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Đề bài tập 2021 04 26

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ĐỀ ÔN THI 26.04.2021 – COMPILED BY HAU TRAN A PHONETICS I Circle the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions a horse b practise c rose d house a excursion b fur c hurry d curly a enough b though c cough d rough a parent b pardon c hard d park a marriage b baggage c village d massage II Circle the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose primary stress differs from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions a quinquina b multilane c interrupt d magazine a cathedral b allergic c gorilla d forester a keynote b viewpoint c humane d district a acupuncture b enthronement c necessary d painstakingly 10.a nonalcoholic b extraordinary c mathematician d antiapartheid B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the best answer to fill in each blank Ann: “Did the kids enjoy the circus?” – Ken: “Absolutely! The clown got them all the time.” A laugh B to be laughing C to laugh D laughing My sister is left-handed, no one else in our family is A which B who C that D for which Jimmy: “Have you heard, Samuel has just been awarded his PhD?" – Laura: “Yes, but intelligent he is, he has no basic common sense." A although B though C even though D while Suppose she that outrageous story circulating around the office, she'd be furious! A has heard B heard C would hear D had heard The teacher has gone home, so you her at the library A can’t have seen B couldn’t see C weren't able to see D mustn't have seen Johanna: “Did the principal of the school answer you yet?” – David: “No, but I hear from him by 5pm, I’ll let you know.” A might B could C would D should I am sorry to keep you waiting I hope you long A are not waiting B don’t wait C haven’t waited D haven’t been waiting Jane moved her lips up as if A smiling B to smile C smiled D having smiled Lana: “The Sun orbits the Earth” – Brian: “ .” A I couldn’t agree more B Tell me more C I couldn’t care less D I couldn’t agree less 10 I published it A As soon as I finished the article B Upon finishing the article, C As soon as the article being finished, D On finishing the article 11 an intelligent man, he failed to get the job A However B What C Although D Despite of being 12 Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and _ A the others are not B another is inexperienced C the other is not D other lacks experience 13 The facilities of the older hospital A is as good or better than the new hospital B are as good or better than the new hospital C as good as better than the new hospital D are as good as those of the new hospital, if not better 14 There's cupboard space in the kitchen for all your pots and pans A a plenty of B a good deal of C a number of D certain amounts of 15 Investors were caught by the sharp drop in share prices A undecided B unawares C unsuspecting D unconscious 16 We had to queue before we could get into the cinema last night A up B on C along D in 17 If you walk along this lane you will see the signpost to the beach A pointing B showing C directing D indicating 18 They managed to free him from the burning car in the of time before the tank exploded A tick B wink C nick D brink 19 Making private calls on the office phone is severely on in our department A frowned B criticized C regarded D objected 20 Kenny was as cunning as a A chimpanzee B dolphin C parrot D fox II Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences  Some of the tourists are hoping to get compensation for the poor state of the hotel, and I think they have a very case  There's no point in trying to wade across the river, the current is far too  If you are asking me which of the candidates should get the job, I'm afraid I don't have any views either way  When he was in his nineties, the famous writer's health began to  If the potato crop were to , it would create many problems for the local people  Please not to check the safety precautions for this device  In the term, this new proposal could mean a property tax with substantial rebates for the poor  Running up the stairs left her of breath  The kids made work of the cakes and ice-cream at the party  I thought I had a good solution to the problem, but my plan was by the director, who said it would be too expensive  In many parts of the country, black clouds completely out the sun, and whole towns were cast into semi-darkness  Enrico had to take a different route home because the main road was by a lorry which had overturned  When I hesitated over the price, the salesman came up with a special  There is a great of rubbish at the bottom of the garden  It's a nice little car, and I think Ira has got a good III Fill in the blank with one preposition I called the wrong number accident He stuck his story which did not change after many repetitions It's all so sudden I can't join the party, I'm not dressed the occasion The factory smoke looked white the gray winter sky She told herself that she probably was making a fuss nothing The students are still the impression of the graduation ceremony they attended last month Don't believe her when she says she's got stomachache She's putting it She just wants to get out of going to school I've always found his attitude me rather puzzling If you want to have an evening out, the child is sure to be quite safe the care of a baby sitter 10 The younger worker can be trusted the work, he won't spoil it 10 IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets Part 1: In Britain, what is described as ‘food miles’, the distance which food is transported from the place where it is grown to its point of sale, continues to rise This has major economic, social and environmental consequences, given the traffic congestion and pollution which (1 VARY) follow According to (2 PRESS) groups, the same amount of food is travelling 50% further than twenty years ago What’s more, the rise in the demand