Crossbedded sandstones can indicate ancient deserts near 30° North and 30°

Một phần của tài liệu Luận án tiến sĩ Ngôn ngữ học: Nghiên cứu cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa các giáo trình địa chất như một thể loại trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt (Phần 2) (Trang 102 - 108)

I. Tectonics is the study of the origin and arrangement of the broad structural features of Earth’s surface, including not only folds and faults, but also mountain

50. Crossbedded sandstones can indicate ancient deserts near 30° North and 30°

South latitude.

Crossbedded can indicate ancient near 30° North and 30° South

sandstones desert latitude.

Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Verbiage Circumstance : : Complement :

Mood Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Residue

Theme Theme Rheme(unmarked)

51. If ancient climate had the same distribution on Earth that modern climates have,

If | ancient had the same distribution on Earth climate that modern climate have,

Transitivity Carrier Pro: Attributerelational

Mood Sub Fin | Pre Complement


Theme (marked) Rheme

52. then sedimentary rocks can show 53. where the ancient poles and Equator were located.

then sedimentary | can | show | where the were located

rocks ancient poles



Transitivity Sayer Pro: Cir. | Existent Pro: existentialverbal

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre | Adj. | Sub. 2 Fin Pre Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Res. 2 Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

54. Wegener determined the positions of the North and South Poles for each geologic period.

Wegener determined the positions of the | for each geologic period.

North and South Poles

Transitivity Senser Pro: mental Phenomenon Circumstance Subject Fin Pre Complement Adjunct

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

55. He found 56. that ancient poles were in different positions than the present poles (figure 19.5A).


He found that | ancient were in different positions

poles than

the present poles (figure 19.5)

eyes Pro: : Pro: :

Transitivity Senser Existent . : Circumstance mental existential

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adjunct

°° Mood. 1 Residue. 1 | Mood.2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

57. This apparent movement of the poles he called polar wandering. 58. Polar wandering, however, is a deceptive term.

This apparent movement of the poles however, is a deceptive term.

he calledpolar wandering. Polar wandering,

Trans Carrier Pro: Attributerelational

Subject Fin | Pre Comp

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

59. The evidence can actually be explained in the following ways:

The evidence can actually | explained | in the following ways:

Transitivity Verbiage ” Pro: verbal Circumstance

Mood Subject Ta Fin Pre ET NG

Theme (unmarke d) Rheme

60. The continents remained motionless 61. and the polea actually did move-polar wandering (figure 19.5A).

The remained | motionless | and | actually did move-polar

continents the wandering (figure polea 19.5)

Transitivity Carrier Pro: Attribute | Actor Cir. Pro: Goal relational material

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Comp. 1 Sub. 2 Adj. Fin | Pre Comp. 2

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme Rheme


62. The poles stood still 63. and the continents moved—continental drift (figure 19.5B).

The poles stood still and the moved- continental continents drift (figure

19.5 B)

Transitivity | Carrier. 1 Pro: Attribute Actor Pro: Goal relational 1 material


Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre | Comp. 1 Sub.2 | Fin| Pre | Comp.2 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

64. Both occur—this is the most likely scenario.

Both occur this is most scenario


Transitivity | Existent Pro: . Identified Pro: Cir. Identifierexistential relational

Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre | Adjunct Complement

Mood Mood Residue Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

65. Wegener plotted curves of apparent polar wandering (figure 19.6).

Wegener plotted curves of apparent polar wandering

Transitivity Actor Pro: material Goal

Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

66. Since one interpretation of polar wandering data was 67. that the continents moved,

Since one interpretation was that the continent | moved of polar wandering


Transitivity Carrier Pro: Actor Pro:relational material Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub. 2 n Pre. Fi

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Res. 2 Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

68. Wegener believed 69. that this supported his concept of continental drift.

Wegener believed that this supported his concept of

continental drift.

Transitivity Senser Pro: mental Actor Pro: Goalmaterial

Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub. 2 | Fin | Pre Complement

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

Skepticism about Continental Drift

70. Although Wegener presented the best case possible in the early 1900s for continental drift, 71. much of his evidence was not clearcut.


Although | Wegener | presented | the best | in the for much of | was not clear case early | continental his cut

possible | 1900s drift, evidence

Tran Actor Pro: Goal Cir.1 Cir. 2 Carrier Pro: Attributematerial relational

Sub.1 | Fin | Pre Comp. Ad Adj. 2 Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Comp. 2

Mood Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

72. The presence of land-dwelling reptiles throughout the scattered continents was explained by land bridges, which were postulated to somehow rise up from the sea floor and then subside again.

