moved

Transitivity Cir. 1 Verbiage Pro: verbal Cir. 2

Adj. 1 Subject Fin Pre Adj. 2 Mood Mood


Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

124. At first glance, paleomagnetic evidence does not seem to be a significant advance over paleo climatic evidence.

At first | paleomagnetic | doesnot | seem a significant over paleo climate

glance, evidenece to be advance evidence

Transitivity | Cir. 1 Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Cir. 2 Mood Adj. 1 Subject Fin Pre | Complement Adj.2

Residue Mood Residue


Theme (marked) Rheme

125. But when paleomagnetic evidence from different continents was compared, 126. an important discovery was made.


But | when | paleomagnetic | was compared, an was made

event important from different discovery


Transitivity Cir Carrier Pro: relational Goal Pro: material Adj Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub. 2 Fin Pre

Mood Res. Mood. 1 Res. 1 Mood. 2 Res. 2

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

127. Although Permian rocks in North America point to a pole position in eastern

Asia, 128. Permian rocks in Europe point to a different position (closer to Japan), as shown in figure 19.10.

Although | Permian point toapole | Permian point to a different

rocks in in eastern | rocks in position, as shown

North Asia, Europe in figure 19.10


tyes Pro: Verbiage. Pro: R

Transitivity Sayer. 1 verbal 1 Sayer. 2 verbal Verbiage. 2

Mood Sub. 1 | Fin | Pre | Comp.1 | Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Comp. 2 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

129. Does this mean 130. there were two north magnetic poles in the Permian Period?

Does this mean there were two north in the magnetic Permian

poles Period?

see Pro: Pro: . :

Transitivity Sayer verbal existential Existent Cir.

Fin Sup. Pre | Sub.2 | Fin | Pre| Comp. Adj.

Mood ResidueMood. 1 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

131. In fact, every continent shows a different position for the Permian pole.

In fact, every shows a different for the Permian pole.

continent position

Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Verbiage Circumstance Subject | Fin Pre Complement Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (marked) Rheme


132. A different magnetic pole for each continent seems highly unlikely.

A different magnetic seems highly unlikely pole for each


Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational | Circumstance Attribute Subject Fin Pre Adjunct Complement

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

133. A better explanation is 134. that a single pole stood still

A better explanation is that a stood still single


Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Carrier Pro: Attributerelational

Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Comp.

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

135. while continents split apart and rotated 136. as they diverged.

while | continents split apart and as | they diverged


Transitivity Actor Pro: Circumstance Actor Pro: materialmaterial Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Adjunct Sub. Fin Pre

Mood , J 2

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Res. 2 Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

137. Note the polar wandering paths for North America and Europe in figure 19.10.

Note the polar wandering paths for North America and Europe

in figure 19.10

Transitivity | Pro: mental Phenomenon Non-fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

138. The paths are of similar shape, 139. but the path for European poles is to the east of the North American path.

The paths are of similar | but | the path is to the east of the

shape, for North American

European path poles

Tran | Carrier. 1 Pro: Attribute. Carrier. Pro: Attribute. 2relational 1 2 relational 247

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre | Comp. 1 Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre Comp. 2

00 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

140. If we mentally push North America back toward Europe, closing the Atlantic Ocean, 141. and then consider the paths of polar wandering,

If we mentally push North back and consider the paths of polar

America | toward | then wandering, Europe,

closing the

Atlantic Ocean,

Transitivity Senser | Cir. 1 Pro: Pheno. Cir. 2 Pro: Pheno. 2mental 1 mental

Sub.1 | Adj.1 | Fin | Pre Comp. Adj. 2 Fin | Pre Comp. 2

Mood Mood Residue Mood

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

142. we find 143. that the path for North America lies exactly on the path for Europe.

we find that | the path lies exactly on the path

for for Europe.