for road haulage over this period has mostly been due to the transport of food and drink The groups assert that the increase in the number of lorry journeys is (3 EXCEED) and that many of these are far from (4 ESSENCE) In the distribution systems employed by British food (5 RETAIL) , fleets of lorries bring all goods into more (6 CENTRE) located warehouses for redistribution across the country (7 LOGIC) as this might appear, the situation whereby some goods get sent back to the same areas from which they came is (8 AVOID) In response to scathing (9 CRITIC) from environmentalists, some food distributors now aim to minimise the impact of food miles by routing vehicles, wherever possible, on motorways after dark This encourages greater energy efficiency whilst also reducing the impact on the (10 RESIDENT) areas through which they would otherwise pass 10 Part 2: POISONOUS SEALIFE One of the most lethal poisons on Earth, ten thousand times more deadly than cyanide, is tetrodotoxin, more concisely known as TTX Its potency is well known in East Asia, where it regularly kills (1 DINE) who have braved the capricious (2 DELICATE) known as puffer fish This toxin has a (3 TERROR) method of operation: twenty-five minutes after (4 EXPOSE) , it begins to paralyse its victims, leaving the victim fully aware of what is happening Death usually results, within hours, from suffocation or heart failure There is no known antidote If lucky patients can (5 STAND) the symptoms for twenty-four hours, they usually recover without further (6 COMPLICATE) It is no ordinary poison What is strange about its (7 OCCUR) is that it is found in such a wide range of creatures, from algae to angelfish spanning entire kingdoms of life It is rather unlikely that such an unusual toxin evolved (8 DEPEND) in so many unrelated animals Marine biologists have discovered that the poison is produced by bacteria living in the gut of its host The best explanation is that a symbiotic relationship exists between host and the not (9 WELCOME) guest, where microbes exchange poison for nutrients, providing a valuable (10 DEFEND) weapon for its host 10 C READING I Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation’s economy would bring social chaos In the years following 1820, after several decades of relative stability, the economy entered a period of sustained and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of the nineteenth century Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation’s labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other non-agricultural pursuits Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries The population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century As the population grew, its makeup also changed Massive waves of immigration brought new ethnic groups into the country Geographic and social mobility, downward as well as upward, touched almost everyone Local studies indicate that nearly threequarters of the population - in the North and South, in the emerging cities of the Northeast, and in the restless rural counties of the West – changed their residence each decade As a consequence, historian David Donald has written, “Social atomization affected every segment of society,” and it seemed to many people that “all the recognized values of the orderly civilization were gradually being eroded “Rapid industrialization and increased geographic mobility in the nineteenth century had special implications for women because these tended to magnify social distinctions As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home In the context of extreme competitiveness and dizzying social change, the household lost many of its earlier functions and the home became to serve as a haven of tranquility and order As the size of families decreased, the roles of husband and wife became more clearly differentiated than ever before In the middle class especially, men participated in the productive economy while women ruled the home and served as the custodians of civility and culture The intimacy of marriage that was common in early periods was rent, and a gulf that at times seemed unbridgeable was created between husbands and wives What does the passage mainly discuss? A The economic development of the United States in the eighteen century B Ways in which economic development led to social changes in the United States C Population growth in the western United States D The increasing availability of industrial jobs for women in the United States The word “prospect” in line is closest in meaning to A regret B possibility C theory D circumstance According to the passage, the economy of the United States between 1820 & 1900 was A expanding B in sharp decline C stagnate D disorganised The word “roughly” in line is closest in meaning to A harshly B surprisingly C slowly D approximately The word “its” in line refers to A century B population C generation D birth rate According to the passage, as the nineteenth century progressed, the people of US A emigrated to other countries B often settled in the West C tended to change the place in which they lived D had a higher rate of birth than ever before Which of the following best describes the society about which David Donald wrote? A A highly conservative society that was resistant to new ideas B A society that was undergoing fundamental change C A society that had been gradually changing since the early 1700s D A nomadic society that was starting permanent settlements The word “magnify” in line 18 is closest in meaning to A solve B explain C analyze D increase Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of the social changes occurring in the United States after 1820? A Increased social mobility B Increased immigration C Significant movement of population D Strong emphasis on traditional and social values 10 The word “distinctions” in line 18 is closest in meaning to A differences B classes C accomplishments D characteristics