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Metonymic expressions in truyen kieu by nguyen du and its english equivalents

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    • Chapter One INTRODUCTION

    • 1.1. RATIONALE

    • 1.2.1. Aims

    • 1.2.2. Objectives






    • 2.2.1. Definition of Metonymy in general

    • 2.2.2. Conceptual metonymy

    • 2.2.3. Classification of Metonymy


    • 3.2.1. Sampling and data collection

    • 3.2.2. Data analysis


    • 3.4. SUMMARY


    • 4.1.1. The metonymic expressions in Nguyen Du’s Truyen Kieu

    • 4.1.2. Summary


    • 4.2.2. The remaining Vietnamese MEs and their English equivalents through translation procedures

    • Chapter Five CONCLUSION

    • 5.1. CONCLUSION


    • 5.2.1. Implications for Language Teaching and Learning

    • 5.2.2. Implications for Translating






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THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES LÊ THỊ HÀ NY METONYMIC EXPRESSIONS IN TRUYEN KIEU BY NGUYEN DU AND ITS ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS MASTER THESIS IN LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES Da nang, 2020 THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES LÊ THỊ HÀ NY METONYMIC EXPRESSIONS IN TRUYEN KIEU BY NGUYEN DU AND ITS ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS Major: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Code: 822.02.01 MASTER THESIS IN LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDIES OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES SUPERVISOR: Assoc Prof Dr PHAN VĂN HÒA Da nang, 2020 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Except where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or been awarded another degree or diploma No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgements in the thesis This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution Da Nang, 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been possible without the encouragement and whole-hearted assistance of many people Firstly, I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc Prof.Dr Phan Van Hoa, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level has enable me to overcome many difficulties and develop my research skills It is an honor for me to extend my speacial thanks to all the staff, especially, the teaching staff at University of Foreign Language Studies - The University of Da Nang Without their help and encouragement, I would not have accomplished my thesis My special thanks would also go to my family, especially my parents, my husband and my sisters, whose continuous encouragement, support and love have helped me pass through insurmountable difficulties during my project Finally, I would like to show my gratitude to all my classmates whose encouragement and support have helped lift up my spirits during the time I conduct my study ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the metonymic expressions (MEs) in Nguyen Du’s Truyen Kieu and their equivalents in English by Michael Counsell Specifically, this thesis was carried out to investigate the commonly translation procedures used to convey the content and meaning of MEs from Vietnamese into English 184 samples related to these MEs in Vietnamese as well as their equivalents in the translational version were collected from the book to support the investigation Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied in order to help the researcher achieve the aims and objectives proposed Furthermore, after studying the finding of the thesis, it was discovered that the translator employed many different procedures of translating suggested by Peter Newmark to translate these MEs from Vietnamese into English Finally, I hope that the results of the study could provide teachers and learners of English and Vietnamese with a better understanding of translation procedures from Vietnamese into English in terms of MEs, and giving some suggestions for further research and implications for language teaching and learning as well TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement of authorship i Abstract iii List of abbreviations vi List of tables vii Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY .3 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Objectives .4 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY .4 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 12 2.2.1 Definition of Metonymy in general .12 2.2.2 Conceptual metonymy 16 2.2.3 Classification of Metonymy 17 2.2.4 Theory of Translation 18 2.2.5 Profiles of Nguyen Du with Truyen Kieu and the translator Michael Counsell.26 Chapter Three RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 29 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN 29 3.