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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCIES OF PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH TEACHERS Supervisor: Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Student: Nguyễn Hoàng Thu Trang Course: QH2017.F1.E7 HANOI – 2021 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH LUẬN VĂN TỐT NGHIỆP NĂNG LỰC CÔNG NGHỆ CỦA GIÁO SINH CHUYÊN NGÀNH SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Sinh viên: Nguyễn Hồng Thu Trang Khóa: QH2017.F1.E7 HÀ NỘI – 2021 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: Nguyễn Hoàng Thu Trang, class QH2017.F1.E7, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (program), accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Nguyễn Hoàng Thu Trang Hanoi, June 6th, 2021 TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCIES OF PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH TEACHERS Submitted by Nguyễn Hoàng Thu Trang Course: QH2017.F1.E7 Signature of Approval: Supervisor’s Comments: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is impossible to adequately express my gratitude to everyone who has helped me throughout this long and challenging journey This is only a partial attempt My supervisor, Mr Nguyen Tuan Anh, has provided me with wisdom, encouragement, and guidance Thank you for your patience and consideration! To my dear friends from the “Drama” group - Linh Mỹ, Linh xinh, Pink cloud, lilyhaiyan, I express my gratitude for your encouragement and sympathy I would like to express my special thanks to Hằng, Linh salt, Mama Linh, Hương, Mai, Nhung, Ms Vi, Thảo and all participants for your support during the questionnaire and pilot process I am truly thankful for many family members and friends in my hometown who provide support along the way to enable this accomplishment My dear mother is my most avid supporter She continually encouraged my decision and advised me to stop being so dead serious and too laid back throughout the lengthy process Most of all, thank you, Mi, for your strange determination on the impermanence of things i ABSTRACT The present study aims to discover the level of technology competency of preservice English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers and their perceptions regarding the effectiveness of the English teacher training program in equipping technology competencies The target group is a cohort of 124 final-year pre-service teachers at a prestigious university in Vietnam To conduct the study, the questionnaire was carried out based on the Teacher Digital Competence (TDC) framework and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) survey The course description of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education subject was also analyzed to answer the research questions The results indicate that the technology competency perceived by pre-service EFL teachers is at a high level The areas in which teachers excel are TPACK competencies, followed by personal-professional and personal-ethical competencies Likewise, the student teachers perceive the training of digital competencies in the teacher education program as effective However, it is proposed to integrate personal-ethical competencies and provide further training on educational programs/applications and productive collaboration in professional networks in the EFL teacher education program ii TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT ii TABLE OF CONTENT iii ABBREVIATION v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale for the study 1.2 Research aims and research questions 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Expected contributions of the research 1.5 Outline of the paper CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Technology competencies in teacher education 2.1.1 Technology competency 2.1.2 The role of technology in teacher education program 2.2 Technology competency frameworks for educators 2.2.1 Technology competency frameworks for educators 2.2.2 The technology framework for EFL Teacher: Teacher Digital Competency (TDC) framework 11 Chapter summary 14 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 15 3.1 Research methods and participants 15 3.2 Data collection instrument 16 3.2.1 Research instruments 16 3.2.2 Data collection procedure 20 iii 3.2.3 Data analysis procedure 20 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 23 4.1 Research Question 1: Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of their technology competencies in teaching 23 4.1.1 Three dimensions of pre-service teachers’ technology competencies 23 4.1.2 Core competencies (TPACK) 24 4.1.3 Personal-ethical competencies 26 4.1.4 Personal-professional competencies 29 4.1.5 Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their incompetent aspects of technology competencies 31 4.2 Research Question 2: Evaluation of EFL teacher education program in developing pre-service EFL teacher’s technology competencies 33 4.2.1 Data from Course objectives and Course Content of ICT in Language Teaching and Learning 33 4.2.2 Data from Questionnaire 34 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 38 5.1 Major findings of the study 38 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 41 5.3 Limitation and suggestions for further study 42 REFERENCES: 43 APPENDICES: 47 Appendix 1: Questionnaire 47 Appendix 2: TPACK Survey 52 Appendix 3: Descriptive Statistics of Core competencies (TPACK) 61 Appendix 4: Course objectives of ICT in Language Teaching 63 Appendix 5: Summary of Course content of ICT in Language Teaching 65 iv ABBREVIATION ETCF : Vietnam English Teacher Competency Framework EFL : English as a Foreign Language EU : European Union ISTE : International Society for Technology in Education TDC : Teacher Digital Competency TPACK : Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES List of Tables: Table 2.1 Technology for Language Teaching (Vu & O’Rourke, 2013) Table 2.2 Technology competency frameworks Table 3.1 Questionnaire Booklet 17 Table 3.2 Adjustment in Questionnaire 18 Table 3.3 The 5-point Linkert scale conversion to level 22 Table 4.1 Dimensions of technology competencies 23 Table 4.2 Sub-competencies of Core competencies (TPACK) 24 Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of sub-competencies of Personal-ethical competencies 26 Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics of Personal-ethical competencies 28 Table 4.5 Sub-competencies of Personal-professional competencies 29 Table 4.6.Descriptive Statistics of Personal-professional competencies 30 Table 4.7 Dimensions of Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of EFL teacher education program 34 Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics of EFL teacher education program in developing preservice EFL teacher’s technology competencies 35 List of Figures: Figure 2.1 The Teacher Digital Competency (TDC) framework (Falloon, 2020) 11 Figure 4.1 Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of their Core competencies (TPACK) 25 Figure 4.2 Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of their Personal-ethical competencies 27 Figure 4.3 Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of their Personal-professional competencies 30 Figure 4.4 Pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of their lacks of technology competencies 32 Figure 4.5 Technology competencies pre-service teachers desire to develop in teacher education program 36 Figure 5.1 Technology competencies of pre-service EFL teachers 38 vi Appendix 2: TPACK Survey Survey of Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Technology Denise A Schmidt, Evrim Baran, and Ann D Thompson Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching Iowa State University Matthew J Koehler, Punya Mishra, and Tae Shin Michigan State University Reliability of the Scores (from Schmidt et al, 2009) TPACK Doman Internal Consistency (alpha) Technology Knowledge (TK) 86 Content Knowledge (CK) Social Studies 82 Mathematics 83 Science 78 Literacy 83 Pedagogy Knowledge (PK) 87 Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) 87 Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) 93 Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) 86 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) 89 52 Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire Please answer each question to the best of your knowledge Your thoughtfulness and candid responses will be greatly appreciated Your individual name or identification number will not at any time be associated with your responses Your responses will be kept completely confidential and will not influence your course grade DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Your ISU e-mail address Gender a Female b Male Age range a 18-22 b 23-26 c 27-32 d 32+ Major a Early Childhood Education (ECE) b Elementary Education (ELED) c Other Area of Specialization a Art b Early Childhood Education Unified with Special Education c English and Language Arts d Foreign Language e Health f History g Instructional Strategist: Mild/Moderate (K8) Endorsement h Mathematics i Music j Science-Basic k Social Studies l Speech/Theater 53 Year in College a Freshman b Sophomore c Junior d Senior Are you completing an educational computing minor? a Yes b No Are you currently enrolled or have you completed a practicum experience in a PreK-6 classroom? a Yes b No What semester and year (e.g Spring 2008) you plan to take the following? If you are currently enrolled in or have already taken one of these literacy blocks please list semester and year completed Literacy Block-I (C I 377, 448, 468A, 468C) Literacy Block-II (C I 378, 449, 468B, 468D) Student teaching 54 Technology is a broad concept that can mean a lot of different things For the purpose of this questionnaire, technology is referring to digital technology/technologies That is, the digital tools we use such as computers, laptops, iPods, handhelds, interactive whiteboards, software programs, etc Please answer all of the questions and if you are uncertain of or neutral about your response you may always select "Neither Agree or Disagree" Strongly Disagree Disagree TK (Technology Knowledge) I know how to solve my own technical problems I can learn technology easily I keep up with important new technologies I frequently play around the technology I know about a lot of different technologies I have the technical skills I need to use technology CK (Content Knowledge) Mathematics I have sufficient knowledge about mathematics I can use a mathematical way of thinking I have various ways and strategies of developing my understanding of mathematics Social Studies 10 I have sufficient knowledge about social studies 11 I can use a historical way of thinking 12 I have various ways and strategies of developing my understanding of social studies 55 Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Science 13 I have sufficient knowledge about science 14 I can use a scientific way of thinking 15 I have various ways and strategies of developing my understanding of science Literacy 16 I have sufficient knowledge about literacy 17 I can use a literary way of thinking 18 I have various ways and strategies of developing my understanding of literacy 56 PK (Pedagogical Knowledge) 19 I know how to assess student performance in a classroom 20 I can adapt my teaching based-upon what students currently understand or not understand 21 I can adapt my teaching style to different learners 22 I can assess student learning in multiple ways 23 I can use a wide range of teaching approaches in a classroom setting 24 I am familiar with