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GIAO AN ANH 9 20122013

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Nội dung

II..  - By the end of the lesson Ss will able to use already and yet in the present perfect tense, distinguish the difference between the past simple and the present perfect , and ab[r]


lPre: 19/8/2012 Tea : 20/8/2012

Period 1

Ôn tập,kiểm tra

I Aims :

Giúp học sinh hệ thống lại cách kiến thức mà em đợc học lớp từ có sở để tiếp thu cách có hiệu kiến thức lớp 9.

II Teaching aids :

 HÖ thèng kiến thức lớp III Teaching steps

1-Ôn vỊ lý thut.

a/ Thì q khứ đơn


S + v( e d )/v( c é t )+ O S + did not +V( i n f )+ O

Did + s + V( i n f )+ O ?

* Uses: Thì khứ đơn đợc dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy chấm dứt thời điểm xác định khứ

DÊu hiÖu nhËn biÕt: nnb1

Yesterday, last (night, month,year, ) (Two days, one year, five months )ago * Examples :

-I watched TV last night

-My mother did not go to Treo market yesterday b/ Thì hoàn thành:


S + HAVE/HAS +PP(V- ED/VCét 3)


Thì hồn thành đợc sử dụng để diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm không xác định khứ, hành động bắt đầu khứ kéo dài đến tiếp tục đến t ơng lai


I have met my old teacher

She has lived in Thai Thuy for 20 years.

DÊu hiÖu nhËn biÕt:

Ever, never,already,just,recently,yet, Since+ mét mèc thêi gian(2000/last month/ ) For + mét kho¶ng thêi gian( years/ hours )

2)Practice :

IV- Choose the best answer :

 Have you any news about Lan since her bike accident? A hear B hearing C to hear D heard

 We dinner when my friends arrived yesterday evening. A are having B is having C were having D was having

 The glass bottle will be broken small pieces

A into B to C in D by

 They don’t want to the market now

A go B to go C going D went

 I home for school at o’clock every morning

A start B leave C go D move

 The girl enjoys her fitness exercise after classes

A doing B to C D did

 I have known her _ two years

A for B since C with D within


A staying B to stay C stayed D will stay  Used paper is collected and _ to factories

A sent B sending C send D to send

 10 I am happy _ all the exams

A passed B pass C passing D to pass

 11 Phong Nha Cave is in the _ of Viet Nam

A southern B northern C south D north

 12 She asked me I liked coffee

A as B if C or D and

 13 Millions of Christmas cards every year

A were sent B are sent C send D will send

 14 Taj Mahal is _ famous of all India’s ancient buildings

A more B most C the most D best

 15 My mother is very keen growing roses

A on B in C of D about

 16 A test in which participants have to fetch water is called _

A water-fetch contest B fetching-water contest C water-fetching contest D fetch-watering contest  17 He said that he would come there _

A tomorrow B the following C the following day D next day  18 Do you mind out your cigarette ?- No, of course not

A put B putting C to put D is putting

 19 A workman who repairs water-pipes is called

A plumber B worker C farmer D repairer

 20 Finally, we decided to the cinema

A going B go C to go D gone

3) Homework :

Prepare new lesson : Getting stated + Listen & read

Pre: 21/8/2012 Tea: 22/8/2012

Period Unit 1: A visit from a penpal

Lesson1 : Getting started - Listen and Read

I Aims : Reading the text for details

II.Objective :

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about some places LAN went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together

 Practice with the structures: : S + wish + S + Past simple Be - were

III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, posters , pictures, tape, recoder IV Training skills:

 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting

V Procedure

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I Warm up: “ Chatting

- Ask some questions : (?) Do you have any pen pals?

- Answer teacher's questions individually


(?) Where does s/he live?

(?) Have s/ he ever visited your city?

What activities would you during the visit? II Presentation

1) Pre-reading : a) Present vocabulary:

-(to) correspond (explanation): trao đổi thu từ -a mosque (picture): nhà thờ hồi giáo

-to be impressed (explanation): cã ấn tuợng -(to) pray ( mine): cầu nguyện

- Guides to check R O R a) Gap fill :

- Hang the poster on the B - Ask Ss to guess

2) While - reading : - Ask Ss to listen to the text

-Ask Ss to read the text again to check their predictions (?) Work in pairs

1 Lan and Maryam usually write to one anotherevery Maryam was impressed because

3 The girls went to see Maryam wanted to * Model sentences:

-Ask Ss to translation sentence Tôi ơc bạn có kỳ nghĩ dài h¬n” (?) Give form

(?) How you use it?

- T says : S + wish + CL = If only + CL * Practice:

* Work cue drill: (?) Practice by steps

a He /wish/ he/ be Hue now

b Lan/ wish/ she speak English quickly c Nga/ wish/ she/ have/ a lot of money d Lai / wish/ she/ go to beach

3) Post - reading:


-Ask Ss to recommend places of interest in their city -Ask them to discuss


+ Lang Co Beach- swimming/ beach in Hue

+ Bach Ma national park - mountain climbing ecological tour + Linh Mu pagoda Tu Duc Tomb- sightseeing beautiful sight Give feed back

Homework :

Do Ex 5,7 in the exercisebook

Yes/ No, I have (not) S/ He lives

Yes/ No I have (not) T- Ss

Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting

Repeat in chorus- individually Copy the new words

T - Ss - Ss guess

Listen to the text Pair work

* Key C two weeks

B Hanoi people were friendly A famous places in HN B invite Lan to Kuada Lampur I wish you had a longer vacation

Ss write T- Whole class Pair work Ss answer:

a He wishes he were in Hue b Lan wishes she spoke English quickly

c Nga wishes she had a lot of money d Lai wishes she went to beach

Answer: places of interest in their city

Work in groups of students Write the short paragraph about what you have just discussed with your friends


Pre: 25/8/2012 Tea: 26/8/2012

Period3 Unit : A visit from a pen pal

Lesson 2: Speak + Listen

I.Aim : Make and respond to introductions II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to introdution  Listen to specific information to select the correct pictures

III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, poster, pictures, tape, recoder III Training skills:

 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting IV Procedure

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I.Warm up:

* Pelmanism

Divides Ss into two teams and asks them to choose two numbers

Tokyo Perth Liverpool Bombay Hoi An

Japan Australia England India Vietnam

Group work

II.Presentation : A Speaking :

* Set the scene :

Introduce the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam They are waiting for Lan outside her school

1) Pre- speaking : a) Ordering

(?) Put their D in the correct order and copy it into your exercise books Ask some questions to check Ss’understanding

(?) Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? (?) Is Maryam enjoying her stay in HN?

(?) What does she like in VN - Feed back

2) While - speaking * Role play

(?) one is Lan's friend and one is Maryam 's friend to practice - Feed back

B Listening : 1) Pre- listening:

Listen to the teacher

Put the D in the correct order and copy it in to the notebooks - Answer the questions * No

* Yes

- VN people are very friendly and HN is a very interesting city

Practice with their partners


a) Open prediction:

* Set the scene: "Tim John' s Mexican pen pal, Carlos is visiting the USA"

? Look at the pictures to guess the answering ? Where are they going to go?

? What are they doing to do? ? How they get there? ? Where are they eating?

2) While - listening

Ask Ss to listen to the D one time to check their predition Feed back - evaluation

? Listen again and answer the questions 3) Post speaking

* Role play

*Set the scene: You are talking to Maryam’s friends Introduce yourself Make some similar dialogues take turns to be one of Maryam’s friends ? Work in Pairs

Answers :


A: Hello, You must be Yoko B: That’s righ.t I am

A: Are you enjoying your stay in Hue ?

B: Oh yes, very much I’d like vietnamese people and I love old cities in VN

A: Do you live in the city, too ?

B: Yes, I live in Tokyo Have you been there ? A: No, What’s it like ?

B: It’s a busy big capital city It’s very different from Hue A: I see


A: Hello, You must be Paul B: That’s right I am

A: B: * Home work:

- Ask Ss to make dialogue and copy them into notebook

*They are

*They get there by

*They are eating at the restaurant

Listen to the D and check the preditions

Look at the pictures and choose correct pictures

Pair work

Copy down


Pre: 29/8/2012 Tea: 30/8/2012

Period4 Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal

Lesson : Read

I Aim: Reading the text for details II Objective:

 By the end of the lesson ss will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of ASEAN

III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder IV Training skills:

 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting

V Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up:

* Hangman

Draws strokes on the board Each stroke stand for a letter of the word student’s take turn to guess the letters of the word

The word has letters It’s about country - - - / Malaysia

II New lesson 1 Pre - reading:

a) New words

-(to) Comprise (explanation): bao gåm - Currency: (example) tiỊn tƯ

- Tamil: (example) TiÕng Latin

- Compulsory(a) (Explanation) : B¾t buéc * Checking vocab : R.O.R

b) Pre questions

Gives some questions and ask Ss to guess answering ? Where is it?

? What is the capital of Malaysia ? What is its population?

? How big is Malaysia?

? What language is spoken in this country? 2 While - reading:

a) Ask Ss to read the text to find out the answers to their questions. - Gives feedback to the class

b) Ask Ss to read the text the second time to fill in the chart in exercises (a) on page 10.

- Hang the poster on the B

- Play the game

Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting

Repeat in chorus and individually T - Whole class

Individual / Pair work

Answers : - It’s in Asean - It’s Kuala Lumpur - 329,758

- - Bahasa Malaysia

Work in groups


- Ask Ss to work in group ( A & B )

c) True / False statements

? Read the text to the “T / F ” P 10

? Work in pairs then in groups to write on the B Feed back

3 Post - reading:

* Interview:

-Ask Ss to work in pair -Gives Ss their task

A: You are going to visit Malaysia

Prepare some questions to ask Maryam about her country (use the chart to ask)

B You are Maryam from Malaysia You have to answer A’s questions about your country

IV Home work

? Write some information about your country

Read the text the second time to fill in the chart in exercises (a) on page 10

- Read the text to T/F

- Work in pairs - Answer individually

- Work in pairs

Copy down

Pre: 25/8/2012 Tea: 26/8/2012


Unit : A visit from a pen pal

Lesson 4: Write

I Aim : Write a personal letter II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a personal letter. III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, board IV Teaching steps:


I Warm up Chatting

? Have you ever visited any famous places in Vietnam? ? When did you go?

? How did you get there?

? Did you visit any places of interest? ? Did you buy any thing?

? When you are away from home you keep in touch ? How ? II New lesson

1 Pre- writing

a) Answer given

* Set the sence: “Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Vietnam or different country”

? Answer the following questions ? Where are you now?

? How did you get there? ? Who did you meet? ? What have you done?

? What places have you visited? - Who have you met?

- What kinds of food have you tried? - What souvenirs have you bought? ? How you fell now

? What you think interest you bought ? When will you return home

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk to each other about their visit

- Reminds Ss about the format of a personal letter by asking the question:

? What are the parts of a personal letter ?

2 While- writing:

a) Write it up

? Write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit ? Look at the outline on page 11

? What parts of the letter are they going to write (body of the letter) ? Follow the outline to write their own letter

- Ask them to swap their letters compare with their partners correct if they can

3 Post- writing: * Correction

Chooses some letters to correct III Consolidation

To write a personal letter IV Home work.

? Write a letter after correction

Answer T’s questions individually

- Listen

- Individual - Answers : + I am

+ I got there by bus/ car + I met my

+ I have

+ I visited some places + I have met

+ I have tried + I bought for +I fell happy

+I think

Work in pairs Answer the question A Heading

B Opening

C Body of the letter D Closing

Write a letter to their family Look at the outline to answer

Swap their letters compare with their partners

Look and correct Copy down


Pre: /9/2011 Tea : /9/2011


Unit : A visit from a pen pal

Lesson 5: Language focus

I Aim : Further practice in past simple and past simple with wish

II Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use past simple, and past simple with wish II Teaching aids:

 Textbook, board, posters III Teaching steps:


s activities



I Warm up: Pelmanism

Devides the class in to teams and asks them to choose two numbers which content the verb in INF and in its Past form see go watch buy

draw saw drew

went bought 10 watched

Play the game in groups

II Presentation:

* Set the scene: This is the conversation between Tan and Phong They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend

- Give the beginning D as examples T: What did Ba on the weekend ?

S: He went to see the movie called “ Ghosts & Monsters “ T; When did he see it ?

S: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock - Ask Ss to give form of the past simple

1 The past simple Form:


Whole class


S + V-ed/ Vcot + O 2 Practice:

a) Interview

- Ask Ss to practice with dialogues by working in pairs to ask and answer questions about Ba, Nga, Nam and Hoa (Ex on page 11)

1 A: What did Nga on the weekend?

B: She went to the concert performed by Hanoi singers A When did she go?

B: She went there on Saturday at p.m A What did Lan on the weekend B She went camping help by Y&Y A When did she go?

B She went camping all the weekend She went on sat morning

b)Write it up:

* Set the scene: Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Manyam Write the things they did to prepare for the party - Ask Ss to use the words and the pictures in the box to write the

things they did to prepare for the party - Ask Ss to write on the B working in groups

S + V-ed/ Vcét + O - Practice with Ds in pairs

Use the words and the pictures in the box to write the things they did to prepare for the party

Work in groups

3 Production: a) Write it up

- Give form: I wish +S + Past simple expresses unreal wishes in the present

-Ask Ss to look at the real situations and make wishes -Ask Ss to tell in the class by working individually III Homework :

1 Write the letter after correction on their books Do Ex on page 11 in the workbook

- Wish is used when we want to be different and exactly opposite to the truth

- Look at the real situations and make wishes

- Work individually Copy down


Pre : / / 2011 Tea : / / 2011


Unit 2: Clothing

Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read

I Aim : Reading the text for details

II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will know some more about ao dai the traditional dress of Vietnamese women

 Review the passive voice III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, board, record, tape pictures, IV Teaching steps:

Teachers activities

Ss activities

I Warm up: Quiz

- Divides class into groups

- Ask them to look at the clothes people are wearing and take turn to decide where each person comes from

T: Where does the woman in picture a come from? S1: She comes from Japan

T: How you know?

S1: Because she is wearing a Kimono

Group work


a- She comes from Japan b- She comes from Vietnam c- He comes from Scotland (UK) d- She comes from India

e- She comes from the USA f- She comes from Arabia

II New lesson

1 Pre- reading : a) New words:

- a poet: (n) (examples Tố Hữu, Huy Cận ): Nhà thơ -(to) slit (explanation): Xẻ

-inspiration (n) (translation): Cảm hứng, hứng khởi - (to) take inspiration from sth : LÊy c¶m høng

- ethnic minorites (n) (example) : Các dân tộc thiểu số -a pattern (n) ( picture): Hoa văn

* Checking vocab : “ What and where “ * Presentation the text :

- Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting


Set the scene: You are going to read a text about the traditional dress of VN

2.While - reading :

- Ask Ss to listen to the text

- Ask students to read the text individually a) Gap fill:

- Ask Ss to exercises a) page 14 - Ask Ss to work in pairs

-Give feed back

b)Comprehension questions

- Ask Ss to read the text again to prepare the answers for the questions - Run throughout the questions

? Work in groups and play lucky numbers -Give feed back

LN LN ! a) b) LN! c)

3) Post - reading :

a) Grammar : Revision of the passive form ? Nowadays, who wears Ao dai ?


So I can say “ Ao dai is worn by the women” and this is the passive form of “women wear ao dai”

? Give the form

Active: S + V + O Passive: S +to be + PP + ( by +O)

Women wear Ao dai

 Ao dai is worn by the women

Động từ câu chủ động thì to be phải chia More examples:

I cleaned the board  The board was cleaned ( by me )

b) Practice:

* Word cue drill:

Ss listen to the text Read the text individually Pair work

Ss’ answers :

1.poems, novels,and songs long silktunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants 3.to wear modern clothing at work printing lines of poetry on it symbols such as suns,stars, crosses, and stripes

Read the text again to prepare the answers

Play lucky numbers

Listen and answer the question “Women wear Ao dai”

Look at the models and give the form

Individual work

Pair work – Change into passive form


1 They modernize the ao dai nowadays 2.Nowaday, only women wear ao dai 3.They added these patterns to the ao dai 4.They make the ao dai from silk

III Homework :

1 Learn new words by heart

2 Do Ex 5,6 in the workbook on page 16-17

Copy down

Pre : / / 2011

Tea : / / 2011


Unit 2: Clothing

Lesson 2: Speak + Listen

I.Aim : To ask and respond to questions on personal references

II.Objective :

 By the end of the lesson Ss will able to ask and respond to questions on personal references III Teaching aids:

Textbook, board, pictures, poster, IV Teaching steps:

Teacher ‘s activities Ss’ activities

I Warm up: Guessing game: T gives the instruction

Gets a student to stand in front of class, asks him/her to discribe a student in the class then gets class to listen and guess who he/she is

Ex: S / He is wearing a white shirt II New lesson

A) speaking : 1 Pre- speaking

a) Pre- teach : T elicts some new words from Ss - pants (n) = trousers (n) : Quần dài

- plaid (a) ( picrute ) : ( cã) kẻ ô vuông / ca rô - plain (a) ( picrute ) : Trơn / màu

- sleeved (n) : Cã tay ¸o

- sleeveless (a) : Không có tay áo - baggy (a) : Rộng thùng thình - faded (a) : Phai màu

* Checking vocab : ROR b) Matching

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match them with the phrases - Ask Ss to work in pairs

Listen to the description the try to find out the student which is discribed

T- Whole class

Pair work - Answers :

b) a sleeveless sweater c) a striped shirt d) a plain suit e) a faded jeans


*Checking : Kim’s game

- Ask Ss to remember the phrases on page 14, 15 in seconds Then let their books closed

-Ask Ss to write on the board in groups 2) While - speaking :

a) Read and write two more Qs - Ask Ss to read the words in the box

- Ask Ss to write two more Qs for the last section of the survey about Ss’ wear

* Possible answers for two more Qs :

+ What type of clothing you wear on Tet holiday ? + What would you wear to a party ?

- The form of the survey may look like this :

Questions Name Items of clothes Notes What you

usually wear on the weekend?

2.Why you wear these clothes ? What’s your favorite type of clothing? Why? .? ? ? ?

Hoa Van

Casual clothes Favorite clothes

B) Listening : 1 Pre - listening a) New words:

-announceme (n) (translation): Thông báo, loan báo - missing (synonym of lost): ThÊt l¹c

- fair (explanation): Héi chỵ

- an entrance: (synonymy of a door): Lối vào - a doll (realia): Búp bê

* Checking vocab : R O R

b) Pre- questions :

- Ask students to look at the pictures on page 16 and answer the following questions

? What are these? ? What is this? ? What color is this? ? What color are these? 2) While – listening :

* Set the scene : You will hear an announcement about a missing little girl called Mary

a) Listen and answer the questions - Ask Ss to listen and answers the questions How old is she?

2 Where was she last seen?

h) a plaid skirt i) blue shorts Group work

Pair work


3 What’s she like? b) Listen and check :

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape again to check (v) - Give feedback

- Answers :

a) B : She’s wearing blue shorts

b) A : She’s waering a long – sleeved blouse c) C : She’s waering brown shoes

3 Post - listening a) Speaking

-Ask Ss to describe about Mary

Ex: She is Mary, she is years old, b) Interview :

- Ask Ss to interview their friends

- Ask Ss to report the result of the survey in their group The survey should begin as follow :

Three people said that they like their uniform.

Two people said that they usually wore coloful T-shirt on the weekend. Hoa said she loved baggy pants

- Ask the representative from each group to present the result of the survey in front of the class

III Homework : Make a list of types of clothing that most of the Ss in the class like wearing on different special cases

Pre : / / 2011 Tea : / / 2011


Unit 2: Clothing

Lesson : Section : Read

I Aim : To read the text for details

II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand the text for details about jeans III Teaching aids:

 pictures, poster, chalk, textbook, IV Teaching steps:

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I Warm up: *Pelmanism

Get Ss to play in groups, find out the numbers that content the same verbs


make go wear become grow

made went wore became grew

II New lesson : 1)Pre – reading :

a) Pre – teach : T elicits new words from Ss - Material (n) ( Translation): ChÊt liệu - Cotton(n) (Realia) Sợi

-(to) wear out: (Explanation): Làm rách - Style (n) (picture): Kiểu dáng

-(to) embroider (Realia) : Thêu hoa văn - label (n) (Realia) : Nh·n , nh·n hiÖu * Checking vocab : R.O.R b) Brainstorming :

- Ask Ss the Qs :

(?) Who first designed jeans ?

(?) When did jeans become popular ? / Why ? (?) Where were jeans made ?

(?) What were jeans made of ?

(?) What are some famous jeans designers ? Or :

T - Whole class

T- Whole class

b)Pre questions

* Set the sence: We are going to read a text about Jeans, now answer the following questions

? What you know about jeans? ? Where Jeans come from? ? Who like wearing Jeans?

? Do you ever wear Jeans ? How you feel ? Is it comfortable ? 2) While – reading :

a) Reading the text to find out the answers to the Qs

- Ask Ss to read the text , then answer the Qs for the “ Pre – questions “ b) Gap fill :

- Ask Ss to read the text again to fill in the missing dates and words in exercise a on page 17

? Work individually - Answers :

1 18th century jean cloth 1960s students

3 1970s cheaper 1980s fashion 1990 sale

c) Question and answer

- Have Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions Where does the words jeans come from? What was the 60 s’ fashion?

3.Why old more and more people begin wearing in the 1970? When did jeans at last become high fashion clothing? Why did the sale of jeans stop growing?

3) Post – reading :

Ss only think the answers ( not answer )

Read the text

Answer the questions


Pair work


a) Discussion :

- Have Ss work in groups to discuss the questions (?) Do you like wearing jeans ? Why ? Why not ? (?) What type of jeans you love wearing ? (?) Do you think jeans are in fashion ?

III Homework :

1 Write down what they have talked about in groups in their notebooks Do Ex on page 15-16 in the workbook

Group work

Copy down

Pre : / / 2011 Tea : / / 2011

Period 10 Unit 2: Clothing

Lesson 4: Section : Write

I Aim : To write an exposition II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write an exposition, presenting one side of an argument

III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, poster, chalk IV Teaching steps:

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I Warm up:


Ask Ss some questions about their feeling when wearing different types of clothing

? How often you wear uniforms? ? How you feel when weaning uniform ?

? If you have a choice, what type of clothing you want to wear when going to school? Why you choose it?

II New lesson 1 Pre - writing:

a)New words : T elicits from Ss

- (to) encourage (explanation): KhuyÕn khÝch - to be equal in (explanation): C«ng b»ng - (to) bear one’s name: ( picture): Mang tªn - freedom of choice: (translation) : Tù lùa chän - self- confident (a) ( translation) : Tù tin

*Checking vocab : R.O.R 2 While writing

- Hang the poster on the B

Now look at the table on the board and tell me what it is This is the outline to present one side of an argument

Now, read the out line A and the passage then answer my questions

Answer T's questions individually

T- whole class


? What you write in “ introduction “ ? ? What language is used?

? How can we present series of arguments? What ? What you write in “conclusion” ? What

- Get Ss to read the passage again then answer the following questions ? What is the topic of the passage?

? Why does wearing uniform encourage Ss to be proud of their school? ? How Ss feel when wearing uniform?

? Do Ss have to think of what to wear every day? - Ask Ss to read outline B and answer the Qs (?) What is the topic of the argument ?

(?) Why should secondary Ss wear casual clothes ?

( wearing casual colthes makes Ss feel comfortable, give them freedom of choice, makes Ss feel confident, makes school more colorful and lively )

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph of 100 – 150 words to support the

argument that secondary school Ssshould wear casual clothes, using the outline on P 19

Suggested writing


My opinion is that secondarys chool students

should wear casual clothes.

