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Materials: reference book, grammar book, chalk III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV.. Anticipated problems: - Some students may find it difficult to remember the lette[r]

(1)Planning date: 6/9/2015 Week 1: REVISION ABOUT ALPHABET, PERSONAL PRONOUNS & "TO BE" I.Aims: Help Ss: - Revise some structures: + English alphabet + Personal pronouns + Simple present tense of "to be" - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book, chalk III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: - Some students may find it difficult to remember the letters K, R,W, X, Y V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.Alphabet A, B, C … ( MẪU TỰ A, B, C ) A B C D E F G /ei/ /bi/ si:/ /di/ /i:/ /ef/ /dʒi/ H /eitʃ/ I J /dʒei/ O /əʊ/ P /pi/ K /kjuː / V /vi:/ W /dʌbljuː /ai/ X /esk / K /kei/ L /el/ R /a:/ Y /wai/ S /es/ M /em/ T /ti:/ N /en/ U /juː/ Z /zet/ Trong tiếng Anh có 26 mẫu tự gồm 21 phụ âm và nguyên âm “ U, E, O, A, I ” There are 26 alphabets including 21 consonants and vowels in English language Possesive adjectives: Personal Pro Possesive Adj I MY Của tôi YOU YOUR Của bạn SHE HER Của cô ta HE HIS Của anh ta, ông ta IT ITS Của nó WE OUR Của chúng ta, chúng tôi YOU YOUR Của các bạn THEY THEIR Của họ, chúng nó - Tính từ sở hữu luôn luôn đứng trước danh từ Ex: She is my mother (2) I am his pupil They are her chidren Your mother is a housewife Our parents are very lovely Mr Long is their father 3.The simple present tense of "to be" a.Form: * Affirmative form Thể khẳng định S + am/ is /are + (a/an) + Noun ( danh từ ) Adjective ( tính từ ) I We + am are = I’m ( Ngôi thứ số ít) = We’re ( Ngôi thứ số nhiều) You + are = He, She, It They + is + are = He’s, She’s, It’s ( Ngôi thứ ba số ít) = They’re ( Ngôi thứ ba số nhiều ) You’re ( Ngôi thứ hai số ít + số nhiều) Ex : - I am a pupil - It is a cat - This is a book - Now, I am very tired - She is a teacher - She is very beautiful * Negative form Thể phủ định S + am/ is/are + not + Noun /Adjective is not = isn’t are not = aren’t Ex : - I am not a doctor - She isn’t free - He isn’t a worker - He isn’t handsome - It isn’t a pencil * Interrogative form Thể nghi vấn ( câu hỏi ) Is/ Am / Are + S + Noun / Adjective ? Ex: A: Are you a nurse ? B: Yes, I am A: Is he an engineer ? B: No, he isn’t A: Is she a good worker ? B: Yes, she is A: Are they hungry ? B: No, they aren’t b Use: Thường dùng cho danh từ , tính từ nói nghề nghiệp B Exercises: Ex1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: a name b classmate c.paper d thank a seven b ten c evening d eleven (3) a hi b fine c night d children a old b morning c bingo d hello a sit b nine c five d time Ex2: Odd on out: a morning b afternoon c evening d bye a fine b good c night d old a children b we c you d I a am b say c is d are a twenty b twelve c eight d name Ex3: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence: This Huong a are b am c is d 're My name Nien a is b are c am d 'm How you? a am b are c is d 's I well, thank you a is b are c am d isn't you Peter? a Am b Are c Is d 're name is Hoa a Hi b Hello c My d Bye I am years old a fine b fifteen c fiveteen d fives .fine, thank you a We're b We's c I're d I is five + ten = a fourteen b fiveteen c eleven d fifteen 10 " Hello." " " a Hi b Good morning c Bye d Good night Ex4: Put the words into correct order to make meaningful sentences: is this Mai you are how? thanks fine are we old you are how? Lan Nam are we and are we well very twenty old am I years and Tuan is am Lan Mr this I Ex5: Put am, is or are in each gap I ten years old Hello I .Ba This Mai We fine, thanks How you, Lan? I .fine, thanks We .Lan and Hoa And this Tuyet We .thirteen years old Good morning, Nga this Hoa? My name Peter (4) They Lan and Nam 10 you Niko? 11 Mr Nam and Mr Tuan teachers 12 My father a doctor Ex6: Find and correct the mistake: Vinh and Binh is students He is eleven years old My name are Rose He is eighteen year old They's my brothers It is 6.30 a.m You say " Good evening!" Hi, Hieu This are Minh How old you are? What are you? - Fine! Ex7: Make questions for the following answers: I'm Lien I'm sixteen years old Fine, thank you Yes, I'm Hoa They are fifteen This is my classmate Ex8: Write the following sentences in English: Chào bạn Lan Hôm bạn có khỏe không? Mình khỏe, cảm ơn bạn Thế còn bạn thì sao? Chào cô Mai, chúc cô buổi sáng tốt lành Em tên là Hoa Tên mình là Trung và đây là Nga Mình 13 tuổi Còn bạn bao nhiêu tuổi? Planning date: 13/ / 2015 Week 2: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT & THE VERB "TO BE" I.Aims: Help Ss: - Revise grammar subjects of unit (5) - Simple present tense of "to be"( cont) - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book, chalk III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: - Some students may find it difficult to exercise 4, V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.The grammar subjects of unit a.How to greet to each other:(Cách chào hỏi) Hi/ Hello Good morning/ afternoon b.How to introduce one's name: (Cách giới thiệu tên mình) My name is / I am c.How to ask about health: (Cách hỏi thăm sức khoẻ) How are you? – I am fine/ well/ tired/ so so d How to ask about name and age: (Cách hỏi tên, tuổi bạn) What is your name? – My name is How old are you? - I’m + tuổi (years old) e How to introduce one person:(Cách giới thiệu tên người khác) This/ That is He is She is They are 2."To be" Đ.t “to be” có nghĩa: là, thì, (tuỳ theo cấu trúc câu) Nó dùng để: a Giới thiệu tên, tuổi, nghề nghiệp Eg: My name is Lan I am a teacher b Nói vị trí người, vật Eg: The book is on the table She is in the living room c Dùng kèm với tính từ để phẩm chất, đặc điểm, tích cách, tính chất người hay vật Eg: My sister is very beautiful This book is good d Dùng cấu trúc “ There is/ there are ” để có mặt người hay vật vị trí nào đó Eg: There is a book on the