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Đề bài tập 2021 04 02

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BÀI TẬP 02.04.2021 COMPILED BY HAU TRAN Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks Part Vocabulary Her business must be going rather well, by the car she drives A deducing B deciding C inferring D judging My cousin obviously didn't much of an impression on you if you can't remember meeting him A create B C make D build I was kept awake for most of the night by the of a mosquito in my ear A whine B moan C groan D screech If you would like to wait for a moment, sir, I will just your file on the computer screen A call up B pull down C bring in D pick up He looks very aggressive and threatening, and so his soft, gentle voice is rather A disembodied B disconcerting C dismissive D discordant If I were you, I would regard their offer with considerable , because it seems too good to be true A suspicion B doubt C reservation D disbelief My sister's confidence in her ability to play the piano was badly by her last music teacher A subsided B weakened C undermined D loosened Fearing for his life, he the mugger for mercy A pleaded B petitioned C urged D begged I am sorry to have bothered you - I was under the that you wanted me to call you A mistake B miscalculation C misconception D misapprehension 10 I am not convinced that financial advisers always act in their clients' best A advantage B interest C intention D result 11 Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become offenders A persistent B insistent C consistent D resistant 12 Race relations in this country are unlikely to improve until people overcome their feelings of hostility towards foreigners A interior B internal C inverted D innate 13 The real test of your relationship will come when you start to see your new boyfriend and all A faults B spots C moles D warts 14 It's a shame they didn't pick you, but it doesn't out the possibility that you might get a job in a different department A rule B strike C cancel D draw 15 The case against the bank robbers was for lack evidence A discarded B dismissed C refused D eliminated 16 Please from smoking until the plane is airborne A refrain B exclude C resist D restrain 17 We're planning a holiday in Hong Kong when Peter retires but I don't know whether it'll really ever come A on B out C off D round 18 No matter how angry he was, he would never to violence A resolve B recourse C exert D resort 19 The best soil was away by a torrential rainstorm A gushed B flowed C flooded D washed 20 Five readers the correct solution to our recent competition A communicated B qualified C submitted D subscribed Part Grammar and structure He manages to visit his parents Saturday A another every B every other C every the other D other every Brown: “ ” - Smith: "Thanks, I will write to you when I come to Paris." A God bless you! B Better luck next time! C Have a go! D Have a nice trip! He retired early his ill health A on behalf of B on account of C in front of D ahead of Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than A man B the man C the one of the man's D that of man , he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain A Tired as he might feel B As he might feel tired C Tired as it was D He felt very tired though He that learning English is not much difficult A comes to understand B get to understand C hope to understand D think to understand I find but an enormous spider A What happened B What could C What should D How should we can take another road A If need be B When it may C We might as well D Come what must , you have to accept it A But for that I liked B Be that as it may C If only I had liked D Were I you 10 On no account be touched A this switch must B you must C must this switch D must this switch not Part Phrasal Verb He a big fortune when he was young, so he didn't have to work hard A came into B came up C came across D came round Are you taking all of these phrasal verbs? A for B down C off D in The medicine takes one hour to A bear with B kick in C make out D get by Have you with your homework yet? A gotten through B taken over C thought up D checked over Jennifer the invitation to join us for dinner A called on B come out C got out of D passed on If he's clumsy, he can bump the desk A by B over C into D through We can put you for a few days if you have nowhere else to live A on B out C up D off Mary was astonished that she was for the counselor's position A got by B turned down C caught on D come to After running up the stairs, I was breath A without B out of C off D away from 10 She nearly lost her own life attempting to save the child from drowning A with B for C at D in Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks YOUR AMAZING MEMORY The age-old (1) _ that a drowning man's whole life passes before him in a (2) _ before he dies is perfectly true Or so Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, who (3) _ research into the (4) _ in the 1950s, concluded And it happens not only when a person drowns, but when he or she believes death is imminent, say those who have been saved at the last (5) _ A curious (6) _ of the experience is that in those (7) _ moments of consciousness one's life is replayed backwards; forgotten people, places and events crowd into the mind's eye with (8) _ clarity Penfield believed that this occurs because the brain normally (9) _ all memories, but only a special trigger can (10) _ them - death, or the belief that death is imminent Another theory is that the temporal lobes - where the memories are stored - are especially (11) _ to interruptions in the supply of oxygen to the brain, and these in (12) _ wreak havoc with the brain's electrical signalling system People suffocating, drowning or being hanged, for instance, (13) _ conscious long enough to (14) _ the bizarre effect of oxygen starvation This projects every (15) _ memory into the