The presence of land- dwelling

replites throughout the scattered continents

was explained by land bridges, which were postulated to somehow rise up

from the sea floor and then subside again.

Transitivity Verbiage Pro: verbal Circumstance Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

73. The existence or nonexistence of land bridges was difficult to prove without data on the topography of the sea floor.

The existence or

nonexistence of land

was difficult to prove without data on the topography of the sea floor


Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute

Subject Fin Pre

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

74. Also, fossil plants could have been spread from one continent to another by winds or ocean currents.

Also, fossil could have |_ spread from one by winds or ocean plants been continent currents

to another

Transitivity Goal Pro: material Cir. 1 Cir. 2

Subject Fin Pre Adj. 1 Adj. 2 M hood Mood Residue


Theme (marked) Rheme

75. Their distribution over more than one continent does not require 76. that the continents were all joined in the supercontinent, Pangaea.

Their does | require | that the were all in the supercontinent, distribution | not continents joined Pangaea.

over more

than one


Transitivity Actor Pro: Goal Pro: Cir. material material


Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Sub.2 | Fin | Pre Adj.

00 Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

77. In addition, polar wandering might have been caused by moving poles rather than by moving continents.

In addition, polar might caused by moving poles rather than

wandering have by moving continents


Transitivity Goal Pro: material Circumstance Mood Subject Fin Pre Adjunct

Mood Residue

Theme Theme Rheme(marked)

78. Because his evidence was not conclusive, 79. Wegener’s ideas were not widely accepted.

Because his was not | conclusive, Wegener's were | widely accepted evidence ideas not

Tran Carrier Pro: Attribute | Phenomenon Pro: Cir. Pro: mentalrelational mental

Mood Sub.1 | Fin | Pre | Comp. 1 Sub. 2 Fin Adj. Pre

Mood. 1 Residue. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme Theme (marked) Rheme

80. This was particularly true in the United States, largely because of the mechanism Wegener proposed for continental drift.

This was particularly true in the largely because of the United mechanism Wegener

States, proposed for continental


Tran Carrier Pro: Cir. 1 Attribute Cir. 2 Cir. 3


Mood Sub. 1 Fin | Pre Adj. 1 Comp. 1 Adj. 2 Adj. 3 Mood Residue

Theme Theme Rheme (unmarke


81. Wegener proposed 82. that continents plowed through the oceanic crust

(figure 19.7), perhaps crumpling up mountain ranges on the leading edges of the continents where they pushed against the sea floor.

Wegener proposed that continents plowed through the

oceanic crust,


crumpling up

mountain ranges

on the leading edges of the

continents where they pushed

against the sea floor.


Transitivity Actor. 1 Pro: material Actor. 2 Pro: Circumstancematerial

Mood Sub. 1 Fin Pre Sub.2 | Fin| Pre Adjunct

Mood. 1 Res. 1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2 Theme

Theme (unmarked) Rheme

83. Most geologists in the United States thought 84. that this idea violated what was known about the strength of rocks at the time.

Most thought | that this violated what was known about

geologists in idea the strength of rock at the the United time


eyes Pro: R

Transitivity Senser Actor | Pro: material Goal


Mood Sub. 1 " Pre Sub.2 | Fin Pre Complement

Mood. 1 Residue.1 Mood. 2 Residue. 2


Theme (unmarked) Rheme

85.The driving mechanism proposed by Wegener for continental drift was a combination of centrifugal force from Earth’s rotation and the gravitational forces that cause tides.

The driving mechanism proposed by Wegener

for continent drift

was a combination of centrifugal force from

Earth’s rotation and the gravitation forces that cause tides

Transitivity Carrier Pro: relational Attribute

Sub. 1 Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue

Theme Theme (unmarked) Rheme

86. Careful calculations of these forces showed them to be too small to move continents.

Careful calculation showed them to be too small to move of these forces continents

Transitivity Sayer Pro: verbal Verbiage Subject Fin Pre Complement

Mood Mood Residue


Theme (unmarked) Rheme


87. Because of these objections, Wegener’s ideas received little support in the United

Một phần của tài liệu Luận án tiến sĩ Ngôn ngữ học: Nghiên cứu cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa các giáo trình địa chất như một thể loại trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt (Phần 2) (Trang 102 - 108)

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