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Đề bài tập 2021 04 09

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BÀI TẬP 09.04.2021 - COMPILED BY HAU TRAN Bài A Choose the best word from A, B, C or D that fits each blank Part Vocabulary I meant to sound confident at the interview but I'm afraid I as dogmatic A came out B came through C came off D came over The switchboard at Television Centre was so by complaints about the programme that they had to take on extra staff A overrun B overcome C overwhelmed D overhauled She had mind which kept her alert and well-inform even in old age A an examining B a demanding C an enquiring D a querying The police decided to the department store after they had received a bomb warning A abandon B evacuate C evict D expel There were so many people me in the crowd that I couldn't hold the camera steady A jostling B jerking C obstructing D agitating Frankly, I couldn't care less!" he said with a of his shoulders A twitch B flick C hunch D shrug I'm not by a particularly ambitious man A inclination B habit C character D tendency After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance further losses A for B from C against D towards He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he while in Africa A infected B complained C gained D contracted 10 I was proud to be out for special praise for my performance A selected B singled C separated D distinguished 11 When money into the slot, be sure to use undamaged coins A on inserting B having inserted C to insert D inserting 12 The mother sat by her child's bedside all night A asleep B sleep C sleeping D overslept 13 It's much more expensive if you use the phone at rate A high B busy C peak D heavy 14 The politician gave a press conference to deny the charges that had been at him A targeted B levelled C accused D blamed 15 People in financial difficulties sometimes fall to unscrupulous money lenders A prey B fool C scapegoat D sacrifice 16 If you too much of your energy on the climb, you'll have none left for the descent A spend B lose C expend D invest 17 He was caught using forged bank notes to pay for goods and charged with A deception B fraud C embezzlement D theft 18 I can lend you five pounds to help you until you've had time to go to the bank A by B up C on D out 19 The restaurant is popular with film stars and the A like B same C similar D such 20 Although I explained the situation he didn't seem to the degree of danger he was in A seize B grab C catch D grasp Part Grammar and structure We don't have a secretary , but we have a student who comes in to a bit of filing A as such B the least bit C whatsoever D little more He works until nine o'clock every evening, and that's quite the work he does over the weekend A except for B apart from C without D not for The report makes the recommendation that no more prisons A must be built B be built C had to be built D should be building We devoured Aunt Lenora's carrot cake, A our fingers scraping the leftover frosting off the plates B our fingers scraping the leftover frosted off the plates C while our fingers were scraping the leftover having been frosted off the plates D as our fingers scraped the leftover which had been frosting off the plates On the island the only representative of the Indian's handicraft A does it remain B did it remain C remains it D remains I a lot as an accountant but the work was just too boring A was supposed to be earned B ought to be earning C could have been earning D should have earned 7. , I'd like to talk about myself as the happiest person in the world A Be that it may B Strange as it might sound C How much strange it may be D Strange though might it sound A: “Is he ready for the school-team selection test?” B: “He seems quite hard." A that she studied B to have studied C having been working D as if working A: “Would you go back to your old job? B: unemployed." A I should have been B I'd better be C I'd sooner be D If only I were 10 her job, her sons and the housework, she doesn't have a minute for-herself A What with B If it weren't for C Barring D Given Part Phrasal Verb Her name keeps in conversation A pumping up B filling up C speaking up D cropping up This affair does seem to have dragged , doesn’t it? A on B off C in D down We may find we come quite a lot of opposition from local people A up against B up with C in for D down with If anyone's line promotion, I should think it's Helen A in - with B in - for C under - for D between - of Reporters were personal questions the newly-crowned Miss Vietnam A rolling - to B dropping - on C sliding to D throwing - at The joke was completely lost Chris A behind B in C on D with Such a noisy environment was not conducive a good night's sleep A for B of C to D with 38 You're good at general knowledge questions Why don't you yourself down for the quiz? A brace B set C make D put Come see “Gone With The Wind”, for another week A held over B set up C put forth D made up 10 In matters pertaining the soul, woman does not differ from man A with B to C into D within Bài Choose the best answer to fill in each of the blanks Interpreting the feelings of other people is not always easy, as we all know, and we (1) _ as much on what they seem to be telling us, as on the (2) _ words they say Facial (3) _ and tone of voice are obvious ways of showing our (4) _ to something, and it may well be that we (5) _ express views that we are trying to hide The art of being (6) _ lies in picking up these signals, realizing what the other person is trying to say, and acting so that they are not embarrassed in any way For example, we may understand that they are in fact (7) _ to answer our question, and so we stop pressing them Body movements in general may also (8) _ feelings, and interviewers often (9) _ particular attention to the way a candidate for a job walks into the room and sits down However it is not difficult to present the right kind of (10) _, while what many employers want to know relates to the candidate’s character traits, and (11) _ stability This raises the awkward question of whether job candidates should be asked to complete psychological tests, and the further problem of whether such tests actually produce (12) _ results For many people, being asked to take part in such a test would be an objectionable (13) _ into their private lives After all, a prospective employer would hardly ask a candidate to run a hundred meters, or expect his or her family doctor to provide (14) _ medical information Quite apart from this problem, can such tests predict whether a person is likely to be a (15) _ employee or a values colleague? A estimate B rely C reckon D trust A other B real C identical D actual A looks B expressions C image D manner A view B feeling C notion D reaction A unconsciously B practically C seemingly D unknowingly A good at B humble C tactful D successful A reluctant B used C tending D hesitant A have B indicate C contain D infer A set B gain C take D pay 10 A appearance B outset C manner D introduction 11 A similar B physical C psychological D relevant 12 A faithful B regular C reliable D predictable 13 A invasion B intrusion C infringement D inference 14 A classified B secretive C reticent D confidential 15 A thorough B particular C laborious D conscientious Bài Give the correct form of the word in parentheses Part 3.1 EVERY TIME WE SAY GOODBYE According to research by (0 PSYCHOLOGY) psychologists one can learn a great deal about the state of people's relationships by watching how they say goodbye at airports However, it seems that it is not (1 NECESSARY) _ those in the strongest relationships who make the greatest display of (2 RELUCTANT) _ at parting Such behaviour is more (3 CHARACTER) _ of couples who have been together for a relatively short period of time There is less (4 LIKELY) _ of people in long-term relationships showing strong feelings of dependency This may seem surprising but it is (5 PRESUME) _ because the people have been successful in establishing stability in their relationship and are able to see the separation as brief and of no great (6 SIGNIFY) _ The expression of emotion at these moments may often reflect (7 SECURE) _ and also the feeling that the person leaving is not fully (8 APPRECIATE) _ of just how important the relationship is to the person being left The person leaving may also seem (9 AWARE) _ of how unsettling a separation can be for the person left behind, who may then experience a very real sense of (10 LONELY) _ 10 Part 3.2 SKIING HOLIDAYS IN COLORADO To ski or snowboard in Colorado is to experience the pinnacle of winter sports The state of Colorado is known for its spectacular scenery and (1 BREATH) _ views, which inspire today's travelers as much as they spurred on the (2 SETTLE) _ who first arrived in this part of the US over a century ago And whether you're seeking the outdoor adventure of a (3 LIFE) _ exciting nightlife or a great family getaway, Colorado has everything you need November through April, snow conditions are (4 CONSIST) _ and reliable, featuring Colorado's (5 LEGEND) _ “champagne powder” snow Extensive snow making and grooming operations always keeps trails in top shape The mountain destinations in the Colorado Rockies can turn your wildest ski dreams into thrilling (6 REAL) _ There, you'll find the best skiing and snowboarding resorts on (7 PICTURE) _ slopes, as well as the finest ski schools in the US Together, they present an (8 PARALLEL) _ winter paradise And the best part is that you'll enjoy friendly, (9 CARE) _ service in resorts that are (10 COMMIT) _ to delivering the highest quality amenities 10 Bài Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word The heart has long been considered to be (1) feelings of love dwell In love songs throughout the ages, love (2) always goes together with the heart The heart has continuously been (3) as the place where love begins and develops Even the Bible gives quote to love and the heart The role of the heart (4) love must come from what happens to it when a person feels strongly attracted to someone The strong feelings for the other person, (5) in the early stages of a relationship, have the results that the heart starts beating (6) and breathing starts speeding up According to psychologists, a love relationship is a situation that involves a lot of stress and the body reacts to this by getting ready to face (7) unknown This has been (8) the 'fight or flight' reaction, meeting danger by fighting it (9) running away So with love, the heart accelerates and breathing (10) quick 10 Bài Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions Many trees in the Brackham area were brought down in the terrible storms that March The town itself lost two great lime trees from the former market square The disappearance of such prominent features had altered the appearance of the town centre entirely, to the annoyance of its