5.4 Hướng nghiên cứu mới của đề tài
Đề tài góp phần mở ra những hướng nghiên cứu mới đầy hứa hẹn trong tương lai như: khảo sát yếu tố kỹ thuật công nghệ trong mối quan hệ giữa phát triển tài chính, khu vực sản xuất và tăng trưởng kinh tế; tác động của tự hóa tài chính hay khủng hoảng kinh tế, sự thay đổi thể chế chính trị v.v. đến mối quan hệ phát triển tài chính, khu vực sản xuất và tăng trưởng kinh tế.
Nghiên cứu có thể tập trung phân nhóm các đối tượng khảo sát theo đặc điểm phát triển kinh tế (phát triển, đang phát triển, kém phát triển); theo thu nhập (cao, trung bình, thấp); theo vị trí địa lý (Châu Á, Châu Phi v.v.) để đánh giá một cách tổng thể hơn về kết quả nhằm đưa ra giải pháp tổng quát cho từng khu vực.
Nghiên cứu có thể dựa trên đặc điểm riêng biệt của từng quốc gia: thể chế chính trị, văn hóa, đặc điểm kinh tế - xã hội v.v. nhằm nghiên cứu các quốc gia có những nét tương đồng với nhau để từ đó hoạch định chính sách phù hợp cho từng nhóm các quốc gia tương đồng.
Áp dụng nghiên cứu tại Việt Nam trong giai đoạn chịu ảnh hưởng của cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế - tài chính tồn cầu vừa qua để từ đó có thể đưa ra những giải pháp riêng dảnh cho Việt Nam để góp phần thúc đẩy tăng trưởng kinh tế của Việt Nam.
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1 Australia 1997-2014 1
2 Brunei Darussalam 1997-2014 1
3 Cambodia 1997-2014 1
4 China 1997-2014 1
5 Hong Kong SAR, China 1997-2014 1
6 Indonesia 1997-2014 1 7 Japan 1997-2014 1 8 Korea, Rep 1997-2014 1 9 Lao PDR 1997-2014 1 10 Malaysia 1997-2014 2 11 Mongolia 1997-2014 2 12 New Zealand 1997-2014 2 13 Philippines 1997-2014 2 14 Singapore 1997-2014 2 15 Thailand 1997-2014 2 16 Vietnam 1997-2014 2 17 India 1997-2014 2 18 Nepal 1997-2014 2 19 Georgia 1997-2014 2 20 Jordan 1997-2014 3
21 Macao SAR, China 1997-2014 3 22 Iran, Islamic Rep. 1997-2014 3
24 Russian Federation 1997-2014 3 25 Pakistan 1997-2014 3 Trong đó: 1: high income. 2: middle income. 3: low income.
. reg realgdpgrowth gdpinitial trade_of_gdp inflation gov_expenditures gdpinitial trade_of_gdp private_credit_togdp
growth_industrial_value_added fdi exchangerate diff_creg_reoutput diff_liq_reoutput diff_creb_rd diff_creb_reoutput
note: gdpinitial omitted because of collinearity note: trade_of_gdp omitted because of collinearity
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 393 F( 12, 380) = 8.94 Model 1524.4302 12 127.0359 Prob > F = 0 Residual 5397.48355 380 14.2039 R-squared = 0.2202 Adj R-squared = 0.1956 Total 6921.91375 392 17.65794 Root MSE = 3.7688
realgdpgrowth Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
gdpinitial 0.5908225 0.1608098 -3.67 0 -0.907011 -0.27463
trade_of_gdp 0.0129515 0.0027416 4.72 0 0.0075608 0.018342
inflation 0.0079439 0.0090072 0.88 0.378 -0.0097663 0.025654
gov_expenditures 3.97E-12 1.50E-12 2.64 0.009 1.01E-12 6.93E-12
gdpinitial 0 (omitted)
fdi -8.16E-11 1.29E-10 -0.63 0.527 -3.35E-10 1.72E-10
exchangerate 6.91E-11 2.51E-10 0.27 0.784 -4.25E-10 5.63E-10
diff_creg_reoutput -6.191607 8.000555 -0.77 0.439 -21.92251 9.539295
diff_liq_reoutput -13.03835 2.274478 -5.73 0 -17.51049 -8.56622
diff_creb_rd 1.295189 0.6963171 1.86 0.064 -0.0739277 2.664306
diff_creb_reoutput 13.67075 7.994746 1.71 0.088 -2.048731 29.39023
_cons 6.966698 2.846725 2.45 0.015 1.369392 12.564
. reg realgdpgrowth gdpinitial trade_of_gdp inflation gov_expenditures gdpinitial trade_of_gdp liquid_liabilities growth_industrial_value_added fdi exchangerate diff_creg_reoutput diff_liq_reoutput diff_creb_rd
note: gdpinitial omitted because of collinearity note: trade_of_gdp omitted because of collinearity
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 393
F(12, 380) = 7.75 Model 1361.16676 12 113.4306 Prob > F = 0 Residual 5560.74699 380 14.63354 R-squared = 0.1966 Adj R- squared = 0.1713 Total 6921.91375 392 17.65794 Root MSE = 3.8254
realgdpgrowth Coef. Std. Err. t P>t
[95% Conf. Interval] gdpinitial 0.8216058 0.1488473 5.52 0 -1.11427 -0.5289383 trade_of_gdp 0.0110671 0.0033401 3.31 0.001 0.0045 0.0176344 inflation 0.0001662 0.0089074 0.02 0.985 -0.01735 0.0176801