consciousness A conviction B belief C impression D judgement A ray B flicker C sparkle D flash A prepared B pioneered C developed D launched A phenomenon B happening C event D episode A time B period C point D moment A mark B feature C trait D quality A final B end C conclusion D eventual A absolute B entire C full D downright A hoards B deposits C reserves D stores 10 A remind B remember C recall D reminisce 11 A vulnerable B unprotected C damaged D powerless 12 A order B place C turn D side 13 A endure B remain C wait D continue 14 A behold B spectate C witness D scan 15 A vacant B convenient C employable D available Bài Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions Day after day we hear about how anthropogenic development is causing global warming According to an increasingly vocal minority, however, we should be asking ourselves how much of this is media hype and how much is based on real evidence It seems, as so often is the case, that it depends on which expert you listen to, or which statistics you study Yes, it is true that there is a mass of evidence to indicate that the world is getting warmer, with one of the world's leading weather predictors stating that air temperatures have shown an increase of just under half a degree Celsius since the beginning of the twentieth century And while this may not sound like anything worth losing sleep over the international press would have us believe that the consequences could be devastating Other experts, however, are of the opinion that what we are seeing is just part of a natural upward and downward swing that has always been part of the cycle of global weather An analysis of the views of major meteorologists in the United States showed that less than 20% of them believed that any change in temperature over the last hundred years was our own fault-the rest attributed it to natural cyclical changes There is, of course, no denying that we are still at a very early stage in understanding weather The effects of such variables as rainfall, cloud formation, the seas and oceans, gases such as methane and ozone, or even solar energy are still not really understood, and therefore the predictions that we make using them cannot always be relied on Dr James Hansen, in 1988, was predicting that the likely effects of global warming would be a raising of world temperature which would have disastrous consequences for mankind: "a strong cause and effect relationship between the current climate and human alteration of the atmosphere" He has now gone on record as stating that using artificial models of climate as a way of predicting change is all but impossible In fact, he now believes that, rather than getting hotter, our planet is getting greener as a result of the carbon dioxide increase, with the prospect of increasing vegetation in areas which in recent history have been frozen wastelands In fact, there is some evidence to suggest that as our computer-based weather models have become more sophisticated, the predicted rises in temperature have been cut back In addition, if we look at the much reported rise in global temperature over the last century, a close analysis reveals that the lion's share of that increase, almost three quarters in total, occurred before man began to 'poison' his world with industrial processes and the accompanying greenhouse gas emissions in the second half of the twentieth century So should we pay any attention to those stories that scream out at us from billboards and television news headlines, claiming that man, with his inexhaustible dependence on oil-based machinery and ever more sophisticated forms of transport is creating a nightmare level of 'greenhouse gas emissions, poisoning his environment and ripping open the ozone layer? Doubters point to scientific evidence which can prove that, of all the greenhouse gases, only two percent come from man-made sources, the rest resulting from natural emissions Who, then, to believe: the environmentalist exhorting us to leave the car at home, to buy reusable products packaged in recycled paper and to plant trees in our back yard? Or the sceptics, including, of course, a lot of big businesses who have most to lose, when they tell us that we are making a mountain out of a molehill? And my own opinion? The jury's still out as far as I am concerned! The author A believe that man is causing global warming B believes that global warming is a natural process C is sure what the causes of global warming are D does not say what he believes the causes of global warming are As to the cause of global warming, the author believes that A occasionally the facts depend on who you are talking to B the facts always depend on who you are talking to C often the facts depend on which expert you listen to D you should not speak to experts More than 80% of the top meteorologists in the United States are of the opinion that A global warming should make us lose sleep B global warming is not the result of natural cyclical changes but man-made C the consequences of global warming will be devastating D global warming is not man-made, but the result of natural cyclical changes Our understanding of weather A leads to reliable predictions B is variable C cannot be denied D is not very developed yet Currently, Dr James Hansen's beliefs include the fact that A it is nearly impossible to predict weather change using artificial models B the consequences of global warming would be disastrous for mankind C there is a significant link between the climate now, and man's changing of the atmosphere D Earth is getting colder For questions 6-10, write in the corresponding numbered boxes with yes, no, or not given: Yes if the statement agrees with the information in the passage No if the statement contradicts the information in the passage Not given if there is no information about the statement in the passage At the same time that computer-based weather