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JUMP THROUGH HOOPS: Nhiều nỗ lực để hoàn thành VD: “Hazel had to jump through hoops to make sure her project was finished on time.” – Hazel đã nỗ lực rất nhiều để đảm bảo dự án của cô ấy[r]

A THÀNH NGỮ VỚI CƠ THỂ ALL EARS – lắng nghe chăm chú, dỏng tai lên lắng nghe VD: I can not wait to hear what you have to say I am all ears! – Tơi khơng thể đợi để nghe điều bạn nói, Tôi dỏng tai lên COLD SHOULDER – phớt lờ, không thèm để ý VD: Steve would not talk to James after their argument He has given him the cold shoulder – Steve khơng nói chuyện với James sau vụ tranh cãi Anh phớt lờ James ITCHY FEET – đam mê du lịch, thích VD: Julie could not wait to go on her travels She has itchy feet! – Julie đợi đến chuyến cô Cô fan “bự” du lịch LONG ARM OF THE LAW – quyền lực, uy pháp luật VD: Tony was caught by the police for speeding He could not escape the long arm of the law Tony bị bắt q tốc độ Anh khơng thể thoát khỏi “lưới trời” pháp luật OLD HAND – giỏi lĩnh vực, lành nghề VD: Shirley has been with the bakery for a long time She is an old hand at making cakes – Shirley làm hiệu bánh thời gian dài Cô giỏi lám bánh SWEET TOOTH – người thích ăn VD: I brought John a big box of chocolate for his birthday He has such a sweet tooth Tôi tặng John hộp sô cô la nhân ngày sinh nhật Anh hảo ELBOW ROOM – đủ không gian để làm việc, di chuyển VD: I did not like working in that cramped office There was not enough elbow room – Tơi khơng thích làm việc văn phịng chật chội Nó cịn chẳng đủ chỗ để di chuyển EYE-CATCHING – bắt mắt, thu hút VD: Did you see Candida in her pink dress? She is very eye-catching Bạn có nhìn thấy Candida mặc váy hồng không? Cô quyễn rũ B THÀNH NGỮ VỚI JUMP -1 JUMP FOR JOY – nhảy lên vui sướng VD: I’m so happy about my promotion that I want to jump for joy – Tơi vui thăng chức Tơi muốn nhảy lên sung sướng JUMP OF THE PAGE – bật, ý VD: That was such an eye-catching newspaper advertisement It really did jump off the page Tờ báo quảng cáo thật bắt mắt Nó nhảy khỏi tờ báo JUMP THE GUN – làm sớm, cầm đền chạy trước ô tô VD: “Wait until you’re allowed to leave the classroom Don’t jump the gun!” Đợi em phép rời lớp học Đừng cầm đèn chayj trước ô tô JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON: chạy theo trend VD: “Are you a real fan of One Direction or did you just jump on the bandwagon?” – Bạn fan One Direction hay chạy theo trend? JUMP THROUGH HOOPS: Nhiều nỗ lực để hoàn thành VD: “Hazel had to jump through hoops to make sure her project was finished on time.” – Hazel nỗ lực nhiều để đảm bảo dự án cô hoàn thành JUMP SHIP: nhảy việc VD: “The football manager did not jump ship and instead decided to stay with his struggling team.” – Quản lý đội bóng khơng nhảy việc mà định lại với đội anh JUMP THE SHARK: suy giảm từ thành công VD: “The jump the shark moment for The Simpsons was after season nine It really got worse after then.” – Sự xuống dốc show truyền hình The Simpsons bắt đầu sau mùa thứ Nó thực tồi tệ sau mùa JUMP AT YOUR OWN SHADOW: sợ hãi VD: “You will be so scared after watching the movie that afterwards you’ll jump at your own shadow!” – Bạn sợ sau xem phim đến nỗ bạn muốn trốn bóng C THÀNH NGỮ VỚI THỜI TIẾT -1 RAINING CATS AND DOGS: mưa trút nước VD: “Do not forget your umbrella before you go outside It is raining cats and dogs!” FACE LIKE THUNDER: tức giận, buồn bã mặt VD: “You could tell Maria was angry She had a face like thunder!” STORM IN A TEACUP: chuyện bé xé to VD: “I don’t think this flu scare is serious It's just a storm in a teacup.” CHASE RAINBOWS: đuổi theo điều viển vông VD: “I know you want to become a famous footballer but don’t chase rainbows! It is very hard and you are just not good enough.” LIGHTNING FAST: nhanh chớp VD: “Wow, did you see Usain win the race? He was lightning fast!” HEAD IN THE CLOUDS: đầu óc để mây VD: “Mike thinks he is going to pass his exams without