Firstly, casual clothes make students feel


Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives students

freedom of choice They have right to choose sizes,

colors, and fashions of clothes that they love.

Thirdly, casual clothes make students feel self -

confident when they are in their favorite clothes.

Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful

and lively.

In conclusion, secondary school students should

wear casual clothes Wearing casual clothes is

covenient, comfortable, and fun

3) Post writing :

a) Correction :

- Ask Ss to compare their writing and correct mistakes - Take some writings to correct in front of the class III Homework :

1 Write the passage into their notebooks Do Ex 8,9 on page 18-19 in the workbook

- Because the uniforms bear their school’s name

- They feel equal in many ways - No

Write a paragraph on their own

Pair work

Copy down Pre : / / 2011

Tea : / / 2011

Period 11

Unit 2: Clothing

Lesson 5: Section : Language focus 1,2,3

I Aim : Practice ALREADY and YET in the present perfect

II Objective :


- By the end of the lesson Ss will able to use already and yet in the present perfect tense, distinguish the difference between the past simple and the present perfect , and able to use the passive form of the present perfect tense, simple present, simple past and simple future practice modal auxiliaries

III Teaching aids:

- Textbook, board, record, tape IV Teaching steps:

Teachers activities Ss activities

I.Warm up:

* Pelmanism

- Prepares ten cards with number of V(inf) and V( SP ) - Ask Ss to work in groups

Stand Stood


Want Wanted


Teach Taught


Learn Learnt


Sing Sung

9 10

II New lesson :

1 Language focus1 :

* Revision of the present perfect with FOR and SINCE

- Ask Ss to look at the D on P 19 - Elicits from Ss

(?) The use of present perfect

(?) Remark: FOR and SINCE with the present perfect

- Ask Ss to use the information in the table on P 20 to make similar D Suggested D :

b) A: Come and see my photo album B: lovely ! Who’s this boy ?

A: Ah ! It’s Quang, My brother’s friend B: How long have you know him ? A: I’ve know him for months B: Have you seen him recently ? A: No, I haven’t him since January

2 Language focus 2

* Review the present perfect with already & yet.

Set the sense: You and your friend are visiting HCM city Look at the notes there are things you have done, and things you haven’t done, what are they?

Play in two groups, choose the numbers that have verb that in the past and in inf

T – Whole class

Pair work

- Elicit from students

+ I have seen Giac Lam Pagoda

+ I have eaten Chinese and French food

+ I haven’t seen Unification Palace, Zoo and Botanical Garden, I haven’t tried Vietnam vegetarian

- Ask students to look at the D in the textbook on P 20

- Elicit Ss the use and the position of “already” and “yet” in the sentences

Ex: I have already seen that film


* “ Already “ is used in affimative sent and places in the midsentence * “Yet” is used in negative and interrogative sentences and always placed at the end of the sentence

Ex: Have you finished your homework yet ? - Ask Ss to practice the D in pairs

* Ex : A: Have you seen the Reunification Palace yet ? B: No, I haven’t

A: Have you tried French food ? B: No, I haven’t

Look at the D

Recall the use and the position of “already and yet”

Pair work

3 Language focus 3

- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

* Review the present perfect with ever

- Set the sense: Tom and Many are talking to each other about places they have been to

- Ask Ss to look at the dialogue

- Elicits from the students: use the past simple to talk about definite time, use the present perfect to talk about indefinite pastime

- Ask Ss to work in pairs - Feed back

* Homework : Do Ex1 , in the workbook on P 12 – 14

Practice the dialogue in pairs -Listen

- Listen to teacher

- Work in pairs, make the similar dialogues

-Perform the dialogues

Pre : / / 2011 Tea : / / 2011

Period 12

Unit : Clothing

Lesson : Section : Language focus , Page 21

I.Aim : Review the passive form of the present perfect , simple present, simple past, simple future and modal auxiliaries

II Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the passive form of tenses

III Teaching aids : Textbook, posters

IV Procedure

Teacher's activities Ss' activities

I.Correcting :

“ Correction of Ex , in the workbook on P 12- 14 “ - Ask Ss to go to the board and Ex

- Give feedback

II Presentation :

1)Review the passive forms :

- Ask Ss to look at the example in exercise on page 21

- Elicits from Ssthe passive forms of the present simple, past simple, present perfect, simple future

- Give the form :

S + be + PP + by + O +

- Ask Ss to exercises in pairs works * Asnwer key :

a) was made b) is grown

c) will be produced

d) has just been introduced e) have been built


Pair work


2) Review the passive form of modal verbs and the verb patterns HAVE TO/ BE GOING TO

- Elicit from Ss the modal verbs: must, can, should - Ask Ss to give from

* Modal verbs + be + PP (have to/ be going to + be + P.P) - Ask Ss to exercises

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences using the passive

Answers :

a) The problem can be solved by us

b) experiments on animals should be stopped c) life may be found on another planet

d) all the school in the city have to be improved e) a new bridge is going to be built in the area

III Homework :

1 Revision of the above all

2 Do all Exs in the workbook to the test 45

- Give form

Modal verbs + be + P.P have to/ be going to + be + P.P

- Do exercises

- Complete the sentences using the passive forms

Copy the sentences in to their notebooks

Copy down


Tea: 10 /10 / 2011

Period : 13


Time : 45 minutes. A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from unit1 to unit I.Knowledge.

-The tenses

-The past simple with wish -The prepositions

-The passive II Skill

-Writting skill B Proceduce.

I.Greeting II- Revision. Number 1

I Choose the word bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others:( 2m)

1 A bad B sad C hat D stay

2 A hungry B music C university D student

3 A when B what C who D which

4 A wanted B needed C visited D played

II Choose the best answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 m)

1 Mai in Hanoi for years

A has lived B is living C lives D live Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing work

A in B to C with D At

3 The Ao dai is the dress of Vietnamese women

A beautyful B traditional C casual D Baggy

4.I wish that I a doctor

A.were B.is C.am D was

III.Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (2ms)

1.Mr Brown in Ha Noi since 2010 ( live ) 2.The students soccer yesterday (play) I am fond of English (learn)

4 He wishes he sing beautifully (can)

IV Read the paragraph carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): (2m)

The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe The material,called jeans, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton and workers at that time loved wearing it because the material very strong and it did not wear out easily In the 1960s, many university and college students wore jeans Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s’ fashions:embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them

1 The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Asia In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton. 3.Jeans are not very strong and they wear out easily

4 In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.(2 m).


I wish 2/ I'm sorry, I am busy now

I wish 3/ Hung can play guitar

The guitar 4/ We learn English

English Number:2

I Choose the word bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others:( 2m)

1 A hat B sad C stay D bad

2 A university B.student C hungry D music

3 A which B who C what D when

4 A visited B played C wanted D needed

II Choose the best answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 m)

1 The Ao dai is the dress of Vietnamese women

A beautyful B traditional C casual D Baggy

2.I wish that I a doctor

A.were B.is C.am D was Mai in Hanoi for years

A has lived B is living C lives D live Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing work

A in B to C with D At

III.Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (2ms)

1 I am fond of English (learn) He wishes he sing beautifully (can)

3.Mr Brown in Ha Noi since 2010 ( live ) 4.The students soccer yesterday (play)

IV Read the paragraph carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): (2m)

The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe The material,called jeans, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton and workers at that time loved wearing it because the material very strong and it did not wear out easily In the 1960s, many university and college students wore jeans Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s’ fashions:embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them

1.Jeans are not very strong and they wear out easily In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing

3 The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Asia In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton.

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.(2 m).

Hung can play guitar

The guitar We learn English

English What a pity! I can't speak English well


I'm sorry, I am busy now

I wish

Written test 1 Time: 45 minutes

Number:1 Name:


I Choose the word bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others:( 2m)

1 A bad B sad C hat D stay

2 A hungry B music C university D student

3 A when B what C who D which

4 A wanted B needed C visited D played

II Choose the best answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 m)

1 Mai in Hanoi for years

A has lived B is living C lives D live Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing work

A in B to C with D At

3 The Ao dai is the dress of Vietnamese women

A beautyful B traditional C casual D Baggy

4.I wish that I a doctor

A.were B.is C.am D was

III.Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (2ms)

1.Mr Brown in Ha Noi since 2010 ( live ) 2.The students soccer yesterday (play) I am fond of English (learn)

4 He wishes he sing beautifully (can)

IV Read the paragraph carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): (2m)

The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe The material,called jeans, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton and workers at that time loved wearing it because the material very strong and it did not wear out easily In the 1960s, many university and college students wore jeans Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s’ fashions:embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them

1 The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Asia In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton. 3.Jeans are not very strong and they wear out easily

4 In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.(2 m).


1/ What a pity! I can't speak English well

I wish 2/ I'm sorry, I am busy now

I wish 3/ Hung can play guitar

The guitar 4/ We learn English


Written test 1 Time: 45 minutes

Number:2 Name:


I Choose the word bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others:( 2m)

1 A hat B sad C stay D bad

2 A university B.student C hungry D music

3 A which B who C what D when

4 A visited B played C wanted D needed

II Choose the best answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 m)

1 The Ao dai is the dress of Vietnamese women

A beautyful B traditional C casual D Baggy


A.were B.is C.am D was Mai in Hanoi for years

A has lived B is living C lives D live Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing work

A in B to C with D At

III.Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (2ms)

1 I am fond of English (learn) He wishes he sing beautifully (can)

3.Mr Brown in Ha Noi since 2010 ( live ) 4.The students soccer yesterday (play)

IV Read the paragraph carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): (2m)

The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe The material,called jeans, was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy, because they wore clothes made from it In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton and workers at that time loved wearing it because the material very strong and it did not wear out easily In the 1960s, many university and college students wore jeans Designers made different styles of jeans to match the 1960s’ fashions:embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on In the 1970s more and more people started wearing jeans because they became cheaper In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing, when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans, with their own labels on them

1.Jeans are not very strong and they wear out easily In the 1980s jeans finally became high fashion clothing

3 The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Asia In the 18th century jean cloth was made completely from cotton.

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.(2 m).

Hung can play guitar

The guitar We learn English

English What a pity! I can't speak English well

I wish I'm sorry, I am busy now

I wish


Pre: 12 / 10 / 2011

Tea: 13 / 10 / 2011

Period : 14

Test remark

A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from the



-The tenses

-The past simple with wish -The prepositions

-The passive

II Skill

-Writting skill

B Proceduce.


II- Revision.

1 Warm up: - Teacher remarks the result of the test

- Say where in the test they could well and where they didn’t well

- Give some typical mistakes and ask Ss to write down the notes for the next test 2 Correction

- hang the poster which has the answer keys of the test on the board - Ask Ss to compare with their tests and check their mistakes

3 Answer keys: Number1

I Choose the word bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others:( 2m) 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D

II Choose the best answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 m) 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.A

III.Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (2ms)

1.has lived 2.played 3.learning 4.could

IV Read the paragraph carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): (2m) 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.(2 m).

1/ What a pity! I can't speak English well I wish that I could speak English well 2/ I'm sorry, I am busy now

I wish I were busy now 3/ Hung can play guitar

The guitar can be played by Hung 4/ We learn English

English is learned Number2

I Choose the word bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others:( 2m) 1.C 2.C 3.B 4B

II Choose the best answers A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 m) 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D


III.Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (2ms) 1.learning 2.could 3.has lived 4.played

IV Read the paragraph carefully and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F): (2m) 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning.(2 m).

Hung can play guitar The guitar can be played We learn English

English is learned

What a pity! I can't speak English well I wish that I could speak English well I'm sorry, I am busy now

I wish I were not busy now

IV Consolidation.

-T calls some Ss to give the main grammar in this text.




Period 13

Test 45 - for grade 9


Mục tiêu

: Học sinh cần đạt đợc :

Nghe hiểu : Nghe hiểu đoạn văn nói singapore

Đọc hiểu : Đọc hiểu đoạn văn nói qn jean

Kiến thức ngơn ngữ : Chia động từ, viết lại câu dùng dạng từ cho ngoặc

Viết : Viết th cho bạn kể chuyến nghỉ Da Lat , dùng từ gợi ý

2 Ma trËn :

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng

Tù luËn Tù luËn Tù luËn

I Listening




II Reading




III Language focus








IV Writing



2,5 Tæng 4





3,5 10

3 Néi dung

: Đề số + 2

4 Đáp án h

íng dÉn chÊm


* Đề số


Listening : 2,5 đ Mỗi câu


Reading : 2,5 đ Mõi câu 0,5 đ

1. The most popular kind of clothing are jeans / jeans are the most popular kind of clothing


Yes, they


Yes, they are


Because they want to look modern


In Vietnam young people like jeans the most


Language focus

: 2,5 ®

1)1.0 đ Mỗi câu 0,25 đ

a had b have already read c have lost d hasn’t finished 2) 1,0 đ Mỗi câu 0,25 đ

a I wish today were Sunday

b A letter has just been written to his pen pal by Nam 3) 0,5đ Mỗi từ 0,25đ.

a cloth b fashionable IV Writing : 2,5đ Mỗi câu 0,5 đ

1 I have just returned home from Da Lat with my parents

2 The trip was very interesting, and I am eager to tell you about it

3 We stayed in a mini hotel near Xuan Houng Lake, and the air was cool and fresh


4 We visited a lot of famous places, such as Cam Ly waterfall, Lake of Sighs, Bao Dai palaces, Da Lat flower Park, etc

5 We felt very comfortable and we really enjoyed ourselves so much

§Ị sè



: đáp án điểm giống đề số

II. Reading: 2,5đ Mỗi câu 0,5 đ

1 Yes, they are Yes, they

3 In the USA / In the United States, jeans are the traditional clothes Because they want to look modern

5 Jeans are the symbol of youth and independence


Language focus : 2,5®

1)1.0đ Mỗi câu 0,25 đ

a haven’t slept b took c have already done d didn’t have

2) 1.0đ Mỗi câu 0,25đ

a I wish I could go to the party

b This exercise must be done carefully

3) 0.5đ Mỗi câu 0,25

a modernized b friendliness IV Writing : ( đáp án biểu điểm giống đề số )

The end

Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Long

Full name : Class

English Test 45 for units -

For grade

Năm học 2009

2010 ( §Ị sè )

I Listening :

HÃy lắng nghe đoạn văn , điền từ / cụm từ thiếu vào chổ trống ( 2,5 p )

Singapore is an island city of about three million people It’s a beautiful city with lots of parks and (1) It’s also a very (2) city Most of the people(3) in high rise flats in different parts of the island Singapore also has some nice older sections In Chinatown, there are rows of old shop houses Singapore is famous (4) its shops and restaurants There are many good shopping centers Most of the (5) are duty free Singapore’s restaurants sell chinese, Indian, Malay and European food and they are quite reasonable

II Reading : Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi



young people wear them because they want to look modern Jeans are symbol of youth and independence Every one wants to be modern, young and independent In Vietnam, old people don’t like jeans but jeans are the favourite clothes of young people, especially students

1 What are the most popular kind of clothing?

Do rich people wear jeans ?

Are jeans the traditional clothes in the USA ?

Why young people wear jeans in some countries?

Who like jeans the most in Vietnam?

III Language focus :

1) Chia động từ ngoặc ( 1p )

a The Pikes ( have ) dinner at o’clock last night

b They (already read ) those interesting books

c I ( lose ) my pen I can’t find it anywhere

d I’m sorry Nam ( not finish ) this work yet

2) ViÕt c©u theo chØ dÉn ngc (1 p)

a Today isn’t Sunday ( Viết câu bắt đầu I WISH )

b Nam has just written a letter to his pen pal (Chuyển câu sang bị động)

3) Hãy hoàn thành câu sau với dạng từ cho ngoặc (0,5 p )

a People used to wear just a wrapped round the body ( clothes )

b Many Vietnamese women continue to wear the unique and dresses ( fashion )

IV Writing : H·y hoµn thµnh bøc th sau , dïng tõ / cơm tõ gỵi ý ( 2,5p )

Dear Van ,

1 I / just / return / home / Da Lat / parents

2 The trip / be / interesting , and I / be / eager / tell / you / about it

3 We / stay / mini hotel / Xuan Huong lake , and the air / be / cool / fresh

4 We / visit / famous places / such / Cam Ly waterfall / lake of Sighs / Bao Dai palaces / Da Lat flower Park / etc

5 We / feel / comfortable , and we / enjoy/ ourselves / much Write me soon

With love , Lan


Prepare: 17/ 10 / 2010 Teaching: 18/ 10 / 2010

Period 14


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remember the old structures and find out their mistakes in the test to corrects

II Language contents

Grammar: Review –The simple past with wish, The present perfect and The passive III Techniques: Asking and answering, pair work, chatting

IV Teaching aids: textbook, 45 minutes test V Procedures

T and Ss activities Contents Warm-up ( 3’ )

T: asks Ss to comment the 45 minutes by themselves Ss: comment

2 New lesson a Presentation ( 15’ )

T: asks Ss to retell the simple past with “wish”, The present perfect tense, and The active /passive Ss: answer

T: comments and gives the corrects answer Ss: take note and check their tests

b Practice ( 23’ )

T: asks Ss to base on the structures correcting the test Ss: ( listen to part )

Ss: comment - T: corrects Ss: take note

1S: writes on the board part2 Ss: comment

T: corrects their mistakes Ss: take note

Ss: ask and answer in pairs part3

1.The simple past with wish

S +wish(wishes)+(that) +past subjunctive clause -Were: Used for all the subjects

-Can –could

2.The present perfect tense -For + Kho¶ng tgian -Since + Mèc tgian S +have / has +PP +O The active /passive C §: S+ V + O

B §: S+ be + PP + by + O

* KEYS Number1

I/ choose the word (1 m) C

2 D A C

II/ Choose the best words by circling the letter A, B, C or D (3 ms)

1 D B A 4.C D 6.B IIIReading(2,5ms) 1They are Jeans 2.Yes ,they 3.Yes, they are

4 Because they want to look mordern


Ss: comment

1S: writes on the board T: gives the corrects answers Ss: take note

Ss: discuss in pairs part4 & choose part5 1S: writes the complete sentence on the board Ss: comment

T: gives the corrects answer Ss: take note

3 Consolidation ( 3’ )

T: asks some questions ( ask Ss close their books and the test )

Ss: answer

T: reviews the main points and asks Ss to learn the lesson carefully for the next test

Ss: listen and remember Homework ( 1’ ) T: asks Ss to:

Ss: listen and take note

IV/ Writing:(2,5ms) 1.I wish I had much money

2.Kieu story was written by Nguyen Du 3.English will be learnt

4.She started working in the factory years ago 5.B- were

V Listening (1s) 1.T

2.F 3.F 4.F

Number 2

I/ choose the word (1 m) A

2 C C D

II/ Choose the best words by circling the letter A, B, C or D (3 ms)

1 C D B 4.D B 6.A


1 The students like Jeans the most in Viet Nam Because they want to look mordern

3.Yes, they are Yes ,they They are Jeans IV/ Writing:(2,5ms)

1 She started working in the factory years ago B- were

3.It’s wonderful to travel by plane I wish I had much money

5 Kieu story was written by Nguyen Du V Listening (1s)

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F

- Write the complete test

- Learn by heart the structures again


Trêng THCS Qu¶ng Long

Full name : Class

English Test 45 for units -

For grade

Năm học 2009

2010 ( §Ị sè )

I Listening :

HÃy lắng nghe đoạn văn , điền từ / cụm từ thiếu vào chổ trống ( 2,5 p )

Singapore is an island city of about three million people It’s a beautiful city with lots of parks and (1) It’s also a very (2) city Most of the people(3) in high rise flats in different parts of the island Singapore also has some nice older sections In Chinatown, there are rows of old shop houses Singapore is famous (4) its shops and restaurants There are many good shopping centers Most of the (5) are duty free Singapore’s restaurants sell chinese, Indian, Malay and European food and they are quite reasonable

II Reading : Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi


Jeans are the most popular kind of clothing in the world They are popular almost everywhere, in Japan, France, Indonesia and Brazil Rich people and poor people wear them Young people and even some old people wear them, too In the United States, They are only kind of traditional clothes In other coutries, young people wear them because they want to look modern Jeans are symbol of youth and independence Every one wants to be modern, young and independent In Vietnam, old people don’t like jeans but jeans are the favourite clothes of young people, especially students

Are jeans the most popular kind of clothing in the world ?

Do poor people wear jeans ?

Where are jeans the traditional clothes ?

4.Why young people wear jeans in some countries?

What is the symbol of youth and independence ?

III Language focus :

1) Chia động từ ngoặc ( 1p )

a She ( not sleep ) for two nights yet

b Last week Lan ( take ) Maryam to Hoan Kiem Lake

c You don’t need to clean the foor I ( already ) it

d I wish I ( not have ) to work tomorrow

2)ViÕt câu theo dẩn ngoặc (1p)

a I’m sorry I can’t go to the party ( Viết lại câu , bắt đầu I wish )

b We must this exercise carefully ( Chuyển sang dạng câu bị động )

3) Hãy hoàn thành câu sau với dạng từ cho ngoặc (0,5 p )

a Some of these traditional dresses have been ( modern ) b We are really impressed by the of these villagers ( friend )

IV Writing : H·y hoµn thµnh bøc th sau , dïng tõ / cơm tõ gỵi ý ( 2,5p )


6 I / just / return / home / Da Lat / parents

7 The trip / be / interesting , and I / be / eager / tell / you / about it

8 We / stay / mini hotel / Xuan Huong lake , and the air / be / cool / fresh

9 We / visit / famous places / such / Cam Ly waterfall / lake of Sighs / Bao Dai palaces / Da Lat flower Park / etc

10 We / feel / comfortable , and we / enjoy/ ourselves / much Write me soon

With love , Lan

The end

Date :

Period 27 Test remark No 2

A Aim : Correcting the mistakes in the Ss’ tests

B Presentation :

I Nhận xét chung : Hơn 2/3 lớp làm đợc , số lại động từ khơng nắm , kỷ viết yếu , khả vận dụng cha tốt

Kết đạt đợc nh sau :

- Điểm giỏi : Không có em - Điểm : Có em chiếm 22,2 % - §iĨm TB : Cã 13 em chiÕm 55,6 % - §iĨm u : Cã em chiÕm 22,2 % II Những lỗi sai cần khắc phục :

1) Yes / No – questions in reported speech , Ss don’t 2) Writing : There are Ss not writing

3) Tense of verb : Most of them are good III Cách khắc phục :

1 Giáo viên yêu cầu học sinh đa công thức thành lập Yes / No questions in reported speech , giáo viên ®a vÝ dơ minh ho¹


(?) S + said + ( that ) + if / whether + S + V(lïi th×) + O Ex : “ Do you live in the city ? “ He asked me

> He asked me if / whether I lived in the city “ Are you listening to music ? “ I said to Lan

> I asked Lan if / whether she was listening to music

2 Giáo viên yêu cầu số em nhắc lại công thức thành lập , cách sử dụng dấu hiệu nhận biết khứ đơn hoàn thành

Yêu cầu số em cha làm đợc tập lên bảng làm lại sau Gv sữa lỗi có

3 Giáo viên đa số thủ thuật viết yêu cấu số học sinh làm cha đợc phần lên bảng viết ( Mỗi câu em ) , giáo viên chữa lỗi có


Giáo viên dặn dò :

The end

Period 15

Pre: 16/10/2011

Tea: 17/10/2011

Period 15

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

Lesson 1: Section :Getting started+ Listen and read

I.Aim : Introduce life and activities in the countryside

II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson Ss will able to talk about life and activities in the countryside III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, posters, record, tape , pictures IV Training skills:

 Listening, spreaking, reading, writting V Teaching steps:

Teachers activities Ss activities

I Warm up: (7ms)


- Ask students to look at the pictures and describe ? Work in pairs

- Give feedback Watering vegetables 2- Swimming

3- feeding the chicken 4- harvesting

5- feeding the pigs 6- plowing the field 7- Playing foot ball II Presentation : 1)Pre - reading : (13ms)

a) Pre- teach : T elicits some vocab from Ss - Home village (translation): Quª nhµ

- Bamboo forest (picture): Rõng tre

Look at the pictures and describe Work in pairs


- Banyan tree (picture): Cây đa - Shrine (Picture): Nơi thờ cúng - River bank (picture): Bờ sông * Checking vocab : R.O.R

* Set the scene: Ba visited his home village with his family and Liz on Sunday

b) Guiding questions :

+ What did Ba, Liz and his family on their journey to his home village ?