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 29 3.2.1 Sampling and data collection .29 3.2.2 Data analysis .30 3.3 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY 30 3.4 SUMMARY .31 Chapter Four FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 32 4.1 MEs IN TRUYEN KIEU OF NGUYEN DU .32 4.1.1 The metonymic expressions in Nguyen Du’s Truyen Kieu 32 4.1.2 Summary 56 4.2 HOW ARE THESE MEs TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH? 56 4.2.1 The Vietnamese MEs are translated into English MEs 57 4.2.2 The remaining Vietnamese MEs and their English equivalents through translation procedures 69 Chapter Five CONCLUSION 110 5.1 CONCLUSION 110 5.2 IMPLICATION OF THE STUDY 111 5.2.1 Implications for Language Teaching and Learning 111 5.2.2 Implications for Translating 112 5.3 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 113 5.4 SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 113 REFERENCES QU T ỊNH IAO T I UẬN VĂN n s o LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SL Metonymic Expressions Metonymic Expression Source language TL Target language Omission ST Source Text TT Target Text MEs ME LIST OF TABLES Number of Tables 4.1 4.2 Name of Tables The number and percentage of the translation procedures of Vietnamese MEs translated into English MEs The number and percentage of the remaining MEs' translation procedures Page 67 106 LIST OF FIGURES Number of Name of Figures Figures 2.1 2.2 Conceptual mapping of Metonymy (Ruiz de Mendoza, 1997) Conceptual mapping of Metaphor (P.V.Hoa & H.T.Q.Thu, 2018) Page 16 17 Let’s consider another samples in this translation procedure: The original version The translational version Trách (38)lòng hờ hững với (39)lòng (p.7 3) Vầng trăng vằng vặc trời Đinh ninh (46) hai mặt lời song song (p.8 3) Vẻ chi yêu đào, “I must reproach you now”, Said Kim, “for your indifference! (p.72) The moon shone bright in heaven, above their solemn vow of love; each detailed inner thought they said (p.82) A peach flower is of little worth; I would (47) Vườn hồng chi dám ngăn rào chim not fence the earth from which it grows, xanh against a bird (p.9 1) Tần ngần dạo (54)gót lầu trang Một đồn mừng thọ ngoại hương (p.105) Dưới trần (70)mặt làng chơi Chơi hoa dễ người biết hoa (p.165) (p.90) And then she heard the sound Of her returning family, Whom she went down to see And welcome home, and they as well All started to retell What happened at the birthday feast (p.104) “now, when a man of earth Discovers an immortal peach Is just within his reach”, The villain Ma began to plot, “in such a case, why not Bend down the branch and puck the fruit? In this low, dissolute Society of revellers, Who are true connoisseurs? (p.164) The original version The translational version Tuồng chi giống hôi tanh, “Disgrace!” she then complained Thân nghìn vàng để danh (71)má hồng (p.16 9) Số nặng nợ (74)má đào, Người dù muốn trời cho! (p.19 5) This body, pure far than gold, is stained before I'm old, together with my own good name (p.16 8) “Your sorrows are not over yet; you can’t escape the debt of suffering which you must pay to balance, in some way Your beauty, in yor destiny Though you might wish to die Heaven would never have agreed (p.19 Cũng liều (78)nhắm mắt đưa chân Mà xem tạo xoay vần đến đâu (p.21 5) Tẻ vui kiếp người (91) Hồng nhan phải giống đời ru (p.22 9) Khi phong gấm rủ Giờ tan tác hoa đường (93)Mặt dày gió dạn sương (94)Thân bướm chán ong chường thân (p.23 9) 4) but life had a little value now, so why not see just how far fickle Fate would lead, and where? (p.21 4) “Sorrow or joy”, thought Kieu, “are part of all existences; however fair she is no woman live for ever, though (p.22 8) Should such a body sate The needs of butterflies and bees? Caresses such as these by revelers from Chu and Jin Made Kieu yet feel within None of the sweetness love should bring (p.23 8) The original version (137) Hồng quân với khách (138) hồng quần Đã xoay đến vần chưa tha (p.42 5) Bấy lâu nghe tiếng (142) má đào, (143) Mắt xanh chẳng để vào có khơng? (p.42 9) Cánh hồng bay bổng tuyệt vời Đã mòn (147)con mắt phương trời đăm đăm (p.44 3) The translational version Why show such cruel will, Creator, to the fair of face? (p.42 4) but I was told that you were fair Till now, indeed, is there no man that’s good enough for you? (p.42 8) And still she worshipped Kim, And pictured him as some great bird Which, circling heavenward Is never heard about again (p.44 2) Because these Vietnamese MEs are not translated into English MEs, when translators use other methods of translation, the content and implications of these MEs are also expressed through the content and context of the verses or paragraphs These MEs cannot be clear without the modulation with the way the translator used words, sentence structures and other linguistic elements added to create a soulful and meaningful translation All samples listed on the list above are revealed clearly through Modulation that the translator applied in English version In detail, Nguyen Du used the word “lòng” as the MEs (38) and (39), the meaning of these MEs are acknowledged in the meaning of the whole verse, so the translator used another sentence structure to convey these samples’ implicity as well as the whole verse’s meaning into “I must reproach you now” Or the meaning of ME “má đào”(74) is also transmitted through the whole verse’s meaning ““số nặng nợ má đào/ Người dù muốn trời cho" in English version “your sorrows are not over yet;/ you can't escape the debt/ of suffering which you must pay/ to balance, in some way./ Your beauty, in your destiny./ Though you might wish to die/ Heaven would never have agreed.” Likewise, the remaining MEs in the list above have the meaning included in the meaning of the whole verses and through Modulation, these MEs are shown clearly in English translation as mentioned above i Reduction Reduction translation is another translation procedure of MEs investigated in this study It is defined as the omission or deletion