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so sanh

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the best the worst the most the least the farthestvÒ kho¶ng c¸ch the furthest vÒ thêi gian the nearestvÒ kho¶ng c¸ch the next vÒ thø tù the latest vÒ thêi gian the last vÒ thø tù the old[r]

(1)PART: 14 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (so sánh tính từ và trạng từ) I COMPARATIVE : 1- Tính từ ngắn : ( Short adjectives ) Ex1: Today is hotter than yesterday Ex2: He runs faster than I - So sánh có thể đợc nhấn mạnh cách cộng thêm ‘much’ ‘far’ Ex3: Today is much hotter than yesterday S + V + ( much / far ) + Adj / Adv + er + than - Hầu hết là tính từ có âm tiết tính từ dài có hai âm tiết tận cùng là : “ y, er, ow, ple, tle ”.Cấu trúc sử dụng là: Ex : - Happy > happier - Simple > simpler - Gentle > gentler - Easy > Easier - Clever > cleverer  Note: : + Đối với tính từ ngắn có phụ âm tận cùng (trừ w,x,z) và trước đó là nguyên âm, ta phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối thêm “ er ” Ex: - big - bigger; - red - redder , - fat - fatter , - sad - sadder, 2- Tính từ dài : ( long adjectives ) - hot - hotter - thin-thinner Ex1 : The test A is more difficult than the test B Ex2 : He speaks English more fluently than I S + tobe ( is /am / are ) + more S + V(thường) + more + Adj(dài) + Adv +  Note: - So s¸nh kÐm h¬n: Ex1: My TV is less beautiful than yours Ex2: He drives less carefully than I think II SUPERLATIVE : 1- Tính từ ngắn : ( Short adjectives ) Ex1: This is the cleanest room in the house S + V + the + Adj / Adv + est 2- Tính từ dài ( long adjectives ) + N + than than (2) Ex2: First class is the most expensive way to travel S + V + the + most + Adj / Adv + N  Note: - So s¸nh kÐm nhất: Ex3: Those shoes are the least expensive of all Một số adj / adv bất qui tắc: - good/ well - bad/ badly - many/ much - little - far - near better worse more less farther further nearer - late later - old older elder the best the worst the most the least the farthest(vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch) the furthest( vÒ thêi gian) the nearest(vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch) the next( vÒ thø tù) the latest( vÒ thêi gian) the last( vÒ thø tù) the oldest( vÒ tuæi t¸c) the eldest( vÒ cÊp bËc h¬n lµ tuæi t¸c) III- SO SÁNH BẰNG : (SIMILARITY) Ex1: He is as tall as his father Ex2: His car runs as fast as a race car Ex3: John sings as well as his sister S + tobe ( is /am / are ) + as S + V(thường) + as + Adv + Adj + + as as  Note: - Nếu là câu phủ định, as thứ có thể thay so Ex1: He is not so tall as his father - Khi so sánh danh từ, sử dụng cấu trúc sau: Ex2: My house is as high as his => My house is the same height as his S + V + the + same + N + as + N IV DOUBLE COMPARISON: 1- So sánh kép thân vật , tượng : …… càng ngày càng …… (3) a- Tính từ ngắn : ( Short adjectives ) Ex1: The weather is getting hotter and hotter S + V + adi + er + and + adj + er b- Tính từ dài ( long adjectives ) : Ex2: She becomes more and more beautiful S + V + more and more + adj / adv 2- So sánh kép liên quan đến hai hay nhiều vật , tượng : càng …càng … * Víi tÝnh tõ ng¾n: The adj + er ., the adj + er… Ex1: The darker it gets, the colder it is * Víi tÝnh tõ dµi: The more adj ., the more adj Ex2: The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is * Với động từ: the more , the more Ex3: The more you learn, the more you forget  Note: NhiÒu hai vÕ kh«ng cïng mét lo¹i tÝnh tõ dµi hay ng¾n nhng cã thÓ sö dông lÉn lén víi nhau.( vế trớc tính từ, vế sau động từ ngợc lại ) Ex4: The more she smiles, the more graceful she is Cµng Ýt , th× cµng Ýt Cµng kÐm , th× cµng kÐm * Víi tÝnh tõ: The less + adj , the less + adj Ex5: The less difficult the lessons are, the less hard-working the students * Với động từ : the less , the less Ex6: The less I live with him, the less I like him  EXERCISE: I Choose the best answer; Sarah is at chemistry than Susan A good B well C better I don’t work so hard my father A so B as C than Sam is the student in my class A tall B most tall C taller No one in my class is beautiful her A as/as B more/as C as/than He works we A harder B as hard as C harder I know him than you A better B more well C good Ann is 18 years old Sue is 20 years old Ann is Sue D best D more D tallest D the/more D so hard as D the best (4) A older than B younger than C older D younger Tom drives than Jim does A carefully B more careful C careful D more carefully The little boy spoke English his brother A more fast B fast than C the fastest D faster than 10 China is the country with the population A larger B large C most large D largest 11.The economic conditions today are _ they were in the past A much more good B much better than C much better D the best than 12.The deep oceans contain some of the of all living creatures A strangest B strange C as strange as D stranger 13.Mr Lam cannot earn _ his wife A as many money as B as much money as C as many money than D as much money than 14.My car is _ yours A more fast and economical than B more fast and more economical than C faster and economical as D faster and more economical than 15 It’s becoming to find a job A more difficult and more B more and more difficult C most and more difficult D more difficult than 16.His house is _ mine A larger and more comfortable than B the most large and comfortable than C more large and comfortable than D the largest and more comfortable than 17.The younger you are, _ it is to learn A easier B you are easier C the easier D the easy 18. we finish the project, _ we can start the next one A The soonest / the sooner B The soonest / the most soon C The sooner / the sooner D The soonest / the soonest 19.Mary is in our class A prettier B more pretty C most pretty D the prettiest 20. we jog, _ we are A the most / the healthiest B the most / the healthier C the more / the most healthy D the more / the healthier 21.The winter is coming, it is getting _ A more cold B the most cold C colder and colder D the more cold It gets let’s go swimming A hot and hot B the more hot C more and more hot D hotter and hotter The problem seems to be _ A most serious B more serious than C more serious as D more and more serious Prices get A high and high B highest and highest C more and more high D higher and higher The more waste paper we recycle, _ A the more trees we preserve B the less trees we preserve C the most trees we preserve D the least trees we preserve II Mark the correction Peter plays A Mary looks letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs the piano better I can B C D more prettier than she used to be (5) A B C D Your computer works fast than mine A B C D This machine is not so modern than that one A B C D “Tomorrow Never Die” is one of the more exciting films A B C D The more they advertise, the least expensive things are A B C D The more he earns, the most happy he is A B C D Mary looks more prettier than she used to be A B C D His father’s health gets worst and worst A B C D 10 The most we work, the more money we earn A B C D 11 The more fast you drive, the more dangerous you get A B C D 12 The more that she tried to remove the strain from her shirt, the worst it looks A B C D (6)

Ngày đăng: 04/06/2021, 01:02