gov_expenditures 1.70E-12 1.65E-12 1.03 0.303 -1.54E-12 4.93E-12
gdpinitial 0 (omitted)
trade_of_gdp 0 (omitted)
liquid_liabilities 0.0044283 0.0055901 0.79 0.429 -0.01542 0.006563
growth_industrial_value_added 2.097761 2.448572 0.86 0.392 -2.71669 6.912208
fdi -1.22E-10 1.34E-10
0.91 0.362 -3.85E-10 1.41E-10
exchangerate -8.10E-11 2.51E-10
diff_creg_reoutput -7.703304 8.110984 - 0.95 0.343 -23.6513 8.244726 diff_liq_reoutput -13.44768 2.306545 - 5.83 0 -17.9829 -8.912495 diff_creb_rd 1.513838 0.7047581 2.15 0.032 0.128124 2.899552 diff_creb_reoutput 15.18638 8.10226 1.87 0.062 -0.7445 31.11726 _cons 8.626348 2.846535 3.03 0.003 3.029416 14.22328 . vif
Variable VIF 1/VIF diff_creb_~t 28.67 0.034879 diff_creg_~t 27.79 0.035988 liquid_lia~s 3.53 0.282936 trade_of_gdp 2.57 0.389065 gov_expend~s 2.48 0.403459 gdpinitial 1.58 0.634695 diff_liq_r~t 1.49 0.671295 diff_creb_rd 1.23 0.814283 inflation 1.21 0.829186 fdi 1.16 0.864204 exchangerate 1.12 0.895279 growth_ind~d 1.03 0.974152 Mean VIF 6.15
. reg realgdpgrowth gdpinitial trade_of_gdp inflation gov_expenditures gdpinitial trade_of_gdp private_credit_bank_togdp
growth_industrial_value_added fdi exchangerate diff_creg_reoutput diff_liq_reoutput diff_creb_rd diff_creb_reoutput
note: gdpinitial omitted because of collinearity note: trade_of_gdp omitted because of collinearity
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 393 F( 12, 380) = 8.15 Model 1417.09 12 118.0909 Prob > F = 0 Residual 5504.824 380 14.48638 R-squared = 0.2047 Adj R-squared = 0.1796 Total 6921.914 392 17.65794 Root MSE = 3.8061
realgdpgrowth Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval] gdpinitial - 0.7067236 0.1589545 - 4.45 0 -1.019264 -0.394183 trade_of_gdp 0.0113536 0.0027311 4.16 0 0.0059837 0.0167235 inflation 0.0043243 0.0090813 0.48 0.634 -0.0135315 0.0221802
gov_expenditures 1.77E-12 1.30E-12 1.37 0.173 -7.78E-13 4.32E-12
gdpinitial 0 (omitted) trade_of_gdp 0 (omitted) private_credit_bank_togdp - 0.0132777 0.0062631 - 2.12 0.035 -0.0255924 -0.000963 growth_industrial_value_added 2.139728 2.433421 0.88 0.38 -2.644929 6.924385
fdi -1.07E-10 1.30E-10
0.82 0.411 -3.63E-10 1.49E-10
exchangerate -6.69E-12 2.53E-10
- 0.03 0.979 -5.04E-10 4.90E-10 diff_creg_reoutput -7.698555 8.069356 - 0.95 0.341 -23.56474 8.167626 diff_liq_reoutput -13.23542 2.296774 - 5.76 0 -17.7514 -8.719444 diff_creb_rd 1.402819 0.702875 2 0.047 0.0208072 2.78483 diff_creb_reoutput 15.27266 8.059754 1.89 0.059 -0.5746412 31.11996 _cons 7.783939 2.863419 2.72 0.007 2.153809 13.41407 . vif Variable VIF 1/VIF diff_creb_~t 28.66 0.034893 diff_creg_~t 27.78 0.035995 priv~k_togdp 2.28 0.439349 gdpinitial 1.82 0.550949 trade_of_gdp 1.74 0.576065 gov_expend~s 1.55 0.644635 diff_liq_r~t 1.49 0.67021 inflation 1.27 0.789712 diff_creb_rd 1.23 0.810419
exchangerate 1.14 0.875231 fdi 1.11 0.900057 growth_ind~d 1.02 0.976401 Mean VIF 5.92
. xttest3
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model
H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (25) = 1910.69
Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
Mơ hình 2
. xttest3
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model
H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (25) = 1421.65
Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
Mơ hình 3
. xttest3
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model
H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (25) = 2307.72
Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
Mơ hình 4
. xttest3
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model
H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (25) = 1985.55
. xttest3
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model
H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (25) = 2381.27
Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
. xtserial RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creg_reoutput
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data H0: no first-order autocorrelation
F( 1, 24) = 53.860 Prob > F = 0.0000
Mơ hình 2
. xtserial RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP
> diff_creb_rd
