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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Tuần 11

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*Nam Tu can repeat the dialogue Activity 2: Point and say 12’ - T introduce some words by eliciting a.Vocabulary Maths explanation Science explanation IT explanation Vietnamese explanati[r]

WEEK 11 Date of teaching: 16/ 11/ 2021 (4A) Period: 40 Date of preparing: 13/ 11/ 2021 UNIT 7: WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY? LESSON 3: PART 1, 2, 3, I Objectives Knowledge - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce the sounds of the letter: fl, pl in the words flying and playing Sentences parttems: Review Sound: fl, pl in the words flying and playing Sentences parttems: Review *Special students: Nam Tu will be able to pronunce the sounds of the letter: fl, pl in the words flying and playing Skills - Developing listening, reading and speaking skills Core competencies & Personal qualities - Ss confident in communicate with their friends - Ss love English, friends and teacher - Ss pronounce the sounds of the letters fl, pl - Practice with their friends II Teaching- aids Teacher’s aids: Lesson plan, PPT slides,TV, software, laptop Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook III Methods - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work - Some techniques can be used: Beanbag Circle, Who is faster, jumping line IV Procedure: (35’) Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents Warm up and Review (5’) Activity: Jumble words - T asks Ss to play in two teams - T explains how to play this game - Ss plays game together - T monitors and pride the winer New lesson Activity 1: Listen and repeat (6’) - T ask Ss to read the title - Ss read - T: What does it mean? - Ss: Nghe nhắc lại - Ss play in two teams Listen and repeat I like flying a kite He likes playing the piano - T ask Ss to listen the tape or video - Ss listen and repeat to the tape - T models fl, pl in the words flying and playing - Ss repeat inchrorus, invidualy (4ss) - T give the sentence I like flying a kite He likes playing the piano - Ss repeat chrorus, invidually - T ask Ss to find the word that they have learned - Ss anwer - T the same with flying - T ask Ss to read words and sentences - T ask Ss to read all two times - T: How many word sound? - Ss: There are *Nam Tu can repeat sound fl, pl *Furthe practice (4’) - T ask Ss to find out the word that have model fl, pl sound - T ask to work in four groups - Ss; Say bingo when they finish - T minitor and give feedback Activity 2: Listen and circle Then say aloud (7’) - T ask Ss to read the title - Ss: read - T: What does it mean? - Ss: nghe khoanh trịn sau đọc to - T: How many numbers? - Ss: - T lets Ss run through - T asks Ss to tell the task - Ask Ss to open the books on page 51 - Ask Ss to listen 1st time - Ss listen - Ask Ss to listen 2nd time - Ss listen - Ask ss to tell the answers - Ask Ss to compare with their partners - Ask Ss to listen again (Listen and check) *Nam Tu can listen and write *Further practice: Chinese whisper (3’) - T devides Ss in to groups Listen and circle Then write and say aloud Key: b a b a - Ss make aline and one of them take one sentence - T read aloud - Ss stick it on board and read aloud - T minitors and give feedback *Activity 3: Let’s chant (5’) Let’s chant - T ask Ss to look at the board - How many people are there? - Ss two - T opens the chant - Ss listen to the chant - T read the lyrics - Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the chant again - Ss repeat line by line - Ask ss to sing along with the music - T devides Ss into groups - Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups - Ss sing and actions together - T calls somes groups perform before the class and T listen and give feedback *Nam Tu can repeat the chant *Activity Add your photo and write a reply email to Mai (5’) Add your photo and write a - Asks Ss to open their book on p51 to write reply email to Mai - T send exercises to Ss' Tab and ask them to read and write an email Key: Free answer - Ask Ss to work in invidually - Ss answer in front of the class *Nam Tu can write a reply email to Mai - Further practice: Ss read aloud sentences Application - Ask Ss to make the sentences with word have fl and pl sound Summary - What skills have you practiced? _ WEEK 11 Date of teaching: 16/ 11/ 2021 (4A) Period: 41 Date of preparing: 13/ 11/ 2021 UNIT 8: WHAT SUBJECTS DO YOU HAVE TODAY? LESSON 1: PART 1, I Objectives Knowledge - By the end of the lesson Ss can ask and answer questions about school subjects Sentence patterns: What subjects you have today? I have… Vocabulary: Maths, Science, IT, Vietnamese, Art, Music, English *Special students: Nam Tu can ask and answer questions about school subjects Skills - Developing listening, reading and speaking skill(s) Core competencies & Personal qualities - Ss confident in communicate with their friends - Ss love English, friends - Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends II Teaching- aids Teacher’s aids: Lesson plan, PPT slides, projector, laptop Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook III Methods - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work - Some techniques can be used: Beanbag Circle, Who is faster, jumping line IV Procedure: (35’) Teacher and Ss’s activitive Contents Warm up (5’) *Activity: Bingo - T devides Ss in to teams (Blue - White) - T explains how to play this game - T lets teams play together - T monitor and praise the winner *Nam Tu can play the game Presentation Look, listen and repeat Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (8’) - T ask Ss to look at the pictures - T: Who are they? - Ss: Tom and Nam - T: What are they doing? - Ss: They’re asking and answering about the date - T asks Ss to open their books to page 52 - Ss open their books to page 52 - T opens the CD - Ss listen and point - T opens the CD again - Ss listen and read in chorus (2 times) - T - Ss role play - T - Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs - T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue What question does Nam ask Tom? - Ss: What subject you have today? - T: How does Tom answer? - Ss: I have Vietnamese, Maths and science *Nam Tu can repeat the dialogue Activity 2: Point and say (12’) - T introduce some words by eliciting a.Vocabulary Maths (explanation) Science (explanation) IT (explanation) Vietnamese (explanation) Art (explanation) Music (explanation) English (explanation) - T models - Ss listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - T writes down on the board - Ss copy - T: Vocabulary checking: Rub out remember *Nam Tu can repeat the vocabulary Point and say a.Vocabulary Maths: mơn tốn Science: mơn khoa học IT: môn Tin học Vietnamese: môn tiếng việt Art: môn mĩ thuật Music: môn âm nhạc English: môn tiếng anh b Model sentences b Model sentences Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on What subjects you have page 52 today? What subjects you have today? I have… I have… - T models - Ss repeat chorally then individually - T wirtes down on the board - T checks: form, use, intonation *Picture cues (CNTT) (3’) - T lets Ss run through the pictures - T models - Ss repeat chorally - T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Nam Tu can repeat the sentence patterns Further practice: Noughts and crosses - T divide the class in to two teams - Ss work in groups - T draw a nine square grid on the board - Ss: The team will take turn to choose the number and give compliments or complaints using the words in the square If their sentence is correct, put a X or O in that box - Ss: The first team that has three Xs or Os in a line on the grid will win the game - T monitors and correct their mistakes Application: Work in pair (9’) - Ask Ss to practice asking and answering question about the real date using: What subjects you have today? I have… - Ask Ss work in pairs - Give minutes to practice - Calls some pairs to practice to the classs - T gives feedback *Nam Tu can ask and answer question about the real date Summary (1’) - Ask and answer question about the real date WEEK 11 Date of teaching: 18/11/ 2021 (4A) Period: 42 Date of preparing: 15/11/2021 UNIT 8: WHAT SUBJECTS DO YOU HAVE TODAY? LESSON 1: PART 3, 4, I Objectives Knowledge - By the end of the lesson Ss can ask and answer questions about school subjects Sentence patterns: What subjects you have today? I have… Vocabulary: Maths, Science, IT, Vietnamese, Art, Music, English *Special students: Nam Tu can ask and answer questions about school subjects Skills - Developing listening, reading and speaking skills Core competencies & Personal qualities - Ss confident in communicate with their friends - Ss love English, friends - Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends II Teaching- aids Teacher’s aids: Lesson plan, PPT slides, laptop Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook III Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: Beanbag Circle, Who is faster, jumping line IV Procedure: (35’) Teacher and Ss’s activitives Warm up and Review (5’) *Activity: Conversersation lines - Ss make two lines ask and answer S1:What subjects you have today? S2:I have… *Nam Tu can answer New lesson Activity 1: Listen and tick (7’) Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 53 and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the correct picture - T plays the CD for Ss to listen 1st time - T plays the CD again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer - Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class - T asks Ss to read out the answer - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer Contents Listen and tick Key: C B C *Nam Tu can listen and tick Further practice: Snatch the words (3’) Activity 2: Look and write (7’) - T sets the scene by drawing a picture ? What are school subjects? - Ss:Vietnamese, science, Art, Maths… - Ask Ss to look at the sentences ? Are they complete? ? How many sentences? - Ask Ss to run through - Ask Ss to tell the task - Ask Ss to look at the picture and complete individually (3minus) - Ask some Ss to tell the answer - T - Ss check together - T checks Ss’s understanding What subjects does he have today? What subjects does she have today? What subjects they have today? *Nam Tu can write the answer *Further practice: Read the text aloud (3’) *Activity 3: Let’s sing (9’) - T shows the picture on the board - T asks Ss the content of the picture ? What are they doing? - Ss greeting and introducing - T opens the song - Ss listen to the song - T read the lyrics - Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the song again - Ss repeat line by line - Ask ss to sing along with the music - T devides Ss into groups - Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups - Ss sing and actions together - T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listen and give feedback Look and write Key Australia America Let’s sing Malaysia Japan *Nam Tu can sing the song *Further practice: Music Box Application - Ask and answer questions about school subjects Summary (1’) - What skills have you practiced? V Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………… ... page 52 - Ss open their books to page 52 - T opens the CD - Ss listen and point - T opens the CD again - Ss listen and read in chorus (2 times) - T - Ss role play - T - Ss, Ss - T, half - half,... board - How many people are there? - Ss two - T opens the chant - Ss listen to the chant - T read the lyrics - Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the chant again -. .. numbers? - Ss: - T lets Ss run through - T asks Ss to tell the task - Ask Ss to open the books on page 51 - Ask Ss to listen 1st time - Ss listen - Ask Ss to listen 2nd time - Ss listen - Ask ss

Ngày đăng: 26/11/2021, 00:21


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