table There are ten tables in my classroom B Exercises: Ex1:Replace the words underlined by personal pronouns: Thu and Lan are students Thu and I are students My father and my mother are teachers My book is here (6) His pencils are there Are you and Nam students? Mrs Lan is a nurse Children are playing games Ex2: Complete the following statements as the model: Ex: morning / I / Tam / this / Mai Good afternoon I’m Tam This is Mai afternoon / name / Peter / this / Mary Hi / I / Jane / this / David evening / Long / this / Vinh Hello / Nobita / this / Suka morning / name / Hai / this / Hung Ex3:Put the correct form of "to be" in each gap This Mr Hung I Lan We students Lan and Hoa my friends My father very strict Minh _ a good student My pens _ very nice they your books? – Yes, they How you? 10 What your name? Ex 4: Change the sentences into negation and interogation: You are in grade It is Monday today My ruler is old He is a doctor There are many books on the bookshelf Vinh and Ba are students They are my brothers I am late for class His father is a teacher 10 Trang is eleven years old Ex5: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: a read b teacher c weather d meat a this b then c thanks d there a fly b family c country d forty a have b math c hat d wash a time b fine c nine d sit Ex6: Fill in blanks with " my, your, I, you": Hello, name is Long Where live? How old are ? What's name? live on Bach Dang Street (7) am ten years old This is my pen, that is pen How old are you?- am twelve Ex7: Match a sentence in column A with a suitable one in column B: A B How you ? a I’m eleven years old What’s your name ? b So so Thank you And you? Hi , Long c How you do? How are you ? d Yes, Iam Good morning, children e Good morning, Miss Trinh Goodbye f I’m Trang Good night, Huy g Sorry I don’t know How old are you ? h Good night, Dad Who is that ? i Hello, Dung 10 Are you a pupil ? j Bye Ex8: Read the passage then answer the questions below: This is Phu and this is his family: his father, his mother, his brother, his sister and he.This is his father His name’s Phuong He is forty-five years old He is an engineer This is his mother Her name is Nga She’s thirty-eight She is a teacher This is his brother, Phong He is nineteen and that’s his sister, Mai She is sixteen years old They are students Phu is twelve and he’s a student, too Questions: a/ What is his father’s name? b/ How old is his father ? c/ Is his mother an engineer? What does his mother do? d/ Is Mai a teacher? What does she do? e/ Is Phu twelve years old? What does Phu ? Planning date: 20/ / 2015 Week 3: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Possessive adjectives + Imperative + Demonstratives: This/ That/ These/ Those + Wh-questions - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book, chalk III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work (8) IV Anticipated problems: - Some students may find it difficult to exercise 5,6 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.Possessive adjectives: * Form: Personal Possessive Meaning pronouns adjectives I my tôi, tao, tớ We our chúng tôi, chúng ta You your bạn, các bạn He his anh ấy,cậu ấy, ông She her chị ấy,cô ấy, bà It its nó They theirr họ, chúng nó * Use: - Tính từ sở hữu dùng để biểu thị người, vật thuộc quyền sở hữu đó - Vị trí: thường đứng trước danh từ Ex: - This is my mother - That is your table Imperative: * Form: (+) V + Obj/ Pre : Ex: Open your book! Come in! (-) Don't + V + Obj/ Pre: Ex: Don't go out! Don't sit there! * Use: - Câu mệnh lệnh dùng để sai khiến hay lệnh cho người khác phải làm gì không làm gì - Chủ ngữ câu ngầm hiểu là " you" - Thêm "please" cuối câu để tăng tính lịch Ex: Open your book, please! Don't come in, please! This/ That/ These/ Those - This/ that: dùng để vật số ít Eg: (+) This is a/ my book / That is my class (-) This isn't my book (?) Is this your book? – Yes, it is Is that your pen? – No, it isn’t - These/ those dùng để vật số nhiều Eg: (+) These are my books./Those are the windows (-) These aren't my books (?) Are these your books? – Yes, they are Are those your pens? No, they aren’t Wh- questions: * Hỏi và trả lời đồ vật (9) What is this/ that? – It’s a/ an + N What are these/ those? – They are + Ns Ex: What is this? - It is a pencil What are these? - They are erasers * Note: Nhắc lại cách dùng "a/ an" * Hỏi và trả lời nơi : Where you live? I live in/ on/ at  Note: at – dùng với số nhà, tên đường, phố on – dùng với tên đường phố in – dùng với nơi còn lại ( nhà, thôn, xã, huyện, tỉnh ) Ex: Where you live? - I live on Nguyen Trai Street - I live at 58, Tran Phu Street B Exercises: Ex1: Choose the word whose underlined word is pronounced differently: a name b mate c thanks d eraser a night b fine c nine d milk a see b seem c sugar d sit a children b listen c evening d seven a close b know c go d other Ex2: Odd one out: a board b teacher a student b classroom a school b house a waste basket b board c desk c city c classroom c desk d pencil d house d book d city Ex3: Complete the sentence with a suitable personal pronoun or possessive adjective: I am Van That is sister name is Mai .is a student This is Mr Trung with father Mr Manh and Mrs Lam are in classroom are teachers What is that? .is an eraser How old are Minh and Doan? - are eleven years old Who is that? - is my brother Hello, Hung, and this is brother, Vinh We live in house What is name? My name is Bao Ngoc 10 This is my mother name is Hoa .is thirty-eight years old Ex4: Use these words to make question and answer with "Where": Ex: you/ Hanoi Where you live?- I live in Hanoi you/ Hoang Quoc Viet street you/ 60 Hang Dao street you/ Hai Phong city you/ Ho Chi Minh city you/ Lang street you/ 25 Mai Dich street (10) Ex5: Arrange these words to make complete sentences: pen/an/that/a/eraser/or/is/? house/ street/in/we/ThongNhat/live/on/a/ your/do/name/spell/you/how/? down/book/and/open/sit/your/ teacher/name/am/Nobel/my/I/is/a/and/ Ex6:Find out the mistakes and correct them 1.We are fine, thanks you 2.That is a eraser 3.Where are you live ? 