common student understandings and misconceptions 25 I know how to organize and maintain classroom management PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) 26 I can select effective teaching approaches to guide student thinking and learning in mathematics 27 I can select effective teaching approaches to guide student thinking and learning in literacy 28 I can select effective teaching approaches to guide student thinking and learning in science 29 I can select effective teaching approaches to guide student thinking and learning in social studies TCK (Technological Content Knowledge) 30 I know about technologies that I can use for understanding and doing mathematics 31 I know about technologies that I can use for understanding and doing literacy 32 I know about technologies that I can use for understanding and doing science 33 I know about technologies that I can use for understanding and doing social studies 57 TPK (Technological Pedagogical Knowledge) 34 I can choose technologies that enhance the teaching approaches for a lesson 35 I can choose technologies that enhance students' learning for a lesson 36 My teacher education program has caused me to think more deeply about how technology could influence the teaching approaches I use in my classroom 37 I am thinking critically about how to use technology in my classroom 38 I can adapt the use of the technologies that I am learning about to different teaching activities 39 I can select technologies to use in my classroom that enhance what I teach, how I teach and what students learn 40 I can use strategies that combine content, technologies and teaching approaches that I learned about in my coursework in my classroom 41 I can provide leadership in helping others to coordinate the use of content, technologies and teaching approaches at my school and/or district 42 I can choose technologies that enhance the content for a lesson TPACK (Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) 43 I can teach lessons that appropriately combine mathematics, technologies and teaching approaches 44 I can teach lessons that appropriately combine literacy, technologies and teaching approaches 45 I can teach lessons that appropriately combine science, technologies and teaching approaches 46 I can teach lessons that appropriately combine social studies, technologies and teaching approaches 58 Models of TPACK (Faculty, PreK-6 teachers) 47 My mathematics education professors appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 48 My literacy education professors appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 49 My science education professors appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 50 My social studies education professors appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 51 My instructional technology professors appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 52 My educational foundation professors appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 53 My professors outside of education appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 54 My PreK-6 cooperating teachers appropriately model combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching 25% or less Models of TPCK 55 In general, approximately what percentage of your teacher education professors have provided an effective model of combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching? 56 In general, approximately what percentage of your professors outside of teacher education have provided an effective model of combining content, technologies 59 26% - 50% 51% - 75% 76%-100% and teaching approaches in their teaching? 57 In general, approximately what percentage of the PreK-6 cooperating teachers have provided an effective model of combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in their teaching? Please complete this section by writing your responses in the boxes 73 Describe a specific episode where an ISU professor or instructor effectively demonstrated or modeled combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in a classroom lesson Please include in your description what content was being taught, what technology was used, and what teaching approach(es) was implemented 74 Describe a specific episode where one of your PreK-6 cooperating teachers effectively demonstrated or modeled combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in a classroom lesson Please include in your description what content was being taught, what technology was used, and what teaching approach(es) was implemented If you have not observed a teacher modeling this, please indicate that you have not 75 Describe a specific episode where you effectively demonstrated or modeled combining content, technologies and teaching approaches in a classroom lesson Please include in your description what content you taught, what technology you used, and what teaching approach(es) you implemented If you have not had the opportunity to teach a lesson, please indicate that you have not 60 Appendix 3: Descriptive Statistics of Core competencies (TPACK) No Code Item Mean Mode TK1 I can use web 2.0 tools 3.78 0.98 TK2 I know how to troubleshoot my technical 3.34 problems 0.84 TPCK5 I understand the essential role of 4.08 technology in educational environments 0.98 PK1 I can adapt my teaching style to different 3.56 learners 0.77 PK2 I apply diverse teaching approaches in 3.64 my lessons 0.76 CK I can use English proficiently and 3.62 accurately 0.71 PCK1 I can select effective language teaching 3.56 approaches to guide students in learning English 0.67 PCK2 I design diverse activities to engage 3.53 students in learning English 0.78 TPK1 I can select suitable technologies that 3.55 enhance teaching approaches for my English lessons 0.69 10 TPK2 I use technology to encourage students’ 3.79 