II Choose the best answer to fill in each blank HOLIDAYS IN SOUTH CAROLINA Roaring across the bay in a motorized rubber boat, we were told by the captain to keep our eyes open With the engine (1) , it wasn't long before half a dozen dolphins came swimming around us Eventually, two came up (2) beside the boat and popped their heads out of the water to give us a wide grin Dolphin watching is just one of the many unexpected attractions of a holiday in South Carolina, in the USA The state has long been popular with golfers and, with dozens of (3) in the area, it is (4) a golfer's paradise But even the keenest golfer needs other diversions and we soon found the resorts had plenty to (5) In fact, Charleston, which is midway along the (6) , is one of the most interesting cities in America and is where the first shots in the Civil War were (7) Taking a guided horse and carriage tour through the quiet back streets you get a real (8) of the city's past Strict regulations (9) to buildings so that original (10) are preserved South of Charleston lies Hilton Head, an island resort about 18 km long and (11) like a foot It has a fantastic sandy beach (12) the length of the island and this is perfect for all manner of water sports (13) , if you feel like doing nothing, (14) a chair and umbrella, head for an open (15) and just sit back and watch the pelicans diving for fish A turned away B turned off C turned out D turned over A direct B right C precise D exact A courses B courts C grounds D pitches A fully B honestly C purely D truly A offer B provide C show D supply A beach B coast C sea D shore A aimed B fired C pulled D thrown A comprehension B meaning C sense D significance A agree B apply C happen D occur 10 A aspects B characters C features D points 11 A formed B made C moulded D shaped 12 A following B going C lying D running 13 A Alternately B Alternatively C Contrastingly D Conversely 14 A charge B hire C lend D loan 15 A gap B place C room D space III Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word A START IN SAILING Ask any sport enthusiast to name the most popular sports and the stock answer will probably be football, cricket, golf and rugby A lot of people (1) _ play those games but far (2) _ go fishing, play badminton or sail Why we get it wrong? Because sport editors of newspapers and TV channels, are stuck (3) _ their traditional patterns of judging by crowds (4) _ than by how many actually go out and the thing Sailing probably suffers most (5) _ this narrow-mindedness because it is often difficult to report and almost impossible to film except at huge expense Yet, despite the absence of the oxygen of publicity, sailing is (6) _ of the most popular participant sports Why is it so important in England? Possibly (7) of the great island tradition of being a nation of sailors, but probably much more because of its many opportunities (8) _ in Britain is all that far from sea and the rare plenty of rivers and lakes (9) _ it is easy to get float But many would-be sailors are (10) _ from taking the first steps They worry about the cost of a boat, the need (11) _ special equipment, the dangers of tackling the elemental forces of nature and believe that sailing-club people (12) _ snobbish and unapproachable All misconceptions you can start sailing for (13) _ to nothing and find friendly sailing club (14) the country and where nobody is snobbish or (15) down on beginners 10 IV Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences The science and technology industries have grown up steadily over the last decade A B C D Thanks to new techniques, canning goods now have a much longer shelf life A B C D Originated in Ethiopia, coffee was drunk in the Arab world before it came to Europe in the A B C D 17th century The swirling winds of a tornado can reach quickly speeds close to 300 miles per hour A B C D The assassination Nathuran Vinayak Godse shot Mohandas K.Gandi in New Dehli, A B India on September17, 1948 C D D WRITING Question Rewrite the following sentences, keeping their meaning unchanged, beginning with the words given It's all a matter of money, in the end It all comes _ The total came to just under £4,000 The total worked _ In the end we had to walk to the railway station We ended All that stood between John and the gold medal was Jim's greater speed But for _ In this deserted village not a single man they have found Not a single man _ Question Use the word(s) given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence Do NOT change the form of the given word(s) There is nothing strange about this (OUT) I haven't realized yet what winning this race means (SUNK) When he was a child, he loved dismantling things - to see how they worked (PIECES) You made an embarrassing mistake when you asked him where his wife was Didn't you realize that she was dead? (FOOT) I happen to know the manager of the firm you've applied to for a job I can recommend you if you like (WORD) Question Too much emphasis is placed on testing these days The need to prepare for tests and examinations is a restriction on teachers and also exerts unnecessary pressure on young learners To what extent you agree or disagree? What other measures you think might be effective? Provide reasons for your answer Include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience Write at least 250 words ... poor  Running up the stairs left her of breath  The kids made work of the cakes and ice-cream at the party  I thought I had a good solution to the problem, but my plan was... parts of the country, black clouds completely out the sun, and whole towns were cast into semi-darkness  Enrico had to take a different route home because the main road was by a lorry which... (2 DELICATE) known as puffer fish This toxin has a (3 TERROR) method of operation: twenty-five minutes after (4 EXPOSE) , it begins to paralyse its victims, leaving the victim fully

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 21:17