+ What did Liz think of the trip ? 2) While - reading :(15ms)

a) Reading the text and answer the two questions - Ask Ss to read the text silently

- Answer the two Qs

* Answers :

+ They visited Ba’s uncle, walked up the mountain to visit a shrine, went boating in the river and had a picnic on the riverbank

+ Liz enjoyed the trip very much ; She took a lot of photos b) True or False statements:

- Hang the poster on the B

- Ask Ss to work in groups and guess T/F for the statements on the poster

- Ask Ss to read the text again to check - Answers :

2 T

3 There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village F People had a snack under the banyan tree

5 T

6 F People had a picnic on the rive bank T

8 F Liz had a lot of photos to show her parents T

c) Comprehension questions :

- Have Ss work in pair to answer the Qs on P 23 - Ask Ss to answer by playing a game “ LN “ T’s numbers

2 3* 7* 10* Q1

2 Q2 10 LN ! LN !

4 Q3 Q4 Q5 LN ! Q6 Q7

Listen to the T

Ss only think not answer

Read the text silently

Pair work

Pair work to guess

Give the answers in front of the class

Group work ( A & B )

* Answers :

a It’s 60 kilometers to the north of HN b They got to the village by bus c It’s is at the entrance to the village

d They saw the shine of a Vietnamese hero on the mountain e They had a picnic on the never bank


f Liz took a lot of photos to show her parents

g Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again 3 Post-reading(12ms)

a) Speaking :

- Ask Ss to talk to each other about the activities they can see in the picture on page 22 or on their way to their home village ( tell their friends whether they like going there or not )

III Homework : (3ms)

Prepare some information about their village or imagined village Ex :

+ Where is it ? + How far is it ?

+ How can you get there ? + What is it like ?


6 Do Ex 1,2 on page 20 in the workbook

Pair work

Copy down

Pre: 21/10/2011 Tea: 22/10/2011

Period 16

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

Lesson 2: Section : Speak and Listen

I.Aim : Practice asking for and giving information

Practice listeing for specific information II Objective :

 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask for and give information about their own village III Teaching aids:

 Textbook, poster, record, tape IV Training skills:


V Teaching steps:

Teacher's tasks Ss' tasks

I-Warm up (7ms) “ Slap the board “ - Have Ss work in teams

Using the pictures to list out the words, then get Ss to play game in groups

-Give feedback and correct answers II Presentation :

A) Speaking :

1) Pre - speaking :(10ms) a) Roleplay :

- Read the Qs in Ex a) on page 24

- Ask Ss to play the role of A and B , Ask and answer about their partner ’s home village , using the information in the box

Example :

A: Where is your home village ? B; It’s to the west of the city A: How far is it from the city ?

B: - Call on Ss to practice in front of the class

Work in teams Playing games

Pair work

B: Listening :

1) Pre-listening :(8ms) a.Vocabulary

-(to) plow: cµy (ruộng)

-(to) raise castle: chăn nuôi gia súc -gas station (n): trạm xăng

-a pond: h nh / ao -parking lot (n); bãi đỗ xe -high way No 1: đờng QL -westward (adv): hớng tây

-opposite direction (n): theo hớng ngợc lại

* Checking vocab : ROR

b Ask and answer the questions :

- Ask Ss to ask and answer about their home village

- Tell them they can use the Qs they have made in the game to ask their partner

- If those who don’t have a home village , can make up information similar to those in box A or B

c Set the scene : You will listen to the trip to Ba’s village d Prediction :

- Ask Ss to look at the map , guess where the places on the map are and compare with their partner

- Write Ss’ guesses on the B 2) While -listening (10ms)

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting and find out the words

Pair work

Ss guess where the places on the map are



Banyan tree

Bamboo forest


a Matching :

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions - Match the places on the bus route with the letter on the map - Give feedback

* Answers :

A: banyan tree B: airport C: highway No.1 D: Dragon bridge E: gas station F: store G: pond H: bamboo forest I: parking lot

3-Post Speaking and Listeing(7ms) - Have Ss work individually

-Get them to describe the way from their house to the school (base on the trip to Ba's village)

-Call on Ss to talk before class - Give feed back

 On the way from my house to school, first, near my house there is a big banyan bside the road There is a small paddy fields to the left of the road III Homework : (3ms)

1.Leanr new words by heart

Do Ex 10 on page 25- 26 in the exercise book Look up new words of “ Read “ on page

Ss listen to the tape and give their answers

Get ready to talk in front of the class


Pre: 23/10/2011 Tea: 24/10/2011

Period 17

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

Lesson 3: Reading

I Teaching points:

 To read the text for details and complete the summary

 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand the text in details II Teaching aids:

 Text book, work book, ruler, chalk.posters

III Procedure

Teacher's tasks Student's tasks

I-Warm up

" Jumbled words "

Now, I have some words but they are not in good order, now you play in teams, go to the board and reorder the words

- geehnaex = exchange - zamie = maize - yrrgcoe = grocery - edef = feed - llcocte = collect II Presentation : 1)Pre reading

a) Pre - teach vocabulary: - (to) grow maize:

- (to) work part-time: - grocery store (n): - hot dog (n):

* Checking : R.O.R

+Tell Ss what " exchange Ss" means b) Pre questions :

*Set the scene:

We are going to read a text about Van, an exchange student in USA, he is living with The Parkers, now read these questions then discuss in groups to find out the answers

a What trees farmers in American grow? b What animals they raise?

c What does Van after finishing his homework? d What food The Parkers and Van usually eat ?

Team work Playing games

T – Whole class

Ss listen to the T

Ss think of these Qs not answer 2-While reading

a) Read and check : Have Ss to work in groups

-Ask them to read the text and check their prediction

Ss read the text individual


-Go around and give helps -Call on Ss to give the answers

-Give feed back and the correct answer * Answers:

a maize (corn) b chickens

c feed the chicken and collect their eggs d hamburger or hot dog


- Ask Ss to work in pairs, read the text and match the word in colunm A with the explanation in colunm B

- Give feed back -maize = corn

- feed = give food to eat

-grocery store = where people buy food and small things - part-time = shorter or less than standard time


+ Have Ss work in pairs

-Get them to read the summary and the text to complete - Give feed back

(1) OhiO/(2) farmer/(3) work part - time at a grocery store./ (4) Peter/(5) Sam/(6) after /

(7) farm /8) they watch/ (9)baseball/(10) member

Give the answers in the front of the class

Pair work

Pair work

Read the text and coplete the summary

Get ready give the answers

Pre: 28/10/2011 Tea: 29/10/2011

Period 18

Lesson 4: Write + Language focus 2,3

I Teaching points:

 Practice writing a passage

 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a short paragraph describing a story happened in the past - a picnic in the countryside

II Teaching aids:

 Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, posters, pictures

III Procedure

Teacher's activities Students' activities

I-Warm up Chatting

- Ask Ss some questions about going on a picnic: +Have you ever gone a picnic?

+When/where did you go? +How did you get there?

Whole class


+What did you do?

+When did you come back home? + Did you enjoy it?

II-New lesson 1-Pre writing

a) Pre teach vocabulary - blanket (n): chăn, mền -(to) lay out: trải, dọn -(to) gather: thu lợm, thu hái

- picnic site (n): nơi tổ chức dà ngoại * Checking:

Have Ss play What and where

+ Have Ss repeat the words in chorus, then rub out word by word but leave circles

+ Get Ss to rewrite

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting to find out the words

Team work

Play game in teams

Individual 2-While writing

Ask Ss to to use the pictures and cues to write the passage - Begin like this :

It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic

Writing in invidually

3-Post Writing

-Get Ss to read aloud their writings - Give feed back and correct -Give the suggested writing :

4.L f.Exercise 2,3( preposition) " Matching "

in on at

The 20th century Saturday 1924 Christmas day Winter Sunday evening Summer September The evening 12.00 Weekends

- Have Ss work in groups Ask them to match the prepositions with words on the list

-Give feed back and correct answers

Whole class

-Get ready to read the writing - Listen to T's correction and take notes

Copy down

Group work -Matching

Suggested writing:

It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic

We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about twenty minutes

to the picnic site next to the river We put out the blanket and laid out the

food After meal, we played the games: "What song is it?" and " blind

man's bluff Late in the afternoon we went fishing We enjoyed out picnic.

When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 pm We hurriedly


* Answers :

On : Saturday, Sunday evening, weekends, Christmas day,

In : 1924, the 20th century, winter, september, summer, the evening At : 12.00, weekends

- Have Ss work in pairs, filling in the gaps with the suitable prepostion - Call on Ss to give the answers

-Give feedback and correct

* Answers:

2/ a) at; b) on; c) between; d) at ; e) at ; f) till 3/ a) on; b) at/in; c in; d) for ; e) in ; f) at

Homework 1.Learn new words by heart Do Ex 6,9 ( P 22, 24 ) Prepare : Language focus


Pre: 30 /10/2011 Tea: 31/10/2011

Period 19

Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

Lesson 5: Language focus 1,4

I Teaching points:

 Further practice in the past simple with WISH

 Pracitce in prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result  To make sure that Ss can use the grammar points fluently II Teaching aids:

 Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, boPosters, pictures III


Teacher's activities Students' activities I Warm up

" Matching “ - Have Ss work in teams

-Ask Ss to write down two sentences on different pieces of paper; each sentence begins with:

I am (real situation) I wish

-Collect these pieces and put them into different bags

-Ask Ss to pick up the paper one at a time, read it loudly to the whole class

-Those who have the funniest matching will be the winner

Team work

Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams

II New lesson

1) Pre - teach vocabulary -(to) pass the exam: đổ kỳ thi -(to) win the contest: thắng thi -itinerary (n): lịch trình

-(to) depart: khëi hµnh * Checking vocab: W & W

2 Exercise 1(wish) : " Revision "

WISH: express wishes about the present/ future Form:

S + Wish(es) + A past clause

- Have Ss work in pairs, pick one example from the Matching game.

-Elitcit from Ss: The form & the use of WISH

+Ask Ss to look at the pictures, Ss look at the real situation and answer the question:

Where is Hoa now? How does she feel?

What is the boy doing?What does he have in his mind? +Get Ss to give the answers then give feed back


b) Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c) I wish I could pass the exam

d) We wish it did not rain e) He wishes he could fly

f) They wish they stay in Hue

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting tofind out the words

Pair work

Get ready to read loudly the answers to the whole class

-Listen to teacher's correction and take notes *" Matching "

in on at

The 20th century Saturday 1924 Christmas day Winter Sunday evening Summer September The evening 12.00 Weekends

- Have Ss work in groups Ask them to match the prepositions with


words on the list

-Give feed back and correct answers

* Answers :

On : Saturday, Sunday evening, weekends, Christmas day,

In : 1924, the 20th century, winter, september, summer, the evening At : 12.00, weekends

- Have Ss work in pairs, filling in the gaps with the suitable prepostion - Call on Ss to give the answers

-Give feedback and correct

* Answers:

2/ a) at; b) on; c) between; d) at ; e) at ; f) till

3/ a) on; b) at/in; c in; d) for ; e) in ; f) at Read the sentences carefully and put the right prepositions

3.Exercise ( so) " Revision "

-Use: to express the result of the statement before - Meaning: /

-Get Ss to revise : Adverb clauses of result

-Ask them to exrcise 4: match the half sentences -Call on Ss to give the answers- give feed back


1-e 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-c *Consolidation

“wish”, prepositions of time, So * Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: 10 ( p 25/26)

-Prepare new lesson: Unit 4: L1: Getting Stared+L&R

Pair work

Have a revision then the exrcises Get ready to give the answers

Copy down

Pre: 04/11/2011 Tea: 05/11/2011

Period 20

Unit 4: Learning a foreign

Lesson 1: Getting started +

Listen & Read

I Teaching points:

 Reading a text for details about the questions in an exam

 New grammar points: reported speech II Teaching aids:

 Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I-Warm up “ Getting strarted “

- Ask Ss to think about the way they learn and improve their English, then write on the B

Use dictionary

Whole class


How you




Do homework -Ask Ss to repeat them

- Ask Ss some questions about the ways they learn English + Do you usually watch English TV programs ?

+ Can you sing English song ?

+ How often you use dictionaries ?

+ Do you have a foreign pen pal ? How often you write to him / her ?

Answer T’s questions

II- New lesson 1-Pre- reading :

a)Pre-teach vocabulary: -aspect (n):Vẻ bề ngoài, mặt -examiner (n): Ngời chấm thi -candidate (n): Thí sinh -coming (adj): Sắp đến, tới -oral examination :Thi vấn đáp -written examination:Thi viết

* Checking : ROR

* Set the scene:

Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign student, about the exam that she's just taken

b)Pre- questions :

- Have Ss work in pairs to think of the questions Were the questions in the oral exam difficult or easy? How manny questions did the examiner ask Lan?

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting to find out the meanings of the words

Listen and take notes

Listen to the situation

Work in pairs, answer the questions

2) While - reading : a) Listen, read and check : Have Ss work in pairs

-Ask Ss to listen to the conversation, then read the dialogue again and check if the answers are correct or not

-Give feed back

1 They are difficult ( according to Lan ) About over 7questions Besides, she was asked to read a passage b) True / false statements :

- Ask Ss to read the list of Qs for the oral examination of royal English College

-Get Ss to read the dialogue again and check what questions from the list the examiner asked Lan

-Call on Ss to give the answers * Answers :

1 T , T , T , T , T , T ,10 T , 11 T

- Ask Ss to compare the direct questions and the reported speech c).Model sentences:

Example1: List the examples from the above exercises *C©u têng thuËt:

S + said +( that ) + S + V(lïi)

*C©u hái Wh:

S + asked + (S.O)+ Wh + S + V(lïi) *C©u hái tr¶ lêi yes/no:

S + asked + S.O + If + S + V(lùi) *Lu ý thay đổi thời gian/ từ định / ngôi.

Pair work

Individual work Group work

T – whole class

How you



3) Post - reading : a) Speaking / Role play :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice asking and answering

( One S plays the role of examiner and another plays the role of Lan ) - Call on some Ss to practice in frnot of the class

- Give feedback and correct bbbv* Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary-Exercise: ( p 27) -Prepare new lesson: Speak

Pair work


Pre: 06/11/2011 Tea: 07/11/2011

Period 21

Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

Lesson 2: Speak

I Teaching points :

 Practice speaking to persuade someone to something

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to persuade friends to attend the school they like and further

practice “ Modal verbs with if “ II Teaching aids :

 Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board, posters, cards III


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I-Warm up


- Have Ss work in teams

-Stick 10 cards with numbers on the board so that Ss can only see the numbers, make sure the words are mixed up


a b c d e

= England = Australia = The USA = China = New Zealand a = Canberra b = Beijing c = London

d = Washington DC e = Wellington

Team work

II-New lesson 1-Pre- speaking

a) Pre - teach vocabulary : -Scholarship (n): häc bæng -Abroad (adv): ë níc ngoµi -(to) persuade: thut phơc -Domitary (n): ký túc xá -Campus (n): khuôn viên trờng

-Reputation (n): danh tiÕng = fame = honor -Native speaker (n) ngêi b¶n xø

* Checking vocab : ROR * Set the scene:

Tomorrow is Sunday Lan and her friends want to go somewhere Lan enjoy going to the seaside What does she say to persuade her friends to go with her to the seaside?

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting to find out the meanings of the words

Playing game

-Listen and try to find out the answers


*Remind Ss of the expressions that they can use to persuade someone to something

b)Expressions :

I think we should +V(inf) What you think about + V-ing

I don't understand/ why don't we.+.V(inf ) We should + V (inf)

Let's + V(inf)

I agree [disagree] because + a clause I need , we can

Whole class

Listen and take notes

2-While speaking :

- Have Ss work in groups of

-Ask thenm to play the role of Thu, Tam and Kim They are awarded a scholarship of US$ 2000 to attend an English language summer course abroad Each person tries to persuade friends to attend the school s/he/you like to go to

- Ask Ss read advertisments to get information


*Thu: I think we should go to the Brighton Language Center UK Because the school there has excellent

reputation and we can live in the dormitory on campus

*Tam: Why don't we go to the Seatle School of English in the USA? You can stay with VietNamese friends They will help us a lot

*Kim: What you think about the Brisbane Institute of English in Australia? It's quite close to Vietnam and the course is the cheapest -Call on some groups to demonstrate before class

-Give feed back and correct answers

Group work Role play speaking

3-Post speaking :

*, Discuss about the topic: ( If have the time ) Where should we go on summer holiday ? Or : What will you on Tet holiday ?

* Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: ( p 28) - Prepare new lesson: Listen + Read

Group work


Pre: 11/11/2011 Tea: 12/11/2011

Period 22

Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

Lesson 3: Listen + Language focus 1

I Teaching points:

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to identify correct information by listening and get the information about the English classes from the advertisements

II Teaching aids:

 Text book, work book,, chalk, board, posters, cassette and tape.


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I- Warm up

* Information transmitting:

Now work in two teams, students from each team go to the board, stand in two lines and play the game

T shows the first Ss a sentence, he/she whispers the sentence to the next and so on The last S shout out the sentence If it's the same as T's one, the team win the game

* Suggested sentences :

+ I want to improve my writing / reading / listening skill + English is an interesting language and it’s very useful

Team work

Follow T's guidings;

II- New lesson a “ Listening 1.*Set the scene:

Nga is talking to Kate about her studying English 2 True – false statements :

- T hangs the poster on the B

- Ask Ss to work in groups, discuss and guess if the statements are T / F b.She learned English at shcool and university

c.She works for a national bank in Ha Noi

Group work


d She needs to improve her writing e Her listening is excellent

f She hopes she can talk to people from all over the world, and understand her favorite English songs

-Ask Ss to write the predictions on the board 3 Listen and check the prediction

-Call on Ss to give the correction -Give feed back and correct - Answers :

a T b T

c F- She works for an inter- national bank in Ha Noi d T

e F- Her listening is terrible f T

b Language focus ( P 38 ) : * Revision of Modal verbs :

- Ask Ss to name some modal verbs with their meanings + must

+ have to ph¶i + should

+ ought to nªn + may

+ might cã lÏ * Form :

* Revision of Conditional sentences types 1 :

* Form : If + S + V( simple present ) , S + will + Infinitive * Use :

Ex : If you want to get good marks , you must study hard If you want to improve your English , I can help you * Practice :

- Ask Ss to Ex LF on page 38 - Ask Ss to work in pairs

* Answer keys : a must study hard b have to go to university

c Ba : If you want to lose weight, you should exercise regularly d Tuan : Where is Ba? He’s very late

Mrs Thoa : if he doesn’t come soon, he might the train e Mr Ha : i feel sick

Mrs Nga : if you want to get well, you ought to stay in bed f Na : I’d like to go to the movies, Mom

Mrs Rim : You must your homework if you want to go out - Ask Ss to practice the Ds

Group work

Listen to the tape and check the prediction

Get ready to read the answers to the whole class

T – Whole class

Pairs work

Copy down

* Homework

- Learn new words by heart - Prepare new lesson :Read

Write into notebooks

Pre: 13/11/2011

Tea: 14/11/2011


Period 23

Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

Lesson 4: Read

I Teaching points:

 Checking True-False statements by listening and reading the advertisements to get information

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to identify correct information by listening and get the information about the English classes from the advertisements

II Teaching aids:

 Text book, work book,, chalk, board, posters, cassette and tape.



Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I- Warm up

Ask Ss to go to the board to write new words Ask Ss to remark

T gives marks

II- New lesson 1)Pre- reading :

a)Pre - teach vocabulary : - intermediate (adj): trung cấp - advanced (adj): trình độ cao

- well - qualified (adj): chất lợng cao / giỏi - tuition (n): dạy kèm / phụ đạo

- academy (n): trờng chuyên ngành - National bank : Ngân hàng NN - University (n): Trờng Đại học - favorite (adj): yªu thÝch * Checking vocab : ROR

b) True – False statements prediction - Give a poster of sents on the B

- Ask Ss to keep their books closed and read the statements and guess which is T, which is F

* Set the scene :

Mr Lam wants to attend a foreign language course.Guess what he needs for his class

a Mr.Lam needs to learn French

b Mr.lam needs the intermediate level class c He wants to learn English in the morning d He wants the course to begin late november

- Have Ss work in groups Get them to discuss and guess what Mr Lam needs for his class

- Write their prediction on the board 2-While – reading:

a)Reading and checking. - Have Ss work in groups

-Get Ss to open the book, read the notes and check the prediction -Give feedback and correct

a F - He needs to learn English b.T

c F - He wants to learn early evening

T - Whole class

Pair work

Ss read the text silently


d F - He wants the course to begin late October or early November b)Gap-fiiled:

-Have Ss work in pairs

-Ask them to read the advertisments, get information to complete the table -Go around and give help

-Call on Ss to give the answers and give the correction

*Exercise 5a:

-Academy: morning/after noon/

evening; advanced; first week of november

-Foreign: morning and evening; beginner/intermediate; November -Tuition: after noon / evening/ weekend; beginner; today

- Get Ss to read the notes again then look at the advertisments and choose the suitable language school for Mr.Lam then compare with the partners -Call on Ss to read the answes and give feedback

3- Post reading :

*Exercise 5b:

Pair work

T – whole class

* Homework

- Learn new words by heart - Prepare new lesson : Write

- Sumarize the main points of the lesson

Write into notebooks

Pre: 15/11/2011 Tea: 16/11/2011

Period 23

Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

Lesson 4: Write

I Teaching points :

Writing a leeter of inquiry

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees

II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board, posters



Teacher's activities Students' activities

Warm - up : "Jumbled words " - T hangs the poster on the B

Versetimadnet > advertisement

Swne > news Restetni > interest

Team work

Get ready to go to the board and write the words


Atmorfioinn > information Efe > fee

Sasecenry > necessary Psulpy > supply - Ask Ss to work in group

- Have each group go to the B and write the correct words II- New lesson


a) Pre - teach vocabulary :

- request (v/n): yêu cầu, đòi hỏi = (to) ask for : - detail (n): chi tiết

- (to) look forward to: tr«ng chê - (to) express: bµy tá, biĨu lé - exactly (adv): cách xác - edition (n): ấn

*Checking vocab : Slap the B b)Reading comprehension - Have Ss work in groups

- Get them to read the letter written by Jonh Robison on page 37 -Ask Ss to answer the questions provided

* Questions provided :

a Where did Jonh see the school's advertisetment? b What language does he want to learn?

c What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve? d What does Jonh want to know?

