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The 3 rd Per. Date of pre: Date of tea: GERUNDS (CONT.) I/ Aims: -Help Ps remember the way of using Gerunds by doing more exercises. - Using Ajdjective in active/passive voice in sentences II/Skill: - Ps remember all the verbs which follow gerunds well. - Ps using Ajdjective in active/passive voice to do exercises well. III/ Teaching aids: - Ps: Structure books, drafts - Ts:teaching plan, hand down. IV/ Main contents: GRAMMAR: 1, V( thái độ) enjoy. love, like, hate, stop, finish, begin, start + V-ing Cụm từ thái độ ( be interested in, be fond of, be bored with, be keen on, …. + V-ing 2, * Active adjs: come from attitude verbs such as: bore, surprise, interest, tire, amuse,… amuse – amusing , bore – boring, surprise – surprising… ( Dùng để nêu lên bản chất vốn có của đồ vật…) * Passive adj: come from attitude verb such as: bore, surprise, interest, tire……. amuse – amused, bore – bored, tire – tired…. ( Dùng để nêu lên cảm xúc, thái độ của con người) * Trong 2 dạng tính từ chỉ có tính từ chủ động mới bổ nghĩa được cho một danh từ khác. EXERCISE Exercise 1: Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb: 1. We got tired of( wait) for the weather( clear) and finally decided( set out) in the rain. 2. The football teams continued( play) even though it began (snow). 3. If we leave now, we can drive half the distance before we stop(have) lunch. 4. My children enjoy( allow) ( stay up) when there is something special on TV. Exerice 2: Choose the correct word: 1. Don’t read that book. It’s( boring/bored). 2. The students are( interesting/ interested) in learning more about subject. 3. Have you heard the latest news ? It’s really( excited/ exicting). 4. I read an( interesting/ interested)article in the newspaper this morning. 5. Mr. Sawyer bores me . I think he is a ( bore/ boring) man. 6. The children went to the circus. For them, the circus was( exiciting/ excited) . The (exicied/exiciting) children jumped up and down. Exercise 3: Complete sentences with adj which end - ing/ -ed 1, It is an…….book. We are……… in reading it.( interest) 2, The programme on TV tonoight is…… . we are … with watching the same programme every day. ( bore) 3. I’m …………in exploration of space . The exploration of space is …… to me. 4. Emily is…… about going on this trip. She thinks it is going to be an …….trip (excite). SUM UP: Repeat the main contents again. . interest) 2, The programme on TV tonoight is…… . we are … with watching the same programme every day. ( bore) 3. I’m …………in exploration of space . The exploration of space is …… to me. 4. Emily is……. decided( set out) in the rain. 2. The football teams continued( play) even though it began (snow). 3. If we leave now, we can drive half the distance before we stop(have) lunch. 4. My children enjoy(. It’s( boring/bored). 2. The students are( interesting/ interested) in learning more about subject. 3. Have you heard the latest news ? It’s really( excited/ exicting). 4. I read an( interesting/

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2015, 23:00

