prereading activities for the 1st year english majors at haiphong private university 

Difficulties and suggested solutions and learning English - Vietnamese consecutive interpreting for the third year english majors at HaiPhong private university

Difficulties and suggested solutions and learning English - Vietnamese consecutive interpreting for the third year english majors at HaiPhong private university

Khoa học xã hội

... and the aim of the study. Next, the Scope of the study limits the areas of research and targeted subjects of the study. The Organization of the study outlines the main parts of this graduation ... simultaneously, the interpreter has to concentratively listen to the speaker, exactly understand, logically analyze the meaning of the message, then conceiving strategies for reformulating the message ... interpreting for the third -year English majors at Haiphong Private University and suggested Solutions 21 2.2.1. Students’ opinions about consecutive interpreting in general and skills used in English...
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Development of supplementary materials to improve reading skills for the first year english majors at military science academy

Development of supplementary materials to improve reading skills for the first year english majors at military science academy

Khoa học xã hội

... 25%e. others: 10%)>)9%48%20%23%0%a. interesting: 9%b. boring: 48%c. difficult: 20%d. relevant: 23%e. others: 0%)&>) ... :=;>?(80%20%a. at home: 80%b. in class: 20%++85%15%a. at home: 85,5%b. in class: 14,5%+&&+88)),?!R?66R...
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A study on how to improve speaking skill through extra activities for the first-year English non - major students at Hai Phong Private University

A study on how to improve speaking skill through extra activities for the first-year English non - major students at Hai Phong Private University

Khoa học xã hội

... speaking skill for the first year English non- major students at Hai Phong Private University. 12 2. The reality of learning and teaching English speaking skill at Hai Phong Private University. ... decided to choose the research with the title “ How to improve English speaking skill through extra- activities for the first year English non- major students at Hai Phong Private University ... of the study My study is about to help the first year English non-major students at Hai Phong Private University improve their speaking skill through extra- activities and to prepare for them...
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A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

A study on possible effective pre-reading activities to improve reading skills for 2nd- year english majors at the military science academy

Thạc sĩ - Cao học

... teachers explain that there is no time for these activities, and that their students’ level is already at the intermediate, they understand thoroughly what they have to do, and that there is no need ... Reading Power to the Second -year English Majors at the MSA3.1. Major findings3.1.1. The role of using Pre-reading activities to the Second -year English Majors at the MSA The findings of this ... unnecessary activities. They want their students to read the text at once and to exploit the text themselves before checking for the feedback later.Question 3 is aimed at finding out what the teachers...
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Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Designing & evaluating an English reading test for the non-majors of Civil Engineering at Haiphong private university

Thạc sĩ - Cao học

... Vietnam. They are generally aged between 18 and 22, or older. At the university, they study for eight terms in four years. There students are classified into majors and non -majors of English. The latter ... Engineering English at HPU. The test was considered as a final examination. Then the results of the test will be analysed, evaluated, and interpreted. The test takers are non - English - majors. The ... find out the reliability coefficient latter in the study.2.2 .The selection of Participants The students at Haiphong Private University mainly come from different towns and cities in the North...
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A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions

A study on oral presentation difficulties of second year english majors of phuong dong university in the speaking lessons and solutions

Khoa học xã hội

... performance, is the other form of conversation. It iscarried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the transmission offacts and information. These conversations ... believed that it was the teacher’sjob to insist the students to focus on their pronunciation. Some of them suggested that beforethey started their presentations, the teachers should draw their attention ... Second -Year English Majors- 2005). The total time allowed for speaking for the fourth term for PDU majors is 45 class hours. The syllabus is theme-based, asbriefed below: (Refer to appendix 2 for the...
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motivation for the first year english major students in listening courses

motivation for the first year english major students in listening courses

Kinh tế - Thương mại

... Britain English, American English and Australian English, so in each English form has other accent/dialect. Therefore the learner need understand the accent of these English forms. Moreover, the ... competence at the very beginning level. 2. Aims of the study: In a nutshell, the research would seek the answers to the following questions: 1. What is the attitude of the HPU‟s first - year English ... HPU‟s 1styear English majors? 4. What is motivation is effective for English listening courses? 30 they were requested to provide the following parameters: age, sex, duration of studying English...
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Tìm thêm: hệ việt nam nhật bản và sức hấp dẫn của tiếng nhật tại việt nam xác định các mục tiêu của chương trình khảo sát chương trình đào tạo của các đơn vị đào tạo tại nhật bản khảo sát chương trình đào tạo gắn với các giáo trình cụ thể xác định thời lượng học về mặt lí thuyết và thực tế điều tra đối với đối tượng giảng viên và đối tượng quản lí khảo sát thực tế giảng dạy tiếng nhật không chuyên ngữ tại việt nam khảo sát các chương trình đào tạo theo những bộ giáo trình tiêu biểu nội dung cụ thể cho từng kĩ năng ở từng cấp độ xác định mức độ đáp ứng về văn hoá và chuyên môn trong ct phát huy những thành tựu công nghệ mới nhất được áp dụng vào công tác dạy và học ngoại ngữ mở máy động cơ lồng sóc các đặc tính của động cơ điện không đồng bộ đặc tuyến mômen quay m fi p2 đặc tuyến dòng điện stato i1 fi p2 động cơ điện không đồng bộ một pha sự cần thiết phải đầu tư xây dựng nhà máy thông tin liên lạc và các dịch vụ từ bảng 3 1 ta thấy ngoài hai thành phần chủ yếu và chiếm tỷ lệ cao nhất là tinh bột và cacbonhydrat trong hạt gạo tẻ còn chứa đường cellulose hemicellulose chỉ tiêu chất lượng theo chất lượng phẩm chất sản phẩm khô từ gạo của bộ y tế năm 2008