models have become more sophisticated, weather forecasters have become more expert Most of the increase in global temperature happened in the 2nd half of the twentieth century The media wants us to blame ourselves for global warming The media encourages the public to use environmentally friendly vehicles, such as electric cars to combat global warming 10 Many big businesses are on the side of the sceptics as regards the cause of global warming Bài Give the correct form of the word in parentheses Part 4.1 The origins of Halloween Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the western world, and is a time when people dress up as witches or ghosts, and go "trick-or treating" It is (1) _ (DOUBT) one of the most popular traditions in the United States and Britain The celebration (2) _(ORIGIN) about two thousand years ago with the Celts These people were the (3) (INHABIT) of an area that includes Britain, Ireland and Brittany They relied on the land for their (4) _ (LIVE), and this meant that they were at the mercy of (5) (PREDICT) weather conditions, especially during the winter The Celtic new year began on 1st November, which also marked the beginning of winter, a period (6) _ (TRADITION) associated with death On the eve of the New Year, it was believed that the barriers between the worlds of the living and the dead were (7) (TEMPORARY) withdrawn, and it was possible to communicate with spirits The Celts believed that the spirits offered them (8) (GUIDE) and protection, and the Druids (Celtic priests) were (9) _ (REPUTE) able to predict the future on this point When the Roman completed their (10) (CONQUER) of Celtic lands, they added their own flavour to this festival The advent of Christianity brought about yet other changes 10 Part 4.2 She is very efficient, and polite to the customers (fail) We had the phone _ because we are moving tomorrow (connect) The _ of the trains and buses causes frustration (frequent) The _ of the castle made us gasp in wonder (grand) Poor Quentin put his head too far out of the railway carriage window and was _ by a passing train (head) The boy was violent and his parents found him _ (manage) They fought _ in the war (hero) Mai has a very sweet _ smile (child) Children who grow up in time of war are more likely to be _ than others (adjust) 10 Some referees in the V-league lack _ (part) Bài Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word Enjoy the benefits of stress! Are you looking forward to another busy week? You should be according to some experts They argue that the stress encountered in our daily lives is not only good for us, but essential to survival They say that the response to (1) , which creates a chemical called adrenal in, helps the mind and body to act quickly (2) emergencies Animals and human beings use it to meet the hostile conditions which exist on the planet Whilst nobody denies the pressures of everyday life, what is surprising is that we are yet to develop successful ways of dealing with them (3) the experts consider the current strategies to be inadequate and often dangerous They believe that (4) of trying to manage our response to stress with drugs or relaxation techniques, we must exploit it Apparently, research shows that people (5) create conditions of stress for (6) by doing exciting and risky sports or looking for challenges, cope much better with life's problems Activities of this type have been shown to create a lot of emotion; people may actually cry or feel extremely uncomfortable But there is a point (7) which they realise they have succeeded and know that it was a positive experience This is because we learn through challenge and difficulty That's (8) we get our wisdom Few of us, unfortunately, understand this fact For example, many people believe they (9) from stress at work, and take time off as a result Yet it has been found in some companies that by far (10) healthiest people are those with the most responsibility So next time you're in a stressful situation, just remember that it will be a positive learning experience and could also benefit your health! 10 Bài Rewrite sentences Most of the children ignored what the teacher had told them (NOTICE) Few of the children _ what the teacher had told them I didn't realise how short the singer was until I saw him onstage (MADE) It was only me realise how short the singer was It's so difficult to create new ideas for the festival every year! (COME) How difficult _ new ideas for the festival every year! The company has a good reputation in the local area (HIGHLY) The company _of in the local area I'm sure Jemma is going to become a famous model one day (MATTER) I think it's only Jemma becomes a famous model 6 Everyone will enjoy this exhibition because there are no fewer than twenty dinosaurs on display (MANY) This exhibition will appeal _as twenty dinosaurs are on display At the beginning of the programme, the panel of experts discussed the media and its importance in education (DISCUSSION) The panel of experts started the programme the media and its importance in education Barbara's parents were certain that she would be a great tennis player (DOUBT) Barbara's parents were _ that she would be a great tennis player The prisoner was unrepentant about the suffering he had caused (REMORSE) The prisoner the suffering he had caused 10 Is there enough cake for everyone? (ROUND) Is there ? 