more conservative inhabitants Among the annoyed, under more normal circumstances, would have been Chief Inspector Douglas Pelham, head of the local police force But at the height of that week's storm, when the wind brought down even the mature walnut tree in his garden, Pelham had in fact been in no fit state to notice A large and healthy man, he had for the first time in his life been seriously ill with an attack of bronchitis When he first complained of an aching head and tightness in his chest, his wife, Molly, had tried to persuade him to go to the doctor Convinced that the police force could not without him, he had, as usual, ignored her and attempted to carry on working Predictably, though he wouldn't have listened to anyone who tried to tell him so, this had the effect of fogging his memory and shortening his temper It was only when his colleague, Sergeant Lloyd, took the initiative and drove him to the doctor's door that he finally gave in By that time, he didn't have the strength left to argue with her In no time at all, she was taking him along to the chemist's to get his prescribed antibiotics and then home to his unsurprised wife who sent him straight to bed When Molly told him, on the Thursday morning, that the walnut tree had been brought down during the night, Pelham hadn't been able to take it in On Thursday evening, he had asked weakly about damage to the house, groaned thankfully when he heard there was none, and pulled the sheets over his head It wasn't until Saturday, when the antibiotics took effect, his temperature dropped and he got up, that he realised with a shock that the loss of the walnut tree had made a permanent difference to the appearance of the living-room The Pelhams' large house stood in a sizeable garden It had not come cheap, but even so Pelham had no regrets about buying it The leafy garden had created an impression of privacy Now, though, the storm had changed his outlook Previously, the view from the living-room had featured the handsome walnut tree This had not darkened the room because there was also a window on the opposite wall, but it had provided interesting patterns of light and shade that disguised the true state of the worn furniture that the family had brought with them from their previous house With the tree gone, the room seemed cruelly bright, its worn furnishings exposed in all their shabbiness And the view from the window didn't bear looking at The tall house next door, previously hidden by the tree, was now there, dominating the outlook with its unattractive purple bricks and external pipes It seemed to have a great many upstairs windows, all of them watching the Pelhams' every movement 'Doesn't it look terrible?' Pelham croaked to his wife But Molly, standing in the doorway, sounded more pleased than dismayed 'That's what I've been telling you ever since we came here We have to buy a new sofa, whatever it costs.' Why were some people in Brackham annoyed after the storm? A The town looked different B The police had done little to help C No market could be held D Fallen trees had not been removed In the third paragraph, what we learn about Chief Inspector Pelham's general attitude to his work? A He finds it extremely annoying B Не is sure that he fulfils a vital role C Не considers the systems are not clear enough D He does not trust the decisions made by his superiors Who does “her” in paragraph refer to? A Molly Pelham B the doctor C the chemist D Sergeant Lloyd When Inspector Pelham's wife first told him about the walnut tree, he appeared to be A worried B shocked C saddened D uninterested What aspect of the Pelhams' furniture does “shabbiness” in paragraph describe? A its colour B its condition C its position D its design As a result of the storm, the Pelhams' living-room A was pleasantly lighter B felt less private C had a better view D was in need of repair Why did Molly sound pleased by her husband's comment? A It proved that he was well again B She agreed about the tree C She thought he meant the sofa D It was what she expected him to say From what we learn of Inspector Pelham, he could best be described as A open-minded B well-liked C warm-hearted D strong-willed The phrase “took effect” in paragraph can be replaced by A kicked up B kicked off C kicked in D kicked up 10 The word “dismayed” is closest in meaning to A upset B anxious C frustrated D thrilled Bài Rewrite sentences What exactly am I supposed to have done wrong? (STAND) → _ Good colour sense is instinctive for some people (COMES) → _ Don't ask him about the accident, he's upset already (STATE) → _ Everyone's saying the government is about to resign (RUMOURED) → _ The senior students believe that they are old enough to choose which classes to attend (REGARD) → _ Since the company's methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their good opinion of it (DISREPUTE) → _ What really depresses me is this continual wet weather (GETS) → _ We missed the bus because we had overslept (CONSEQUENCE) → _ She passed the word around that she was looking for a flat (KNOWN) → _ 10 They continued to suggest that I was lying (PERSISTED) → _ 11 Julia soon calmed down and explained her problem → Julia soon pulled _ 12 He warned them against using the mountain road → "I wouldn't 13 Edward eventually organsied himself and started work → Edward eventually got his 14 I can't imagine myself ever singing in public → I would _ 15 There had been allegations of drug-taking