New words: tidal wave n: =tsunami soùng thaàn abrupt adj: bất ngờ shift n: sự dịch chuyển Funnel-shape n: coù hình pheãu tornado n: cơn lốc xoáy to suck up : huùt leân hurricane n:= cycl[r]
(1)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) New words: tidal wave (n): =tsunami soùng thaàn abrupt (adj): bất ngờ shift (n): dịch chuyển Funnel-shape (n): coù hình pheãu tornado (n): lốc xoáy (to) suck up : huùt leân hurricane (n):= cyclone (n): typhoon (to) erupt: buøng noå (to) collapse : sập đổ (8) Grammar: A tornado lifted a baby, who was asleep in its carriage, into the air and put it down safely 100 meters away (non-defining relative clause) (9) True or False prediction ? Check ( ) in the boxes Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe damage A huge tidal wave traveled from California to Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 1960s ( from Alaska to California ) Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disaster The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest ever volcanic eruption ( in more than 50 years ) A tornado look like a funnel T F (10) Complete the sentences The majority of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim, known as a Ring of Fire During the earthquake in Kobe, many houses, office buildings and highways collapsed A tidal wave can only occur when … there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth In Australia, a tropical storm is known … as a cyclone The Chinese language gave us the word “typhoon” A tornado is a type of storm that … has a funnel shape and suck up anything in its way (11) Matching Earthquake Tidal wave Typhoon Mountain or hill with opening through which ashes gases ejected Violent tropical storm especially in Asia Funnel-shaped storm over small area volcano Another word for “tsunami”, waves caused by tides Tornado Sudden and violent movements of the earth’s surface (12) HOMEWORK - LEARN BY HEART: NEW WORDS, READING CONTEXT - PREPARE: WRITE A STORY (USING CUES AND PICTURES) (13) (14)