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Anh 9 - Tuan 28 - tiet 55,56

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Lesson plan English 9 School year: 2012 – 2013 ***************************************************************************** Week: 28 Date of P: 17/03/2013 Period: 55 Date of T: 19/03/2013 UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 4: Write I/ Objectives. 1/ Educational aim. Ss should celebrate a day for their parents 2/ Teaching aim. By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a letter to a friend / penpal to show their ideas. II/ Preparations. Textbook, chalk,poster III/ Procedures. ***************************************************************************** Le Hong Phong Secondary School Teacher: Nguyen Thi Thu Lesson plan English 9 School year: 2012 – 2013 ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Le Hong Phong Secondary School Teacher: Nguyen Thi Thu Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ WARM UP. (5’). - Have students play game: Word Square: C E L E B R A T E M S I F L O W E R S E P K P O P R S T U M E O N M O Y W W V O C I A L F O O D Z R T R A D I T I O N Y F I A O D C B A N M I G I L M N D R A C G H K R Q O P S Y W - Give the right answers: : celebrate, tradition, flowers : card : special food : gifl : memory 2/ PRE- WRITING. (10’). * Activity 1. - Present some new words (n): tradition, day off (v): support, enhance (a): essential (adv): nationwide - Have ss listen and repeat - Call ss to read individually - Have ss play game “What and where” * Ativity 2. - Tell students to support their ideas about celebrating a day for their father and mother. ( guides the students how to do) * First paragraph: 1. Is it necessary to celebrate a day for our parents? 2. Why? * Second paragraph: 1. When do we celebrate? Why? 2. How do we celebrate? 3. What gifts should we give? 4. What food should we offer? * Third paragraph: 1. Do you hope your idea will be supported? And the day will be celebrated nationwide? 3/ WHILE-WRITING. (18’). - Play game - Listen and take notes - Listen and repeat - Individual work - Play game - Support their ideas( base on the questions) - Group work Lesson plan English 9 School year: 2012 – 2013 ***************************************************************************** IV/ Comments. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 28 Date of P: 18/03/2013 Period: 56 Date of T: 21/03/2013 UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS Lesson 5: Language focus. I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and distingwish relative clauses, Adverb clause of concession II/ Preparations. Textbook, pictures III/ Procedures. ***************************************************************************** Le Hong Phong Secondary School Teacher: Nguyen Thi Thu Lesson plan English 9 School year: 2012 – 2013 ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Le Hong Phong Secondary School Teacher: Nguyen Thi Thu Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I/ WARM UP. (5’). Tells the students to play game: Relative clause completion 1. New Year’s Eve is the night when………… 2. Mother’s Day is the day when………………. 3. My father is a person who…………………… 4. Book is the gift which……………………… - Give comments . II/ ACTIVITY. (35’).  Shows a picture of 2 girls- Lan and Mai. They are sitting in a room with some books on the table. A: Who is Lan? B: She is the girl 1 is wearing a …… 2…… shirt. A: What books are those? B: They’re novels……3…….are……4…… by a famous………5………. - Give the right answers of form and use: • Who- Which: replace the pronoun • Who is used for people, Which is used for things 1/ Activity 1. - Ask the students to combine the exercise 1: - Ask them to read their answers and gives some comments - Give correct answers: a) Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year’s Eve. b) This watch is a gift which was given to me on my 14 th birthday. c) My friend Tom who sings western folk songs very well, can compose songs. d) We often go to the cultural house which always opens on public holidays. e) On my Mum’s birthday, my Dad gave her roses which were very sweet and beautiful. f) Judy liked the full – moon festival which happened in mid – fall very much. g) Tomorrow I will go to the airport to meet my friend who come to stay with us during Christmas. Corrects and helps them if necessary 2/ Activity 2. - Hang on the pictures of the exercise 2, has them play game : Guessing: - Work in two groups Make their sentences - Give the Vietnamese meaning - Look at the picture and complete the dialogue. Read their answers 1. who 2. blue 3. which 4. written 5. writer - give the form and use of the Relative clause - Work in three groups and do the exercise - Take notes Exchange with teacher’s answers - Work in two group Guess the person in the pictures: My family and my Aunt’s family Lesson plan English 9 School year: 2012 – 2013 ***************************************************************************** IV/ Comments. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… ***************************************************************************** Le Hong Phong Secondary School Teacher: Nguyen Thi Thu . WHILE-WRITING. (18’). - Play game - Listen and take notes - Listen and repeat - Individual work - Play game - Support their ideas( base on the questions) - Group work Lesson plan English 9 School. enhance (a): essential (adv): nationwide - Have ss listen and repeat - Call ss to read individually - Have ss play game “What and where” * Ativity 2. - Tell students to support their ideas about celebrating. a famous………5………. - Give the right answers of form and use: • Who- Which: replace the pronoun • Who is used for people, Which is used for things 1/ Activity 1. - Ask the students to combine the exercise 1: -

Ngày đăng: 21/01/2015, 13:00