-Call on Ss to read aloud the answers -Give feedback and the corect answers

T – whole class

Group work


a.In today's edition of Vtnes News b.Vietnamese

c Read and write

d Some details of the courses and fees

c)Matching :

Give Ss parts of a letter of inquiry

Get Ss to devide the letter into parts and match each paragraph with a suitable headline

*Format: of a letter of inquiry a Introduction

b Request

c Further information d Conclusion

Pair work

2)While & post writing

- Have Ss read again the three advertisements on page 36 and choose one of the schools they want to attend

- Get Ss to write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees

- Have Ss to read the writing - Give feedback


Get ready to show the writing to the whole class

Suggested writing:

Dear Sir,

I saw your institute's advertisetment on today's TV programs I am very interested in learning English and I would like some more information about your Institute

I can speak a little English, but I read very slowly and my writing is bad So I want to improve my writing and reading skills Could you please provide me more information about the length of the courses and fees for beginners I can supply my record of English study if necessary


4 Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: 6,7 ( p 31-32)

-Prepare new lesson: language focus

Whole class

Write into notebook

Pre: 20/11/2011 Tea: 21/11/2011

Period 24

Unit 4: Learning a foreign language

Lesson : Language focus , ,4

I Teaching points:

Further practice with modal verbs with If; direct and reported speech II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board, posters

III Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

warm - up

Have Ss work in teams

-Give the first half of the sentences on the board - Get Ss to complete with the suitable clauses -Give feedback and correct

1.If you want to get good marks in English, 2.If you want to go out with your friends, If it doesn't rain today,

4.I there is a good film on TV tonight, If I have money,

II Presentation :

Team work

get ready to go to the board and write the clauses

1)language focus :

- Get Ss to work in groups of four Get them to coplete the table Exercise (reported speech)

* Nguyên tắc chung Lùi This - that HT§ - QK§ these - those

HTTD-QKTD here - there Will - Would now - then Can/may-could today-that day must - had to

tomorrow- the following day

-Call on Ss to read aloud the answers -Give feed back and the correct answers

Group work

Get ready to share the answers to the whole class

language focus 3 Have Ss work in pairs

-Get them to read the Situations carefully -Ask them to report the speech provided -Call on Ss to read aloud the answers -Give feed back and correct

Ex (reporting statements)

Pair work

-Get ready to report to the whole class


a Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious b Miss Nga said she loved those flowers

c Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time there d Mr.Chi said he would go to Hue the following day e Mrs Hoa said she might have a job

f Mr Quang said he had to leave then V Language focus :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to change the direct speech questions into reported questions

* Set the scene : “ This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job When she arrived home, she told her mother about the interview “ - Give the example

Example : “ Do you like coffee ? “

 She ask me if / whether I liked coffee Example : “ How old are you ? “

 She asked me how old I was - Call on some pairs to practice before class - Give feedback and correct

* Answer keys :

b She asked me if / whether my school was near there c She asked me what the name of my school was d She asked me if / whether I could use a computer e She asked me why I wanted that job

f She asked me when my school vacation started

Whole Ss listen to the T

Ss the examples


- Learn by heart the grammar points -Exercise: 6,7 ( p31-32)

-Prepare new lesson: Prepare for One priod test

Write into notebook


Period 25

Pre: 21/11/2010 Tea: 22/11/2010

Unit Learning a foreign language

Lesson 6: Language focus 4

I Aim : Further prctice in direct and reported speech

II Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to report what they hear

III Teaching aids : Textbook , posters


Teacher's activities

Ss' activities

I Revision:

- Call on one S to say the changes in the reported speech that they have leant again in front of the class

- T gives feedback

II Presentation :

1)Revision of reported questions :

- Ask Ss to study examples : + “ Do you like pop music ? “ + “ Where you live ? “ - Ask Ss to remark

- T remarks again

* In reported Qs, we not use the auxiliary verb ( do, does, did ) * When there is no question word ( what, where, why, ) we use “ if “ or “ whether “ to introduce a reported question

* In reported questions, the word order is the same as in statements , and we not use a question mark

2) Practice :

a Language focus :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to change the direct speech questions into reported questions

* Set the scene : “ This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job When she arrived home, she told her mother about the interview “

- Give the example

Example : “ Do you like coffee ? “

 She ask me if / whether I liked coffee Example : “ How old are you ? “

 She asked me how old I was - Call on some pairs to practice before class - Give feedback and correct

* Answer keys :

b She asked me if / whether my school was near there c She asked me what the name of my school was d She asked me if / whether I could use a computer e She asked me why I wanted that job

One S say again in front of the class

Ss change them into reported speech :

+ She asked me if / whether I liked pop music

+ She asked me where I lived

Whole Ss listen to the T


f She asked me when my school vacation started

b " Lucky numbers ! "

- Write numbers on the board ( – 12 )

- Tell Ss that each number is for a question but four of them LNs , For other numbers , Ss have to turn the direct speech to the reported speech * Questions :

Lucky number

“ Do you enjoy reading picture books ?” “ Is your house near our school ? “ “ Why you leanr English ? “ LN !

“ I will give you a fifteen – minute test tomorrow “ “How does your father go to work ? “

LN !

“ I like playing badminton “ 10 “ you study very hard “ 11 LN !

12 “ We must decorate our room for the coming May Day”

* Homework

Report what their parents said to them last night They have to write in their notebooks

Do Ex on page 30 in the workbook


Copy down


Pre: 23 /11 / 2011

Tea: 24 /11 / 2011

Period : 26


Time : 45 minutes. A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from unit1 to unit I.Knowledge.

-The tenses

-The past simple with wish -The prepositions

-Direct speech and reported speech II Skill

-Writting skill B Proceduce.

I.Greeting II.Preparing: Students:

 Revise the lesson carefully Teacher:

 Prepare two tests( even/odd exercises) III.Procedure

 Hand out the exercises Number 1

I.Choose the word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the others(2,5ms) 1 A village B shrine C picnic D river

2 A.reached B.arrived C.tired D.enjoyed A.mountain B.count C.young D.found A.lives B.stops C.looks D.laughs 5.A.watches B.lives C.opens D.plays

II Choose the best answer (2,5ms)

1 I wish that my mother At home with me

A were B are C is D be

2 She asked me what of learning English I found most difficult

A part B aspect C kind D type

3 She asked me I liked English

A or B if C and D A & B are correct

the weather is very nice , we will go for a walk

A so B if C because D or

Tom asked me if I soccer well

A played B will play C playing D to play

III Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) (2,5ms)

Van, a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the USA He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio He will stay there till the beginning of October Mr Parker grows maize on his farm, while Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town They have two children Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still in primary school Since Van arrived, he has been learning a lot about life on a farm In the afternoon, as soon as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs On weekends, if Mr.Parker is busy, the three boys help him on the farm On Saturday afternoon,Peter plays baseball.The Parker family and Van eat hamburgers or hot dogs while they watch Peter play.The Parkers are nice so Van feels like a member of their family

Statements True False


2 He is living with the Parker family now Peter and Sam are Van’s classmate

4 The Parker family relaxes on Saturday afternoons

5 In the afternoon, he completes his homework, feeds the chickens and collects their eggs

IV.Write the sentence without changing the meaning (2,5ms)

1.Ba can not pass the written examination

Ba wishes _ She asked me, “Can you speak English?”

She asked me _ She asked me, “Where you live?”

She asked me _ Ba is busy today He won’t go to work (Using so)

_ 5.The weather was very bad We couldn’t go fishing (Using because)



I.Choose the word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the others(2,5ms) 1 A.while B.where C.who D.what

A.watches B.lives C.opens D.plays A village B shrine C picnic D.river A.looks B.laughs C.lives D.stops A.mountain B.count C.young D.found II Choose the best answer (2,5ms)

1 the weather is very nice , we will go for a walk

A so B if C because D or

Tom asked me if I soccer well

A played B will play C playing D to play

3 I wish that my mother At home with me

A were B are C is D be

4 She asked me what of learning English I found most difficult

a part B aspect C kind D type

5 She asked me I liked English

A or B if C and D A & B are correct III Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) (2,5ms)

Van, a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the USA He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio He will stay there till the beginning of October Mr Parker grows maize on his farm, while Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town They have two children Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still in primary school Since Van arrived, he has been learning a lot about life on a farm In the afternoon, as soon as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs On weekends, if Mr.Parker is busy, the three boys help him on the farm On Saturday afternoon,Peter plays baseball.The Parker family and Van eat hamburgers or hot dogs while they watch Peter play.The Parkers are nice so Van feels like a member of their family

Statements True False

1 The Parker family relaxes on Saturday afternoons

2 In the afternoon, he completes his homework, feeds the chickens and collects their eggs

3 Van is a student from the USA

4 He is living with the Parker family now Peter and Sam are Van’s classmate

IV.Write the sentence without changing the meaning (2,5ms)

1 Ba is busy today He won’t go to work (Using so)

_ 2.The weather was very bad We couldn’t go fishing (Using because)

_ 3.Ba can not pass the written examination

Ba wishes _ She asked me, “Can you speak English?”


She asked me _ She asked me, “Where you live?”

She asked me _


Class: Subject: English - Form: 9th

Marks Teacher s remark

I.Choose the word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the others(2,5ms) 1 A village B shrine C picnic D river

2 A.reached B.arrived C.tired D.enjoyed A.mountain B.count C.young D.found A.lives B.stops C.looks D.laughs 5.A.watches B.lives C.opens D.plays

II Choose the best answer (2,5ms)

1 I wish that my mother At home with me

A were B are C is D be

2 She asked me what of learning English I found most difficult

A part B aspect C kind D type

3 She asked me I liked English

A or B if C and D A & B are correct

the weather is very nice , we will go for a walk

A so B if C because D or

Tom asked me if I soccer well

A played B will play C playing D to play

III Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) (2,5ms)

Van, a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the USA He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio He will stay there till the beginning of October Mr Parker grows maize on his farm, while Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town They have two children Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still in primary school Since Van arrived, he has been learning a lot about life on a farm In the afternoon, as soon as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs On weekends, if Mr.Parker is busy, the three boys help him on the farm On Saturday afternoon,Peter plays baseball.The Parker family and Van eat hamburgers or hot dogs while they watch Peter play.The Parkers are nice so Van feels like a member of their family

Statements True False


7 He is living with the Parker family now Peter and Sam are Van’s classmate

9 The Parker family relaxes on Saturday afternoons

10 In the afternoon, he completes his homework, feeds the chickens and collects their eggs

IV.Write the sentence without changing the meaning (2,5ms)

1.Ba can not pass the written examination

Ba wishes _ She asked me, “Can you speak English?”

She asked me _ She asked me, “Where you live?”

She asked me _ Ba is busy today He won’t go to work (Using so)

_ 5.The weather was very bad We couldn’t go fishing (Using because)



Class: Subject: English - Form: 9th

Marks Teacher s remark

I.Choose the word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the others(2,5ms) 1 A.while B.where C.who D.what

2.A.watches B.lives C.opens D.plays A village B shrine C picnic D.river A.looks B.laughs C.lives D.stops A.mountain B.count C.young D.found II Choose the best answer (2,5ms)

1 the weather is very nice , we will go for a walk

A so B if C because D or

Tom asked me if I soccer well

A played B will play C playing D to play

3 I wish that my mother At home with me

A were B are C is D be

4 She asked me what of learning English I found most difficult

a part B aspect C kind D type

5 She asked me I liked English

A or B if C and D A & B are correct III Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) (2,5ms)

Van, a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an exchange student in the USA He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio He will stay there till the beginning of October Mr Parker grows maize on his farm, while Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a nearby town They have two children Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still in primary school Since Van arrived, he has been learning a lot about life on a farm In the afternoon, as soon as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and collects their eggs On weekends, if Mr.Parker is busy, the three boys help him on the farm On Saturday afternoon,Peter plays baseball.The Parker family and Van eat hamburgers or hot dogs while they watch Peter play.The Parkers are nice so Van feels like a member of their family

Statements True False

6 The Parker family relaxes on Saturday afternoons

7 In the afternoon, he completes his homework, feeds the chickens and collects their eggs

8 Van is a student from the USA

9 He is living with the Parker family now 10 Peter and Sam are Van’s classmate

IV.Write the sentence without changing the meaning (2,5ms)

1 Ba is busy today He won’t go to work (Using so)

_ 2.The weather was very bad We couldn’t go fishing (Using because)



3.Ba can not pass the written examination

Ba wishes _ She asked me, “Can you speak English?”

She asked me _ She asked me, “Where you live?”

She asked me _

Pre: 27 / 11 / 2011 Tea: 28 / 11 / 2011

Period 27



By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remember the old structures and find out their mistakes in the test to corrects

II Language contents

Grammar: Review –The simple past with wish, and directed speech/ reported speech III Techniques: Asking and answering, pair work, chatting

IV Teaching aids: textbook, 45 minutes test V Procedures

T and Ss activities Contents Warm-up ( 3’ )

T: asks Ss to comment the 45 minutes by themselves Ss: comment

2 New lesson a Presentation ( 15’ )

T: asks Ss to retell the simple past with “wish”, The present perfect tense, The active /passive , Reported questions and prepositions

Ss: answer

T: comments and gives the corrects answer Ss: take note and check their tests

b Practice ( 23’ )

T: asks Ss to base on the structures correcting the test Ss: ( listen to part )

Ss: comment - T: corrects Ss: take note

1S: writes on the board part2 Ss: comment

T: corrects their mistakes Ss: take note

Ss: ask and answer in pairs part3 Ss: comment

1S: writes on the board T: gives the corrects answers Ss: take note

Ss: discuss in pairs part4 & choose part5 1S: writes the complete sentence on the board Ss: comment

T: gives the corrects answer Ss: take note

3 Consolidation ( 3’ )

1.The simple past with wish

S +wish(wishes)+(that) +past subjunctive clause -Were: Used for all the subjects

-Can –could

2.The present perfect tense -For + Kho¶ng tgian -Since + Mèc tgian S +have / has +PP +O The active /passive C §: S+ V + O

B §: S+ be + PP + by + O

4.Reported question

S+ asked+ if /whether +S +V +O S + asked +wh-quetions +S + V +O 5.Prepositions: on ,in, at, till, for, between * KEYS


I/ Choose the word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the others(2,5ms) B

2 A C A A

II/ Choose the best answer (2,5ms) A B B 4.A A III.Reading(2,5ms) 1F 2.T 3F 4.T 5.T IV/ Writing:(2,5ms)

1.Ba wishes he could pass the written examination 2.She asked mei f I could speak English

3.She asked me where I lived

4.Ba is busy today, so he won’t go to school

5.Because the weather was very bad,We couldn’t go fishing

Number 2

I/ Choose the word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from the others(2,5ms) C


T: asks some questions ( ask Ss close their books and the test )

Ss: answer

T: reviews the main points and asks Ss to learn the lesson carefully for the next test

Ss: listen and remember

4 Homework ( 1’ ) T: asks Ss to:

Ss: listen and take note

4 C C

II/ Choose the best answer (2,5ms) A

2 A A 4.B C

III.Reading(2,5ms) 1T

2.T 3F 4.T 5.F

IV/ Writing:(2,5ms)

1.Ba is busy today, so he won’t go to school

2.Because the weather was very bad, We couldn’t go fishing

3.Ba wishes he could pass the written examination 4.She asked mei f I could speak English

5.She asked me where I lived - Write the complete test

- Learn by heart the structures again

Teaching: 01/12/2011

Period 28

Unit 5: The Media

Lesson1: Getting Started + Listen and Read

I.Teaching points:

Reading a text for details about the media

By the end of the lesson, Ss will know more about the media II Teaching aids:


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I-Warm up

Telling activities Have Ss work in teams -Get them to close the books

-Stick on the board the poster drawn the pictures page 40 -Get Ss to tell in English the activities

-The team which has more right activities will be the winner Answers:

-Watching TV

-Reading newspapers -Listening to radio -Reading magazines -Using the inter

Team work

Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams

II- New lesson 1) Pre- reading :

a)Pre - teach vocabulary : T elicits from ss -crier (n) ngêi loan tin

-the lastest news: tin míi -thanks to: nhờ vào

-Interactive (adj) tơng tác

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting to find out the words


Tea: 05/12/2011

Period 29

Unit 5: The Media

Lesson 2: Speak + Listen

I Teaching points:

Practice using Tag questions through speaking activities Listening and completing the table II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board, posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

them to discuss and write the TV programs they know on the board back and provided some more programs

Sports songs I love news

Weather forecast folk music

Tearm Tearm -Give feedback

Team work

Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams

II-New lesson 1) Pre - speaking :

a)Pre - teach vocabulary:

-Safe traffic news (n) : B¶n tin ATGT -Gardening (n) : lµm vên

-Wildlife world (n) : TG hoang d· -Printed newspapers (n) : b¸o in -a major force: lùc lợng -journalism (n) : báo chí

- documentary (n) : tµi liƯu, phim tµi liƯu * Checking : ROR

* Set the scene :

To day we are going to practice speaking and listening

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting tofind out the words

Playing game in groups

2)While - Speaking : Agree:

-I prefer documentaries -I love watching sports -I enjoy too

Disagree: -Not really

-I don't like watching sports -I'm the opposite

- Have Ss work in pairs

-Ask thenm to practice in pairs the coversation between Lien and Trung -Call on some pairs to read to the whole class

Pair work

Get ready to read in pairs to the whole class

Get ready to read the answers to the whole class


-Give feed back

*Have Ss pick out the sentences showing agreement and disagreement and ask them to practice

*Ask Ss to talk each other aout the TV programs they like or dislike, making similar dialogues

3)Post - speaking : “ Listening “ a) Prediction

-Get Ss to work in groups, and ask them to have a guess on the missing words

-List Ss' guesses on the board b) Listen and check

- Get Ss to work in groups

- Ask them to listen to the tape, discuss and check the prediction -Call on Ss to give the correct answers

-Give feed back

a The late 19th century b Radio and newsreels c In the 1950s

d The internet

Group work

Listen to the tape and get ready to give the answers to the whole class


- Learn by heart new vocabulary - Exercise: 1,2 ( p 35, 36) - Prepare new lesson: Read

Whole class Write into notebook

Teaching: 08/12/2011

Period 30

Unit 5: The Media

Lesson 3: Read

I Teaching points:

Throught the forum on the internet, Ss know the benifits and the disadvantages of the internet Read and answer the questions

By the end of the lesson, Ss will get some knowledge about the in ternet II Teaching aids:

Textbooks, workbooks, ruler, chalk, board, posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I-Warm up


- Have Ss work in teams

Team work

Follow T's guidings; Playing game in teams

Benifits of


- Get them to discuss and write on the board what the internet brings to our lives

- Give feed back and provided some more things II Presentation

1) Pre – reading :

a)Pre - teach vocabulary: T elicits from ss - Forum (n): diễn đàn

- (to) get access: truy cËp

- time-comusing (adj): tèn thêi gian - (to) wander (v): lang thang - (to) surf the web (v): lít qua web

* Checking : “ What & Where “

* Set the scene

To day we are going to read the text about the forum on internet to know some things more about it

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting to find out the words

b.True False prediction

a.Sandra usually uses internet

b.Sandra can send email or chat with friends c.HongHoa knows the useful webside for her

d.Huansui think the internet is time-conmusing and dangerous - Have Ss work in groups

- Get Ss to close the books and guess if the statements are true or false

Group work

Get ready to read the prediction to the whole class

2) While reading a.Read and check

- Have Ss to work in groups

-Get them to read the text and check the prediction -Go around and give help

-Call on Ss to give the correction to the whole class -Give feed back

a F She don't use very often b.T

c F She doesn't know d T

b Guessing meaning of the words

- Have Ss match the English words in column A with meaings in column B A B

a Increase kh¸m ph¸

b Convenient sù rđi ro, m¹o hiĨm c Explore tăng lên

d.Risk th rác điện tử e.Electronic junk mail tiƯn lỵi

f.Time- consuming mÊt mhiÒu thêi gian * Answer keys :

a - b – c – d – e – f - c Comprehension questions

- Have Ss read the text again answer the questions on page 44 - Ask Ss to work in pairs

* Asnwer keys :

1.Sandra uses the internet to get information and communicate with friends and relatives

2.Because she lives in the coutryside where the internet is unavailable 3.People use the internet for education, communication, entertainment and commerce

4.Benefits : fast and convenient way to get information; communication; education; entertainment; commerce

5.Yes There are some disadvantages: time-conmusing; costly; dangerous because of viruses and dad programs

Group work

Get ready to read the answers to the whole class


Pair work


3) Post - reading: .a Discussion :

How to use the internet successfully? - Have Ss work in groups

- Get them to show their opinions about How to use the internet -Call on Ss to talk to the whole class

-Give feed back and correct

Pair work

Get ready to report to the whole class


- Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: ( p 38)

-Prepare new lesson: Write

Whole class Write into notebook

Teaching: 12/12/2011

Period 31


Unit 5: The Media

Lesson 4: Write

I Teaching points:

Writing a passage about the benifits of the internet

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage about the benifits of the internet II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board, posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students'activities

I Warm - up : “ Chatting “

Which is your favorite activity in your free time ?

How many hours a week / a day you spend watching TV ?

* Possible answers :

Watching TV / Listening to music / Reading newspapers/ II- New lesson

1-Pre writing

a Pre - teach vocabulary: T elicits from Ss - means of education : P.tiÖn GD

-on-line : trùc tuyÕn -self-study: tù häc * Checking : ROR *Set the scene :

To day we are going to write a text about the benfits of the internet.

Whole class

b.Present the format of the passage.

Topic sentence

Supporting 1( sub-support 1,2 ) Supporting 2( sub-support 1,2 ) Supporting 3( sub-support 1,2 ) Conclusion

-Have Ss list out the benifits of the internet which they had at the beginning of the lesson, then put into the suitable position in the writing

Whole class Listen and take notes -Listing out the ideas

2-While writing

- Get Ss to use the format and the information from the list to write a passage aboutt the benifit s of the internet

- Go around and give help about the structure/ vocabulary/ spelling


Writing passage then swap to the partner and correct each other

3-Post writing

- Have Ss work in groups

- Get them to discuss the disadvantages of the Internet - Call on Ss to talk to the whole class

- Give feed back and correct

Group work

Get ready to talk to the whole class

III Homework

- Learn by heart new vocabulary - Exercise: ( p 39, 40)

- Prepare new lesson: Language Focus

Whole class Write into notebook

73 Suggested Writing:

Benifits of the Internet

The Internet has increasingly developed and become part of our everyday life And noone can deny the benifits of the Internet

The internet is a source of information It is really a very fast and covenient way to get information You can get the lastest local or global news easily You can check weather coditions before you go somewhere; eg Go camping / fishing / outdoors you can find a time table and maps of the buses you want to take, you can book your tickets for the next concert or soccer match, trip or hotel etc


Tea: /12/2011

Period 32

Unit 5: The Media

Lesson 5: Language Focus

I Teaching points:

Practice in tag questions and further practice on gerunds after verbs II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I-Warm up Word square











Have Ss work in teams

Team work

Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams


-Get them look at the word square, go to the board and circle the meaningful words to win the games

-Give feed back correct  love, enjoy, miss, practise  deny, mind

 suggest, finish

 like, consider, finish, avoid


II- New lesson

1)Language Focus 1 : Tag Question

Form: Auxilary verb + personal pronoun

Main clause Tag question be be not be not be

modal modal not modal not modal positive negative negative positive

- Get them to exercise p.45 Use tag question to complete the dialogue -Call on Ss to read the answers to the whole class

-Give feed back andcorrect *Answers:

a haven't you c wasn't it e aren’t we b didn't he d you

Whole class Listen to Teacher and write into notebooks


Complete the dialogue, then practice in pairs

2)Language Focus : Revision of tag questions -Have Ss work in pairs

-Get them to look at the table p45, ask and answer questions Exercise 2


-Tuan likes news, doesn't he? -Yes, he does

-Hanh and Tuan don't like movies, they? - No, they don't

Pair work

Building dilogues, get ready to talk to the whole class

3)Language Focus 3 Revision of Gerunds after some verbs -Get Ss to exercise p46

-Ask and answer about each item in the box -Go around and give help

-Call on some pairs to talk to the whole class -Give feed back and correct

Exercise like


enjoy + V-ing (Gerund) dislike

hate *Example

a soccer ()

Do you like playing soccer? Yes, I

b fishing (x)

Do you enjoy fishing? No, I don't

c movies ()

Do you love going to the movies? Yes, I

Whole class Listen to teacher and take notes

Pair work Get ready to talk to the whole class


Exercise 4 Example

My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn't She loves listening to music My aunt Hoa hates paying games She enjoys reading articles

Individual *Homework

- Learn by heart the grammar points

- Prepare for the first semester revision

Whole class

Write into notebook Teaching: / 12 / 2011

Period 33

First semester revision

Lesson 1

I Revision of the simple past tense :

S + V + ed / V( c2) +

 Nó dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy dứt điểm q khứ, khơng liên quan tới

 Thời gian hành động câu rõ ràng, thờng dùng với số phó từ thời gian nh: yesterday, at that moment, ago, last + thời gian


u ý : Nếu thời gian câu không rõ ràng phải dùng present perfect. Ví dụ: John went to Spain last year

Bob bought a new bicycle yesterday Maria did her homework last night Mark washed the dishes after dinner We drove to grocery store this afternoon

II.Revision of the Present perfect ( hoàn thµnh)

- Dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy khứ kéo dài chấm dứt Thời gian câu hoàn tồn khơng xác định

- Chỉ hành động xảy nhiều lần khứ kéo dài tới - Dùng với : for since

- Dùng với alreadytrong câu khẳng định, alreadycó thể đứng sau have nhng đứng cuối câu have

Subject + + (already) + pp

has VÝ dô: We have already written our reports

Sam has already recorded the results of the experiment

- Dùng với yet câu phủ định câu nghi vấn phủ định, yetthờng xuyên đứng cuối câu, công thức sau: have

Subject + not + PP + (yet) has

VÝ dô: John hasn’t written his report yet

The president hasn’t decided what to yet  Homework : Make the sentences with the above tenses and structure

Teaching: / 12 / 2011

Period 34


semester revision


Lesson 2

I Revision of passive form :

*Ph ơng pháp chuyển đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động.

