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Bai Day Bam Sat AV 10 Unit 8

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I'm involved in a program at my school to find a way for people in Tobago to be able to continue eating fish without making the ones in the sea rare.. Peters, started it a [r]


Bài Dạy Bám Sát Anh Văn 10 Ngân Phương Vy 1 BÀI DẠY BÁM SÁT TIẾNG ANH 10

(Theo Chuẩn Kiến Thức-Kỹ Năng) UNIT

1 Put the words from the box into correct groups of pronunciation

radio, house, hope, town, old, ground, road, around, hotel, now, dawn, mouse, over /ɑʊ/

/əʊ/ 2 Fill each gap in the sentences with the correct verb form

1 If you have enough time, please (paint) the chair before you leave My dog always wakes up if he (hear) strange noises

3 If you (see) Daisy today, please ask her to call me I (accept) the invitation if they invite me to the party If he (get) the raise, it will be because he does a good job If you leave your bicycle outside, someone (steal) it

7 If Tom wins the prize, it will be because he (write) very well Ann, if you that again, you (have) to go to bed

9 If I finish the dress before Saturday, I (give) it to my sister 10 The teacher will not accept our work if we (turn) it in late 3 Complete the second sentence as indirect speech

1 "You can't park here."

The man told me "I'll see you in the morning, Peter."

Helen told Peter "I'm taking the 6.30 train tomorrow evening."

Ann said "The trousers have to be ready this afternoon."

Paul told the girl "I left my umbrella here two days ago."

Susan told us "The parcel ought to be here by the end of next week." Dick said "I like this book very much."

Daisy told me "I think it's going to rain tonight."

Tom said

4 Fill each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets

1 We need an effective strategy to fight (poor) The store is open for late night on Wednesdays (shop) He has a wide of painting and music (know) Keep by eating well and exercising regularly (health) You can't watch TV until you've done your (work) They have to the road to cope with the increase in traffic (wide) The whole town when the river burst its banks, (flood) We hope to be operating a normal as soon as possible (serve) There is no of things to in the town (short) 10 We expect to see further over the coming year (improve) 5 Fill each gap in the passage with who, which, whose, when, where, why


Bài Dạy Bám Sát Anh Văn 10 Ngân Phương Vy 2 like a lot of first-generation Americans (4) parents were constantly talking about home as another country I was curious to find out more about this place from (5) we had emigrated more than twenty years before

The reason (6) I hadn't visited the land of my parents perhaps had something to with the way that they would always talk about it as if it were my real home, (7) for me was the United States The first impression I got on arriving in Santa Maria was the unbearable heat The people (8) were waiting to greet me at the airport were all incredibly friendly and they spoke of the time (9) I was a child in the village as if it was yesterday My grandfather, (10) eyes filled with tears when he saw me, looked incredibly like my father

6 Match a line in A with a line in B to have a complete sentence


If we heat water to 100°C, If the weather's fine,

If you don't get a good night's sleep, If you push this button,

If Tom takes another week off school, Be careful! Unless you slow down, Unless it rains soon,

If Mai works hard,

If you still feel awful tomorrow, If Lan doesn't pass the exam this year,

he can't catch up with his friends take a few days off work

she can try again next year all the plants are going to die you're going to have an accident you're always tired in the morning it boils

we can go to the seaside today she'll pass the exam

the camera rewinds automatically.

