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Đề bài tập 2021 05 04

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ĐỀ ÔN THI 04.05.2021 – COMPILED BY HAU TRAN A PHONETICS I Circle the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A forgo B forgive C forget D forever A substitute B subsoil C subtract D substance A replace B purchase C surface D palace A plumber B climber C debtor D timber A breath B wreath C wealth D stealth II Circle the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose primary stress differs from that of the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A terrific B tertiary C territory D terminal A compliance B competent C computer D commuter A recompense B temperature C reminiscent D marvelous A momentous B monetary C monastery D monument 10.A mature B nature C culture D measure B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the best answer to fill in each blank The more satisfied employees are, to the company A the more likely they will remain loyal B the more loyal they will remain likely C the more they will likely remain loyal D the likely they will remain more loyal "Anyone who stops learning is old, Anyone who keeps learning stays young." said Henry Ford A either at twenty or eighty B neither at twenty or eighty C neither at twenty nor eighty D whether at twenty or eighty As a devoted and respectable woman, she makes a large donation to a cause every year A worthless B worthy C worthwhile D worth If we not take steps to protect the world's wild life, many species of birds and animals are likely to completely A die down B die away C die out D die off He found that the test was play A child's B a child’s C children’s D child After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building A sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully B sent faithfully flowers all week to the cemetery C sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week D sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers According to the term of the contract, tenants must give notice if they intend to leave A a six months’ B a six-month’s C six-month D six months' When we went to Egypt he knew no Arabic, but within six months he had become extremely fluent A entirely B barely C virtually D scarcely The late 1800s and early 1900s _ excitement over a wide array of inventions and developments A brought B have brought C had brought D were to bring 10 Students can only use technological devices to complete their work _ investment on notebooks and books A rather than B instead of C but for D not least C As soon as the article being finished, D On finishing the article 11 It is the classical Athenians who can probably lay claim _ the invention of commercial advertising as we know it today A to B for C of D with 12 Be present _ the hall _ time and then I will present you him A with/on/to B at/in/to C to/on/with D at/on/with 13 A smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic data collection sensors to supply information which _ assets and resources efficiently A used to manage B is used to managing C is used to manage D is using to manage 14 are a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century A Diamonds B Because diamonds C That diamonds D Diamonds, which 15 Thanks to lifelong learning, people's level of awareness _ significantly A has improved B have improved C has been improved D have been improved 16 I must take this watch to be repaired; it _ over 20 minutes a day A increases B accelerates C gains D progresses 17 Time was running out, so the committee had to make a _ decision A brief B sharp C curt D snap 18 If this animal had escaped from its cage it could _ have killed or maimed several people A equally B well C both D severely 19 She didn't _ doing the ironing, as she hadn't wanted to go out anyway A object B matter C care for D mind 20 It _ able to finish it in an hour A couldn't be too hard if you were B can't have been too hard if you were C couldn't be too hard if you had been D can't have been too hard if you had been II Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences  Even the most hardened criminal is entitled to a trial  The parents are dark-haired but all the children have got hair and blue eyes  The weather forecast for tomorrow is with some scattered shower  I didn’t want to arrive late so I left earlier than I needed to, just to be on the side  Since they haven’t phoned to tell us otherwise, I think it’s to assume that they‘re still coming to see us next weekend  Don‘t worry I won’t tell anyone what you‘ve just told me Your secret is with me  Shakespeare‘s writing is characterized by an incredibly use of imagery  I‘ve never enjoyed Christmas cake - it‘s far too for me  The night club was the exclusive preserve of celebrities and business people  Feeling shy from being surrounded by so many unfamiliar people, the small boy back when he was offered some cake  The fate of the condemned man in the balance for weeks while the court considered his appeal  The walls of the castle were with rich tapestries  Let me give you a _ outline of our plan to develop the business  Lucy arrived at the party with a smile on her face, accompanied by her new boyfriend  The robbery took place in daylight, so it‘s amazing no one saw anything III Fill in the blank with one preposition If you draw _ income from your investment too quickly, it may not last long They agreed to the policy _ the understanding that it would be to their benefits Pack it _ will you? Your guitar playing is getting on my nerves Further _ the road, some more policies are sure to be introduced Clever people never bite _ more than they can chew I think it would be fun to swan _ Europe in the summer That old, crazy man once claimed he was descended _ William Shakespeare Without any information to bank on, we landed ourselves _ the most boring job of the lot She gets so nervous at the thought of examinations that her mind completely blanks _ 10 She gambled _ the house even though it was not hers IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets Part 1: There is little to disagree about in the notion that a good voice, whether in opera or rock music, is one that moves its audience and brings a sense of release and