North America

eye Pro: . P nF R :

Transitivity Senser Existent | existentia | Cir. 1 Cir. 2mental l

Mood Sub. 1 " Pre Sub.2 | Fin Pr Adj. 1 Adj.2

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

144. This strongly suggests 145. that there was one north magnetic pole

This suggests | that | there was one north magnetic pole


Transitivity Sayer Pro: Pro: Existent verbal existential

Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub. Fin | Pre Complement

Mood ResidueMood. 1 1 “| Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme


146. and that the continents were joined together.

and that the continents were Joined together

Transitivity Goal Pro: material Cir.

Subject Fin Pre Adj.

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme Rheme(unmarked)

147. There appear to be two north magnetic poles 148. because the rocks of North America moved west;

There appear to two north because | the rocks moved west;

be magnetic of North

poles America

Transitivity | Carrier Pro: Attribute Actor | Pro: material Cir.relational

Mood Subject | Fin | Pre | Complement Sub. 2 | Fin Pre Adj.

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

149. their magnetic minerals now point to a different polar position than they did when the minerals first formed.

their magnetic now point to a different polar position than

minerals they did when the minerals first moved Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Verbiage

Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

Recent Evidence for Continental Drift

150. As paleomagnetic evidence revived interest in continental drift, 151. new work was done on fitting continents together.

As | paleomagnetic revived interest in new | was | done | on fitting continent evidence continent | work together.


Transitivity Actor. 1 Pro: | Goal | Cir.1 |C9AL| Pro: Cir. 2material 2 material

. Comp. : Sub. . .

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre 1 Adj.1 2 Fin | Pre Adj. 2

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

152. By defining the edge of continent as the middle of the continental slope, rather than the present (constantly changing) shoreline, a much more precise fit has been found between continents (figure 19.11).

By defining the edge of continent as amuch has | found between

the middle of the continent slope, more been continents.

rather than the present (constantly precise changing )shoreline, fit

. Phenome .

Tran Circumstance. 1 non Pro: mental Cir. 2

Mood Adjunct. 1 Subject Fin Pre Adj. 2


Residue Mood

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

153. The most convincing evidence for continental drift came from greatly refined rock matches between now-separated continents.

The most convincing evidence for continent

came from greatly refined rock matches between now-separated continents.


Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

154. If continents are fitted together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, 155. the “picture”

should match from piece to piece.

If | continents | are | fitted | together the should | match from like “picture” piece to pieces of piece.



Transitivity Goal Pro: Cir. 1 Actor. 2 Pro: material Cir. 2material

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Adj. 1 Sub. 2 Fin Pre Adj. 2 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

156. The matches between South America and Africa are particularly striking.

The matches between are particularly striking.

South America and Africa

Transitivity Carrier Pro: Circumstance Attributerelational

Mood Subject Fin | Pre Adjunct Complement

Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

157. Some distinctive rock contacts extend out to sea along the shore of Africa.

Some distinctive rock extent out to sea along the shore of Africa


Transitivity Actor Pro: material Circumstance

Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

158. If the two continents are fitted together, 159. the identical contacts are found in precisely the right position on the shore of South America (figure 19.11).

If the two are | fitted | together, the are | found in precisely the continents identical right position on

contacts the shore of South


tt Pro: : Pro: R

Transitivity Goal R Cir.1 | Pheno Cir. 2material mental

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre | Adj.1 | Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adj. 2

00 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

160. Isotopic ages of rocks also match between these continents.


Isotopic ages of rocks also matches between these continents.

Transitivity Actor Cir. 1 | Pro: material Cir. 2 Subject Adj.1 | Fin Pre Adj. 2

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

161. Glacial striations show 162. that during the late Paleozoic Era continental glaciers moved from Africa toward the present Atlantic Ocean,

Glacial show that | during | continent | moved from Africa

striations the late | glaciers toward the

Paleozoic present Atlantic Era Ocean,

eyes Pro: . Pro: .