7 Read the passage and choose the best answer

Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees It (1) of water and sugar Bees may travel as (2) as seventy-five thousand kilometres and visit over two million flowers to produce just half a kilo of honey The colour and flavour of honey depend (3) the type of flowers visited In (4) there are more than three hundred (5) of honey

The lighter-coloured ones are generally milder in flavour than darker hone In ancient (6) , honey was the main sweet food, as sugar was very (7) Honey was of great (8) to the ancient Egyptians, was used it as payment

Today, honey is produced and eaten in (9) part of the world Research suggests that it prevents tiredness and improves athletic performance However, honey is not just food, it (10) be taken for sore throats and used in many skin and hair-care products

1 A involves B contains C includes D consists

2 A far B long C soon D well

3 A to B on C for D with

4 A case B order C fact D place A sets B varieties C collections D differences A dates B years C times D seasons A rare B distant C small D slim A cost B price C value D charge

9 A all B some C most D every

10 A shall B can C need D ought 8 Fill each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets

Orbis is an (1) (organise) which helps blind people everywhere It has built an eye hospital inside an aeroplane and flown it all over the world with an (2) (national) medical team Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to Mongolia Samantha tells the story of Eukhtuul, a (3) (youth) Mongolian girl

"Last year, when Eukhtuul was (4) (walk) home from school, she was attacked by boys with sticks and her eyes were (5) (bad) damaged Dr Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an (6) (operate) she would never see again I thought about all the everyday things I that she couldn't, things like reading school books, watching television, seeing friends, and I realised how (7) (sick) I am."


Bài Dạy Bám Sát Anh Văn 10 Ngân Phương Vy 3 Eukhtuul smiled, and her mother cried, and I had to wipe away some tears, too! Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor Her whole future has changed We should all think (10) (many) about how much our sight means to us."

9 Choose the best answer

1 When I was little, my father gave me some advice He said talk to strangers A I don't B I shouldn't C that shouldn't D that I don't Unless you all of my questions, I can't anything to help you

A answer B answered C are answering D would answer We the room if we stay in the same hotel

A shared B can share C have shared D had shared If someone into the shop, smile and say, "May I help you?"

A comes B came C would come D could come Tom want to buy that CD because he dislikes pop music

A can't B couldn't C didn't D doesn't I'll give you a call if I some help tomorrow

A need B needed C will need D would need He will get up early in the morning if he to bed late

A goes B went C doesn't go D didn't go If you continue to talk loudly, I to ask you to leave

A have B had C will have D had to have I go to play football because I have a lot of homework to today

A don't B can't C didn't D wouldn't 10 I will give Tom the book if I him at school this morning

A see B saw C will see D would see

10 Write the lines (a-e) in the correct gaps (1-5) in the letter and then complete the gaps (a-e) with suitable phrases and sentences (1-5)

a Love b Dear Uncle George, c Kate d 4th January e 45 Whitehouse Road, Bristol BS22 6TH

1 I got lots of great presents It's just what I wanted I hope you and Aunt Joan are well I had a really good birthday Thank you very much for

(1) (2) (3)

(a) the jumper that you sent me for my birthday It's fantastic! It's my favourite colour (b) I've already worn it to school and to one of my friends' house

(c) My sister came home from university and my grandparents came to stay (d) Mum and Dad gave me some interesting pictures books and an English dictionary and I got new clothes, too I'm going tc wear it tonight

(e) , and that we see you soon Thanks again for the jumper (4)


11 Read the passage and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F)

I'm Aimswell and I live on the island of Tobago Like lots of people here, my father is a fishman and he taught me to fish when I was about five I love it and I have even won some prizes in fishing competitions Local people here fish for themselves and some of them even supply fish for the big hotels Recently, everyone has started to notice that there are not as many fish in the sea as there used to be and the fish that we are catching now are really small, still young If everybody keeps catching all the fish when they are so young, we may soon run out


Bài Dạy Bám Sát Anh Văn 10 Ngân Phương Vy 4 We look after the fish during our agricultural science lessons It's my favourite lesson because we get to go outside and work in our school vegetable garden and look after the fish I am in charge of the fish at the moment They will grow big enough to eat in about four months We have two different types of tilapia and they will each taste different when we eat them at last They are really easy to look after as all they need to eat is water plants which we grow here too Mr Peters hopes that when all the kids at my school go home and show their parents how we have grown fish at school, they can the same at home He hopes that one day everyone in Tobago will be able to it