of the number of elements that form in source text; however, the meaning of that text is still retained in the context With this translation procedure, translator can change some in the syntactic structure in the original version so that he can make the translated version better for readers Let’s look samples below for illustrations: The original version Phong lưu mực (4) hồng quần Xuân xanh xấp xỉ tới tuần cập kê Êm đềm trưởng rủ che Tư đềm trưởng rủ chen cập kê (p.23) The translational version Remaining-from the date she dressed her hair- a child no more, behind a fastened door and modest curtains, brought up well, in brief peace could she dwell Though suitors swarmed outside the wall Kieu never came at all to gratify their greedy gaze (p.22) Reduction Phong lưu mực (4) hồng quần In the translational version, the translator omitted the verse “phong lưu mực (4) hồng quần” Furthermore, Reduction translation procedure lost the word (4) “hồng quần” as well as the ME in the original version However, the readers can understand the implication of the writer through the context of the story Or the two cases below are omitted completely The Original version The Translational version Reduction Đuề huề lưng túi gió The bags of “odds-and-ends” Sau (20)chân theo trăng, Sau (20)chân theo he bears, marks him a gentleman vài thằng con vài thằng con (p.37) (51)Tai nghe (52)ruột rối bời bời (p.36) (51)Tai nghe (p.100) (52)ruột rối bời bời (P.101) The word “chân”(20) is used to refer to Kim Trong, who had some servants behind and the words “tai” (51), “ruột”(52) are used to refer to Kieu, who was so sad and worried due to separation These samples state the reduction of the whole verse in its English version The result is the MEs were lost through this translation procedure The Original version Sân rêu chẳng vẽ (145)dấu giày Cỏ cao trước liễu gầy vài phân (P.441) The Translational version Untrodden, like tomb, The courtyard stones grew green with moss; Green grass grew all across The path between the willow-trees (P.440) Reduction (145)dấu giày While the two samples above illustrate the reduction of the whole verse including the MEs in the translation, this sample shows only the ME “dấu giày”(145) is not translated into English version In short, the translator applied Reduction translation in these cases to make the translation become more flexible and closer to the TT readers With this translation procedure, the tranlator omitted or deleted the number of elements that form in source text; however, the meaning of that text is still retained in the context thanks to change some in the syntactic structure in the original version so that he can make the translated version better for readers Frequency of other translation methods Table 4.2 The number and percentage of the remaining MEs’ translation Procedures/Methods procedures Occurences Percentage Metaphor 4.7 Compensation 1.35 Transposition 1.35 Expansion Couplets 3.4 Synonymy 1.35 Notes Paraphrase Modulation Reduction Total 60 54 3.4 40.55 36.5 3.4 148 100% The translation procedures are applied to translate the MEs in Truyen Kieu of Nguyen Du into English version with 148 samples (without metonymy in translational version) to describe actions, behaviors or situations of characters in this story as well as the context in this poem It can be seen specifically in the table 4.2 that Paraphrase is used the most popularly in the whole procedure discovered It occurs 60 times with 40.55% in the total of all procedures of translating the MEs On the contrary, Compensation, Transposition and Notes account for the same lowest percentage of 1.35 with occurrences in this part Modulation with 54 tokens reaches to 36.5 % with the second position Making up 4.7% in the total of the procedures, Metaphor is ranked in the third position with occurrences Following Synonymy stands at the fourth rank with 4% for times of appearance Finally, translation procedures of Expansion, Couplets and Reduction appears times with the same portion of 3.4 % in translating the MEs Summary In conclusion, to imply the intention of the writer, the MEs were used commonly in Nguyen DU’s Truyen Kieu The result is it helps to enhance the beauty of the poem through this kind of rhetorical style My study discusses and examines 148 samples of MEs in Vietnamese version translated into English equivalents After analyzing clearly, based on the point of view of Peter Newmark, I discovered that the MEs are translated under method of Metaphor and translation procedures by the translator in the English version They are called such as Compensation, Transposition, Expansion, Couplets, Synonymy, Notes, Paraphrase, Modulation and Reduction in turn After studying samples and procedures of translating MEs, the author of this thesis discovered that Paraphrase was used the most popularly by the translator One of the reasons for this case is that it is considered the best way for translator to employ the meaning of MEs as well as the meaning of the whole verses Another reason is it can be used whenever the words or expressions in the original version are so complicated and/or bear specific cultural aspects that make TT readers find the work difficult to understand Clearly, it is the most typical translation method to not only carry the closest messages for readers but also help readers understand the translation more deeply When the Paraphrase