* Genaral form :

S + V + O ( Active )

S + be + PP + by + O ( Passive ) Example:

I gave him a book

> He was given a book ( by me )

- Thời động từ câu bị động phải tuân theo thời động từ câu chủ động - Đặt by + tân ngữ đằng sau tất tân ngữ khac


Câu hỏi có đuôi ( Tag questions )

Khi sử dụng loại câu hỏi nên nhớ khơng nhằm mục đích đê hỏi mà nhằm để khẳng định lại ý kiến thõn mỡnh ó bit

- Câu chia làm thành phần tách biệt dấu phẩy

- Nếu động từ phần thể khẳng định phần phủ định ngợc lại

- Động từ to be đợc dùng trực tiếp, động từ thờng dùng trợ động từ to do, động từ thời kép: future, perfect, progressive dùng với trợ động từ thời đó.

- Các thành ngữ there is, there are it is dùng lại phần đuôi Examples :

There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren’t there? It’s raining now, isn’t it? It isn’t raining now, is it?

The boys don’t have class tomorrow, they?

You and I talked with the professor yesterday, didn’t we? You won’t be leaving for another hour, will you?

Jill and Joe have been to Mexico, haven’t they? You have two children, don’t you?

(Trong tiÕng Anh, th× sÏ dïng haven’t you?)

Homework : Make the sentences with the above passive and tag question

Teaching: 05/ 01/ 2012 Period 35


semester revision

Lesson 3

Exercises1: Give the correct tenses of these verbs 1-I (not go) to school yesterday

2- what you (do) last night

3-I don’t know where she lives now I wish I (know) her address 4- she (have) these shoes since my eighteen birthday

5-We (leave) school a year ago and we (not meet) each other ever since

Jane and her father (travel) to many countries Last month they (go) to a tournament in Australia Jane (play) well and she (win) She (not play) at Wimbledon yet, but she hopes to play there next year

Exercises 2: Rewrite these sentences beginning with “ I wish” : 1-I can’t play basketball skillfully like you


3-The Parkers' kids won’t come here next weekend 4-It’s a pity the weather isn’t better today

5-I’m sorry my father isn’t here now 6- I’m not able to ride a motorbike

Exercises 3: Turn into the passive form: 1-Some body has cleaned the meeting room Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

3-The children are going to make a new plan for their vacation 4- Who left this umbrella here?

Exercises 4: Put these sentences into indirected speech: 1-‘It is so foggy today’ he said

2-‘You must it know’ the teacher said to Bill 3-‘Do you play for your school team?’ Peter asked me 4-‘Will you join us tomorrow?’ I asked her

5-‘How you travel to work?’ She asked me

Exercises 5: Put a suitable preposition into each gap: 1-We have lived in this town 1999

2-I’m returning to Vietnam .the end of this semester 3-My father works 7am 4pm

4-There will be a meeting 2pm and 4pm 5-Our children always stay home night

Exercises : Write sentences from the cues: 1- It / take / he / 45 minutes / get / Hue / car 2- If/ you/ want/ pass/ final exam/ work/ hard 3- My father/ dislike/ watch/ advertisements/ TV

4- The students/ spend/ 45 minutes/ do/ first term English test 5- My home village/ be/ south/ Dong Hoi city

Exercises 7:Combine the sentences below, using” so “ : The movie was boring We went home before it finished Ba felt tired and hungry Lan felt tired and hungry

3 Peter didn’t have money to buy a bus ticket He had to walk home  Homework : Make the sentences with the above structures

Period 36

the first term examination

(Đề đáp án phòng GD-ĐT ra)

Teaching: 09 / 01 / 2012

Period 37

Unit 6: The Environment

The Environment

Lesson1: Getting Started + Listen and Read

I Aim

: Reading about the work of a group of conversationatists

II objective :

By the end of the lesson, Ss will get some knowledge about the invironment and can use the

new grammar point

III Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, chalk, posters, pictures.


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I Warm up

: “ Brainstroming “

- Ask ss to think of the environmental problems in their city.

Air pollution

T – whole class




Dirty street


Possible answers :

+ the destruction of the forests

+ rubbish / garbage / trash.

+ smoke from cars , motorbikes

+ smoke from factories

II Presentation :

1) Pre - reading :

a) Pre - teach vocab


- deforestation (n) ( explanation ) : Sự tàn phá rừng

- garbage dump (n) ( picture ) : Đống rác

- dynamite fishing (n) (picture) : Việc đánh bắt cá thuốc nổ

- spraying pesticides (n) ( picture ) : Việc phun thuốc diệt sâu bọ

- sewage (n) : nớc cống , nớc thải


Checking vocab



) Matching :

- Ask ss to look at the pictures on P 47 in their book and match the

words in the box with the correct pictures


Answer keys :

Picture a : air pollution

Picture b : spraying pesticides

Picture c : garbage dump

Picture d : water pollution

Picture e : deforestation

Picture f : dynamite fishing

c) Prediction :

* Set the scene :

Mr Brown is taking to some volunteer

conservationists Guess the place where they are going to work

- Give Ss minute to guess

- Give feedback

II While - reading :

a) Reading and checking


- Ask ss to read the text on page 47 – 48

- Let ss check their prediction

* Answer keys : The conservationists are going to clean the beach

b) Matching :

- Ask ss to match the names in A with the activities in B

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to match

* Answer keys : Group – f G – e G – b

Mr Jones – a Mrs Smith – c Mr Brown – d


*Have Ss work in pairs Get them to read the text again and answer

the questions on page 48.

-Call on Ss to givve the answers.

-Give feed back & correct.

1.The speaker is Mr Brown

2 The listeners are the volunteer conversationists.

Ss reapeat

T – whole class

Pair Work

Reading the text & match

Pair work

Read the text and answer

-Get ready to give the

answers to the whole class.



3 They are on the beach.

4.They are going to cclean the beach.

5 If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and

beautiful again soon.

7 If the pollution continues, the environment around us won't be

good and it will be harmful to our health, our lives.

3) Post - reading

: Write – it – up

- Ask ss to write a short passage about the way of protecting the

environment in the city


- Learn by heart new vocabulary

- Exercise: (p.45); 9,10 (46)

- Prepare new lesson: Speak and listen

Copy down

Teaching: 12/ 01 / 2012

Period 38

Unit 6: The Environment

The Environment

Lesson 2: Speak and Listen

I-Teaching points:

Practice speaking (to persuade people to protect the environment).

Listening for details to complete the notes.

II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board posters, pictures; cassette and tape


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up

Jumble words











II Presentation :

1)Pre-teach vocabulary

- leaf - leaves (pl) ( realia ) : lá, lá

-(to) reduce: giảm, làm giảm

-(to) disolve: phân hủy

-(to) prevent: ngăn cản, phòng chống ( translation )

-(to) avoid : tr¸nh

- (to) wrap (mime) : bao bäc

* Checking vocab : ROR

2) Matching :

-Ask Ss to complete the expressions in column A by using one

of the lines in column B(page 49) then compare

-Have Ss match

* Form

Team work

T – whole class

Individual work

Pair work


I think you shoud

Won't you

It would be better if you + infinitive

Can I persuade you to

Why don't you

Why not

What/how about + V-ing



: Express persuasion

3) Practice :

a Practice speaking :


-Get them to use the information in the box and the form

provided to make the dialogue, then speaking in pairs

-Give feed back and correct.


S1: I think you should use banana leaves to wrap food

S2: Why? How come?

S1: Because plastic bag are very hard to dissolve, they will

cause pollution And if we use less paper, we can save trees in

the forests That's how can we save the environment.

Task 2

Let Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in the questionaire.

-Call on Ss to ask and answer to the whole class.

Possible answers:

1.How can we save paper?

- I think we should recycle used paper, newspapers.

-Won't you write on both sides of the paper.

2.How can we use fewer plastic bags?

-How about cleaning and reusing them?

-Why not we use paper bags istead of plastic bags?

4) Listening :

- Get them to guess and fill in the gaps Write all the guess on

the board.



- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and complete the notes about the

reasons why ocean is polluted.

-Call on Ss to give answers


1.Garbage is dumped into the sea

2.Oil spills come from ships at sea

3.Oil is washed from land.

Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary

-Exercise: 1,2

-Prepare new lesson: Read

Pair work


Listen to the tape

Copy down


Teaching: 16/ 01 / 2012

Period 39

Unit 6: The Environment

Lesson 3: Read

I Teaching points:

Reading a poem about the environment

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand a poem about the environment

II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board posters, pictures.


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up


+Do you like poetry?

+Which poet you like best?

Name of some poems that are your favorite?

+Do you think it easy to understand a poem?

+Have you ever read an English poem? Do you like it?


Listen and answer.

II Presentation :

1) Pre- reading :

a.Pre-teach vocabulary

-Junk yard (n): B·i phế thải

-Treasure (n): kho báu

-Hedge (n): hàng rào

Whole class

Listen to T's elitciting and find

out the words


-Nonsense (n): điều vô nghĩa

-foam (n) bọt

-Tin (n) thiÕc

-(to) end up: kÕt thóc

-(be) littered : ngæn ngang

-folk (n): ngêi

* Checking vocab : ROR

b Pre - questions :

- Give Ss three Qs and ask them answer before reading the


* Set the scene :

Two people are going on the picnic They are

talking about the pollution

Questions :

a Who are the people in the poem ?

b Where are they?

c What's the problem of the environment mentioned in the


2)While - reading :

a Reading and checking

- Have Ss read the poem and check their answers


Answers :

a The mother and her son

b They are in the park / woods.

c The woods is polluted.

b Matching :

Get them to practice guessing the meaning of the words by

matching each word in clolumn A with an approriate

explanation in column B.

-Go around and give help.

-Call on Ss to give the answers Then give feedback

Answers: 1- c, - g, - f, - e, - d, - a, – b

c Comprehension questions :

“ Lucky numbers “

3) Post - reading :

- Get them to discuss: "What could you in your school to

minimize pollution?"

-Ask Ss to report to the whole class.

- Give feedback.

Suggested ideas

- Collect garbage everyday

- Put garbage bins around school

- Plant trees around school.

- Don't put waste paper away


- Learn by heart new vocabulary

- Exercise: 6, (44, 45)

- Prepare new lesson: Write

Pair work

Read & check

Pair work

Individual work

Group work


Teaching: 30/ 01 / 2012

Period 40

Unit 6: The Environment

Lesson 4: Write

I Teaching points:

Writing a letter of complaint.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a complaint letter.

II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, ruler, chalk, board posters, pictures.


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up


-Give the letters on the board Get Ss to write the verbs beginning

with the letters given


a - add; c - cut, d - drive

+ s t u v

+ m n o p

-Give feed back and decide which team is the winner.

Team work

II Presentation :

1) Pre - writing :

a)Pre-teach vocabulary

- to) complain: phµn nµn ( translation )

- complication (n): điều gây rắc rối

- resolution (n) sù quyÕt t©m ( translation )

- (to) float: trôi ( picture )

- (to) prohibit: ngăn cản, ngăn cấm ( translation )

- refreshment (n): giải khát

- toad (n) cóc ( picture )

* Checking vocab : ROR


-Ask Ss to keep the books closed Provide sections of a

complaint letter in random order.

-Get Ss to put the sections into the right order.

-Give feedback.


- b

- d


- a

- c

c) Reading and matching :

- Have Ss read the letter on page 52

Whole class

Pair work



Set the scene


Mr Nhat wrote a letter to director of L & P

Company in HCMC The sections of the letter are not in the

right order Label each section with suitable letter : S, C, R, A , P

-Get them to read the letter

-Give feed back and correct.


R - I would suggest

S - I'm writing to you

A - I look forward to hearing

C - When the trucks of

P - Sincerely

2)While writing

- Get Ss to read the situation b (page 53) Then write a compaint

letter to the head of the local authorities to complain about the

way of catching fish in the lake.


- Learn by heart new vocabulary

- Do the Exercise:

5 (page 43) and prepare next lesson

Pair work

Individual work

Teaching: 02/ 02 / 2012

Period 41

Unit 6: The Environment

Lesson 5: Language focus

I Teaching points:

Revision of some adjectives and adverbs and adjective + that clause

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the grammar points in doing exercises

II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, posters, pictures.


Teacher's activities

Students' activities


.Warm up

“Jumbled words”

- Have Ss work in teams.

- Give feedback.

Team work

Suggested writing:

Dear Mr President,

I am writing to you about the catching of fish of many people in the lake behind my house. I am very worried that they use electricity to catch fish After a short time they leave the lake, a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface Other animals such as frog, toads, and event birds have also died from electric shock waves.

I could suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities.


WOSL - slow ( chậm)

ASD - sad (buồn)

DOGO - good (tốt, giỏi)

PAPYHA - happy (vui, h.p)

XETERME - extreme (tột độ)

II Presentation :

1)Revision of adjectives and adverbs :


Adj + ly = Adverb of manner

- Ask ss to remark the position & function of adj & adv

- Ex : These hats are new

She is a nice girl

I read the letter carefully

She walked slowly

b Practice : Language focus 1

- Have Ss work in pairs

-Get them to change the adjectives into adverbs.

Adj Adv

extreme exetremely

good well

happy happily

sad sadly

slow slowly

-Ask them to use the adverbs to complete the sentences on page 54.

-Call on Ss to give the answers.

b slowly; c sadly;

d happily e well

2) Revision of adv clause of reason with

because , since, as

a.Give sentences & ask Ss to combine them into one.

(a) Ba is tired

(b) He stayed up late watching tv

Ba is tired because/since/as he stayed up late watching TV


: Language focus 2

- Let Ss work in pairs and join the pairs of sentences together using :

Because , since , or as


b I have broken leg because / as /

c I'm going to be because the bus

d I broke the cup because/since I was

e I want to go home as I feel sick

f I'm hungry since I haven't eaten

3) Revision of adj + that CL :

a Form


S + be + adj + that CL

b Practice


Language focus 3

- Ask Ss to write the sentence with the words given.

- Have Ss work in Pairs

- Get them to use That Clause to complete the dialgues.

- Give feddback.

I / happy / you / could recover quickly.

I'm very happy that you could quickly



b I'm excited that I can go to DaLat this time

T – whole class

Pair work

Pair work

Pair work


c I'm sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday.

d I'm disappointed that you did not phone me about it

e I'm amazed that you could win the first prize

4) Revision of conditional sentences type :

- Set the scene to introduce the structure of conditional senteces type 1

- Write the statement on the B

EX : we pollute the water , we have no fresh to use

-Ask Ss to complete the sentence by filling in each blank with one

suitable word

> If we pollute the water , we will have no fresh water to use

a Form


If + S + V( simple present) , S + will + inf

b Practice : Language focus 4

* Matching :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs & find out complete conditional sentences

* Answers :

– e , – a , – c , – d , – b

III Further practice :

a Complete sentences

- Have Ss work in pairs.

-Give an example of how to the exercise.

* Example:

If the rice paddies are polluted (rice / plant / die)

If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plant will be died.

-Get them to write the complete sentences

- Give feedback.

* Answers:

b If we go on littering, the environment will be come seriously


c If we plant more trees along the streets, we'll have more shades and

fresh air.

d If we use much pesticide on vegetables, the vegetables will become

poisonous and inedible.

e If we keep our environment clear and clean, we will live a happier

and healthier life.


- Learn by heart new vocabulary

- Do the e xercise: 3,4,5 (41, 42)

Pair work

Pair work


Teaching: 06/ 02 / 2012

Period 42

Unit 7: Saving Energy

Lesson1: Getting Started - Listen and Read

I Aim

: Reading a dialogue for detailsabout saving water

II Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:Use the wordsand phrases relating to “saving energy”

Understand the dialogue and know the ways to save E.

III Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, posters, pictures.



Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up : "Brainstorming "

-Get them to look at the picture on page 57 Ask them to give the list

of things that the family could to save energy (remember to use

modals: must / should ).

Should turn off the faucet when not use

- Give feed back and provided some more ways:

+ Should switch off the lights when before going to bed or out

+ Should turn off TV or the radio when not watch or listen to it

II Presentation :

1)Pre - reading


a)Pre-teach vocabulary

- water bill (n): Hoá đơn tiền nớc (realia )

- enormous (adj) : khổng lồ ( synonym )

- plumber (n): thợ sửa ống nớc ( picture )

- crack (n): vết nứt ( visual )

- dripping faucet (n) : Vòi nớc bị rỉ nhỏ giọt ( picture )

* Checking vocab


b) T / F statements prediction :

* Set the scene

: Mrs Mi is talking to his neighbor, Mrs Ha and Mrs

looks very worried Now , work in pairs and guess about the

conversation between them

- Hang the poster of statements on the B

- Ask ss to guess which statements are trus and which are false.

a Mrs Ha is worried about her water bill

b Mrs Mi gives Mrs Ha advice on how to save water

c Mrs Ha has checked the pipes in her house and find no cracks

d Mrs Ha suggests getting some tool to check cracks in the pipes

e Mrs Mi suggests taking showers to save water

2) While - reading :

a) Reading and checking prediction


- Ask ss to read the D on page 57 and check their prediction

- Have ss correct false statements

Order Guess Answer Correction

a T V

b T V

c F Mrs Ha hasn’t checked the pipes

her house

d F A plumberis a person who repairs

leaking water pipes

e T

b) Comprehension questions :

- Ask ss to work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions

Why is Mrs worried ?

How much money Mrs Ha pay for her water bill ?

Team work

T – whole class

Pair work to guess

T – whole class

Group work


What does Mrs Mi advise Mrs to ?

How much water can be wasted a month by a dipping faucet ?

- Ask ss to answer them by playing a game “ Lucky numbers “

- Answer keys :

Because her recent water bill is normous

She pays 200.000 dongs

She advises Mrs Ha to get a plumber to check her water pipes

and to reduce the amount of water by taking shower and turning off

faucets after use

A dipping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month

3) Post - reading



- Ask ss to work in groups, discussing the topic:

" What you

to save energy at home and at school ?"

IV Homework :

Learn new words by heart

Do Ex 1,2 on page 47, 48

Prepare new lesson : Speak + LF 3

Copy down

Teaching: 09/ 02 / 2012

Period 43

Unit 7: Saving Energy

Lesson 2: Speak + LF 3

I Teaching points


Practice making and responding to suggestions

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to suggestions

II Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, posters, pictures.


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up :


- Get them to look at the pictures of things dealing with activities on

page 59( for 20 seconds) and try to remember as many activities as


- Put away the poster and ask Ss to go to the board and write out the

words they remember.

Team work

Write on the B


-Give feed back

* Answers :

watch TV turn off the faucet

should take a shower turn off the fan

turn off the lights turn off gas

II Presentation :

1)Pre - speaking


- Elitcit from Ss to draw the exchange.

- I think you should take showers

- Why don't you take showers?

-How about taking showers?


+ I suggest taking showers!

OK I'll that

- Ask Ss to fund out other ways of making suggestions

* Giving forms

- Review the ways to make suggestions.



I suggest + V-ing

I think we should

Shall we ?

Why din't we ?

How about + V-ing ?

What about + V-ing ?

Let's + inf


That's a good idea.

All right

No I don't want to.

I prefer to


2)Practice :

a) Do Ex a on page 58 - 59 :

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P 59 and the tables on P 58

- Have ss make responses to the suggestions

* Ex : I suggest going to the movies

No, I don’t want to I prefer to watch TV

b) Do Ex b on page 59 :

- Get ss to look at the pictures on P 59 and make suggestions about

how to save energy at home.

* Possible answer :

+ I think we should turn off the faucets after use

+ I suggest fixing the faucets

+ Why don’t we turn off the lights before leaving room ?

+ How about takeing a shower instead of a bath ?

+ Let’s turn off TV when none watches

+ I suggest putting the lid on the cooking pot when cooking

+ I think we shouldn't go to school by motorbike

+ Let’s go to school by bus

3)Post - speaking :

a Language focus :

T – whole class


*Do LF 3a:

- Ask ss to work in pairs

- Ex : I suggest collecting some money

* Asnwers :

+ I suggest collecting unused clothes

organizing a show to raise money

giving lesson to poor children

helping poor families with chores

collecting old books and notesbooks


Do LF 3b :

-Have ss work in pairs

- Ex : I suggest (that) you should harder on your pronunciation

* Answers :

+ I suggest that you should listen to E programs on the radio or

on TV

practice writing E sentences

use E with their freinds in class

join E speaking clubs

buy a good E dictionary

some reading every day



- Learn by heart new vocabulary

- Do the Exercise: (p 49, 50)

- Prepare new lesson: Listen + LF 1,2

Pair work

Copy down

Teaching: 20 / 02 / 2012

Period 46

Unit 7: Saving Energy

Lesson 5: Listen + LF 1, 2

I- Aim:

Listening to a text for details and further practice in conectives and phrasal verbs

II Objective :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will know more about solar energy by listening and use the

conectives : and , but , because , or , so , therefore , however , and some phrasal verbs

III- Teaching aids :

Textbook , cassette , posters, .


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up :


1 Is the sun important to our life ?


2 In what way is it important to us ?

3 Can it provide us with energy ?

4 Do you know how we can receive its energy ?

5 Do you know anything about solar energy ?

-> Lead in the new lesson

II Presentation :

1)Pre- listening :

a)Introduce the topic of the listening and some new words to Ss

- Solar (a) : thuéc vÒ mỈt trêi

- Solar energy (n) : lợng mặt trời

- Nuclear power (n) : lợng hạt nhân

- Solar panel (n) : thu lợng mạet trời

- Advanced (a) : cÊp cao

- Effective (a) - > effectively (adv) : Cã hiÖu lùc

* Checking vocab


b) T / F statements prediction :

- Hang the poster on the B (4a P 60) , Ask ss to work in pairs to guess

which statements are T and which one are F

2) While - listening :

a Listening and checking :

- Ask ss to listen to the tape twice and check their predictions

- Get ss to correct the false sents

Answer keys :


2 False -> Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal , gas ,

oil or nuclear power )

2 False -> It is enough to provide power for total population )

4 True

5 False -> in 2015

- Have them copy down

b Gap filling


- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully and guess the missing words.