I love working on the project not only because it is fun but also because it teaches you business skills and ways to help protect the environment For example, none of the water we use for the fish is wasted as we use it to water our vegetable It won't be long until our fish are big enough to eat and then we will learn some nice recipes so we can cook and enjoy them at last

1 Some of the fish caught by local fishermen is sold Local fishmen avoid catching young fish

3 The school program aims to encourage more local people to eat fish .Mr Peters runs a holiday company as well as working as a teacher The children are learning about a fish which lives in fresh water Aimswell sells the fish they produce at school

7 The students are trying out different kinds of food for their fish

8 Mr Peters would like the school project to influence people all over Tobago Aimswell is keen on the school fish farms for several reasons

10 The students are looking forward to cooking the tilapia 12 Read the passage and choose the best answer

If you want to take the whole family on holiday, and keep everybody happy, then I have found just the place for you I recently went with a group of friends to stay at the Greenwood Holiday Village, which is open from May until October

Built in the centre of a forest, Greenwood is a great place to stay whatever tW weather Its main attraction for families is the indoor World of Water, where young and old can have fun in the different pools Some of these, however, arefor serious swimmers only

For sporty people, the Country Club offers tennis, squash and badminton If your children are too young to join in these sports, there are activity club Greenwood is a good place for families as it is traffic-free - you explore on foot or by bike Some people complained that this was inconvenient, but I was pleased to be out in the fresh air For evening entertainment, there are shows an cinemas

Accommodation is in a variety of apartments of different sizes These have up to four bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, as well as a dining area Before going, I thought the apartments might not be big enough for all of us, but I was pleasantly surprised - it was not too crowded at all

I'll definitely go back to Greenwood next year Why don't you give it a try? Visit their website for further information now!

1 What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

A To give her opinion of the holiday village

B To describe what her family did at the holiday village C To give advice to a friend going to the holiday village D To complain about the holiday village

2 From the passage, the reader can find out……

A the best way to get to the holiday village B the best time of year to visit the holiday village C what activities are available at the holiday village D how to reserve accommodation at the holiday village What does the writer think about the holiday village?

A The apartments there are not big enough

B It is not convenient because you cannot use your car C It can only be enjoyed in good weather

D There is something there for all ages

4. What does the writer say about the apartments? A There is not much space between them B Each one has its own bathroom


Bài Dạy Bám Sát Anh Văn 10 Ngân Phương Vy 5 Which would somebody send from the holiday village?

A The children love the beach and all the activities We've got a lovely 4-bedroom apartment B As it's April, the weather isn't good, but it doesn't matter as there's a love swimming pool

C My parents love the swimming pool and the children love riding around the forest on their bicycles D We're a bit disappointed that we have to drive everywhere, but there's lots see and

The End


/ɑʊ/ house, town, ground, around, now, down, mouse /əʊ/ radio, hope, grow, road, hotel, old, over


1 paint hears see will accept gets will steal Writes will have will give 10 turn

1 The man told me that I couldn't park there

2 Helen told Peter that she would see him the next morning

3 Ann said that she was taking the 6.30 train the following evening Paul told the girl that the trousers had to be ready that afternoon Susan told us that she had left her umbrella there two days before

6 Dick said that the parcel ought to be there by the end of the following week Daisy told me that she liked that book very much

8 Tom said that he thought it was going to rain that night

1 poverty shopping knowledge healthy homework widen flooded service shortage 10 improvement

1 where when which whose where why which who when 10 whose

lg 2h 3f 4j 5a 6e 7d 8i 9b 10c

1D 2A 3В 4С 5B 6C 7A 8C 9D 10B

1 organisation international young walking badly operation lucky successful sight 10 more

1B 2A ЗВ 4А 5D 6A 7C 8C 9B 10A 10

1e 2d 3b 4a 5c a5 b3 c4 d1 e2 11

1T 2F 3F 4F 5T 6F 7F 8T 9T 10T 12

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2021, 11:53

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