11 She didn’t cry when the story end in tragedy Not a _ 12 The population of the U K has not expanded appreciably in the last decade There has been no 13 It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced climber or not, mountaineering can still be dangerous However 14 In spite of her initial reluctance to take the job, she’s got on very well Reluctant _ 15 Nobody has ever shown her how to a U-turn She 16 Why on earth didn’t you phone me? You might _ 17 The result surprised everybody in the country The result took _ 18 As far as I know, this has never happened before To _ 19 When he was at his most successful, the president had enormous influence At _ 20 I can’t understand how this new computer works This new computer works _ Bài Think of one word that can fit all sentences If you think it's cold in here _ a thought for Tim, who's working outside in the snow I'm afraid I can't _ the time at present as I'm really busy The company usually host very nice conferences and _ no expense when it comes to the food If he has criticisms to make of me I wish he would tell me to my _ rather than talking behind my back It was a very serious situation yet I found it really difficult to keep a straight _ On the _ of it, the course appears to be just what you've been looking for When I first met Gerry we didn't _ it off very well and had one or two disagreements What would you if you _ the jackpot and won millions on the lottery? You really _ the nail on the head when you pointed out the lack of motivation amongst the players lately The film was very sentimental and several members of the audience were _ to tears That's not the exact amount but it's _ enough I'm afraid we're nowhere _ having enough money for that table After all the problems they had been through, the couple decided to move to Spain and make a _ start John's so funny He's like a breath of _ air in this boring office She joined the company _ out of college at the age of 18 We need something to bridge the _ between the two walls over there There was a _ in the market and the company felt they could take advantage of it I sometimes feel the generation _ is getting wider and wider Bài 10 Error recognition Part There are 10 errors in the passage below Find and correct them In countries where two or more language are spoken, language is frequently a political and highly emotive issue Although Canada is officially bilingual, the French-speaking province of Quebec introduced the law in 1976 which, in other measures, banned languages rather than French on commercial signs and restricted admissions to English-speaking schools In 1988 the supreme court of Canada rules that some sections of this law were illegal No sooner had they done so than thousands of French speakers took to the streets in protest Under the regime of General Franco, a Basque language, spoken by about 600,000 people in Spain, was forbidden So strict was this ban that people using Basque in public could be imprisoned Lingual suppression still goes on, but on the whole, governments today are more tolerable of their minority languages Nowhere has this reverse of attitudes been more pronounced than in Wales Until the twentieth century, Welsh was all along illegal, and its usage was forbidden in schools and at many places of work Only after a long campaign of protests and vandalism by Welsh speakers in the 1960s did the British government allow Welsh to become an official language Ex language → languages 10 Part Find the underlined part which needs to be corrected Oil-base house paint is neither easy to work with or quick to clean up, but it is often preferred to latex paint because of its high sheen and durability A or B but C preferred to D because of The field cricket is quite injury to crops and vegetation and does most of its harmful work at night A quite B injury C vegetation D harmful Many New England farmers supplement their incomes with the sell of maple syrup tapped from sugar maples growing on their farmland A supplement B sell C tapped D sugar maples In the latter half of the nineteenth century, physical techniques making it possible to determine the chemical constitution of stars A latter half B making it C to determine D of stars Many of the mammals that dwell in the desert are active only at a night as the intense heat of a desert day can be fatal to warm-blooded animals A that B a night C as D warm-blooded The cytoskeleton of a cell provides structural support also coordinates cell division, growth, and morphology A structural B also C cell D growth Contemporary poet Ginsberg prides him on his ability to create poetry which invites complete emotional and physical participation by its audience A him B which C complete D participation Substances such as DT become more concentrated in each successively level in an ecological pyramid A such as B concentrated C successively D an Scientists used line spectra at identifying the element helium in the sun A used B at identifying C the D in 10 The personality traits of children are often similar to those that of their parents, but these traits are not always genetically conditioned A often similar to B that C but D conditioned Bài 11 Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently A gradually B procedure C dependent D education A astounding B contact C background D formality A endure B pasture C measure D capture A stomach B charcoal C mechanize D archaeology A decreases B rehearses C increases D advises Bài 12 Choose the others A metro A burden A romantic A advantageous A constitution word (A, B, C or D) whose stress pattern is different from that of the B campaign B unite B acceptable B confidential B cosmopolitan C garnish C forbid C elegant C sympathetic C equivalence D sculpture D impose D decisive D considerable D nationality ... a special trigger can (10) _ them - death, or the belief that death is imminent Another theory is that the temporal lobes - where the memories are stored - are especially (11) _ to interruptions... to save the child from drowning A with B for C at D in Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks YOUR AMAZING MEMORY The age-old (1) _ that a drowning man's whole life passes before... not the result of natural cyclical changes but man-made C the consequences of global warming will be devastating D global warming is not man-made, but the result of natural cyclical changes Our

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 21:17

