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anh 9 tuan 24 tiet 47 48

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- Have ss play game “Noughts and Crosses” electricity freozer consumer gas washing machine household water dryer innovation - Devide the class into 2 groups N and C to make sentences wit[r]

(1)Week: 24 Period: 47 Date of P: 16/02/2013 Date of T: 19/02/2013 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 4: Write I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim Ss should save energy 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a simple speech by using words and structures of cue outline II/ Preparations Textbook III/ Procedures (2) Teacher’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’ - Have ss play game “Noughts and Crosses” electricity freozer consumer gas washing machine household water dryer innovation - Devide the class into groups N and C to make sentences with the words given 2/ PRE – WRITING (12’) * Activity - Present the format of speech - Introduction A speech - Body - Conclution - Implicit the function of each part of the speech * Activity - Have ss work individually matching each part of a speech in column A with a suitable function in column B Notes: (v): sum up (n): rule - Have ss listen and repeat - Get feed back - Make corrections to exercise a 1=> B 2=> C 3=> A - Ask ss to work in pairs putting the sections in the correct place to complete a speech - Call some ss to deliver the speech in front of class - Make corrections => => Student’s activities - Play game - Make sentences - Take notes - Work individually - Listen and repeat - Give answers - Take notes - Pair work - Deliver speech - Take notes 3/ WHILE – WRITING (17’) - Tell ss to choose one of the topics in the books and - Choose the topic to write prepare a speech to speak in front of class (3) IV/ Comments ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 24 Period: 48 Date of P: 19/02/2013 Date of T: 21/02/2013 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 5: Language focus I/ Objectives 1/ Teaching aim 2/ Educational aim By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to further improve their understanding about common connectives, phrasal verbs and suggestions II/ Preparations Textbook, pictures III/ Procedures (4) Teacher’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’ - Have ss play game “Brainstorming” Student’s activities - Play game => and - Ask ss to give Vietnamese meanings of the connectives presented 2/ EXERCISES (35’) a/ Exercise - Explain the fuctions of some connectives + and + but / however + because + so / therefore + or - Have ss give some examples to demonstrate the use of the connectives - Have ss exercise - Have ss compare the answers in pairs - Ask ss to give answers in front of class - Make corrections - Give answers - Listen and take notes => add a similar idea => add an opposite idea => give a cause => give an effect => give an alternative - Give example - Do exercise - Compare the naswers - Give the answers - Take notes (5) IV/ Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………… (6)

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2021, 12:31

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