4.I live at Trang Thi street 5.I'm ten year old 6.What your is name ? 7.I fine, thanks 8.How are you ? I'm twelve 9.This is my pens 10.Those are my student - The end- Planning date: 27/ / 2015 Week 4: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Plural form of noun + Asking about quantity with How many ? + There is/are - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: - Some students may find it difficult to exercise 4,5 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: Plural form of noun (11) Danh từ số nhiều là danh từ đồ vật người có số lượng từ hai trở lên * Cáh thành lập DT số nhiều: - Thông thường thêm "s" vào sau DT số ít Ex: a book- books; a pen- pens - Những DT tận cùng s, ss, ch,sh, x và số DT tận cùng o + es Ex: class- classes; dish- dishes; potato- potatoes - Những DT tận cùng phụ âm y thì đổi y-> i + es Ex: baby- babies; party- parties - Những DT tận cùng nguyên âm (u, e, o, a,i) + y, giữ nguyên y + s Ex: play- plays; day- days - Những DT tận cùng f /fe -> bỏ f / fe + ves Ex: bookshelf- bookshelves; wife- wives - Một số DT chuyển sang số nhiều thì chúng thay đổi hoàn toàn( DT bất quy tắc- Irregular Nouns) Ex: foot- feet; tooth- teeth; person- people * Cách phát âm duôi "s, es": Có cách: - Phát âm là /s/ tận cùng p, t, k, f, gh Ex: lamps, books, students, - Phát âm là /iz/ tận cùng s, ss, ch, sh, x, z, ze, ge, ce, o Ex: boxes, benches,washes - Những từ còn lại phát âm là /z/ Ex: pens, rulers, Asking about quantity * Form: How many + plural N + are there? - There is a/ an/ one + singular N - There are + số lượng ( + plural N) Ex: How many books are there in your schoolbag? - There are five books How many teachers are there in your classroom? - There is one teacher B Exercises: Ex1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: a engineer b fine c night d five a doctor b job c d forty a many b and c an d schoolbag a what b who c where d when a her b there c pen d desk a couches b benches c nurses d tables a eraser b house c say d school a armchair b that c father d classmate a old b open c close d clock 10 a number b cup c up d student Ex2: Write the plural form of these nouns: armchair house window room clock 8.table engineer couch stereo 10 bookshelf (12) Ex3: Arrange these words to make sentence: work/ he/ where/ does/ ?/ they/ how/ are/ old/ ?/ 45/ at/ she/ De La Thanh/ lives/street/./ students/ how/are/many/ your/there/ class/ in/?/ there/ table/ one/book/on/the/is/./ nurse/is/ Hanoi/she/and/ works/a/ in/./ Ex4: Make questions for underlined words: They are fine My father lives in Ho Chi Minh City Yes That is Minh This is my grandmother There are two students in the classroom Her sister is twenty years old She is a doctor He works in hospital Ex5: Complete the sentences, using the words given: How many/ benches/ there/ classroom ? There/ forty/ student/ my class She/ five/ old This/ brother He/ teacher Who/ those? Planning date: 4/ 10 / 2015 Week 5: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT 3(cont) I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Asking about jobs + Plural form of noun(cont) - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: - Some students may find it difficult to exercise 2,5 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: Asking about jobs: * Form: (1) : What you / they do? What does she/ he do? (2): What is your / her/ his job? Answer: I am We/ They are + (a/an) + She/ He is (13) Ex: What they do?- They are doctors What is her job? - She is an engineer 2.Plural form of noun( Repeat) B Exercises: Ex1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: a family b lamp c bad d father a school b room c dog d too a evening b bench c desk d engineer a door b morning c home d store a cups b tables c chairs d boards a sister b window c living d nine a table b eraser c lamp d bookcase a those b doctor c close d telephone Ex2: Put the words into columns according to pronunciation /s/, /iz/,/z/: students, couches, classes, books, chairs, televisions, lamps, benches, doors, tables, mothers, families, nurses, notebooks, pens, frieds, nights, pencils, schoolbags, apples Ex3: Complete thesentences with "are/ is/ am/do/does" What is that?- It a pencil We in our classroom Where .your brother live? I seventeen years old Mr and Mrs James teachers What they do? this your brother? Who .that?- That my teacher Ex4: Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence: This is my brother He name's Tuan What's your name?- Your name is Lan My father is a engineer There is an borad in my classroom There are four peoples in my family How many bedroom are there in your house? What does you do? - I'm a student Where is it? - It's an apple Ex5: Change these sentences into negative and interrogative form: She is a nurse They are engineers Ha and Trang are doctors Her name is Janet That is my mother There are 40 students in our class Ex6: Read the passage and answer the questions: I am Thinh I am eleven years old I study at Hanoi Amsterdam Secondary School I live with my family on Tran Duy Hung street There are five people in my family They are my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I My grandmother is seventy- five years old My father and my mother are forty years (14) old My father is a teacher My mother is an engineer My sister is five years old I love my family so much Questions: How old is Thinh? Where does he live? Is he a student? How many people are there in his family? How old is his grandmother? How old is his father? What does his father do? What does his mother do? Is his sister six years old? Ex7: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:(Ex3-P38,39/WB) - The end- Planning date: 11/ 10 / 2015 Week 6: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + The possessive form + Verb: " have" and " have got" - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.The possessive form - Dạng sở hữu dùng để liên hệ cái gì đó thuộc có cái gì - Form: Danh từ số ít + 's Tên riêng + 's Danh từ số nhiều +' Ex: Trung's school Students' book nhưng: people's hobby children's books Động từ "have": là động từ thường, thì đơn nó chia làm dạng: have/ has * Form: (+) I/you/we/ you/ they + have She/ he/ it + has (-) I/you/we/ you/ they + don't + have (15) She/ he/ it +doesn't + have (?) Do + I/ we/ you/ they + have ? Does + she/ he/ it + have ? Yes, S + do/ does No, S + don't/ doesn't Ex: - I have four pens - He doesn't have a new pen - Does he have a brother? Yes, he does/ No, he doesn't Động từ "have got": thường dùng đơn * Form: (+) I/you/we/ you/ they + have got('ve got) She/ he/ it + has got('s got) (-) I/you/we/ you/ they + have not got She/ he/ it +has not got (?) Have + I/ we/ you/ they + got ? Yes, S + have/ has Has+ she/ he/ it + got ? No, S + haven't/ hasn't B.Exercises: Ex1: Possessive 's or is? Write P if 's = possession Write is if 's = is: Ex: a My name's Lam is b My sister's name is Phuong P Phong's a student Thu's school is big Is Phong's school in the city center? It's a small city There's a school on the street Where's your classroom? Ex2: Complete these sentences, using my, your, his,her Jim has a pen pen is green You have a book book is new I have a sister .sister is twenty years old Kate has a baby baby is months old I have a brother .name is Jim Ex3: Write a or an apple cup telephone .chair .egg orange Ex4: Complete the sentences with Who, What, There, This or They are three students in the classroom .is this?- It's a stereo .are bookcases is she? - She's my teacher is my schoolbag Ex5: Write questions for the following sentences: My father is forty years old His brother is a doctor (16) There ar four people in my family This is an armchair I study at Nguyen Tri Phuong School Phong's school is in the country Ex6: Fill in each gap with a suitable word: This is my family We are in (1) living room There are five people in (2) family: my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and me This is my grandmother She (3) .70 years old This is my father (4) name is Nam This is my mother (5) is a teacher My sister is eight She is (6) student Planning date: 18/ 10 / 2015 Week 7: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT 4(cont) I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Simple present tense of ordinary verbs + Telling the time + Ordinal numbers - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.Simple present tense of ordinary verbs a Form: (+) S + V/ Vs/es + (-) S + don't/ doesn't + V + (?) Do/Does + S + V ? b Use: - Diễn tả thói quen hàng ngày - Dùng để nói cảm xúc, cảm giác và tình trạng Ex: - They drive to the office every day - I live in Ha noi * Note: Cách thành lập độngtừ dạng ngôi thứ số ít thì đơn: - Thông thường thêm "s" vào sau ĐT Ex: live- lives; work- works - Những ĐT tận cùng o, s, ss, ch, sh, x, z ta thêm es Ex: dress- dresses; go- goes - Những ĐT tận cùng phụ âm y thì đổi y-> i + es (17) Ex: study- studies; supply- supplies - Những ĐT tận cùng nguyên âm (u, e, o, a,i) + y, giữ nguyên y + s Ex: play- plays; say- says Cách phát âm duôi "s, es": Có cách: - Phát âm là /s/ tận cùng p, t, k, f, gh Ex: stops; works - Phát âm là /iz/ tận cùng s, ss, ch, sh, x, z, ze, ge, ce Ex: misses; washes - Những từ còn lại phát âm là /z/: runs; travels Telling the time a Form: What time is it?/ What is the time? - It is + thời gian - Khi hỏi thời gian làm việc gì đó chúng ta dùng cấu trúc: What time + do/does + S + V ? S + V/ Vs/es + at + thời gian - Cách nói thời gian: + Giờ đúng: It is + số đếm + o'clock It is o'clock/ He gets up at o'clock + Giờ hơn: It's + + phút/ It's + phút + past + It's nine ten ( 9.10)/ It's ten past nine + Giờ kém: It's + + phút/ It's + phút + to + 3.50: It's three fifty = It's ten to four 9.45: It's nine forty- five = It's fifteen to ten = It's a quarter to ten * Note: a quarter = 15 phút; half = 30 phút Ordinal numbers B Exercises: Ex1: Write the ordinal numbers in words: 1st 6th 2nd 7th 3rd 8th 4th 9th 5th 10.10th Ex2: Write sentences Follow the example: Ex: 3.10 It's three ten/ It's ten past three 2.10 3.00 4.15 5.45 10.50 Ex3: Complete the passage about Nam Use the correct forms of the verbs in the box: brush, get up, have, go, be, do, wash, get Every day, Nam(1) at o'clock He (2) morning exercise He (3) his teeth He (4) his face He (5) .breakfast Then he (6) dressed and (7) to school He (8) .at school at 6.45 Ex4: Put the correct form of the verb in brackets: I (get) .up early in the morning He (not go) .to bed at o'clock Trang ( have) two cats (18) What(they/have) .in their bags? They( have) .bread Her school (be) very big and beautiful Which class (he/be) in? My house (be) on the second floor Ex5: Change these sentences into negative and interrogative form: She works in a big hospital I study at Hai Phong secondary school Nam lives in a house on Kham Thien street They live in New York Mrs Thu teaches English at secondary school Ex6: Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition: My school is the city It's Tran Phu Street I always get up o'clock He has breakfast .six thirty It's seven thirty.We're late school I'm class 6B There is a book the desk Is your school the country or the city? He lives 90 Ho Tung Mau street 10 His classroom is the third floor Ex7: Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences: the/ your/ in/city/is/school/or/country/in/the/? in/there/blackboard/is/a/classroom/each/ twety-four/are/my/there/in/desks/classroom/ Lam's/big/school/or/is/small/? the/where/pictures/are/? wall/they/on/are/the/ many/have/books/how/you/do/? many/there/in/school/how/classrooms/are/the/? (19) Planning date: 25/ 10 / 2015 Week 8: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Simple present tense of ordinary