is applied to the translation but it still does not make the meaning of the original become clearer, the translator will use the rest procedures to render from the SL to the TL Modulation basically means using a phrase that is different in the SL and TL to convey the same meaning employed in the second rank in the whole procedure It is considered that chaging in point of view that allow translator to express the same content in a different way; therefore, this helps TT reader to be easy to understand the implicity of the original through a suitable translation The translator used a metaphor in the third position to make the subject more relatable to the reader or to make a complex thought easier to understand They can also be a tremendous help when he wants to enhance the translation with imagery The translator applies Synonymy when the original samples and the translational ones have the same meaning At this time, he must exploit this method in the fourth rank to make the readers in the TL master the message profoundly and to have an exact understanding Couplets is believed that using two or more procedures of translating antithesis will make the translational sentence more interesting as well as help the reader understand better Besides, he employed Expansion to have more details in the English equivalents if the translational version uses Literal translation which has not met the meaning of the message Reduction is also applied with the same percentage with Couplets and Expansion at the fifth position in translating MEs Maybe, the expression in the verses of Nguyen Du have a little bit verboseness or redundant, that’s why the translator applies this procedure to make the readers in the TL understand more easily by omitting unnecessary patterns Transposition, which is the reform the sentence in the original version based on the grammatical structure of the TL, is the procedure in the same lowest rank with Compensation and Notes in this part This procedure is always employed by the difference of two languages Also, Compensation occurs when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part and notes are additional information in a translation All the translation procedures above are applied with the aim to clarify and express the meaning of MEs as well as the content of the whole poem Chapter Five CONCLUSION In this chapter, the researcher would like to draw some conclusions on the findings of the MEs in Nguyen Du’s Truyen Kieu and their English equivalents as well as some implications for English language teaching, learning and translating 5.1 CONCLUSION First of all, after investigating and analyzing the MEs in the whole poem Truyen Kieu of Nguyen Du, I found out that the author applied metonymy to a lot of words, phrases and clauses to convey the beauty of language as well as the content of verses Among the rhetorical devices used in Truyen Kieu of Nguyen Du, the researcher paid attention to metonymic expressions only and discovered 184 appearances of MEs, which include 36 samples are translated with the same function of metonymy in English version, MEs are transmitted through metaphorical method and 141 remainings are conveyed under translation procedures Secondly, thanks to the theoretical background of metonymy and based on the translation procedures suggested by Peter Newmark, I also investigated the translation of these MEs from Vietnamese into English Through this studying process, I pointed out that the translator employed six procedures to translate MEs in Vietnamese version into MEs in English version Their order is ranked from the highest frequency to the lowest one as follows: Synonymy Paraphrase Expansion Modulation Literal translation Cultural equivalent Similarly, I examined and discovered nine procedures applied to render MEs from the Vietnamese original version into the English translational version Their order is as bellows: Paraphrase Modulation Synonymy Expansion Couplets Reduction Transposition Notes Compensation Meanwhile, it was found that there are seven MEs applied Metaphor to translate by the translator To sum up, after studying 184 MEs mentioned above in both Vietnamese and English, it can be seen clearly that the selection using the translation procedures of the translator depends on the source text If it is so complicated or has the different references throughout different languages, Paraphrase and Modulation are the best choice in this case However, if there are any cultural differences, the rest should be applied to make the target readers master better Through the process of my investigation, it was discovered that Paraphrase is the most used procedure for translating MEs Besides translation procedures, metaphor is also a method which was employed in translating MEs investigated 5.2 IMPLICATION OF THE STUDY To some extent, it is expected that the thesis will give a valuable contribution to the teaching and learning of metonymy in Vietnamese and the translation of these MEs into English Basing on the results of the study, I would like to put forward some suggestions and implications for teaching, learning and translating language 5.2.1 Implications for Language Teaching and Learning Undoubtedly, it is so hard to find out a language in which the metonymy are not used Therefore, in terms of language teaching and learning, some implications are noticed as follows: On the one hand, in