- Ask them to listen again to fill in each blank with one word to check

their predictions

- Call on some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud

* Anwer keys

effective pollution countries

store roof instead

3) Post - listening :

a Language focus :

- Ask ss to think of connectives that they’ve learnt

- Have ss write down the connectives on the B

“ therefore , or , but , however , and , so , because, moreover “

- Ask ss to give Vnse meanings

* Practice :

- Ask ss to work individually

- Answers : a and b.but c because d Therefore e or f so

g and h However

b Language focus :

- Provide verbs + prepositions and ask them to match the verbs with

the pictures on page 64

Listen and answer the


T – whole class

Individual work

Pair work




: Picture : look after (the baby)

Picture : go on (wasting water)

Picture : turn on TV

Picture : look for

Picture : turn off

* Practice :

- Ask ss to work in pairs They have to use suitable verbs to complete

the sentences



: a look after b go on c looked for d Turn on

e turn off

4- Homework :

1 Write a short passage ( 40-50 words ) about their knowledge




2 Do the exercises ( 4,5 ) in the work books

Pair work

Copy down


Teaching: 13/ 02 / 2012

Period 44

Unit 7: Saving Energy

Lesson 3: Read

I Aim :

Reading a text about saving energy for details

II Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get general idea for the reading through choosing

the best summary and answering questions and know how to save energy

III Teaching aids :

Textbook , cassette , posters


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up : Brainstorming

Cheap and clean

* Suggested answers :

- cheap and clean

- provides enough power for the world population

- does not cause pollution

- can be stored for a number of days

- can be received by the solar panels installed on the roof of a house

- can be used on cloudy days

- help save money as well as natural resources

=> lead in the new lesson

II Presentation :

1)Pre- reading :

a)Introduce the topic of the reading passage and some new words

- Luxury >< Necessity (n) : Sù xa xØ >< sù cÇn thiÕt

- Consumer (n) : ngêi tiªu dïng

- Account for (v) : thay mỈt cho

- Labeling scheme (n) : kế hoạch dán nhÃn

- Tumble dryer (n) : m¸y sÊy

- Innovation (n) : s¸ng kiÕn

- to conserve -> conservation (n) – b¶o tån

- category (n): lo¹i

* Checking vocabulary


b) Pre - questions :

- Give ss two Qs and ask them guess the answers

(?) Do people in Western countries think electricity , gas , and water

are luxury ?

(?) Do they want to save electricity ? What they to spend less

on lighting ?

2)While - reading :

a) Reading and checking :

Work in group

T – whole class

Benefits of


- Ask Ss to read the passage silently and answer the questions :

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions

- Give feedback:

1 No, they don’t They think electricity, gas ,water are not luxury but


2 Yes, they They use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary

bulbs and there is a labeling scheme helping them use household

appliances effeciently

b Reading for main ideas :

- Ask ss to read the text again and Ex 5a to choose the best

summary passage

(?) Which of the following is the best summary of the passage ?

Answer keys :

North American and European countries are interested in

saving money and natural resources (It is the best answer

because three others are too specific They only cover part of

the passage )

c) Comprehension questions :

- Have ss work in pairs to find out the answers of these Qs

- Give feedback

- Answer keys :

1 They are interested in products that will not only work effectively

but also save money

2 To spend less on lighting, we can replace ordinary light bulbs with

energy –saving bulbs( 100 watts bulbs )

3 Mrs Jones will pay only $2 for lighting

4 The labeling scheme tells the consumers how much energy

effeciency each model has

5 We save energy to save money and conserve our natrural resources


3)Post - reading :

a Discussion


- Ask ss to work in groups of Ss to find out the answers

1 What should we save energy ?

2 What should we to save money and natural resources ?

- Call on the representative from each group to present in front of class

- Give feedback :


Possible answers:

1 Because we want to save money and natural resources

2 - Use solar energy instead of coal , gas and oil

- Use energy – saving house hold appliances like bulbs ,

refrigerators , stoves , cookers

- Reduce the amount of water and electricity we use

- Turn off the faucets , the TV or radio when we not use them

* Homework :

Do the exercises ( ,6 ) in the workbook

Preare the next lesson

Individual work

Pair work

Pair work

Copy down


Teaching: 16/ 02 / 2012

Period 45

Unit 7: Saving Energy

Lesson 4: Write


: Writing a speech about saving energy

II Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write short , simple speech with clear organization

and present it in front of the whole class

III.Teaching aids :

Textbook , Lesson plan , poster


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I.Warm up : * Shark's attack

- Get ss into team

- Draw four gaps for the word “ BODY “

- - - - ( body )

- Draw 10 gaps for the word “ conclusion “

- - - - ( conclusion )


Lead in the new lesson

OR * Jumble words

( Revision of vocab )

II Presentation :

1)Pre - writing :

a Definition of a speech


- It is the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an

audience A speech usually had three parts : Introduction , Body and


Play game

( Whole class )


- Ask Ss some questions about the functions of each part a a-What do

you in the Introduction of a speech ?

b What you in the body of a speech ?

c What you in the conclusion of a speech ?

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions

- Give feedback :

c Sum up what we have said

1 Introduction

2 Body

3 Conclusion

A summing up what you have said

B getting people


s attention and telling them what you are going to

talk about

C Giving details in easy – to – understand language

b Matching :

- Ask Ss to work individually , match each part of speech in column A

to a suitable function in column B

- Give correct answers :

* Answers :

1- B 2- C 3- A

2)While - writing :

a Ordering :

- Ask Ss to work in pair , put the sections in the correct place to

complete a speech

- Call on some Ss to deliver the speech in front of class

- Comment and correct and necessary mistakes

- Give the correct answers : -2 -1

- Ask Ss some questions :

a What does Professor Roberts in the introduction of his speech ?

What is he going to talk about ?

b What are his ideas about saving the amount of gas ?

c What does he say finally ?

* Suggested answers :

a Every household produces a lot of garbage

b Pollute the environment / affect people


s health

c Collect plastic bags , empty cans and bottles send them to factories

for recycling / use cloth bags / not keep solid waste with food waste /

use food waste to feed pigs , chickens and other animals

b Discussion :

- Ask Ss to read carefully the aims of the exercise

- Have them work in pairs to answer the questions below

a What you think about the amount o garbage nowadays ?

b Why we have to reduce garbage ?

c How can you help with reducing garbage ?

c Writing :

- Have Ss work in group of to write “ Reducing the amount of

garbage “

- Monitor and provide help if any

- Call on some representative of each group to present their writings

3)Post - writing :


Why should we save energy ?

Pair work

Group work


- Ask Ss to work in groups to list the reasons for saving energy

- Call on some representative of some groups to present in front of


Suggested answers :

Save money / conserve the Earth


s resources / protect environment /

prevent natural disasters

Homework :

1 Copy down the completed writing in their notebooks

2 Prepare the next lesson

Copy down

Period 47

Test - 45 min

1- Ma trËn:


NhËn biÕt Th«ng hiĨu VËn dơng

Tỉng sè: TN TL TN TL TN TL

I Listening

Suggested writing :

Good morning ladies and gentlemen I am a conservationist and today I

am going to tell you how to reduce the amount of garbage

You know , nowadays , every household produces a lot of garbage This

not only pollutes the environment but effects people


health as well So it

is necessary for you to reduce the amount of garbage you produce You

can reduce this amount by :

- Collecting plastic bags , empty cans and bottles then send them to

factories for recycling

- Using cloth bags instead of plastic bags

- Not keep solid waste with food waste

- Using food waste to feed pigs , chickens and other animals


2,0 2,0

II Reading 2,5 5 2,5

III Language focus



IV Writing 2,0 1,0 5 3,0

Tæng sè: 8 4,0 105,0 1,0 19 10 2 Néi dung:

Teaching: 23 /02 / 2012 Period : 47

WRITTEN TEST 3 Time : 45 minutes. A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to consolidate the knowledge from unit6 to unit


-The tenses

-Adverb clauses of reason/ result -Conditional sentence type1 -Make suggestion


II Skill

-Writting skill

B Proceduce. 1.Greeting




 Revise the lesson carefully Teacher:

 Prepare two tests( even/odd exercises)


 Hand out the exercises


I Listen and complete the paragraph:( pts)

Good morning class, my name is Thu and today I’m going to tell you (1) to reuse paper

Most of us use (2) much paper everyday You can reduce this amount by:

• having a separate wastebasket for wastepaper

• keeping sheets with single (3) page for draft

If you follow these simple (4) , not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner

II Choose the best answer to complete these sentences :( 2,5 pts)

1 I suggest that we take shower to save water - That a good idea

A should B must C Can D have to

2 He repairs water pipes He is a

A.carpenter B.brick-layer C.worker D.plumber

3 Don't forget to turn ……….the lights before going to bed

A.on B.off C at D of

4 We should use public buses ……… of motorbikes

A.because B.in spite C instead D out

5 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

A to B in C out D on

III Rewrite the following sentences without chaging the meaning.( 2, ps) Why don’t we speak English in class?

I suggest that ………

2 Lan’s going to be late for school The bus is late.(because)


3.Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month If……… Mr Phong is busy today He won’t go to work ( so)

V Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (2,5pts).

In Britain, natural gas is the most popular fuel of heating homes, and for cooking It is piped all over the country from the gas fields below the North Sea Natural gas is used chiefly as direct source of energy, although it is also used in chemical industry At the moment the supply is plentiful, but it will be running short by the end of the century, and

will run out, during the 21st century unless are found We could without natural gas, as

coal gas can be used as a substitute, and there should be enough coal to last for several centuries However, it is a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient

1 What is natural gas used for?




3 What can be used as a substitute for natural gas?


4 Is natural gas expensive?


5 Is it a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient?

VI Write a speech about “saving energy in the kitchen” (1 pts)


I Listen and complete the paragraph:( pts)

Good morning class, my name is Thu and today I’m going to tell you to reuse paper

Most of us use much paper everyday You can reduce this amount by: • having a separate wastebasket for wastepaper

• keeping sheets with single page for draft

If you follow these simple , not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner II Choose the best answer to complete these sentences :( 2,5 pts)

1 Don't forget to turn ……….the lights before going to bed

A.on B.off C at D of

2 We should use public buses ……… of motorbikes

A.because B.in spite C instead D out

3 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

A to B in C out D on

4 I suggest that we take shower to save water - That a good idea

A should B must C Can D have to

5 He repairs water pipes He is a

A.carpenter B.brick-layer C.worker D.plumber

III Rewrite the following sentences without chaging the meaning.( 2, ps)

1.Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month If……… Mr Phong is busy today He won’t go to work ( so)

Why don’t we speak English in class?

I suggest that ………

4 Lan’s going to be late for school The bus is late.(because)


V Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (2,5pts).

In Britain, natural gas is the most popular fuel of heating homes, and for cooking It is piped all over the country from the gas fields below the North Sea Natural gas is used chiefly as direct source of energy, although it is also used in chemical industry At the moment the supply is plentiful, but it will be running short by the end of the century, and

will run out, during the 21st century unless are found We could without natural gas, as

coal gas can be used as a substitute, and there should be enough coal to last for several


centuries However, it is a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient

1What can be used as a substitute for natural gas?

……… 2.Is natural gas expensive?

……… 3.Is it a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient?

4.What is natural gas used for?

……… 5.What is gas used chiefly?


VI Write a speech about “saving energy in the kitchen” (1 pts)

Written test 3 Time: 45 minutes-A Name:


I Listen and complete the paragraph:( pts)

Good morning class, my name is Thu and today I’m going to tell you (1) to reuse paper

Most of us use (2) much paper everyday You can reduce this amount by:

• having a separate wastebasket for wastepaper

• keeping sheets with single (3) page for draft

If you follow these simple (4) , not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner

II Choose the best answer to complete these sentences :( 2,5 pts)

1 I suggest that we take shower to save water - That a good idea

A should B must C Can D have to

2 He repairs water pipes He is a

A.carpenter B.brick-layer C.worker D.plumber

3 Don't forget to turn ……….the lights before going to bed

A.on B.off C at D of

4 We should use public buses ……… of motorbikes

A.because B.in spite C instead D out

5 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

A to B in C out D on

III Rewrite the following sentences without chaging the meaning.( 2, ps) Why don’t we speak English in class?


2 Lan’s going to be late for school The bus is late.(because)


3.Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month If……… Mr Phong is busy today He won’t go to work ( so)

V Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (2,5pts).

In Britain, natural gas is the most popular fuel of heating homes, and for cooking It is piped all over the country from the gas fields below the North Sea Natural gas is used chiefly as direct source of energy, although it is also used in chemical industry At the moment the supply is plentiful, but it will be running short by the end of the century, and

will run out, during the 21st century unless are found We could without natural gas, as

coal gas can be used as a substitute, and there should be enough coal to last for several centuries However, it is a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient

1.What is natural gas used for?

……… 2.What is gas used chiefly?

……… 3.What can be used as a substitute for natural gas?

……… 4.Is natural gas expensive?

……… 5.Is it a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient?

VI Write a speech about “saving energy in the kitchen” (1 pts)

Written test 3 Time: 45 minutes-B Name:


I Listen and complete the paragraph:( pts)

Good morning class, my name is Thu and today I’m going to tell you to reuse paper

Most of us use much paper everyday You can reduce this amount by: • having a separate wastebasket for wastepaper

• keeping sheets with single page for draft

If you follow these simple , not only will you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner II Choose the best answer to complete these sentences :( 2,5 pts)

1 Don't forget to turn ……….the lights before going to bed

A.on B.off C at D of

2 We should use public buses ……… of motorbikes

A.because B.in spite C instead D out


3 If we go littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

A to B in C out D on

4 I suggest that we take shower to save water - That a good idea

A should B must C Can D have to

5 He repairs water pipes He is a

A.carpenter B.brick-layer C.worker D.plumber

III Rewrite the following sentences without chaging the meaning.( 2, ps)

1.Unless we reduce the use of water and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month If……… Mr Phong is busy today He won’t go to work ( so)

Why don’t we speak English in class?

I suggest that ………

4 Lan’s going to be late for school The bus is late.(because)


V Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (2,5pts).

In Britain, natural gas is the most popular fuel of heating homes, and for cooking It is piped all over the country from the gas fields below the North Sea Natural gas is used chiefly as direct source of energy, although it is also used in chemical industry At the moment the supply is plentiful, but it will be running short by the end of the century, and

will run out, during the 21st century unless are found We could without natural gas, as

coal gas can be used as a substitute, and there should be enough coal to last for several centuries However, it is a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient

1What can be used as a substitute for natural gas?


2.Is natural gas expensive?


3.Is it a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient? 4.What is natural gas used for?


5.What is gas used chiefly?


VI Write a speech about “saving energy in the kitchen” (1 pts)


-Tea: 27 / 02 / 2012

Period 48


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remember the old structures and find out their mistakes in the test to corrects

II Language contents Grammar: Review

-The tenses

-Adverb clauses of reason/ result ,conditional sentence type1 -Make suggestion


III Techniques: Asking and answering, pair work, chatting IV Teaching aids: textbook, 45 minutes test

V Procedures

T and Ss activities Contents Warm-up ( 3’ )

T: asks Ss to comment the 45 minutes by themselves Ss: comment

2 New lesson a Presentation ( 15’ )

T: asks Ss to retell the simple past with “wish”, The present perfect tense, The active /passive , Reported questions and prepositions

Ss: answer

T: comments and gives the corrects answer Ss: take note and check their tests

b Practice ( 23’ )

T: asks Ss to base on the structures correcting the test Ss: ( listen to part )

Ss: comment - T: corrects Ss: take note

1.The Adverb clauses of reason/ result Because+reason clause ,result clause reason clause ,so result clause 2.The conditional sentence type1 If clause , main clause Simple present simple future 3-Making suggestion


S+suggest+that+s+(should)+V-inf I think that we should



5.Prepositions: on ,in, at, till, for, between ,off

* KEYS Number1

I/ Listen(2,0ms) how

2 too printed rules

II/ Choose the best answer (2,5ms) A

2 D B 4.C D

III/ Writing:(2,0ms)

1 I suggest that we should speak


1S: writes on the board part2 Ss: comment

T: corrects their mistakes Ss: take note

Ss: ask and answer in pairs part3 Ss: comment

1S: writes on the board T: gives the corrects answers Ss: take note

Ss: discuss in pairs part4 & choose part5 1S: writes the complete sentence on the board Ss: comment

T: gives the corrects answer Ss: take note

3 Consolidation ( 3’ )

T: asks some questions ( ask Ss close their books and the test )

Ss: answer

T: reviews the main points and asks Ss to learn the lesson carefully for the next test

Ss: listen and remember Homework ( 1’ ) T: asks Ss to:

Ss: listen and take note

English in class

2 Lan’s going to be late for school because the bus is late

If we don’t reduce the use of water

and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month

4 Mr Phong is busy today, so he won’t go to work


1 Natural gas is used for heating homes and (for) cooking

2 Gas is used chiefly as direct source of energy Coal gas can be used as a substitute for natural gas No, it isn’t

5 Yes ,it is

V.Write a speech about“saving energy in the kitchen” (1 pts)

-depending on Ss’writing

-Checking form of a speech and grammar structures

Number 2

I/ Listen(2,0ms) how

2 too printed rules

II/ Choose the best answer (2,5ms) B C D 4.A D III/ Writing:(2,0ms)

If we don’t reduce the use of water

and electricity, we’ll have to pay more this month

2 Mr Phong is busy today, so he won’t go to work

3 I suggest that we should speak English in class

4 Lan’s going to be late for school because the bus is late


1.Coal gas can be used as a substitute for natural gas No, it isn’t

3.Yes ,it is

4.Natural gas is used for heating homes and (for) cooking 5.Gas is used chiefly as direct source of energy

V.Write a speech about“saving energy in the kitchen” (1 pts)

-depending on Ss’writing


- Learn by heart the structures again

Teaching: 01/ 03 / 2012

Period 49

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson : Getting started Listen and read

A/ Aims :

B/ Objectives:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get further information about celebrations in the world , then practice reading comprehension skill for details to complete a table

C / Teaching aids :

Textbook , posters , pictures , objects about festivals …


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I / Warm up :

Matching ( Getting started )

- Ask Ss to tell some celebrations / festivals in Viet nam or some English

speaking countries in Vietnamese Work in pairs


- Sticky rice cake (n) : traditional Chung cake Easter Wedding Birthday Christmas Mid-Autumn Festival Lunar new year - Give correct answers :

II Presentation: 1 / Pre- reading :

- Introduce the topic of the passage and some new words to Ss a/Pre- teach vocabulary :

- Passover (n) : le qua hai

- Israel (n) (translate ) ->Jewish (a) -> Jewish people - Occur (v) = happen / take place

- Live apart (v) = Far way

- Slavery = condition or work of slave - Joyful (a) : cheerful

*/Checking vocab: “ What & Where” b/Guiding questions :

a How many celebrations are mentioned in the text ? b What are they ?

2 / While - reading

a Reading and checking predictions

- Turn on the tape time and ask Ss to check their predictions - Call on some Ss to read their answers

a Three celebrations are mentioned in the text b They are lunar New Year , Passover and Easter - Give feedback :

b Grids :

- Have Ss read the passage about celebrations in Viet nam and other countries

- Ask Ss to compare their table with a friend - Feedback and give necessary corrections

Celebration When? Activities Food Country Tet

(Lunar new year )

In late Jan or early Feb

Cleaning & Decorating homes Wearing new clothes Enjoying special food

Sticky rice cake


Passover In late Mar Or early April

Eating special meal

Special meal called


Listen and copy down Listen and repeat chorally , individually

Copy down Play game Work in group

Listen and check their predictions



Easter Aroud the

same time as Passover

Watching colourful parades

Chocolate, sugar and eggs

In many cuontries

3 / Post - reading :


- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the questions * Questions:

1.When does ( Tet ) occur ? 2.What our people at (Tet) ? 3.What special food they eat ? 4.Which country celebrate (Tet) ? III / Homework :

1 Learn by heart all the new words and copy the completed Grid in their notebooks

2 Prepare the next lesson

Work in pairs

Copy down

Teaching: 05/ 03 / 2012

Period 50

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 2: Speak and Listen


Practice giving and responding to compliments Filling the missing words by listening to a song

II Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give and respond to compliments and to complete the song

III Teaching aids: Text book, work book,

Posters, pictures; cassette and tape


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I.Warm up:

- Devide class into teams

-Get Ss to make sentences The first student has to use the adj beginning with the letter A, the second - B, the third - C

I have + a/an adj + friend *Suggested answers:

I have an active friend

Team work

Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams


I have a baeutiful friend I have a clever friend I have a dirty friend

II Presentation: A Speaking:

1 Vocabulary

- activist (n): ngời động

-(to) nominate: ghi danh, mÖnh danh -charity (n): lßng tõ thiƯn

-Auld Lang Syne (n): tên hat -due to (adj): bëi, t¹i ( synonum) : caused by

-Acquaintance (n): ngời quen biet -Trusty (adj): đáng tin cậy

* Checking vocab: ROR

2 Model sentences:

*Set the scene:

Trang has just won the first prize in English speaking contest What does Mai say to pay Trang a compliment? And what does Trang respond?

Trang Mai

- Ask Ss how to give and respond to compliments *Give a compliment:

- Well done / That’s a great / That’s an excellent - Congratulations on / Let me congratulate you on

* Respond to a compliment: -Thanks / Thanks a lot

- It’s very nice (kind) of you to say so - That’s very kind of you

3 Practice: a) “ Word Cue Drill “

- Ask Ss to work in pairs a Well done / thanks

b Congratulations / thank a lot

c Let / congratulate / on passing the exam / kind d great report / nice of you

b) Read the situations on page 66, 67 then give and respond to compliments.

- Give feedback

b Mother : Well done , Huyen Huyen : Thanks , Mom

c Friends : Congralations on your nomination, Tuan Tuan : It’s very nice of to say so

d You : That’s an excellent drawing, Hoa Hoa : That’s very kind of you to say so

T-whole class

Mai: Well done , Trang Trang: Thanks

T-whole class Open pairs Closed pairs

Pair work Well done, Trang



Guess: a ; b

c ; d ; e

*Answers: a) days b) take c) mind d) kindness * Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary - Exercise: (53, 54)

- repare new lesson: Read

Copy down

Teaching: 10 / 03 / 2012

Period 51

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 3: Read


Reading for details about children’s emotion on Father’s Day II Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will know more about the options, feelings, and memories of children about their fathers on the Father’s Day in the USA and in Australia

III Teaching aids:

Text book, work book,posters, pictures


Teacher Students’ activities

I.Warm up: Pelmanism -Stick the cards on the board

-Devide class into teams and ask each team to choose numbers in turns Card 1: Women’s Day

Card 2: Teacher’s Day Card 3: Vnamese Ind Day Card 4: 8/3 (March 8) Card 5: 20/11 (November 11) Card 6: Children’s Day Card 7: June

Card 8: May Day

Card 9: 2/9 (September 2) Card 10: Christmas Day Card 11: December 25 Card 12: May

 C1 - C4; C2 - C5; C3 - C9; C6 - C7; C8 - C12; C10 - C11 II Presentation:

1) Pre-reading: a Vocabulary

- hug (n): ôm (khi chào nhau) - considerate (adj): ân cần -generous (adj): rộng lợng -priority (n): u tiên

-sense of humor (n): ãc hµi híc -distinguish (v): ph©n biƯt - terrific (adj): tut vêi, kú diƯu b.Prediction

* Setting the scene:

On Father’s Day in Australia and in the USA, children show their love to to their fathers by giving their father presents, cards

Team work

T-whole class

Individual work


Group A Group B

Get them to close the book and think of the adjectives that children use to talk about their fathers

- Call on Ss to write their predictions on the board 2)While Reading

a.Read and check

- Get Ss to read the opinions and check their predictions -Call on Ss to give answers

-Give feddback *Answers;

strong great humorous

generous healthy handsome terrific considerate the best


- Get them to read the opinions again and answer the question on page 69 - Call on Ss to give the answers to the whole class

- Give feed back * Answer keys: a To her dad

b He is possible dead (how much you are miss ) c His sense of humor

d The best person in the world, a teacher, a friend, a care taker 3) Post reading

- Have Ss write their feelings, opinions, and memories about their fathers Three passages are samples

-Call on Ss to read aloud their writing to the whole class *

Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary

- Do Exercise: (55, 56) and prepare new lesson : Write

Group work

Pair work

Copy down


Teaching: /03/2012

Period 52

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 4: Write

I.Aim: Writing a letter to a friend

II Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to a friend/ a pen pal to share their ideas

III Teaching aids:

Text book, work book, chalk, posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I.Warm up Word Square










celebrate; tradition; flowers

Team work

Follow T's guidings; playing game in teams


card/ special food/ gift/ memory

II Presentation: 1) Pre-writing:

a Vocabulary

-(to) enhance:tăng cờng, tôn lên - essential (adj): cần thiết -(to) support: ủng hộ, hỗ trợ - nationwide (adj): níc * Checking vocab: ROR

b Ordering:

*Setting the scene:

- In Vietnam, people not celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day You think it is necessary to have a day for your Dad or your Mom

Please share your ideas: reasons / when? and how?