verbs(cont) + Asking about the activities after school and about the timetable - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex2,5 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: Simple present tense of ordinary verbs(Review) Asking about the activities after school * Form: What + do/does + S + + after school? S + V/ Vs/es Ex: What does your sister after school? She watches TV 3.Asking about the timetable * Form: (1) When + do/does + S + have + tên môn học? S + have/has + tên môn học + on (Monday/ Tuesday ) (2) What (subjects) + do/ does + S + have + on(Monday/ Tuesday )? S + have/has + tên môn học Ex: When you have English? - I have it on Thursday and Friday What (subjects) does Lan have on Wednesday? - She has Math, History and Physics B Exercies: Ex1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently: a ball b small c game d watch a girl b history c television d listen a home b how c go d old a eat b breakfast c read d teacher a sit b engineer c thirty d window a does b watches c washes d brushes (20) a plays b takes c reads d listens a books b rulers c pens d tables a hundred b every c desk d get 10 a close b face c nurse d house Ex2: Make questions for the underlined parts: Phong's school is in the country .? No, it isn't His school's quite small .? There are ten classrooms in the scool .? There are five hundred students in the school .? His school has two floors .? Phong is in grade .? He's in class 6A .? His classroom is on the second floor Ex3:Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Tien (not have) Math on Thursday What time( you/ start) .your classes? You (be) in class 6B Every evening, my brother ( watch) television My sister (have) .breakfast and (go) to school at 6.30a.m We(not read) .books after dinner Tam (be) .my friend She (play) .sports every day Your children ( play) soccer every afternoon? Ex4: Find and correct the mistake in each sentence: Every evening, Mai does my homework We have classes at seven to half past ten There are a couch, a table and an armchair in the living room 4, Is Lan have Math on Friday?- Yes, she does There are five rooms in Nga house It is big His school has three floors and his classroom is on the three floor Boys play soccer in the school yard but girls doesn't Does your house in the country or in town? Ex5: Make sentences from these words: 1.every afternoon/Ba/housework/and/listen/music Hoa.brother/ have classes/ half past seven What/ your/ sister/ play/ afternoon ? every evening/ David/ stay/home/ and/do/homework you/ television/ or sports/ after school ? Hien/ not have/ Math/ Monday/ Saturday What time/ you/ finish/ classes/ morning ? daughter/ go/ to/ bed/ quarter/ to eleven ? he/ have/ big breakfast/ and/ go/ school (21) 10 they/ not listen/ music/ after/ dinner Ex6: (Ex2-P65/NP& BT) Planning date: 1/ 11 / 2015 Week 9: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT 5(cont) I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Asking the day and the date + Prepositions of time and place - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex2,7 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.Asking the day and the date * Form: What day is it? Today? -> It is + thứ Ex: What day is today?- It is Monday * Form: What is the date today? -> It is + ngày Ex: What is the date today?- It is on 31st Prepositions a Prepositions of time: on, in, at * on: - on + ngày: on Monday, Tuesday, - on + buổi ngày tuần: on Friday morning, - on the weekend * in: - in + tháng, năm, mùa, kỉ: in November,in December, - in + buổi ngày: in the morning, in the afternoon, * at: - at + giờ: at o'clock, - at night, at Christmas, at the weekend b Prepositions of place: on, in, at * on: - on + phố, đường phố - on the table, on the floor * in: in the village, in the country, in Vietnam, in Hanoi, * at: at school, at home, at 56 Kham Thien, B Exercises: Ex1: Complete the sentences with one suitable preposition: 1.They live with their children 58 Tran Phu street He plays football the after school (22) She is a teacher high school .weekend, I often stay home and watch TV There are five books .the table My school is the country It is small He has English and Literature Thursday We have a big dinner Christmas Which school you go ? 10 What you school? Ex2: Complete the sentences Use the correct form of the verbs in the box surf play go meet study go out She .every Sunday Tim and Daniel .football in the park on Saturdays I .the Internet every day after school David .very hard at school jenny .shopping with her mother every Thursday We our friends for lunch at weekends Ex3: Complete the sentences with don't or doesn't Mary the housework every day Peter and I watch a lot of TV Tom like homework Tom and Jerry .ride to school My father play sport I .speak Japanese Ex4: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Nam always( listen) to music at night They often( watch) TV in the living room Lan (do) the housework every day They (play) soccer after school My mother (not work) in a hospital Ex5: Match a verb in A with a suitable noun/ noun phrase in B: A B 1.listen a classes b a shower play c the teeth take d to music go e the housework start f the face watch h to bed eat i television wash j sports 10 brush k a big breakfast Ex6: Change these sentences into negative and interogative form: I'm in class 12A (23) They go to school on Sunday There are six people in her family My brother plays volleyball every afternoon Our school is small She has English on Wednesday and Saturday My brother goes to school on foot My classes start at seven thirty Ex7: Write these sentences in English: Sau tan trường vào buổi chiều anh trai bạn có chơi bóng chuyền không? Chúng mình bắt đầu học từ lúc và kết thúc vào 11 rưỡi Minh không có tiết Toán và Lịch sử vào thứ ba và thứ sáu Vào buổi tối bố mình thường đọc sách xem tivi Hàng đêm các bạn ngủ vào lúc giờ? Planning date: 8/ 11 / 2015 Week 