interactivity in learning activities 0.81 11 TPK3 I manage the learning environment in my 3.59 classroom with the help of technology 0.70 12 TCK1 I use technology to design English 3.90 teaching materials 0.88 13 TCK2 I can use technological representations 3.88 (visual aids, multimedia, etc.) to 0.90 61 Std Deviation demonstrate specific English language concepre-service teachers 14 TCK3 I can use technology to assess students’ 3.65 knowledge of English language 0.79 15 TPCK1 I use available technological resources to 3.59 plan the teaching and learning process of a specific English language concept 0.79 16 TPCK2 I can appropriately combine the 3.69 knowledge of English language, technologies and teaching approaches in my English lessons 0.71 17 TPCK3 I provide students guidance to design 3.49 digital products related to English language (presentations, videos, recordings, etc.) 0.86 18 TPCK4 I use technology to keep my knowledge 3.67 of English and English language teaching methodology updated 0.89 62 Appendix 4: Course objectives of ICT in Language Teaching Objectives Technology competencies demonstrate your understanding of the ICT-related Core competencies concepts during the course; (TPACK) use and apply rubrics for assessment in particular Core competencies situations; (TPACK) write reflections on five different topics of using ICT Core competencies in language education (i.e effects, future trends of (TPACK), personalusing ICT, and specific ICT tools) in approximately professional competencies 1,250 words; (Commitment to continuous professional learning) search and process learning resources (e.g text, Personal-professional images, videos, and sounds) from different competency (Accessing and resources; productive use of digital information) design activities using PowerPoint and Microsoft Core competencies Word (TPACK) design at least three different types of activities to Core competencies develop language skills using Hot Potatoes; (TPACK) create at least different activities using Web 2.0 Core competencies Tools; (TPACK) choose appropriate communication tools in teaching Core competencies and learning; (TPACK) create one learning activity choosing the appropriate Core competencies tools presented in the course based upon the (TPACK) Learning Activity Rubrics; 63 apply the Learning Activity Rubrics into assessment Core competencies of learning activities; (TPACK) actively participate in a community of practice which Personal-professional encourages learners to use ICT in language teaching competencies (Strategic and learning productive engagement in professional networks) 64 Appendix 5: Summary of Course content of ICT in Language Teaching Topics Objectives Technology competencies Topic 1: An In this topic, you will have opportunities Core overview of using to: competencies ICT in language - understand and use basic concepts (TPACK) teaching and related to technology in general and learning ICT in particular in discussions and designing activities; - understand the purposes of using ICT and write a reflection about the effects of ICT in education; - familiarize with Learning Activity Rubrics and use it in designing a learning activity later in the course; - understand and apply the TESOL Technology Framework into your context; - understand and apply the TPACK framework into your context Topic 2: Designing In this topic, you will have opportunities Core learning resources in to: competencies language teaching - use Images, Audios, and Videos in (TPACK) and learning CALL; - choose appropriate tools to edit images, audios, and videos Topic 3: Designing In this topic, you will have opportunities Core lectures to: competencies - use some useful functions of (TPACK) PowerPoint to design learning activities (e.g embed sounds & videos, use Narration); - use a useful function of Microsoft Word called Track Changes 65 Topic 4: Applying In this topic, you will have opportunities Core web 2.0 tools in to: competencies language teaching - try and apply different Web 2.0 tools (TPACK) and learning into your context; - evaluate a specific Web 2.0 tool Topic 5: Testing and In this topic, you will have opportunities Core assessment in to: competencies foreign languages - different tools to design interactive (TPACK) exercises for testing and assessment (e.g Hot Potatoes, ED Quiz); - use Google Forms for evaluation; - evaluate a specific ICT tool in testing and assessment Topic 6: In this topic, you will have opportunities Core Communication and to: competencies interaction in - try and apply some of communication (TPACK) language teaching tools into teaching and learning; and learning - evaluate a specific communication tool Topic 7: Trends in In this topic, you will have opportunities ICT application in to: language teaching - reflect upon the future trends of using and learning ICT in education; - predict what will happen to ICT application in education in the future Topic 8: Submission PersonalProfessional Competencies (Commitment to continuous professional learning) Final In this project, you are required to design Core teaching videos related to different aspects competencies of language (TPACK) 66 ... TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH LUẬN VĂN TỐT NGHIỆP NĂNG LỰC CÔNG NGHỆ CỦA GIÁO SINH CHUYÊN NGÀNH SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Sinh viên: Nguyễn Hồng Thu... Pre- service EFL teachers? ?? perceptions of their technology competencies in teaching 4.1.1 Three dimensions of pre- service teachers? ?? technology competencies Table 4.1 Dimensions of technology competencies. .. evaluation of pre- service EFL teachers' technology competencies and the evaluation of the English language teacher training program in developing pre- service EFL teachers' technology competencies

Ngày đăng: 08/09/2021, 15:40