-Ask Ss to keep their books closed, show the outline on the board -Get Ss to put the parts in the correct order

-Call on Ss to give answers *Ask Ss to give details about

+ When to celebrate, in what season, or what month? Why?

+ How to celebrate: having parties, sending cards + What sepcial gift to give?

+ What special food to offer? *Answers:

Paragraph 1: (3) Paragraph 1: (1) Paragraph 1: (2)

2) While-writing:

- Have ss write individually to a friend to tell him / her about why they want to celebrate Mother’s Day or father’s Day in VN and how to celebrate it

T-whole class

Pair work

Individual work I Love You Dad !

* Suggested writing:

In my opinion, it is essential to have a day to celebrate for our parents On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feeling, memories and love for their parents We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help each other

I think the first Sunday of April is suitable Sunday is a day off so everybody is free from work or study Besides, April is late Spring or early summer, so the weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoor

It is not necessary to have parties but it’s a good idea to have lunch or diiner with all members of the family Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards, or bring special cakes Moreover, children should serve their parents the food that they like best


3) Post-writing: Correction

III Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary -Exercise: (p.57)

-Prepare new lesson: L.F1,2 Teaching: /03/2012

Period 53

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 5: Language Focus 1,2

I.Aim: Practice in relative clauses

II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the relative clauses

III Teaching aids:

Text book, posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I.Warm up Jumble words lofk folk

2 tlaouhgh although ubclpi public ppaenh happen

II Presentation:

1 Vocabulary

- (to) compose: s¸ng t¸c - violet (n): mµu tÝm

- culture (n): văn hoa - lap (n): đùi (từ hông đến gối) - jumper (n): áo tròng qua đầu

2 Language Focus 1

* Set the scene: Show a picture of girls: Lan , Mai They are sitting in a room with some books on the table

(?) Who is Lan ? She is the girl who is wearing a blue shirt (?) What books are those? They are novels which are written by a famous writer

Form and use: Relative pronouns Who, which

 Who, which : replace the pronoun or noun

 Who is used for people, which is used for things - Have Ss work in pairsto LF1

- Get them to read the sentences carefully, then join them into one, using relative clauses


Tet is a festival Tet occurs in late January or early February Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February


a Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year’s Eve b This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday

Team work

T-whole class

Look at the picture and answer the questions

Pair work


c My friend Tom, who sings Western folk songs very well, can compose

h Tomorrow I will go to the airport to meet my friends who come to stay with us during Christmas

3 Language Focus 2.

- Use the pictures, elitcit from Ss to give out an example on the board - Have Ss look at pictures on page 71 to describe each of people in the pictures, using relative clauses

-Go around and give help

-Call on Ss to read aloud their sentences to the whole class -Give feed back and suggested answers


Mom is the woman who is sitting in an armchair/ receiving a gift from a little girl

Suggested Answers:

+ Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister

+ Linda is the girl who is wearing a pink dress /giving a gift to my mom + Grandmother is the woman who is wearing a violet blouse / giving a + Uncle John is the man who is wearing a pink jumper

+ Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother’s lap

IV Homework :

-Write sents to describe the people in the pictures on page 71 in their notebooks

Prepare lesson 6: Language Focus 3,4

Pair work

Pair work Copy down

Teaching: /03/2012

Period 54

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 6: Language Focus 3,4


Further practice in adverbial clauses of concession

II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use though/ although/ even though to combine sentences

III Teaching aids:

Text book, posters, pictures


Teacher's activities Students' activities

I.Warm up Jumble words ttsiruo tourist

2 tlaouhgh veen even although


3 owhs show stieavfl festival

II Presentation:

1 Vocabulary

- satisfied (a): tho¶ m·n - (to) satisfy: làm thoả mÃn

- ẻuopean (a): thuọc châu ©u 1.Language Focus 3

- Elicit from Ss to give out an example, using though, even though, although

=> even though

though + adverbial clause of concession


- Get Ss to join the sents on P 72, using abverbial clause of concession -Call on Ss to read aloud their sentences

-Give feed back and suggested answers

2.Language Focus 4

-Ask ss to look at the pictures on P 72-73 and complete the sentences, using correct tense of the verbs, and the cues given below each picture - Get ss to work in pairs, then call on some ss to read aloud their sentences, T corrects their mistakes

* Answer keys:

b Even though , she is still watching TV now

c It the weather bureau predicted the weather would be fine d Ba ate a lot of food though e ., Mary tried to finish her letter

IV Homework :

1 Get ss to write sentences, using adverbial clauses of concession Prepare unit Getting started+listen and read

T-whole class

Look at the picture and answer the questions Pair work

Pair work

Copy down


Teaching 17/03/2012

Period 55

Unit 9: Natural Disasters

Lesson1: Getting started+Listen and Read

) I.Aim: Reading a dialogue for details about the weather forecast

II Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast III Teaching aids:

Text book, posters, pictures


Teacher’s activities Students' activities

I.Warm up : “Matching and chatting

- Show pictures on page 74 and ask Ss to match them with words : Snowstorm , earthquake, volcano, typhoon

* Answer keys : Picture : Snowstorm Picture 2: Earthquake Picture 3: volcano Picture 4: Typhoon - Give some Qs about the natural disasters

(?) How you knowit is a snowstorm / an earthquake / a volcano / a typhoon ?

II Presentation: 1)Pre-reading: a Vocabulary

- (to) turn up: điều chỉnh to lên (âm TV, radio) - snowstorm (n): b·o tuyÕt

- earthquake (n): động đất - volcano (n) : núi lửa - typhoon (n): bảo nhiệt đới - thunderstorm (n): bảo giông - central highlands (n): cao nguyên - (to) trust: tin tởng

- just in case (adv): tình cờ xảy

Checking vocab: ROR b.Pre-questions:

* Set the scene: Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they both are watching TV

- Give Ss one question and ask them to guess the answer (?) What are they watching?

2) While-reading:

T – whole class

Individual work

Ss answer : They are watching the weather forecast on TV


- Ask Ss to read the D silently and then answer “ Pre-question “ - Answer key: They are watching the weather forecast on TV - Ask Ss to Ex 2b on page 75

a Gap filling:

- Have Ss work in pairs -Call on Ss to give the answers

- Give feed back and turn up / weather fore cast

raining thunderstorms

have temperature weather forecast / watching them b.Comprehension questions ( By playing LN )

- Show the questions on the poster Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, then answer the questions in pairs

-Go around and give help

-Call on Ss to give answers to the whole class 1.Because she wants to listen to the wether forecast HCM city is the hottest

3 She is going to a park on the other side of Thang Long bridge with her old friends

4 She wants her to bring along a raincoat c Practice the dialogue:

- Let Ss listen to the D and focus on the pronunciation

- Call on some Ss to play the roles of Thuy, grandmother and weatherman to practice the D

3) Post-reading:


- Have Ss work in groups

-Get them to make the weather forecast about tomorrow for some places in Vietnam

(?) What will the weather be tomorrow in: - Quang Binh - Ha Noi

- Ho Chi Minh City - Go around and give help

- Call on Ss to give the answers - Give feedback and correct answers *.Homework

- Learn by heart new vocabulary - Exercise: 1, (58, 59))

- Prepare new lesson: Speak + Listen

Group work

Group work of three

Copy down

Date: 19/03/2012

Period 56

Unit 9: Natural Disasters

Lesson 2: Speak and Listen

I.Aim : Practice speaking bout preparations made for a typhoon

Listen for details to complete a table

II Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about what they want to buy and to prepare for a typhoon and get some ideal on how to live with earthquakes by listening


III-Teaching aids :

Textbook , whiteboard markers tape,cassette


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up “ Brainstorming”

(?) Think about what they to prepare for a


Store water

Buy food



+ Check the doors and


+ Cut some branches of high trees in the garden or around the house + Buy oil or gas

+ Buy candles and check the roof II/ Presentation :

1 Vocabulary

- Bucket (n) : Thùng, xô - Fix the leak (v) : sữa chổ dột - Canned food (n): thực phẩm đóng hộp

- Peg (n) : c©y cäc - tie(v): trãi, cét

- Latch (n) :chèt / then cöa - Power cut (n) : điện - Block(v): hạn chế, ngăn cản - Roller(n): trục lăn, lăn * Checking vocab : ROR

2 Speaking:

a.Revision: * Form: must / may + infinitive * Use: in deduction or prediction

* Practice: (?) What happen if there is a typhoon? > Possible answers :

+ The water pipe may be damaged + There be must strong wind blowing + There may be a power cut + There may be a flood

+ There must be heavy rain

+ Big trees may fall down and the market may be closed b Practice: Do Ex 3a on page 76

* Choosing possible answers : - Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some Ss to explain their answers and give suggested answers : + Buying some canned food + Fixing the leak in the roof + Buying candles + Buying matches

+ Filling all buckets with water + Buying ladder + Tying the roof to the ground with pegs an ropes + Checking all the windows and door latches * Pair discussion:

-Have Ss continue working in pairs but with another partner

-Ask Ss to practice in front of class Comment and give suggested answer a) A : I think we should buy some candles and matches before a typhoon B : Yes I agree with you Because there may be a power cut when there is strong wind

3)Listening : a.Pre- listening :

* Prediction :

T-whole class

T – whole class

Pair work

Pair work Preparatio


- Set the scene: An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes - Ask Ss to look at the box on page 77 and guess the words in the blanks from (1) to (9)

- Give feedback b While - listening:

Listen to the tape twice and check their predictions * Answer keys:

(1) bottom shelf of the bookshelf

(2) fridge (3) washing machine (4) mirrors (5) a window

(6) inside (7) under a strong table (8) doorway (9) corner of the room III Production :

*True / False repetition drill :

- ( Say seven to ten statements about what we should to prepare for a typhoon If the statements are true ( should ) , Ss will repeat the statements If the statements are false ( should not ) , Ss will stay silent )

* Examples :

1 We should buy some candles

2 We should invite some friends to dinner IV Consolidation:

1 Summarize main points that they have just studied “ Must / may + inf to predict in the future V Homework:

Learn new words by heart Do Ex in the workbook

Prepare new lesson : Getting started & read

T – whole class

Copy down

Date:24/03/2012 Period 57

Unit 9: Natural Disasters

Lesson3: Read

I.Aim: Reading a text about natural disasters for details

II Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get more information about the natural disasters in the world

III Teaching aids:

Text book, posters, pictures


Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I.Warm up Chatting : Ask Ss some questions about weather (?) What’s the weather like today?

(?) Do you like hot / cold weather ?

(?) Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on the radio or on TV ? (?) Do you think weather forecast is useful for us ? How is it useful ? II Presentation:

1.Pre-reading: a Vocabulary:

-Pacific Rim (n): vµnh ®ai TBD - (to) struck = (destroy) ph¸ hđy -Ring of Fire (n):vành đai lửa - (to) erupt: phun

-Funnel (n): c¸i phƠu - (to) suck up:

-abrupt (adj): bất chợt, bất thình l×nh * Checking vocab: ROR

* Lead in: (?) Have you ever seen an Earthquake? a Typhoon? a Tidal wave? a volcano? or a Tonado?

T- whole class


Today we are going to read a text about these

b True-False Statements Predictions

* Set the scene: There are statements about the information of some

natural disasters You have to read and guess whether they are T or F - Hang the poster of T/F on the board

1.Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire

2.The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe (nghiem trong) demage 3.A huge tidal wave traveled from California to Alaska and hit

Anchorage in the 1960s

4.Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disaster

5.The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest ever volcanic eruption

6.A tonado looks like a funnel 2.While- Reading

a.Read and Check

- Get them to read the text on page 78 and check their predictions - Call on Ss to give the answers and correct false statements Order Guess Answer Correction

1 T T

3 F from Alaska to California T

5 F In more than 50 years T

b Gap filling:

- Get them to read the text again and find the words to complete the sentences on page 79

- Give feedback and correct occur around the Pacific Rim

2 homes, office blocks and high way collapsed

3 there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth a cyclone

5 the word ‘typhoon’

6 passes overland and sucks up anything that is in its path

3 Post- reading : " Asking & Answering" - Get them to read the text again

- G1 ask a question, G 2,3,4 answer it

- G2 ask another question, G1,3,4 answer Go on until the Gs ask their Qs

* Questions: a Why people call the facific Rim” Ring of Fire” ? > Because 90% of earthquakes occur around the Facific Rim b What will happen when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth?

> Tidal waves will happen

c What does “ typhoon “ mean ? > It means “ big wind”

d Can we predict a volcano? > Yes, The scientists can warn us about the eruption

* Home work

- Learn by heart new vocabulary & Exercise: 3.4 (p 60) - Prepare new lesson: Write

Pair work

Individual work

Pair work


Copy down Date: /0 /2012

Period 58

Unit 9: Natural Disasters

Lesson 4: Write

I- Aim: Writing a story about a typhoon

II Objective: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a short story by using guided information and pictures

III- Teaching aids :


Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities I Warm up: “ Jumbled words”

otnophy = typhoon tearquahke = earthquake damotro = tornado ormst = storm lacono = volcano

II Presentation: 1) Pre-writing: a Pre-teach vocab:

- Circle (n) : perfectly round shape

- Shelter (n) : a place to hide or stay away from danger - Behave (v) : act in a manner

b Telling story:

- Show pictures on the board

- Set the scene: This is Lan’sfamily, they are at home - Ask some questions to elicit the story

Picture :

a What you see in the picture ?

A girl and a dog

b Who is she ? What is she doing ? She is Lan She’s playing with her dog => Lan is outside playing with her dog

Picture :

a How is the dog ? It looks strange Perhaps it is scared

Picture :

a Who is in the picture with Lan ? It’s her mother b What’s on TV ? The weather forecast

b What does her mother say ? She tells Lan that she has just heard on TV that there is a typhoon coming

Picture :

a What are they doing ? They are gathering and talking about the coming typhoon

Picture :

a What is the weather like now? It’s very dark , the wind is very strong and it heavily rains

Picture :

a What you see in the picture ? Lan, her parents and dog b How are they now ? They are happy

c Does the weather become fine again ? Yes, it is

- Ask Ss to turn back on page 79 and study the outline of the story with the guided words

2) While-writing:

- Have Ss write the story individually and tell them to compare their story

Group work

T – whole class


with a friend

- Call on some Ss to read the story loudly - Give suggested writing

Suggested writing:

It was a beautiful day The Sun was shining , the sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan was outside playing with Skippy, her dog All of a sudden, the dog began acting strangly She kept running around the circles, and didn't seem to be herself Lan ran home with the dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard on the radio that there was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house.

All of a sudden, the sky became very dark, the storm came with strong winds and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and every one was glad What clever dog Skippy is She saved Lan's family

3 Post - Writing : Correction

- Take some writings to correct on front of the class - Ask them to rewrite their writings

- Collect their papers and correct

III- Homework :

1 Summarize main points Copy the completed writing Do exercise in their workbook

5 Prepare the next lesson : Language focus

Individual work

T- whole class

Copy down

Date: /0 /2012

Period 59

Unit 9: Natural Disasters

Lesson 5: Language focus1

I Aim: Further Practice in relative pronouns: Who, Which, That and defining Relative clauses and non- defining Relative clauses

II Objective:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to further practice with pronouns : Who , That , Which , and clearly identify defining and non – defining clauses

III Teaching aids :

Text book , handouts , posters


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I / Warm up :

* Knowledge Game - short answers

- Tell Ss to work with another partner to answer the following questions about general understanding

*Questions - Answers

- Remark and give marks

II Presentation:

1- Vocabulary

- Horn (n) : sõng -Snout (n) : mòi

- Work in pairs

( The pair with the most correct answer will be the winner )


- Rhinoceros ( n) tê giác - Swallow (v) : nuèt

- Extensive (adj) - réng Tail (n) : đuôi

* Checking vocab: ROR

2 Revision of who, which or that :

a Ask Ss to retell the use of who, which and that Who is used for people

Which is used for thing

That is used for both who or which

- Have ss work in pairs to the Ex in LF1 on page 81 b.Practice.

- Ask Ss to answer the Qs, using the Relative pronouns : Who, Which

* Answer keys:


The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe

- Call on some Ss to read their whole sentences - Feedback and give correct answers

3 Defining and non defining Relative clauses

- Give ss two pairs of sents and ask them to use Relative pronoun Who or Which to combine them

a The book has been lost You gave me the book on my birthday => The book which you gave me on my birthday has been lost b Vietnam exports rice Vietnam is in the Southeast Asia => Vietnam, which is in the Southeast Asia, exports rice

- Help ss distinguish between defining and non-defining Relative clauses

* Notes: - We cannot use “that” in a non-defining Relative clauses - In a non-definigRelative clause we cannot leave out who or which

III Production : * Writing - Further practice with relative clauses :

* Setting the scene “ Now you write the sentences in Ex Replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written “

Ex: a VN, which is a small country, exports rice

b Kangaroos, which are called “ Chuot tui “ in Vnese, have long tails

c Ba, who is my best friend, likes playing the guitar d ( defining)

e Neil Armstrong, who is a famous astronout, lived in the USA f ( defining)

g Miss Lien, who teaches us E, is a beautiful woman

IV Homework :

1 Redo all the exercises and copy Prepare the next lesson

T – whole class

Pair work

Individual work Copy down



Period 59

Unit 9: Natural Disasters

Lesson 5: Language focus

I Aim: Further Practice in relative pronouns: Who, Which, That and defining Relative clauses and non- defining Relative clauses

II Objective:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to further practice with pronouns : Who , That , Which , and clearly identify defining and non – defining clauses

III Teaching aids :

Text book , handouts , posters


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I / Warm up :

* Knowledge Game - short answers

- Tell Ss to work with another partner to answer the following questions about general understanding

*Questions - Answers

- Remark and give marks

II Presentation:

1- Vocabulary

- Horn (n) : sõng -Snout (n) : mịi

- Rhinoceros ( n) tª gi¸c - Swallow (v) : nuèt

- Extensive (adj) - rộng Tail (n) : đuôi

* Checking vocab: ROR

2 Revision of who, which or that :

a Ask Ss to retell the use of who, which and that Who is used for people

Which is used for thing

That is used for both who or which

- Have ss work in pairs to the Ex in LF1 on page 81 b.Practice.

- Ask Ss to answer the Qs, using the Relative pronouns : Who, Which

* Answer keys:


The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe

- Call on some Ss to read their whole sentences - Feedback and give correct answers

3 Defining and non defining Relative clauses

- Give ss two pairs of sents and ask them to use Relative pronoun Who or Which to combine them

a The book has been lost You gave me the book on my birthday => The book which you gave me on my birthday has been lost

- Work in pairs

( The pair with the most correct answer will be the winner )

T- whole class

T – whole class


b Vietnam exports rice Vietnam is in the Southeast Asia => Vietnam, which is in the Southeast Asia, exports rice

- Help ss distinguish between defining and non-defining Relative clauses

* Notes: - We cannot use “that” in a non-defining Relative clauses - In a non-definigRelative clause we cannot leave out who or which * Practice :

- Have Ss the exercise

- Hang the subordinate board with all the sentences on the board Call some Ss to the task

- Comment and give Answers :

b, Kangaroos , which come from Australia , have long tails c, Ba, who lives in Trang Tien Street , likes playing the guitar d, ( Defining )

e, Neil Amstrong , who first walked on the moon , lived in the USA f, (Defining )

g, Miss Lien , who sings very well , is my English teacher Matching:

- Ask ssto match each of the sentences in column A with B - Answer keys: 1.e 2.g 3.f 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.b

III Production : * Writing - Further practice with relative clauses :

* Setting the scene “ Now you write the sentences in Ex Replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written “

Ex: a VN, which is a small country, exports rice

b Kangaroos, which are called “ Chuot tui “ in Vnese, have long tails

c Ba, who is my best friend, likes playing the guitar d ( defining)

e Neil Armstrong, who is a famous astronout, lived in the USA f ( defining)

g Miss Lien, who teaches us E, is a beautiful woman

IV Homework :

1 Redo all the exercises and copy Prepare the next lesson

Individual work

Copy down

Quang Long Secondary School Written test 4-A

Full name:

Class: Time: 45 minutes

I Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others (1p)

A realise B devise C surprise D promise

A Christmas B chair C charity D choice

A decorate B family C cake D celebrate

A book B cook C typhoon D neighborhood

II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences : ( pts)

Hue will have temperatures 230C and 270C

A at B between C in D with

They called their friend, have lived in this city for along time, to ask for help

A who B which C that D whom

Please bring some raincoast just case

A at B on C in D of

The movie last night was terrific

A I went B I went to it C that I went D I went to They often decorate their house many beautifut flowers


A with B in C for D from Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February

A who B where C which D whom

IV Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets : (2 pts)

Lan suggested (go) to the cinema tonight If the weather is fine, we (go) on a picnic

I (live) in Hanoi for five years from 1997 to 2002 My family (live) in this house since 1995

IV Give the correct of the words in brackets to complete each sentence (1p)

Tet is an important in Vietnam (celebrate)

They are interested in saving money and resources (nature)

V Read the paragraph carefully, then decide whether the statements are true or false statements (2 pts)

In the United State, people celebrate Mother's Day anf Father's Day Mother's Day is celebrate on the second Sunday in May On this occasion, mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts from her husband and children The best gift of all for an American Mon is a day of leisure The majority of American mother have outside jobs as well as housework, so their working days are often very hard The working mother enjoys the traditional for the extented family group to get together for dinner, either in a restaurant or in one of their house

1 In Viet Nam, people celebrate Mother's Day anf Father's Day

2 They celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May

3 The mother often gets greeting cards and gifts from her family menbers The majority of American mother don’t have outside jobs

VI Join the sentences Use Relative Clause (1p)

The man is a teacher of English He is wearing blue shirt

- He works in a factory It makes motorbike


Quang Long Secondary School Written test 4-B

Full name:

Class: Time: 45 minutes

I Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others (1p)

A promise B devise C surprise D realise A choice B chair C charity D Christmas A decorate B cake C family D celebrate A typhoon B cook C book D neighborhood

II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences : ( pts)

The boy put up the Christmas decoration is my brother

A who B that C which D A&B

Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February

A who B which C whom D when

It's very nice you to say so!