language learning, it is undeniable that mastering and employing the MEs in writing in particular and in communicating in general is not easy at all To some extent, the result of this study seems to be useful for language learners, especially English learners In details, English learners will be widened their knowledge of MEs if they refer to the findings of the study Furthermore, the investigation result of procedures applied for translating these MEs from Vietnamese to English will give the language learners some better suggestions in this field Through this research, people who are learning language are encouraged to employ the metonymy frequently in using language as this act helps to make the use of their language more attractively and efficiently Also, they should regularly read the original versions as well as the translational versions of the MEs to improve their language and translation capability On the other hand, the thesis provides the teachers some suggestions in teaching language, especially English Firstly, people teaching English will have the further references about commonly used cases of MEs and their translation procedures from Vietnamsese to English on order to teach their language learners Moreover, they are advised to give learners more opportunities to approach metonymy employed in English and Vietnamese literary works and the translation method of these between two languages Also, the teachers should encourage their students to write the essays or communicate using MEs instead of the normal style As a result, their language ability will become more skillful Or, sometimes the English teachers should create the excitement in their class by using metonymy in English communicating lessons 5.2.2 Implications for Translating In order to have a good translational version, it is very necessary for translators to own the strong knowledge basis about the language as well as cultures, histories feature, characteristics between the source country and the target country Through this study, there are some implications for translating as bellows: First of all, the translators should respect the original version of the writer and his style in using the MEs If this ME is universal, the translators are advised to render it by Literal translation procedure However, if there are some differences of the linguistic and cultural elements, the other methods of translating should be employed Nevertheless, the translators should ensure that the meanings or implications of the original version are converted exactly and fully in the TL version in the most natural way Secondly, to translating MEs successfully and efficiently, the translators master all cases of metonymy used popularly in the work of art From that, they can select the procedures for translation which is the most suitable to produce their best translational equivalent Finally, people who are trying to learning how to translate language from Vietnamese to English and vice versa should always enrich their knowledge about both language and culture of the SL and The TL so as to achieve the effective and successful translational version 5.3 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY In fact, there are many approaches to investigate in the data which I choose However, with limited time and my own ability, I only focus on analyzing MEs and point out the procedures as well as methods for translating of these MEs in Truyen Kieu of Nguyen Du and its English equivalents in translational version by Michael Counsell Furthermore, the researcher lacks profound insight and explorations due to the limited learning aptitude of the author Therefore, the study expresses some limitations and weaknesses I hope that teachers and friends will give me some ideas and advices in order to help me improve my study 5.4 SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH My research essentially focused on the most typical used MEs in Truyen Kieu by Nguyen Du and the translation procedures or methods into English of these MEs For further study, I would like to suggest some researches in this interesting field as possible, including: - An investigation into loss and gain of MEs in the English translational version of Truyen Kieu by Nguyen Du - An investigation into the features of comparison used in Truyen Kieu by Nguyen Du and its English translational version - An investigation into the factors of prosopopoeia in Truyen Kieu 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Quyết định thi lìành./ Nơi nhận: - Hiệu trưởng (để b/c); - Như điều 3; - Lưu: VT, P.ĐT ỊIIỆƯ TRƯỞNG ÊU TRƯỞNG TRƯỜNG ... from equivalents, in which ways/methods other metonymic expressions are translated into English version 4.1 MEs IN TRUYEN KIEU OF NGUYEN DU 4.1.1 The metonymic expressions in Nguyen Du? ??s Truyen Kieu. .. lift up my spirits during the time I conduct my study ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the metonymic expressions (MEs) in Nguyen Du? ??s Truyen Kieu and their equivalents in English by Michael Counsell... STUDIES LÊ THỊ HÀ NY METONYMIC EXPRESSIONS IN TRUYEN KIEU BY NGUYEN DU AND ITS ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS Major: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Code: 822.02.01 MASTER THESIS IN LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL STUDIES

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2021, 09:08