fulfilment to the singer But contemporary pop and rock music have come about due to (1 SUBSTANCE) _ advances in technology Here, the impact of the microphone should not be (2 ESTIMATE) _, as it has (3 ABLE) _ the magnification of quiet, intimate sounds This, in turn, allows, the singer to experiment with the (4 EMPHATIC) _ on mood rather than on strict (5 ADHERE) _ to proper breathing and voice control Donna Soto–Morettin, a rock and jazz vocal trainer, feels that (6 ANATOMY) _ reasons may account for the raspy sound produced by certain rock singers Her (7 SUSPECT) _ is that swollen vocal chords, which not close properly, may allow singers to produce deeper notes She does not, however, regard this as detracting (8 NOTICE) _ from the value of the sound produced Singing, she maintains, has an almost (9 SEDUCE) _ quality and so our response to it has more (10 SIGNIFY) _ than its technical qualities 10 Part 2: FAST BRAIN WAVES Over half a century ago, scientists found that they could record the electrical signals of the brain at work What at first appeared a random hotchpotch of activity became a pattern of elegant waves (1 RHYTHM) _ determined Ever since, scientists have wondered whether the secrets of our thoughts, (2 PERCEIVE) _ and even (3 CONSCIOUS) _ itself might be hidden in the patterns of our brain waves The question of why we have brain waves is, (4 ARGUE) _, as hotly debated today as it was when the patterns were discovered But the meaning, and even the existence, of fast rhythms in the alert brain is highly (5 CONTROVERSY) _ What is problematic is that you cannot perceive these rhythms directly, they are so well hidden in the noise created by other brain activity, but many (6 SEARCH) _ now hold the (7 CONVINCE) _ that the significance of these brain waves should not be (8 ESTIMATE) _ The latest suggestion is that the rhythms could be (9 DECIDE) _ in detecting progresses going on in different regions of the brain Some believe that these rhythms might even interact, and in doing so help the brain to package information into (10 COHERE) _ thoughts How we bring together these related signals of the brain is a puzzle as yet unsolved 10 C READING I Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Suddenly international trade has become a very controversial issue When the representatives of about a hundred states met in Uruguay to form the World Trade Organisation the response of the public in general was a big yawn Most people did not think that complicated agreements on things like import taxes could have very much effect on their lives, and they were just not interested How different it was at the last meeting of the WTO in Seattle! This time the delegates were met by a rainbow coalition of protesters, from members of trade unions to anarchists and environmentalists Many of the protests were passive and peaceful, or consisted of demonstrators blocking roads and making it difficult for delegates to get to meetings However, other demonstrations were violent, and by the end of the first day, shop windows had been broken, cars wrecked and police had fired tear gas at the demonstrators What was all the fuss about? The demonstrators themselves would not have been able to agree The environmentalists were afraid that looser trade laws would allow big business to work from countries which allowed them to pollute the environment Trade unions were afraid that cheaper labor in the third world would take their jobs, and the anarchists were, well, just being anarchists So with all these objections why did anyone want to increase global trade anyway? Well, it is a fact that the opening of the markets of the world, and world prosperity have increased together, and countries that have closed their economies from outside trade, like India, have done much worse than open countries like Thailand and Singapore So who is right? Perhaps both sides have a point In any case at some time the two groups will have to talk, so that agreement can be reached so that world trade can become freer while still meeting the concerns of those opposed to it But the sudden interest of ordinary people in world trade has been caused by one thing - people realize that what is decided at these inter-government meetings can change their lives; and not necessarily for the better This article is _ A critical of efforts to liberalize world trade B a discussion of the world economy C a review of the arguments about world trade D about world trade and the environment At the Uraguay talks _ A the WTO was born B 100 countries joined the WTO C mainly import taxes were discussed D the environment was not discussed The author suggests that _ A world trade has recently become controversial B that the WTO is part of the United Nations C that demonstrations in Uruguay were peaceful D world trade is unfair to many countries The demonstrators were _ A worried about the environment B worried about their jobs C mainly anarchists D concerned about different things The advantage of world trade is that _ A it gives businesses less environmental laws B it helps countries to become richer C people can travel more easily D it has helped countries like India and Singapore The author thinks that _ A the two sides will never agree B we must choose between free trade and the environment C the two sides must negotiate D the WTO should listen to its critics The article concludes that _ A now most people think world trade is important B world trade must become freer C trade has been better for Thailand than for India D inter-government meetings interest ordinary people Where would you find this sort of article? A In a work of fiction B In an economics magazine C In a political journal D In an anarchist newsletter Which word can replace the word coalition in paragraph 2? A coal mining B coeducation C combination D coexistence 10 Anarchists in paragraph are those who _ A establish laws in a particular state B excite revolts against the established rule, law, or custom C believe in the current government D promote order where necessary II Choose the best answer to fill in each blank SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY Sport as a spectacle and photography as a way of recording action have developed together At the turn of the 