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data H0: no first-order autocorrelation
F( 1, 23) = 52.360 Prob > F = 0.0000
Mơ hình 3
. xtserial RealGDPgrowth Private_Credit_toGDP Private_Credit_toGDP2 GDPinitial Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data H0: no first-order autocorrelation
F( 1, 24) = 27.452 Prob > F = 0.0000
Mơ hình 4
. xtserial RealGDPgrowth Private_Credit_Bank_toGDP diff_creb_reoutput GDPinitial Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data H0: no first-order autocorrelation
F( 1, 24) = 55.234 Prob > F = 0.0000
Mơ hình 5
. xtserial RealGDPgrowth Liquid_Liabilities diff_liq_reoutput GDPinitial Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data H0: no first-order autocorrelation
F( 1, 24) = 72.665 Prob > F = 0.0000
xtreg RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creg_reoutput, fe
. xtcsd, pesaran
Pesaran's test of cross sectional independence = 19.385, Pr = 0.0000
Mơ hình 2
. xtreg RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creb_rd, fe
. xtcsd, pesaran
Pesaran's test of cross sectional independence = 19.266, Pr = 0.0000
Mơ hình 3
xtreg RealGDPgrowth Private_Credit_toGDP Private_Credit_toGDP2 GDPinitial Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures, fe
xtcsd, pesaran
Pesaran's test of cross sectional independence = 18.852, Pr = 0.0000
Mơ hình 4
. xtreg RealGDPgrowth Private_Credit_Bank_toGDP diff_creb_reoutput GDPinitial Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures, fe
. xtcsd, pesaran
Pesaran's test of cross sectional independence = 19.125, Pr = 0.0000
Mơ hình 5
. xtcsd, pesaran
Pesaran's test of cross sectional independence = 19.016, Pr = 0.0000
1. Kết quả hồi quy OLS
. reg RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creg_reoutput
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 415 F( 6, 408) = 11.69 Model 1059.783 6 176.6305 Prob > F = 0 Residual 6166.069 408 15.11292 R-squared = 0.1467 Adj R-squared = 0.1341 Total 7225.853 414 17.45375 Root MSE = 3.8875
RealGDPgrowth Coef. Std. Err. t P>t
[95% Conf. Interval] Trade_of_GDP 0.0134825 0.0027508 4.9 0 0.0080749 0.01889 Inflation 0.0012174 0.0078396 0.16 0.877 - 0.0141937 0.0166284
GOV_expenditures 4.41E-12 1.53E-12 2.88 0.004 1.40E-12 7.42E-12
GDPinitial - 0.5543934 0.1535359 -3.61 0 - 0.8562137 - 0.2525731 Private_Credit_toGDP - 0.0251693 0.0063788 -3.95 0 - 0.0377086 - 0.0126299 diff_creg_reoutput 2.648684 1.465194 1.81 0.071 - 0.2315869 5.528955 _cons 9.185241 1.213534 7.57 0 6.799681 11.5708
2. Kết quả hồi quy GMM
. xtabond RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creg_reoutput
note: GDPinitial dropped from div() because of collinearity
Arellano-Bond dynamic panel-data estimation Number of obs = 390 Group variable: COUNTRY Number of groups = 25 Time variable: YEAR
avg = 15.6 max = 16 Number of instruments = 142 Wald chi2(6)= 212.01
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 One-step results
RealGDPgrowth Coef. Std. Err. z P>z
[95% Conf. Interval] RealGDPgrowth L1. - 0.0806145 0.0506742 - 1.59 0.112 - 0.1799341 0.0187051 Trade_of_GDP 0.1359747 0.0147363 9.23 0 0.1070921 0.1648572 Inflation - 0.0123203 0.0099329 - 1.24 0.215 - 0.0317884 0.0071479 GOV_expenditures 4.68E-12 8.83E-12 0.53 0.596 -1.26E-11 2.20E-11
GDPinitial - 0.4245239 0.1925649 -2.2 0.027 - 0.8019442 - 0.0471036 Private_Credit_toGDP - 0.0719193 0.0165331 - 4.35 0 - 0.1043235 - 0.0395151 diff_creg_reoutput - 0.8124245 1.443292 - 0.56 0.574 -3.641226 2.016377 _cons 0 (omitted)
Instruments for differenced equation GMM-type: L(2/.).RealGDPgrowth
Standard: D.Trade_of_GDP D.Inflation D.GOV_expenditures D.Private_Credit_toGDP D.diff_creg_reoutput
Instruments for level equation Standard: _cons
3. Hồi quy Driscoll-Kraay
xtscc RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creg_reoutput
xtscc RealGDPgrowth Trade_of_GDP Inflation GOV_expenditures GDPinitial Private_Credit_toGDP diff_creg_reoutput
Regression with Driscoll-Kraay standard errors Number of obs = 415 Method: Pooled OLS Number of groups= 25
maximum lag: 2 Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.1467
Root MSE = 3.8875