studying He has his head in the clouds!” SNOWED UNDER: bận ngập đầu VD: “Mike is snowed under with work He cannot come and watch the game with us tonight.” UNDER THE WEATHER: khó ở, mệt VD: “Hazel did not come into work today She was feeling under the weather.” D THÀNH NGỮ VỚI TIỀN =================================== BALANCE THE BOOKS: tính tốn chi tiêu, bù đắp chi phí VD: “After buying a new bike, Thomas had to work some extra hours in order to balance the books.” Sauk hi mua xe mới, Thomas phải làm thêm để bù đắp chi phí BRING HOME THE BACON: kiếm tiền VD: “Anna took another job so she could bring home the bacon.” – Anna làm thêm cơng việc nữa, kiếm tiền ni gia đình GO DUTCH: chia đơi hóa đơn VD: “Matthew and Hazel go dutch when they eat out They split the bill.” - Matthew Hazel chia đơi hóa đơn họ ngồi ăn Họ chia hóa đơn GRAVY TRAIN: Cơng việc nhàn hạ, lương cao VD: “Ian got a big bonus for his brief consulting job He’s really on the gravy train!” – Ian nhận khoản thưởng lớn cho tư vấn Quả cơng việc béo bở NEST EGG: tiền tiết kiệm, dự trữ VD: “Leo’s nest egg meant that he was able to put down the deposit on his new house.” – Tiền tiết kiệm Leo có nghĩa anh để dành khoản tiền cho nhà COOK THE BOOKS: gian lận sổ sách VD: “Sam had to lie and cook the books to make the accountant think his business was making money.” – Sam phải nói dối gian lân sổ sách để kế toán nghĩ cơng ty anh có lợi nhuận GOLDEN HANDSHAKE: tiền nghỉ hưu VD: “Ross was given a golden handshake by his ex-employers after he retired from his work.” Ross sếp cũ ông trả khoản tiền nghỉ hưu sau ông nghỉ hưu CHEAPSKATE: keo kiệt VD: “Thomas did not want to spend $5 on flowers for his mother What a cheapskate!” – Thomad không muốn bỏ 5$ để mua hoa cho mẹ Đúng tên bủn xỉn E THÀNH NGỮ VỚI ĐỘNG VẬT ===================================== MONKEY BUSINESS: ranh mãnh, thiếu trung thực VD: “I noticed some people selling fake watches from a suitcase It looked like monkey business to me!” RAT RACE: lịch trình lặp lặp lại, mệt mỏi VD: “Martin left the rat race for a few months He quit his job and went travelling.” CAT BURGLAR: trộm trèo tường vào nhà VD: “Alex had his laptop taken from his room on the fourth floor Police suspect it was a cat burglar.” TOP DOG: nhân vật quan trọng VD: “Michael felt like the top dog when he became captain of the football team.” CASH COW: hàng/ thứ mang lại nhiều lợi VD: “The company relied heavily on their best-selling product It was their cash cow.” EAGER BEAVER: người chăm nhiệt huyết VD: “Mike worked really hard to pass all of his examples He is a real eager beaver!” ROAD HOG: người lái xe bạt mạng VD: “Philipp is a serious road hog He was banned from driving for six months.” BLACK SHEEP: người xem ô nhục, xấu hổ VD: “When Peter went to jail he became the black sheep of the family.” F THÀNH NGỮ VỚI TRƯỜNG HỌC -1 BOOKWORM: mọt sách VD: “Chase spent all day in the library revising for the big exam He’s turned into such a bookworm!” BRAINSTORM: phát triển, nghĩ ý tưởng VD: “The marketing team sat down for a brainstorm as they need some new ideas for their next campaign.” COPYCAT: kẻ bắt chước VD: “Hazel was accused of being a copycat when the teacher saw her looking at Rob’s exam answers.” HIT THE BOOKS:bắt đầu chăm học VD: “Jonas hit the books when he realized that he had a very important exam the next day.” PASS WITH FLYING COLORS: đạt kết cao, mỹ mãn VD: “Julian was uncertain about the important exam even though his teacher told him that he would pass with flying colors!” SKIP CLASS: trốn học VD: “Martin was tempted to skip class because his next lesson involved a difficult maths test.” DROPOUT: bỏ học, biến mất, học VD: “Mike studied extra hard for his exams because he did not want to be a high school dropout.” TEACHER'S PET: học sinh cưng giáo viên VD: “Candida didn’t mind being the teacher’s pet because she always got good grades.” G THÀNH NGỮ VỚI ÂM NHẠC -1 ELEVATOR MUSIC: nhạc nhạt nhẽo nơi công cộng VD: “Kevin hated going shopping in the mall He was tired of all the elevator music!” RING A BELL: nghe quen tai VD: “Tina was sure that she had heard that music idiom before It certainly did ring a bell!” FOR A SONG: bán giá rẻ VD: “Roy was selling his collection of toys very cheaply They were going for a song!” LIKE A BROKEN RECORD: nói nói lại VD: “Hazel was tired of listening to Rob talk about Manchester United all the time He sounded just like a broken record!” BLOW YOUR OWN TRUMPET: khoe khoang VD: “Chase’s boss told him to 'Blow your own trumpet' after he succeeded at work.” JAM SESSION: chơi nhạc ngẫu hứng VD: “Daryl and John got together in the studio for a jam session They were thinking up ideas for their new album.” CALL THE TUNE: điều kiển tình VD: “Juan was keen to call the tune in the meeting He wanted to take control of the team.” BLOW THE WHISTLE: báo với cấp việc sai trái VD: “Martin had to blow the whistle at work when he saw Hazel stealing from the stationary cupboard.” H THÀNH NGỮ VỚI TÌNH YÊU -1 DOUBLE DATE: Hẹn hò cặp VD: “Hazel and Matthew went on a double date with John and Mary to their local Italian restaurant.” MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN: mối quan hệ tốt, hòa hợp VD: “Balint and Nora are really well suited They are a match made in heaven.” ON THE ROCKS: Mối quan hệ bị trục trặc VD: “Philippa and David are not talking to each other I think their relationship is on the rocks.” PUPPY LOVE: mối tình trẻ VD: “I had my first girlfriend when I was 12 It was just puppy love.” HEAD OVER HEELS: yêu tha thiết VD: “I have never seen Andre so happy He is head over heels in love with his new girlfriend.” LOVEY-DOVEY: Thể nhiều yêu thương, tình yêu VD: “Mary and Tony are always holding hands and kissing in public They are so lovey-dovey.” LOVE RAT: Người đàn ông phản bội vợ/ bạn gái VD: “Mik had an affair with his wife’s best friend He is such a love rat.” HAVE THE HOTS: Nhận quyến rũ, hút VD: “I have the hots for my neighbor I am going to ask them out on a date” I THÀNH NGỮ VỀ SHHH (ngậm miêng lại, câm miệng) PUT A SOCK IN IT: nhét tất vào miệng VD: “Hey, you’re being way too loud Put a sock in it!” – Này, anh làm ồn Nhét tất vào miệng CORK IT: Đậy chặt miệng lại VD: "Excuse me What you’ve just said is very rude Cork it!” – Xin lỗi Những mà bạn nói q thơ lỗ Đậy chặt miệng lại BUTTON IT: ngậm miệng lại VD: “Your argument is way out of line Button it!” – Tranh luận bạn xa Ngậm miệng lại SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE: Đóng miệng lại VD: “You are being very loud and disruptive Shut your pie hole!” – bạn lớn lối gây rối Đóng chặt miệng lại ZIP YOUR LIPS: Kéo khóa miệng lại VD: “What you just said to me was offensive Zip your lips!” – Những bạn nói với tơi thật xúc phạm Kéo khóa miệng lại WIND YOUR NECK IN: Ngậm miệng lại VD: “Stop being so loud and obnoxious! Wind your neck in!” – Những to tiếng đáng ghét Ngậm miệng lại SIMMER DOWN: Bình tĩnh VD: “You are getting too loud and aggressive! Simmer down!” _ bạn to tiếng đó, Bình tĩnh lại PIPE DOWN: nói nhỏ đi, ngừng nói VD: “Why are you being so noisy when people are trying to concentrate? Pipe down!” – Tại bạn ồn người cố gắng để tập trung? Nói nhỏ lại J THÀNH NGỮ VỚI HẠNH PHÚC -1 HAVING A WHALE OF A TIME: Thời gian vui vẻ VD: “Tatiana was having a whale of a time when celebrating her birthday at work!” ON CLOUD NINE: chín tầng mây VD: “Tony was on cloud nine when he managed to get tickets to see his favorite band.” TICKLED PINK: cảm thấy hài long với VD: “Candida was tickled pink when she won tickets to her see her favorite hockey team!” ON TOP OF THE WORLD: tâm trạng hạnh phúc, lâng lâng VD: “Hazel was on top of the world after learning of her promotion!” HAPPY AS A CLAM: sướng rơn VD: “Iona was as happy as a clam when her boyfriend proposed to her!” BUZZING: vui vẻ, hạnh phúc VD: “Ben was buzzing when his favorite