20th century, Edward J Muybridge was experimenting with photographs of movement His pictures of a runner (1) _ in every history of photography Another milestone was when the scientist and photographer Harold Edgerton (2) _ the limits of photographic technology with his study of a (3) _ of milk hitting the suffice of a dish Another advance was the development of miniature cameras in the late 1920s, which made it possible for sports photographers to (4) _ their cumbersome cameras behind The arrival of television was a significant development in the transmission of sport Paradoxically, it was of benefit to still photographers People who watched a sports event on TV, with all its movement and action, (5) _ the still image as a reminder of the game Looking back, we can see how (6) _ sports photography has changed Early sports photographers were as interested in the stories behind the sport as in the sport itself Contemporary sports photography (7) _ the glamour of sport, the colour and the action But the best sports photographers today more than simply tell the story of the event, or make a (8) _ of it They (9) _ in a single dramatic moment the real emotions of the participants, emotions with which people looking at the photographs can (10) _ A exhibit B show C feature D demonstrate A enlarged B extended C prolonged D spread A splash B drop C dash D drip A put B keep C lay D leave A chose B valued C pointed D cheered A highly B radically C extremely D severely A outlines B signals C emphases D forms A preservation B store C mark D record A seize B grasp C capture D secure 10 A identify B share C unite D join III Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word URBAN SPARROWS During the last 25 years, Britain’s urban sparrow population has declined by as much as twothirds, and the bird has almost disappeared from many of (1) _ former haunts The decline has been blamed on (2) _ from cats to garden pesticides Moreover, modern buildings have far (3) _ few nooks and crannies (4) _ the birds can nest Factors (5) _ these may well be involved, but alone they (6) _ to explain the severity of the decline, or the fact that other urban birds have been less affected Denis Summers-Smith is the world’s leading expert on sparrows, so when he (7) _ up with a theory to explain their decline, it has to be (8) _ listening to He suggests that the culprit is a chemical added to unleaded petrol It would be deeply ironic if a policy that was intended to improve the nation’s health (9) _ to prove responsible for the decline of (10) _ of its favourite species (11) _ to Summers-Smith, social species such as the sparrow require a minimum population in a specific area to breed successfully If, (12) _ whatever reason, numbers drop (13) _ this threshold, the stimulus to breed disappears The most dramatic example is the passenger pigeon, (14) _ in the late nineteenth century went from (15) _ the world’s most common bird to total extinction within fifty years 10 11 12 13 14 15 IV Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences Stretched for several thousand kilometres from the east coast of the country to Gobi Desert, the Great Wall of China is said to be the only man-made structure visibly from outer space The oldest section was begun in 221 BC, using soldier and local people, as well as intellectuals who had been sentenced to forced labour on the repressive Qin dynasty No surprisingly, the layers of compacted earth used to construct the wall soon began crumble, and it was left to the later Han dynasty to restore and add to it By now the wall had evolved from a mere defence system for keeping out marauding tribes into a safe haven which trade could flourish, and bustling market towns sprang up at the many busy gates Although the ornate and imposing structure with which we are familiar from photographs was not added until the fourteenth century by Ming, using advanced brick-building technology It was he who joins the three separate walls to create this truly impressive feat of construction No Mistake Correction No Mistake Correction 10 D WRITING Question Rewrite the following sentences, keeping their meaning unchanged, beginning with the words given Without access to the statistics, I will not be able to complete the report HOLD Unless completed The head teacher is well known for his reliability and dedication REPUTED The head .person Managers intend to consult their staff about job descriptions ARE Staff job descriptions by their managers She really enjoys going for a swim every morning ON What she going for a swim every morning Louise is an expert in all aspects of the business except marketing OF With in all aspects of the business When faced with a fierce opponent, even the most skilled swordsmen must be careful FROM In has to be careful We suppose the new models are about ten thousand dollars VICINITY The new models ten thousand dollars We are having problems because we did not take out medical insurance COST We are .taken out The students in his class come from many different places, which makes the place very special WIDE The students in his class , which makes the place very special 10 I not expect another accident of the same type to happen here again STRIKE It is not my twice Question Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same Has anybody been hurt in the road collision? Has anybody come _ Julia isn’t to blame for the negligence by any means By no means I doubt whether it will stop raining till afternoon It is I was strongly determined to complete my dissertation by the end of the month I had _ Alan is both a good sprinter and a skilled jumper Besides ... interest of ordinary people in world trade has been caused by one thing - people realize that what is decided at these inter-government meetings can change their lives; and not necessarily for the... writing is characterized by an incredibly use of imagery  I‘ve never enjoyed Christmas cake - it‘s far too for me  The night club was the exclusive preserve of celebrities and business... sentences  Even the most hardened criminal is entitled to a trial  The parents are dark-haired but all the children have got hair and blue eyes  The weather forecast for tomorrow

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 21:17