10: REVISION GRAMMAR SUBJECTS OF UNIT (24) I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Articles: a/ an/ the + Prepositions of place (cont) - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex5 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: 1.Articles: a/ an/ the - Mạo từ không xác định "a/an" (một): dùng trước danh từ số ít lần đầu tiên nói đến - Mạo từ xác định "the": dùng trước danh từ đã nói đến từ trước Ex: There is a pencil and an eraser on the table The pencil is red and the eraser is blue Giới từ địa điểm: in, on, at, in front of, behind, between .and , near/ next to, opposite, to the left of, to the right of B Exercises: Ex1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: a sport b start c listen d eat a music b history c house d sister a game b watch c table d take a time b thing c engineer d history a end b pencil c open d bench Ex2: Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d(2-P77/THNP) Maria is home all day a at b on c betwwen d in The bank is .to the supermarket a behind b opposite c next d in front of Drugstore is between the hospital the restaurant a in b or c to d and How many are there in your house? a room b the room c rooms d a room There's .television in the living room a a b an c some d any Ex3: Complete the sentences with "a/an/the": There is .television, sofa and armchair in the living room My house has yard and .garden There are a lot of flowers in garden This is eraser We loive in .house on street (25) Minh's is next to well Where is lake?- It is opposite hotel Ex4: Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition: There are tall trees in front my uncle's house The toystore is Hung Vuongstreet Next .my school, there are two stadia What is there the museum and the hotel? My aunt works a factory .hanoi My book is the left the lamp There are two armchairs the living room The cat is the chair Ex5: Use thesse words to make sentences with "There is" or " There are" : trees/ behind/ my house police station/ next to/ bookstore garden/ right/ Giang' s house two rivers/ near/ rice paddy restaurant/ opposite/ bakery hospital/ between/ museum/ hotel Planning date: 15/ 11 / 2015 Week 11: REVISION UNIT 4,5,6 I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Present simple tense of " to be", ordinary verbs and "to have" + Prepositions of time, place (26) + Questions with What, Where, When, Which, What time, How many, - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex6 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: Ex1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: a water b watch c math d quarter a class b play c game d day a brush b student c hundred d lunch a time b Friday c five d history a usually b many c why d study Ex2: Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition: My house is next the school The picture is the mirror and the calendar There is a big yard front .the school There are big trees .the left .the school Lan's father works a hospital There are four people his family Do you live the city or the country? Who you live ? My classroom is the second floor 10 Nam lives a small house Hue Ex3: Make questions for the underlined words: My father works in a hospital They live in the suburb Minh is 20 years old There's a park near my house That's/ It's a rice paddy Those/ They are trees There is a restaurant, a bookstore on the street I have a brother and a younger sister Every day, Lan gets up at 5.30 10 No, I don't I don't play soccer Ex4: Each sentence has a mistake Find and correct it The bookstore is opposite to the bakery The station is next the drugstore The toystore is among the drugstore and the bookstore There are a lake behind the house There are trees tall in the park On the right of the park, there is a souvenir shop Minh live in a flat in the city with his father (27) He have a sister Minh lives in the city in his parents 10 Where is there behind the hotel? Ex5: Put the correct form of the verb in brackets: Trung (live) .in a small town Van (go) to school on foot every day I and my friends (play) soccer after school Her father ( work) in a hospital There (be) a post office near my house There (be) .some trees behind my school We (have) English classes on Monday and Friday He always (do) his homework after dinner How many balls (Nam/ have) ? 10 His father and mother (be) engineers Ex6: Write sentences from the sets of words and phrases: There be/ big yard/ front/ house To/ left/ house/ there be/ vegetables To/ right/ house/ there be/ lot/ flowers/ beautiful plant There be / fruit trees/ behind/ house Behind/ fruit trees/ there be/ small lake There be/ lot/ fish/ lake father/ I/ often fish here/ weekends We/ love/ house/ very much - The end- Planning date: 22/ 11 / 2015 Week 12: REVISION UNIT 4,5,6 (cont) I.Aims: - Help Ss revise the knowledge Ss have learnt from unit to unit - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex6 V Procedures: Organization (28) Content of the lesson A Grammar: B Exercises: Ex1: Read and answer the questions: My name is Oanh I live in a house in the city Near my house, there is a supermarket, a bank, and a post office I am a student I study at Le Quy Don school There is a park in front of the school There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park Behind the school, there is a river and a rice paddy To the left of the school, there is a stadium Where is Oanh's house? What is there near her house? Does she study at Le Quy Don school? What is there in front of her school? What are there in the park? Are there museums to the left of her school? Ex2: Underline and correct the mistake in each sentence: Where is the flowers? There are a park near Tuan's house The television is between the telephone in the lamp The mountains are to the left the house He doesn't lives on that street Mr.Minh teach at a high school Hong gets up and take a shower Ex3: Put the correct form of the verb in brackets: Tien(not have) Math on Thursday What time (you/start) your classes? You(be) in class 9A Every evening, my brother( watch) .television My sister(have) breakfast and (go) to school at 6.30 every morning We(not read) books after dinner Tam (be) .my friend She (paly) sports every day Your children (play) soccer every afternoon? Ex4: Make questions and answers with "What" your father/ watch TV/ after dinner Math/ play football/ after school She/ do/ housework/ after school your brother/ read books/ after school They/ play games/ after school Ex: you/ listen/ music/ after school What you after school? - I listen to music Ex5: Complete the sentences with suitable question words: time you get up?