basketball team won the league!” OVER THE MOON: vui vẻ, hạnh phúc VD: “Helena was over the moon when she discovered that she passed all of her exams!” IN SEVENTH HEAVEN: vui vẻ, hạnh phúc VD: “Rachel was in seventh heaven when she got a new job, which paid a much larger salary!” K THÀNH NGỮ VỚI THỜI GIAN ====================================== BEAT THE CLOCK: hoàn thành trước hết thời gian VD: “Burcu beat the clock and booked a Kaplan English course before prices increased!” TURN BACK THE HANDS OF TIME: quay ngược thời gian VD: “Phil had to turn back the hands of time and wear his tracksuit from the 1990s for a fancy dress party.” KILL TIME: giết thời gian VD: “Mike arrived to the party early so he had to kill time waiting outside the venue.” ONCE IN A BLUE MOON: ngàn năm có một, có khơng hai VD: “Rob buys a round at the bar once in a blue moon.” BEHIND THE TIMES: lỗi thời, theo sau thời đại VD: “Chase is behind the times because he just listens to Simon & Garfunkel all day TIME FLIES: thời gian thấm thoát thoi đưa VD: “Time flies at a party because you’re having so much fun!” WASTING TIME: làm khơng có mục đích, giết thời gian VD: “Hazel was just wasting time at the bus stop playing on her phone.” THE BIG TIME: đỉnh cao nghiệp VD: “Leo made the big time when he was promoted the boss of the company L THÀNH NGỮ VỚI MÀU SẮC ============================== GREEN THUMB: có khả trồng trọt VD: “Robert is an expert gardener Everyone says he has a green thumb!” YELLOW-BELLIED: kẻ nhát gan VD: “Billy was called yellow-bellied after he was too scared to go on the rollercoaster.” PINK SLIP: giấy việc VD: “Mik was devastated to lose his job after his boss gave him a pink slip.” WHITE ELEPHANT: đồ vật đắt đỏ vô dụng VD: “Planners said the sports stadium would become a white elephant after the tournament was finished.” GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY: hội vàng VD: “Tony had a golden opportunity to win the chess tournament after the favorite was beaten.” RED TAPE: Thủ tục hành VD: “Daniela was unable to get her visa application approved due to red tape.” SILVER SCREEN: bạc, điện ảnh VD: “Matteo went to Hollywood so he could see the stars of the silver screen.” BLUE COLLAR: Tầng lớp lao động chân tay VD: “Hank was much happier doing blue collar work compared to his office job.” M THÀNH NGỮ VỚI THỨC ĂN ============================== EGG HEAD: người ham học, học thuật VD: “Julian passed all of this exams He is such an egg head!” BIG CHEESE: nhân vật có ảnh hưởng, quan trọng VD: “Tony is the boss of the whole sales and marketing department He is a big cheese.” COUCH POTATO: người xem Tv nhiều VD: “Hazel is such a couch potato She just sits around all day watching television!” TOUGH COOKIE: người tâm VD: “Robert ran the race even though he was injured He is a real tough cookie!” TOP BANANA: nhóm trưởng, người đầu VD: “Morag is the captain of the netball team She is the top banana!” BAD APPLE: người gây rắc rối VD: “Mik is a real bad apple He always causes trouble at work.” SOUR GRAPES: giả vờ thích VD: “Barry said that Mike’s hat was silly It’s just sour grapes!” LEMON LAW: luật bảo vệ người mua phải ô tô lỗi VD: “Rachel bought a car that broke down straight away! Luckily she was protected by lemon law.” ... decided to stay with his struggling team.” – Quản lý đội bóng khơng nhảy việc mà định lại với đội anh JUMP THE SHARK: suy giảm từ thành công VD: “The jump the shark moment for The Simpsons was after... but don’t chase rainbows! It is very hard and you are just not good enough.” LIGHTNING FAST: nhanh chớp VD: “Wow, did you see Usain win the race? He was lightning fast!” HEAD IN THE CLOUDS: đầu... meant that he was able to put down the deposit on his new house.” – Tiền tiết kiệm Leo có nghĩa anh để dành khoản tiền cho nhà COOK THE BOOKS: gian lận sổ sách VD: “Sam had to lie and cook the

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2021, 09:28