A in B on C at D of

Daddy, it's the weather forecast TV

A on B at C in D to

We are very hungry we can't eat anything

A although B and C but D so

I can't hear what you are saying Can you

A turn on turn off C turn up D turn over

IV Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets : (2 pts)

Long suggested (play) soccer

My family (live) in this house since 1994

They (live) in Hue for five years from 1995 to 2001 If the weather is fine, we (go) on a picnic

IV Give the correct of the words in brackets to complete each sentence (1p)

They are interested in saving money and resources (nature) Tet is an important in Vietnam (celebrate)


In the United State, people celebrate Mother's Day anf Father's Day Mother's Day is celebrate on the second Sunday in May On this occasion, mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts from her husband and children The best gift of all for an American Mon is a day of leisure The majority of American mother have outside jobs as well as housework, so their working days are often very hard The working mother enjoys the traditional for the extented family group to get together for dinner, either in a restaurant or in one of their house

1 The mother often gets greeting cards and gifts from her family menbers The majority of American mother don’t have outside jobs

3 In Viet Nam, people celebrate Mother's Day anf Father's Day

4 They celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May VI Join the sentences Use Relative Clause (1p)

The man is a teacher of Music He is wearing yellow shirt

- She works in a factory It makes car


Answer key:A


1 D A B C


1 B A C B A C


1 going will go lived has lived


1 celebration natural V

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F


1 The man who/ that is wearing blue shirt is a teacher of English He works in a factory which/ that makes motorbike

Answer key:B


1 A D C A


1 D B D A C C


1 going has lived lived will go


1 natural celebration V

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T


1 The man who/ that is wearing yellow shirt is a teacher of Music She works in a factory which/ that makes car

Date : Tuesday, April 13 th

Period 60 Test remark

A Aim : Correcting the mistakes in the Ss’ tests

B Presentation :

I Nhận xét chung : Vắng em Hơn 3/4 lớp làm đợc , số lại động từ khơng nắm , kỷ viết yếu , khả vận dụng cha tốt


Kết đạt đợc nh sau :

- §iĨm giái : Cã em chiếm 11,1 % - Điểm : Có em chiÕm 18,5 % - §iĨm TB : Cã 13 em chiÕm 48,1 % - §iĨm u : Có em chiếm 22,2 % II Những lỗi sai cần khắc phục :

1) Yes / No – questions and or – questions 2) Writing : There are Ss not writing 3) Tense of verb : Most of them are good III Cách khắc phục :

1) Giáo viên yêu cầu học sinh đa công thức thành lập Yes / No questions and Or questions , giáo viên ®a vÝ dơ minh ho¹

(?) Do / does / did / + S + V(inf) ? Yes , S + / does / did, No, S + / does / did + not Ex : Did the earthquake occur in Tokyo ? Yes , it did

(?) Do / does / did , + S + V(inf) or + ? S + V + O

Ex: Did the earthquake occur in Tokyo or in New York ? The earthquake occured in Tokyo

2) Giáo viên yêu cầu số em nhắc lại công thức thành lập , cách sử dụng dấu hiệu nhận biết khứ đơn câu điều kiện loại

Yêu cầu số em cha làm đợc tập lên bảng làm lại sau Gv sữa lỗi có

3) Giáo viên đa số thủ thuật viết yêu cấu số học sinh làm cha đợc phần lên bảng viết ( Mỗi câu em ) , giáo viên chữa lỗi có

IV.BiƯn ph¸p:

Tăng cờng trọng với đối tợng học sinh yếu tiết dạy nh buổi phụ đạo Yêu cầu học sinh có kết tốt kèm cặp giúp đỡ học sinh có kết thấp nhằm góp phần đa chất

l-ợng kiểm tra học kỳ có kết cao

Động viên em ý việc tiếp thu lớp nh học , chuẩn bị nhà V.Giáo viên dặn dß :

The end

Date : /04/2012

Period 62

Unit 10 - Life on other planets

Lesson : Getting started + Listen and Read

A.Aim: Reading a text about UFOs for details to complete the notes

B Objectives: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to know more about UFOs


Teacher's activities Ss' activities I Warm up : Guessing words

- Have ss guess three words 1) - - -

* This word has 12 letters It is the opposite of identified 2)

-* This word has letters It means moving through the air as a bird does 3)

-* This word has letters It is in form It means a thing that can be seen or touched

* Answer keys : 1) Unidentified 2) Flying => UFOs 3) Objects

II Prsentation : 1) Pre - reading :

a Getting started / Chatting :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the following questions : Have you ever heard of UFOs ?

2 Do you think they really exist ?

3 Have you ever seen any films on UFOs ? What are they about ?

5 What you want to know about UFOs ? If you saw a UFOs , what would you ?

=> Gather their ideas and provide some facts about UFOs - Lead in the new lesson

b Vocabulary

+ Meteor (n) ( visual , picture ) : Sao băng

+ Alien (n) ( definition: person on other planet ) : ngời xa lạ, ngời hành tinh khác

+ Spacecraft (n) ( picture ) : Tµu vị trơ

+ evidence (n) ( definition: anything that makes clear ,shows or proves ) : B»ng chøng

+ (to) capture = (to) catch : b¾t

+ (to) claim ( translation ) : đòi quyền , khẳng định , tuyên bố * Checking vocab: What & Where

2) While - reading :

a Guessing the meaning of the words

- Have ss listen to the text once - Have ss read the text silently

- Ask ss to find the words in the text that have the meaning given in * a on page 84

- Ask ss to work in pair - Give feedback

* Answer keys : proof, support = evidence

2 falling star or shooting star = meteor unknow / strange people or thing = aliens bringing together or gathering = collecting

5 caught as a prisoner = captured became impossible to see = disappeared

b Complete the notes.

- Get ss to read the text again and complete the notes - Call on some ss to read aloud their sentences * Answer keys :

a An aircraft , a weather balloon or a meteor

b nine large round objects traveling at about 2,800 meters an hour c .1,500 sightings

d .a UFO above their

T – whole class

T – whole class

T – whole class

Ss listen & read the text Pair work

Individual work

Pair work


e an egg-shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples

f Claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft g, and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO

h, that he saw a plate - like device at a treetop 30 meters away

III Production : Matching

A B 1 1947 a A woman 1952 b A farmer

1954 c Kenneth Arnold 1964 d A young pilot

1971 e 1,500 UFOs sightings 1978 f Two men

- Give feedback : 1.c ,2.e ,3.a ,4.b 5.f d

IV Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Rewrite the exercises in their notebooks Prepare the next lesson

Individual work

Copy down

Date : /04/2012

Period 63

Unit 10 : Life on other planets

Lesson 2: Speak + Listen

A.Aim: Practice speaking about Mars , listening for details to complete a table and further practice in modal verbs : may , might

B Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk to one another about what they think there might be on Mars, on the moon and on the other planets And then know more about the moon by listen

C Teaching aids :

Textbook pictures and posters about Mars and its position in the solar system


Teacher's activities Ss' activities I Warm up : Word square







 Answer keys:

Earth , Sun , Mars , Moon , Mercury - Ask ss to repeat them

II Presentation : 1)Speaking :

a Vocabulary :

+ microorganism (n) ( Translation ) : vi sinh vật + gemstones (n) ( realia ) : đá quí

+ creatures (n) ( Trans ) : sinh vËt + sparkling (n) ( realia ) : lÊp l¸nh

T – whole class

Repeat them


+ trace (n) ( visual ) : dÊu vÕt

+ mineral (n) ( example ) : khoáng sản

Checking : ROR

* Matching a) :

- Set the scene : A space tourist traveled to Mars, he saw many things there and noted them down These are drawings of things Try to guess and match the drawings with names

- Number from to from left and right

* Answer keys : minerals water mountains plants little creatures gas gemstone

- Ask ss to repeat them c Practice :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice the dialogue between Nam & Hung on page 85

- Read the dialogue and tell them to practice ( Go around the class and provide help if necessary )

- Call on some pairs to practice their dialogues in front of class - Correct mistakes ( pronunciation )

2) Listening :

a Prediction: Set the scene : You will listen to the description of the Moon But before listening, you should read the statements on P 86 and guess which ic correct and which is incorrect

- Ask ss to work in pairs - Give feedback

b Listening and checking :

- Have ss listen to the tape twice and check their predictions * Answers : a, c, d, f, i, j

c Answer : Give ss some Qs

(?) Why are there no sounds on the moon ? because there is no air on (?) How many craters are there on the moon ? about 30,000 craters (?) Will you sleep well on the moon ? Why ? Why not ? No, we will not Because one day lasts for two weeks on the moon

III.Production :

- Have ss look at the pictures on P 89 – 90 to Ex in LF

- Get ss to work in pairs They have to practice asking & answering a) Ex : S1 : What may it be ?

S2: It may be a book or it might be a game - Ask ss to the same

IV Consolidation : Retell the form & the use of May , Might

V.Homework :

- Do the Exs 1,2 in the workbook - Prepare next lesson : Read

Pair work

Listen to the T

Pair work

Pair work

Copy down

Date : /04/2012 Period 64


Unit 10 - Life on other planets

Lesson : Read

A Aim : Reading a text about a space trip

B Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text about a space trip

C Teaching aids :

Textbook , demonstrated posters and pictures about a space trip


Teacher's activities Ss'activities I Warm up : Chatting

(?) Do you want to travel ?

(?) Have you ever travelled in our country or abroad ? (?) Have you ever dream of a trip to space ?

(?) Do you want to be an astronaut ?

(?) Do you think travelling into space takes a lot of money ?

II.Presentation: 1) Pre - reading :


+ Physical condition ( n) ( trans ) : tình trạng thể chất, thể lực + Push –up (v) ( mime ) : hít đất

+ Orbit (n / v) ( trans ) : quĩ đạo / di chuyển theo quĩ đạo + marvelous (adj ) = wonderful (adj) : tuyệt diệu , kỳ diệu * Checking : ROR

2)While - reading a.Ordering statements :

- Ask Ss to read the passage independently and put the phrases in order to show what you need and get in joining a trip into the space

- Call on some Ss to explain their answers - Feedback and give correct answers : 4-1-5-2-3

b Answering questions :

- Ask Ss to read the passage more carefully and answer the questions Then write in full sentences

- Call on some Pairs to read their answers aloud

- Make necessary corrections and give correct answers : *Answers :

1 If you decide to take a space trip , You will have to run a lot , swim every day , and aerobics and push-ups to have an excellent physical condition If you want to show you are in perfect health , you must a letter from a doctor

3 You can see pictures of the earth : your country , interesting places , the oceans , the big rivers , the tall mountains

4 We can see those scenes 16 times a day We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling

3) Post - Reading : Exercise :

- Fill in the blank with the most suitable word : - Remark and correct the mistakes if necessary Then give Answers:

1 Unidentified Physical 3.Aliens Mars

III Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Do exercise ( 5,6) in workbook

T – whole class

Individual work

Pair work


3 Prepare the next lesson

Copy down

Date : /04/2012 Period 64

Unit 10 - Life on other planets

Lesson : Read

A Aim : Reading a text about a space trip

B Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text about a space trip

C Teaching aids :

Textbook , demonstrated posters and pictures about a space trip


Teacher's activities Ss'activities I Warm up : Chatting

(?) Do you want to travel ?

(?) Have you ever travelled in our country or abroad ? (?) Have you ever dream of a trip to space ?

(?) Do you want to be an astronaut ?

(?) Do you think travelling into space takes a lot of money ?

II.Presentation: 1) Pre - reading :


+ Physical condition ( n) ( trans ) : tình trạng thể chất, thể lực + Push –up (v) ( mime ) : hít đất

+ Orbit (n / v) ( trans ) : quĩ đạo / di chuyển theo quĩ đạo

T – whole class


+ marvelous (adj ) = wonderful (adj) : tuyÖt diÖu , kú diÖu * Checking : ROR

2)While - reading

a Answering questions :

- Ask Ss to read the passage more carefully and answer the questions Then write in full sentences

- Call on some Pairs to read their answers aloud

- Make necessary corrections and give correct answers : *Answers :

1 If you decide to take a space trip , You will have to run a lot , swim every day , and aerobics and push-ups to have an excellent physical condition If you want to show you are in perfect health , you must a letter from a doctor

3 You can see pictures of the earth : your country , interesting places , the oceans , the big rivers , the tall mountains

4 We can see those scenes 16 times a day We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling

3) Post - Reading : Exercise :

- Fill in the blank with the most suitable word : - Remark and correct the mistakes if necessary Then give Answers:

1 Unidentified Physical 3.Aliens Mars

III Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Do exercise ( 5,6) in workbook Prepare the next lesson

Individual work

Pair work

Pair work Copy down


Date : /0 /2012

Period 65

Unit 10 - Life on other planets

Lesson : Write

A.Aim: Writing an exposition about the existence of UFOs

B Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an expostion about the existence of UFOs

C Teaching aids :

Text book , chalk , board , poster


Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities I Warm up : Jumbled words

ucinionttrod = Introduction oybd = Body

nculcoonsi = Conclusion taimnenterent = Entertainment caret = Trace

- Ask ss to repeat chorally

II Presentation: 2)Pre – writing :

a Vocab : T elicits some new words from ss + imagination (n) ( trans ) : sù tëng tỵng + trick (n) ( trans ) : mĐo , kû x¶o

+ man – like creature (n) ( trans ) : sinh vËt gièng ngêi + mysterious (adj) ( definition) : bÝ hiÓm

Checking vocab : ROR

b Matching : ( 6a on page 88 )

- Have ss read outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in column B in order to match the sections in A

* Answer keys :

+ Introduction – ii + Body – iii + Conclusion – i

c Reading the dialogue :

- Have ss read the D between An & Ba about the existence of UFOs - Give ss some Qs to make sure they understand the D

* Questions :

Does An believe there are UFOs ? ( No, he doesn’t ) Does Ba believe in UFOs ? ( Yes, he does )

What does An think about UFOs ? ( He think that it might be people’s imagination )

Why does Ba think UFOs exist ? ( Becuase newspapers talk a lot about UFOs and many peoplearound the world say they have seen flying saucers )

What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs ? ( There are a lot of photos of them and the mysterious circles on the fields )

Group work

T – whole class

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work Then work in pairs


2) While - writing :

- Have ss use Ba’s opinion to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs

( Go around the class and pick up some typical writings to read aloud and have some necessary corrections )

- Give suggested answers ( Using subordinate board )

- Call on some Ss to read the suggested loudly

3)Post - writing :

- Ask Ss to practice in pairs and introduce Cross Check ( students correct for each other )

- Note : Comment and point out the most common mistakes that Ss make in their writing

- Suggest the waysthat Ss can avoid those mistakes in their later writing practices

- Call on some Ss to read their writings aloud - Correct mistakes if necessary

III Homework :

1 Summarize main points Do the exercises in workbook Prepare the next lesson

Individual work

Individual work

Copy down

Date : /0 /2012

Period 66

Unit 10 - Life on other planets

Lesson : Language focus

A.Aim: Further practice in conditional sentences type and type

B Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use conditional sentences type and type C.Teaching aids :

Textbook , additional exercises on conditional sentences


Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities I.Warm up : Jumbled words

aolobnl ecrasru

ertnmgau nilea 5.ductonini - Correct and give the correct answers :

1.balloon saucer argument alien introduction

II Presentation:


1 Revision of model verbs : may , might * Form : S + may / might + bare inf

* Use : We use may , might to talk about present or future possibility - Might is normally a little less sure than may.

2.Revision of conditional sentences type1: a Practice LF2 on P 90 :

- Ask Ss to make sentences using conditional sentence type - Call on some Ss to read them aloud –

- Correct mistakes if any

- Feedback and give correct answers : b will miss does not hurry c Is not will drop d will join finishes e writes will not forget

b Form: If + S + V( htd ) , S + will + bare inf

Use : We use this structure when there is a possibility that the

situation in the if clause will happen in the future or is true in the present

3)Conditional sentences type 2:

* Set the scene: Ba is not rich so he can’t travel around the world

- Ask ss to complete the sentence :

+ If Ba rich , he .around

Answer keys : If Ba were rich, he would travel around the world

Form: If + S + V( qkd) , S + would / could / might + bare inf

Use:We use this structure to talk about unreal or unlikelypresent or

future situations

- Note: We often use : If I were you to give advice

a Practice LF3 on page 90 – 91 :

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and complete the sentences by using conditional sentence type

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud -Make necessary corrections and give

- Ask Ss to read and copy down


b If Mr Loc had a car , he would drive it to work

c If Lan lived in HCM city , she would visit Saigon Water Park d If Nam had an alarm clock , he would arrive at school on time e If Hoa lived in Hue , she would see her parents everyday f If Nga owned a piano , she would play it very well g If Tuan studied harder , he would get better grades

h If Na had enough money , she would buy a new computer * Ask Ss to compare and explain the two types of conditionals: Examples :

 If Lan work hard , she will pass the exam

 If I had a lot of money , I would buy a house in the center of the city

III Production :

- Ask Ss to practice answering the questions :

(?) What would you if you met an alien from outer space ? - Listen and correct their answers

IV Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Redo all the exercises and copy

Pair work

T – whole class

Group work

T- whole class

Copy down


3 Write things you would like to

4 Prepare the next lesson : Resive from units – unit 10 to the second semester test

Date :

Period 66


A.Aim: Further practice in tenses, adverbs and adjectives , connectives

B Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice simple present ,past simple , simple future ,past progressive and present perfect , adveerbs , adjectives and connectives

C Teaching aids : Textbook , lesson plan and posters



I.Warm up :

II Presentation : Practice

Exercise 1: Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in parentheses My father ( come ) home late last night He ( not get ) up yet

2 I hope you ( have ) a good time at the picnic tomorrow You (take) the fishing- rods along ?

3 Mary ( stay ) here since two o’clock

4 While he ( write ) a letter , the telephone ( ring ) The sun ( set ) in the West

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with appropriate words in brackets. He bought a lot of things : notebooks , pens , pencils from the shop

( but , or , and , so )

2 It was raining hard , we could not go on a picnic as planned

( however , but , because , so )

3 The children laughed when they were watching a comic

( happiness , happy , happily , unhappy )

4 There is too much traffic , the air is polluted

( however ,since ,therefore , but )

5 She goes to the library three times a week She reads books there

( never , often , rarely , once )

6 Would you loke tea , coffee ? Tea, please ( but , and , or )

7 She tried hard , she failed the test ( but , and , or )

8.We missed the bus We were in time to catch it My house is the bus station ( near / nearly )

Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistakes

1 Tom is a carefully driver carefully -> careful Your English is very well well -> good How are you ? Are you good ? good -> well

4 She speaks English perfect perfect -> perfectly That woman dances beautiful beautiful -> beautifully Sapa is located at the extremely north of Vietnam

Ss’ answers: 1.came , hasn’t got will have, Will take has stayed

4 was writing , rang sets

 Answers :

1 and so happily therefore often or but

Date :

Period 67


A Aim: Further practice in relative clauses , advverb clause of reason and concession

B Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice all grammar points the above C Teaching aids : Lesson plan , posters


Teacher’s activities Ss’activities I.Warm up :

II Presentation :


1 I really enjoyed the firework It was displayed on the National Day ( Which )

2 Although he had a bad cold , he still went to work in the field ( In spite of )

3.I don’t know the name of the woman I spoke to her on the phone ( whom )

4.It is very cold Mr Brown is waiting for the bus ( Although ) I read about a man He keeps chickens in his apartment ( who ) If he doesn’t read that book carefully, he won’t understand it ( Unless ) I got up late this morning I was late for school ( so )

8 She was worried She stayed at home alone ( because / as / since )

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences , using correct form of the words in bracket

1 When does your country the National Day ? ( celebration ) I am very of my father and love him so much ( pride ) You must be when you open the door ( care ) The crowd shouted ( excite )

5 Their has lasted a lifetime ( friend )

6 In the future, many buildings will be by solar energy ( hot )

Exercise 3: Put the verbs in the correct form

1 Could you go swimming if you ( have ) enough time ? While we ( go ) down in the lift , it suddenly stopped If he ( eat ) all that, he will be ill

4 What ( happen ) if the earth stopped moving ? When I saw him, he ( paint ) a picture in his room

Homework : Using the cues to write a passage It / beautiful / Monday morning / sun / shine I / walk / younger sister , Hoa / park

3 Suddenly / it / become / very dark A heavy rain / start / We / wet

Individual work

1.celebrate proud careful excitedly friendship heated

1 had

2 were going

3 eats

4 would happen

5 was painting

Copy down

Date :

Period 68


A.Aim : Further practice in the grammar points that we have revised by doing exercises

B Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice all grammar points above

C Teaching aids : Lesson plan , Posters


Teacher's activities Ss' activities I.Warm up :

II Presentation :

Exercise 1: Chän tõ cã phÇn gạch dới có cách phát âmkhác so với từ lại

1) a wind b mind c kind d blind 2) a although b than c those d thorough 3) a crossed b landed c laughed d missed 4) a fly b hobby c energy d ordinary 5) a thunder b earthquake c gather d healthy

Exercise 2: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets If today ( be ) Sunday , we ( go ) to your native village

2 In 1971, two men ( claim ) that they were captured by aliens

3 It ( not rain ) much in our country in winter

4 The doctor suggested that his patient ( stop ) smoking

Individual work

1 were , would go

2 claimed

3 does not rain


5 I suggested ( help ) our mother with the housework

6 Let’s ( go ) camping

7 What about ( ask ) our teacher for help

8 Why don’t we ( go ) to the Zoo ?

Exercise 3: Write a letter of complaint Dear ,

1 I / write / the noise caused / Karaoke shop / near / house

2 They play / music / loudly / that / I / not study / evening / or sleep / night

3 I / suggest / they / should lower / volume / when / it / p.m

4 I / look forward / hear / you / and see / how you / deal with / problem * Homework : Revise carefully all grammar points that we have studied above to the second semester test well

5 helping

6 go

7 asking

8 go

Date :

Period 69


A.Aim : Further practice in the grammar points that we have revised by doing exercises

B Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to practice all grammar points above

C Teaching aids : Lesson plan , Posters


Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities I.Warm up :

II Presentation :

Exercise 11: Give the correct form of the words in brackets


a.UFO means Flying Obecjct ( identify )

b.For some people UFOs only exits in films for ( entertain ) c.My brother is a stamp ( collect )

d.The earthquake caused terrible ( destroy ) e.Mid- August festival is a festival for children ( joy ) f.Passover of the jewish people ia a festival which

celebrates from slavery ( free )

g.The price of has gone up again ( electric )

h is now a serious problem in many countries ( forest ) i.Environmental is everybody’s responsibility ( protect ) j.We must learn about kepping the environment ( pollute ) Exercise 12 : Using the cues to write the sentences

1.Father’s Day / children / send cards / gifts / fathers 2.Children / express / feelings / memories / love / fathres

3.Easter / joyful festival / which / celebrate / many countries / world 4.Thousands / people / save / because / scientists / warn / them / tidal wave

Exercise 13: Read the passage and write T or F.

Pair work

Individual work


There are many celebrations throughout the year in VN, but Tet or Lunar New Year is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people Tet usually occurs in late January or early February A few days before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate their homes During Tet, people , old and young , enjoy special food cooked on the occasion of Tet It is also the time for family members to be together

a.The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet b.Tet may begin in early January

c.People often try to make their houses nice and new for Tet d.Tet is the time for family reunions

Exercise 14: Pronunciation

1 polluted spoiled divided collected environment recycled dynamite littering beach clean instead leave whole who how hour polite litter decide crier developed watched walked posted

Exercise 15: Find & correct

1 Unless you worked hard , you will fail the test

A B C D The man that live next door is very friendly


Tet is a festival who occurs in late January or early February A B C D

This is the book that I bought it at the store A B C D

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 05:45