- At 5.30 is your house?- It's on Mac Dinh Chi Street many floors does it have?- It has two floors is your name/- My name's Thomas you spell your name?- T-H- O-M-A-S (29) school you go to?- Ha Ba Trung School you have English?- On Tuesday morning classes you have on Friday?- maths and History Ex6: Write sentences from the sets of the words and phrases given: office near my post there is a house the is office restaurant the opposite post your what to right the of is house? my is a behind swimming pool there school a near in I house live river a bakery is there near what the? aren't many in there books bookcase the hours day a how does many she work often ? - The end- Planning date: 29/ 11 / 2015 Week 13: REVISION PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Present simple tense with "Yes/No" questions + Indefinite quantifiers: some, any - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex6 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: (30) Present simple tense with "Yes/No" questions a With "to be": Is/Am/Are + S + ? -Yes, S + is/am/are - No, S + isn't/ am not/ aren't Ex: Are you a student?- Yes, I am/ No, I'm not Is your school big?- Yes, It is/ No, It isn't b With ordinary verbs: Do/ Does + S + V ? - Yes, S + do/ does - No, S + don't/ doesn't Ex: Do you live in Ha noi? - Yes, I do/ No, I don't Does she work in a hospital?- Yes, she does/ No, she doesn't Indefinite quantifiers: some, any - some: ( vài, ít) dùng câu khẳng định, trước DT số nhiều DT không đếm Ex: There are some chairs in the room There is some water in the bottle - any: ( nào) dùng câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn, trước DT số nhiều DT không đếm Ex: Are there any apples in the bag? There aren't any apples in the bag B Exercises: Ex1: Put the correct form of the verb in bracket: My mother( not live) in Hanoi He (live) in HCM city Our school (have) a small garden There (be) many flowers in it Lan never (eat) her lunch at home There (not be) a store near my house Her parents( work) .in a hospital ( there/be) .any trees in the park? My teacher( live) in a house ( there house/ have) a well? Ex2: Complete the sentence with " some/any/a/an": Near my house, there is supermarket There are restaurants on this street My school doesn't have ttrees I watch films on television today Is this .apple? Her father is nurse in Bach Mai hospital Are there flowers in the garden? I have English books on the shelf Ex3: Make Yes/No questions with " Is there/ Are there" a cat/in/the room?- No books/on/table?- Yes flowers/in/park?- Yes a small table/opposite/door?- No an armchair/in front of/television?- No pictur/on/wall?- Yes vegetables/in/garden?- Yes -> Are there any vegetables in the garden?- Yes, there are (31) Ex4: Make Yes/ No questions with " Do/ Does" you/study/English? - Yes Huong/go/school/car? - No you/walk/park? - Yes They/live/Cau Giay street?- Yes Her / father/work/ factory?- No Thung/go shopping/Mondfay?- Yes Your brother/play/badminton?- No -> Does your brother play badminton?- No, he doesn't Ex5: Arrange the words to make complete sentence: a/is/my/garden/big/house/behind an/city/the/apartment/in/we/in/live uncle/in/country/does/work/your/the ? many/how/pupils/there/class/her/in/are ? any/street/there/our/aren't/on/trees 6.city/lives/brother/Phong/with/the/his/in Ex6: Read the text and answer the questions:( VI/89) -The end- Planning date: 6/ 12 / 2015 Week 14: REVISION UNIT I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Present simple tense with "Yes/No" questions(cont) + Question and answer about means of traveling - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex3,4 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: * Question and answer about means of traveling Form: How + do/does + S + go/travel ? S + go(es)/ travel(s) + by + phương tiện (32) Ex: How you go to the post office? - I go by bus How does your father travel to work? - He travels to work by car B Exercises: Ex1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a bus b student c brush d up a apple b bag c travel d walk a occupancy b doctor c office d go a quiet b clinic c night d bike a new b get c bed d engineer Ex2: Make questions and answers with " How": He/ travel/Nha Trang?- plane Your sister/ go/ market?- walk Your mother/go/work?- motorbike They/travel/Sapa?- train Mrs.Hoa/go/museum?-bus Trang and Hung/go/the beach?- car Ex3: Rewrite the sentence so that the meaning doesn't change: I go to the park on foot There are many flowers in this garden Does your father ride a bike to work? The stadium is behind my school Mr Thanh drives to work every morning Ex4: Put one suitable word to complete the sentence: Is a teacher in the classroom?