Transitivity Sayer verbal Cir. 1 Actor material Cir. 2

Sub.l | Fin | Pre Adj.1_| Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adj. 2

Mood Mood. 1 Residue 1 Restaue- Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

163. while similar glaciers seemingly moved from the Atlantic Ocean onto South America (figure 19.11).

while similar | seemingly moved from the Atlantic Ocean onto glaciers South America

Transitivity Actor Cir. 1 Pro: material Cir. 2

Subject Adj. 1 Fin Pre Adj. 2

Mood Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

164. Continental glaciers, however, cannot move from sea onto land.

Continent | however, cannot move from sea onto land.


Transitivity Actor Pro: material Circumstance

Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

165. If the two continents had been joined together, 166. the ice that moved off Africa could have been the ice that moved onto South America.

If | the two has been joined | together | the ice could have been | the ice that

continents that moved onto South

moved off America Africa

Transitivity Goal Pro: material Cir. Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Adj. Sub. 2 Fin Pre Comp.

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

167. This hypothesis has now been confirmed; 168. from their lithology, many of the boulders in South America still have been traced to a source that is now in






confirmed; from their

many of | still the

have | traced been

to a source



been lithology, | boulders is now in Africa in South


Transitivity | Phenomenon Pro: verbal Cir. 1 Goal Cir. Pro: Cir. 32 material

. : Adj. ‘i .

Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Adj.1 Sub. 2 2 Fin Pre Adj. 3 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

169. Some of the most detailed matches have been made between rocks in Brazil and rocks in the African country of Gabon.

Some of the most have made between rocks in Brazil and rocks in detailed matches been the African country of Garbon

Transitivity Goal Pro: material Circumstance Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

170. These rocks are similar in type, structure, sequence, fossils, ages, and degree of metamorphism.

These rocks are similar in type, structure, sequence, fossils, ages, and degree of


Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute Circumstance Mood Subject Fin Pre Complement Adjunct

Mood Residue Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

171. Such detailed matches are convincing evidence that continental drift did, in fact, take place.

Such detailed are convincing evidence that continent drift did,

matches in fact, take place.

Transitivity Carrier Pro: Attributerelational

Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme Rheme(unmarked)

172. There is also an abundance of satellite geodetic data from the Global Positioning Satellite system (GPS)

There us also an abundance of satellite geodetic data

from the Global

Positioning Satellite system (GPS)

Transitivity Pro:

existential Existent Circumstance 252

Subject Fin | Pre Complement Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

173. so we can now watch the continents move—it is about as eventful as watching your fingernails grow!

SO we can watch the move- it is about as eventful now continents as watching

your fingernails grow

Transitivity Senser Pro: mental Actor Pro: Circumstance


Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adjunct

Mood. 1 Residue. Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme Theme Rheme (unmarked)

History of Continental Positions

174. Rock matches show 175. when continents were together;

Rock show when continents were together,


Tran Sayer Pro: Cir. 1 Carrier Pro: relational Attributeverbal

Fi R :

Mood Sub. 1 n Pre Adj.1 Sub. 2 Fin Pre Complement Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

176. once the continents split, 177. the new rocks formed are dissimilar.

once the split, the new are similar continents rocks formed

Tran Actor Pro: Carrier Pro: Attributematerial relational

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub. 2 Fin Pre Comp.

Mood. 1 Re Mood. 2 Residue. 2

Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

178. Paleomagnetic evidence indicates the direction and rate of drift, 179. allowing maps of old continental positions, such as figure 19.2, to be drawn.

Paleomagnetic | indicates the allowing | maps of old to be

evidence direction continental drawn.

and rate positions, of drift, such as

figure 19.2

eyes Pro: Verbiage. | Pro: Verbiage. : Transitivity Sayer verbal 1 verbal | 2 Cir.

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre | Comp.1 Now fin Comp. 2 Adj.


Một phần của tài liệu Luận án tiến sĩ Ngôn ngữ học: Nghiên cứu cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa các giáo trình địa chất như một thể loại trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt (Phần 2) (Trang 109 - 136)

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