by members of the team → It _ 16 As I listened to the music on repeated occasions, my request for the composer increased → The more _ 17 This device has the capacity to detect potential engine failure → It _ 18 If ever a student dared to ask a question, the professor would sigh wearily → In the 19 In spite of her initial reluctance to take the job, she's got on very well → Reluctant _ 20 Why not try hang-gliding - It's really great! → Why not have _ Bài Think of one word that can fit all sentences Whisk the milk into the flour until it has a _ consistency without any lumps whatsoever Many students find the transition from school to university less than _, especially if they are away from their families for the first time I don't trust that car salesman He's far too _ for my liking! I like most art forms but I'm afraid opera isn't to my _ Visiting the United States last year gave me my first _ of American culture The politician made a racist remark which was in very poor _ and it caused offence to many people It took a while to understand but I finally got the _of it Don't give up! Just _in there till the end The thought of my visit to the dentist is going to _over me until it's over The film was so gripping that it _my interest from start to finish She once _some shares in the company but now they are worthless Police _ the man suspected of murder for further questioning The company wants to put the _straight regarding the reason for the redundancies Please don't quote me on this but off the _ I think there is going to be a policy decision soon She hasn't got a very good track _when it comes to attendance I didn't want to disturb you as you seemed to be _in thought He took a _breath and then dived in I was in a very _sleep when all of a sudden I was woken up by this loud noise from outside Bài There are 10 errors in each passage below Find and correct them Part 8.1 Petroleum products, such like gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil residual fuel oil and lubricating oils, comes from one source - crude oil found below the earth's surface, as well as large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as depth as 25,000 feet into the earth's interior Sometimes crude oil is secured by filling a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil Pressure at the source of pumping force crude oil to the surface Crude oil wells flow in varying rates from ten to thousands of barrels per hour Petroleum products are always measured in 42-gallon barrels Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but regardless, their chemistry composition is made in of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons Other chemical elements finding in union with the hydrocarbons are little and are classified as impurities Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities which they are disregarded The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joining of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule Ex like → as 10 Part 8.2 In 2001, the British Association for the Advancement of Science went on search of the world’s funniest joke The experiment involved people from all over the world posted their jokes on to a website and rating the submissions of their Among the jokes entered was the following: ‘There were two cows in a field One said ‘Moo.’ The other one said ‘I was going to say that.’ The joke was then entered into the archive several times, using different animals and noises Two tigers said ‘Grr,’ two dogs said ‘Woof’ and so on You would imagine that one animal and noise would be much the same like another However, the joke rated the funniest was: ‘Two ducks were sitting on a pond One of the duck said ‘Quack.’ The other duck said, ‘I was going to say that.’ The research supported the wide held theory that some words and sounds are distinctly funnier than others The ‘k’ sound (or the ‘hard c’) as heard in ‘quack’ and ‘duck’ have always been regarded in the comedy world as specially funny Why? It may be down to a rather odd facial phenomenon known for ‘facial feedback’ When people feel happy they smile but some evidence suggests that the mechanism also works in reverse The hard letter ‘k’ often forces the face to smile, which may explain why the sound is associated with happiness 10 Bài Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three A during B cure C button D curiosity A sheet B seen C beer D leek A neither A food A chemist B weight B school B chalk C neighbour C afternoon C champion D eight D cook D chicken Bài 10 Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three A differentiate B recommend C antibiotics D horizontal A refrigerator B temperature C molecular D hypothesis A ascendency B polonaise C advantageous D understand A profound B anatomy C physician D maximize 10 A psychiatric B immediately C magnificent D companion ... Helen A in - with B in - for C under - for D between - of Reporters were personal questions the newly-crowned Miss Vietnam A rolling - to B dropping - on C sliding to D throwing - at The... From what we learn of Inspector Pelham, he could best be described as A open-minded B well-liked C warm-hearted D strong-willed The phrase “took effect” in paragraph can be replaced by A kicked... Reluctant _ 20 Why not try hang-gliding - It's really great! → Why not have _ Bài Think of one word that can fit all sentences Whisk the

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2022, 21:17