- No, there isn't There are students in the school yard My school four floors I am class 6D There are forty in my class I go to school .foot He waits a bus every morning your brother study at Minh Khai school? - Yes Ex5: Read and answer the questions: Mr Vuong is a teacher He teaches in a big school in Cau Giay District The school is not near his house, so every day he goes to work by motorbike He often leaves his house at 6.30 in the morning and comes home at 11.30 He has lunch at twelve o'clock In the afternoon, he stays at home He usually reads books, listens to music or watches TV Sometimes he plays sports with his brother He likes his job very much Questions: Is Mr Vuong a teacher at a big school? Is his house near the school? How does he go to work everyday? Does he leave his house at o'clock? (33) What time does he have lunch? What does he in the afternoon? Ex6: Match a verb in A with a word or phrase in B: A B listen a my hair have b a shower wash c to music brush d dressed go e my teeth take f my homework get g to school h lunch Planning date: 12/ 12 / 2015 Week 15: REVISION THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE & MODAL VERBS I.Aims: - Help Ss revise: + Present progressive tense + Modal verbs: can/can't; must/mustn't - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex3,4 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: The present progressive tense * Form: (+) S + is/am/are + V-ing (-) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing (34) (?) Is/Am/Are + S + V-ing? * Usage: - Thì HTTD dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm nói Ex: - She is driving to work - They are not playing badminton now - Các trạng từ thời gian thường với HTTD: now, right now,at the moment/ at this time, today, Be quiet!, Listen! * Quy tắc thêm đuôi -ing sau động từ: - Đa số ĐT thêm đuôi -ing vào sau: say- saying, walk- walking, - Những ĐT kết thúc " phụ âm + e", ta bỏ -e và thêm -ing: take- taking, drivedriving, live- living, - Những ĐT kết thúc "ie", ta chuyển "ie" thành "y" và thêm đuôi -ing: lielying, die- dying, - Những ĐT có âm tiết có nguyên âm đứng phụ âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối và thêm đuôi -ing: cut- cutting, get- getting, - Những ĐT tận cùng là "c" ta phải thêm "k" trước thêm -ing: pinic- picnicking, traffic- trafficking Modal verbs: can/can't; must/mustn't * Form : S + can/can't + V S + must/ mustn't + V Ex: He can swim I can't drive a car You must your homework before going to school He must go home at 10 o'clock B Exercises: Ex1:Change these sentences into progressive form: He works in the factory ( at the moment) Students learn English in clasroom (now) Mr.Minh travels to London ( today) They read book at home (now) She does the housework every day ( at the moment) Trang and Van play tennis ( now) Ex: I go to work every day (now)-> I am going to school now Ex2: Put the correct form of the verb in brackets: Mr and Mrs Binh( have) a new house My sister ( drive) .a red car at the moment Mai( brush) teeth after every meal She (eat) some fish now Nam (go) .to school every day He (go) .to school now Look! She (play) .soccer There (be) a book on the shelf ( Your mother/walk) to work every day (35) They (not play) .soccer in the morning 10 (Ba/work) .in the garden at the moment Ex3: Make questions for underlined words: He is listening to music at the moment I go to market every morning No They aren't playing games now She is traveling to supermarket by car Mr.Hoang is a businessman Lan is helping her mother Ex4: Complete the sentences with can, can't, must, mustn't He’s speaking Japanese I understand him at all you touch your toes with your fingers? You your homework or you will be punished You .cheat in exams It’s a bad habit! We buy any presents because we haven’t got any money He’s very good at English He speak English fluently You your homework before going to school You worry so much; it's bad for you Ex5: Write these verbs in V-ing form: Ex: teach-> teaching wait, play, go, book, learn, say, study Planning date: 20/ 12 / 2015 Week 16: REVISION FOR THE FIRST TERM TEST I.Aims: - Help Ss revise to be ready for the first term test - Practice doing exercises II Materials: reference book, grammar book III.Ways of working: T- Whole class, Individual work IV Anticipated problems: Some Ss may have difficulty doing Ex3,4 V Procedures: Organization Content of the lesson A Grammar: B Exercises: Ex1:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a store b post office c motorbike d hotel a school b teacher c armchair d couch a face b late c wash d day a mother b brother c money d house a life b nine c hi d city a apartment b market c warm d farm a paddy b lake c cake d bake a coppy b correct c hospital d pot a life b kite c like d live (36) 10 a can b bank c half d travel Ex2: Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: Minh (live) in a house near a supermarket Mary can't come to the phone because she (have) a bath Kathy usually (sit) in the front row during class, today she (sit) in the last row She (walk) .everyday Where's Mai?- She (study) in her room Look! The bus (come) Ex3: Complete each sentence with a, an or any My house has big yard There isn't water in the bottle There is envelope on the table There aren't chairs in the room My sister is university teacher There is .bank opposite my house Ex4: Complete each sentence with a suitable verb from the list rides, lives, doing, go, is, are, plays, waiting Quang is math He .a bike to school There some books on the shelf They are for the train Tuan sometimes video games We to school by bus Mr Ba in the countryside Mrs Loan an English teacher Ex5: Read the passage and answer the questions: Thao lives in the city with her mother, father and brother She gets up at six and leaves the house at six thirty The school is near her house, so she walks On the street, there is a bookstore and a restaurant In the neighborhood, there is a hospital, a factory, a museum and a stadium Thao's father works in the factory, he is an engineer Her mother works in the hospital * Questions: Who does Thao live? What time does she get up? Is her house near her school? How does she go to school? Does her father work in the factory? Where does her mother work? Ex6: Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:(II/113-THNP) (37) (38)

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2021, 18:26

